HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-4, Page 88 THi SIGNAL : GODKRICB, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1116.
Books You Should Road :
"The Moral. of wi ria, • *election of his Prose Works, edited by Walter
Cloche. Cloth, :TOL
" BI'.id. the Bonnie Briar Bush, by Ian M ac (.ren. Cloth, fi1. 2:i
" Itoota, t in Dishonor,' by Hartley Carmichael. Paper, 76c.
"Seine Everyday Folks, by Eden Phillpottu Paper, 7.5c.
" Etchings Pruni a Parsonage Veranda," by Mo. P.. Jeden. Graham, illus
traced by J. W. Beugough. (,'loth. $1.00
More closes summer mobilo at 6 Welsch.
Teisphens outhouse aper until d deloe4. where evening papers will tie dWr.outed.
From ourowneorroopondiats.
There 4 rar vatastem Nee Thai Cannot be
e...d day where pee -lien• al lbs
leanly epertalar 5 .wti.J
our The sewn.
W. regret that our budgets front
Dungannon, nnon, i ruce6eld and Kay field uid not
reach the Aloe until eo late on Wednesday
.fternoum that they could not be inserted
•sue week
w ICON moms. AIM �.
H...s:t a &ssta.111 M - -U- r WWI •
a i tett=..
Monty, bridge inipetge. wee is lags
last wees
Mrs klsckt•urh and family are •t the
f . N• hotter, of the Conduce free Prole
v w In town Monday.
:sem. Hoene .ad John Herd, left 1111116
week is e trip to Algoma.
Wm. Betas is nutmeg a milk dery is
town, whtch pays him well.
J.. Pollock has palated has 'ummr
hotel • beautiful pea green Dolor
R... Thib.ude.0 and wife,of kenmiller,
were in town • week ago Sunday.
Mr. Howard, ra: or sberp.aer, spent • few
days here, and perhaps he will aril again.
The English church 'uad•y school, bold .
their picnic oo Tuesday in Mr. Jewett's
tome and ass Ririe McLeod, the leading
barber, *ben you want • nue hair cut or
W. N. Walker, the Nadine upholsterer
had mattress maker, is doing an extensive'
Let weak fir ..mane. TM Mss day et
is this *leased wee es exciting Doe,
as six seethe Mlles this I<i smeaa►er, Mw
Mis ew, Md pearled • prise to the
bast writer is .mob ohms So. es
Friday *soh of the pepile did a sample
.e writesg which was carefully .rammed by
a mmsmb.r of Uoderich tewb.re, and decieioa
as follows Beet us./ uotur 11-, N.WA
eeag Seater III, Limie Kmiec t Senior
11, Bi•aoie Sallow.: Jamie 11, George
Buss. The 5th sad Senior 4th imam
did pot take part is the comma as they
were writiag co their ex.minstiow in I:od..
nob that dry.
Moe DAY, July 1.
Miss Barrett, of fort Harm. t. the Rueet
of Mrs. lobo F. Sullivan.
Thomas O'Neil, of T..water, .pial Sus -
day under the parental roof.
Mira John Dalton, of Seaton -1e, is spend -
Mir • few drys with her enter, Mn. Jerry
There was no service in the RC. March
Imre Met Sunday owiaa to the Wages of our
School closed here last Friday, Mies Sul-
livan, teacher, returnee, to hoe hem. in
A number of our Lake Sborrs attended •
Amos on the 12th con. eat Friday night.
They beiag • jolly crowd • *moat time
woe Meet.
Meese. and Mies Rowlett, .f Wal-
ton, are enjoying • f.w days pleasant
visit to frieods in Lanes sad Kiap6ridge.
They think • great deal .e the piece mid
people, for when leaving they were heard
singing Yes, I'll return •pia."
T*IIOAr, J;Iy 2.
Harry Stowe, of Gadertab to visiting in
our village.
Miss A.r a Rutherlofd,- of Toru to, is
home ,Or tke holidays
mate • number of Blm.valites attended
the First of July celebration m W roxstwr.
Rev. J. Pring preached hie farewell err-
, moa before le•vtnp for the Nile last Sam -
Frank Kegg•m left oo Wednesday, for day.
Cleveland. W• were sorry to res hand one hundred and two tickets were per-
le•vmg town, as he is • jolly rood tallow. chased for the excar oe to C•uelph Net
TM Seilea Army band, consisting of ; wwk
several ladies, rev. • mead concert here on SHEPPARDTON.
