HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-4, Page 6Je s.. L. IV 4014•40•S6..
Passes Belief
-r Jaa. R. Nicholson, Vlor.noevllle,
N ■ , Struggles for Seven Long
Tears with
AND 19 cult= BT
Mr. Nu-hills/in says: " I consulted doc-
tors sol. • pr.•s,•. ted for me. but to
ns purpose , the carer bean to
Eat into the Flesh,
spread to my chin, and f suffered In
a*.oy for se, en Ions years. Mtnally 1
1 t,rgan !..king Ayer v Sanwa's-tlla. In
a week or feu l noticed a
Decided Improvement.
illeen•iraged by this result. '. peer-
- vered, -u.Ml1 111 a month or no the sore
under any chin began t.. Ileal 1u tire
eosins my lip 1a -Can to heal. aud. atter
using the :txrrapartlla for six mouths
the Last trace of the cancer disappeared..
Ayer' s Sarsaparilla
Adpitt•d at the world's Fair. _
4I1Jf'a P/A 4/ JfhlrwMM the amtgds.
TI I F. 41T:N
Th. Only Point In Lord Stalls-
bury's Polley.
Parltansrat aspersed se !'tees .. Jelly a-
se rush to s•lepaell Maaoears
he Mirth tae tow Premise
Apelestas. aebring Ma rift
aa...$.4 r..
Londou. Jute Ed. - In the Hose'
al Lur.lp yesterday the Premier,
the llanfuie .d esilisbury, au-
aounred that he hoped to .obtain
the Queou'e moment G. the dissolutiou of
Parliament all July 8.
Lord rteliabnry said the time had not
yet arrived for a deelar..tiewi of policy
to be made .11 behalf of the laonserc.stive
party. 11.•• latter. he added. r•uly ►.►d oDe
ioLee at presort. soil Oust was to die -
soli* P.* -:aural no mew as possible.
I:..a t.er espn•w.ed ■urpr:sr at the
Government drel.u.ug to ,Larluse
p'1 co.
l'•.nt..alinx. the, ex Premier asked for
so rxplaaat:on of th' Marquis of ISalem-
%ry'• strelht.• j, r,eding. in @end w to
l'..m1,b!1-Bnunerrn:u.. the IS.reetary
1$1.:.4• for Bar. on ruwJa• taus ulna'.
Sur the *rola .A in.. !situ'' .•1lice. 'the
Mu nlu:r .rl Salt+bun said that lord Rut-
bery s statement wa. israrrrrt. What
..rrurn•d w..a. hr expda.tud. that alter
Friday's vote in the House u1 Commons.
he the Marquis of rinlieburyi thought it
desirable to appoint a new Minister of
War forthwith. and therefore he sent to
Yr. Itamr•nuau to ask him if it was con-
venient l..r him to deliver hie chit -lel seals
to the Suren.gu earlier than the other
M:uretere. soil if he did not desire the
trouble art ;;,,hug to Windom? h,wa••11 be
could deliver them to the private secre-
tory ..1 ter Maryuis of Salisbury.
The Earl of Kimberley, late Secre-
tary d State for Foreign Affairs. as-
serted that the Mangos of Sal..bury had
gent bio arc n•tary to lir. haus-ratan
for the reals pu.t us he would send a
footman on su erreud. and he thought
the w t:ot, ul the Marquis was eitirme-
ly discourteous. 1u reply. the Marquis
of Salisbury said that if Mr. Baimrmau
thought he +the Mi.rqus' had acted dis-
courteously. he begged to express his ex-
treme regret fur tue occurrence. and
telt vrry sorry for it.
Lord I'u.srbery accepted the apology of
the Manluia of 8alybury sou behalf W
the I..t,• Secretary to State for War.
Uoyal saerut woos girru W the Behring
Sea Rill. earl it thus became a law.
Lord Itosebery's Cabinet held Its Anal
meeting in Downing -street this after-
noon, with the object of arranging for
the approaching 'campaign.
The Daily- News says that when kir.
Can.pobell-Bannerman. Secretary of
State fur War In the retiring tlovern-
ment. returned }o h1s home Tuesday,
after presiding 4 a meeting of the cum-
mlttee of Lite unemployed. he found
standing once pavem• nt a man. whet
asked him for his official seals. Mr.
