HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-18, Page 22 TRW ATGNATs : GODI'R1Ofl, ONT., THU RM)A Y, JULY 81, 1$15. • AMEND a rot IVE YO `• bolt As many good things are likely to. But you .re safe In running the risk if you keep • bottle of Perry Davis' PAIN KILLER mi hand. It's a never -(.Ming antidote for pains of all wets. Sold by ail Druggiste of waverer moa mars 11 ouevealssW ;kt signal, Le Postmai0 RVRRY THURSDAY MORNING se O. illea1Le/CTN1. Mice of Publication a sad te. Nertbeareet. (iederioe. Ontario. Terme .f ssneortpttea t Ose month ,a advea.e $ It Ose year. - — ..... 1 b Leek es Twee Sabot. Tour label is • manilas reoalet of the date w whirl' you are paid up. See that It a not allowed u fail tats arrear. When . change of address is dwlrrd. both the old and the new address shored to given. Advertising Reeve p !weal cad ether ouuiel . ariv d lsemeets, 1b. ter ► 1saccb (• uh equasert t o . t Measurredl+by ampere:l male. Business cards of six lines and under. Si per seer. Advertisements of Lost. Found. Brayed Slttutlons Vacant. illtuetloes Wanted awl Baseness Chances Wanted. ant euo.wellag s nave nonpareil, til per month. Houses en !tale end Farms on Sale. not to exceed 3 lines. N for first month. Mc. per sab- secnent month. Larxcr ad etc in properties. is to promote a thel notice. the gruniary heuafft of aect of ny todl- vidoal or company, to be considered an ad ver(isement and charred a000rdtnwll• Local notices In nonpareil type one oeot per word, no notices lam+ 'leen m.o. Local notices invo iii de *dingtor WIG t79 w MEW per word. Notion. for ehurebee and other religious and besevolent institutions half rte. Alma( ••Tb. Mamie •ellvesy. Pub.rriber who Mil to reoelve THE 9toNAL regularly. either by carrier or by mall. will Poster a favor by aogmtuUng us of tM fast at as early • dates possible. Rejected manuscripts cannot be Correepondeuice most be wrlttes Oa of paper only. P.bII. er's Mince. J. C. Le Teasel. of Ooderch, Ms masted Local Travelling Agent for theeetows rhe seOoderid a. Colborn, Ashfeld end Wa- ,ocal postmasters over the distriet are slap empowered to receive tsbs,rlptions to Tam SIGNAL. All oommenicetlons mut be addressed to D Mc6ILL�s SITjt� Telembose (`all 39. osderiih. Ort• YODItIUCH. THURSDAY. JULY Y. ItBs. Three menthe, w 1 who are now buysag dour at the increased prices. Meanwhile, too, the workers in urban planes were taxed more heavily for ( bread and deer, and their abilu.y to pus .base other outputs from the farm were Ilimited, the f•rmere In that meaner roomy tag soother knock down blow, sad the only mem beeetited being those who are per mated by law to gamble with other mem'* mm.y. (1001 TIM!. D.LA) r. U. Toronto Star ludsoatioes are that On- tario will yield only hall •.rep of hay; Dora, oats and wheat ptomain light harvest : bee - nes and current• have been oo.dderable of • failure, end the apple and plum yield is email. Altogether the outlook is net bright. fur farmers. To he sure, uniformly higher prices are promised for all products. bat if farmers have little to sell, the quotation of tabulow rates would oo•roely erne them joy. 11 r to be feared the rood limes wbioh had been entlotp•ted for the •grtoulturisu are to be delayed a season. A ser ASCE e•eraD. London Advertiser What Caoeda needs above everything else is a Government that oar govern, managers that Dao manage, con- trollers that ooatrol, financier that can Bathos, .00nomtst• that man e0000mize. Io feet, a change of administrators. Tb. (`oosematives need not only • new leader. but they want • wbol..ale change to the per.o0Oel of hi. li.ut.oaau. And that that reoonetructioo as b..000mpli.bd while the patty is In power is exceedingly doubtful. • IT WILL. '1 •-e'.Ti.1. —And now it tarns out that there visa Ift/gs! eh.ia ast.shatt M tic resign& RIM ei MeNteellia Olmait f sad CiAtb e s, sod IMF emaYd$ AN Map. - -. Wait natal Jean 0111nsan ..Ills 1 ''rakA% moles Aka Wait Telt SL•NAI, wan somewhat prem- ature the other day when it told iia readers it was about time to discard winter