HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-4, Page 7- _.4111 to .11'LY 4 7 &Ada PORLIC BUILDINGS trim jaw tbe cream of Cod-liver Oil, wiv HypOpliomphiteS, is fger CO Co Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Loss of Flesh, Emaolatlon, Weak sables, Crowing Children, Poor Mothers' Milk, Scrofula, Anaemia; In fact, for all conditions call- ing for a quick and effective .ouriiluneier..s:ewd jar yb.. 4/ct. FREE. Mid a kssne.ka/sraa Aa wtq jsls, M. a M• NfTMat•L !•f EMIL SP Means: caseNs •baasder. a l'ealbettesee reline sells Slee Lawful lath se she Earldom. Montreal. June 3S. -Mr. Charles Ater: - ander, (•oate•tloner of Se Jam••,.-etre•et• and :he promoter of a dozen charltt•! la Montreal, beet been proved. after years of rowan -b. to be the lawful heir of Alexander Carl of Sterling. and al- though the respected Montrealer and ex-M.L.A., Is sinew' four score be may yet enter into le sse.alon of the vast estat. In Sentland, ,ncludfng the famous Stirling Castle. all of which h.0 been In Chancery for many a tong year. Mr. Alexander says very little about the matter. and any one seeing the old gentleman at bis dally work In obs St Janwe str• et estabitehm••nt would .Comely believe him to be the lawful possessor of these rich Scottish estates, the value of whleb runs up into the int/lions. A Montreal lawyer will pro- ceed to London In a few weeks and It Is generally believed that this great property of the noble kart of nursing will to inion taken from Chancery and placed at the dierosal of a man weU worthy of such magnificent poimessiomi. Several of the Montreal shipping men are about to draw the attention of the Ottawa authorities to the early com- pletion of the Illinois River Canal, and they state that this *hem.. will lower the level of Lake Michigan. It cannot but have :. ' ' effect upon navigation on the St. Lawn nee and Canadian lakes. La Minerv, publishes the tollowing• "We are among those who doubt the Deport un.nese of publishing the docu- ment, that were In Bishop (.ravel'• poseeselon. but have those who make mach of that pnblleat on the pretence for a violent campaign !retest the Roman ('atholles ever reflected that Om mom's/tams of the Presbyterian Sy- nod and Methottet Conference were not only more Inopportune. but were expresaly_hatended to de•prtce the.. very same Roman Catbolits from hav- ing justice"' The name of the cattle for .man who tied so suddepy yesterday w .s James Kearney instead of Harkins, aa at Bret l supposed. Deceased was born in To- route. _ t awAIM Malan along e. ,4 That Mepertat U. Wail lRaloam•sett lest . ti reed and teased p pry la des OI. rfeat eet. Ballard Smirk cables Tbr New York World as follows: According' to the 1.test information tJ-night, diesel taloa •i11 tale elaee melt week. The bens of the McCarthy party have near- ly all returned t. Ireland to make pre. ppworat•oer for the strnpf:rle. Mr. Mer Crrthy b -night issued as appeal to 1rel s,,d t, start a e xrial •l.•ctiow fund. and 1 bear talc F.dward Blake. M.P.; formerly of Canada. has opened it wit,. a p•te❑aal subseript.ion of 16000. , Blake will probably be asked to contest Derry City. which the Xatioualista hope m to win iruthe Tories. , TaI1LteTrflitt%i MIT Ile • t Plaoullarltlme Brought Out In the Hones Yesterday. A P.N. NI III. F1171J $ 1111111 fa a Tows et MM Sae Deem ate Weed- ! eked' wile • revelation et mese- aIU*a meat Mali Usrb. Weeds - tag as ea an goer WN - we Tedder. ' Ottawa, June 28 -It was decided Jr* terI*jy that the Housewould mit sit tee nda,f, Dominion Day Yr Footer, replying 10 a questmou, said that the amount guaranteed by lir. tigilvie on account ul the Excluuge Rank amu 1100,000. les pathos of which had Meet, peed by Mr Ogilvie. The amount r••uaiuiag unpaid, raelttsive of interest. a $7171,026 The correwp,udeure had been Oared iu the Bande of the Minister of Justice, but it w•a, only lair to 'state ou Mr. (Kiwi.'