HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-18, Page 1FORTY-SEVENTH YEA R.-2526 THE T-i•AVINO• NZWSPAP3R OF mrcri CON OOUNTY_ GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, JULY 18. 1896. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NEW Q011ENTISEMENTs-JULY 18ITHE WORK OF A FIRN) middle al October. one naturuay a. -s wage • woe, sad be agreed to tak.• the hous.• •t 110 a mouth for sax mouths, and wished to pay the real fur the ata emotive W adtence. The only things in the way int furni- ture that Haloes appears to have had taken to the Meuse were a bedstead sud mattrrms.by means of whicb he is sole paned to ben smothered .the cbildreu. ft was fettle( toward the latter rod of October when as expres.man delivered them gouda, wli-1 were seCoud baud and in a very poor cosmetioe. The first iutimatiou Mrs. Nutlet had thee Howard had not moved into the house was nearly two weeks after the time she rented it. when a party came to her 5uh.lg to lease the house. Mrs. Newel explained to her would-be teuaut that the 1104u10 bad been reuted for two weeks ■ud received a reply to the effect that it could not be so as do furniture wee in the place and that it wee to all ap- prarri:ea vacant. It ora. about tbe end of the month when the landlady received a key of tbe Leve from Mr. It,yvee, who said that Howard had left it with him. saying that he was leaving the house. Mrs. Nudel bad given two keys to How- ard and could mut uuderwtaud why be had kept the other one. The bouae wee rented a couple of mouths afterwards to Mrs Mardonald• whom Mrs. Nudel Duly al- iowo•d to stay in it a =untie aw stir .aye the peopferwere very poor and had not enough mousy to keep them in 'feel The cottage afterwards remained vacant un- til Mr. i. Armbrust rented it. Wbeu Mrs. Ifectilewald tts.k ptisewlon of the cot • tinge she found iu one of tbe roots a mattrer and pillow. ft was with these that Pitesel .mothered the cheldroe Mr. Armbrust is local manager of the Rt. Thomas Prow.tcial Provident (nate tit on, with offices at (.urr1 Cita Ade - Ia.a le -streets. He has occupied the Weise a nice April 1. His lease is for ate year. w.tb the privilege of exteraliug it to t'.,nr years. 'Tile (dace was very loan• i k« and eomlrrtable, and I spent a great deal of t,tne iu f.xiug it up and bringing .t te its present a4.{eareurree saki Mr. Armbruilt, "ami 1 ou't 1..k.• to leave it uow. We ca.mr here in April but we del me notice any-thiug until the warm weather set .:. Then, as the days bee- PunL• both- r, we cc-uId detect n el Alit smell :a tb. 1.itehen when we came down Pude- (aged Cowed Jaly 9416 is VieNei• Hal • 5I Killed 'Feriae -Davison & l:e ... .... 8 Nader harvest Wasted -Mrs Allem b bO-day Exear...--Hy. Arm0reag 5 Tooreete-W. C. Goode 5 theistic lariat R. B. *milk 8 Have i ou Read U.o, Porter ..... 8 soap-- The Fair .... . 8 l burcb Property 101 Sale --Keen (bor. Trustees ... .. ............. b (..b for Produce -H. E. Smell & Co5 lirekop Strsebas School for Girls... 5 Situations Valiant clamOslrssAL SSRVANT WANT - Ur .d et ease, MS A. Me». ALLAN. dolt TFCHER WAITID-FOR 5. s. No. EAt'aiMrme. Apple. 'te`l�qualifies- mess. ualifies- t wR* a the monury. A Meals% Oat. Propswy fbrr Sale. UTE'T LUX OF LOT IM. ON THIS 11 la is W . that t Most, at rat ; gra ODL d w *1 OT 004. NORTH STREET. 1.001)1.001)I J frame boats well situated, occupied by Mr.. Sharkey. (JARROW t PROUD h'OtIT d w tf I.IT 912. BROICK STREET. GOOD I frame house mid sable. oecuplld to K. Arinstr0a •. UaItROW t PROI: DP'')OT. `` MHER OF LOTH IN WILSON'S survey sad weir* parts of the tows. ()ARROW t 1`ROUDl00 r 41 SHARES OF THE FIRST [SSC' • et Hawn t Bruce test C*, (JARROW .l- PBOI'DI<OOT L•tiR SALE 9R TO RENT. -THAT dwmtnediaas house on Weer .1.. at pre. .sot occupied by Mr. J. Cameros. of the (011e - Cute 1011tltnte Staff. well situated, being onlr one block teem Harbor Park aad one block frnda Poet Ofdo.. (.n be rented partially fur e mbed. rim. moderate- Also for sale lou >r 21 ai and int, !teed'. survey. at $25 each . and lot 431 , 01 ger Toronto and Britannia Rost(. and IOC(, Harbor se at prices to *edit purchases. Apply to Mies PARSONS. Uod.rich, P.O. d-w-tf Spatial Hatless. ,O▪ O 40 OK 60 FEEETT OF tax Komi desireable -f}r none elft A sltlTH, w , t;tdertea �.