Minuets. Hereafter we will leave it an open question. -The Ilainilton Spectator urging the claims of Hamilton as • location for the proposed hospital for oomumptives must be of opinion that the Ambitious ('ity 11 a good place for people to die ie. Tho bicycle girl laughs in her sleeve at the curb -stow, broken who make comment as she passim by And the sleeve is large enough to take in • bite hearty laugh to, and don't you fail to remember It. -- A short tune ago the esteemed Marl and Empire was ih favor of bien- nial sessions, and now the aforesaid es- teemed Mail and temples would like two ries- stone • year to round ofl legislation. Strange, Isn't ,t " Guelph Mercury : Ilan extra .e.sioa of the Dominion Parliament is held, because of the bungling policy of the mem is power, it will cost the oountry nearly $400,000. YOU MEET 'EM 1N GODERICH. "cupg OF OFFICE„" Brings Ouimet and Caron Back Into Line. NISUNDEISTANDINC, SAYS FOSTER Angers Makes a Bitter Attack on the Government - SEVEN MINISTERIALISTS N*T And Vote For Mr. Laurier's Motion To Adjourn. Tae /tease t:l.en le e0lsaee la TM Re - region S, 5r. 15p.0( and debar leeesatere meta !glebe(- waearI. (e.- acroaases Tenn the G.verassent /lata Iy That rhe, calls \M steppers • 5131 e s (.elle 5aaatsM The wheel creak. TM baseball fiend. The lady with kyphoss byctclarum the eyeliet's bump - The ems wbo salutes you with W.U, what do you knew ' The .bap with a girl in (:derioh mad so- other oo. ek..where. The fellow with the •loobotic breath who Gays be doesn't drink. The with who parts hie hair in the senU• to must him in keeping his balance .n his bike. And chere an others. Ottawa. July 11 -1t has been a great day In Parliament. Oficial announce. ments have been made to both Hours. and, summed up to brief. they are to the effect that Mr. Angers le Irrecontlt- sble and nut for good. while Me other twu eolleagnes. Messrs. Caron and Os: - met. are satl.fied with the renewed as - 'meaner' whtoh have teen given them that Remedial Legtrl.tlon will be the essential feature of the G rnmeent's policy next session, and they are in her n:se once more Public feeling In Ottawa In reference to the crisis had reached fever heat by e'cleck. and when prayers were over well-dressed men and women made a rush for the galleries of the Commons. and within five minutes every seat wet' occupied. while hundreds were content with standing room. As routine bust nese was being trans..cted, the- Post- master -General entered the chamber and was received with laughter and de- risive cheers from the Opposition. As he sat down friends behind him gave him an encouraging c•eunter-cheer. A minute or two later Mr. t)ulmet en- tered the chamber, when a like demon- stration took place. Lady Aberdeen had previously entered the chamber. and was given a seat at Mr. Speaker's right. Mr. Foster announced a mel.eage from His Excellency,slgned by his own hand. It was the official reply of Manitoba to the Remedial Order. Then the inter- esting proceedings commenced. Mr Foster was brief. When he statement was eatlsfaetory. When he sat down the two returning Ministers said their say and justified the stand they took. The OppoetttoO leader then took the Boor and bantered the Minis- try on the situation. Sir c'haries H. Tupper replied to Mr. Clunes Mr. Dupont. an ardent Nationalist, v abeimessWtr.mi A story of Irish *opera** comes tem an l.ogliehrm•n who, un ar the guid•aoe ot • move Irishman, had recently boon admir- ing the soeoery on the ether ad. of St. Georgi. Channel. The visitor sad his guide were is a hilly Metric: in the South of ire - lima, and the guide, poiating to • high bill, said it was known, locally, by the mime ot 'The Devil'. Table.' Another and less lofty hill hard by was ku.wn, he said. as 'The ibvil'. l hair.' 