. bebop that he entered an objection to the payment of the money on aconite of • question cewuerted with the general distribution of the receipta. Mr. Elgar asked what was beds* done to alert the uimutiasw,u.•rs appointed by tar United Sham Crean to confer with a similar 'number .ret behalf of Great Bri- tain or Cattail,. on the .ubjeet ut water- ways from the (}teat I al.*a to the uremia. Mr. Haggert replied that it was date Met to get corumu tny,n to ret as the United /gates representatives were to act without pay. but Canada would ap- point three commi...often ale, without Py. two of them from the department mai one associated with them. Mr. McMullen enquired why the civil alt against et. Lana was to be post - lamed until Ort 16. Sur Hibbert Tup- per/it/tad that it was to allow the judge to keep hie other engag..mrute, and wa• not door at the temjtted ..1 the Crown. Mr. lindens- inquired ..1 the Postgame ter -General a sten the celebrated Loiaellr report was to be brought dowu. Sir Adolph.. Caron, with a very em- barrassed rouutemace, said the rrprrt was being sent to the $unary (d Estate to be brwgbt dowu t„ the Home and then he would make a statesmen'. The }louse went into Committee of enie ply atd spent an b..ur on au item of $10,000 additional Ler dredgit.g the Harbor of haoiniatfquia, Out. Mr. Gamin of Liu^lila range oat atroag in the debate, and eiiritd the fact that aid tenders had been Called for the work already dour. It bad been let to Marks a McDonald at the rate of $M as hour, irrespective of the amount takes out. Sir Richard Cartwright remiutcd the Home that &be exper.pt,•.' at the Cer- ra& bridge d Mr. St. L.uts did not en - owner them to do work by day labor. Tbis luneuapd Mr. Ottimet. who replied hotly: 1 am not ashamed of Mr. 8t. Louie. rad U he has not been puns■red, it to not my halt. Hr is able to del,nd himself before the courts or elsewhere. He baa bora carrying ou business honest- ly In Montreal for years. and his tame r well knowmi. (Ironical cheers From 0,1, - primitive.) Mr. Me iellen: Ybe etepicioo that 8t. Leis had a tread at °wet is tow Cop- ia rued. Mr. Ouimrt : I won't allow any MR to insult use through a cousin of mite. Durins tbe course of the dteru.sion Mr. Mardunn. it of Algoma, who defended tb. government, disposed 4 all the arguments of the Opposition y declariug that tbe critics were 'dense" end "le:meant.' Finally, Mr. 'reser got no and told Mr. Macdonnell hat be was impertirat. Before the item passed Mr. Ouinet endidlp laid down good tree trade laetrile in answer to • question why hay bad abaudettr.l dredging the harbor of Port Arthur and commence et Kami- iquia. a place chosen by Mr. Mac- kenzie for improveus"Because; uL" "Bause, w d Mr. Osimet, " moved trade has oved n that direction, and we cannot eoatrol natural movement of trade." Where - t Sir R. Cartwright grimly smiled and r. Davits 'nasal, "Hear, hear," The item as mimed. Itsperienee bas taught the Opposition to watch remedy the estimates tor Pub- lic Worka, sometbiag wholly neglected by them in Bir Hector Laagevin'. time. When, therefore. the item war called, $20.000 fpr Halifax drill hall." Sir Ftieberd Cartwright wanted to know why orb a amen vote was taken when the oW expenditure was 1200,000. He sus- pected that tbere was a political Object o keep this work dangling over several setiom's. it was not a businesslike pee ritiw, and the people .4 Halifax would ot think so. wI[ this terra he ay the eatitnates had bee's eat down tb • basted reductions ere illusory. Mr. Ouimet slid t1;•• contract had been t to Jobu Asl..orte of Ottawa, batt wit yet Mated. •w $ on t:.1w - . ,• . Fraser took the timid that is v a sluevieg favoritism . the Iettaua t, air .etur, !Wean... it was elite nim • y'*' t , sot ou, rad if tbe :aeta c r. .metres had known this c v mi,.+,1. hay • t ••. to -ed • little' lower. Ouim.