HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-4, Page 1•v
Bette. le (1tdiN.s-R. C. Hays b
0..'g. kw -D. Mumsb
Tesber Wanted -A. Medals. . deedb
___wary- A L Weir. deed 8
4 Pamir H. K. Pelleek deed... 8
We Carry OM what Ws Advertise -J8
K -Mrs. Geo. Cox ... . 1
W vla>f.
_1 W. 4,110 who Ma Pude wised
d.Writy 1* OM agate& se • weaver et•rtietio
Restos la e elmrpet as bmoved lata tee
has.. u.-pmpM by H. (atm.., ea .
(1vireet., Nese bon Reset of Victoria. whites
mhos every Cg t1 tor tumbler out week et
beet d.01 seu
e genera Meet ashes. Or -
dere =re
aphelia roti..
Weilmeday sad Saturday. Cask ter
Geode delivered tree at charge -at id
MORTON'S •seesd atorc. llamuto.-.t 13 It
his Moaid try day W hite U o. Th.
pr▪ rat. tale lt haantyty enabled oda-t utbt mare
mad to lis Weed with 11so making it saw
ally cheater Cha* .ay attar limo la tbe
ay. allows es ho04 y vi of bailment
VOR RAL0-11. 4 LOT 11, IND OON-
✓ a l+m18aaMt Weereas npkw,mIN awes. Th
k. Apply POLI JP HOLT. e{-tf
_fest half se let f8. Oseie s.ea five, West
Wwa..ek, IM•erect. A well 'unproved tars.
Lome. a sad part M.'abate mon of Bleck B.
Cense., out sa mein.mein.TO LIT .b -The .hap lately occupied by the
req Thea Read.
MobApply t. M.O.JOHNSTON. mer Goa
tflttlatlold. Vacant.
seeds' Nie. 1. Cheering Tewaehip. At
rl*s*matte* eatery mid expertise* wiu
*Iyal ape Am[. 1*t 1116. owe to A.
Drysdale. 8.s. Ys4ri.ib P.O. lits -1t
W A ``D. --
• goal15 you1.
r *ewe to represent t
FosNu of Cas.4s" - eve 711
pmrime.t Tbs here to trig ht
With the iwrssst.g demand for fruit. •
meows with oe as masses will pay you
better teas esetselasgg U farm wort. Send us
Your sildieaties and we will show yea 1.w
u s seurassed
fames w;. hero,' the thing Por Yoe
dmrien t1. dammer. Write fes pantomime.
Targets. Oat.
PubIie Ir O1/11Mo
1.11 tn'pasei- ea my Sada by sheeciie
herniag, oseeptag gables or otherwise will be
preaemed .cserdiier to taw. Sack lama are
the Han farm is Cdborse Tp.. aid tbe Wee-
idles oas the ram Reartve te w tows
f Goderich and CN1.r.s. 1
Gem Solicitor. Props.
IL 'ilr'. the ithetheld owlet
and=ado. le''iiem toile alt klads dotedler tsdoted
soi..oa., taUarti sheep sstems hame. .ad
all triads of wadies deal 1h W brat be
maser. Cr•eeq•elet saws gemmed .id eh•r .
seed. laws ebiap.a•d and r p•ind
nes son Sweet kkisif,ye. . readhd and made
equal to sew. Umntwllaabl
sad 'aroma neatly
re pai Magda'
eM ones btisgbt. R. r•Y LOH
Street. a~w area.Weser WWI1 W's
Mule sad Theory--sgaefwssl. One
deer gam et Capt Pansies. W.0Ht ll-Sn
kc, et m gleams' arch. is prepared
e gi we Oros.. Toad Bend PYsefele k)saree-
Nd _ Gatto Were* P.O:
A8m St Aawst IS i be
: lig. Wig Li
11Addnutolw' Bodied.
