HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-18, Page 71411I A«I1A (ODERTC TI. ONT. THURSDAY JULY la. len.
A 'KAT ME1110111E.
Cod-liver Oil is useful
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Emulsion of Cod-liver t )il
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Children like it. It is
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Deaf b. •ersr•dad be aooiat • wkenrrie /
1 U t A Owru, gsewML SOr. ltd $1.
O.Nvivad halt, Oa..
Mrll, would peer to a coneimon. Mut
we are told now that, because the Gov-
ernment Intimated that they would
correspond with the Province of Manl-
toa. and endeavor to see whether Mani-
toba would obey the order and comply
with It, or. rather. do what was just
to the minority. a misunderstanding
armee. Was that misunderseendtng
entitled? Wan there any secret state-
ment made? Was there any subter-
fuge on the tart of the majority which
gave rise to the course taken by the
bon. Postmaster -General and the hon
Minister of Public Works? The pre-
tence L that the majority of the Cabi-
net might have accepted something eine
than the Remedial Order, something
less than the contemplated bill and It
that was the Idea which prevailed. 1f
teat was the subterfuge which under-
lay the statements• they think the hon.
gentlemen from Quebec were right In
having an '/pitch statement and an
explicit and clear understanding with
their ay/leagues. and 1 c.m,ot imagine
there could have been anything ler
than that subterfuge, or we would net
have had three or four days' heerreg-
Now, we 'mow where we are. The
province which las told us In plain
but yet in firm language. in answer to
the order of Hie Excellency. that they
will now take the responsibility of car-
rying that order Into effect, is to be In-
vited again t.. stultify Itself, and to
May that 1t will carry the order into
effect. We know perfectly well that
that Is hopeless. And what of the is
gentlemen from the Province of On-
tearle:. who have told the Government
that they were not prepared to endorse
and support the Government which will
carry out the Remedial Order by a bill
M this House? These gentlemen have
DOW, It seers tr. give In to their lead-
ers from the Province of Quebec. These
gentlemen. who brought their pressure
to bear with such effect that the Gov-
ernment dare not Introduce a Remedial
Bill this newton. although the hill was
ready cut and died to their bends, and
has tern since March last, these gentle-
men are now, forsooth, to take what 1s
administered to them (for the second
time In the history of this Parllam-nt),
from the Province of Quebec. They
are to take the statement made bare
by the Minister of Finance, and the
dellbcrate answer given to the quostlon
of my hon. friend from ea. ques Car-
tier (Mr. Glrouard,. that there is to be
a pretence of asking Manitoba, that
which It is known Manitoba cannot
comply with. and then the great Con-
servative party, forsooth. is to be
pledged in the interest tit minorities to
force upon the small Province of Mani-
toba, through the Federal powers, a
hateful school law, which. i trust. will
never by this Parliament be placed up-
on that or upon any other community.-
ommunity:Mr. Jonas : 1 do not reproach the
Government, but, putting this tact and
others together, 1 see no hope of a
settlement of the "choral que etlon.
Mr. Jeannotte said he would vote
with Me donee/. not that he had any
confidence in the 1'.lerate, but he wlahed
to punish those who had not settled the
Mr. McNeil and Col. Denison gave
notice that they would oppose Reme-
dial Legislation.
Mr. Belley (Conservative) said he
would vote against the Government for
the reasone given by Dupont.
Mr. Beausoleil entered into a review
of the school question and the circum-
stances which led up to the present
situation. He sold Mr. Oultnet had de-
clared In his presence In Vercheres
Canty that Remedial Legislation
would be passed this oeanlon. Now !t
ngpeared that the French Ministers
Ind weakened ba tare of the threats of
tlhmi M Ontario !•ambers who would
vote against Remedial Legislation. (Op-
position cheers.)