- \fa.A1NS' BAKI.AINS! SVERY tt edeosi•3 and ti•turoac Clrb Ar duals delivered frees of Chante -at 01.. J. 0 TON'tl wruerd *tore, tiamilua.ot 01 tf 1EIiAR SHINGLES FOR SALE 1N • .a.tittee to awl . Velars let at the t0 o,dndae Flute. Colborne. ur at A. t+y,Iill:. stere. Goderich promptly attested tin 1R lm II/HITE 1.1ME--PARTIES BUILDING V .Would cry my White Lase. rhe steady .ole of it hes eeebted ,tie to reduce the prior. Tbe purity allows osrefourth inure mad W he mixed with it..o meals( it •cruear cheap- e r than any one r lime 1• the vicinity. Always oe Modal my oleos 01 beleme on E..t-st *Ott EDWARD SHARN( AN MUNROE, PAINTER, DECOP.- t.. .(TUR AM) PAPER HANDER. beer to announce that he is prepared tondo Om cls work et hie tine at modere.ta price.. as . ell orders isetru.ted to hue will receive prompt ateatios. Orden lett at Mearou ins( ksmlth deop or at the tesidee 0. nest door to shop. t emkrie Raid. will be promptly •r tended 1a. 21w lin L111i. SALE. - CHEAP, ON EASY r TERM•: 1* Cut half of lot Ti. osmt*Nion .i. West W.wrnosh. 100 scree A well improved tan u Lois r. o and earl It •obdivuion of Block fly. ('olborne, •tout el acres. TO LET -The slop lately occupied by the late Thos. 8mwy� Apply to M,(). JOHNSTON.Iwrbter, God. - rich 01 tr WANTED A good man In town to represent the . ro■tbill Nu of t'aaada" over J10 serer d.- lamest in the tlominien. Podtloa prrmasent. Salary or commission to right men. With the Iorreesiag demand for fruit a poai- ..on with us ss.aesn.an will pay you better than engaging in farm work. !tend us your at•plicatbe and we well show you how to earn goal money. school Teachers : It'sptst the thine for you ae,nng the Summer. Write for particulars. 1• lm STONXt WSLUNUTOTN.sto Public Mathias �• or[ci..- ALL PERSONS FOUND Fintake. trespassintamesgg, sfunm��mgy bade b .holism Prosecuted sunned Lw otherwise is ds re the Hut farm la Coo.. el s are h.e Sad the Drop. Mi anon ail the rolls lieserv.1• the tows eh.osof Godertoh and Colbera. S. (AMPION. Q.C. X. B.ECHLER, t - ere Solicitor Props A PI'E:ALB FROM THE COURT OF IA. IEE:Vl4ION. .t court for the se hearing appaab from the Court of Revision el the Town of Ood.oieh, will he had b01ste Hb Honor 11. L Iioyie..nnior ledge (W. of Hurea. on Meolay. the Tied day of July 1S0.a11I o'oba.m. is the lour floe's. NM. MiTCHCLL • (Clerk of Open sod mnalciel Clerk of town of Ood.iioh. -usia. MI88 ANNA 1.. SHAW, TEACHER 01 Meisie ale Timm -exptr1sid 'e'a Rem et C1apf. Panes.' W be MLL W. A. H. CUFF, ORGANIST » give «� Wp.ran ppg�, owl sal worm /air auralP Aso laser I11 IM DM, James Cott had as old f..hised true w weal. li Monday of thio we. e 91** law .f M berm legged mp Murch : (Ins eswthM Ina work asses M Ore R. Tervey ram b few with Ewa The resat wes mne.1 them wee • t neves Rs,. 5 A. Skew l sew the m wile Wm with • deMy a ba week. and Burled In s Cellar. The reeceel ■i eters sewed -The Children liremsbe t. Terence, ■erdered and Sorted There - The Murderer 1■ ratl.Nrpkla Jan. Toronto, July 18. -Last week wan pub liaised a lengthy article detailing tbe ar- rival here u( Frank Geyer, a detective rwutected with the Pb.leeletpbia polio* force, In search of a clue as to the stere` aborts of tett citildreu cawed Etta An- nie Pitesel, aged 13. and Nellie Pitesel, aged 11, the daughters ..1 Ilenjamiu Fite - eel of Philadelphia. Detective Geyer, wbo bed just arrived from Detroit, was san- gMiae that the two children had been brutally murdered and their bodies coo- cealed in this city by a man named H. H. Holmes. Who is awaiting trial in Philadellphi& ua the self-confessed crime of defrauding the Fidelity Mutual In- euratm•e Canu{wue of the Quaker City out 01 $10,000 by substituting the body of •a medical college ".ibjeet " for that of Benjamin F. P,tesel, the father of the to., ehildr.