Campbell -Bannerman did not know hla
&crosier. but on enquiring who he was
learned that he was Mr. llcDoanell,
Lord Salisbury's secretary.
The retiring War Minister suggested
that conversation be continued with-
in doors. whereupon Mr. McDonnell re-
espeated his message. Mr. Campbell-
Bannertman refused to deliver the seals.
saying that he had received them from
the Queen and would surrender thorn to
Her Majesty when he was commanded
to do so.
Th.- gaily Nieves. commenting on the
circumstance. says: "Lord Salisbury's
action violated precedent and decency.
It Is only when a Minister 1s dismissed
for misconduct or bad behavior has
disqualified him from admission to the
presence of the sovereign that such
a course as that followed by Lord Sal-
isbury is adopted."
• 1'Ieriy.a■ nay. N's a a.b.INtte ter
•agel's wraws-
New 1.'i..., Juno lit -It wee whesim•a'a
day at the .1er.ey Pity Tabernacle last Sun-
day. Ahura two hundred bicyclists, reprs-
.esung toe 'meal clubs, attended. The
Hudson county wheelies. rude to the church
in • body.
The 1Lev .folia L. Scudder, the pastor,
was so the pulpit The subject of his ser -
moo was " the Bicycle as • Ret uluttooist"
H. sad to part
"'Th. wheat hae bewitched the notices .ad
is making great ciwges in our custom. and
etwo•rotie cuad.uooa People are tired of
o•ILtts it • cram or • fad, for it has become
• universal sa.1 pertnaoent factor of oar lite.
The wheel is producing • much seeded
. ad physical revolution. We are gradually
becoming au athletic people, like our Keg -
Doh friends across the water. A. • rule,
Amerman, have sever be over loud of
amorous. They like to go to the theatres,
watct. ba.trali games •mol yacht races sod
dw•ddle by the seaside, but they dislike
to swat as 4.04 meant they should, and
hence they aro unduly laminar with Derv -
oil -Mese, dyspepsia sad insomnia. The F.og-
lubman rides his horse, the American atm ai
• cushioned carnage. He Ickes to travel
feet, but he exercises by proxy. But •
change is comms over us sod the bicycle is
reepousible for a in • large measure.
'The wheel ,dards .zerow without ex-
haustion. 1t give. w exhdlr•tton superior
to •looholic stimulus. it mak.. you per-
spire without effort and drives the morbid
elements out 01 the system. It puta color
is the cheek, brightness In the eve and
gl•die.e in the heart. It te the best health
producer I know of. It leagtbeos life and
smokes what lite we bees worth living. 1
love the onset and shall ride one as long ..
1 m sit on • .addie. It enables us to tly
in this 111e before we get the traditional
angelic wings It develops nerve, praseool
oil mind so.i Rood fellowship. It Drowse oa
drink and dissipation of •11 sorts and ever
holds betore the rider au ideal of strength
and virtue.
'The wheel is orestint • resolution among
women. It is making them fearless
sad ,odepeodeot. At tint the bicycle was
for men only Meu.ele.e oos.ervatim said
to timid woman : 'Thou shalt not oda'
Far . while she obeyed, but soon .he defied
custom sod boldly .std, '1 shall ride.' Not
bane tibial to attach • side saddle to the
vehicle .oil operate it suoomedully .he imi-
tated the other sex and tow she proposes
is mount mac fashion sad ride • gestle-
s ass wheel. Acting with lady- like modes -
b sad propriety they simply adopted the
import se they found it, and now they an
bsginnnins to ode horses in the same Mali.
ser also. This shooks some people, but tee
!stn from Dow • side saddle will be an ea-
eie1y and Doming ge..rauoos will .anis at
them even ss we bomb at the poke bassets
the bonp.kirte a our fantods' •wester..
'A revolution is dors i. oleo taking
plate. Th. conventional skirt to • wheel -
wanes is • mimeos sod • 'mare. After
morass two or three of them .h. 'emblem
bee attire to suit her sosapbti.t fa my
iea/mem bloomers will aha be permanent
for they ors inherently a.beesmi.r.'