•t s. -1 •. a 'end met rcgiired ',tins by J • :.t1, 11487, moi it I be prove•:• d t the c.atreet that ,old Daly 1• l• it (wennline to the wt. real voted fra t • . tines by Par anent. Fraaer sal . '.y, if the contractta y awarded t'e• •trtent retained the deposits of tt, • r tenderer*. Mr. Ouimet ani 1 - hail retained Mr. kewfe'a cheque Ise it a as tbr we- asel heart. bit •• .wes een teems.' se him yesterday. 'It . An ieteresting . Hon of 16000 to t sew p• -'o .u••• is Marysville. Yo maty, heti:. '1.,is ie the county in wl. . ter Finn. mter is going to 1 a cernlidn 1, Ern 1 Marysville is a .pis. ci : 000 into.. • ♦t t. building will •' .iLt1 ., a lar, tort 510,000. • .herg \!r. !',w •r • es at 17000 Mr. Gib:ea 1 give • t: to for it. • *ember er Oracle (' Oracles and .asldersble lisiongie Mooned ns London. June 26.-Tioient tbamder- storprevailed to -day in F,nglaad and Ireland. • tramway driest at Hull was •ttrurk by lightning, set oa fire and de- t ruyedL 1..ghtr.inF ala., •rtrork a tree adjacent to the Royal Pavilion at tbe er Agricultural Show at Darliugtonu. A nem - leo of persons bad sought refuge under the tree from %be rain Two of them wen' b hiilyd and three were injuted. Tb. Du and Duchess d York bad just departed IrianIrianthe Pavilion when the bolt fell. A number d drachm .mused by the storm ham are reported hoether plates. --.e.- The lave reallesv &seamed. Duluth. Minn_, ,lune 26. -Another r matron baa been sprung in the Rainy Lek* th bank robbery came. W. W. Butler, e cashier, who was held up and robbed, is evenly charged with laving pat up the job to defraud the depositors. Thism .fterou F. Ford and Theame •digsta depositors in the hack, reined roar . i to begin peoreee.nes nagainst Rat Tbe latter, who is et411 in the city. a. tiaras the eharge is spite work. } r art tke a w e t t. el P• 0 w 1e Ire t• ei 11 th e. Lima ORGANIZATION OF FARMERS. • P[a'rfas ee' TICK DAT. Jambes Masses apeabs hares . The development* of Farmers' hustiNlmand carer mesas et sltsesaima es se see u1 pease Wearing," has proves beyond • Mol* Cab be ws.e day tanner requires to he a seeasaA :dile Whin work- The most s.tul ueessears are sal, ed as a ruts, chess who de the ensue arsms et It ' turf « labor. they are found rankle" winners on all at',ta.ltarwl .•tsasr► it. Rsg.rs, • ro d.,it d Ttteeburg, 01101114 s os., Oat. lar is years. bee taken samersea Gm* e Mem assess the year. A weametut nada a mob. W •sateneat will bad int es.t solemnly: " I bare entAsed tor roves er elgbt Tsars mfr d. 1khl.g PFI..: the torture amid softy Imam* la hre fled wards to d nesibe. Plight after Mgfe 51 mea kept awake w1th the pedal arbor. 1 sag tole* all the terdelans end every kuowa a Pomade . to es ame.aat, tot even reline. is 'lin wu the 66111111Qe tr Mt ave* a7 etasaehm tvtie lgr. lata, bee Smmt, ear well loosens dry*. he reps we assay c .s s (1a1a...t. Tam wieder ash s +(fPMa foot riot tem the eg�a-tgaer'r Ora i andws balm* eke has wiser la slim vi •T sees •S Hafts MI MO how l �' hristi •t. i moil tai lis •" a veiwae i tree • SIM is The Opposition. while ac' attack:• be ea. teed it . fel :COM mt .... traordisary works t '[icy of the v- rtsmMest. Here r rem putt i n ( op posloflier in a pipe th 1•J00 pep 'In- tim. and ao porttdtl• tenor spent ent Yet Woodetoek. m with a Pole tion of 10.000 and • • air revenue o1 5.000, could ant r overlie l.c build - Tis Oovermen relapsed to erect p etoffiee or any Ocie r publie building the etty d Women tee ORM" of gnat ebeamt ,td•. try el Outer*.a ease it was is the eatiteenry repro - and by a iAberal whip There were ay Ember tbriv large tees he wbleb no pollee Mmold lugs d ee pis - weir /diet beidleg at dad. There eras 'ostler Hem GI 5 fee l.wb>fw lir �.,� from Pt UAW hwE Fn. bialtalles said that 110001011 esgenallise WO* 14 tree rear IMO* - ! $�IIe+IIilttw Nr. la ltd out - lea shits ke, a weft I was awn rad ary eras. Methst d �`�'Msua Is tin/ K .. weakM b la"eMawmsplinow bsmpd A1/414" amela4 romaby s. .1 dolor 'EMs!► t • t • es is bogey on tae ..tens gel.