HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-4, Page 2Ct 1 TRR RTOWATr : (:OD MICR, ONT., THURSDAY, KM)AY, JITLY 4, 11495. �it/a with e veiny bob or a coneyMOM& isn't pkes•ut. baby ma be by keeping a bottle of Perry Davis' PAIN Kitten ou the medicine .heti It te Invaluable in sudden attacks of Crimps. Cbolaa Morbus, Dysentery and Diarrheas. tact as valuable lot all external pains. em • te-one Maw r`S,TMJ,' O 1 S C `rF'T\tN, A1N}ILLR 4 . /SCS QAbr rbc $ignzl, u ►awt.sPCD 6VRRY THL'lt11)AY MIMNINO Ore s. seCILY/7M1<. Ogee of 1'u lia ioch Ontario. n and ilk None meet, Term. of •sa+errpd los . 0.. womb. in sit more T\rse menthe -• •'•" Gee year, $ ►are 6.3 t. IoW L...k a1 tear label. Your label is • et•ading receipt or the date e which yon are paid up. Hae lbw, Ir is no; allowed to fell Inn arra•r. When • ehanr, of address le &entre i. both the old two 'he new address dbeold he itis en. Ad.enlssas nate. Leewl and ether o.s**i advert ii,.'nen'e. leo. par Ile for Brat lasertt oa, and t cr..o per Ln. 1st each nhsegae.t insertion. 4iee.rur•d bis. elnppagrr.eII erste. Business cards of sir levee and wader Si per y Advetitestnente of last, Found. '•'rayed, ill nation V.Oant. Mit.utloaa Warted and Dligness Chanes Wanted, sot eseetelsg i Ido nonpareil, goo month. Hooses on Sale and Farms ea Hale. sot to lamed "Imre. $1 for Bret month.. 1tk. per sob request month, 'Agree ad out. is propnnter. ] spe,•tal noeloe, the ubjere Of which le to promote the pecuniary benefit of *ay ladi- vidoal or company, to be considered an ad vsrtl.emect and charred socord!nety. Local DeGroote nonpareil type one cent pee word, .o notice. lion than 33e. Taal notices in ordinary reading type two per es moats pword. No notice for lethan Sib. Notions for churches end other relezioue and benevolent institution' half rata *be.e "The /Nasal" *Motor. Sebseriber who rail to twelve Tan M.ow at re.ularly, either by curter or by mail, will roofer • taveir by •opuarntl.g es of the feet at as early • data es pont No. Rejected man ueerl pis usenet Its rsenrned. Corr..p,ndeneo must be written oe one side of paper only. retaliatives nesse*. J. C. L. Towel, of 19ederir\. haw been &p pointed Loral Travelling Arent for the town- ship' h Oodertob. Colborne. Aiding/Id and Wa- Lacal pewtemet.re ever the Metric* are also empowered to remeive sulecriptIos. to Ton sweat, All eosmanlcetlots must be addressed to D MoOILLICUDDT, Tits 8iestiL, T.taptw Dante. •ederiob. Ont. ttODZRIOH. THURSDAY. JULY 4. yes. - The remedial order .nems to Ise an order which doesn't appear to he likely te est as • remedial order to any treat ex- tent. The attempt of Sir HUMERI* TOP - rine to prove that the Patrons tried to arrange with the l:overnme&t to keep ep the pries of bider twine, has all the ear- marks of • "pat up" job. The resignation of Ro teitsav and the calling of SALtaergy to the Premiership by the Queen on Sunday is enough to muse M•bb•tari•.a to grow oold and utter pro- test. And yet the bottom hasn't fallen out of the British constitution, and the t'niou lack is .till to the tore. - Toronto is working overtime to get bock its lest title of "Tortoni the good." The keeper of • gambling resort has just been sent to j&il for 60 days. If be had lived is Godench well, we won't say what would have been dose to him but, he tor - tautly would not have been asst to jail. - it was claimed by (lovernment organs that when wheat was reoeatly quoted at $1.00 the result was due to the bes.bosst working of the N. 1'. Now wheel wisest has dropped to 830. • bushel to whet will they attribute the cause ! 1f the N. P. was mighty to raise the price, it should have been 'nighty to keep it raised. - The nits of the past weak have done winothing to help the taxpayer to provide for the tweeters who are dawdling away the hours •l Ottawa Yee, whoa dustioo Domes around we will boar the eluant put forward that any seseure of prosperity which the country may have, sbeaM he attributed to the mea at Ottawa wise ..a..d the prosperity by the sweat of their jaw. The Canada Farmer's Sun has ad- ded Prohibition to the other planks is its platform. gad if it can odd the Probibl:len- bts le its ether voting power • great future le before it Rut we can • ears our es- teemed .entemporary that the Prohlbitiee von easiest be relied upon on venom day. although ata voice is strong for separating' from the old parties .11 the remainder of the ytt•r. it begins to look as if • Federal *teeters was once sere in the thosght of the G.vees,nent. Thin time the abed bigger than • man's hind that pertomd' the stem is the tact that what Waisted .