'The wheel i. • revolutionist -the sphere
of political m'os's'►. 11 is helping to solve
the vexed ,.esti.n of rapid transit .oil
Mode to pooh eity people tato the ewstry.
The bicycle s itself • from of rapid tresdt,
.ed is seem cities, like Bootee. ter instance
itss e.t.red ham ,,riarm sompeaities with
etc railroads sed trolly litres.
'Lastly, i ,glum that the Mere.. is re-
volutiouisieg the. wehhath day by t.rahg it
largely tato • day of recr.•tios &today is
guersll, rsosgaiz.d as the w►eolessa • day.
1►s this day dab rens ere mal..nd widely
advertised is the papers- The parks, bout*
yards .ed musty diseri.1. are 1.11 of wheel
mos, seed the misses are beginig M Deo
tate the tees. it thes esottusu the effect
will be to emetics the eiashes e1 America
and desoourege religioe@weve►*P. IN mean. not Intend meddling In pont les. but
nt it seder ter the energy M Ashley tirades Ohre you ask me for my opinion nn thIs
.pen this esbj.et and deseeies whedw.s. grave queetlow of the Maaltoba schools,
!ieeidisg sever aeeempltrh.s estthisg sod 1 will give It to you temomedlat&T. It
room peps ser. he drive 1f soy re- !rte 5.ovrrnm.•nt had ewerchosel its nitro
lee. is maimed is this swam it will .art d vete thls ferret lmtpnrtant Cr'e'dos
woe the wh.el.en timmuuleus ge poi Would never have tun settled. The
assess sod ballot.,' is pooh..sed. e.. Ossea►rvattve party took the only means
thy agord be woe an sadermiae wbleh the law offerer, to render fall feed
lbw dura, ..d . itis • ts�eMhe *nth* justice to the Catholics Tar
widish and ewe
.em sr fa f>ri�. My fiats blaming taw Government we night
.grei� se the the tessera - - - -s-sat of be timid( it." BT.e.. Iglu !7-14.bentald vee totem the
wt.�a�. r� Iat11t�
1,.6ttleAav h.N holiday would do mon he Mr. Lasater. t1e ktadar of the Liberal teed Lees v ea•tars.i.r have *sob Mer 6�t Is euiibaeN wig* eels saw
1 p!MirL�_ M I was •yty .f des Sabbath dna PW. doctored to me pesoapny, that sentallie4deter.~ Ice 6 lLa••r a� s-
= , jti se..lareai 8eaiar til PIM-- _ -- -
1 ►M:Hlt;H1 i PNT.. I'II I ItsbAort JULY 4. 1895.
aew.w.la 'lbw w • grave error. Neutral
schools are worse than tree whoa's. 1
have seen Bir Mackesale Howell. and
he le altogether In favor of Separate
Schools. The leader of the Conserva-
tive Dario has revealed Wooed the
friend of Nance ane equity. awe ..etc
erals were greatly In the wroas to mak-
ing a political question out of the school
Judge Dugas left this afternoon for
Beauharnols for the purpose of being
sworn 1n as the Com.issluner In the
Shorties case. This morning the learn
ed judge received his commb•sloa sad
to -night it will be properly attested by
Mr. Justice Belanger, the presiding
judge at Beauharnol.. He will leave
for Ireland In company with the law-
yers for the del• nce by the 88. Mon-
golian on Saturday. -
rlabmns Amami 5.wspopen tie Diet eats
Antal Dassadss•
Springfield. Ills.. June 27.-0..v. Alt -
geld signed the libel bill to -day. It pre--
nrvide• that is any ectiuo brought for the
publication of libel iu any rewapaprr is
this, stab the plaiutiff alall receive only
the ritual antonin of damages, if it shall
appear at the trial art such action that
such publication w.s true, or that its
tulrity was due to mistake or mirapprr-
benioa of facts and that in the next two
regular issues of the orwsp alwre after
the mistnke or aiaapprehewui.ion was
brought to the know Ledge of tbe pub-
lisherw, wbetber before or after action
lar b•,•u brought, a correction or retrac-
tion was publiabediu as conspicuous a
manurr and place Os the paper a. was
th. 1i1..I
Tw. bitted .n the Tor*.