Friday evening. The town hall wee well MD. DAY, July 1.
filled, but a larger crowd would have been The tallow u the a rt d the etsod-
oot. tf they had known bow rood it was. wg ppoo
tog of the pupils of M.M. Na 11, Ashbeld,
The Fiaytield brass bend under the master for the month of June, 1896: Sea. 11
ship of Rorie McLeod are advaoeiag Kaes McNee, Bert Foster, used Morrie.
rapidly The boy, are surprised at them Norman McGrstten. ,1un. IV.-Fiorsooe
selves dad how well they an play to such • Grehsm, Bert 1.ordou, Alex Boris, Harry
short time. They expect to be ready for mew, Alio. Dougherty, John Brindley.
IIL--Lily Campbell, Nana Burrows. Mead
Yawns, luny Ember. II. -Nip• (.r.►•m,
Jamie Graham. EDITH WIu..INN.
public service in • few weeks. Hurrah tar
the garden parties '
The Summer voitore are arriving alr..dy
and • Iarg* number w expected. Ileum
Erwin and Swarth received • tow last week.
Everyone should patronize Hayfield this
year as it is no doubt the leading Summer
resort of Ontario. All the hotels have
@pared no pains in making their dwelliep
and &c,•omhiadanon first-class
"Children's lisp' was celebrated on Sun-
day Zest in the Metbodi.t church, and every
Dunlop, June 28th. 1896
Master John Tobin sundeyed u Godenoh
Mrs. Holland, of Goderieh, was • tran-
sient visitor here this week.
The rats of Nat week was the grandest
one present was highly pleased with the blessing our farming oommuni,.y has had
singing and display. The church was the year. It h•e saved the orops,and pros-
boautifully deoorated with flowers and
wreaths. The children dad e.tr.ordin•nly
well,stuging time sacred emus. The choir,
under the leadership of Miss Anna Wbid-
don, gate fine music. Miss Emma Morgan
sang a delightful eoio, accompanied by Mies
Erwin with the autoharp.
pests ase good for • fate yield.
Tra.oar, July 2.
Toe Tie Stream:. The cluster of the
half year term of 1896 was marked by the
unexpected restgnaUen of the teacher Mise
Pott, of lolborm. 8.8. No. 9, after • ooe-
m.otio0 of two years and . halt. The lady
PORT ALBERT. ' leaves this motion to take • metras of study
TrIND AY, .lel 2. at the Normal in Toronto. Quite • number
.Ii. m 1S. Hawkins is home train �tish of the parents sod others met at the school
I'olumba•. and presented her with an address and an
lea MoMlhan, of .1. Morris' stow, wheeled I Oxford Bible slops with • oopy each of
to the village last Sundry. Scott's and Mhskespe•re i poem•. The pre -
Oliver King, the foremen of the work at sentatiou was made by throe of the•cholsn,
the pier, moved Fist Inst week. Winans Shaw, AM:. Clutton, it , sod L
Barker. E. N. Shaw read the address, to
which Mies Potts, though much overcome,
made • suitable repay. She thanked the
donors tor the gifts which would ever
remind her of the time she wes with
the school She gave to each scholar • mud
of remembr.aes. Q. H. Williams, aret
teacher of the school on it opening sieves
years ago, filled the duties of toe chair.
SpeeoMs were make by F N. Shaw, Jake
Horton and A. H. Clutton, r., whe spoke
with eget d the departure of Mies Pott
from them, and of the roodthe
scholars had made. Q. H. Wilprasrma• sang •
song relative to the duties of • @obol•r and
te•ahsr that caused much merriment, pro-
eaediag� closing with the elegised •• God
be Wits You till we Meet Again." Leave
taking and hand @baking followed, and the
Donley school closed for the Sommer holi-
day@ of 18%. The •ddrees was aimed by the
friends of the mesiou and reads as follow.:
To Mw M. Potts, teacher S. 8. Na 9,
1'olborns We the palet, sad others i"•
termed, on the eve of your departure from
our midst, .xprw our deep regret that you
ha.e resigned a position which you have •o
ably tilled during the poet two years and •
hall. We are pleased to say that darting
that period the progress of the school hes
h... rood. Weer psssssient faithfulness in
your duties, weer tiroanistammes meet try-
ing, hes .need for you the reisset.f the
•schen, while the loving gristles' Mame
ter you have displayed, must prime en te•
motive to the sehelue ie til to cams
Please accept from es thew he.bk gifts,
to remind yen d the pried meet here.
Our good will mil blsssiee me with yew,
sad we here every somas win attend yen
le the hem. We new bid yen farewell
"Be to.. faithful ante death, and i will
give yen a "mem se Yb." ee1M the iewd.
11'111 8a-m1e skipped out last S.turd•y and
left • number of inquiring friends.
Harry Hawkins and ester vested re-
latives and friends up North last Sunday.