1.1 \ F.Ol1T9R8' NOTICE,-
le r4, Rete& el DONALD HRCC'Jl. Deceased
lemma' to R. 8. O. itis . melee is hmabn
z.'en that all median am ethers hav(K
clsoin the fonts d Rend Drum,
Iste.ot tbe of .aderteb• 0..4 of
Huron. yeomen. who did en er
. bout aas lkth dv d Year. A. D. Ieare re
wandwandm or
THE 18TH DAY OF JULY. A.0.. 1110
to send dash! r deliver[ to
the und far David Me rew,
seayttbe haat sad testament el Cha
see deosmd, their Cheeses aid etareamse.
address and deeeripelese. with fall parties.
Ian of 1 sad tee sshole d the uerurl-
nee lit g&y) hdl by them, sad that atter the
se dabs tttll1ss said ameraIor will p..ssad to
dhtribsw the awe et tbe said mew having
Mod fa1F to the.f whish be WOt
bw rsmtved sad that he willtat his kg the el say pesos er
Weems Woemute* hs aha have then re'
halved ear MY
eves t getr.b.
11,. t, testate y JOJF4117:14h BURTON. Do
I'ursuaat to R.8 107, ashes 1e bride
glees that all 004 ethers tartar
tateeaten amsleat_t1. aglstt s Veaortaa Sanaa.
'k.aty et Herm,esesan,
Aka es er sheet the let day d Jna.. A.D. 1*1
ere neared sa or Were the
tarn DAY OP JULY. A.D. lig.
10 ■tad 8, pwpMl or verd to the
C 1 s.the et said
Sift timb
C*r1'elsa s.rmamm. "-
of their aatclrst►IN d ba
111 as. 1 sad ahaq OM IM
fthe ism stsM s:WweWsm*e
t Sed trnifiilift vhw. .lo/ms :ifIffg*.Mham e
*Off h~1trit jar 1*g& kava s11 that be eri
Id psr•ielentl7 refueled to bring down, de -
spite *8. dolor of the lime., mita iIs
111111A11110411114: 0111 at th.Oapltal F ters. Chir a•4bb. pr. -..•4 thear the bum bee y is - Lit f3am(1a. alafd Paatimtls•
l'Mt1au's dead as be ta.e.tlpNed tester
Rapers rreeeg.a.a .1st Week •Ir'
doesedtot t.r$Mtatsee n nee
l.ar.dne.d Pares.
Ottawa, Out., Jdy 3. - it was expected
that Mr. Fester would be in a positiou
yesterday to relieve the tension that
hes been felt, not Duly in political cir-
cles, but is the country generally. for
sums days by telling the Hasse what
course the tluver.mrut "rill pursue in
eu'sequeuee of the refusal of the Legi.-
lature tel Mateil.ob• to comply with the
ordrr of the Dominion tioveramest to re-
store the arrparau schools that existed
prior to the legislation of 1Mta0. But
Mr. totter, who is master of the .rt
equivocation, eace.•ded in cusc.•aliug tee
real intention of the Government. His
escape for not sprrkitdg with more tls•-
fianceees was that the papers had Daly
erected the Goyerumeut that mondial.
But he said that in .. very short time
the (iovernmeut would be able to intim-
ate what course it proposes to purse.
Making a single reservation as to the
quo.ti..u. h. 'tete] that all for legiu4a-
tiou that the Goverum••ot will propcee
this ,moring is on the order paper and
that the adjournment should take place
earl, rest week. This statement takes
0007 the Lit ray of hope from the pro-
moters of the Hudson Ilay Railway.
The Government had not the courage in
the face of the 'treat opposition that
mauifeted itself in its own ranks to pro-
pose that the House should ratify ite or-
der in council greeting the railway com-
pany a loan of 12.5u0,000.
Mr. Foster's annouoeement was made
in the course of a disunion upon •
'Denim to take Wednesdays tar Govern-
ment business for the remainder ui the
ThepmpO .t)os drew protests from age -
era! member,, promoters of legislation,
which will now have little oq,portaait7
of he.ng dieru..ed this year.