'Indeed,' remarked the learluhmao•'the devil .eems to have • good deal of property io these Dart..' ' Yes, sire rejoined the irunmao, 'but he is an absentee landlord, and he lives io England.' "Things am Inherent in (;oderich end t ittawa. Here our local legislators 'gilled off the last regular meeting because they had nethinr to do : down at Ottawa the power that be. want to close the seseton bemuse they have mon on hand than they eau handle. - We beg to remind The Hamilton Spectator that French Mester ()entire and Freseb Muter ratios, as our esteemed oat temporary rejoices te designate them, have returned like dogs to the vomit. R.signe• Riot is • lost virtue en far as the member, of the Hewett AdministiaN.s r ootoorsed. - it is beginning to Ionic as if that patriotic Irish representative in shelabi• het, the Hon .lues 1'ctrrllAS hoe been workiag public office tor a private soap, is the matter of the Tohique railway, .ions is • blathering professtos•l politi- cian who u r tired of exhibiting his bl.odiar, patriotic heart on the hustintrs,aad who, when the battle is over, hes goat n simple eye solely to the int rest* of his tera npbl* self. it•AIN PROVERBS. I-ausual clearness in the atmosphere, ob- jects being even very distinctly, indicates rain leveeing grey cod moraine red, Put on your hat or you will wet your head. A piece of kelp or .sawed bung up will become damp previous to rain. When rain Domes from the not'fontinels long. Rain from the south prevents the droutk, Rut rain from the west is always best. When the walls are mon thea smelly damp rain may be expected. Moon and windows are hard to shut ta damp weather. 1f corns, wounds and serer itch or ache more then usual, rain is to tall shortly. A coming storm your shooting tore prol- og?. And aches will fill your hollow tooth with raga. When rheumatic people ootwplain of *mere than ordinary pains in the joints it will rain. Tulin ram. Reim tom foretold, long will last , Short notice, soon past. If it rai= when the sun shines it will rata tic meat day. Trees grow dark before • storm. When the leaves .f tress earl, with the wind from the `touth, it ind'iatee rain. Hit rams before .uari. Impost • fur mtt.r.00s. 1f it rams heifers .. It will owe berme 11. 11 /um mime before 12 .t noon, it will be clear next day. 1f reit' owes after 1'' a! met day. if rue begins at early morning light, It will end en day at eons is bright. When the sun appear of a light pale eater, or goes down to • bank o1 elands, it Wheats. the appreaeh of erestinuance olbad weather If the sun go.. pale' to bed, It will run tomorrow, it is said. West it will and damdiliose close up before tn. 1/anaobe lWvernmen. ..un •4 35• position of the Government That WOO shown In the statement I mad* On other day 1i 'kis House. Huth theme paroltlunal were taken la that st&traseat. The oar that we would grant to masa- lobs a certain amount of time In the hop, that negotiations would be meter- ed Into and an aa$CaLie settlement of this question arrived al. Thr other was that In so Intricate and Important a question the greatest deltbrratlon was necessary In the perfecting of leg- IsItlon in the matter, and that no Re- medial Legislation should be introduced this seeslon. Ther differences of opin- ion were canvassed by the different members of the Government. 1 regret to say that one of our col- leagues, who has not s meat In this House. finds It Impuasller t.. accede to the view of the majority of the Gov- ernment. He et111 holds very firmly and strongly to his view that Remedial Legislation should be undertaken ane pressed to a conclusion at once. and us he finds It Impossible to accede to the. view of the majority in that re• speer. his resignation has not only been sent In but accepted, and he Is now no longer • member of this Gov- ernment. 