$notion agent .ad renal enke,ner. (Ino. More, has Woo released from his snit snap .t Rt Peal, Mies . so that be goy boo able to ins his •.divided gebteese te Rooter RRwtwo Hi e. vhemM easedsa require. 2 nate • nolo rate Icor p•genger tr•do. It should net he necessary to have le*fd.Hy moos ea Gm 'miter .iar.w the hoe tea baalness .comet of ntlway marts ere has esabled thews to grasp the idea tbat to see iour.ge p•sma*ger trsf6a the rate must he pawed at • minimus. Wine the present rate oe t'a/miles railways reduced there r set doubt • I&r$e!v tour/weed pse.eng.r ton- do would result, awl instead of lines of empty coaches, s. at present, oos.iderable mutinies would h. done. THE PA1 RON$ ARE IN IT. -That way in which T. O. Cu**ii, of Middlesex. vio..prendent of the Patrons of Ontario, talked .twat the old political parties yesterday at Benmtller brought jay to the hearts of hu thorough paned Patron friends, and gall and woodworm to the breast* of those members who had not yet rot off the perry shackles. Mr /'realm is an old.time lint, but the only tants who he now bolter's to be creed, see those who .re deal, and as for the Tones, there tan's any of them good te his estimation on, not 000. He let the iesroh htght to en the dark scarce of Ontario poli- ties very freely and rte laid bare the Ottawa resonates io,e most trenchant and effective style. It was &muster to see the smiles oat the old fashioned Tones when the viae -peen dent was lambasting the old line Grin, and the old line Grits had their turn to look pleasant when the fluent Petro* from Mid- dlesex set the swivel of his moons for work against the rescan at the Doodahs o•pitaL Mr ('ratter. is .n effective speaker and held the platform for three hoe/sand twelve minutes, by the watch, without exhausting either himself or his astdieaos. From the reception his address received and the applause of his editors, it is quite evident that the new factor is politics hes Come to stay, and that *id party Liam are being shaken to • ootaiderable extese Almost every stud brin;t letters to the oltiaaas' essimaiellaa Mtaimimg es- Imitie. for Seutater esMMss. sed ere maw - mad n .fort is to he made a farads\ the tawe with this vary denirsble .id's .4 neo e.am.dsties. A esotptusy le le he torsed is the near future to develop the eehees, .ad r t\. m en$ies any of ser redden' desi.om el taking seek la whet is bound to pre. • meltable sedsseak keg are regained e mall epee 111. Ra.vew, ba,rMm,, W..144.. wb. win r1n hR lmfermmtMs es the sub -W. F. MAalta*s, Y.P., has in- Othilst/:sal soles bueyie imithtlmg the CONTEMPORARY OPINION. Tete w'HwaL ALt. a).:pTr tondos Advertwr : A member of the Chicago Board of Education sustains the women teachers in riding • bioyole to and from school. He say : "My ebservatioa is that women who ban wheels .t their been are not troubled with them is their heads." The sane remark hold. • good of mm. When a young man is on his wheel he s out of mischief. A ,'O:(TRA!?. Casad• Farmer' Sm : The lateral of Hon. Alex Mackenzie dia not Coot the Dominica a not His widow was offered • grant. but declined to accept it la this demowatio ace the mimes of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie will be- revered in history. No Sir or Lady will ever take preoadenes above them. Expsrieioa is teacbing Canadians to value worth. So mote it be, PATRON PICNIC AT BENMILLER. address by John ilosiresteelt and Henn -errs/ dent T. O. Carrie. 