Bsidgepa.rt, luno., Jul' Int. -The east-
b..uud etiolate, 'truck soil killed Arthur
Middiebnetk. ..0 agent for the Barnum
estate, and Patrick Noonan. u gnrdeuer.
Teak an wvesd..r et t'aseredys»,
11'r1:n. Ont.,
of Moorefield.
Central hotel.
chlorodyne in
was dues Un an
roomers jury
dental. --
8reweied 1a sae sesseea.
Paisley, June 27.-J mete Schmidt
found the body of his two and a half
y. -at -a old child floating in the Saugeen
last night. The infant had wandered
away ant labra, iuto the river.
The paper, which Is the organ of the
Liberals. says It understands that the
Quern took official leave of Lord Hose
terry last Sunday at Windsor Cutts
very graciously. She intimated that
under no previous Government had the
ararngemelts In which she was Person-
ally eonoerned been better made.
The Post makes the statement, for
which it Asim' to have anthority.tbat
(word Hal@bsry will be Lord High Chas -
refire in 1h.• tow Joverntneut, vice Lord
The Pall Mali Gazette says the Hon.
Henry Chaplin has been offered and has
accepted the preeidcncy or the Local
Government Board.
John Redmond IParnellite) member for
Waterford city, hats Trued a manif etc,
in which he argues that the Parstllits
prophecies mad.' at the time of the.plit
in the [nob Parliamentary party have
b•.., !united to the letter. He attacks
the anti-Parnrliites for resting os their
tiara wheu the Mote' d lards rejected
the Horne Rule bill end for allowing the
Liberals to launch the Newcastle pro-
gram. The Parselliter, like Mr. Glad -
atone, wished to sppral to the country.
but the auti-Paruellitee went with the
LibersI intriguers. Mr. Oladstose re-
signed and since then there hes been no
Irish question before Parliament.
Mr. Redmond der lam that the Irish
most return to Mr. Persil'e policy and
here a Mati.ual party, absolutely +.de-
pendent of any of the Fwyaliah parties,
The manifesto etarlud a with an Appeal
for funds
No I.a5e*be es tar %sews et she .5.x4.15
N 1Y ite5Ms.
Montreal. June 28. -The views of Mgt.
I.aAeehe, the Dean of the Hierarchy 'f
('anadn. ate given by 1.10 bo lie Lou-
Iwrv11 e. In a report of a meeting of the
ehurvhwardens of the Parish of Loulse-
vtle, Moskinonge County. In addrMa-
1ng those pee@ent. Mgr. Iafeche spoke
of the persecution of the Manitohs
Catholl.•* by the Liberal majority. whoa
Mr Left rat. Liberal M.P. for thr'rnufty.
put the following Duration to His Lord-
@hlp "Was the Federal Government to
blame for not having eirn-1sl+d Its pow-
er of veto"' To this question Mgr.
Ls(leebe replied as follows: "Mr Le-
eds, 1 am not it politician. and 1 do
June 28.-J. C. Patterson
found dead in the Grand
purehaaed two ounces of
towu that day, and death
overdose of tie drug. The
fouud death was acci-
Malerat&s wit* TIM WeakN.
TM basoa•serOue4 laser trate. M
Detroit. Juur if. -The feature of the
third Jaya racaag ad the U•:rtont Priv-
11113 Cub was the Way..• llutel thele''
•nut. Hu ootoeu• he:d ho Iir14 haMday
sod won iu a driving Bomb, the Lai, b-
ind very feet. The books were hit hard.
First Melee, selling, 1 -year- ..d.. 5 fur
!cute. Uyrdie S. 116, Bruen. ei 4. 1, 1.
Lalta Rookb, 104, Bergen, 5 to 2,
DeWto 107, McGloin.. 4 t.. 1, 3. Time
102 1-3. $tarlw'sat, Bumpy, %ier 11, 461
gaud', Morita Hattie C. Doubtful, Dr.
knlfyp: and Bombard also rue.
Second rece, arlliog, 8-),•a -olds and
awards, 7 furies's-labe Msrp57
91, C«►ran ,2 to 1, 1: Baron, 9L Iry-
lag, 7 to 9, 2: Irish Chief, 101, Herren.