-a. who were believed to have been dour to death in Verneto. The paper publ marl the pictures of the tuyo children tied hill details of tbe multi- farious crime* alleged to have been com- mitted by Holmes, who kw 10 years past has been earniug a livelihood by aloud - ting numerative Companies. A. the result of the publication of thew 1,u -la ib the press. the bridiee of the too children wereyeeterday diet -over - ed buried in the cellar of a Misr at 16 St. ti tetii-et., rented by Holmes in Oen,- ber Jetober last. Tbe discovery of the bodies eosfirms the belief etae,rtaiued by the Pliladelpbia authorities, that Holmpes not only murdered the two children. but she. cremated in a house in Detroit. the body of their brother. Howard Pito WI. aged 9. and also killed Benjamin F. Pitesel. the father of the three child- ren. mud ,untie MIA Yinhie 1* Jimmie two women with whom be I ived u. Chicago. Mr. T. W. Beeves. who resides at No. Ix Rt. Vineent-street. IMP' the pictures of the two younk girl.. Mid .d Holmes .in The World, ands. s result. on Saturday morning 'rem- inimieSited with the detective depart - 8e•111. He stated that a man with two eh.ldr•n, answering for description of Holin.ra-sad elf tie lett-.sl children, re- sided for a week last October at No.16 Frt. Viucetit-et met. the bowie immedi- ately adjoining hel premiss. Art,ug upon the information com- municated by llr.Ryvos, Detective* Geyer and Cuddy yesterday n.orning paid a visit tai tbe home. which is at present ($c'faed by Mr. J. .lrmbrtst, and is owned by Mew. Nutlet, wife of Mr. Frank M. \.,del, ►•tour clerk ,d the educatime. depnrtwo,. Normal School. The boom is a quaint little tw-trstory eottag.. of au old mud simple style of arrlitecty re. Under the kitchen ia.an excavation which versos for a cellar. about 10 feet q uare and noir more than 5 feet is depth. A set of step., alruos.t perendicM- lar. lead to it from an old-la.hioaed trap- door in tbe middle Uf the kitchen floor. The detectives did not expect W find anything. They had atready dug up two or three cellars iu Bloor and other %t see to in search of the bodies, sad thought that thio would likewise be a will goose chis•. Tleey decided. bow - ,ver. t.. proceed witb tie iavestigatioa. They observed a spot where the sandy floor looked as if it had been disturbed, e nd ret to work with a shovel in tbe w.utl.gest cud of the cellar. la a moment more that something was laid bare. A dead, w hije home*/ hand and wrist -white. wan and bloodless. more like the model of a hand exquieitety moulded in pure wax teau a real basel- suddenly &bowed itself three feet below the surface among the .and. The inspector instructed tbem to se- ra', ,ue usde.rtake•r and It D. Hum- phrey of Tmge•strtet was railed In the preemie, of tbe detectives he con- tinued ottinued the work d dmearthing the re- md.ins and speedily unearthed tbe bodies o1 the two children. The earth of Gey- er was over. The cellar had given up it, dead. The attitude was that of re- ps.e rather than that of death. The feat urea -that is, sorb of teem as were risible were calm and tbe sial had pro babls assisted to a Certain extent is ares.tieg tbe course d decay, eltbongb both bodies were badly petrified. There could be no doubt from the circumstances that the grave wee dog ey murderous hands red from the re - mat deed. How the children were killed will pros. ably be developed a the result of the• plot -mortem which has beeu orderedby Coroner A. J. Jobte.rn. The hole et w b teal the bodies were danvered was about four feet quare and three and a half feet deep allowing • Ltd, over nor -hall it foot for the apses they oceapsed. The younger. child. Nellie. lay .n • crippled position with its tread to the northwest and its little legs point- ing almost north. white the elder child diad evidently bees eareleeely throw'', is on top o1 the other, sad its head poodt- img to the .oat haat and the legs parted 4ntl bridles wets in a terribly decom- posed state. the ecu. beteg ■Imoat atm recognisable, When a World reporter Wetted the cellar bee eyes met a most ghastly slight. There in a yawning hole in • owner of the cellar, right at the foot of the *even smell stens on which a 5*000. lay