Ir. ('eery called the Government's ate
uutim to a. number of bills dealing with
the safety et railway employes and par
.•,,dere. Those which were standing io
the name of other members were DO
d..e.bt eugge.ted, as bad brei they which
be himself was prosotiag by urgauias-
tiuts d railway employes and this class
of legislation ought, he thought, to re-
ceive an opportduity for eoesiderttioa
by the Home. Dr. 8iproaie made similar
remarks with reference to • bill menthe;
hi,. name, dealing with the adultera-
tioi of hutery is a meaner urged for
years upon tbe 0overument by honey
Mr. McCarthy aaked tee Goverum.ut
to combine hi bill to &mead the Elec-
tions Aet with .or whin. the Secretary
of State was promoting, dealing with
the tame set. His bill. he said, was
n ot coutroversial in its character. It
was .imply to make t►e law clear with
refereuer, to railways carrying voters to
tee lolls and with reference to persona-
tion. As to the motion of the leader of
the Hose. Mr. McCarthy said he thought
that the House should know at this
stag, whether to expect any legislation
with reference to the Hodson Bay Rail-
way, sad also wbetlwr to expect reme-
dial Icgielation.
Mr. Bryson intervened for a moment
betty.•, u this interesting query and the
response to it. H. hada bill for which
be asked the Government's special at-
Mr. Foster. in the coarse of hi. reply.
said "There are et.me hill- vi Web have
be, r. spokes of by honorable gentlemen
shirr this motion was made. The Govern -
mut will look at throe and see whether
there err any which it will be passible
for them to take up this session. With
Menne. to rime that may be possible.
with reference to other, it may sot be
possible to hay.• legislation this year.
Some of these, however. may embody
pritripdes of so much importanc.• that
the Gur.rumeot may take them up with
the view- of thoroughly looking into
them and seeing what legislation may
be advisable another session. when we
tome beet again to Parilam••nt. :to
fai is tee bei ase of the Homo iseon-
ceraed, 1 think it is all upon the order
paper. I1 anything else is to go upon
the order paper it will be something
not very important,
• o
row up by f iocideat aid with
reference t0 which it may be lowed m-
ammary to have some teglal•tio• 1ad-
dentajly. The I ate is order to show
the liter what is about the state of
business so tar as the bae'aes of the
Ooverum.ot is coueeraed. I make one
rose. ration. and that is with refer -coca
to remedial l gislation. We have b .ii
blamed for eoaing en *ear the em of
the session and having no legislation or
annonseeme.t with reference to that.
it was mored_ possible that we could
Mee reached it. The paperm from the
Mauitoba Legislature and Gov.ram.nt
came into our haai only tku
morning. They will be taken up
and the Government will be .W
i hope to a miry abort time to inti-
mate to tie How what course etro-
gepss wits refereess& to that fret..
gti that dark limitation what I Mae
stated holds good. Wei are throng* fully
two-thirds of the mats .rusts, and
the mist ec.Nsllous porde.e have
been voted, judging by the dIsssigism e
which 8.ve arises is former year., i
E.-. to doubt. looters at the sada d
tae ser, m0•ty of wail* ww1 not mews
lengthy dheurelon, that R le quilts pts-
.lbie for the Home to get tango% with
the ).usiosen on the order pep. r and bre
reedy per •djourstnedt. I ehrr.14 thus.
early next meek. All this smbjtet to the
peeve° 1 hsmtionel a misete ago
Ni. Martie: Do i onseretaad Ong
the Methuen* mesas that there is to
be lm legielatiou contorted with the Hai
ga Ba,y tp,aywviy OOmpS47 qt tis
gees_ ktmwt oder fist see is refer-
• N the eider-in-aom0Nl that rine
Mr dItarter 1 w q deel.r•ties se
inela.iye ea It r tiwfhe to dao end 1
thea* It e e0Reieat t• satiety ay hem
hard. ..& gmbg /mat Lanai' 1141.1118ww Cllr
i*„ s Ind tea tkr tela el the
Mono rim mart 4 1*e in t 11.. 1.
gprodin__ Cubo w*is8 Tthni atm8o Int -
port ma thea .wade a Emmett to ahem
that it .bold aha be pre.aud, 4. the
Partm.ater - Powered also!_ desired M
let bimsll doe u may the Howie gem
him a rhariiabie bearing.