1 regret to say. With reference to our two colleagues from the Province ut tfuebre, who have seats 1n this House. I must say that they showed a disposition to canvass and discuss and look thoroughly Into the grounds of difference between their own views and the views of th'• ma- jority of their colleagues. as expressed In the statement 1 made the other- day to this House• and in the end three dif- ferences proved to be rather a misun- derel.ndtng--(Ironical laugbterl- than a real divergence of optnlon-IIroflcal Opposition laughter)- as regards the principle, that were Involved. At the most. 1t -was simply • question of dis- agreement as to detail. As to the quer- Hen of principle that Hrm0dsal LeWS- lation was nearmiej y, and that 1t woute be Introduced Government :.t the next session of Parliament. to be called before the 3rd of January, in the event of the Province M Manitoba not making a reasonable and satisfac- tory settlement of the question. With reference to that. I say it wan a 1,0.t - ter of divergence upon details. are' not upon principles. on the principle all were agreed. all members of the t abt- net slaved side by tilde with me. m) two hon. friends upon the left. and my bon. friends have been enabled --and lettere itrK 1 mod aot reiterate tae noon .t will rain The Rig Four that went out to take 10. crop report Tuesday last, claim that the results of • forty mile drive go to show that there will be • poor eetan is this Mulder this year Two e1 the number claim that potatoes same up well. and the other twe are willing to .lake affidavit that there were no potatoes in eight. Thom were. other e.ecrepaoewe ia the report, mei • ..nes of ups and downs ea the journey, but as none of the (rper a kept • diary, ex- cept the "man ander the seat" -sad hell never tell -we are not in • meatiest* pate bah • detailed report. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. FA•wmas env Is rt. TM Farmers' Sea "The 1•nwer@ lime Geld their gnus at • low pries all but a few wile wast oauaked aeasag the shrug. gling misses who an imagoilad imago'M UM GOAT to the seems* 3* meet Genesi dime sea The dollar yeas Ise whom. 10..d -is. h»agh$ rumsn as ewes• 1 ; asp, it wee a wi- tabi. serMp 110 thtpsen5i et oar somber declared himself a supporter of Mr. Angers. and most vote against the Gov- ernment Then Dr. Weldon rope and notified the• Government that he could 1101 support Remedial Legislation. ML Denison ani Mr. McNeill made slmtlar statements. The debate was continued until neat- ly 11 o'clock. On the division ober • were seven Conservatives who vote 1 with the Opposition. To -day's settlement was brought about at a conference in 81r 1Maekengle Howell's office thin morning. when there were prevent the Premier. Sir A. P. Caron. Mr. l)uimet, ler. Girouard and Senator Maseon. 1t 1s stated to -night on authority that the portfolio of Agriculture will uol be fitted until after prorogation. Many members incline to the belief that it will be offered to Sir Hector Langev(n. It Is likely that the School question will again occupy the attention of Parliament to -morrow. the L.berals having signified their eatcntlon of pr.. - senting an amendment. There is a widespread Moire to know* what Clarke Wall..ce will do under t'1 • circumstances, but so far he h... g.a•et. O o sign. He is billed to speak at :he Orange gathering here to -morn -•a. cr.i his speech will ire awaited with .it., -•-.t ten the orders of the day teeing c.-Ikd. Mr. Glrvuard 'Jacques Cartle.) a:. a•• and said : "I wish to put the follow - Ing question to the leader of the Qov- ernment : Will the negotiations to be entered Into with Manitoba relac= Ing to the schools, unless thee)• bring an aemptable arrangement In the iln, s of the Remedial Order, on the terms of the judgment of the Privy Council of the 29th January, 1'96. preclude or postpone the Intrductl.en of the Re- medial Leglalat.on anaoul.eed In your statement of Monday last?" Mr. Foster : My answer simply Is They will not. Mr. La trier : I nee that .verytbtng N serene once more In the atmosnh.r• of the t limner tl:neer' sae laugnter.! Perhaps the hon. gentleman will be able to give us Information as to the nonexisting crisis which • was sup- ped to exist. Mr. Foster : 1 Asn glad that my bon. friend shows such skill In reading po- litical weather predictions. if i may so denominat.