HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-18, Page 6d
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ash I
6e. M. re lreiseigt
Results Astonish
Statement of a Well Known Doctor
Ayr's !sarsaparilla is without an equal
as a blood-punller and Sprint tue•dict'e. an4
cannot have praise enough. 1 have watched
1ts effects in chrome rases, where other
tr.-on:Pot was .1 no avail, and have been
aeon+bird at the results. No other blood
mrdr•iu•• that I bate ever used. and 1 have
treed them alt. t. so thorough In Its action.
and rfl.-.t* tee many permanent ruts' as
A4, -e• s. r.apanlia."-Dr. 0. F. MER1tILt.,
A tie et.a. M' e
Ayers_ Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's fair.
Aver'. fills fur /leer god l/eIp11S.
\'nu may any that life is trouble
When the clouds aro in the blue ;
Kit • fellow hods at double
When the
"orrovr'. nothing but • bubble
That will v.rn.h from the view :
Kut 1.'s trouble, trouble, trouble.
1% hen the
And the corn -1t goes to stubble,
And the rose 11 wttben, too
And It's trouble, trouble, trouble.
tt hen the
1►tee '
whish wee mitered by a steep u
then ef steps, ••110111.1d, towards 1:F
like the mouth of • well, sod tensed tate
rho centre ut ib. courtyard, ween • breast-
work wile bath aruuod it, above which two
bueketa were suspeadrd troy beaks atue:hed
to as lroe far for -Ireelog water.
' The child 1 b•v• spoken of. whose same
was Miguel, ewe Claris brother, that as to
say, the touniteit child of the unhappy
women whom the French hat lust suede •
' lu the cistern we four might tied safety.
seen from the yell, the cistern seeael a
simple will. Ina Freoch wuuld think we
had made our escape by the roof
'They awn declared that such was the
case, uttenug horrible Impr.oa4uos as they
rested then'«Lea in the shady pard, in the
estates of which was the eastern.
•\ re, we were sated ' Clare found up
my bleeding hand. her mother nursed Mig-
uel, •ad 1. altb..ulth 1 was aho eriag from
the chill which had followed the fever
caused by my wound, smiled with happt•
'At thio moment we noticed that the
soldier,, wishing, doubtless, to soak• their
thirst, were trying to draw 'aur from the
cistern in which we were oo,eeslel.
'Picture W youreslt our aogu.sh at that
'Vie drew aside to make way for the
bucket, which descended until it touched
the floor
e sceruely dared to breathe.
'The bucket was draws up .gun.
• •The w.Jl is dry,' cried the soldiers.
' 'There must be water upstairs,' exclaim-
ed one.
"They are .eine awaywe all said to
ow -selves
"What at they should be coaue.led u this
well,' cried • vo'e in Catalan.
'It was • renegade- a Npaatard --who
had betrayed us.
'11 kat oo°een•e" responded the Franks -
man. 'i hey could nut have got down there
so suddenly.
'That is not true,' responded the rene-
.lid not know that the cistern could
be enured by an uodergrouod peonage,
whose door or trap, carefully concealed in
the door of a dark cellar somewhat distant
from the house, it would be impossible to
discover. We bad, however, committed
the imprudeuce of locking the iron orating
which cut off the communication between
the cistern and the passage, and we (mold
not open it without making • great deal of
'Imagine, then, the cruel fluctuations be-
tween hope and fear, with which we had
listened to the dielogu••carried on by those
wretches on the very brink of the welL
From the corners in which we were oroueh-
leg we could see the shadows of their Wadi.
moving within the circle of light on tbe'I est
of the cistern. Evert second monied N as
a century,
'At this moment the babe Miguel began
too cry.
•lint at his first whimper his mother
eileuced the sounds that threatened to be-
tray oar:hidt°'-place, pressing the talent's
Welder face to her bosom.
VW you hear that coed acme we in
ward above.'
'I beard nothing,' rsspooded ataothbr.','
Leet us hewn,' mid the reaegade.
'Three horrible minutes passed
'Miguel struggled to get his voice, and
the more closely his mother pressed bis tape
into her bosom, the more violent were has
'Kut not the slightest sound was audible.'
'It must have been an echo.' exclaimed
the soldier,.
'And they all took their departure, and
we could hear the noise of their steps and
the clanking of their sabres slowly dymg
away an the direction of the gate.
