HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-18, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODIRICH• ONT. TH ESDAY JULY 18, 1895.
" Beside the Route Briar Bush.', by tan MaoL.reb. (lath. S1.9t3. (Over 4.000 meld.
" Etchings from a Personage Verandah," by Mr. E. Jams Geah e. Illustrated by
B.ak(.INa, 11.00. - .
"Forest, Lake sad Prairie.' Twenty ears of >hral.ldls i• Wettw • 1842.
61. by McDougall. Ill.strateo, (loth. $1 00.
" Rooted to ►uhosor." by Hartley Carried. P 750-
"• w The WoWk. Did," by (:rant Ansa. (loth. 51.bo.
"Trilby," by (;.o. 11u Maurier. Paper, IUustrated. 75c.
"t halt Ten Cents," Pao.y'e New Book, Cloth. 700.
store closes Mummer rnoaths at 6 oclock.
Telephone exchange open until 6 o•oloet, where erring arm will be dtetritiated-
From our ownCorre epondentC.
There le t.rerssart.n Thnt Cannot ower, e
ee.ad May giber* Lbw -aew•.f ism
t essay specialty te.ereti
for The Nasal.
of Mr. and Mr,. Tre4s.ve., as referred to in
oar last,wss • nappy and joyful event to all
caromed. Among those present on the oc-
casion, in oddities to those mwttoned is
oar last, were Isaac Hamlin and wife sad
eight sons. Messrs. William Jamas, and
wife, Robert, and wife, Samuel and wife.
a11 settled comfortably in Ashfield, Rev.
Richard Treleaven sad family of Aylmer,
Welter, sed wife, al Michigan, U. S., Alex.
and wits, of Langside, Thomas, and wife, of
Lncknow, photographer, Albert, hoed clerk
in B. J. Crawfords general store, Dungan.
DUNGANNON. non, and M.iinde and Eliza Jan., relicts of
Punct --The local age.oy la 'hammertoe the late John Trelesvee and Joseph hit
foetus Mosel, is et the Gem of J. ul. wept, patriek, respectively. u the occasion a
J.P.. eoavoyanoer, to.. who will remise or- large number of valuable and beautiful gre-
bes for snbseriptiens, adveriiuuat Lod fob sesta were presented to the venerable
work. and s authorized to give receipts tor ,couple, among which wase beautiful gold
•mounts paid for the cons
-I'rt,DAt', July lb. chronometer. The happiness and good feel-
YntT,.•. Mr. A. Dither ie visitant at ing that were enjoyed by all, will b. long
Mr. Rulph l hi hers, Ridgeway. 11-e wish ' remembered. W• wiab the venerable oouple
her a pleasant visit and safe return. , many elicit happy family reunions until
V1.1 r..ut-. -- MIse Ella Pointer, of itramp- , they find re -union in the better country
ton, and Mr,. Rroman, of KuH•lo. New where separation is unknown, and re•uuions
York, are the guests rel Thoma. ifaber .p umbroken-
t.•rrrs.. Bi.rra.tt. The many friends of CARLOW•
biro. it m. Roche will be pleased to learn
that, although she has been very ill, she is
on the way to restoration of health.
11 .us A.: tis. --Niles liana Dishier, who
has been on a visiting tour to teleosts at
Crystal Beech and Botha°, returued home
last week much pleased with her visit.
1 11' I \•'t tt.to% To Losiiu., -Os Wed.
needay ot last week Misses Clara and Maud
and Muter Nathaniel Wbysrd took in the
ezcursion to London. fhey report having
had a good time and were enraptured with
the muse al concert.
Enloe,. i. Lt - r %Vkit ti. I..c►_--We
have been relocated to state that u•
stead ot Captain Nit:Nevin and staff having
been successful. that in the main part of the
budding, Captain 1. A. Mallough and ■taf
was the successful party.