TM Holme then divided on Mr. Lour
beret motion to adjourn. which w
n egatived on a vote of 111 to It a t
britt of 3t for the Government Me' 4
HEART -BEATS. and which he .hair
.arteeue. et,a- aa, bugs.. Tureotte, Jeaa-
mmilte, Dupont and fdclley teonrerva-
live), together with McCarthy and
O'Brien, voted with the Oppoaltioa.
le Tma •b.eaTa
Mawrli Liras sae awph.t
reds. M.Ire4 br tae Ireset' WI.Mter..
la the Senate, 'reser the Home pie -
ere tied
roe•etied w lb the bee i news .4 the da y
6uat..r Meet rem titled the Premier e1
lea pn.uvar el y r et,• til : v . t hat he wool
aanowire whetter the gentlemen who
were reported to lira. ree,gsed have
either moaned or are still member of
the (i,,.-•nuaent.
Kir 11.r ...mi. Howell said In compliance
is 'Jib the pounce media yesterday I
am • u n ps.t/1.s to answer the que.tion
wh t :. th • hon. irutletoan has put. Upao
the nee, pi of the auswr•r tee the Rene -
dial Order which was sent t.. the Maui -
lob. 1. g .la lure, awl which was receival
a week ago Iwo Monday. the (iureru-
mem, •.Iter dee ocetec.l•rettue came to
the rt.urlue.ou which 1 read W the House
1. few dare ague iso to pureed w.th
Rensesl.al legislate*, duriug ter preaeut
ressetML int in tire, a' then expressed.
(d what wr conedered nu intonation in
that asswer In,1u the Uorrrnmeut d
M.mtoba tent they were prepared to
Nall fartheroo•sisier nay addle Mal •.•pm-
snntat.uu wroth latgl.t be made by the
Mow anon of Canada. wr thought it bet
is the i.tenieta ..1 thy trwniuNwu in the
solervsts of tb..r who had this Reined/el
Legisla t wu. or tient which wise te be
obtained from the ad.ptiou of the gems•
dbel Lrgialata,a nest et Mari to post-
pone ata eeaosrderateni until we had com-
mon cated with that Goverumrut to order
to .@c.•rtao low far they were prepared
to secede W the terms o.t that liemed:al
Order sad tee judgment del.,ered by
tie LodChana.11ur of the Privy Ceased
4 Eogtaud epee tics subject. 1 refer
atria to hbr last on.own, delivered us
Jan. 95. 1896.
To that den ioa three of our cull,
I regret to nay, tea► eacrpt.on, ter us.
M.u'nter of Agriculture. wbu We the
hawor of a not :u this Hume, the • Poet-
time rat rad the Minister de Yob-
bo Worts. may unsoldered dust 1a the
interests of those whoa) they represented.
sad to obs iatarens ul the minority
d the PruviDos of Maiituha, it
was the bounden duty of the elev-
ens/seat u1 t'auada to prated at once dur-
ing the present eeesaou with Remedial
Lgialation. 1 regret to say we did not
come to a asaurmous declaims us tole
point. My bon. friend, who is iu the
House, I regret to nay, stall holds the
opts ., that Ito Yrst entertained sad de-
cline to re-euter the kabinet unless we
e ra prepared to contradict the p,ihta
wkiel he had so forcibly and e/oq.rutly
urged upon he colleagues. The nu.lority
of the council, however. deemed it, ea 1
have already stated, more iti the interest
of the peace and welfare of the Dononioa
rad mune to the benefit of thwr deeply
interested is the very inspttrtaat ques-
tion, that we should not proceed as they
desired. My boa, tricot' se to the Holme
amid wall be better able to state he na-
sus than 1 possibly cau. 1 may. bow -
alter. with for permission of the Sedate,
after he has spokes. d it Is ueeeaeary,
make further explanations.
These geutlealea atilt au their reaagne
tions. 1 am glad to say, aJter ins tem
deliberation. and is a term belief in the
boarsty of their colleagues they have de-
cided to remain with the Guerrament.
the masaem of which have eaprossrd to
them their determirtatlou that should
Manitoba refuse W grout Remedial leg-
elatios, to restore the taiuwtty al Mane
toba the rights Oust they were deprived
of by the accts of 1880, that the Gov-
ernment of to -day will be pledged to risk
its pastiest, taco tudavidual hs uwu po-
litical reputatiou,and introduce Remedial
Legialauou, and trust to the good sear
and fairness d the Howe of Gammons
and the Senate to marry at auto opera-
tion. I mry say, aad I way it in all sin-
cerity, that 1 look forward with mord
fear and great anxiety to the tutus, of
tin country if we, without having ea-
h•usted every possible mean to obtai■
from the Legislature and the Govern -
inent of Manitoba a redress for tie gnev-
nncea int the mtuurit in that province.
