HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-4, Page 44
Slit nal
is a memo whereby itis sett sae oats fee the DOMING AND GOING
future be eeeilacst4 ttialea'1y end moist•e. M. Brew" West y..-rd•7 i. i w$.
f by almost nay .r who •>•y mese y,•
r. Balls 1teMrmed 9aterday trent Rio
The New \eek Sea says :
Make by the enema mimed t
litsillms Porto for ..t giving
' te iu Christian wbjee
Mr. C►III.To' may be nae
1e r•uamease
aT .YW
Mee of P.Wda-1 ttt
Terse .r t4baer4peiss 1
=teak. admen
merry,erry, • ,•.,
Ore year.
teatteM Tsar Saba.
With tee prear.w
of ammo etgiis
arose e
Marge pra-
ete, u, &be ask al
greatest Imperesee, but oblate, or 1
ergency may arise, bar .uperir nit lore
• re have • thocoetth uoa811esee .n bre
sll ability to 0.410 with it to the oredtt of the
1 se Uafted Seem is appearance Mr. Cntt.Tur
to exceedingly yeet►hl. He will make the
journey to Anaemia, teem m w tem ee the
Tome Intel Ie a standing reotdpt of tee dais way. 1st r. Cameos, as via coaled at 1Cr-
e wkke yrs are paid .p. Ira. that It V net aet[oft� r. be called aped w tKr-
tillIwd te tall late l a dr. owill probably active rtint oa-
old aid the addneis.►mold he ism miitstered the e de& aserdereee of
AdweetWds Italia Fuse Lanz, the Tome Animism bioyollat.
Legal said otter natant •dear aseasals. ma. wbo was killed about Siry sibs frees Mr.
per Ilse ter gra tasertkr4 and $ amara pr Ilae t.1 LTos's sew poet.
kr mob m=eat martian. Meamered be
As Yr. l'kiltnts, aro. Is the American 005-
.3.310.. add ander, pis per ant at God.riob, and the rime sn•a is well
v/b of IomtStrayedknown mid este.="i :'`=
men. ►r ver•
Situations 1.0er. Manatees Wasted asdmounts will bag pleasre
to his ma:!
a.slsese Clumees Wanted ala amending * mends term H. r as mth./Wtit wheel -
aenparof. 11 per tttent�.
Howes es hale and Farms • tala sot to mu,. n iolly rood woo. is its bet .sssm,
exceed $ Il nee. $1 for Orel death. She per gate of no ueeeetsming hist dem Ammar, and
cap sato manes. 10s.tLamer yin. b properties.
l.st1ss. W M whisk is to will dare to do all that may become a trans
pressoteAny ihe 7sesatru7 VMS= se my tadl- is be sew sphere of nouns.
to be eesnideeed an ad-
d- -
vevriM. 1U4 shameds000rdlnete. PATRON PICNIC AT KINTAIL
Local sedges Is nonpareil type ode oast pie -
word. se makes los than Mc. -
Lmal modem le ordlaan reading type tee Wednesday, 96th ewe, the Mated lodge
sed. par WWII 140 wt/o11 for lee Simla neo. of Parrs*. of Iadestry held • .mooeseful pe-
timis s for.t*rvhu nod other retlaloue and s•t.and wbele village nod many friends
- bwr.veiwt Imaleuyor. half rata item • distance were out in gala attire te
Abowl "Tis teal" bourn( F.
take advantage of the sting nod keep up
Subscriber who tail te receive Tse Sweet the holiday. The spot oboe& for the oe
regularly, enter by r carrier b oaten e
mall. will o wJ. McKay's groves most damn -
'eater • !rawer bq.v
.oails o� ag the tact at lug spot ovrlooklng Wta Hero&, wad wow
es early a date ea passible. very ideal plana for a gat beriag of this as -
Ind cted manuseripte oansotbe returned. Lure The grove r at.•ted •boat two
Oorrepo.desoe onset be written a one side
mile 0orth of Kintatl and ie reached from
et paper Daly• the gravel road by • delightful dri7• of 1 j
7.Ml.bers fleeteo mile in length, "hrosgb well -tilled fields of
J. C. Le Tomei. of Oed.rick, foe been ap ria °a boll, ld" instil tee "eke of the
d 1 Tr Colborne, at for the •ad tows-•- tha e are meshed,
whoa the rustic beoety of
.atn.uos is mmem.
month. Tb. oemmltt a of management, .11 tired
Local post roman ower the district are also u with the b•admome hedges of their order,
Snot at.
d a rrsf.e nber4ptleas to ran Pe mming 1n their .forte to please the
AIi oommmleatiens wise b..ddrm ud to visitors, end ooueidenog that the abort
D Yew �� , notice of Daly dem days had been given
tet, chem to make prsp•rstioo0 sod advertise
Telesebeae Call IS. Ont. the affair, they did rem•rksbly well tasked.
A ergs platters for darning had bees laid
OODEIUCR, TRIJINDAT. JULY 4. talc. down between four towering 'maples, the 0t
cash corner, right In the mitre of destroys.
sod willing beads had oat oat reads ..d
-We wonder bow tate Hon.(?) TON undrbruebed the sedan is readings for the
Modasav e teak when he seen bow 8'r. visitor..