• them. I have but very few remarks to make In reply to the question which has been put by my hon friend on previous oceaalons and repeated to -day Some differences ■ rrese between members of the Cabtnmt with reference to the question of HP - medial Legislation. The statement which 1 made the ether day to lbe Hoene gave the poeitlon M the Gov- ernment on that matter. The differ- ences In the Cabfn.t arose chiefly nn two linos Rome of our colleagues were of the opinion that 1t was useless, and consequently unneeeasary, to prolong n egotiations, or to enter Into further ne•gntlatMN, with the Ma..11na Oov- erntnent with . view to the settlement of the gve.tlan by that Government themselves. with the powers thst they have The either o•'.•stlnn of dlf.renee area ,•oneequerelany from that They believe that Remedial Legislation should 11e Introduced at once, startling from the premiss that there was moth - heathen awampilemAlp ter teas. The knowiak pass are epeoulatiag on the fasHall pen altilities of tic ..am(. ')tlawa is seat likely to retain the horrors of the ahe.pieeabip, se geese's will pet to • teem MINI to ..wash •11 retards. It is *Riot the emse that very slight comes will knee • vie- bbrryy It is Mated that • painful even tale wloes One .t the beet Aaarisa playas. 1t follows that no team our bops to matt this year that au Iosl. N supply ins members with Pntawss • ►mules@ Om Ritrw.ter. the Daly safe, sure. mid pii@es remedy hat corms J ' There is a ahs Mktg shwa aortae two babies is the hum; said Pleonasm • I- pi• What i. that Y ' They Garb Mod ss lewd yea ere* hear th..lhsr.' .... _.. Ilia AIM rewards me uersonal egfulty• t n-lv'' SOMA 5.1 IR the Interests of my coiner) and of those I represent In this 1.•••o' . (Applause.) Mr. Laurier here srur, am dolt • nt Oppueltlun cheering. Mr. Speaker - Do 1 underrtan•t th hon. Minister of Public Works to tee., the edjournment elf the debate' Mr. (runnel : Na Mr. 1+urlef : I move the "J`":". meet of the House. 11r. Laurier : Once upon a tin.. '..r. Speaker, not very tong ago. In a •' e au - try which 1 need not name, three wan a rumor prevalent that the CAI ' woe back to the cre..m. (Cheers.) I•..i'n• nature will awn rt itself, and to -de) we have a small family of kittens cuh,:ng back to the Premier. only a few ,I•ys ago they started upon what they repre- sented to be a crusade for a holy cause. Hut alter three days' expert -nee in the cold, far from the. kitchen. eap,MPAI to the Inclemency of the season. th^y have come Lurk the creamse uncr 1 must tend••tor my *pµ''1!.1. s tond maty hon. friend from Hest York thee. 14 ac'- Iran). who, In hla paper. Thr Tort,tttu world, two days agcl h..d a parag.at.h whleh 1 read as follows The French Ministers are said to have resigned. but the resignations are not comer ••- .eat and may be a bluff." i confess. Mr. Speaker. having French bowed. and only French blood. In my veins, th.tt when 1 saw that • tatement made . Oncerning my Fi • u.''•t renew-rnembers. who ret-prrsenteI the maje-rity of this House In the ,•stet., t. that their game was only a game of t.luff. I could not help feeling ludlgo:.nt :.gninet the hon. member for t-, et York. 1 must offer my apologies for that feeling of Indlgn..tien. tt tlett was n,t a game of bluff, what was It" 1t was simply • misunderstanding. my hon. friend says. There was only a misunderstanding during thane three days, In which the country bee been kept In suspense. We had supp.swl :herr w: s a grave create. We had sup- p•'eed that a deep chasm existed be- tween the hon. gentlemen. who had thrown up their portfolios, and the ma- 1erity of the Cabinet But It was sim- ply a mtsunderstanding. The members of the Cabinet had been sitting togeth- er and discussing the question before them. not for days only. but for weeks. and 1 may •y for months. and the more they dlscormed it with a Clew to a settlement the less they understood one another. Hut one section. It se happened, remained Inside. and the other section remained outside in the *-old. That cleared their understanding and convinced them that there was nothing between them but • very ilttle matter, which was not worth resigning over. What was the misunderstand- ing? 1 understood that the policy of the Government had been laid down en Monday last by the Minister of Fin- ance. .Here in an announcement 11 f was able to understand ',Mtn r:ngllsn. plainly spoken. it wan stated that et the nest session of Parliament. to be .