HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-18, Page 4Slit Dc ri [ST p Ilse 1 Perm ares • t v, , P. ek 1 Ed, ■ la. ks THE SIGNAL : GOOF:RICA ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1895. ;ke m ewsrasam •OKAY THURSDAY MORNING RV 0. i110011d07111101. Oros of PuktM•ait•-dOrltad it Northearest. Terme of ambo r/Ntee i Cmsala. in edemas M cometh.. A+Nift7est. $ I$ M N 1 00 L. at lour (label. Your label Is • siandtag reesipt et tbe demi 10 which you are paid up. ries that It b Lot allowed to fall foto arrear. When • change of address 1. desired. both the old and the now address should be given. Advertising Rates Legal and other casual •dvertls.mo0ta tee. per line for arse insertion. and 3 oeots per line (.r each auto.queat insertion. lleseured by nonpareil sale. Rosiness cards •f 'Ir lines and under. M pee rear. Advertlsemeat. of Lost. Found. Strayed alta.ttoas oaoant, Sltuatlos Wanted and ftmensem Chances Wanted. mot ezosedlng t Bose nonpareil, $I per month. Houses on gale and Farm. o0 Sale, not to exceed 3 line.. e( for first month. SOD. per sub- sequent month. Larger advte. h0 proportion. Any .pedal notice, the ohjeot of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or eonnpany. to be considered an sd• v.rti.ement and charred accordingly. Local notloesin nonpareil typo nom cent per word. no notices las than 15c. Local notions in *Misery reading t pe two cents per word. No notice for less thou 500. Mottoes for churches and other religious and bs@evoleot Institut forgo half rate. A emus "The sigmal" Delivery. Suh.criber who fail to receive THC SiolaL resvlarly, either by earner or by mall- will cooter a favor by acquainting us of the fact at as early • date as pos'IMe. Rejected manuscript* cannot be returned. Correspondence must be written on one side of paper only. ► abllaber's gealr1. J. C. Le Tousel, of (ioderich, has been .p pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town• ships of Ooderich. Colborne. Ashfield mad Wa• warmish. Local postmaters over the district are shoo e mpowered to receive subscriptions to Tun elt0wAL All communications moot be addressed to I) MoGILLICVDDY. TSaws Tow TONebe0e ('.all M. oodsr1a�. Oso SODi:RICK. THURSDAY. JULY Id. Irl. -The Toronto Star says 7 Boitsll.'s hour has Dome. Bat it desea' . say which hour. The "poor 111011 r.,W is playing the dorm with every other men's potato patch. The political by-play at uttewa would almost w•roat erbasRM[ the name of the capital back to Bremen. —' a Hon. LAss Pt. ea V N A NC 51. JAM, sMh.fgtb he claims to be on his march almost Rein, continuos to hang on with might a d mils 1. the emolumeou of office as a door•eesp Oshawa Mintster. Ewen the (`.gbinet M inister, are praying that l.ArIIEN will enunciate a pol- icy that will extricate them from the slough In which their remedial legislation has placed them. And if he did so, they would . teal the policy and not thank him for hay• tog exposed it to new. li..leri.-II hal: gained as unen%i able reputation in regard to its wide-open cow bylaw, and • public roosting of rate- payer• to taut upon the council taking tm• mediate action should be called. The dilly. - dallying of the town fathers has given the town a bad setback this Summar. - I t is to be hoped the a;;ita- tion that is molokoing on towards the estab- lishmentof • bicycle factory in t:oderich will continue until the scheme is fully ma - turned. The industry is one winch, prop- erly conducted, cannot but prove to be • good investment, and conditions favorable to the .wises of such an industry exist in t .odanch to a very great extent Tint euphonious [Hoath artist and geseral piw.mith T,olexe E4.vret. is on the trail of tate Hob. JOHN 1.Nt.i'... Not satisfied with slaying the former idol of 14.0J00lin his mind). with hu mighty j.wboDe,et the recent Tory oon- reotioo, ):resat undertook the loh of scalp- ing the political corpse on the 12th of July. Verily, great is the power of rall. A ...vett Year obi boy in Essex woe gored by a cow on .luly lith, and died the following mooing. A fatality of that description in Goderich, and • suit for dam- age*, might induce the spineless town council to take action in regard to the run- ning .t large of cowl and horse' on our