3. Time 1.281-2. Darius, Lotus,. .Little
Fid, Rosewood, colt aced Oweadolise also
Third race, the Wayne Hotel Stake .
93000, 3 -year-olds, 7 ferloeg•-Morphe-
tes, 134, H. Ls,fri•, 2 to 1. 1. lnromas-
ts , 108. BergeFiero.
Dentine, 12 to 1. 2; Firo.
1, F. Carr, 3 to 1, & Time 1. 1-2.
Amelia May. Diggs. lake Shore. Tree•
tare and Lord Near also raa
Fourth race. selling, 3-yeer-old• sod
upwards, 7 furlongs-Ragner 104. Irving,
3 to 1, 1: 8tn.rmaso■ 112. Lewis, 2 to
1. It Dick Beim*, 106, Irviug, 3. Time
1.28 3-4. Cbicot and W igltmau sten
Filth race, se111ag, 2 -year-olds and tap,
1 mile-Meludy, 109, Penny, 30 to 1, 1:
Midotar. 93, Brown, 7 to 10. 2: Tip-
pecanoe, 106, Maybury. 3. Time 1.43 1-2.
sve4 Frees s watery Grave.
Grimsby Park. Ont., Junes til. -While na-
1 tiding goods from the steamer Eury-
diee to -day 11. Piyckman of Jordan was
struck by the pole of • wagon and knock-
ed into the lake, and was only saved
from drowning by the timely aid of 1r.
Lew S. Bradshaw of Btlfalu.
aerl.as (tstsate by rel seem
Glen Mgrs -Ant.. June 2S.-Yeeter-
day's olent tbtmdrnt.rm enured tbuu-
aandw 01 •lollarno dmmasrr to property to
this vicinity. and n number of barns were
wrecked. Curtis Neff was iujured by
the falling ref hie banes. B. Curtis land
11 cattle k:11rd hr a tattoos beru, and
rho•--ratria. of H.,..,,It, aw loather
..ere warted .1.wu Ilse r.ier.
frefllr.s,.. s She feet steesses
fork. June 27. -The election to fill the
v01:110ey iu the Hutu of Commous caused
by William O'Brien being declared a
b.ukrupt, wars beid to -day. but the re-
sult will not be known until to -morrow.
The counting Sof the votes war postponed
until then, owiug to a .erimmage that
took place in the counting room in which
Jame. Flynn. null -Parse -Bite, Y.P. for
North fork. P. O'Brien. an Ex-M.P. and
others took purt. The trouble sou not
.s rico*.
T s.sIS lraekN..
Tec. quoted
t 2.111.-flour
11 560,
collars 9'
Bran - Bran Is steady. at 1112.50
for ear Iota. Toronto freights. duorts are
quoted at $16 to 1116.50.
Wheat -The market is dull. with buyers
bolding off owing 1.. 4001100 15 States mar -
=to • •O' .. "C7%®1taY3.t
trees tel.. at Nears
Loudon. June 27, -The weather wsa
cooler at Healey this moruiug and •
•truug south wind blew down the coarse.
The Cornell mru took abort spins, all of
the 12 arm sitting is the boat in forth
to make Dep the crew d eight.
The Argonauts took a long pull, and
afterwards the four of the London !low-
ing Club, who are to meet the Argo-
nauts in the race for the Stewards' Cup.
west out en their new boat aud rowed
very last.
E. A. Thompson and F. H. TbompSon
took turus in .cu:liug in the furmer s
bre t.
1.w Argonauts are tipped to wiu their
can supply you with s good article at a low prior.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, etc.
Don't fail to gives use a osll.
R. W. licIENZIE,
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Ttwee Sasses to the taN•oa1.
At Boston. Hrooklre and Baltimore. rola.
At Pittsburg -
8t. Louis . 111010000-4 9 1
Plttrau rg . 101210130-9 1* 2
r;t:olry. !Miller: Bart, Suede& fmptrs-
At CIeveland-
Chlesg.. 002000000-2 4 1
C:.ve!snd 0111410100 -4 8 1
Huhbins.ra. Doeohue•. Young Zimmer.
Uinta --`nage.
At ry❑•
Louisville .
Waeu:-nuti .
Cunningham. Spies
000001200 8 2
Qi..031010-4 9 5
Yoremaa, Murphy.