•ailed not later than the 1th Januar). if In the meantime Manitoba kid not been brought to terms. there would be se,me legielatlon tntrduce.d to give sat- isfaction to the minority. 1 understood that this war binding upon the G^v- ernment. and if 1 had been a member of the Administration i would bat been dlsposrd to take then as a pled_ve binding upon the Adminl,tratfon. itut, ;stref-4 am to s espt an inter- view which was published in The Mont - r. -al Star yesterday. my hon. fettle! the Minister of Public Werke. fur one. and i suppose my hon. friend the Post- master -General also. were not satls- tied with the pledge given upon the honor of the Crown by the gentlemen who were the representatives of the ''roman. This Is what appears in The Montreal Star of yesterday. 1n the form of a solemn interview with the Minis- ter of Public Works. The Finan* Minister told me the other day -and in that he repeated only what had been said before --that not much dependence was to be plated upon the utterance of ..,lnisterl•1 newspaper. But this Is an independent newspaper. and. moreover. the lnte•rview h... such an air of authen- ticity that it is difficult not to believe that it Ie not perfectly genuine. The -orrespondence goes on to nay "I had an interview with the Hon. J. A. l)uimet. Minister of Public Works. this morning. He looked In splendid fight - :ng trim." (Great laughter.) 1 met - say this seems authentic enough. This would not be dleputed : " Seated in his library, with Hon. Joseph Royal. ex -Lieutenant -Governor of the North- west Territories. lied Mr. Jone• s. M. N., who had just finished breakfast with him." Ire Montague : What did he have for breakfast? (Laughter.) Mr. Laurier : There detail, give an addlltonal character of ver..clty to thl narrative. He said : " You may announce through The Star that unless the Gov- ernment at 3 o'clock this afternoon brings In a written pledge. eluted by very member, agreeing to Remedial Legislation next session. I wlil tike my rest as an Independent. and move a want of confidence motion." (Laugh- ter.) This language referred to pone rday, but yesterday my hon. friend did not appear In his seat: to -day, however. he appears In his reat apparently setts - fled. Who has signed the pledg. ' It was only a misunderstanding. after all. as we have been told by the Min- ister of Finance. The pledge had been given on the faith of the Crown. but that :teas not sattvfactory to the Min- ister of Public Works, and he wanted the written signature of -every mem- ber of the Cabinet. Well, to me, the honor of the Crown would have been sufllMent. Not so to my hon. friend the Minister of Public Works. H. wanted to have the individual signa- tures of my hon. friends the Minister et Finance and his colleagues. Has my hon. friend the Minister of Vinare, taken a new pledge' Has he stones the pledg.? (Laughter.) 1f lee Ma etgn.d the pledge, who knows but et some future time he may pay that he did so In a moment of weakness'" (Op- position laughter.) Haa my hen. friend the Minister of Justk•e signed the pie!,. also' Has my hon. Mend the Minister of Railways, wisely and patrlotice.11y, I belleve.ac•ted In that line -to see that it was, a mis- understanding or a disagreement sim- ply upon details. and they have been able to come to the conclusion that in the statement which was made on Mon- day last by me. the Remedial Legisla- tion Was actually and positively pro- mised. and that there is no **variable- ness or shadow of turning so far." That is for the special benefit of Mr.