LN 0004/ a UM two intone cent little Iambi, who ,wen *lain by • fiend incarnate. The larger child was lying lace downward, bre matted hair beagle( over the right shoulder. The ssaaj0r child was lying as her right side and her plaited bait., which bad fall - es from her bead, while the earth aroma her was bebg dug away. lay le • little heap a iew Ochs.. from her fare. A hand lamp tarried by Detective (biddy east • wired ligbt over the lorribb masa Tie dreadful Mewl arising from the bodies was imlearribable. The eerier 01 the presses it wlkb the ladies wen toned i. Mew F. No4.l, who smliden at IN Heerylstreet. She Waled that she rested W Mom mem m time 1e Chaster bet is • tams who gees hie aims ea Bsw..d at $1 -ester i cams marl some time la the dlc- �.i and Could not to sere on two point. rhe mooed time 1 saw the children they `were in the back yard playing around. At this point Mr. Bylaws wee shown a tut of the girl, published iu The World of Saturday last, said said "1 puritive- J identified that d the picture of Etta Alice the other day by the odd winner in which her hair 'was eomhed down ever the metre of bee bro.w." There was so striking cb.reeteristic apparent in the shied Nellie, *u.d he could not be sure as tie her photo. "l saw an expfW wagon drive up one day," continued Mr. ayves. "and leave a large trunk sed bralstead. The trunk was taken into the home. but 1 think the bedstead •tuud on the verandah for is day ur so. The bedstead was serer n.utoved, but the trunk was taken away seem after it came by nue of t'.1:. Her- bert's erbert's wagons. 1 timet know the name of the exprememan, as 1 did not take much woke of hie warns. Our evening about 4 or 6 o'clock Holmes came to ter and asked for the loan of my •fwd.•, oie be said be wuuted to fix to, the cellar preparatory to pattiug in some potatoes. lir kept t.« spade over night and returned it sumer time during the Deet day. 1 bink it wan when he returned• the spada flat he told raft, lib g 1ter'• mother-in-law had taken sick. his sister wham compelled to stay and attend her and be thought he would have to give seethe Mouse." From de riopmeuta as to the w.•ve- mente of Holmes during the few days he waa beer, the date of the murder can be drl.nitely fixed: He erriced in the sty and registered at the Palmer Hous o*/ Oct. 18. The followeig day Mra.Pit'sel arrived, and tui thought aha time for that dry were devoted to lull.ng the es+p,cioss which bad been arising iu her m.nd as b. bur bresband's safety, sud getting her quietly settled ,n the Union Hotel. The dors be began to loot about 1•m lora piece milted to the carrying ant of hie plans. Au advertisement in a newspaper of a house to let caught his eye, and ten the following monriug, Oct. 20. be called oo Mrs. Nudel at 54 Henry -street acid engaged the house. To ber he told the old story of a widowed .inter which had done service when the home in which the boy Howard is thought to have bees Cremated was engaged in Forest-arenue, Detroit. The preliminaries were not lung drawn. the goewtioos were few. and when the nae mooth's rent of 110 bad bees paid and Holmes, or Howard. as he call- ed himself to Mrs. Wedel. had poseess•os of the k.•y.. kis only request was that. as his Cuter would be some time in get- ting settled. he did not wish any per- son to call at the hone for souse time. With • precaution for every detail he that kir deed would twos be accomplished and a thousand- m7Iiv oT more separate him from the bodies of his victims before a suspicion would arim. Satisfied that the house met hie rte quirementa, Holmes that evening left the city with hie wife, and spent Sunday at N.agara Fall.. where he reviewed in his mind the *theme which he was about to put into execution. He returned to To- ronto again oo-tbe following day and visited the house in St Vincent -street. accompanied by his intended victim.. whom he took away from the Albion Etta Alice Medd, aged 14. tbe mornings. For some weeks past we have Ruud t necessary every i .