pubnc thoroughfares. A oouocil board composed of cows could not run thanes to suit themselves any better than a now the caw. Down in Newark, N J., the lone highwayman has dispensed with the services of "Ronnie Klock Rees," and now rides a bicycle As a ..salt, the Jerseyites are to rased of every man they see with kaiok- er ,Yen un, for fear he will ask them to st*n '.nd deliver, and the skit of a woman in bloomers almost wane the life out of the average inhabitant of that Eastern section. In the language of Itrotker •►A.ru:, •'I►e wort' do move." I.e irter maelc a great *patch Moodily Int to Parliament, showing the one e) eetisstom mad commission al which tM t:oversmant had been frailty. He spoke the rock ribbed truth and dealt with im- dnbit•ble facts, but their solid party vete lased up against him when the dtyiewre bell rang. A preacher delivering • dhoeeense agmimst thieving to an audience oompered of ('LAC D ih-. 5,., Ih• t, Ti mel. aid Spleno. gratis,. Java, mold mit have bees farther from making cn versies. The lion Clones WA1.t.4ot Is riving hie theme and .notice to the I:ever. meet that is warred in pprf.etisg remedial legislator. For this be rewires (11116.66 per moods. He is 4..11 .g his votes towards Wkisg apish remedial IegiY•' — at ( trance gatherfleg e V a rimiest feed seri- tnesines massae. Fr Ws. he *wives Teles. Wiles nimsdhal leglahilies it aryaaly Ines beer. sed lobes his for1Mr seskhfg sleet salary would 1..w t melee .was, the Hen. ('1.5511 %%AI t.A. • says M will retire fro.. the Cabiast doe step Lad throw up his precast job. At this dieteaoe we can't tell whether tit u I .• a is a yellow mortis or a black tome , but hr Orange brethren think his antics t. rather tart. Tbs mass and grace with which the Hon. Jomx 1'0+T1aAti holds doves hr .sbiset seat is the admtr•ttoo of Ottawa and the surrounding townships. 1f there is one thing which surpasses the Hoc aloe''` flow 01 mouth when telling the people them he u .m Irish patriot, it is the firm manner that he hold. 0o to office, principle or no principle, .o loop a the emoluments bold out. The Hoo. Jowls u • memo* tint patriot. —1'p to the time of going to pre.s se word et the resignation of the Hoe. CLANK ¢ WALI. A.'1 ha been received. His eoaeisteocy of purpose, hedged by his anxie- ty to hold on to office, reminds us forcibly of that of the late lilt:11 (Al. l'Atx, of whom Hu -x. 114 .•w wrote : •' liin'rel l'. Is a drefti..mart moo, \o' oho' ooastaotly *trivia' for power an' for pelf, Consistency. still is a part of hie plan. He is true to one party en' that 1' himself." A PECyUAR SUMMER. THE weather up to .late thin Sum- mer has been exceptionally cool, and the re mutt has bees the retarding of the tourist traffic to a considerable extent. This falling off in the number of travel- ler has twee observable Dot only in Gode- rich, but at all resorts, aid proves that the decrease has been 000.stooexi to a large ex- tent by the unseasonable weather. The coolness of the waters of the mak• ba materially interfered with the successof our bathing house, and the benefit derived from the ezoellent beach has been ler than usual Indications of warmer weather are, how- ever, now apparent, and it is quite possible [fat the remainder of the season will coon - pulsate for all loss incurred up to date. ( ane thing is certain : the 000l weather of 1895, ooupled with the drouth in this sec- tion, will long be remembered by the rem dente. But things are not by any means as bad es they might have been. So let os take heart of grace, and plunk up courage. REPAIRS ARE BADLY NEEDED. THE Government breakwater at this port is in a cntioal oosditon, mad if steps are not taken to repair it at none, • big ex- penditure will be entailed in the neer future. Several timee during the pat year (:overnmeot engineers and Inspectors have put au an appearance, examined the break- water, looked wise and said that immediate action was necessary, but further than that nothing Ws been dope. It is beginning to look as if the Improve - manta on the harbor of refuge are beinr kept back so that when election day Domes around, a bait may be thrown to the gud• goons who will bite. Be that as it may, it u about time that public interest and not