3 T was patron's .hay at t'hur.day, .dun 27. Nearly every patron of the district with his wife, children and mother-in-law made it • point to turnout on the occenos, .ad • more orderly and well •ppe•rieg open air gatheruig it would have been hard to find. The chair woe occupied by James Con- nolly, of 1;edienoh township, who carried the patron standard at the last Ontario election, and the boys who pat up the fight for him were around him good and thick en the ooce•too. Seedy Robertsoe,Toss Gina, Will H•acke, Job. Mugford, and . raft of other stalwerts had prominent plans., but we mimed the ensiling countenance of Joe (tell and one or two others who had worked overtime in June of 1894. The first speaker was John Uov.slook, of MoKiliop. who delivered • brief, bet, ia• 'sweetish deices' on the questioee of the dry from • patron standpoint, and broke the ie. for tea vice-president At this stage of the pr.etedimme the their - wan red a letter from esedidate Forrester, who. was usable te be present owing to kw leg absent in the Old Country with • load of settle, in width the writer sated Gm the cane of pateoak n was foremost is his thoughts sad that he was in the eostest to stay meld the last vote was t»Iled,•II moo - mete to the oomtrry notwitkseading. T. 0. Carrie gave what he termed • quiet little talk to the audition for over Utrem ttowra. The vim -president is • born talker and bias oottsiderwble histrionic ability, with • voe•bslery whack in vigorous, as iaveetave wkiott ante Uke • knife. sad •rreme.taiive power of se moan order. • He seemed by peen* bis minim to the editor of Two RS3WAL in • friendly way, as they were •mq.gkae.e.a of year wet & g although at presest not sailing is the ems be.e. He then paid his •tasntlea be the g errys •den, Boal owl federal, cid et.. deemed the earring of the asestlemessins Whet should be dem, amid be, is a paws the sorer is the heeds el thyme ee.ptleb judges. and have • fair di.tr4Mng Lew The people were rssmeeslkle for the mold .Aer el change, awl oosMtien were as My are ►seamen we wen unworthy of the MINI .l lbrtt.a& Assort ether i►6so• the swam w ate Benmiller on all right, hat the .cher Ibis(' are eel, w ren attempts at Isv.lty mad. by f.Rwre whet wouldn't be 4...54•d epos to Ag&i ler their country. if omadlse desraded- Why. if they went owe te meet aa e.say, sod unit • grasshopper with top beets on, armed with • squirt gen, they would tarn mid rue gad get .hut in tete bask with water (Loud 1•ugbter I A.d yet them fetlew. peen •beat their loyalty." We have no atatsesee to Canada each .. they have in Britain. 0.r as -walled Naisanoe& are re rely phonemes." I geed to he • stress party area, hat 1 quit that when 1 get seam. sad sew seem people my that I've tarred any moat. Well. that's the diner.... bctw.ee • me sad as ase- 4 ma mw chyle. kis oust gad woke it off. whoa he 'ma Uks it, bet am .ss has n wear his coat awn it weeds off." (toad laughter wad applause. 1 "A statement had hems orad. by • mem ber of the Go,eramet to chow that the Patroe Blinder Twins 1.'0. wanted Govern- ment .mist.moe to keep up the prim of twine by forming • oombise on prime with the Kiwi/Moo pnitesti•ry f••t•ry. The mamma u • deliierate lie, gad I w111 mot allow wig a•n.tm•e--nn. mot e*atsemas---1 will sot allow any '•thing" who weeld like to b. coiled • statesman to be put est such • calumny without ooatradiotiom.' (8� planes. I "l'M farmers should read • little mon and should think • tittle mor., and Aad eat how they have bus trampled soder feet by combines and trete, s that they ere was .11 the way from the eager that gem Into the milk of the mewborm b.be to the wind - tag sheet •ad oaks plate of the oorpee.' "Som. said, Ole, bat we get things cheaper sow ! Indeed, sad why shield wm sot is tbs part et the aiset..sth cen- tury, with the sereb el progr..e olid Ow revoluuoa in industrial iavntioa area u. It was the improvedima.tinsry.and sot the statutes of any Government, that asnsed 'hewn preduotioo. That was the reams that the Patron Co- was 'totem binder touts at 6}0. which • year or two ago oo.t 17c. per 1►. " •'A. the Patron oomp•sy had broke& the hinder trust, eo had they burst the salt eombin, and the profit of 33c. per berry! had bees wiped oat." la 1886. there were 62,259 teas of salt seed by fanners for whish 3227.196 were paid. 1. 1890 the oosbies rwiead the prim with the melt that far 3227,000 the fanners only got 43,754 ulna el salt Ia 1992 the ooaditioa remained pews noisily the sante, but i. 1893 the Panes salt well forced the dl combine so flat the price was lowered cid the farmers rot 69.