**"" re .t tree the rerun fur way •m.r.a vwtow Mr. Onam.t tool rm to be aatlefie with the Has whorl hilt there. Mr. Leerier took ma•eloa to deaoser a bb la the tows .1 Ill. Lie, where was mated for the paddle •t a}Nr which bad Devoe before Mss Nee* be more them 1a it year fotileeaar, ears rower was sal Mr. Oulmet was surprised at Mr. Ler er fladl.g lull wttb the renting of the bandies at lit. Lin, wik was the Liberal leader's birthplace "Tee, it la," retorted Mr. Laurier. "and ler that reason I don't waut a stigma al • job attached to It." Tbr vote pawed. On a vote of 190,000 for a Juveull seloreutory at •iexaadria, Mr. Online said it would oast about 5100,000. Mr. McKulles euggeeted [bat Rideau Hell be utilised for a reformatory and ase -bad d t►is 5100,000 used to provide &notbwr residence for the Governor-Gen- eral. The item was adopted. Ou the vote for wharves and break- waters in Kur. Scotia, Mr. Mcl.aae am& a stows plea for some very umemary expenditures. Tb. Hoare adjourned at midnight. t FOREIGN FACTS A•:D FANCIES. u The dome of the P»:ala ds Adam in ° I leruseds Is made oftai .ler meds, and e 1 weigh, extern tour a 'IY,r Figs has appointed Hight Rev. • Fattier O'kt,Illy. bishop of Port .tuguate. to be Archbishop of Adelaide. It Is pruLabls that lu a eery few years Y It will be a trunnion rheum to sell electric - Fly In jars, like milk. Signor Crisp, 1t I. said, wears a shirt b I of chain noon, made by a Milanese armourer, when he pow out of dour. Paper M tieing 'era as an Iu.mlating atria for three tualn'eleph,n. where that are bring laid in Nouuagham. • The !Carl of Jeremy owns a margarl De t I factory near London. which turns out ia.uuu pounds of butter substitute per (a7. A Woolwich cadet was recently killed by • racquet ball. He mla.et the bail on its n•i.ound fraui the wall. when It struck roto tD the lett temple, producing compression of the brain. A sign of the de alio,' of the new schools of poetry In Frame 11, the appearauew of a treatise on the new pristdy, explaining their forms of s.'raftic:[tion and the mean- ing of their hidden p uib,la The Lord Chief Jti,ilte of Knglaad, at Liverpool assizes, sau.1 recently that he saw the diminution of drunkenness in Liverpool synchronized with the diminu- tion In the number of public house& Japan's small lower. in men In the bat- tles with the Chinese were due In part to the accidental use of a bullet-proof materfaL Owing to the severe Emil, itt. Japtnese soldiers wore a quantity of dues alk under their clothes; this. when they were bit. was found In many oases LO lave stopped the bullets Prins Bismarck Is quite• hearty eater for a man of his pent Cheeses of vari- ous klnde and all var.eetles of game are c..peclally pleasing to him. and be likes a g...l deal of food at certain seasons. He has always been vers partial to the delle- actes of the table and has even been sus- pected of an admiration for French cook - GRAINS OF GOLD. Life 1s to he fortified by many friend- ships. To love and to be lured Is itt. greatest happlueps of ezistentx. -Sydney Sin t h. What a vast deal of time and ease that than gains who 11. not tumbled with the .pirit of Impertinent curiosity &boat w bars. - A non. There should be as little merit to loving • woman for her lec.uty se a nun for his peepwrtty, both being equally sub- jeet to claugr.-Pope. Laughter Is day. and sobriety 1s night; a smile 1. the twtllght that hovers gently betw.•cu loth, more BewitehIng than either. -11. W. timelier. We must conform to a certain extent to the toinventionallties of s••cie y. for they are the ripened multi of a varied and long experience. -A. A. Nudge. One watch set right will du to set many In : one that mores wrong may be the Irene. of ntleleal ng a while netgh- b.rbood. and the sane may be said of example. -Main. Be nut too pn•.urnptuously sure In any business: for things of this world depend on such a train of unseen chances that 1f it were in man's hands to set the tables, .till he would not be oertan to win the game. -Herbert. Abetracta. ahridgements, summaries, etc-. have the same use with burning emotes, to collect the diffused rays of wit and learning in authors, and Dake them point with warmth and quickness upon the reader's imagination. -Swift. ^ BRIEF BITS. Lift., like the water of themes, freshens only when it amends toward heavn.