Loris weathered the storm under the wing About noon vehicles of all ki.d., from the
of Hon. Jot O.INay. dewily top buggy to tbe lumber wagon with
- its rows of mats filled with • laughing
- Roezfltkw landed on • thistle bed, -•roved of holiday folk, mune from .l1 around
.ad hem the pr.au1oas that SAtrsscsr is to swell the number whiob, at • rough este
*akin m references to his seat in the Impr lanes, might be pat dow& cat •Mot 1.000
i"Ma" ti.. 614 tick M Wall Jaid A�
J000rdang to advertisement the speakers
M ending down as a ear w tan. for the day were Masers T. U. Carrie. pro-
-This good taws oa ht to l
'Octal ries president, .ad J. D. Goveakck,'
4 tt• • - of MoKillop, county viee•p esident, wbo
to P•rii.mtcac for Power to °hoar' it..•ms were to address the meeting; t and • the ap-
without let or madras . the appellation After being introduced tby" -item
I:owvrlle would be exoeediagly fit toad dont. Rory MoKswzla,
J. D. (:o.enlock in • short address,
prover. opened the way for the well-known Patron
-Galerich is a bLycle town and lecturer,
the crowd of mea, womca and children on T. O. Currie. This gentleman it a finest
the Soave to women the moos Friday evca- speaker and trout the first showed that he
roved it F:werybody hasn't • was wen able to handle bar wbjeot which of
mg P owner was on the Nippon of Patron prin-
wheel at their feet, bot • large number oiplee and the good the order had done is
have wheels in their heeds fighting combines, fie., ala oe the stand
that every true Pekes should take whim
Hamilton Spectator : the time OWN for r cording their votes for
It is odd that the would-be oombinesters parr legtdatioa to Parliament. The abet*.
Now that the bonen ha.. poesewoo of it, painted time they made sir ararnooe.
in binder twine aro at large, and the fellows tion of the useless Sedate was also • point in
wee aro keeping the price down are in pest• hu remarks, ae was .bo the roductioa of the
tannery. It ought to be the other way on. eateries frog the Governr-Gearsl dowe-
l( all the osssbtoeeten wad advocates of wards After speaking fur about. 50 minutes
combines week t* the peoitentiary what • heavy downpour of rain compelled him to
would beams nl ma N.P. and The Spec close hie speech, which practically brought
the meeting a the a close se far se tspeeches
tate '
were conoernd.
14 any d the itilividuals wboae As moon as the shower was oyr Duncan
gardens have been ruined ol late by °owe McKay struck tip a tame on the bag -pines,
b•kiog is hrru¢ht ..it against the awn, and the yam, folks kept up tbe merry
the corporation would be mulekted in tall making anti evening, laving the Atonic
grated* apparently well pleaded with fMet
testator tb.dam,p. The present bylaw isnot days enjoyment.
eaforoed, and there oro no duly oo..tatuted A friendly game of football was played by
meads withi■ the corporate limit.. We member. of ebne local clubs, and lodging
hope to gee •nme one make a teat o.ss ss from tit load hurrahs of the participts
that the council may he sparred up to act must hays been very mach enloyd anby
them. Boating was indoltd in by some
in the interest of the awn. in Martin's sail and row bate. and others
During the recent Invision of the strolled along on this exceptionally prett
/Intario Legislature it was claimed byshingly beach. Altogahr the pi°eio was e
ogisla the eu00ea, and if the pairing shower did damp
*Id line Grits that the Petrone members the picnickers • little, not nue, we venture
were throwing their weight with the Toric, to ay, was sorry 1M sea the rain. for the
.ad the Tories cat up the contention that emits Ore needi.R fa e+ry much rap beta
the Potter were eteeripg straight for the CANADA'S FAVORITE FAIR.
Gni tamp. As • matter of tact, the 1'at•
r0.s were tektite .hots et both the old pre 7'be •Idest In the slrsihie..
ties se the mood Mead these, and did eo to W• aro in receipt of the Western Fair
th* tune of 101 vete. per Tory mottoesmottoes, remtedlmg se of the dates, S-
tember 12th to 21st, and showing the Loa
nod 71 ie f•voof r Grit legislation. don m•0.gemeht are still .live to tbe intonate.ooum-
to state that try's intonate. Some par" have • very
We flit* in *
position wrong ooaeepnon of Fairs and their object.,
it is not the internee of the Cows of this thinking that the directors of them 001003.-
100* 10 0011 . public ramming m the Se.aro noes run them for their owe personal rain,
and resolve that hereafter any perms 0aoght this is sot the fast, however, Fairs below*
mamma at tarp between d r. N. sad b •, m. es the psopla .rad whatever good Mire r la
be impo.emded. The Cees own the tow*, them or soaves from chem la for the s...fit
•.4 te kiwi" Thai ebe1 are (*tug- Fair
the community as . whole The Water.