- 324 for $196,896 " ' We are governed in Caned& by the Maritime Provisoes, and Chicano is the milab esw width is milked so loos Mid se often that its bens stunk out through the skis. That is the moos the land sharks the agents for the Iona oompasies, are mak- ing tat livings by selling out farmer and t•kt.R the homesteads hoes than-" " Mat beaus does ih. farmer. Rut for mime • three year old steer te 1,600. Not • mat. Re de.sn't get • rebate from the (ievernswat en the salt whish he buys to fertilize his tars. Well, this Maritime Government which dominates W. .masher allows its fishermen to import their ash duty free from over the ocean, and wit ottea oomes in ballast the "blueoo..s" gio it cheap enough to all lateen That is Dot all. The Government gives them • bosom to take 6wh est of the water who God plead them mod when it oasts nothing to grow. The Maritime fisherman is • Lazy loafer who sills about four months of the year. lives es Government bounty the remainder of the time, is of no use in the development of the country, and if you were down to se him. as I have been, the lord knows you wouldn't consider him much of an orna- ment." "This country is raised by • Winkel', rotten codfish •ri.toorwcy who get in attar of roots and di.moode free of duty while the honest democracy are taxed on the malt that r neoess•ry to fed the now before milk enitahls for butter making can be hod." "The re mon why patrnniem bas boom .ocessfal is not because of what the men h.vednw, but became the grand motherhood of the nation sat its bask. I hews more oonfideeoe in the woollen than in the men, for they are truer in their attachments en4 more eadurinr in their affection. This bas always been the ease, whether at the Brom of C&Ivary, or the minor bottles of Ida The motherhood is the standby of the n ation" After dasher with features in the con- test of June, 1994, the speaker berated bath parties rem their dieheseety, and inet.no.d the railway p... steal, by both parties, the contract jobbing. the •ppointme it of mem- bers of parliament to tat ofttces, the useless- n ess of the genet* and other topics ot inter- est to the public, mud he : "tf hen the Patrons brn,ght no the rail- way pees question in the i.oeal Howe every mother's mon of the old line party men voted the motion down accept nese m.e. •o4 that nein tem From Huron. I honor M. Y. Me - Lea for his Nand nn that ooceeion, where in deflator of the crack of the party whip, he reformed to stultify his manhood and vote tor the mean, miserable and wretched piece of thieving which follows whim • member Mites • pass .ad pockets his mileage. la voting as he did M. T. Melees proved thee he was an hneorwble man and dsasrvier et the support of loosest electors." ' The railway pets immesh had helped to sake Vas Herne the Premier of Canada, practical)T la the Ust of nemsofeI o•nd1. dates at the last general eleseles it was as- temlelii•g te motion bow nosey of them were sleeted es majorities under Afty, .std la warty every eoastitues°, frees 100 t• 150 pnnoms were issued to votes at paints from the Peine f .p• w Halifax be get ha the vete for th.Ooverumsest egdid&e. If Van Homme wanted .n extra Ave er tom Miller frees the Gover.ttsat hew weld say el those follows with 11,1.4 rm}erities vete mann bim. Re would simply say to the leakier member : ()sly foe lie yon wesld.'x have lees sleeted, poll roar vets, yea duffer, Hite as honest mon aed pay the UM yes ewe ma' "I was in Stratford the day after the last bye-eiseeles is a est Hares, wad at the testiest i not the hardest nailing gtiag-the toughest lot et blear-eved hammer. sad lee dews msalaw.gs that i ever saw is my Lila 1 didn't think it was safe te be near the. lied yet when i enquired 1 tend that theme ween the denim agents who had bees Imeldsg the esms11tsssay el West Ran and gotiag the banns. seomeary to vets - ler • wasidsesMea Retry ens e1 time rascals hevlled es • pees. and the railway elaverse moats oh have • pen hese m Hoard abi '1'b speaker &arise Ibe whsle awns d Ms Ithothil &Adrian kept she aed4H.d • . miles et the large and the Maiden sadi- The atoetlag was brengbt es • cion by vets. .1 theehe a the speakers and Asir. anus. and she dogleg el she asthma mtaehwa What Moore sod Mbar opiiaihs ere w.