- Rieht,r. He who always prefaces his tale with laughter 1s poised between lmpertloencs and folly.-Lvater. Without labor there would be no gov- ernment, and no leading Wass, and nothing to preserve. -U. 8. Grotto Five things are requisite to a good om- eer-ability. Wean hands, dispattch, pW- enoe and impartiality. -Penn When thought is t o weak to be simply expressed, It is clear proof that it should be rejected.-Vanranarguea 1 know no manner ot speaking so offen- sive as that a giving praise and closing it with an exoeptlon.-Steele. Abruptness Is an eloquence in parting, when spinning out the time 1s but the weaving of new sorrow. -Suckling. In the treatment of nervous easel. he L the hist physician who L the most in- genious inspirer of hope. -Coleridge. Notbing Is more dangerous than en imprudent friend; better 1t 1s to have to deal with a prudent enemy. -L Fon- taine. The womaD who is resolved to be re- sprted can make herself to be so even amidst an arnmy of soldiers -Cervantes. True bravery propene a just sod, mea- sures the dangers, and meets the result with calmness and unyielding decidoa -La None. The Drat ingredient in conversation is truth: the next, good sense: the third, good humor; and the fourth, wit -Sir W. Temples Can any man or woman choose duties! No more than they can choles their birth- place or their tatter and mother. --George Mot. Money la only thus far • standard of value; that which It can measure L per- ishable; that which It cannot Is ha - mortal. -Doves. FROM THE OLD WORLD - Glasgow, which owns its street cars, print• Scripture texts on the cheap tickets for workmen. The dome of 11e palate de justice in Brussels is made of papier macho and weighs sixteen tons. With the exception of Belgium, whose debt has been incurred for internal im- provements, every Itur•opean national debt is In great part a war debt. Antwerp's exbibitlun was a financial suer..., after all; the shareholders have bees repaid the amount they Invented, wtlb nineteen per cent. additional. Then are fifty-five cities In England whteb cremate their garbage, and as they are not run by politicians they do really crenate wmething io•.tdea the taxes Moscow, Gla.gnw and Alan, on the Pacific coast of Asia, are at about the .ante distance north of the equator, bat the average temperature of Moscow 1s 1t7 above aro, of Glasgow, 118.8 above, and et A jaa, 1.1 below. AT TME JEWELERrS- "Grantathees dna herpes" Ntttsins a rim's" 'sells bl WW2 blade'. and sgoare-sdged and oval [Yak-plasaDd hat- pin. conte in this pattern Limed skin L .tUl a taabloeable isather, and tM proper and sosIty caper is so purchase snob skins entire. after - waste lnisiag neetel Glad peetir articles es M hilt` from toss _ 11e ,.atsal1 aims has gives an Impente 1e minimalise day and b_O1118sm; them last am pv aderly Heals eaM. and effective wham sea in rbtmbNDse and jw Damen me .pats fa.MsMmfle: led the hasdewn* old shall ammo b.tso.he., fa tIM1e asd taa, ; It e[ slM .lwan ia wawlr absent may maseteme Ore hewers • Wm Yoke Moan. eoeldan. p.1,., and re soma y bombes. booklet. e111aigbs .sed rings Thi..bw. le awe aatlaeb set if Wain ail s road* ar"ueap ltd le M gumshoes am same s.eoteslans and have 11 .sushi la .sini erlglael &Aga err PA3SING PLEASANTRIES. New Man (after the exhausted clerks have shown him everything in the store) -Well. I'll call again. I wasn't want - Ing anything to -day. -Chicago Tribute. (rant. • dime," pleaded the mendi- cant. '•an' 1'11 be yes fren' t'roo tick an' Via." "Tick and tin," mused (,'Mollie. "Haw, I see. You mean by that credit and auk Dooald good joke, very. "-In- dtanapol ts. "Are you going to be at the end of the route to see me come in?" sated young P'lutterby of his best girl as they were d ie- cusau ng the mad rar. "Well," said