1 say I look lora* rd with mutt appre-
hension to the effect of a policy wbith
would force un a• almost iod•peodsat
province, w far as tonal matters are con-
cerned, a law which would have to be
carried out is all its details, nomad they
refr.ee to do k, by any Dominion Govern-
ment or any Dominion Parliament. 1 ask 111
Govern -
every well-wisher of 0ia country to re-
flect wall upon that point.
There are certain provincial rigida
s-bieh every province ben. The difficul-
ties which preseut themselves to my mind
in attempting to force upon an unwill-
ing people ayy kind of legislation will
render whatever that may be socien to
thus whom it is the intention of Par-
liament to aid if it possibly cam My
other two colleagnes, I am very much
leaved to say, that Ia. the MSaister of
Public Works sad the Postma.ter•lieuer-
al, after much reflect.on and having con •
tidered the referee.: 'atioue which have
brew m -,.le to them rum the standpoint
u Meta I have giro.. • the Haw. and
with n *tiatii. t n i•i •itive uudereetud-
ing t',att t:.e 'a a out •x;11 proceed
w tila legis! a ; it N• denied by
the people .t . eouse•ated to re -
their. .al remain iu the
Ooveraaea .11 ..e • me n r riv.•. when
it wit: he opera ti.. duty ort the Gov-
rrnrae ern«r t . : mutter.
t ' tegr •r, , mor • .enacts
n^.tASA oar e.: c: R gxa, who
• t Beside in ewer :,we I tame to
...ate. has a .: lee . able to tib
- jaw. i rens. 1 • I emitted to may,
ens in Li■ p c• toe . that 1 ficiev•
actunte.l b; t' • A Hirst pmtriotle
' s but ins •i'.ik
t in th-• sine 73.4
ace r:Rbte rf
• been free ailed
rester.• t • them.
opiu.e•n '.•own.
fat, • .t ill my
ie h.••t i M .J
• :sit kw tb:. t
nee afro.. this
a.d the rued
drvtrrl: e
relations :M• a,
colt 'agar` ir:. h -
my --lilt wit •
uta,aid IIs. •ti,•
int v "le he i - le
each • may 1r
n t 1':r I t
'floe :mw•son to give thew explana-
tion 1 mete yesterday • a.i • r.•.s•d
to palpate them until urday. 11 is
uusreeaeary 1.w use to go Gamma the
hinny of this importaut question of
Separate Schools iu Mauitole, but 1
Wier to retrace say ideas to wale Atte
M pseud out far distant Iru.a the present
day. 1 wish to reler to the jodgmest
4 the lmprrlai Privy Coaucil ren-
dered is January test. Ile then
• quoted that pietism d the judgmeut of
Ho Imperial Privy Couat'il runtaiued i■
d the Remedial Order, giving the substaure
oft he judgment of their lordships, rid
also read the mem er of the Mamtuba
Governmeut to the Remedial Ord.•r. i.
order to meow tbet Man:ttba's •newer
wen a direct refusal to eumply with the
direction therein eustaised Tee refusal
of Manitob., he en.d, tiptoed the doom
,d Parliament to graul Settee to toe
minority, but what actlou did the liovera-
ment take ? 11e read toe statement de-
livered by Sir M•ekensir Howell on Mon-
day last. It was epos till statement of
the Government', policy that be bawd
the reasons for his resignation, Ile
the', quoted from Maniteha's answer to
the Remedial Order to show that them
was no reaeouable hope that the state-
ment in Mundh '. anu..unrement, that
Manitoba would either offer or &eeept
a compromiser, would be realised.