'The danger was past '
'Kut, alas' our deliverance had come too
"baby Miguel neither cried nor struggled
'He was dead '
l e It single tile, or double,
'there'll be work enough for you
In • living world of trouble,
When th
I tui '
It you would get • favor done
I:y *ORM obliging friend,
Aud want • promise, safe and sure.
Ian which you can depend,
Don't go to him who always ham
Mluch leisure time to plan,
But d you want your favor 400e,
.lust ask the busy even.
The man with leisure never ham
A moment he (:aa spare,
Ile's always 'putting off,' until
Has !mends are in despair '
Kut he whose every walking hour
Is crowded full of work r
Fnrgtats the art of was tog time
Ile cannot stop to shirk
N., when you want • favor done,
Anti want it right away,
1.0 to the moan who constantly
Works thirty hours • day
Ila'il find • moment, sure, somewhere,
That has no other um.
And fit you, while the idle moan
1s framing an excuse.
COR\FI 1. AOT 1N IT :d !.y.: Two tr t.. Intrllt for t11Mi. Thr amount of the
.elms,• -owl when the mil. was esathed I. Judamrnt was j.•welry MIQ LO lir. Cam -
Trinity fwd plumed the !theta crew sail 'eruct by Ixwls. Previous to the •Is
for the first time iu the rate had her p..:nttuent of a receiver, the eaamina-
ne ;n Trout 01 ter uypismg hat. Abet '
100 yareM above a pleat opposite the It1en of -fro Cameron In snpplemrnt-
butfman eons elub hones Triuity wee airy pewee -dings was Sled with the
about three-quarters of • lcefth ahead, clerk of the Cats Court_
and the teen were greeted with fraaic I ala,. Tee Tree.
bee s they continued up the cour»� 1
Trinity Makes the Pace Too
Hot for Cornell.
sale wm'. Ll h4 Masted .. wen. Mal
teal. \W mated Ia. strain
-/. ■. 1 beespees neaten
for tbe Magsead
aeolla - -
Bt7lpi-os-TM�, -I11y 10. -The acoud
duy tai the Heuli.iy regatta .y.'ued with
floe smother and a a. masked by a lerg.-
etteuda.s•e of wauy person. who were
detained in Loud... y•'sterda�. Th;
priuritutl features of the day'. prooralu
were the trial Esau b.•tweeu Cornell
University of Itl.. -a and Trinity Mall
tee iubr:dee. aal New College IOxkw'dI
and Eton College fur the Grand Chal-
W1I1" Cup. the tt Mutters of which will
:outset iu the fixed heat for the trophy.
Ph.. first .4 the beats, for fourth 4 ter
eerier, was betneen the New College
and Eton rusts, slut was won by the
former bar a ktsgth and .. halt.
lmts,rtaat as this 10.1.1 N110 11 did tiOt
•ug ge the atteutioa of the multitude,
as it Ogre would have door had there
been nue internatiewal -iutt•rest an whl•.b
America was a tartar. i indeed the in-
termit in the day'. program srem:•d to be
center •*1 in the t..* heat blit tau Cur -
tell and 'Iritcity Half. After the heat
between the eights of New College .tt,'
Eton College the Cornell ;aid ' Tricity
Ball erewn ;tot ready for their contest.
The interest 'el this beat war Maria rued
by ter universe' comment npou yester-
day's Cairn in the beat match between
:ornell and Leaoskrs, wherries Lea:Were
got tbe worst o1 it. It was though:
that the .perp division 411 opi'i.eu as to
the justice o1 th• Cor.ells rrWn.itig the
beat they had woo unopposed yesterday
would spur the Ithaca boys to efforts to-
day w hick would phew conclusively that
tai.' result would have been the sane
.f the Lenudeer lest had *tasted. But
they showed uothiug of the kind for the
r. ;laity ipso beat the m with tis. gr.•iteiN
e -ow. There was Lot nearly as strong a
wind tie -day off the Barka shore as there
w; .e yesterday. but the leeit.oti .1 the
trinity boot o:l that aide was still w.:te
something. Mr. 1t'4l::ted agar,: lir led
mmpir.•. There o : a Lit) mi.take ill .led-
11111 the crews off.
On the word " ({o' Cornell we:.t di
pulling 24 strokes for the first hall min-.
tote aiid 40 for the minute. Trinity 11.11
rowed only 22 atrikee for the belt min-
ute and 42 for the, mien.. Cornell iiu
neelinte'v took a' slight lead. and r,1 til:•
end of th Area ferloug ways may a fest
feet to the good. They wrist well noel
steadily in their own style, a style that
Las been very widely comments" Irirdt
here. The style of the Triuity crew woos
a great contrast to that of the Amen- Qeveland . , 0000014)4x)- 1) 3 11
Iehrw. Their etroke was longer. i Their Clark. and Farrell'; Tuu4 and Z.m-
body form welts •hot as go, id. thou:!; mer. Um*)". O'Day.