wo mi""
Fair has mar.vhd steadily forward mitts ire
ed with the opporteaitiss afforded them of taeeptinn i. 1868 mail the present, and
destroying garden ..d bemirrhing tbe bd.rs the stamp of enlolliere.ss, indu.try,in-
thoroughfares, without further tying up the maids, wealth add fashion. Gad lamely in-
dicates the financial prosperity of the prey.
taxpayersit has programed God will still ns
- it can be looked upon am rn as- awn more and more p.pdar (as it instil,
eared thi.g that the Hee .1. (.7 P.rrswioa imeriesl so long as the directors matinee to
Herber" Rasa, el Ashlers. is .felting is
now firs* is venting 10 relatives i•
Miss Widnes bee returned hems bee the
1f Douolai. of Bramel•, 0051 in teen for
the holiday.
Miss Allis Johss.ea is vitt u Toronto
..d Bunk
MW M. Fair, el Clistee, meat the First
t. God•riek.
M. Gibbous, of Wisskam.apwt Ilomisioa
Day is tows.
Miss Maggie McKay retained to town
lief eveatsg.
Town Clerk Mitah.0 was voting i. Cho-
wn yesterday.
Gee. Allis was at bis for oar very quiet
Dominios Dew.
Harems Bailey was
weal holiday
Wm. Waddell bas roturasd to the old
home for • visit.
b. Heaaiag ha. returned from Petal -bore
for the holidays
Robt. Tait,of N•pnsee,te at the old hems
for the holidays.
J. G. Ward, J. P.. of Dungannon, wee is
tees Saturday.
Iiagi&01d Black is bomb for he holidays
Mete Harr*taa.
=task is at home for the Mid-
Mr. .ai Mrs F. 17 iddr were in tow*
the path few days.
Harry MsMilba. of S.rnta, u tee guest of
Charles de Peodn.
Miss Roberts, .( S..torth. is the guest of
Mrs Jas. Stw.n.
Pero► Wallop, of Losdor, spent Dona.
ion Day is Godriob.
Mw Clan Beverly, of Detroit, is nom
oar Summer visitors.
Mrs Geo Animus lames today ea •
visit to Hohaesville.
Goo Aohesoa left by train, Wd.esd.y foe
Staples, Minx ooaaly.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Lyse .pat lktminiea
Day in the Forest City.
Geo. Cox, ol Tilesse erg. was hemp for
the first of July holiday.
Jas. Malatesta left this merman int ablat-
es= trap to Port Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Bin Sadie and Way ore
yintinq relative in Galt
Mies M. 9n.rmam has ntarsed to town
for the Stammer y.a.1.m.
Mies Williams arrived boats es Saturday
for the Summer holidays.
Mies Harper, of Tonto, wee vieitis' her
brother, the past few days.
D. Mahn has retarsed
weeks' visit to Wllaoebmr*.
Mies Wyse lett tows ea
two weeks' visit to Taman
Andrew Goodall, ol Hamilton, was i.
Gedericb daring the holidays.
Messrs. Goa and Casein Whitely,of See.
forth, were im Gderieh today.
Miss RebeTla.a returned from Winner
Saturday ler the holiday term.
Hugh limmea /d Ottawa, is visiting hie
daughter, Mrs. J. A. Andaman.
Miss Parse, of Detroit, is anodise two
woks at the parental resides..
Mies Elwood has returned from Si. Hil-
da's College foe the keg vacation.
Mies Mamie Gentles, of Kincardine, is the
guest of Mrs. Fisher. Newgate -t.
Miss Frescos Room returned tram • two
weeks' visit to Toronto Tuesday.
Miss Wallace, of Waltham, was at the
family residence for Dominion Day.
Jas. Sullivan, of Guelph, re -visited the
old home sed his many old 1nada
in (:oderiob fee LM
from • two
Monday em r
°ss' `.`� ~d•' par tee Met MIS NEARING THE ENI).
bis ..w •layer, Ma. • u..r, alar Ntrdser.
Jmbr c.•k•.tol� .., .e...d t...Mr t... .
Clinnes, has ater15•1 c law to him
Goderteb, sad is ea- • •toms asks he • ._r---
falr shwa of pub w I. • ears
Dr.ggw Hoke, •. P. •., was etseisttsg Impierlal Hou Will Prob*bl
dry goods laeruhaut R ,,,.s.4 iv mob Mae DlaaOlw On Monday -
that e& Domw
taa 3..y. 1 ....111 he ♦ lttratitoays�d.
at • yard lope o..1 .. ...4 .tr.teai.g
to . eeere the dee TME NECESSANY SUPPLIES vOl Ell.
will not be a candidate in Wet Hers rat °make it & live, Prner ssiwe .thib(tin..
tee eomtng mimeos. He bas jest returned
from California, wbitbr he has boss in
search of health, and in reply to • reporter
of The Detroit Evening News, repled :
•. 1 am . sick w still, but I fed math
better the. 1 did wba. 1 left Ottawa'
What shout your going te M.ritoba, Mr.