Fins RAvu'.tsT. The swam pp part of lot
No 1r,, 3rd oonosesien West %swanosh to condition.
being destroyed of is valuable umber by Ur. McLaughlin conducted divine service
tire. which 6" been then for tome time) Isere on Sunday in the .bssque of Rev- 1-t4
Tr►-.t,A►. July 16.
Mise Green, of Toronto, u visiting at
Grtain You.g s.
John McNeyin and two sons, Joe and
Alex, went to Ladino, 00 the 12th.
Mise Lowrie and sister Mrs. Alexander,
et Listowel, are grataat Poplar Farm.
I(amuel Kissett u putting up a fine new
bank barn, 60 feet square. The raising was
last Wednesday.
Mise .lulu Johnston and sister Tena, ot
Pine River, are spending a few days with
friends in this vicinity. ll
John •rtrupt u Camp-
with Thos. amp -
bell. ". aro pleased to see John's smiling
countenance among us once more.
Light showers fell on the 12th and the
15th. This will help to improve the
pastures. as they .re in a terribly burnt up
and previous to the non which fell on MonHenderson, who was at g the funeral
day, wee spreading into Mr. Smiley'• lot i of F. Wott, of Auburn.
North of It. 1 Haying is about 6nishod.� It till pot go
Vi.ir.n.-. -Mies EmmaMullin,who holds !over a quarter 01 an at crop: --1f the
%position in Toronto, and at one time was dry weather continues. it Weitficult to say'
assistant teacher in our public school. is the
gut of Mr. and Mrs. B. Crawford. She I what
farmer., are going to do for feed this
seems to enjoy herself 'fhom•a Lavery We are pleased to leern that Miss Annie
and son. Roy, of 1'etrol,a, were here tut Burrows, our popular teacher, who some
week visiting relative. tome ago broke her arm. is improving mos-
t.' iT Hit:►.. Rev. Mr -leaner, wt.: has 17. Annie wtesded eking in toe later -
been incumbent in the Episcopal church attonal Teacher,' Convention at Denver,
here, left, accompanied by Don- Jeans, for . and is quite disappointed.
1'horodale, to which station he has been ap- Mine &fatty Sailows, while visiting at her
pointed by the bishop. The rev. gentleman sister's, Mr..1. Yo1iOg ,t.11 down cellar and
is • ood, sound theolo ian, and diligently
labogred whilst in this pariah. We wish sprained her wrist. She so received a
him success.in his new location.
',emus us shaking -up. We are pleased to learn,
1 ..si.vi.1- t.sr. Master ('tunes l:irvin, , however, that she is able to he around
eldest eon of Hugh l:irvin, the popular -
reete id .lsbtield, who has been troubled LANES.
with pleurisy. is gradually recoyering. It i Mosr..tt, July Li_
will be pleasing to the many friends and ac 1 Haying is now nearly bandied. The crop
gaainances of Mr,. John Mc('rostie, who I was very light.
has been seriously ill, is gradually being re• 1 Wheat cutting will commence thus week.
stored to her former state of health. i In most mane the crop is fair.
Dining July and August we will close our 8tor'e at rix
o'clock each evening, except Saturdays. This arrangement way not
be satisfactory for those who are in the habit of shopping in the
evening, but the inconvenience caused by the early closing May be
more than compensated for by looking after the Bargains we will
offer from week to week.
What We Advertise
We Carry Out.
46 -inch Black Henrietta, worth 65c.,
for : t(lc.
40 -inch All Wool De Beige, in light
and dark greys, regular price 33c.,
for 21c.