•rh- . nu to oveu out Cue w inflows and the dom. to ire( the freak a •r into the hoose. We woodeeel at the cause of the d a - agreeable artier, and family thought it must he .s the bole under the kitchen. We hail never used •t for a cellar. but tli.nght we would Orrin t out. We did in. but b•y.ud u few boards there was not nitwit there. We d.d renter. that three bee rde. or {dunks, 01 wh eh there were three or lour, had ec_d.•utly- l-ceo talo from the emir of the stall .n the horse stable. They were laid east and west in the corner of the cellar where the bodies of the children were buried We noticed that they wore not very eleno. having been taken from fix stab! ., and thought possibly they were the calve of the smeU. But we •omen leartlyd we were wrong. as after we re- moved the boards the smell Deman,• wore,. day by day. We had read of the Pitescl c311.• in the papers, bait nry •r had a thought that our cellar contained the solution of the mystery. and the first in- timation we had d it was when Detect tires Oeyer and Cuddy came to our house about 11 o'clock to -day " After Mr. Armbriot had been :n the hoar a short tome he derided to hare a fireplace erected in the front room. and the work ora. 5055 on w•th forth• with. Alter the e.cetio5 of the grate it was die.enverrd that the chimney did not draw well, and coo rareetiltating Mr. Armbratt found esat .t was stuffed with partly burned straw ani cl4bag of • pout and woolen material. He did not myna mss( cc the crc.irre:w. at he had found other. fns M C.otaIog see..,.,, .,._.. burned around the house nee thuugbt that 1..a predecessors bad •imply burn- ed the clothes sa a eoaTeoeut way d getting. rid of them. Of coarse the char- red swine that Mr. Armbrust laurel was the etoth,ng of the nuoviered chiidren In conversatmw with a preen reporter Neighbor Agnea said that i■ Octo- ber ntober beet be saw Roge.e about the Nadel rott.ge on at het three diflennt days. He road not remember the dates or the Jaye of the wee*, es tee bmc.dest occurred ' to impress anything particularly upon his mind. Os two tett .4 tie threw ncrseiosi the Pitesel girlie were with bins Mr. Ryeeo talked with Holmes, who be- came so etrangeiy eosmusieative that the former's euspkeinas were aroused d that his coming neighbor win sot pet what he ought to be. "1 told say wile that there ora. something •boot hies i did sot like, and that !epilog weighed) on me until be 0.d Bros awes. said Mr. Ry.... "11e filet day be .ane tee eb.ldeen were with him. its was doing snmething abort the how., end the children played about on the (rest vera04.1.. 11. told me then that he wee resting the horse for a .ieter I• Hamilton, who would more dews Is • yew day.. Then wee som•thiag Po' either almost the micae, but i did not think e.ytlisg shoed it at that eo.vetma- tics 1 think i saw him around the bee a week or is hates the first time we epos, the tie ease the .004,5s wets with bis. hot I a- em-awhat .wined Ne111e Meisel. aged 12. Hotel 4 T ..day and Wednesday be also tippet there, and while hie attest.- tion tteotion was turned to completing the de- tails of his scheme the two yo.wg girls pia.:v;:n:., 8.30 !:!ra with roto- 1sh laughter the home so sen to become the scene of their tragic eat and ghastly burial. The bedstead end mat- tress came end were left for it day or two coo the verandah to convey to the neigh - hone the impresrinn that some nue was moving in. None dreamed of the hidden plea, and to the children they had wider and happier meaning. They had not seen their mother, their lister or Dews., or the baby shire Alice looked through the bole in the newspaper whioS hovered the face of her murdered father in the Philadelphia graveyard and iden- tified hie body by his teeth, and they played and langbed and lived in the Confidence that mamma waa rotators. g ild wan going to bring Deena and baby with her. Mr. Howell, r Holmes called himself. had told them ao, and maid the bed was the find of the furniture which was to make this cottage s, mnrh like their own bone where they had last seen pepb alive. On the afternoon of the 51th, Holuem borrowed the spade from Mr, R,yr.s. That eases evenbeg.wbbe he returired to ale