Pedersen • 1 desert wart 1. go hate
polits°•1 matters, but i will my that 1 re-
fused to teao the li.mtessmt-t:ovarrrabir
tee fine time it was eltea7ii les. Re►eriie-
less, it was offered me sista, and the pro-
position ie sow amity esmridrsties i ma's
toll what my donna will he."
-The recant appoiatebent d R. &
Ca1LTOe, jr., to the peeitime of vieb-eese.l
at F.rseream, ie Artrmat., by the American
Depaetmwt el %.t, wit► tint paws t.
eaitabtkb • .mswlaes at that paha k fllv.r-
aMy oommented uplift by the Amylase
piss sad herb om onie .e are paid le the
ability and Met el the .mpelmtes. The
W.1irne Pest save :
" No mean panel appolN3, trash
Imo pdv.sm We and *le.ega irted with site
tothaimie./ t1. bunion odd pe.i*y
haat NW the sees to say mists! panne&
Mr. IL e. Canis*, the p.ss 4 liner en.
is qualified. lest 'sly by seam It
N3Yeem. , bat by Mfg saps.isaee la H.
11.s. Depeetmem, be inahlbb the sew
hiss gist es dilative Inn s.41. dew
Every one should .id ih some way, either
The aomwruta. 11 11 • a oft ►►r pert is ens r Tis. SIM lase Paas Mow er.r.
.u11 .cry tight. 1 mates amas.barrl cubism .1 sta.er.a
lodt.s. an .&u...ye •1 owlet AttIW's3155* R01.rs do esas - Ind latasebetry
001115Did .put MM •' O 11. 4 N hnsh.e•
as tee Werra 0 steal.Il SO4
The ugly AM, ••.•. • J ) esu. Jay te MOM / t'.we sr
the eveatm delylh/f. •• • eget. pregr•m London. July I. -In the Howe . t
Irma the wee 11em. Commons yrmterday.Rlght Hsu. Arthur
The brisk far ..an •lug lie. work
will James Hal(our, the new l) '11'.".in "1
buaee r ea the rr..... • .441 tae Wert wU
First Lord of the Trerwry, stat. d that
be had hoped Portent. rat tit u d
be prorogued on Saturday. and would
formally dissolve on Monde: , lout the
Colonial Boundaries bill anu tn. Ext -e-
dition blii must be pawed befor th .
dissolution could take plait. Ile holed
that the Naval Works b111 also war ::E
be passed.
Mr. Jamce H. Das.e, Lib. rat, r • k d
how many of the m*inters •d th • p '•
seht Minlstiy were la t•e.'rlpt of Len
.Ione. Mr. Robert Han bury, Ft nano al
coos be ptmese.•0e+.1.
The anima know., p twos u thin wiais-
tty was oas al the 1.' • , oitere.ted spook -
(Oda at the hike rots .
Flask .'sd Adobe...• NJlal avoid to
Stavbrtd a F..Jar. Tie moons be.
Ina Wareto e•w.., 1. mi..iW soder the
' The piokerel neo.. ensued rated tits
Gn10.11 .r.ao•a .•.•1 •.:arae wail -known
angles, naught • (-...
Forty dueled seem 1 otlad CO live. the
dry goods area h.vluv j - sod tee miasmata",
and to give 11 0 pp•• 1..4 hews god. the
groors au boar be 1.,
The large mod tae tie got out e.f the fouls -
tale y..tvtday .oft .warted award. rite'
river. bat the dusty "ad it .,sold sot Noce
11 eat polka' up t .s .1. 1 r rate •cad 141 -
tweed te 1t. Dom..
J•O. ('. Maruu sad .v oto Seeres & have
excellent photos of the dede.gates ala at-
tended the room" l3 oo. Court of the C.O F.
i. Hamiltee. J. l' M.ru• sod A Sean
dors •re prosio.otlt e. • .• to the your.
An .arrest eager a . 0 .t.rad 'Shied tee
bis yesterday mar&Iog r. tele • good eras.
000seyu.stly man pkat °omploised
yeetardN of the coo ty of 311.3 lien, was
told that bass ooutd only be caught at 2
o'clock a the morning.
Cha. Wella, the gardener, hae had a .ee-
o.ssful year, despite the look of run, in
loft... rant*4 mad other mart et `arderitsg.
Two .t the finest head. of Suns w. have
sena say seams wow left with y. editor
W dltaieday mor°tme. am/ tickled tee
editorial palate et la&ohe05.
A g.ntbm•u from the etentry with rather
antiquated tackle. caught • Imre seeker
yesterday, Mat who polh.g it over the
breakwater it .truck ow toot and broke
from the hook. The anvlr.lament as the
lo.. was menethine to resemble. particu-
larly whoa • well known son of E. told
him he bad tint .e of t k.. beat tisk ia the
river. .. 43 k, ., ,:.0-a1 ua.f • doss Ike
Sir. A. M. Shepherd and family left Sat-
urday for Buffalo to take • lake trip.
Miss Minnie Campbell is home from
Ridgewood to spend the bolidey term.
Miss Arnie Campbell, of Seatorth, spent
l/omision Day at the family residence.