At Louisville:
Seemly -four -.r cent. of persona tried by I the same Jwtauce to trout. Mere the le 001600011- 8 11 0
Jury are convictal.
Cbeeting fur Tri,rity Mall was enthusi•BostO° 1►014444x►1- 1 11 2
Inks and Warner; dullevtai and Ityttn-
oities teeter than the cabs see driven. that erew to wrest the advantage from iEltt►prm, McDonald.
cheers a dreamed
Hitherto there had been iso ager 441 fel , 'las a shat». whim .b u es well
tering on the tart of Cornell, althengk that she lets everyone know that 'he's from
they had (*lieu bekiud' "'bey had ruerr- the coularie •
ly appeared to be going slower and slow-
er or Trinity faster and faster than be-
fore. alttrough the stroke of .•ash craw 'Thanked • gectl. men for giving bet his
wee. the .:.one lea soddenly therm cams Mat,
a c..11ape• in the Coroe!l brat -aa utter
sant :,1rw•Iute collapse, M e h.0 a perfect --
h+ re
sees. of mat seri b elf dew.
gore all to pieces lead leaves
ant a port that is et use.
The hLl.les of the Corwin ..err wea.t
flyiee +Ir Wt to all directions. eurete•A-
lug the :antics of an ..tten.ate•J windmill
tee.., ..re.•. ila,t•r N... 3. and Feiee ll,
N... S. _• sue est at the same time :hosed
11.' .rater and nearly fell out of the
host. Th. neat of the crew stopped al-
most immediately, being rompkt ly ex-
'stasted and eissrly oatrowed. That
they weer unable to stay any lousier
war •i.prrent to everybody. The
soiree had been ter, .trowg and the pace
too .wilt for the .het stroke of the
Cornell men aol they bail demonstrated
that their style of aro-work alone was
killing. lineau'1i a0 it had used up the
winl .end strength of its eel...o•nts. In
the nn'ontim• Trinity kept on without
Iter .lightest -igu tae we•ah•u�•.S for lee
-enteire tae 304) varele of the r,.urae. wtD-
dug by abewt seven lengths. The Trin-
ity erew reeeiv.d a tremendous ovation
as they paned tb•• wim.nIg list. Judge'
derided in the Calle of the Cornell boat
that the course yaw "not rowed out."
Canadian Leasee t.aaes
At Guelph :
1* 1. . . . , 072061401-20 12 4
. reseent. 011MMMhh)1 -- 2 4 10
Bradford, Wood. P..werr: 11ard. Ru. -
well, Fitagernld. Umpire -F. Uvaou.
At L,ndon
L.,ud, u . . 21x1Ul3Ot11-12 14 3
Celt . . 220000000- 4 9 3
)1.eott, Carney. Thorpe; Burnett and
Lyota. Cmpare-Latham.
alas Prowl/vises. sad teehe lsv.
At Rnelwter.
Rorb•stsr . . . 130011300- tr 18 3
Buffalo . 000010100- 2 6 6
Baldw a and Berger. Kilroy and Urqu-
hart. Cmpge Haft
At Prov�idrner:
Provide -row "' . . 840000020- 9 8 4
1r.ld:rs-Barer . 0011M10000- 1 2 5
L.vett and Mc.Anky. Colcalough and
I.cwuttr. Culler" Gaffney.
Ni. game at Springfield owing to sir
ems abr.er..n4 there.
teams/ ilemgee tsa.lta
At P vtabnr'g:
Brr.ellen . ' 0001004100- 1 0 0
P.ttshurg . 03000010x- 4 i+ 4
Ournb.rt and Onto: Gardner and Mer-
ritt. Umpire. Bmslie.
At Clerelaad':
New York . 000001001- 2 5 0
they swung Enoch more. At the upper
end of Temple /island Cornell was still Lows
Ittoycles may not be ridden .n Demuth aatte, but it 4114 not enable toe mete of
English main roads Dost, on an average, tine Cornell bop., who led by a trifle a93
Were covering a nen by loch,nutil
at s•� Cricketers Is Phlladelphla
136 1L. per mile yearly to maintain. were
quarter o 11 male mark, when they Pbiiadelphia, July 10.-Tbe Ontario
A `I•rnia man named Foster has been im' had still mire increased th.•ir erigbteor started their final match
prisooed for one month for stea
ling an um lead. and with t6s ted nntng mbdaled for this csty at Haverlord to-
Its cakulatthat the men and women
of today are nearly two inches taller than
their ancestors.