room at the Albion Rotel, his wife resarhed to him that his clothing was very dirty. Hones •zebeatiemn was that he Aad met msma friends whin won ao•aected with the Brion America Ae- enraaev Company asd had spent the day fishing with thea 10. story has bee. investigated by Deteetivse Geyer and Cloddy and proven to he • fabrica- tion. The true explaaatioa, led the teas chosen to have tad it. was that With the borrowed spade he had been digging the graves of the roues lem- mata The following moraine, he tailed. as was W emstom. at the Album Hotel for the shiMrea, taking them away soca after breakfast_ What teak phaco between the ham 01 entering Elm beam on tied more - lag with tie two uhildrra sad the time 01 basis( bank the spade to Mr. Blew M knew to Aoleame, mod oma owl( Mimi Hates whom esm- fen.ted will the *widows 01 murder whin Detastive Geyer kms asemidmAsl maim* is Ili trite the art bee weal. gm sago v. hagatmgmen et W ,-W-m nag tale the tram story of the crimes the er- ect mis.thed he pursued In accomplishing tura death at Oe Mathes will never be 40104/517 kaon While to Detroit }blame borrowed e large truak from Iasi Plarsel, under the pretext that her Noels ala alleged prof etre io the City had become known to the detectives, and that it war wore wary to ship him to Tbroatd iu a trunk. This truck Mrs. Pitesel did tot see again untie she had left this city and gone to the house lin Burlington. Vt.. which Mul- eteer bad furnished for her. It 1e11 into the hands at tis detectives of the city of Pbiladetpbtta, who discovered that one of the bands had been named SOLI a bole booed beneath it. Upon this discovery Detective Geyer based hie theory that a beam bad been rested i• this city, the children induced to get IoW the trtmk. when they were as- phyxiated. The facet that there is uo gas el the Nudel o stage relaters this theory unh+nabie. Cineol they were put into the trunk and ebboro(ornr•d to death, the only rat.onel theory appeere to be that they were @mothered w.tb the matte:ts. and {.Ileo after the man- oer d the celebrated Burke and Haire guarder. T.. render identilicutitxr almost :Lu- po...We b.uld the bodies be discovered. the fired stripped the bodies of every vtet.ge of teething before he rolled them .uta the bole which was to be their tem- porary grave. The Moth ng was them burled. but the bed and toattrese were left .atact. When Mrs. Armbrust was dr*n,ng up thou hoose before moving in :n April. air found remnants .4 the cloth- .ag of the children .0 the fireplace. under the and in the kitchen awl in the wad hoz. Mrs. Armbrust paid little ett.nt,e.o to the half burnt shred. mud threw them into the lane. One thing she doer. re- msetnber, and 1 bears .wt Else atatem•-r t 01 Mr. Ryves, that the eh.[dreu w.•. • themed in dart: clothe., and that i•, that the mr05eaal Lag dark. PARTICULARLY FOR WOMEN. The lees fair • woman has the more time it takes her to do it up. There will always remain something to be laid of women a. long .. there V one on the ear th. Mg. Siddons was large, with very strik- ing features and an air of great personal d.gniti. Mos de .400tesp•o had beautiful eyes. Several of the poeta of her time .,:lebrated their praise. Jezebel, the t jusen of Ahab, according to one of the ,rabbi., had ' blank eyes that were set on tire of hell." Miss Emerson, of :Jan Flake. Yaa.Ap-. polished Commimeser of the United States Court of land Caine lately. She kept the gift of the fairy the beauti- ful gift -to the end : and whenever her heart touched another .he found the heart of a frond. I:lack alk muslin sad chiffon flowered In G ott colors and large pattern. make lovely summer gowns for matron.. They are nude up over black taffeta and reenire very little trimming. There is a peculiar superstition attached to the London theatres whicb is not gener- aly known : it is that should anyone whistle is the dressing -room, the actor nearest the door will lows his or her position at the theatre. The Baroness Burdett l'outta, who is sweet 81. continues to wear her evening gowns decollate, To repair this error io taste. the good lady sever appears without ell leshtoned lace mitts on her hands and many splendid rings on her fingers. They do say that loyal subject• of Her Majesty tent up their name. in London when they wee the dowdy frocks worn by the Duchess of 1 ork. There isn't so bad a dresser in the whole royal crowd aa this y. ung woman, who might take the lead ec Cryo here. 