A. M. Polley shipped 2 car loads of
very fine burse to the Motherland today.
Dm McCormick rearmed Tuesday even
leg from Waterloo with • Waterloo medaL
Mrs Heat, ot St Lour, arrived in awn
Friday to .pend the Semmr months
Mie Mons Shephard of Trinity Uni-
versity, is home for the Simmer vaca-
Mies Lotto" Gentles, of Kincardine, was
visiting the Misses Fisher the past few
J.E. Careaday, ot Windsor, was visiting
relatives in awn and Auburn, the past few
The Mind.. Waktb, of Cleans, am welt-
ing their cuter, Mrs. Sperling, for • few
.)so. F..IUott, of the Collegiate institute,
Walkerton, u the guest of hie brother,
1:. M.
Mrs. Fitzhugh Turner, of St. Lou*
reached Godeneh Friiey on • Sustel.r
Mies Fr..ks,of the Central, lett Saturday
to spend the vaanoo at Brampton and othr
Mr. and Mrs L G. 8tew•rt, of Kisser.
dim, are keWsyisg at the family r .ideue,
Fred. Stakes left Moody for Siefertk.
Seteary for the Treasury. replied th 11
Lard A1.hlourn••, V W oust Cos-, L .1 d
thong.. Hamilton and Sir Mllc:.ael
Hicks -(teach were In receipt of pen-
sions, but their pendens had been eta -
tended during the time that they wou.d
be In office.
Mr. A. J. Balfour announced that the
first to eines.' of the Government would
be to vote such supplies a• would en-
able the elctlons to take place w.tiv,ut
Inconvenience to the pub 1c service
The House agreed to vote an appro-
priation on account of the maintenance
of civil service, and the navy.
The army estimates were then taken
up, when Mr. Dalstel asked It It w to
the Intention of the Government to pro-
vide a sufficient supply of ammun,t`•nn.
Mr. Balfour said that some in. reas •
in the estimates would be asked.
Sir Charles Dllke said there had b •en
a great deal of needless concealment In
I regard to the supply of small arms and
ammunition. There had net er been a
sufficient supply of the stores. and there
was not before. The foreign (p •yern-
meshes know this perfectly. and w'tw
taking advantage of it.
Mr. H. Campbefi-Bannerman. lata
Secretary of State for War, denied that
the supply of small arms and ammuni-
tion was deficient. He wan greatly
grieved. he said, at the recent adverse
vote, atter he had given dentine amour -
antes upon that subject. Mord upon
the opinion of the country's principal
military- adviser. He claimed that the
action of the House was unconstitution-
Mr. Balfour said it was a dangerous
doctrine that tde gentleman wh • ..as
responsible to the House was not the
Minister of War, but merely one of the
officials of the War Office. The army
estimates were approved.
tiew5M eve MOW Univ.
Washington. July L. -Judge McComas
to -day sentenced Capt. H. W. Howgata
to eight yearn In the Albany Penitenti-
ary, four years on each charge of for-
gery and embezzlement. Mr. Worthing-
ton.. counsel for Howgate, filed a mo-
tion of appeal, and asked that Howgate
be allowed to remain in the district jail
pending action of the Format of Appee.
watered to 3.oa aN r•reditors.
Buffalo. July 2. -Weighted down with
(fens and chattel mortgages, and press-
ed by dozens of creditors. Including a
scores of employes. E. H. Hardy, pro-
prietor of the paint and wallpaper store
at No. 11 Wadsworth -street, has closed
up his establishment. and It is believed
has skipped to Canada, of which coun-
try it 1s said, he is a native.
tis -boon. Wade 7. r'.st.eal.n
Sing Sing. July L -There has been
considerable talk that Dr. Buchanan
made a full confession before he w nt
to the electric chair. Warden Sage maid
that, as far as he knew, Buchanan maoe
no confession. but. on the contrary. ea-
- cried
a--=cried hkt innocence up. to the,l:f8t.
STwed 1111/:C•C1 ('0001'MO.
•1,...s Agent Grata•. wasted 4 tem
dos. r•wgbt to wees.ea.
Montreal. July 2. -Jas. C. Connors,
advance agent for an Uncle Tom's Cab-
in show. and hailing from Deseronto.
was arrested at Coaticooke last night by
Grand Trunk Chief Detectives Day- of
Hamilton and Holahan of Montreal.
Warrants had been issued for Connors'
arrest on the 1st of Dec., 1474, at Hymn -
ton, on a charge of nesting baggage
heck. at Dundas, Ont. He wan
::rrr'pted. but had escaped on lits way to
the jail and been at lame ever sine..
The warrant was endorsed by the mag-
istrate here. Connors dented his Iden-
tity at flet, but admitted at Sherbrooke
that It was iia He was traveling un-
der the n* Of A. G. Champlain He
will be Wien to >ialsllton.
MIAMI tinned bpi n GIRT le71.
Tine 7ewrb..diasd sevisssset ants 41*
rep«+. era NviMN.