his best girl, with great caution, "I'm gulag to be at the eod of the route." -Chicago Heoorl. "I'm used to all sorts of work," remark- ed the applicant for a job. "Well. take your pick." said the boss of the gang,"or perhaps you would prefer a shovel." - Philadelphia Raord. "The next thing you know." said Uncle Allen Sparks. • • there will be • de- mand for a woman's edition of the pocketbook, and then there's going to be trouble. "-Chicago Tribunes Prospective Tenant -I like the top Door best. Why doesn't the Are esospe go lower than the third floor! Agent-lt isn't necwssry. The first three floors are anptv.-Harper's Bazar. TREES AND PLANTS. Perhaps the largest camellia in exist- ence Is at Pituita Castle, near Dresden. Germany. The tree is about tweny-four feet high and annually produces about 10.000 blossoms` The "witch tree" of Nevada and south- ern California exudes or exhales a phos- phorescent substance which makes every branch, leaf and section of eta bark vis- ible on the darkest night For many year* green glass has been used for the roof of tha Kew Gardens, London. A recent ezperitnent with white glass demonstrated that the plants thrived much better with glass of this tint, and the green is to be dis(anied. MEN AND THEIR WIVES. Alexander asci Julius Caesar were both wens[ fined to whip thele wives on the slightest provocation. Milton's wife gave him so much trouble that he wrote a instils advocating d i roue. The wife of Burns was as &factiotat• as he ens intx,nstnnt and readily forgave all his shortcomings. Leigh }hunt ens happy in hb marri- age, though bis wife wadi no cook and a very poor housekeeper. Moore got along well with his wife. In spite of his constant flirtatt.sns, which, atter all, may have been only word deep The domy.stic relations of loth Mack - dry and DMkene were unhappy Fielding. the n'o..Jlst, married his maid .errant and wa+ miserable. Corneggio married beauty, wealth and happineea Several .1 his madonnas have the feature of his wife. Rubin was twino married, and left portraits of both his wives, with whom[ he lived in singular concord. Shakespeare's wife was eight years older than himself• a tact that perhaps explains his willingness to spend so much time In London. Shelly's Dat wife was the daughter . an lenkseper. She wee uncongenial, and he. deserted her for Story Goodwin. The forsaken wife oommltt.d suicide. Sidney Smith's wife was •ueh a gond rook that 1)e calculated that during the comae of his life he had ester forty-eight four -horse wagon loads more than was good foe him. Conan was am happy with his wife as a man could be whore altastions were per- prtually straying, hut do was forgiving, and never reminded basal kb ..rots Imperfection& Lather at Bret opposed 1M marriage of the clergy, but changed his mind and married (rtbert.s Von Born, an ex nun, and lived happily. BREEZY BITS. A man may smile and smile, but If he doesn't quit be will res awaken -Tease Sittings. Old Hnau-- M I.. Tirado, he Int fe r I ,maid give my Me for Foul Mies Mosel, -Well, you may if it's heavily tswrod.- Rrmeklyn Wfa. The fksater woman fa just as attr.rttve and lovely se the mush - talked et .ns•mmer Roel.-Inelise Hassid. Cartons young mon elated M the Man's dams Rain every female has searehet rot The ions heart le wedsg 1s Its work. --Galvwlea Nowa. "Here seems .uee iavlas to the :a g stile 1 Incase DELICIOUS MAZAWATTU TEAS, 15,000,000 Packets Veld Anulli b Great The Tea of the Old Country, II 1 LB. AID LI. LOW PIGLETS IT 40, 60, /JD 60 CUTS P®1 U. Suf,1) BY - 0. A. NAIRN, H. R. SNELL, aid STURDY BROS. weather' 1t s enough to glee one one'• dont!' of [.old !" ' • Worse than that, neither' Everybody's sura to be in!" - Beaton Budget. ehr-1 think there Is ronddernble room for Improvement In ladies' dresses now- adays. He --Well, in the sleeves, especial- ly, 1 should my there was room enough for almo..t anything. -Yonkers States- man. "Clonel, can you oblige me with a load lit powder and • few buckshot!" "No, sir: i've got an engagement with two men this morning, and I fear I won't have enough to go around." -Atlanta Coast it lit hon. 1MULTUM IN PARVO They that govern stoat make the least noise. -Selden. Uneertalnty and expectation am joys of Itte.