The ausutr of Manitoba, he couteuded,
showed that the Provincial deverument
was opposed to Separate ac boots OR
principle. tied that they would never will-
tagly re-eetebl,ah them. lir declared
that it was imptrsible for him to sub-
tribe to the first paragraph d the de-
claration made by the Geyernstent on
Monday; that in Manitoba's reply was
to be fbund the hope of sin amicable
settlement of the school question on the
grain of pwiblr acti :u by the Manitoba
• Jovernment or Legislature. Therefore,
Spon that very important poiat which
was not supported by rvide•urr be had to
refto take re,.pnlsibility.
I►raliug with tbe other paragraphs of
7te annWn"rm: tit he puiutrd net that
I the answer o1 the Manitoba liioversm.tit,
I aneeuted to by the Legislature, preclud-
Ied soy paossikility cif separate schools De -
OW rrbtored to the minority. What
! win the tote wbe u iu every paragraph
of the ..ttswer d the Manitoba Ooverie
meat, use -.rated to by the L erielature,
there wan o distinct refusal to n•store
those school.., of appealing t.. the Green-
way Oovertu cut for • •atialeetory com-
promise ? He printed out that at was
upon a promise that erparate swivels
would be diaeonthseed forever by Orrrnr
way, that schools were abolished. Was
1 it now non a promise of Mr. Oreeaway,
eaasthorised and in the lace W the Leg-
islature ,which is iu boom bound not to
restore timer schools, that a fair com-
promise was expected? This was the
re*.on wby he was again undrr the
painful *tensity of int bring able to
esbrritYe to that portion of the decJara-
t ion,
The permuted which I voted for in op-
position to tbe declaration of the Gov-
ernmeut as t0 this effect, that, at this
Late date of the aessiolh aad areaug that
so little time bas elapsed dare the re-
ception of the aaswsr d tum Legislators
of Manitoba to the Menedial Order, aad
ine view of the e -.'.-'-
se setae" d the
lr;ulaticsl regdred is seethe* to the
minority their rights sad privileges to
Separate sebreots, the Owe rumen iaa
determined not to introduce soot legis-
tatioo at the prison samtios, but will
call a semina of Parliament daring next
fall for the purpose of iatroduzing and
pressing to a canton= the secasssry
legislation to grant relief to obs said
minority me the Her of the judgment o/
the imperial Privy Coasted and the lie -
media l Order, if the Legislature of 'Mani-
toba has not before that time taken sock
steps ea will satisfy the minority in that
respect. week hope every loyal .abjeet
of Her Majesty should entertain before
believing that the Provisre of Manitoba
should ignore the decision of the Privy
Council and the Remedial Order of the
Give rhos -Genera l
He gusted from :lir John Macdonald
'porches at sympathy with Separate
Beboob in Manitoba, and slid that ns
man was is o goon a position as Pre-
mier Howell to give Remedied Legiele-
1--oo this erosion. The present was is
b.e .beads, but in the litres btiad fats
might stead betwrrn tom and
Remedial Legiwtatir n. By the
action of the Government Remedial Leg-
:•fation had received such a blow that
it never can be obtained.
1 believe it
rf .et in view :tri
to his fellow'eo: •
w bicb he ku.n . lb
The kea..s why the Wort pl1twa, P.
pleas... and M eppre.•ed. sad Sow N
■rue., It.
The heart has a hard old time of it and
within it.el( does not excite much di.-
'.i,e•. bit itis very often called upon todis-
p?a) the troubling symptoms of palptta-
tion, tlAtcring, labored breathing, op-
pression, etc„ on account of diseased
Kidneys offering increased resistance to
the passage of the blood through their
tiefccttve secretive strictures, causing a
morbid chane in the blood unsuited to
nourish the tissues and noxious to them.
rhe minute arteries resist the passage of
this foul blood, resulting in the muscular
walls of the arteries and the ventricle of
he heart becoming partially paralysed,
And from this cause results much of the
so -cal led h�.rt disease, which is owing to
waving Kidneys Int being able to per-
form the*, functions. In order to relieve
heart trouble remove the cause in the
Kidneys with Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
They relieve the blood of poisonous de-
pnsittk it goes em its way a stream of
health, relieving the heart avid imparting
strength to every tone of the body.