▪ 51t611 A/tyy A Bos r tsel • e the gees having Ws eel'��it It dm mast !ever- sible esedl- _ be•'tis1A' wheat.sr dims may be Smiths Is the .M. Ile who la time The meets el the wrewrbiN w i 140 gawk t el the wows% li were "When yes .biose a ,ascall4.s sees el thane Mlle. will amens M reply by tally .4.1"'eller greed eelleg-the small *id n ether. (1" greed metier Is IM hes el 1M hb-ie'e HELD FOR RANSOM. A ButfAIO Lawyer KWfptp:3sa and Tortured. TRIM UP IN AN k MATY CE: late Larry 1r.si NU hese be • Deem teeter Mat b • iota erose whoa fee Rad •Otaiaed ei:ets Tae add- Napo.," tm■ap,.era e:.r.r. to Buffalo, \.1'.. Jour 27.-Octavius O. Cottle, the well -hunt u lawyer of this city, aas kidnapped ret. Monday tuoru- iag. He was lured t„ s taev.id how.. ut 36 Buyiiee•.treet, *hen lie was over- powered by 2 Iwo, a 10 bound and gag$. ti biui. ,.u4. at the points .4 t..v.dr'r• :.n.1 daggers, compelled him to write a ;rt ter to his wile dlrertiug her to 4,'Iierr over $2500 t'. .. meso -ager t., secure his liberation. As Mrs. Cottle use arrwiiu- isll tt. carry out Metres -nous. else was adyid.ed not to du so. Y. anwbile the cap - tire was kept chained in the cellae), wtth .aur rri the dnriug t nolo, ou guard ow, r h im. Tbe fellow went away on Oueol.y •fterdron,aud after several bouts of p.--r- .l-test, desperate labor, the lawyer man- aged to break his chain. Early yesterday wuruiug be succeeded in attracting the atteutuw of a polke- ma.u. Thou, after 4u Lours' iwpri,wn• wilt iu a dingy, undt•rgnwud naafi. Ititbout loud ur sleep, be regained 1.1.- liberty. .i-liberty. Mr. Cottle told the pollee bow he wua lured away. He said thut at 10 o'clock on Monday moruiug a young and 'Ad very well-dieowd man drove to lir. Cottle's office in the building at, 14 .let and Court -streets and handed hi' a note purfn,rtiug to . ewe from a ,.•ei drat of Cleunn1 -.trent, w:i, wat.troi 2'- urgotiate with Mr. Cottle for some nal emt'te. The note told that if Yr. Cot- tle would be kind ew'ugh to emotionally its bearer, be would he comforted to the borne of for aub-a rib r, whist. name the attornry did tot rerieruite. Mr. Cottle was quite willing to do basin/a', and tied the man that he would go with Lim at once. They entered the buggy. •ad started, apparently iu the dltertiun of Cbeu..uao-.trret. The driver bad the bearing of a family ctscl'mau. in Mayne. -street, about hallway be- tween Wept Ferry end Ilrekenridge-.ts., he stopped nal told Mr. Cottle that they had arrived at the place . herr the grutlemau a leu wrote the tote lived. Tbe cottage seemed vacant. but Mr. Cott;. did riot rowwent on it. The driver stepped briskly ahead of him and rang the door -bell. The ring was euswere:t bya tall, stout , weighing about 240 eaupounds. No sooner was be iuridc then the driver •rammed abs door. Both Dieu pounced or Cottie, awl one rough- ly tied a haudkere\ief over hie udalth se quietly that be was unable to utter a scream. Uaneruffe, new, bright .ale., of the must approved patteru. were ■:,piled on bis hazels. With a kirk.00e us bis capture went the ce+,lar-ttuor flying open. Cott:e was hurried down flee steps iu the dark cellar. in one "oruer of the cellar was driven • bigb stout rust, with & rug iu the top. In fruit ail it was • choir. The men, who had not spokes a word during the entire perfovmauee, thrust tb it cap- tive into Use chair. One of them took from his pocket n pair of shock:res and 'Nipped them on ('ottle's stilton. Ile thea produced a chain, which he fastened from cuffs to eha•k:ee. But that was not all. The morn ran upstairs and .anon returued with a great leather collar. stab es is worn by dogs. To this was attached a chain. The co: - lar was slipp'd eroned Cottle's neek •ml (maimed tnrlort..ustely tight. The chain was brought down before him and tied to the bamkufle. A more conte:etc truing -up could not be imagined. With the gag us he was inenpwb.e el. speech or action. The pair of lirnd' surveyed their work tot • moment *od then went above, fearing the abducted lawyer to hie own unpleasant tbonghte. t Soon they returned, one bringing pen, ink and paper. The other brought a barrel from the far end of the cellar and stool it before Cottle. The gag was presently removed Irom his mouth. He might now have cried out, but in the right handl of the man was a revolver. Mr. Cottle kept 'till. The cuffs were slipped from his wrists. awl he was told to sit up to the barrel and do as be was bid. The