('harlton, that there 1s no intention of going one Angle jot outside- of that 'totem- nt. end that sur Intention Is to carry out in perfect good faith the statement of the Government on Monday last. Hav- ing come to that cone:e'en*, my two hon. friends. the 1' •romaster-(Imetal and the Minister of rutin: W. rkr, have believed It to be th'.r duty, which 'hey our to their party, to :heir country and to the cause whieh the; . rleemetlyrf have deeply at heart. to week in har- mony with their former :.net present colleagues. end that we sheuld stand together and car- out the. poll •y t' the Government In :his way. I do not know that It 1s nes-eas.are for Tie to make any furth.; r••marks at present. and my hon. friend l know, is an)..Due to take the floor an'I make ornery end various observatl-,ns. (Cheep.) Sir A. P. Caron : Mr Speaker. I Lave very little to ad -1 W the explanations which have been mita- ley the leader of the Hous. The questld1 Is ..ne cf the gravest which Parliament has teen called upon to c•eneld'r since C. of era - tern. Believing, as I do, that minori- ties must be p. • '•'.tc•I under the . en- s(Itutton, and beteg anxious for a set- tlement of thl•e ech•ed questtnn, tarter repeated Int••re. •ws. an•f. to my mind. satisfactory aasu e.n.-e s from the Prem- ier and my e•olleag irs, 1 consider that. In view of thus* assurances, my refus- ing to help the ;.vernm-nt In cArr>ins nut Remedial Leglnatlon up.,n the lines of the judgm: ut of the Privy •'ouncll and the Remedial Order in•counc'I. I would have beet 'aerie •i ng the Int• r- ests of the mine.lty. a:el jeopardizing the se•t(kmen' .1 the que'tl..n This •r.. uced m' t , :erten In ie to act with the Government. ani secure, as L *they*, Remedial Legi.Caktin la aecordante with the pledges gtvn be the Pr. mier and the leader of th!e Hones. (Laud cheers, followed by (li.p•,A1: ion cites (.t e Neste') Mr. Oulmet followed, being greeted wltb prolonged cheers and counter - cheers. Sp•-aking In Frenchhe said : I do not think I need add much to what hal been said by 10) colleagues. I must say. nevertheless, that If 1 am at the moment occupying the seat which 1 formerly held. It 1e moiety due to the sense of the duty I owe my country, to my party. erpeclally to the ramie. the success of which I lave so mueh at heart. if I am here. R le because L have become convinced. atter the re- peated assurances which my colleagues have given tis. and the warm symp.- thtss whte h have been shown res by ail our trlends. that In delaying the settle- ment of this question we are hereby rendering the more sure Its settleme'at in a definite manner and in a manner ratisfsetory to the country and to an those who desire to see justice doter, who love peace. and who are devoted to the well-being of thole compatriot• (Cheers.) I can assure you, Mr. Speak- er, that if I have ever had • duty tie fulfil. the Importance of which, and also the painful character of which ( felt and understood. It Is that which I am fulfilling to -day. and In whleh I may aprc.r, perhaps. in the eyes of the public. as tlacrMcing fn my own Iyer'• sons! Interests something,. 4 the Inter- ests nterests of my country. However. Mr. Speaker. i am abeve •l1 that. I am above the aocusattons which will be levelled against me In the Prnvfnre or Quebec and elsewhere i am prepared to endure (hose attac•ts, In the hope that we will have our reply In sex the Rupert of this Dominion Paella- months-inthe session which will ire ment. Wined the pledge also• Has my Mb on the 3rd Jaauary next. if, m hon. Mend the Secretary of Wearer, who the r•eurnie of theme six months. I has just mums through an election la should be covered wtth opprobrium Haldimaait signed the pledge also? and Insult instead .f holt! eoveved Dr. Montages : Before the people of with flowers sad greeted as • Lase, - my eesistltueer-y i e=prssed MY spie- 1 remelt* my.att with the hags ted lin on this 0atMeet, hat the boa mane Mho question will IWO he wattled, sigh d tem Opgst11tha la a haaaesa etgt,5ttb- that 1 w111 th..hswuestanb3M o 5./101105 but 3M ht@�1aer sf hm� inlie ahM to say to my ostapatrlots that to- AYER'S Bair VIGOR a*steres Wand seise to the hale. mid also prevents tt Santa! .est. Igre- 13. W. Posiwlek, .t Digby. ■. B.. owe: "A little more than %w9 year. mgp my hair began to turn g ray ▪ fan out. Af- ter the use of one WINO a Ares Halr Vigor my hair was v'eStClsd to its original Dolor and ceased falling out. An occasional applicatitoopp has once kept the hair in good c A. F. Fgltwtclt. Digby. N. 8. OrOW h of Hair. " Eighte..1 ago, I had the vario- loid, and lost my hair, which previ. ously was quite abundant. 