Government ex• pediency should dictate the terms upon which the work should be carried out. A judicious expenditure at the present time will save a havy disbursement after the breakaway takes place, and when torted action a oecewry, and if the repairs were attended to at woe • very great saving to public funds would result. The Hon. .1. C. P.errivicoos 5 once more at Ottawa, we nnderatand, •Dd tt might be poesible to get him to move in the matter. if proper representations were made. AFTER MANY YEARS. ' F inndon, 1 ant., isn't in a -tate •if pertrrbatioo .t the present time, it ought to be. A gentleman of Alton, ill , tamed Capt. W. P. I.c tuff ii r, is making arrange- ments for taking possession of that city two years hence, and turning down the title deeds of the inhabitants. He claims that his grandfather, who came trots France in the middle of the eighteenth century, located in Canada, where he acted a an interpreter of the Indian languages and a a guide the greater portion of hie life, securing persuasion of a tract of ..000 sores of land in the Province of Ontario. In 17(11 he leased the land, 6,000 sere., for • period of ninety-nine years, and 1.000 awes for fifty yesn. At the expiration of the lease upon the 1000 -awe tract the de w eadante of Per KR LAswum Wok possession of it and sold it, gettins tb.rsfor Since then. it is claimed the meed has much increased in value, the oily of Imo - don having sprung rap upon it and calm. I..s.nui says he will endeavor to secure possession of it se soon as the leve expires in IR"7. "1'he tenants," concludes the I'optam, "have not good titles to the pro- perty, and I do not anticipate trouble in securing in." .'is the people of i.ondon have two years' e ntice to quit, their tuna is not se hard as it otherwise would be, nevertheless. they hare our deepest sympathy now that they likely to be turned oat of doors by gentleman from. Ala... Ill. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. an the r.10t4I►tT OI 705 asnt•Ca11 TARtrr. New York Herald The Wilson Kill has not osly given all American mew, women sad children cheaper and better clothing than they aver had asd redeeed the oast of lining •1l around in the !Tatted States, but it We reduced the cat of prodnctios in all iadnstrtss, and especially Is those of wool- len menu fact arse T1111 511.1. ■1r*A1l MON tevrt•a:. Tomato Telegram : Oesagemea have polities as well ea r.liRIee. They hale the Grits set loo t1.e they abhor suprsa esherh N. matter what the Govetimmest does wly a small preeentsgs et Onuysmee will veer Grit A large prmpertien will May at home V the event of the Newall Geves ameet able pelsg te pen s rensIL) law, end the •it.atio. thn o•mpalp is oomplto•ted by the feet that Orangemen' who do not want to vote Csseervative, and will B.A. vote brit. Gas vote Peteolt. Kali esx5ATlux esmp•1. Toronto News: The party in power at Ottawa hes proved itself so utterly medi- co:at esd ourrupt that at will be • blessing to the country to drive the whole blood of boodles out. W kat u wanted is • sew tioveroment whose special mason should be to wipe cut the exuttog Federal Frasobise Law, abolish all tra..)1s of the gerrymnader, and then immedately disband Parliament and appeal to the country for a new Gov ernment to be elected op an entirely mew beets. Such a Government, huoeetly represent- ing the whole country. would bear no re - 'semblance to either of the existing parties. ..outs Thin, OKI At FU, Toronto Star Indications are that O0- teno will veld only halt • Drop of bay; corn, oats and wheat promise light harvest ; ber- ries and currants have been considerable of • failure, end the apple and plum yield is . mall. Altogether the outlook is not bright for farmers. To be sure, uniformly higher price. are promised for all products, but if farmers hav4 13t1e to .ell, the quotation of fabulous rates would scarcely bring them joy. It is to be feared the rood times whish had been anticipated for the agriculturists ere to be delayed a.eawa. COMING AND GOING. Miss Camp.igoe is visiting to Flora- Mies loraMiss Wiggins is visiting friends in t;en- tralto. Mies Sarah Armstrong, of Leedom, ie in town. Miss Bates, Wolfe -et, is visiting in Detroit. K S Williams was is Toronto