wiper was set before him and the pan placed in his heed. The florid man took from his packet a paper on which something was written. placed it before the lawyer and ordered him to ropy it In his natural handwriting and sign his Muir or lose his lite. it was a note to Mrs. Cottle, telling her that he woe a prisoner in Niagara Falls on a petty charge, and that be bad given the pulite an aernmed name; that be could get out for $2500 and that she must owl that •mount by th- brearer. The lawyer, witb foul play staring him In the lase, wrote the letter with trem- bling hand and signed it. "If this don't work," said the big man, "yew starve to death. See ?" The conspirators held n whimpered con- breore iu a corner of the cellar. Then the big man took the letter and start- ed ofd with it, while the man who had driven Mr. Cottle to the house remained on guard. HP did not replace the gag, but snapped the \andrufh hark on regain. As to silence, he said simply: "U you try to yell i will shoot yon." The bit man tnok the non and drove with It to Mr. (ottle'e house at No. 187 Nnrtb-otrect. Mrs. Cottle enswered the bell. Fie woo we-•- ,..eneetfwl •...1 ei,W ,"r tent tee rein reecited the mote from Lr. Cottle at the prisons' in Niagara Falls and that be would be very careful etf whatever she gave him. He said that be had undrretnod from Yr. (tittle that if *!e did set have I2Mnn in the house it would be well to send all AN could rom- mand..a it might be pomibie to effect bis release nn a smaller aioent- Mrs. Dottie comtidered the letter bona fide. and was very much Bartered at the 12mught of hunting ep m much rasa at • moment's notice. She was about to go ler ell tin mowy ia the boom, how- ever, when her mos came in, and asked what was the eater of her consternation. (Be showed hit' the note. and he smelled • rat at none. Ile told the fellow that be would retina with him to Niagara Palle and *tried to bin fattier'. wants. " 111 right." was els reply. Tis ems ria not to the boggy,i. and drove olio Re was beat wosI4 at least have revenge. (Ga/r�b��i should suffer. Re awl the Mbar W had &N- ether roaloream Fa the miler. it was afternoon. sow, and Mr. Cottle, despite big tenor, lieges to get \ngry. Ifs raptors seemed to •pprerlete the fart. &ad about 4 c'eleili en Moseley af- ternoon bmagbt to b'ye •batt of soda teatime &d • pail d water. 1,111 • esp. fk teat • limb se them. Toward meanie the Mg sem west away. and be has set site Me' aeon. The yea'awr yeas stayed ppsatastily es rated. burl ilk ter 1 s:.. Ifs4451 meet earns with ad. u..ataa goatr for tae imprimis.* nww- yer. He saw that the man had sot re- solved do mangy, sad hared that la eager they would kill boa or Neve his to starve to death. Ile slept wore Mon- day night. l■ fh. metdng tie gleard brought him • fresh pall of waters By stooping I.ata- fully he was able to eat and dr uk His gorilla' kept his in ten: bit I.aju. All day Ttreday ie tie dark, damp •.•1 lar he eat eta his trona, wlth the • et Mau across the roam wateiiag his r.rrJ move. He got .otkiag to oat but the crackers and the water. Late . u Tseaday ti'lttit the driver got up eaamined ('ottle's pim- ior, looked ghost the cellar to war if fifty laerimineti,g tracty of him end his companion were •bust sod went awe. (Ltde was alone, ttusgry and *irk. 1� waited two hours for the return of .he youth* men end then os.yed • "lout. The hoose at the soul\ was but 2(1 `ret sway, but his ere•., were unheard. r\e dog collar w-nll galling his seek and al - meet breaking his spire. it reem••d Ry • gymuaetie effort Cottle etas able to reach An vest pocket. wbrre hu kuig was !le opened it. By bending uvrr he eould cut at the collar. After an Lour it was saweel through, and he heel • little rest. Besides, he was no longer fwd. -in.! to the post. He crept along through the cellar and ep the stain. The of or was Ajar and he VA. soon In the kitrbru 11e found e11 the doors and cried/ma t, -.d et to irvedom locked. 11e est horn •end be- gan \ie .ries gad mons. And so it emit said the polieemau beard him Fro"' nee of the oltfei:.lr. who hi' been Inveatie'ntiug the crime. it is learned that the leader iu the plod is J,'he C. Emery. owe a promniu'ut citiar.i r! i.ul- i.k.. aceturic rear* Akio Emery. who was beim/ iu l'itetinati. w.. ,.rre.t.