When your heart is in trouble Chase s
Piquickly remove the causing condi-
tion, no mater whether it nine a at-
rornt of dipordet of tion ikidneys. boor,
by *u ddel krs. Piioe oa,
dates A Ce,, Tensoki, s!t
The only difIer,•nr
that hon. gentler*•
centenaries eaa. e■
carrying that nut.
at present 1 meed t-
•iestion. i have c
mei (M•ep), ow 1
penises.' and polit:
1 have had with is
occupied a asst
0.'. been been in the .
ttn.e ie not far diet
enabled to ser, s!'h•
able to agree with
ssomeet tbat he nil' 1 -fist g.. .
credit foe having pn •d that c,. •
wbarh we believed t' the heat
Interests of the non: lad (hoe e w Loo
save been deprived it eget..
Senator Augers .ate had to inform
the flnnse that be ha . btained tbrnngh
the Prier Mini.ter i• lesionthe
Goeernoe-/*enrol to ai 'a to tie (o.y.
the reasons awl elect,. donee of hi.
withdrawal Irma the 1 :binet. On the
Mb of July irt. be wrote the Prime
i) ter the following letter :
1 have the honor to Islam you fa
ermtting aa I have already done verbally
Meat I mammal unapt leo repouelll*t,
1 tie &eelaration you ate Ghost fl.
Bustin to the aorta o• the Missoula
school turtles. ie eoasegssses, panes•
Wore MS
my rodeos.
taus mild oblate mss s /_.shune be
state r the Serb the eases' and rose
cow of my wtthAramial frees the OAF.
sot Tame trio. A. 8. ARUM
Sir Frank Smith taunted Mr. Angers
with retiree from the Government Ira•
games he eould not ham his own way,
and hated that the ex-1Gainter of Ag-
riculture was endeavoring to forma more
co.gwou,l alliance. He defended the
act.ou of the Irish Catholics nud declared
teat t IeAudial l.egtuatnai was not
granted be would rote age net the
Premier Rowell eipresa.ed regr.•t at
lite frost of the latter port,sn of Mr.
Augeto' speech. He reeented .t.
Ile did not agree with the Manitoba.
Government, that the itemerdi�l
Jrder required the re-establishment d
separate schools as they existed prior to
10111). While the Iter al Order includ-
ed the full measure of the demeuda eos-
taiued iu the petition" of the 14.ma■
,;atholies, then was so pledge in the
order that theme were to he carried one
to the letter. Ha would not argue
whether the Manitoba *amok , prior to
1890, were effieieut crr not. Mr. Bernie,
oad answered that question vary wail
own time ago. The minority were will-
ing to have certificated teachers, a pro-
reper inspection aid nkat the public
mosey should be expended under teepee -
tin. While the Gov, rowcnt bad wed
within the power d Parliament 10. au-
thority to go the full leugto of the de -
.&de, there was nothing in the Re-
medial Order to pr.veut them adopting
a meths meowing, provided it met with
the approval a1 tie people demanding
it. He took it that all the Catbotks re-
quired was the right to hove empanels
wbools, to be relieved d taxation ter
Public acbcn4, to he enabled and have
power and authority to teach morale and
religion as they uodervtood 1t and the
lull management of their schools, tad
that far the Oovernment of whieh he was
tbe bead ware prepared to go, if Perlis -
meat would @stain them, if they did sot
get a lair measure of rebel from Mani-
The Premier them argued that Meaf-
toba had held eat premier et that kited.
In support d this he quoted th..l•ulvi
in the ewer of Manitoba. promhhlg le
ehe•erfully furnish all inhumation some.
nary foe • full and &Nibs nate issestid.
title el the whole ..bl.et !is .bol. d ab,
feet to a eommieolon as utterly este
but he would approach the Legislator,
of Manitoba with Um propasitba : Are
yon prepared to rear* 8.psawde schools
under steed a antra an lea ~ere effi-
ei@sey with p. per brpaetiw amid relief
from twtutiga law alter trbnni 1 R.
said that he wti net dltle.alleg the On -
semen of M.dashd. eddy bed so lar
rufussd to lb outtalk Ia t►ie dlrreetfos.