`Hlaek Nuns' Veiling, double fold, for
All Wool Blue Berge for Hoys' Suits,
regular price 35c., for 25c.
t ',sorrel, The municipal council of West
W awanneh met in the towpohip ball on Sat-
urday. the t.th. All the member, present
except the clerk who, we regret to have to
sate, is still in a poor state of health. W.
hope that he will soon recover from his ill-
ness A considerable amount o f municipal
busoaese being attended to, adjournment
was made tt11 the 17th of August, to meet
at 1 o'clock a. s1. in the sane pia e.
litrstint, Tilts LiiL-On Monday, Mise
Isabella Campbell. of West Wawanoeh,died
at (.oderich. she had been in a poor sate
of health for some time, having placed her-
self under the f cane of 1►r.. Whitely, of
(.oxderich, and Gunn, ot Clinton. Her dis-
ease was dropsy. She was aged 47 years, 4
months .rd 3 days. Her reaaine will be Quite • number of the people of this vici-
irterred in itungannon cemetery today. The nity attended a barn raising and dance at
bereaved mother and robtives have this gym- I,snistde an Weidneedsy. 1 J. Hogan eibll
pathv of the eommt4ity attended' to them IR. 11'•rnes were over Mip 1yiag the made
is their bereavement. -
Tux 12nt. Dungannon, Nile and Elo-
pe ser L. O. L. were well represented at the
2U!•th celebration of the battle of the Boyne
which was held in !tacitness. As usual or
the 12th, the rain it rand, and we were
favored with a good shower on that day,but
owing to the previous long spat of dry
weather, is effeca in' a abort time disap-
peared. However, on M o.day last we had
several showers which be.e4tted the crops
and pasture fields to some.xteet, although
it would remits • great quantity to satur-
ate the parched grounds and materially ben-
etit vegetation.
N [A Ri s . (Aim t•t.Wrios. S. McWhinney
and staff. are bird eog�.d in the ample
tion of the splendid now barn of John Me-
lean's, to which reference was made in oar
l.st. A• •Iready stated, when finished, it
will in point of plan, apace, and workman
ship, be mooed to none in the poetic. of
country. We presume, .Kbouf,h Mr. Hc -
Leap has • large farm nude/ crop, that
owingto frost is .lune and oeatisssee dry
weater, he will not have .sough crop to
fill it this amass. However her living is
hopes for the future. Rumen to hien.
to, '..A.N1,. i1*51 nM1•1. IND1 iniv .. The
Moses Minnie and Alice Thompson, twe
of 160 beautiful belles among the many of
1 i°mga°noo. kg- hen es Saturday last on a
visit, land other impertaaast beiioses„) to
relatives .t Forest. lass R.er pats it
that the former is in the soar future, to
ester the bonds of uatrisnoey with a yogis*
man of that piace Mrs Matilda
Bowen. eldestdau*hter ot Jobe Bowen, ex
doesty-ree of Wiest Wawsaed, wss, on
W.sdrssdy of last week, united i• sista,
sissy to • y peottssai.a, of the city of
St. floor, Oet. We esegr•tulste the
..sly wad couple, *shin them a
end properties sites. Rho was a vary
yard woman, and was wash esteemed by
all she ksew her Miss Margaret
ltpre.k. daughter of Jeb. Sproule, of Geer
rich, wee, es W dsosday of last mesh made
a hie of William, Jobs Black, of
AshAold. We extendtragrstsletions.
wrung tier • preepor-tin sad b.ppy v0y. -
*es over the sea .f .ateletmsy.
Goias• tossers. -The goweb wsdibig
Pete Scott's farm is now finished and pre
sena a DMA and trim appearance.
Mr,. W. H. Kirkpatrick and daughter,
of Woodstock. are visiting friends in this
locality at present.
Ever since Jack attended the dance at
Langside he has been going around singing
to the tune of "Hogan o'er the Alps.'
Those who prophesied and expected that
the 12th of .Duly would bring ram were not
disappointed. as we had two nice showers.
Almost everybody, with ens accord, at-
tended the celebration of the Battle ot the
Boyne, 'at Lucknow on Friday, but those of
m who stayed at home ..ioyd the rain is.
Unlaundered White Shirts, sizes 11,
141,, 15, 155, 16, 161, regular price
75c., for 50c.
A table full of Untrimmed Hata,
worth 40c., :We.. and 60e., for 23c.
American Flannelettes, new
fast colors, at 121c.
Extra value in White and Grey Cot-
Binder Twine !
All former quotations withdrawn.