•d for violation of the 'modal law.. N- wen tried. convicted and 'widener,' 1•. e long (ere of .sprieoum^nt. but ..«-..ped. and trade his way to Canada. After a time he a petted negotiations with Mr. Gottlr, who was an old f- end, Iter se- curing a pardon from the Gere roe o1 Ohio, mud offered to spend tao:r'r 1.1rer• ally t . retire :t. Mr. Cottle prtxe'sed to do what he could for him. and Emery paid over a large sura of mosey. acid to be bete"ru $15.000 and $17,000. Whatever lir. Cottle may have dome for his client. lee did not {tt't him a pardon. and Em •ry demanded the return of the money. a. h:e► was n•fued. Emory then wrote that he could not come to the t'.,a.d States to set, for the money. but he would t:ike other 'wane P. get it. It app.'nrw he then obtained It confederate .rid planned this job. It is also Heated th,.t ever minim Monday moon Edward P. Cottle. the lawyer's r in. was is Fort Erie o. Soti- ating with Emery for the return of hie lather. Emery bolding Out for a larger nun than the lottles were wihiug to pay. The mass who drove In. Cottle to Lbw Raynes-sttmet bower is George Allan. also an cerap'd convict. The po- lite are trying to find Emery, but so lar have been unueccoefid. Awdetaat-Superinten.laat punnet and two detectives rrturved this afternoon from Canada whither they went in searcb d the kidnappers. without !inviter foetid the slightebet clue to their whereabouts. The police say Emery iindl hie confed- erates have had ample time to get out d reach, end the only war to eapture Berm now is to sendl dewriptioos col tbetn throughout Canada, which will be done, A polite official. win is in n position to know, is authority for the statement that Emery and Allen got 0 Inrgr po- tion of the ransom they demanded. - tsshlm. al atteep.aMM 8heep•head Bay, Jute 27. -deet rnee, 7 farlourm-Cioutwell. 1,01, O'Leary. M to 1. 1 ; Lisa, 141, Midgtey, 1 to 2. 2 : L.- eaaia, 107, Reiff. H to 1. 8. Time 1.29 1.4. Second race, 1 rutile -Friar, 110. Dor- set. 6 to 5. 1. dims Arthur 11.. 113; Tarsi, 8 to 5, Hazleton. 112; Over- ton. verton. a to 1. 3. Time 1.44. Third race, 3-4 mile -Merry Prince. 118, Griffin. 4 to 1, 1 ; Ramiro, 118. Doggett, 50 to 1. 2 ; Applegate. 118, McCafferty, 1 to 5. 3. 1.16 1-5. Fourth race. 1 1-8 mire- Npakipook. 104. Griffin. 7 to 2, 1 ; Stephen J., 108, fry. 7 to 2. 2: Daily America. 116, Bsit1, 1 to 5, 3. Time 1.66 4-5. Filth rate. 5 kirk/moo-Formal. 110, Peon. 8 to 5, 1 ; Fascination. 109 1-2, Doggett 5 to 1. 2 ; Sebastian, 107, Doggett. 4 to 1, 3. Time 1.01 8.5. Sixth race, 1 1-4 miler---Saodowne, 101. Griffin, even, 1 ; Sak.siea, 102. Penn 6 to 1, 2 ; alt. Miekael. 110, Over- nice 8 to 1. 3. Tier 2.08 8-4. "de *bead and rlentres4M asebs.ma" Albany, Joni 27. -Attorney - Nonoral Hanrock said to -night that be had ad- vised Warden Sage of 8iug Sirg Prison to go ahead mad electrocute Dr. Mich - amen on 1M114117 is ease no new proceed- ing in law. such as has not already been di•poerd of, &rhea assIsas •lrthagr In lytta. Berlin, Jure 27. -The Tagehlett pub- lishes an •ppeal from the European col - opiate at Iskenderun, in Northers Syria, 'waking the western powers to protect them against the Moslem mountaineers, who ar daily pillaging them and mettac- hug, their lives. seee5mey Ia tee treeherbe.d .f Train_ seen New York, June 21.-A Chicago ape - Mal says: A sertou11 deficierey et..tw in the treasury of the Bro.herhoo,l ot Hallway Trainmen. it Is claimed that examination of the books and re Tiede chow. a deficiency of VS /1113. Of this deficiency, $211,211 was In •erred previous to September 1. 1"91. and 847.147 repre- sents the deficiency Insure• d from 8ep- tember 1 to December 31, 15)4 lielataas Witt tzar il'.e*dta. ts.,... Brussel'. June 21 -Tbe Government w111 wend an officer to Canada this year to buy horses for remnnnte and the ar.. tlllern% ear fiMr Asye&eeed assesses. Bristol, lend.. June 11t.--Samp1M d Canadian eider have attracted att- tion here. The samples are of good quality. A demand la nicety to be dm - 'eloped. AYER'S Hair VIGOR lierasree auseeid ender le the baur, awl oleo pwreate it balling mat. Mrs. M. W. seewtst, d Dig'bg. S. 0., sods " A Mk more two years ago sig hair began to turn n E nd fall out. At - ter the use of bottle of Ayer's Rair Vigor my was restored to its original and ceased falling out. An application has dace kept in good 000ditioa"-Yrs, si w1ca, Digby, N.