St. John's. Mid.. July 3. -T1s Govern. -
mead bill relative to the winding up et
the banks. provides that notes, drafts.
the.. 1014 os the day tbe bathe collapsed.
tlaa be sst oh awaked overdrawn se-
misoft. Tor matt M to destroy • 11
pprnt��poets of dividends to the creditors.
Several defaulting bank directors aro re-
te take • peeitiee in a dry goods store of minter business. nominally in the persons
that tows. of relatives or employes. Oraeral in-
odd ppm jokes/as and °hildro., of climatical is felt over title ro.duet, eg-
Teemato. w •t thew Summer widen°. for pareally as tar bankrnptty periceedinge
the seesaw against tbnm have not yet bees rnm-
It es reported that Governor O'Brien
rellI0rd to ant to the Nrtreaehment
bili for the redovatlou made for t1.• sol-
arise 01 the judge..
t.psrle.t Saute t.perssd.
New York,July L-A despatch to The
Tereus, arrived io town Friday s • Herald from Santiago de Cuba *aye :
ewe a.et1' vimt. General Navarro hats left Songo for the
Jac Pomo loft for the .Id land today
purpose of arta, king Oen. Macao fa
(Wedtsadsy) ani.� oar pod of boeuem the mountains of Jarajnero, and an un-
shipped tram 1 .trdiss. povtant eingag.sent le a oeoted stoma
The retorted appearance of cholera here
is officially denied.
P. Maleomsse. barrister, .f L.00ksew,
by bong an exhibitor or a visitor, for the made sea of the family authorise on
greeter the aucome of the ter the greater Dominion D•y.
014'100001k te hA. p.eple. W. strongly ed- Jno. Watson, of the Ayr Agrionitarsl
.ie helping it Jag. Werke, veiled his omen, Rev. Dr. Civets
Mane isopesrtart chatsgee have been wade Downie, clay.
is the prim list, whish dd. to its emekt. Mrs 1, Mrtis and them children, op
e.ss, and will be sppiMi&.d by the eithibi-
itv req met we ay thg4 swap' itis M seat
say .optimist by mad hila intilleis A.
300.0.5, the 55.1.p, idtda.
OIs. a. Uererr . .f lo.•r respl1My
Cared sr 01.04 rube.ine.
Dertetr, Minh., Jody L-A very curious
incident has moseyed hen. and the width
will he M osY.e.es1 im creek Mr. Hugh
McCrr.. • well k.ews weary public, hie
bees • softs per yeah from •
pcsaWr term of Mad _line _
the mese frig*1Ml peke la the ted
lack. The best dmeesra were spindled
wNM.t Misr able m givs say mist sad
Mr. Meearr.r d,ti4 that W mass was
laep less Rs was tell resm..md to
make a hyla of Dead'. "tsde
"tideway Pill.. W
did a with the fails hope that thew m t
ham emu ekes h Me teas. the
.nese et whit* did ala 11.d him 4 as
melon it with kidney sem.pW.t. To bk
the Ames et the remedy were
lestles.hM fns the were dr.e..tsd he le ant
ibe es4lb rented es bs.1sb by Ible
Mn. Jas. Maoism .ad Mrs O. Rrews,
al Credit Forks, Oat., aro visiting at the
minus of Ss.L 81e.ee.
i/r. Porter lett ler Mound today (Wd-
as dyi. am roues fr 6gted, where he
will make • rather Wag Maj.
Joe. H.ek* who was the meet of J.a
Williams the pis week, hitt fee Mum. Te-
rmite. ehk (T. d.y) mr.isb
Miss LaTeesel rotund from (leis
Friday, .cad will spud the Pawnee es -
sane .t the lank res"raes
Mr ad Mn T. H. Redman sad AIM -
rem are sp.mdiag the ►ridgys eh the rai-
ds.s el lira. T. R. Vele livery.
day to be res 1 .e the tesedsreedies
of this hies . tows le a sin.
Yid Ands Sameselt, el 1.letlelBr.
1mr.04 e1i0 (810451) .rang Item •
lengthy nth le milathee 1. Itasesed>a
POs. Yoe. trttdg7gr tells mad ballot
tns0tter'i Sok es a Oise 5Mw.
Nerve Tort. July 1. -The body of Dr.
Buchanan, the wife -murderer, who wan
executed yesterday In Sing ting, Is to-
day again furnishing a free show to a
crawl of morbidly -honed atgbtasore
at Undertaker Huhnaa's establishment
b Vartek-street. Many people take
their tarn la Use several time. to get
nem thus otic look at the comes. Mrs
Buchanan wma .arty ea bead. but evade
ed the crowd.
useese e7•le./e.m Meow wise.
New Tori, Job 1--4t t• am-
asaneed that tie. Amnlsaa 'Noise
Onapaay blest demised entre' of the
diode bei hsMn of Csaso by else
ptt*haa7 eft a1 the Dendell a admen•
With 1' 1It/ top.wink. Ole Omar* Yonne. wart - _ yS..1.e:.rarr l
•e.'11..4a 111. *GOO 1,111.10.1.•••••• •.. •. --e
Britain throughout the w irld. IaS'�t
upon the intensity of the Coo -41 King-
dom, &ad over to promote 114..