Reduction in Prices in the wholesale market having
been made, we give our Cuitomers the Benefit of the Re-
Call and get our reduced prices.
for the occasion.
Monsey. July 15.
Mise Charlotte Carney has returned after
• visit ot some months to relatives near
( ipt•ia (.ib.en,. of (.oderioh, conducted
divine service in absents of Rev. M. Mac-
kay lost Sunday. The Captain, though
nearing fersosoee, gave • good address from
Luke, 'viii., 18. His face 1 familiar to as
a11, having at many times for over twenty
years, come nut from (:oderioh to 000duct
service is storm of a pastor.
NOT Fn,u.1•T•rt. Hr Foam ('is...,. -
Dost week we received as interesting oom-
musbatio° from J. 1). And.rs e. R. A-, en -
t airing after the welfare of 1.•shuro and
t'aioo, in which be worked so s000eest.11y as
pastor three yeses arse. in 1892. His health
1. much improved. and be is resting this
Sommer for hie last arm .t rollers. He is
.rending him holidays with his parents at
Braa.ides Cottage, Tivartem. Bros county.
MoiD•v, July 18.
John (;entine, of Kise•rdioe, visited hen
this week.
Mier May Maalnaino, of Kay City, Miob.,
is veitieg lore.
'6. choir e.cnrsion to the Freest oily
was taken in by several from here.
Then was another damning party at ser
Opera Hoses hall Wadies.d y sight of lam
week. '
Yrs- Wen. Smith, of Port Albert, retun-
ed boom Inst week after • visit of sawn days
to mead. hero. '
setae. Or�wrM.s
Whether on owe", bow .r lsweem, take
es every trip • bolds d Syrup 0f ss
it sot. most roudly and mflmmtsalfy a.
the kides's, liver sad bowels, prevsstiss
fever, headache sod ether fortes of Nabs.
Fee mis is 7Se. bottles b all kadi g
cIrsglillie. Manufactured by dos (*11fegsia
vrg MA cie. say.
Num p `ani► Wle= is ser
Mai mead w torr
MosoAv, July 15.
Wanted at Nile -Rain. and lots of it.
Mise Etta Mclllwain is visiting friends in
(:oderieh township.
eater rr.h.hlinfe.,
Lakes Moderate to fresh, .outs shifting
to west winds; fair to cloudy; very warm:
with thunder storms in many places.
Mise Minnie Kirkpatrick was visiting
(Hands at ISmlfssc part of last week.
Charles Elliott and Mrs Ellen Hackett
wen visiting at Allis Kirkpatrick's on Sun-
dt'- McLL&N'S BLOCS.
Mr. and Mrs. (.eorge Montgomery, who
were up on • visit here. have returned to
1)etrott. Yes, it is Dry Weather
Wo wish the rest of the young men who
have sweethearts in this vicinity were like
the young man from Belf•et-conte on Sat-
urday evening instead of Sunday eve. They
would feel • little mere brisk on Mon.
A couple of young men undertook to have
o charivari,but Johnny returned home minusHave you
a saw and ox•bell. 1'rs. u & Jrot.
But it is going to
Clinton 7 t:eo- Shipley, one o( the most
popular young farmers in this vicinity, was
married on Wednesday to Mose Adair. of
t lehawa.
('listen : Mn. Andrews, Mr,. Couch,
Mise Kernick and L Taylor were pasesnyer,
on the excursion to Manitoba this wsek,and
Miss Sank W-.tte:1i, to Devil's Lake, Da.
Mum Gertrude Herman, eldest'
daughter of Mr. Herman, tow.i, was mar-
ried last week to • Mr. Kennedy at Rat
Morris• ,Doe- Smith and t1'm. Miller lefts
for Manitoba on Thursday.
Brussels. "Wanda," Beattie Koos'..
Moping mare took second place in the 2:25
Aim at St. Thomas, Wednesday
Brussels : An otter ot selling our public
school debentures et par, seining them at 41
per seat-, has been made- This is on a 30
f ear term.