& Growth of Hair. ]]�"Meat � am% I had the varin- and oud was quite abundanty hair, �I tried a vatic ty of reparf;till 111 i1bu began to put resin till fear I shoo be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer'• Hair Vigor, and I began at once to use it. In a short time, new hair bogus to appear and there is now every groapeet of as thick a growth of hair ea before my illness," - aina, Polymnaa tit., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIG0R ratRAk*D NT M.1. C. AYES & CO., LArutl, WS-. I .t. t Agrees Palls ears DMA X..deeke. Mat tosines aL, aataw as t'en•atea apewad Ip the Mae. of Wales Mr Charles Tapper se Mead a Paper es I steadies Stall ways. London. June 27. -The Prince at A"aka, ' bot'tly after 3 o'clore !telex• day, formally opened the ink -na- tional It,l.w.ty C'ontr n In the Imper•- ial Inst.tute, Kens:tgton. There were present tam dek'gat a .rum all parts et the wo:'4. Sir Cheri. s Tupper, Cana- dian High Comm m'on •r la London, occupied a reserved seat near the frost d the hall. His l:;ryal C'ghnees wel-ome•d to Ongland tete ,te'egto.e1. r the ronti- aental stares a t 1 from iroth continent, of Am.r.es., and cont nued "It is now nearly s0) ears @lace the opening of the first railway. W. have filly met te' day to show our interest 1n an industry which probably more than any other has enhanc d the wealth. prosperity and commerce of the world, and has tended to promote Internat!onal friend- ship and universal g,od .111." The last Cnngrees, which was held lig St. Petersburg in 1892. was Inade mem- orable he for splendid hospitality and ardent encouragement which was given to the delegates and tete objects they represent -'d by the late lamented Ma - perm A1mtander IiI. of Ruaela. 010 I Royal 11.ghnwa Patel he would venture to say thlt even to his friends from the United States, a country owning nearly half the railway mileage of the world, and also the delegates 1"roe India :std the Brlttab colones, Wholly rapid and eut^e..ful railway develop - me rite d• r. cooed the most c* - tion. .'e reviewed tuthe program ofnmtnendtae Ceongr"st, pre Ming In the highest terms p-actieaf unity. and c •neluded hie emarbs by expr• s,ing hope that he would he able through the proceedings and a•• -.nation of the Congress to ex- tend his sctenttfc and technical knowi- .dge, and Alan to establish the foun- dation of many pleasant and educating frlendehips, In tine course of the sittingw M the Congreve,i. Rir t''harles Tupper. Cs oodles High Commissioner. well read a Matey on the development of railways to Can - ate, ads, and tracing their lnvence upon the rnuntry's er'onetaic progressf, esp.0 dally In the provinces west of Lake ffU3Srtor, TWI NRPUIta se•TL A osmonerdaI Tcaeeeter owesnY. 114,1 * as rireen. hotels, cent.. June 21.--A man named Patterson, oosimerelal traveler lir Irooveflel& committed suicide at the Grand Central Rotel here thin atter- moos ttermoos by taking tnorpktne. He arrived to town yesterday afternoon shed put ap at the Walker .Hoose. It wen mai- e d that he was drinking beavoy. ]lt retired te his room lata In the evening sea gem mp about 4 seao mad iib e4B nod west to the (Mand G7rsiea5, wawa he swaged a roma about f mm. widow mmabal then MR Mt Ina mads 4. appearance seemed the hotel same et leen tri tide dberssole,i• w ram to brm mwelm, was�t�� talaalyM .osmathtnt se.At p 444111141111 .404_1 W remdh this wreathe molt • W4r be detmd - AMA Lewd Madlaree se veer salt.bv>r. QNanss Paris. Jane 2e. -The Marquis of Dtd- ferin. British Ambsasadoe to Prates. started for Washed to tc ':'•••"" wits Lora thstt.bnry regariung the mis- ter's atteras offer to him of the Foreign Port - :ono In the new Cabinet. vomeseen ea 1\e Lmesae Liverpool, June 17. -An egplosion o♦ marred In the oo&1 bunkers of the lits cud steamer Lucent* to -day. lour fees were Injured. The vessel was not d►m- dt.eet r BRISTOL'S PILLS Curs Biliousness, S' -k Head ache, Dyspepsia, Siug :h 1.ivcr and all Stomach Tr. PILLS BRISTOL' .3 PILLS Arc Purely Vegetable, - elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. 'The safest falnily medicine. All Druggists keep