Oeveisay', proposal foe the astablisbma.t
a1 faters•ti.sal pest•ire-•M.N i• keisg
w -'dared by .w post sass 60t1,0,4u..,
%eh • stamp email as•bis aKsuspmmi&wta
se miaow rotor. pm Gree Inc their •wsrers.
wills& they ..w ..mese do. The petsslpie
bee eaves*, •_� W
a la th. saen.
Menai 1
.1 YOUNG LADY AT M►.Yar' A414.11 SA%so
*tax MIAS p0178' al0a- Hak 11A. -
Marie WWI War? Alio' 7 aY AILMjNT* r/•
t 1'LIAa TO Man +ltd -ONLY ONO %Ar 1M
WMN'II TYaf ' As •a srIXarieueU.r *1'
renin the t):'ewa l':114,11,
Perhaps then .e uo neither pesp!r ria
the comment of Aisetea today than the
reetdenta ct the pivtur..que village of )tori
reheat', 'meted on ti • Rideau river, and
Ito re•a,u .s not to u.ucn in it, /salubrious
climate as In •he win precaution taken by
:'s wheb,taote in ward op ea disease by •
umely ueo of proper tre.l ..tie. The gnat•
est t.vornts is 1)r. 1Vtllulno' Pink Pills, and
many are the ta'im.m,w.e to rasard to their
virtue. Von, co.rrrspoo.lrnt oat Monday
1..t called at the reset; .,ee int air. and Mr,.
11. Easton, and iutertiewed their daughter,
Mim H Eosin, • hanafe se young lady of
20 nate, who known to have been very
low sad has bee.. reveled to health by the
use of Polk Pills 'l r., she and, 'I mut-
urfered • groat deal, be!' I am ea thankful
that I am once mere teetered to health.
'You have no edea what it se to be se Deer
the poria'. and feel that everything in life's
future is about to ahp from Your {trap and
an early grave your doom. I was taken i11
four years ago with troubles peculiar to my
.es, sad which hes hurried many • young
won•an to her doom --an early rove. 1
have taken .n all alw.ut twenty boxes of
Pink Pills, u d I .m only ton glad to kt tib.
world know what these 000derfal little pel-
lets have done for me, toping that some
other unfortunate young woman may be
h.urtitted as 1 ems When niters years of
age 1 beaten to grow pale and weak, sed
many thought 1 was going into decline. I
became eubiect to fainting spells and at
times would become unoeoacious. My
•tre•gth gradually def. reamed sad I became
so emaciateel that 1 was amply a Biting
skeleton. illy blood seemed to turn to
water and my face wan the color of • oorpee
I had tried different kind, of medictam, but
they did me no good. ! was at lest
oosfised to my room for several months
and hope of my recovery was rival up.
At last a friend strongly urged the use of
Ir. Williams' Pink lids and after using a
tow bona I began to grow slightly 'tenger.
i motioned their use until I had need about
twelve boxes, when I found myself restored
to health. 1 now quit using the pills and
for six menthe I Dever telt better in my
life. Then I hes to feel that 1 w 001
as regular ea I shouas Id be, and too feel the
all tired feeling 'ace more coming tea Gan
more I reported to Pink Pills, and by the
time i bad used .ix bozos 1 found way health
full, restored. 1 keep a bon by me asd
occasionally when I feel my symptoms of a
return of the old trouPle, I take a few and
1 am all right again. I canon find words
of sufficient weight to express my apprecia-
tion of the wonderful curative qualities of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and eisoerely hope
that all, who are afflicted as I was, will give
them a trial tad I am certain they will Ind
renewed health.
The facto above related are important to
parents as there ore many young girls just
budding into womtohood whose 000ditioa
is, to ray the (east, more critical/141bts their
parents imagine. Their complexion is pale
and waxy is appearance, troubled with
palpitation, headaches, ehortaess of breath,
on the elighte•t exercise, taints... and
other dietressing symptom which invari-
ably lead to a premature grave unlo.s
prompt steps are taken to bring about a
statural ooadition of health. In this emer-
gency DO remedy yet discovered can supply
the piece of 1r. Ri'llama Pink Pills,
which build anew the blood, strengthened
the nerves sad restore the glow of health to
pale sob willow cheeks. They are certain
care for all troubles peculiar to the female
system, yoa.g or old.