Clip. on : A quiet wedding took place last
week at the home of W. McKowen, wbes
Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter, was united in
merrier, by Rev. .1. W. Holm« to Mun-
ro, of Tars -
Clinton : Oa WednesdayJae. A. Karg•
and Mien Mary Swan. h residents of
town, were made owe by Rev. Mr. Holmes,
at the residence of the bride's tattier, 16th
con., I :oderich township.
Holmesville Pear Cook, Cut line, had
the misfortune last Friday to lose • valu-
able oolt, for which he had been offered
$100 a few days before. Running unjust
the phew handle, it was instantly killed by
she bandk pesetrsting the heart.
Gray Moss Mary ('. MoNab is home on
a visit from the Northwest She ia the
teacher in the Stoektae eobool out then for
the last Ave years and has had gre. t..00r.
She was 000empabi.d by her Ditto brother,
Alin_ who intends rettaiuibg her..
Clinton : In response te a largely-•apaed
requisition, the Mayer has proclaimedri-
day. Aag. sad • Civic Holiday.
Clinton ( I. Friday overt( while Arthur
Cook was driving limas. with several others
to the rig. down sear Kipper. the axle of
the wagos broke : all were thrown oat, but
Mr. Cook toss the only ohart, he beirag
injud on the face r. or. log.
(Dhow : Os Friday last Mn.orHey-
wood sad Shepherd, representing the C. 0.
F., waited bptm Mn. '1'.)1Ms'mmene nod
o ar ber a deck fer 81,000, beisig the
tanetat d a surarss ea the Ilio at her lass
►.shard. They she paid ser Ash serene
sad twesnd nonssa.
Chatty 05 M.rday wblle 0. R. Dams
was walking also( Hans Street, he less all
Power intim limbs and fed helplen on etc
sidewalk- Triesi ser to Ns ed,tamee,
sod bttdped do bona Ho was sob kW -
log well the d. y hefss•., sad Ys tnadhai b-
smalma t r tithe maim Bet N b awn 1161
• ems d.rasaidis lira gnwrPf.
Call and get one.
4 Polnts
In Our Shoes
We Pay Parlicalar Allollou 10:
A Waterproof
An Umbrella?
If not, get one at the LEADING
Gents' Furnishing Store
0. R. SEA= ft 00.
anent. for ate renals. taandr
Tart Fwerttr W.t Maws
\tan,dactor.Aby up
"I held Bicycle Gee t".
Brantford, Ont.
OD YONOE e rest r 1 sea sr. rg�, •re
TORONto I iswar
5550 PON O5w* i0nU5
Because no one will wear a Shoe that doesn't fit his or
her foot comfortably.
Because it must be serviceable.
Because everyone wants a Shoe to fit the eye as well
as the foot. No one wants back numbers.
Because, while we fit the foot and the eye. we must
tit the pocket too, and we can do 4t to perfection.
G. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent.
b. at ser aaM.a fll.mams+... swiss/
Fie Bepairilli a Specially.
Our MR. DOBIE has just returned from di,. FAL-A. wlierc ht
Ilan secured :some special Bargains in
General Dry Goods,
Gents' Furnishings, &c.,
300 Ladies' Sample Hats,
Ribbons, Flowers, Laces,
Handkerchiefs, etc., etc.
" Prices AayBe10 Re�uler
Call and investigate.
Yours respectfully,
North Side Square, Ooderich, - - P. O'Dea's Old Stand
1 have moved bank into the Store ...b. of West Siert, formerly 000npsd
by I1. B. CAERICK, and can now show a Now sad Wdl-AssorMd Stook of
Wall Paper at. I'riose to cell.
100 Now Window Shades to band : prices Low.
Silverware at Wholesale Prices.
Special vale a Nolo Papers and F.avelopes.
Special Value in Bibles, Album., Blank Rook.
Alpha lake, Extra Quality sod Best vales to the Market.
All Right,
Sweet Cream,
And other High -Clam Soaps for the Toilet
- Toilet
morserr weis sum MAO Bret
c E