'The dem•id for horse meat has grown to such an eltent 10 Germany that it IS be. 10011105to 1,e ditbcalt to supply it. HorsS« for butchering now cost from L'S to El0. where formerly they could have been pare chatted for one -teeth that amount. It is now propnssd to import horseflesh from the United States. Few wives of public men have been more helpful to their husbands than Mrs. 1.1Sd• stone, who has never entered into what might be termed the political phase of the ex Premier's career, tut she has been the constant companion or his leisure hours and the chief promoter of all his pleasures. Mir Powderly, the American secretary t• 1.ady Henry Somerset, is not related to the labor agitator. She is • New England woman with • college education, whose tale eats and abilities are many. She is a lin- guest, musician, stenographer, sad type- writer. besides being • beautiful p.swema'. Some remark•lele figures are plum as !o the popularity of nursing am as o0eupatloa ties among women. at 050 of the large leadoo hospitals upwards of 5.000 applica- tion. have been made to eater the Newsier Training Home during the tact veer. At • tether London hospital more than 900 ap- plbeatlese woe reeayed within two mouths this year. A woman weighing 183 1h. eloped from her husband at Fame in 4.•rmany, lately. He feud out the train she hid taken, and MI.arspbed only her strict weight to the official. at the other esd of the Ilse, telling them to arrest her. When the train came la, every woman on it win takes to the baggage -room and weighed : the runaway was at mem identified sad seat beak to me Amassed. PRIVATELY DISCUSSED. thisiereale=esais (..gibWilly 5s Moirrwt, Jely lb. --Theft is still • rood deal of talk here 0/11•5 all Amu.. over the recent debpabhee whish appeared in se mea Canadian papers. rs:ve to the mum of Misle r. G. H. Kort. of thtawa, from Bright's disease. Althosrh the merits el the ease ham ant hese opanly dteemmed M any 01 the -nelase of the seediest society, there hasten a geed deal of private meer- em a and the ise,r.mlea whisk the report el the resevery hes made is *viewed is the fact thee • geed seamy phyaleime have prescribed D.ld'e Kamfy )wee- ties.ft i. their private wee - ties. Ns kigbr /mwany them tk1 weld he awe 1m any reemdy, ole rsioe0ass of mensal ems M .dmt0 as geed 1■ prepr Mry seedies m( ekabeiweb. !semi. OVER THE HURON TRACT. The °plat tram the Local MW A Weekly OWN of Comely •ewe nerved) up to Nit E body - risk ■ id reins Slipped sad Condensed Freer Every Section. Clinton . W. Podmore shin • quan- tity of sheep and osttle to the lid l Wintry lett week. Chutes 1'. Meir gor shipped • carload of horses from 1ruc.beld to the Old Coun- try last week. Ethel: Before leaving Ethel Rev. Mr. Kelltngton was presented with • purse con- taining 419 as • farewell gift. Brussel* : Messrs. Beaker & Vawstone shipped 10,000 pouods of wool from }trus- t ee last Monday. thus season's purchase. ltruasel. Mrs E. C. 'Seaford, who hat been lied up for some time with an abeam in her left side, is still under the doctor's care. Clinton Thos. F. l'albick, formerly of town. has been appointed oomstable at Stev- e/ton, B.