Mr. and Me. Oliver Mose, of Clinton,
spent Sunday at the house of the latter'@
Miss Martha Leigh. of Belleville Deaf
and Dumb Institut, a spading her holi-
day* at her home.
D. McPhail, of Ripley, has the ooutr•ct
tor the work of repairing the grist mill.
It will be raaotest assist this week.
The aew pier a quite as •ttr•oties and •
decided improvement in the balm lila It
le vwtd daily by tarm partes from the
tares surrounding townships.
The ooasteble gave Bail Seale a neighbor.
ly lift on his jemmy. cm Saturday, but he
bang grieved at the loss of his friend in-
dulged freely in (.odeneb eagle leg lied as
en • former oee•sioa lest his wry home.
A freed brought his team and part of his
rig house on Saturday aiabt and the con-
stable arrived bone in time to o.lebrete
1)•mintoe 1ly bore. It was his tae to
Audi it.
We are told that the deputatroe that
visited Ottawa frees Ashfield hen meoured •
mall greet at present. tied the promise of •
farther greet M January wflieient to build
two or throe handed feet to the South
ppiierr. No doubt they would have found it
difficult to assure this great but for the a
instance of oma of ear villagers who premed -
ed the dolorous sae went. They were thus
able to meson shim Meissen* promise at
Theron%, July 2
A rsk.11Ms 11faewm 'him pest week h..
pit • Mead mile es she Ises et the forums.
as the crops w sesMa6g M le.t Y .gate.
The fusser "saneshe hes el late hese
sash • - Mese se the people of this rool-
aity is, we .e Messed te beer, Wiles his
made se the ?awed
Riess" fro* .t
Surgs, mend el 8ws the sakes of the
l.i.... (.seg say he osmium s de so.
The pupils sad beadier .i 8.
Whores ding op adheid weab es "Meg
11 F
Josses Rapes sled slaw., Eva ..d
Amis. freer (Castes',. OMNI rekuve.
hero this week.
Quits • womb. 'f mer enjoyed
t eleser, July 2.
Horten yfi5i ` t$wasf ri en the
During July and August we will close our Store at rix
o'clock each evening, except Saturdays. Thi+ arrangement may not
be satisfactory for those who are in the habit of shopping in the
evening, but the inconvenience taunted by the early closing way be
more than compensated fur by looking after the Bargains we will
offer from week to week.
What We Advertise
We Carry Out.
46 -inch Black Henrietta, worth 65c.,
for .50c.
40 -inch All Wool De Beige, in light
and dark greys, regular price 33c.,
for _'3c.
Black Nuns Veiling, double fold, for
All Wool Blue Serge for Boys' Suits,
regular prise 35e., for $5c.
Unlaundered Whits Shirta, sizes 14,
141, 15, 15i, 16, 161, regular price
75c., for 50c.
A table full of Untrimmed Hata,
worth 40c., 50c.. and 60c., for 25c.
American Flannelettes, new
fast colors, at 121c.
Extra value in White and Grey Cot-
Take a look at our 5-0ent
Embroideries, Extra value
this Meek.
4 Points
In Our Shoes
NB Pal ?art!cillar AllollUoll 10:
1---COl[ FO RT
THE OLD STAND REBecause no one will wear a Shoe that doesn't fit his or
- OPENED 1 -__ her foot comfortably.12 QUALITY
Because it must be serviceable.
I hays moved bask late the Stere near corner of West street, farmarly .eenpied
by D. if. CALBICK, ad ma now chew • New and Well -Assorted Stock of ►S-41 TYLE
Wall Pager .t Prices t. moll
100 New W isdw Shades to hand : price. Lew.
Silverware at W bol.e.M Prices
Spoofed 'Value to Not. Papers and Envelopes.
Special Value to Bibles, Albans, Blank Books.
Alpha Inks, F:xtr. Quality and test talus in
the Market.
80Om °1f G.R.SHANE &C0.
of the Celebrated
pat in your bones. This u what Doe of our
citizens says about it:
Goderioh, March 15th, 1896.