The whisker, of a cat are supposed by
some naturalists to be provided with nerves
down to the tip.
Nearly one million pounds' worth of
mdennee are exported yearly from the
l;uitd Kingdom.
Fruits, to do their best work, should be
eaten either on en empty stomach or simply
with bread. lo the morning, before the
fast of the night has been broken, they
serve as a natural stimulus to the digestive
The starfish kills the oyster by enveloping
it closely in eta arms, then, placing 1te
month to the crevice of the shell, it selects
an acrid and venomous jams within. The
poor oyster, disgusted by the poison, opens
his shell to admit water, sad so rid himself
td it, and thus falls a prey to the destroyer.
Two hundredweight of the mu -endows
water from Kt. W inifred's Well. Holywood,
Metallin, is sent daily in sealed cane frogs
Holywell to different parte of Ent/last to
America and to the British Colonies, A
Wage new hall le being prepared for this
years pilgrims, over the *setons to which
te a white marble statue of the saint
F;very quarter of the slob. tea ransacked
for the materials animal, vegetable, and
mineral employed in the mannI*eture of
the oolors nos hods in • paint box. From
the cochineal insect are obtained the
Iorgeom carmines. the crimson, omelet said
purple lakes. Sepia a the ink, fluid die
obarved by the cotter ti.h to reader the
water °p.•lo. for its own conceelmeet who
attacked. Ivory, bl.ok and boas black are
made Sat of ivory chips Tbe exgoiett.
Prussian bine is got by Nang horses' beds
and other refuse animal matter with imre
pera.sinm sarbooat•. to the y
kingdom are included the lakes=
trove root., barks and guava From the
madder Meek which grows in Hindustan,
M .naaafaetr'sd Turkey rte. l.*Mbop
stones from the yellow rap of • two, whish
the a.tive• of Was catch la eewt•at .b.*k
Raw eisaaa it the 'Natural earth frogs the
nembhorhood of Rive*., Italy. Wires
harmed, it is burnt sienna. Raw amber is
.a earth from Uetbria, .ad is she breed.
To those vegetable Apnoeas may be Mddal
lath.. ink, which i. mM to be wade from
bunt camphor. The (tese, .'h..4...
ma peados* it, will met reveal the sent el
its onsepseitlsa. IN real .le.gsariae but
little is twang is the m.eket. 11 ie *Maimed
frees the pr,JMms lapis leek, ,ail wogs•
ta.eb e'shalom price.
•l'4 )1 know, NAM Manuel, 'what a
sorrowful day for Tarragona was the 211th of
,lune, 1311 Kut you cannot imagine the
horrors attending the city. 'i no did not
sea S,000 Spaniards perish in ion hours: you
did not fes houses and churches in dunes :
you dtd not see unarmed old men and help-
less women slaughtered is oold blood ; you
did sot see pillage wed drunkenness ming•
hag with murder ; you 4.4 not me, to
abort, one of the greatest exploits of the
io.gseror of the world, the hero of our age.
the dem. god Napoleon !
'I taw it .11. i saw the sick rise from
their hod of suffering, dragging Jeer them
their ehw •s. like shrouds. W renal at the
hoods of forage soldiers cm the threshold
over whi.th the d. before had goosed this
Viaticum • I saw dying to the street the
body of • woman they had slauvhtered, and
at her side her infant, still nunnell at the
dead mother's breast. 1 saw the husband,
with hands tied together, vitamins the
murder of hie wife ; children weeping with
terror at the horrors that esrround.d them.
despair and ianoeuaos Whine refuge is ent-
ombs ; impiety 1001(1 g tie dead
'l)aseeroedy weauded .ed enable to take
further part is ale oe.8iot, i fled for refuge
to 4 Uses hoes.
'Full of anguish and terror, eh..tood at
the window t.ariag Inc my life and rusk's/
her ewe to sea see .s ease 1 ehoeild oh•wee
to pass the street
' I »eeted and fastened the door. bet my
penmen halt already caught eight of I ter*
awe ale was as bssetat.l.