S ir Hears Jaarer, wbo has jt.st tem
elevated eo the peerage, will tak the
title of Heron Aytestoi of 11. r: ford
The Pail Mali Gesette say.' th t t1N
report of i he appointment of 11 r tier.
aid W. Is hour to the olnce of chief See -
rotary fur ltrIan.* le officially confirmed.
.e, ..e ,..r -•el... Mostar.
London. July 3. -Th. Dally News, un.
der toe caption. " Mr. Chamberlain s
Mlntat:y." contends that Mr. Chamber-
lain will mould the policy of the lithos -
try .. break It to pieces. The News
dlacu•ses the new appointments won
a collo twrees's.
The Duke of Norfolk's Administra-
tion. It w>s, will be watched with mor.
cur:-''sIty than faith. Whitbrr Lar. Ger-
ald : aifour, as Chief Se.-retary for Ire-
land. will hay. ble brother's easy !me-
ccas will depend altogotti.r upon whe-
ther in -lend Is .•onvlte ed that her hole.
of autonomy are not for free re 1 las.
lion. whatever may be the political na
lure of the Government.
The Standzrd .:•y. that Mr. Gerald
Balfour'. Ippo•lntment as CAME Secre-
tary for Ireland is very favorably re -
ear ie.l b) the Irish Conservatives, but
that the Irt1.h Natlonaltsts are htghly
displeased. and will denounce the ap-
polatmer t 1(rung ly during the elect. Ira
campaign. 1fi
The t hr.wk:e says : The Ooveriosewt
hat, given a ver4 beevy mortgage to
f..rtnts• in app.int.ug Mr. Gerald R..1 -
four to the Chief Serretary.hip m Ilrr'aud.
We cannot imagine .any meeker of the
Horn.• ed Cotamoos lea likely 4. bring t•.
the Irish offices the qualities of ■tatea-
mai.•h.p that the publthou der.rsla. The
('hewed will ridicule and modems. emirs
d the other appointment." mad will r1.u-
rlalle as leiie,w-.. ••ttrrmpen. then -right
Itadea.isa: ofd 'Toryism. Wbiggery lead
llearracy IIiug:ed in a feetureloe mer
bivatkan-what a:A oar of it'."
r•,.•,'..• s. 4 "ate (veeytblas
Dublin. July 3.-A mass meeting M
the 1'artlrlllte ruction of the Irina Na-
tion -1 1•e•ty was held here to -day. a.
which It was agreed to content all of
the likely seats in 21 out of the 14
rountl.•s :Ind all the boroughs except
Lond•.nd: rt y and Belfast.
ruptteel N Amend lam. team y'. gnat.
i.mse M •va4 Laa3IMlve -
Sydney,July 3. -During the course ug
a speech delivered at a large free trade
meeting yesterday, Prime Minister Reid
said that be would not object to a Leg-
islative Council, the members of which
were named for life, If It only regarded
the win of the •ountry. A Howe con-
sisting of Crown nominees was an at. -
surd anomaly in a democratic constitu-
tion. but lie would not tn.uble to iutrr-
fere even with It so long as It respected
the electors. The Legislative ('onn,•11
had. however, set Its foot against the
will of the people, and the time had
come to deal with It once and for all.
The people had not got either yet, and
something moat glee was. The_nome-
thtng would not be the electors. (Loud
cheers.) Mr. Held asked the people W
The following additional Minister' it empower the Government to reform the
appointments have been announced : cntistltutlon. He proposed. he sold. to
Right Hon. A. Akers -Douglas, F'Ir.t
Comml.sloner of Works, and Walter It.
Lung. President of the Board of Agvl-
culture, both with seats In the Cabinet
The Duke of Norfolk. Posttnast• r -
Gerald William Balfour, Chief Ile-re-
tary for Ireland.
Sir John E. Gorst, Vice -President of
the Council.
Sir William H. Walrond, Patronage'
Secretary to the Ttury.
W. E. G. Macartn ), Secretary to the
Joseph Austin Chamberlain, civil
Lord of the Admiralty.
Jesse Collings. Under Secretary f .r
the Home Department.
T. W. Russell. Parliamentary Secre-
tary for the Local Government Board.
Joseph Powell Willlams, Flnan•-tal
Secretary of War Office.
Thr Cabinet now has nineteen mem-
bers the largest number it ever .on-
tafn d.
Messrs. Collings, Russell and Wil-
liams are Liberal -Unionists, and their
appointment -1e regarded as evtdence of
the Influenio of Mr. Chamberlain to tae
The new Cabinet held Its first met-
ing at noon to -day. Lord Salisbury pre-
sided. and all of the members w-er • pre-
Lord Roliebery-, In a speech made to
this city, ...Id that he did not intend
to Issue ether a manifesto or a pro-
gram. He was rather in the position
of those heroic soldiers who politely
requested the enemy to fire first. He
reminded the new Government of Lor 1
llaonns4eld's assertion that En;;lan 1
does not love coalitions. Henceforth
he Paid, the dissident Ltberak would be
found shoulder to shoulder with the
Tortes. marching to a very dubious
eft tory under a banner without motto
or device. The bitterness of the pejor-
ation from these people was long past.