JJoir.arJ Form,,,,
(ientl.m.p, --1n answer to your reym.es
of the let suet., I have to say, them my
Howard Furnace Is • combination of hot
water op stain and warm air down stairs
The consumption of fuel has been ler than
we formerly re.luired with two opal stoves,
sad the Winter now almost past, h•e been
an unusually severe one, yet we have beep
unusually comfortable in every part of the
house. It is eo mealy m•.•gst and so
. imele in manipulation, that we have kept
the house at an even temperature of about
70 degrees all Winter, day and night. Snob
is its oon.tructioo that we have so dost or
gm eso.ping, sod altogether we dad it as
n early perfect in everyrespect as it is pos-
sible to get • Furnace. 147 Furnace was
pat in by your Agent here, Mr. 1. H. Wer
sell, in • most atiet•ctory manner, m toot
so much so that when completed and ready
for firinr up we have not required him to
touch anything •bout it cine, so perfect
hes his work been an every respect. 1 ooly
woodier now tbet we got along at •11 so
long without • Furnace, end I would not re
hook to stoves if I got them and the mai
every year for nothing.
nue respectfully,
At.E.. Ma -D. ALLAN.
if you think of having • Fern•in pet ia,
call and res us and we will be pleased to
give you w estimate.
Heightsaid Fur Haim: ow 8ramtrr.
arae. • nesOWty.
D..Wem Dry in picnic parties to llewmil-
km gad Peist Farm.
Qavw-H !stirs. The I:e.. Robe. Hes•
dense, pastor of lidos sad Ashore,
prowled here on S..day and cited the o•a-
ie 0000eotton with the K.y. M.
•asp's resignation. All intere.td were
✓ eglested to •ppe•r at the mania* Presby,
eery mo.tinm in G.derioh ea Tuesday, the
9th bast., at 10 A. w .... A o•egr getiese1
m••tiom is to M held Moed•y evening of
n ext week. (.....ascie mortise cm Sunday
at 11 A. w. i' tory •rvlo. stn Friday
at 2 r.u. The Rey Mr. Fairbairn, of pan-
tomime, will preach the sermon.
SAMBATH BALAA.war.. Suaday evemas
some parties unknown, supposed to be from
the circular town, lighted • Ire to the
boob stew the lake .t the bowad•rie• of
Dunlop Mud i.eebers. Tb. remelt was that
throe termers were kept from their farm
work for two days sad • halt to pee ens the
8e, *•*sing all automated_ great inooeveni-
sees and lees of time. Had the rain not
have Dome to their aid, the result would
have Mem very serious es everything to the
the words is sa dry.
AI READY IN MOTION. --From the local
press of Peterber. Co., Oats, we same our
former resident, .. B.vblr, jr, and his
*nonesir, es Gkrdhaveaill, ve &Ir.ady start-
ed their saws bawds'. They are settles
quite • simssiber of bleb I. and have •
large beerdiss beam for their verbena
w arty wished. They will shortly have
essibr.w.W es the beam when Josh
Rest .ad smear ewers keds tMh holidays.
So far the work at the kasha lar sake have
hue very susseeduL
Less thu ess-olid of the skim who
wry oboe.s samosa mass them thew
3LcLZl. '8 BLOCS.
We don't keep Straw Hats -
We sell 'em.
Speci.al Inas Today
to 45c.
to $1.75.
BATHING SUITS, an immense
range, from 10c. to $3.00.
Or. Mastroal-8t. and Square.
Trrf Fa i .r,. WNr sou QaAissm
Maw ., nrrnilr'lty
y,le Gopal Bicycle @%. tow.
Brantford. Ont
earn FOR OerA4-Oe0e
G. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent.
00D R. ONT.
vrM M at cow ss.Wia nemeteeet,. 1..
Irl **iiia.
Because everyone wants a Shoe to fit the eye a9 well
as the foot, No one wants back numbers.
Because, while we fit the foot and the eye. we must
tit the pocket too, and we can do it to perfection.
Fac Repair* a Specialty.
$. B. POLLOC$a
Pink and Light Blue Prints
Pink and Light Blue Creponnes
Pink and Light Blue Percalineo
Pink and Light Blue Chambray
Pink and Light Blue Crinkles
Pink and Light Blue Brocaded Charnbrays.
Cresol Cashmeres
Cream Serges
Cream Bengalines.
Ladies Vests --5c., 8c., IOc., 121c.,, 15c , 20e., 25c., 30c., 40c., 50c.
Ladies' Hose -4 pairs for uric.
Ladies Lace Mitts, Colored and Black.
A lot of Ladies' Capes at Tess than Manufacturers' Prici-.
Parasols -90e., for 65c.
A lot of Ladies' Gossamers at Half Price
The Great Carpet and Los Curtain Irarallioius et tae County.
Our MR DOBIE has just returned from the East, where
has secured some special Bargains in
General Dry Goods,
Gents' Furnishings, &c.,
300 Ladies' ample Hats,
Ribbons, Flowers, Laces,
Handkerchiefs, etc., etc.
"Prices Aral Bele 11
CaII and investigate.
Yours respectfully,
Eo 114. Square, Godericb, - - P. O'Dea's Old Stand