They saluted has with • roar of savoy
joy .ands bast d brutal Laghiw A gas
east .sere and the dyer weal. ytdd to the
.se sed ohm /else We were bat '
' (71e1.'s tlAtber, earning ha her arras her
year-old baba. Med as le this sisters et reser
vele /1 the hes..% who t..s von d.1ttsl.ad
NOW tett ter be slob beta Nra
c e
had red:weal •i..tir stroke t,, 44 to tbe 4oilaty, their opponents being a .troug Myr'
minute. Indeed. they &It hot alter this io. Cricket Club team. Captain d.un-
speed for the remainder of the eivir.e•, des.' time erne not 50rces101 is calling
over which they r•.nnd in racing iasbiou the ill of the coin, and aa a reuult the
Almost imp'n,•pt:bly they impr. vrd the' hone team had & wicket to bat oa which,
position. iowiug with the regularity of proved to be & gond run -getting one,
a p'rfee•t piece of machinery, and at the tlbe inning putting ou 234 rune, the larg-
enl of the next quarter of it mile they tet score yet made against the Goa.
hod inerea.ed their ked to a third of a diens in this city. When the visitore took
length. It wits impnehle, however, to the bat there was little playing tiros
gain much more advantage over the
Trinity crew, wile were rowing at a re-
gulnr Menke of 3.9 to the minute sed
sticking to l'nruell in a most determined
nu,tur•r It the Lalbmile distant.' mark
t,lie ('..rtwell men had nianagt'd to cn'.n
o len.' .1 hall a length, and it seemed
ea th..gn they w.n11d w -in without donht
if they could stand the pare, which they
appwrently were esti well able to do a.
tire Trinitya .1s a matter of fact, they
lSnd thus far gone just a little bit lasted
than the Cambridge men But suddenly
A eba°gr came over them. Triuity Hall
began slowly. but surely. to gain oat Ow
American treat, and by the time they
had reached the three -,natter of a mile
mark they had kno. ked o!1 nearly beef
their opponents lead Thi pace oat
kept up at tea' Name estrokr, and a;
Bushey Gate. a !oolong heynnd the three
quarter mark. they had seenr•d the !arl.
drawing rep to a little lens then a gime--
ter of a length
The third heat for the Thames ('hal.
lenge ('up wee won ly the Noleseey
Rowing Club tenting the f.ondnn Row -
Ing Club by a length end a qu.rter.
The first heat for the Ladles' Chal-
lenge Plate was won by St. John's Col-
lege (Oxford). heating Radley College
i by a length.
in the third heat for the Diamond
Sculle the hien fl:rpert Guinness of
the Leander itnwing ('lub beet It. K
Reaumont of th.. Rurtnn-on-Trent Row-
ing Club by four lengths. Ounhores' had
a stlght load front the start• which he
gradually' hni•re.aed. until at the Rec-
tory he was • clear length ahead. At
this print Beaumont, who was row-
ing cin'e to the hank. hid to stop to
pass clear of a pine .enabling (lulnn.aa
to further Increase hie !Pail. Atter
thls (luinness gained steadny. and won
In 0 minutes awl 1 seconds.
The second heat for the Ittewerns'
int, was won by the Londhn Rowing
Club which beat New College by
Did.'t Want he he Mehl asp IMP • lssea0
il. Miller (w ertW -WhM
three lengths
1r, the fourth heat of the rate for the
Diamond Retail.. Guy Nit -halls teat it
H. Thompson.
The awned heat of the issues' nate
woes woe by tee ®nos College R.•wing
Clash. Mating the L547 Margaret ICam•
bridge) (lob
The Mbbgttiorriox wee Ml�ler tw Tbamry Cl dwile* is foot
CE 25 CTs.TMtp0D 3
lies p • MMMMUS Otlfl
OA Kara 1,11•0
1? //�%I
YIN is Are TINNY ne tga t .
whit street BAKER,
of First class Make, Competition.
His breath is made from pure
Manitoba Hour -wade from the
cream of the Manitoba wheat -anti
therefore is the bt.at In the world.
This is a big thing to say but it t;
a fact and you have the privilege
of buying this bread at the seine
as made from inferior Hour at the
price of 5 eenta per loaf. delivered
to any part of the town.
Orders for cakes promptly at-
tended to.
p'Wedding cakes and almond -
icing a speciality.
1). ('ANTBLON.
We guarantee Dodd's Key P111. to cure say
case of Bright's Disease. Diabetes. Lund:awe,
Deopee Rheumatism. Heart Disease. Venial,
t Troublesaware Impure Blood or non rdended.