He rejoiced at the bottom of his heart
that they were now selling under their
true colors. The Liberals heneefotth
would meet them face to face, ■nd
would no longer be tormented by s
gnvrllla warfare on the flanks. There
were only two parties ---Conservatives
ani i..o.rais.
Lord Rosebery proceeded to dl.euse
the lettering to be learned from the de-
feat of the late Governmnt. in 11178, he
said. the Liberals landed In the House
with a multifarious program and a
tiaSnrlty that was Inadequate to carry
that program through. He couneelled
the Literals not to repeat their mis-
take. They mast hi the new Purl!a-
ment adapt their policy to their majori-
ty. if they had only a small majority
It would be futile and hopeless. to at-
tempt any •rich groat ennatltntlonal
changes as those Invntved In the Home
Rule. Church Dine etabllshment. Loral
Veto and On. Man One Vnte measures.
Lord RomOhsry'n reference to the
introduce a bill that would provide
when a measure passed the Assembly
and had b••en rejected by the Council
at two c,n.ecutive seselons, It should
be submitted to a referendum of tie
etectots during a recess, at the end ..r
the second .'*00100.
Ile hoped thus to terminate the dead -
1 icks of the House. Falling of other
solutions`. the Government would be
asked to grant a workable constttutlop
t the colony. Including an elective
t ,uracil, the. members of which would
be ele'ct's under a superior [ranches.
It wall not Intended that this Coua it
should be 'superior to the Assembly, but
It should be merely a revising chatmb• t'.
Tow Let:.lative (Lomeli bee rejected
the Fleetoral Reform hill by a vote of
IL to 1-4.
t'Mrer4* SNKlsa Io Tariff.
Melbourne. July B. --Tb. A rnibly hes
by a vote 01 62 to 22. pared .the first
item of thea Tariff bill. the affirming
ties principle of a eduction of the em -
MAW ata ow y MEAD MI
OM•Il.ewate .sk/de .r • M►arred Cue
.nitb while locator teem li-
asacisl Tr..tste..
Stratford, Ont.. July 3. -Edmund E.
Seeley. gunsmith. who keeps a 01ore In
Downie -street, this city, committed 'u:-
clde la.'t etentryg In a most de-libera'e
lir was discovered making evident
preparations to do away with Writs 1 .
and Dr. D. ll. Fraser, who :11e.. a t w
doors away, was celled Imr•te.'l t' 7.
Seeley was In the back shed. Iran. 1r
pier a harrel, with hie forele a 1 p. .s-
ing the muzzle of a double-barel°d gun
and his left foot connected wit i the
trigger by a cord.
The doctor entreated him t • desl>t
tor the make of the family. taut e'.el•'y
threaten 'd to " touch It off ' in hie
presence If he came near, an 1 after
more argument the doctor left. think-
ing his ,+n.nmel would prevail.
no hod hardly turned his back wham
Beeley polled the trtlrger, b•owitg the
top of he head completely off, keying
nothla above the nom.
Seeley had been in financial difficul-
ties lately, and this, aIth the fact that
en Intimate friend had within a few
drys polfloned himself. le supposed to
have no preyed on his mine; re to Cause
An fngnest war not const• I name-
view Mase 4 Posta
Parte, July i. -The lits i�p lie Ivies
t*g of Godllto; t military owt4ttlne, ew-
tahltshment and other buildings ) •
terday la emanated at between 7,IM,e�i
end *.MS. IM franca
Tereele tw'e'e•
Flexr - Oasis. 1■ doll, with sardine
maws misled as 74.17 to M.M. tortes.
hst"guerilla warfare" of tie Unionists ells s,ms b gt SILO
Bed much applause. o war ls.e. Tomato r ya, gtnw7..w
Referring to the Hoene of Lords, Girl m••0i+ r )a-4 le Oty.
marks t. vary mince. .r
Rosmbery Wd . Thera Is one esseettaaata, swigs M. -day 1s esesetr s .s.eMb�
that .embraces ail other which were
before the lab Goverment. ninety, tis
domination oe the Rouse of Lords, the
exlatesee 04 their pow.. relegates the
Liberals to porters tmpot.*ee IA the
oounNL of the adios. On tale gess-
ties i ata prYad tis fight the month
Tee ratified Conasrmtive t'afesn kat
Weed Y a/pehl althea the Rrtnek mis-
e M ~art the Co s.rvatrve rats
while le semla i M Me le OM
.im,Nwn tied No. 1 Maslet►*. bard
P?i.d. Ann W~ Wass 'softened
ea about Me. wast.
Me tea& d fi W palms anted 11
M. M _Me ter h,H.g 404111aa
0.1s -1+o madras a .ee.V. 111x* Mho
mein instils et 000/5. i* 11-4 M 1M
e~-ile benne re* ewe Wept?
td lf✓ MM'
fig 70.40*.
,fig a. OA mast 7me dell."' , waw
�� �.letsrsrwm•mmama. .. . - . ..