A debate soft the Fraarhse Act was
brought alloy • na*.kto slowed by the 74.-
01 State ea the mooed reading
of his hill to pt.tpoac for 181)5 the as -
Dual reviaiou of the 1,4.1,1• I..t rally./ tar
by the F,Oa she. let ,
Mr. Laurier suggested to the OLoere-
Lary of State that, as he w ace raw ion
hie oilier, there wad a chance to ditla-
`uiab himself sal .t the name time to
do his country end hie party a aervioa
by abolish ag the act, lie reminded the
SecreterF d Rtate and the llouse of the
bill introduced last aMeioi. by lair John
Tbnmpe on pn.ptsing to adopt the
provincial francltiee. with the provision
that in provitres .. here public officials
pep• disfruarhated their maps thr.uld be
added law the Dominion lute 'free 8e•
reefsry of Mate would du much better,
therefore, 11 instead of proceeding with
the present bill he wosid tab- up spilt
th• late Premier's bill.
Dr. Montagne replied that the ndvauce
which had thea been made to the Pro-
'tonal Governments for the harmonizing
( iren(nion end Provincial franc Moe had
trot been received in a eoaeiliatnry spirit.
and be declined to mew it.
Mulock moved in amendment that
it im desirable that the Guveroaient la -
traduce a hill providing for (10 repeal
of the Frarwbiae Aet. The Homer di-
vided tin the question with the result
tot the anwn.$ment was defeated by a
vote of 82 to R!r. the Government ma-
jority being 48. The Mime weut into
committee awl rep.rtr.t Lir bill.
The extr.anl:nary spectacle of a Cabi-
net IGnistrr appearing brbre tee Publk
Accounts Cbmmittpe, and demanding an
opportunity to vindicate biluirlf. was
remitted by lion. John Coen -tan to -day.
Hitherto members of the Government.
against when .Kss tioue Mee been
made. bare evaded investigation. rather
than marled it. notably when the bat-
tiest R charges veers preferred ageing*
Mr. Haggart. aid Mien the Adolph'
Canoe was charged with milking rail-
way subsidies. U.rrespoodrsee 8.s bees
sent out. of Ottawa refleotimg on the
course of the idolater ut Manse sad
Fi*ertes in aooeetioo with the salmi-
hzing of etre Tobique Valley Raaway,
a abort Lae a runs through his mea-
ty and giver an outlet to the plaster
deposits of the Tubique Valley. The
accseation is that while Mr. Cardigan
adrorated the publicly in the Hoose and
out ol it, be was perecoally interested
in the piaster deposits. the value of which
the road was 4.01p..4 to eshaure. Par-
liament voted 3184.000 by wet of nab'
/tidy to the road and with this and the
proceeds of the bonds that were famed
it was eoeespdeted. Set though
it was deelered to be a railway for the
Petra' advantage of Canada, the com-
pany has a:bwed two :ream to pee with-
out putting it in operation. A taw
trains ham bass ran by the Candia'
Pacific Railway, bat no regular service
Ms been given. It is asserted that in
1890, before the subsidy was granted, a
plaster deposit known as the Arbuckle
rock was trarelerred to Mr. Coctigaa,
rock wads transferred to Mr. Costigao,
and that subsequently a company was
organised to work the deposit to which
Mr. Costigan transferred a lest of
other property, and .n which he held a
;erg. number of shares. Mr. Ceotigan de-
nwudeS an inveetigatioo, and it was
agreed to commeuee the osgairs on
At 2 o'clock on the not an immerse
crowd of our youth gathered at the Agri-
cultural grounds to take part in the race
rotten up especially for them by a few d
our energetic minx.... All the game were
well-overeated, hut re in every run there
were from twelve to thirty starters, there
was oonaderable difficulty in •w.rdios the
prizes. Below are the moss tad the win-
ners, the only one missing being the hop-
ping, fes though in this woe the prises were
duly paid, the judges were usable to obtain
the somas of the eisaere. The prism were
is o..h. the three-i•gtked and the fatigue be-
fog double that of the others.