( , at a salary of 1100 .ad fees per montfrusth. seb : Oa. evening last week while playing football with some companions, Fred. Hunter fell and broke his right arm sear the wrist. Clinton The other night while Thos. Fleming was driving home, his horse ran away, and he was thrown out, getting his hand badly bruised. Bruwsb A hen belonging to Mn. H. .lames stole her nest • few weeks ago and in due time presented her owner with • family of 17 little fluffy chicks. t\'ingham Mr. and bra Chas. F. Potts and two daughters of Ogamaw. Arkansas, 1'.5., are guests of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Voubill. the permits of Mot l'ott•. Wroxeter : Oa of 80 applicants for the principalship of the Wroxeter Public school, J. Wilson., of Atwood, was.ucoe.sful. The Galey is fixed at W'18, whicb is very good. }trowels : John elci sae, of this place, had the misfortune to fall recently and break his Dollar bone and inure several of his ribs He te able to get about again now. Clot'n : In the window of Allen & Wil- ma-. drug store is exposed a humming bird's nest, found on the farm of W. Weir. It is • cute affair. w estaiaiag two diminutive MIL Wiagh•m : F. G. Sp•rlins, Oe Monday afternoon, caught four heautiful black bee, one of them tipping the scales at 3 lbs and 2 oi.e.. •pd the others weighing from 1 j to 2'. lbs. Brussels Knox church congregation pre• seated Rev. 1). B. Molise with 125 and the silver baptismal-hasa recognition of his willing service in the position of Moderator in connection with their congregetlou. Morris : Last Wednesday evening the home of Samuel Harr was filled to overflow- ing with guess, invited to witless the nup- tials of his youngest daughter, Mies Eu• ;Amnia, and Walter Yuill, a well-known young gentleman, also • resident of Morris. St. Helens : W. Fowler lost • five-year- old daughter from diphtheria, a short time ago : they have been much cried in having all thetr family ill with this terrible malady, end they have the sympathy of • large cirole of friends bn their bereavement and trouble. Croy : i►noean Nclbsald, 1st coo , dis- posed of 20 head of tine steers to Meier.. Scott A ,Jones. They were delivered at Brussels on Monday and averaged 1,355 pounds. The price paid was 4, Dente, mak- ing a total of 41,286.50. Mr. Mcl)onal3 has 30 head left yet. All are dehorned. St. Helens Cornelius Smith received the sad intelligence last Saturday week, from Manitoba, of the death of his fourth son, .lames, from water on the lung : this is • doubly sore bereavement, as it s w fethan two months since his son Reid was drowned, and great sympathy is felt for the bereardd family. Exeter Gregory Tom, son of Jas. Toms town, who holds a lucrative position as teacher in • Collegiate Institute in British Columbia, arrived in town on Tuesday, and will spend the holidays here. IVs under• stead that Mr. Tom is after more than his bestth,•nd that he will rob Exeter of one of its fair daughters. Brussels : Early last Sabbath morning Oa sprit of Mrs Knot. Hunt wee beckoned away. The old lady, who was past 84 years of age, had oomi1 to Unmet. • few week. ago to visit her daughter, Mrs. .1. Y S. Kirk, wed although everything was dons for the old lady, e6* passed quietly away, ooasotoos to the last. Porter's Hill While .1. St•okcome and H. Rutledge were eogeged in moving • house oa the premises of the latter, and were in the sot of driving a stake in the ground,ihe head of the mallet flew off,strik beg 3tankcome just above the wrist, brook- let' the little hose in his .rm,whiob will ley him off work for some time. Loodeeboro . Mn- Smith, wife of the section foreman, who had been sick for • few months passed quietly away oa Friday. Then was • funeral eerie. at the hoose of Thos. Adams, sonde, afternoon, asd os Meads, the remains were takes to London by the early train fee eat rwemb. here. Smith had recovered partially, and had bees op to the village Does, but took • re- lapse_ Clinton : This week Mr. Houston, of the (Sollegbte, received • telegraphic offer of the prinapa ship of the Portage 1. Prairie Collegiate, et • salary of $1,500. Notwbth- .Mading that this is oonsidetwbly higher thea be is w repaving, Mr. Houston 3. teem to mimeo here. and the people are fefbemaM is aft retaining the s.rviem of so Meitimb a prbeipst. Resisield • Mre. J. H. Simp.n. planed • ••respkegr esore.eat ever the Andy of her ISM d, Roc. J. H. Stemma in Raird's eemstery, last week. It is el • .1q.. Agip, with the AGMs pissed entep leering lin last Met. The Wane nee may speaks .f validity but et beauty, std wee 3o n et this! a mere seilsble eirmolsre meld he armee, ever ear lac pewter thea the ane Mea Ilhrpeen has put Uwe.