So:1 by elides! fll ia =skies or by males
receipt of mice sec per boa. or Sia boxes., yo
I DP L. A. SMITH r CO.. Toronto.
restarting, but they were able to get
33 ruse for one wicket before stump/
were drawn. Saunders and .t F. R. Mar-
artin being not out for 12 and 15 reap•o
/ILL en ■tae tACM ascot wlsEwl'ATEll.
Alfred aurbasa of marrt.Mrs ass Tarso.
Orem MO tin sad MN in
the Mend.
At. George, Ont.. July 11. - Alf red Dur'
ham of Harrisburg was found dead on
the road between that place and St.
George at 6 o'clock yesterday. He
bad 'farted out to drive from St. George
to his home at 10 o'clock a Tae.day
evening and was met by •0 acquain-
tance, Jame' yrott, driving furiously
some time later. The body was deo.
°covered this morning within a few rods
o1 the plate where Mr. :Icett met him.
A little further as the hum was dis-
covered fallen down nal unable to rime_
The presence of a tramp on ibe seems
rave rise to some talk of 1o.1 play, bet
Dr hitches. who was s.smo.Pd, gave
it as Ma opinion that Mr. Durham had
been throws out of the rig. stunned,
and thea suffocated, owing to the fact of
his having fallen on his face. An inquest
will be held, but as thing pointed
to an accident the tramp was allowed
to g' Isis way.
ileeres« 1■ 0.gM-r'seadtaa Trees
London. July 11. -There were heavy
declines In the Angio -Canadian trade
In June. The esporte to Canada de-
creased 1t per Dent in that month and
it per cent. In the ale months Tet, to
J uly 1 The .tx months' Imports from
('aneda d.creaaPd IN per cent. In Juno.
and there was a 12 per cent. dvrelenm la
wheat In the rix months named. Thee
belanees the Increase In flnur. Cheese
declined LN,MC, Ash II0,000 and wood
CO ss
Tit. Caea°tan P*CIVIC R.a1Lwar 00•.
Good Material and Tsu sobers °" l+eea ..sellae'° ee gte' tae
pubtlo a Mt -clams eervtoe oft► hlr sad pss
Latest I tamemat It le m� sed os businer principles and to
Latest n'ty1e, the t•resest of its patrons.
it otesaryes the support ct etery person who
i b.itv.Ktn 000lpetttleo
For quiet Seepage.' ase this r..p. i •
11.e•. connecting with an Its.e sad itat�is
la gaited states. Canada ad itas.pe.
Direst through wires W all points le the
HUGH DUNLOP, . Northwest -British Columbia sad Poodle Ceara
lbs. West -M. 4 IMh1er Oso. -South Side Wester.
1.31 t• task at Montreal. 027 tf Loot Manager. God. oh
nee Wale h VW* fse.Hspberea.
New York. July It --Jostle. Van
Wyek. In the City Court to -day, ap-
pointed Harry B. 11hryeon, receiver for
Doneen le. Cameron, eon of 81r Roder -
telt 1'am.rnn.and member of the Knick-
erbocker Club def IOM etty, sad tie
Paeh.Mss' and ,y.aler Carltes Chiba
11t L.5sa. 'Th. resolver wee ap-
pointed Is 1 Wiry prMssdless
lm tlt.t.d >N Leiria to
oft One -
S=o You Wan, t
can supply you with a good article at a low pri. e.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give me a call_
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of Boots and
Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish Footwear that the market af-
fords. In Ladies', Misses' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are
showing exceptionally good value. in Ladies' Goiters, etc., we have a Cline line
which are very popular just now. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Buttes
Boots in endless variety, at prices to suit the times. In Geeta' wear we hare
all the leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys' and Yount'
School Shoes at pnoes that defy competition. Call and see our Ladies' Whits
and Tan Canvas Oxfords.
Corner East-st. and Square.
P.S.--The balance of our Winter Stock will be sold regardless of cod to
clear out.
S.Qaes nr to F. Dowinsa-
Several Lines .f Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, be which
atirlitione will be made as the Seams advance..
Goods .re all marked at the Lowest Living Profit .ad .elected " with
more than usual Clare. all
Customers say rest assured that everything will be to -date,
and ikepartmests well assorted, therefore no acted of p.rtio.l.rin3ng portlsslari-
Special attention given to small wanen
inspection kindly solicited Prompt delivery of purchases to sty pus
el the tetra
• Doom rt ■afs/ lleho