The mignonette is the wtion•l flower .f
French women regard it a point of ex-
treme ugliness to be stout.
lo billiards the highest break .o record is
2,413. made by i'eall in 1896.
The average income of tie Rntiah work-
ing man is about C41 13e. 441 per stinum.
A I..adoa medical journal says that in
evening dress men take oold more easily
than do women.
The lowest sick -rate in the Novy service
is 1893 was on the •ou•.h-east coast of Amer-
ica station, and the highest on the thine
During the present century men in-
seam have been recorded is the British
Wee in which the betds has married the
bat man by mistake.
A Parisian scientist has ban experiment-
ing with the smoke of tobacco, and finds it
to beam. of the most rimiest germicides and
disinfestanta ever used.
'Cool ae • encumber,' is scientifically oar-
rect. loveetipuon shows that this vege-
table has • temperature one degree hallow
that of the surrounding atmosphere.
Aaatemi.M, to separate the homes of a
skull, frequently 81111 with email beam and
pM.. the whole in • basis of wat.r. The
swell, and .lowly .pelt tbm skull.
if you would have an abundaso, of dark,
glossy hear, ii you would *yea clean eoalp,
free from druf mad irritating hnmon, or
if your lair is faded and gray, and you
would have iM natural oiler restored, use
Hair Vigor. It is wsqutiemobly the
M. Dieble,, the Frisch executioner, has
accumulated • foetus. of 11600,000 fr•sc. be
hie skill is working the guillotine. At as
execution in Paris some time back he had
hie little sea with him, from which it i.'op-
tied he intends him to follow b1s
rect0.r'. profession.
C. Donnelly, proprietor of the pope sr
sod well-known Windsor Hotel, Minn,
Ont., wee troubled for years with Itch-
ing Piles. He wee pursoaded by •1•.se.
M.Gerv.q, Atheism, livery man, to Geo
Ch•ei. Ointment, whish he did, was
cored, has bad no return of them and
highly recommend. this Ointment as •
sovereign eon for Pile..
Igo WWI « eeeswen.
As heart .1d man e.dar.l haat sod
told. sad tilled W 1•ad in almonds= avid
hope. O. a sadder . heavenly vista •p-
pwed Were him, and he wee s8.sd.
7 be shape Rohe
'i en n. What net ties &ping.
ea see r
'If thea an Palm.., ben non thee
ash Y inquired h.. 'nen Met and see i•
4 ?nor he do ash 1 tie idsred hew
Atl nal
Iser.ed be WAe a end te nye. end
'Tea beset .stip hen the 1eteen,' eepli• .
of the
Old Country,
AT 40, 60, UD 60 CUTS PBI LB,
the shadow. 'tie Moe more to the ant, and
learn from her to teat in the window of thy
days, and enjoy the fru re of thy Leber.'
What e'aelnees see teed taasaere fan M.
.-1 merchant is the suburbs of Chicago
found a ragged tramp sitting on the front
step of his private d. or, eating.
'HareWhat are you doing here"' he
'Partaking of a aliebt lunch. Will you
joie me'•' the tramp politely reepoaded.
*No, 1 don't want any of your villainous
Right you are : it is pretty tough kind
of fodder ' i lust got it out of your kitchen
Your wife must be doing her own cooking
'What's that, you cur'' exclaimed the
angry man, martin" towards the tramp,
who was still sitting quietly on the step.
'Don't get excited, sir don't get excited.
Think a minute Aren't you mistaken is
calling me • cur "
'No, I'm not : sad I'll '
'Rut, my good sir, you ate mutates : I'm
no cur- I'm • setter.'
The merchant razed at the tramp in •d
miratioa, and left him to finish his lunch.
deed /he Mermen.
The common and ever-present warning
of kidosy trouble, backache and weak -
rues in bac/, are quickly relieved by Dr,
Chase'' Pills, The original and only Iib
omit Kidney -Liver Pills. When all
other remedies fail, they curs•
en. Peen fifth. Wheelwas•es.