Providence 10i00-2
Toronto 00010-1
We have received the greater part of our Spring 1l19ek of Boots and
Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish Footwear that the market af-
fords. In Ladies', Miasma' and Chiklren's Black and Tan Oxford hvTi fine are
e line
showing exceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we
which are very popular just now. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Buttes
Boots in endless variety, at prices to ;tit the times. In Gents' wase we have
all the leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys' and Youths'
School Shoes at pnoes that defy competition. 0.11 and see our Ladies' White
and Tan Canvas Oxfords.
k8AN8ew TO 8*5 WITS
Tfbeug e M OA Mora Lost at tea load
Omit Awes'' Neto.
(+memo, ICT., Juuulo 36. -Fourteen rears
ago Mrs. Marie Wall, believing her low -
baud to have been lost at sea. married
Joseph Taylor. a carpet weaver of
Charles -strut. Krits;ugtou, Philadelphia.
Mn. Wail wee thou 50 year' old. Eight
can later Taylor died. Her first hue
bond, Richard Wail, took her to Gooden
yesterday. and they were re -married by
Justice of the Peace Baldwin.
Eighteen years ago Wall mailed from
Philadelphia for East Indian ports, end
after au unprofitable voyage of three
years went to South America. A sailor
told hal wife he had been loot. Within
a year Capt. Wall returned to Pbila-
delphia..nd was shocked when be found
out that his wife bad married Taylor.
He refired to call on tier, but sent word
d his arrival aud thou sailed away.
A few years later be returned from
seafaring and settled is Philadelphia.
10 the meantime Taylor bad died.
kens, White e..:aod at 90n, but • sale
is reported at 85,7. No. 1 MaaSWb• herd
Isronto tretehts.
Pn meta . very lto Otto. and prisma easy
at 57e to 60s. outside.
Barmy -Trade doll sod prices senors' at
62c to 55e for feeding qualities.
Data -The market is Reim. with pekes
nn.•hangol Car Iota of white avid out.
std.. a. 36o.
Ryes\o buatneas doing sad prices purl
ty nominal.
Deur!-Market Is dull. with prima
unchanged at 114.10 to 94.20 es t+aak tee
ordinary goaiitlet
A88ttAL 8. 4.1114 8518
5x44 M Nave 4 esmltsed eelMlde 1. Ores,.
Rio Janeiro. Just 27. -Tb. report ui
the death of Admiral t$al.nnha. Ds
(:ams is confirmed. After the de teat o:
the rebel forces near Santa Ale, C:°
Grande Do lul,br the Gov •rhea •art troops.
Da Gema committed suicide to eseap
Lien. Caotilhisto, who, he feared, would
torture him.
Montevideo erudp word that nember-
of the Brazilian revolutiontry r.rty ern.•
firm the mews d Da liana's .death, but
any the manner of it is a mystery.
Solar. of the fn¢'tiv.' insur>;•'ats wk.
*raped arrow, th • frontier told Urugua-
yan officers that thee Adneir•ul was taken
prisoner by the (nvernm,'ut soldiers, put
to death and his body horribly mutilated,
while others are that Da Dau:.► ended
hu owe pale..
SOIL 1181.I1t.7 KILl.E8
Mta.M,.sa Maar ea 8leneep.lis Ear
CBCs, 8..y layered.
Mianeaprlia, lune :54 --The most dins
tronafire in thin city in point of liar
of jiff, @lore The Tribune lire i■ 12049
broke a out at 11 o'clock to -sight in the
lire -story building at 240 and 342 First -
avenue south, occupied by Idcllrmald Bro
there. wholesale croekery dealers. Si*
firemen were killed and many injured.
The liret •larin was shortly followed
by oweond and third alarms, and a goner -
•I call for tbe entire depart.est.
seg 8l.ar .s 114/se.
SanFraarir'n, June 26. -The worst fin
Bas Frisson. kiss ever bad is a0 yeah.
started sbnrtly before 8 o'rlark to -sight.
4•. .4n'nairwm 01 .w.wder. stored in .r.e
railway wanhrwsr.. whirled heavy Mo-
torist tor Works. end the firearm were
beamed la. Tie burned distroet rovers
three Dyne end inrhules a largo number
of laetewies.