1 tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, till I began to fear I should be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Hair V-igor, and 1 began at once to tine it In a short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair u before my, illness." - Mrs. A. Wcata. Polymnla bt., New Orleans, Ii AYER'S HAIR VIG0R • PAILITAJIRD aT M,1. C. AU & CO., MILL NVI$S., U .i. A Ager'* PUS& *sere fate& Hoslaelhs. conch* uln••lent sperm* s the ... -- ter of Public Works is bard to satisfy if. after listening to all thorn speeches. he has to have the written signature of the Secretu•y of State. 1 have read those son cites of the Secret • ry of r(ste. and tit- more I have read of them the stronger b ram•• my conviction that be had learned Talleyrand's t mow say- tng that 1(.eech has beet. given to man- kind to disguise thoughts. And my hon. friend the member for Huron *Mr. Pat- terson), trtih from a milder climate. has he else a geed the pledge' And what about the Minister of Militia hos be also signed the pietist. ' And also my hon. friend the Controller of Cue- tom.-cOppos!aon leughteri--1 apul•e- gtye te my hen. friend : he- Is alvei by hie position from the necessity of giving his signature. Now, sir. i imagine we have seen the rat of this misunderntandng There ,s a save lesson, however in r.1! tnei pru,_-emUnga. old the lesson Is this, that these gentlemen who alt T•Kef11eT ase statesm.-t. to the Government of Can- ada, why they have ala little confidence In each other that makes they are back- ed In writing note Of their own col - ',Agues will not take their word This Is the Government of Canada that we have In this House. You may verareh In vain the annals of •• ny I tltlsh e0u71- try. nay, of any civilized country. to find the like of that. 'there is one thing, however, which binds the hon. gentlemen together, and that la not the signature of the hon. gentlemen which was demanded by the Minister of Pete .T� 7.3i..rhe out the eament or em•'.R and, sir. If such be the case. I now bee to mov- the adjournment al the House. (Loud applause.) 81r C. H. Tupper spoke at length In reply to Hon. Mr. Laurier. Mr. M•earthy followed. I am not. be sLW, concerned to answering the challenge, nor have I a right to an- swer the challenge which the Mlnlster at Justk•e baa thrown down to my bon. friends who sit on the Opposldon side of the Hume. but 1 am here to say. speaking I hope, still as a Conserva- tive, as i claim to be. speaking to the mime and as representlsg the feellap of a great number of gentlemen on GAM side of the House. on the matter-4Cde 'tentative ciuserw)-we shall see before the Reston Is over whether my state- ment in that regard Is cornet or not; but we know now, at haat where tees Government stands and where the Gov- ernment stands unitedly. I cannot, for My part, understand what this three or four days' !ruble has been about what this difficulty has been. If the es - planation which is offered to the Reuss IS all that le to he told about It Why. ate, a very clear and definite statement ems made to this House on Monday last that the Government would con as early session for the purest* of won - immune the Remedial Order by a h1a which the Government. • a Glovers - os paw 7.1 lag is he laxed fee creme the settees of 11,,,, l.lding somewhat in what es has fatted to imprer rah orioles. • t...urier Well, Mr. $p••kee, If • mend spoke .O oloarty la a BRISTOL'S I PILLS Cure Biliousness, • Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Slu • ' .h Liver and all Stomach Tr. •'1:.1t•s. BRISTOId: j PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, - elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISTOL'S PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine. All Druggists keep BRISTOL'S PILLS -