1 hod a strange aaps,isaes last evening.'
'Well, what was it Y
'I woo walking •.ream the street just at
dusk whets some penes on a wheel plump-
ed into m.. 1 bemeead up, mixed with the
rider, and wwpnpsi him soundly, whoa
'it sews • woman an knickerboebnss r
/ 1
boss sweep sad sees.
Iota as y teea eh i *
sawn tweak sr ahM.
diene msvirwa, "WWI.
A taw Beige legit Qmts
Mi 1 IMMO pit M.
8weud.'rto 0Arpata4 ! 11sri,
AIM ufacturer of all kinds of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet fres
Works, etc., etc.,
And l dealer o-
Engoles, Maohiaery Casting'', Ac., Pipes
.rid lip. Fitting•, all Brass Hoods,
Valves, Gauges, Etc.
All Uuostaauy on Head at Lowest Proms.
The (ollewife Moose lead Boiler, acd Mach -
{eery for sake .-
O e 45 H. P. Baler sad Engine.
" 10 " Slide Valve Engine.
'• 35 .. Tibular Boiler, complete.
,• 14 e,
" 6 •' Fire -boa Roder and F:ngaae,N
Repairing promptly attended ew
uses -iv P. O. Box M. Uodei e , (kat.
Works --o rppo.it. O. T. It. Statism. SMMt.k
has established a new Bakery and Con-
fectionery Store on Hamilton-st. in
Barrie's old stand, where he will keep
constantly on hand everything in the
line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pastry
of Twat stake. Large Loaves at 10 cta.,
and small Loaves at 5c.
No combination ; no extortion; but
everything to suit the times and the
pockets of the people.
if you want Good Bread and Cheap
Bread leave your orders at the New
Bakery, on Hamilton Street.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
Bread deliv-erod to all parts of the
35CA311 ?111ZES35
1st prize, $25; 2nd, $15 , 3rd,
$1O ; 4th, $6 . 6th, $2 : 10
prizes of $I each . 20
prizes of 6Oc, each.
I Is
The Proprietors of
alada leylou
, offer to school chiletes the above
prizes, competition open ental 1st
of May, for the beat poem or
rhyme, the initial letter of the
lion reading downwards to com-
pose the words-
The poem is expected to he the
result of the child's owe tn.ught,
the came, age, address and echool
to be appended to each poen., also
a card out of a package of
1f Salada" Ceylon Tea.
-/-/ /-
UMW Cite.
The aquae,, f:.derlcb.
'Telephone Connection.
Obtained. end all business la the U. 9. PaUst
(kMce attended to .t MODERA TR PEES.
Our odlee is opposite the U.& Palest Ot-
Bee, and *1 I•a obtain Pateata 1s lees it...
ran those -emote from W AIRRINGTON.
Them t. patentebf It tree of ohms*we make NO CHANGE UN LESS WIE OS -
Ws refer, bare, to tele Pommes, r the lots,
3f M O
Order Div., and to *Mofrls 0f tis
U. 8, Palest Oeoe. For °ironier, .4,iee
Mems sad refereeing to eetoal ollente 1a yo!
Dna luaus or County, write to
c A MAW ea..
°evades Palest t illoe W sehtagt,,. U C,
tat ---
sessearne Amadeu
Almon fir •
OOPyttllOHT., eta.
r.r tat721ta rA
MCxwacY► lIj
Marra dere+.eam101.1
1 /niveles ase
Ie A♦eittr1tIto
tee bsnot•w ~e•
($cucnti tc
t.rswa eiMsleti ' ae me aty tier pap'v is the
k1- t1.a .11dl IMos(rat to Inthl t
yr,. ate ala rr eektttbo•t 11. aI eeal),rN�+a
WeauyriVir sen ikwaAO°dein In,t. (7p.
n� �wacgeEsuvxiExo
The flavine. Mast Iavem.
Detroit Tribute : AN the wield knot a
lover. bull the sumer of . ode dblnetlaim jest
elates es him