The tectal toes is 91.6110,000. 80 heild-
isgs Ming burned, $00 lead+'' homeless.
!aa las• tM resell Orr.
Iroquois, Ost.. June 27.-T1. berg@
Soberest ran intro the Note leek Este
hen Inst sight. hookahs the gate aid
stamps. the Ponta .ed • feet of about
15 lams sad toga. Th. Injury to the
gates M esa4iderahr sod sew tease will
ham to Is /ewtdd.
116d110$ • err. Ia Ito mla4
Corner E•etest. and square.
Peg --The balance of our Winter Stock will be sold regardless of Lost to
clear out.
Sticceuor to F. Dowling*.
AU. itkjillatio
1111110 liAltE USED
Tjs•r n
tile. •M OAu
`lar was wesbisd with mer s hard art tip
1 IMM aweriemorpoamp' d. skimbea s)short lime
WM somerNh and
Ida. a0* chile
Iles. mama Oesisses.
Dub' 15. Ng Cakes
Sadly S•eomp•.sed Mer FsttnM la eke
Nagar, Inver - The Teeth tae Nay
Near..' Ii4e.ugraIMs.
Lewiston. N.Y., Jose 27. -This after-
noon the bah of a man was found float-
ing iu the Niagara River near here. It
waw that .elf a large. man aud must have
been Ito the water n kung time. Part of
his head, both arms from the elbows
down and both legs from the knees down
are entirely gone. The only means of
identification that remain are his tl.etk.
The body is thought to be that 4
Jobe W. Erato d Toruuto, who is •up-
pdsed to have been drowned in this
vicinity in September d test year.
John R. Erases. "Big Jubn,'• aa he
was familiarly tallied, left Toronto on
Sept. 16, or • canoeing trip. Two days
later, hie cams•. halt filled with writer,
sad containing three paddles sod some
clothing. wee found drifting wear the
shore at Niagara -ma -the -Lake.
Big John Evatr was s well -knows all-
round athlete, him striking (igen, sf1
feet in height. and lis line p,oporthess,
being the admiration of all the yoset
sports. He was a member of the Argo-
n aut Rowing Club and one of the rasp-
anIng fonts.
TO 9915.8 1118 8ICU A 8M•
A raaos.rreh*WNMtN heals,$ 4 es
Math Sgtte4
Norwich. Ont., June 27. -At a eonven-
ties of Ow prohibtiouisUi and Patrons
of South Oxford to -day. T. R. Mayberry.
formerly neve of .oath Oxford. was
. osteisated to contest the riding for the
commons in ooppp�oo•�itioi to Sir Richard
Cartwright. Rriorm. W. F. BueMsaa
of Hamilton was nominated by the Pro-
hibitiossta at Wo.,datork some time ago.
but declined to run.
851.8.1 BAT.N 72581TTO
Foe "weettaa- hese irestraramer by trees
Ottawa, Jaw 1K. -Mayor Antsy of
HuII was sweated and disqualified tis
mnniag nn eompledst of 1). -Chief of
Pulite (+'oast. The chargee rowisted
pri.elpally of view Dotes 'saved by
eivk eootr.etors Dad not paying then.
=rest went .gaiust hiss on thea for
eases M w8N1T4•St.
et •
Sls.uer In the K. 115
Losable. Ione fR.-Tb tog Albert Vic-
tor. returning to Weymouth. retat
salestwelve k westClo sI 1, ` n,
Is the
though two min d fleatleg barter.
ell and l ew shot A gorged
wohollihot leg ..4
balms res ashen
It M N T Ul the visa. Hotel!',
4� fo,„4 T R
PRICE 25 CTS.TatDODDS tific4liTZ
JoIlr got iite �ileumatiyg
C Jocular ���
Plumb a 'q 1't
$01101 PIstita
ray Art set
oat. crated
Ids taare
F. a bag its. 1 sallend .itb Rheumatism is
dm Irk se sere* that 1 eoeld nos rise wt
MmslgYt Yr wits dmhmd s D a L Menthol
Fls.lr. Its 9. ama aim moon ant' esCo.s.r %
we snorter 11odd's Kidney TUG to cure hay
tae ..t Brecht', Disease. Diabetes. i.umbago,
spa,. kheneatrm. Heart !Neese'. 54 , ab
Troubles Tinyure l•LnQ;3- 0" ....,....T-,,l..r -•d.