-Oongvrve. As sight is in the eye, so is the mind in the soul-Mophocics. Then is none so homely but loves • look -glass. -South. There Is it pleasure to poetic pains which Duly porta know. -Cowper. Covetous sten are mean slaves and drudges to their subatano.-Burton. It `me 1. to come only atter death, I am in no hurry for It. -Martial The greatest learning 1■ to be seen 1n the greatest plainness.. -Wilkins. In our world death deputes intemper- ate"' to do the work of age. -Yonne. All philosophy lire In two words, "stsssstatn" and "aletnin'.-Kplcteitu.t The world is only waved by the breath of the school chlldn•tt.-Teltnud. Troubles spring from Idlenoee •.d grievous tolls front needle.. rase. - F'ranklln. Leve 1s preJleely to the moral nature what the sur 1* to the earth. --therm. You Aar (,o To SLEEP N CHURCH If YOU'VE GOT A BAD COUGH. A quick Cider f 4n (*Iona* (0Ug1.Cold Hoeneux Ecro�u n Bonk W OOD$RJOH BTEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, •tlaeoss•or to (' '[Mal ! Blab, 111111111mtacturer of as •.ads et ' BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet Irte) Works, etc., etc.. And Ilealer•- Engines, Machinery (nstlage, ata., Pipes sal Pipe Fatima, all firms Goods, Valves, (Mimes, Eta. A:: Co stastiy on Hind at Lowest Prices. The foilowtag ster•sd hoed Boilers and hl acts - leery for sate:- Oas 46 id. P. Boiler and Engine. .• 40 " elide Valve Eugiae. •' 35 '• Tubular Boiler, oomplete. •• 14 " " 6 " Fire -boa Boiler and F'tgguse,os Ile alrisg promptly attended to A. 3. C*ZT iTAL. 115217 P. O. boa A, Oodench. WL Works-Ope..Ite O. T. ft. $iatioa, Aeaerlsa NEW BAKERY IN- G-ODERICH_ JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton-st. in Barrie•s old stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pantry of best stake. Large Loaves at 10 col., and small Loaves a% be. No combination ; no extortion . but everything to suit the times and the pockets of the people. if you want Good Bread and Cheap Bread leaveyour orders at the New Bakery, on Hamilton Street. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Bread delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN A. GREEN. 35-CASII F1llES35 1st prize, S26 ; 2nd, $15 • 3rd, SIO ; 4th, 115 . 5th, S2 . 10 prizes of SI each . 20 prizes ot bOc. each. ISalada � eyloi T- oder to school chilaren the above prizes, competition open until 1st of May, for the best poem or rheum, the initial letter of the lines reading downwards to com- pose the words- Salada'CcrlouTeas -0:o- The poem u expected to be the result of the child's own thought, the name, age, address and school to be appended to each poem, also a card out of • package of li alada tt Ceylon Tea. -lll- STURDY BROS., GROCER*, The sgcate.'ederleh. illeTelephone Connection. PATENTS! CAPEATS. TUN iMAM Flak COMTSIMITS Ohtaitod, sad di business 1a the V. !L Palest Oros attesdsd to at MODERI TE PEES. Oar sage m to the U. S. Potosi Ot- See, aM w e Na e1Ws Pleases Is legs time bks those 'smeto from WISHING TON. (lead MODEL ORt�DRAWING. srgeWe ad- visei a to Ni)ma ROE free LB.SS8 WMf we make 0 OBI 011. TIIN PATENT. Ws mow,bees, to the Postseter, the eu of Mow Order Lev.. sad tomoatials .f tb. U. 8. Patent Ones. For etrealer• advise terms lid retersoose to ammo &Mate is year ams tame sr Oosnty. writate C • *sew a CO.. Ofesatte Pasant rOalre.Washlnstaa. D G. Marian AT ENTS �e�,1t mw ��w.eeSITOMa►NwrTltTgatiT� �se r .451 q000t.w.v, lads. yat�t tinier oomt M 7e or"' b, (,.. pat tM bia .tarter ages erre of eery. u, um scientific American ;neM.� � e" b. jf I•ger M theIt sass. sel figif t di raV __rote FOR T1*ENTY-FIVE YEARS DllNN'S_ BAKING POWDER TMaartateLraExo The ghees bas misty pion, at (Oder.,., .wi ntsw bi red Me k+..hms Psalmsr.mT tkso e