the pat few days. Abraham Potta is on the sick list the pat few days. F. J. Sharpe, of Toronto, was in town yesterday. M. Hutahieon has loco visiting ID the Queen city. J. T. Hicks, of Mitchell. fleets Goderieh on Tuesday. Mrs. sod Miss Swift .re visiting friend* in Lackner. Rev. Father West returned from Saod- wiob oe Saturday. Harry McMillan' returned to his hoose Sarna, en M_aday. Rev. Lena Voting. of Simco*, is among his old parishioners. Messes Fair and Leslie, of Clinton, are welli•g Mrs. Oliver. Mier Graham, of Clintoo, is the guest of Mn. Wm. C•ntelo0. Geo. Parsons, sr., of Detroit WAS in Goderich over Sunday. Charley de Pendry, left yesterday on a holiday vert to Sarnia Mrs. Cha. Ram, left for home, reroute, on \t edseedav morning. Miss May Hale left for Brantford on Saturday, for her holidays ,1.e. A. McIntosh returned by .termer, Sunday, tram Port Arthur. Miss Nellie McGillicuddy, of Toronto, is Stetting relatives in town. Dr. and Mrs. 1're, left for Deauville, New York Sate Tuesday. Mrs. D. K. Strachan te visiting her son Jas Strachan, in Toronto. Mr. and Mn, Wm. Watson have return- ed to their home, Toronto. .1. Richardson. of Blyth, was in the county town o0 Wednesday. Miss Lucy Howell, of Actoo, u visiting the Misses Robertaoo, Ka.t•st. Mrs. .1. M. and Mier Shephard have re- tureed from • visit to Toronto. Mi._ Annie l.ntpbeU, of Seeforth, spent Sunday at the family residence. K. Tait, of Napsoee, is spending • short holiday at the family residence. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston left town on a four wake' visit to New Jersey. Mrs. Sooble, of S.slorth, ie visiting her relatives. Mr and Mn. H.mll°. A. W. Hartt. of Clinton, was in the county town Wednesday morning. airs. IRey. Salton and child, of Str•t- tore, are visiting relatives to tows. Hiss t'I.ra.lohnston, of London, is vint- 10g at the residence of A. 1'. Mclean. Mail clerk McVicar returned Monday evening from a short visit to Sarnia. Geo. Macereror, of New York, is on • visit to his one time home, (;od.rioh. \irs. Rothwell and the Misses Van Every are visiting Miss \larks in Rrsoefleld. Mn. i)nnlop rid family are spending • few days with relatives in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs Wer. Cox, of Leamington, arrived In town M boat this morning. Miss Twist, of Clinton. ie visiting her relative*, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. t;aoulon. Mrs. F. J. T. Naftel, left tows on Wed- nesday for Tweets, and Muskoka lakes. Miss [.drain Buohssos, W ieeham, is the guest of the Mime V anstone, Angleeea-et. Mr. end Mrs. Tamer and children, of Toronto, are vlrtisg their relatives in Goderieh. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Mose have re- turned from their visit to I.ucknow and St. Helen.. has. .ad Miss McDonald left town Toes - day efters000, and will make• tour of M,te- koka lake inspector of Inland Revenue, A. laves, of Stratford, wee 1n Goderieh, officially os W edsesday. Meese Irene, Sall. and Edith Aobssen ...tweed on Tuesday from a few days' visit to Brest/ord. Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, of Toron- to, hove returned to (ioderioh from • visit to Kincardine. Mr. end Mn. llsery Horton left Mon• day Ior New York city and the Hudson river on • two weeks tour. Mus E. Brophy. of Detroit. is visiting at the family residence. Mime Brophy was ac- companied by her meow K'neardtme J. F. Magee took a spin ma his 41441. to Gederieb Saturday evenhg soil Nursed se Mesad•y mooing. Minae Hattie sad Limas Downing. of liessesi, ore speeding the holidays is Cede nether the guest. of Mier Mamie ateddsrt. Yea Rester .ed infest, aesempanied by her der, Mier M Shields, heft en llusday for AehaisM.. (7.S., where they will reads for some Kew KLssrdbs Reporter Mr. sed Mn. Wiesen, (eel Tommie. have bees is madeet Mr. 1 laft by bent hr QedetM es w Thaw am aloha white tins Mets white woven in bale. . GiganticOfferi ng YONGE STREET, TORONTO, BOUC+HT BY Br SMITH AT 45 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. ALSO A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS Bought at Tremendous Reductions, togother with our regular Stock—greatly reduced —will combine to form for the NEXT TWO WEEKS, the greatest and most attrac- tive sale of General Dry Goods ever held in Goderich. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. Thursday, the day. 9 o'clock, the hour. STORE CICS AT 6 15_1\2_ GEi ER.AL DRY GOODS_ 25 Ladies' ('apes, black and colors, - L Purvis Stock pricy. SI 00, aver peace, 8'2 50 35 " Blouses .. " " " " 1 35, . " 95 50 Novelties in Dress Goods, 7 yards each ,_..e_AA 5 (101,-- -' •2 50 Scotch ( ingbams tt ss a 10, .m 5 it AS ,t '35, n 15 White Swiss Muslin White 1)otted Muslin " . w 20, " 121 All -Wool Dress Goods " . " w 18, •• 1.21 All -Wool Dress Goods w "• « 75, •t 45 All -Wool Drees Goods " , 't 01 50, " 35 Ladies' and Children's Gloves t "t Ils III 25, " 15 Hire " " " 111, a 121 ,. t.... ., a el 15. ., 10 Alen'* Hose, cotton a " If 1`2',• " 71 wool tis " w 25, 13{ •, 64m. 1i, •• 10 Novy Blue Serge Blouse Silks •• " as 50, •• 25 Ladies' Silk Mitts " " '' 43, " Ladies' Belt Buckles " " " 30, " K bitting l'ra•bet Silk Carpet ('urtains Art Cretonnes Art Muslim Art Denims Art Cretonnes Line.i Draper F.ANC"Y" " {. .. 25, 44 .4 tt a 25, ,. .t f, 14 " 1 GOODS_ Purci, Stock price, 1'..rgarren Art Thread, per skein Fillo.elle, per skein ... Chinelle Arasene, per skein Silk Ara.ene, per skein Filo. Wash Silk 44 .t 6. it -107 .•5, our price, .t 30, 1'2', 8,1;: (i0, 40, 5, 5, 3, 3. 5, Vii, 5, 5, 10A 12i 46 u tt " tt 0 .. Twisted Embroidery Silk •• '• " •• Behling's " " •' Bekiing's Etching Silk •' IS • .. .. ., a 7. Your choice of 200 Hats, regular price, from 50c. to $1 00 10c. ear :b 25 15 2() 41 64 15 15 20 71 50 35 21 1 • 2 20 Shades in Gloria, Saxony, Berlin and Zephir Wools ....... LACES .AND RIBBONS_ our price, ('ream laces Black Laces Black Silk Ribbons 46 4l , l'urvi. Stock price, 20, 20, if .. 10 ., _r!� .. ,. 15, it .. .t Baby Ribbon No. s Black and Colored R. C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. 44 .t B. SMITH 9 Goderich, Ont. 10 121 Is. 1[) AT THE HARBOR FRONT CRISP AND CASUAL. The 'chooser Aurora ruled Tuesday eve n isi, light, for Gore Bay. Mento.' has °nenpbted the fishing boat for Denville, mad. it will be las.ebed in • few days. The fishing boat Reindeer had hoe tore - lama carried away is • rather ea f bream ea Friday main. The warn evenbeg ea 'itiad.7 caved • •rge _umber of mw boats to be en the lake, harbor .ad river. The schooner Aurora, with 910,000 fest e1 lumber for N. ilreamet. arrived at ber dook daring Mel r4ay sight. ()s Tsssday emotes at esu time eleven e agle's were oohing from beats and mise tees were,_Mdse hems ever the Mabw*er. Os neigh days wimp the RAW bevies sennet sod ask. the seem wok" their time M home snug. Rema e1 thew awl easel- Wei ee Is. d ohm ewgmal stn d The Pop's annual isoom e is over 0380- 000. Tie Queen .fres about 50, 000 documents • year. flee Queen has 60 pianos at her various rseidsnoss. About 2,000 Bribee soldiers are die- dary.d yearly for bad .ended At the ego of 73 Darwin, the naturalist, dedered that • Mpirette wed him ,sore after hard labor Asa all else. A Leaden whammies stated the the Nhar day that fib of W weekly taro - weer ewes beam lady devotees of the eeet41 Sao weed. It la estimated test i• Paris 1 is 18 of the pepulaeles, a 1b0,000, Ute en eharity.wtti • tasidamy Sowards arises : h I.endsm this el esa•i• 1 in 30. t•Iseleva w. num* cold 1• • pnhie t II Mill made a rh*. 9' ww..fr..m i Lurks. pushier x pit Mem, thG BOOKS AND PERIODICALS - ET. gILIII MOM A PA MON AYI V11111.4 Alt 04.. We have takes • great deal d piamwre u perusing " Rtehi.gs from s Parsemem Vet •d•," Mn. E. Jeffers (demises, whine 11 pa by William Reims, Westley N.tld• 1►7sgtsh. Tenato. Tb• 10.41 dose net Bart oR wkh any land pretesed.ss. butes yea sae! vases yea gad it tree a lila, and become aware that • keen observer d fuss•s meter* has written the pages. A smsber of tits oh•rv*ere w well-drawn—prlistl•rlll that ever-present chores noires, J•esb W hisely. As added barest se re•der5 el the book is this matins is the flits that Mrs. Graham was formerly • feleldant e( Gederho►, having lived i• Nerli+t parses - ago when ser Sambaed 0.wpi.d the pgtprt hers. There r • Tarsi 1. trent el we pr0waem. ser nark" wow ef tha OMbis�• no VWOeri• fres aw.rled M • cera dews thee' Fig elle at Phis►' rear NIS the /-- lrlpb M + MOhs1 —