Sold or ;Ali/cal `n .n i w SIa bateIhg s 12 v
receipt dprim.o. p'
DP 4.. A. SMI-! H i CO.. Toront°.
Nearly every rtes, wema..md child is
Keyp i is a slaokar of eigsleates, end • pipe
is hardly ever seem is the mouth o1 • native.
Sea shells murmur b.o.nss the vibrations
of the air, Dot otherwise okeervable, an
oolkcted in the shell, sod by its shape are
brought to a focus.
Thew on the Cootisest who posed es
• status for • mouth, with only one hour's
n et daily, now andert•kes to repose for the
W ag INagth of tome in a coffin.
Tho Duke of Northumberland, who hes
pea tam edehrsting hie eighty-fifth birth-
day, tied surprising everyone by hr weeder•
tel tiger s ons of the very few survivors
d the !farml'an'd Parlus•et.
The Pawpaws .t floosie hes • perfumery
boatels for Iter toilet She prisms the
buttes of say odor desired and the fountain
delle the red.
40,000,000 bulimiag birds. sobifds,
.ricks, gulls, sea -bards. Taxably, birds of
Paradise, sod 8yestobers are atsa.ally seed
ia decorating woolen's hitt
Many people are .time pwhd by the
term o(eswa•1 Dania." The term latest
atomic wbi.h is universally seseptd as the
bees e1 its kid, mod the appr.Ti1lieS of
whieb deem set depend es amens prig
arrsr-ra or Fano ■ Psaume u' Vans.
-It nerd to be reworked that the kits
Prom:demt Corset's travels seemly brought
a deluge et rale epos the towns he railed.
The presene5 A N. Felix Faure seem aka
be be aassopaied by espsrsaima 'al p,.se'
e, .sily, however, el a mare •ys
Ten Coo %DI . Pacree kal.w•T 00.5
T.L..a1rf b.m been e.tabllshed to give the
public • 8tat-clam servta* with htr sad pes-
ti•aeat eomp.Ul ion.
It r asao.sed 00 huainwm tri Leplss sad la
the latersst at lar patron'.
It deserves the support et es cry Duos whs
b.Wvm:ls oonp.Utt..
Per %trask 4eepatea as. *55. ..sotComP5»'7
Ya. o..aisg with all lima !tadeas�leee.
Il. 9afded s.N... raaloda sad
Direst throsw\ wins to aA la ti.
Moro west,Britieb (' mebie .d 8n Com!
(flu. --•towel. Bide Versa.
87of R.
Ll� Y�a.e.r. (lade .k
oberaeter. If we may arsons Th. Journal
do Roses, the Trench Pte0dest ,.al'ie'n,
without he the teat e.sp.stlag tt, en la-
9.ea.e spew the births sed deaths eser-
riwg is the tewm be vatted daring his memo.
Oar .stheriy rye : The Melt d Y. Felix
Tame hem W a ..st1.groy Abet spas or
rows. D.rbg the tear days Aero April 14
to 17 there hems way Maw ...1..-4 thirty
birth, end way toy -our dnehe.'
ia eater is Great des d
To keep the 30,000 oddproper�ass et Mspns�►
ter the 1M>sod y _ver, Bell e�
Wiliam ed ateemagea that pas ever than
every dlte.11e ea ..s@ 4.i-' s of
shams le stsrl1lg • year, sad 4 this
,. u, tad e.``
Omgeed bug die eSI MOM dea SNOW Illresti Ws* "pow
West street BAER,
His bread is mule from pure
Manitoba flour -made from the
cream of the Manitoba wheat -and
therefore is the best in the world.
This is a big thing to say but it is
s fact and you have the privilege
of buying this bread at the same
as made from inferior flair at the
price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered
to any part of the town.
Orders for cakes promptly at-
tended to
JWedding cakes and akliond-
icing a speciality.
.1 • of First-class Yale,
Good Material and
Latest Style,
-CALL iJPOlt -
HUGH I1Var/ips,
ism flu awes et ■a's'st