MVO' MAe0(.
200 yards -under lb years- 1 J. Wad•
dolt, 2 H. Robinette. 3 C Bali.
108 leader 12 -1 Jas. Cooke,
2 R. Harrison, 3 N. Baker.
100 vend. -seder 10 years -1 Moott At-
kins, 2 8. Gust, 3 W. MoLs...
3 legged -1 Sturdy and Campion, 2
Tweedie and Webster, 3 Brophy and 110111-
The first two tem tied for first and the
first and mooed prizes were divided.
Boal Rees -1 W. flyers, 2 D. McDonald,
3 H. Roita.g&.
Fatigue Rem -1 Sturdy sod Fisher.
Weddell and Watson, 3 Roll 'span aad
The int two pea the visaing poet, being
wen, the prime were divided.
onus' waren.
70 yards, under 15 yens -1 M. Isere. 2
C. Grew, 3 A. (kui1M.
70 yards, seder 10 yours -1 V. Meek -
stone, 2 M. Neva. .1 M. Desk.
50 yards. ester 6 yearns -1 Del. Nairn, 2
ida 1'8..se, 3 L Robinson
Marten -O. W. Rion, (3.., Sheppard.
Jds+r-Ass Shane" (w A. Meta
Allysi mg then We bele plata at
Mr as.- w0have is tree eaten seated
la the let ate le the timed miss.
Manor, July fl -Awake .ale of (mato
steak .ad bsplem.z1 4112111111 nod 9, et18.
3, Oelbaras, es July 8,, St 1 Ria diAli &
Kmem, amts. -
fiedeeteb lawns Wdts as tma..Wl •
Geed Game vroh! ?hayed --isobar .pens
.red •m.sesoeete N Use Sae-
tvrrvtaleg West M •.rely.
the Etas.
Flap were Eying e. Dominion Day from
the meaty flag etaI.tbe Beak re Coam.[w,
the Peatofdoe, the Knuth Ifaok.eae, the C.
P. R. *See, the Crimea sad other places.
But dew people were brave saougb to en-
ter tee patsy os the Fant, the cold water
bag too much for the mess ardent lover of
swimming. Bebe, who had been preparing
for • beg day, was out et It, hs surf Mania
house Mtmg almost deserted.
Every horse, carriage and boRe7 owned
by the liveries were hired out on the holi-
day, many of the larger vehicles bang un-
load tor pt.aoc paras, Although ail the
rigs were rented sot few were seas is town,
tete oratory. J J. Wrights, Heamdlr tied
other neighboring pante haus 18. Ntrac-
The wheel wee is ems .arty and late e
the n.tt.el bottday, sad every este that
mould be toured was utilised. 1-ule, as was
anticipated, rested he large outfit, and a
few owners who were oat of taws without
their wheels kindly lent them be frisad'
w8. r.muaed •t bema. A few caroled 18.
Sem/shot the many formed bole parties
sad wheeled tato the omatry, Desr•aso.,
Myeloid and Benmiller snaring by far the
wreathe numb..
On Destinies Day the president sad
_foe-presideat of the Dederick Bowling as-
• oa$tus oestested tor tisit supremacy es the
Iowa at the resales* of 1k. J. R. Shaman
The game was exciting from begmatam to
sod and remelted is • victory for the pr..i-
dest Tbo following were t s players,
pre.4at'e rt.k, C. C. Rosa, L. C. Stsaok.a,
f. Tilt, Dr. Hamm, skip -19. P, Holt, 8.
italommm'a. R. G. Reyaolda, lit. J. R.
Shaanxi, skip -11.
1l8ed domisinno,
Whether ea pleat, beat, et Mals-„ tabs
ea every drip {•eaboattttlee de8 as
it an MIPSthe Wawa. liter ..i break ,... _I4 4
knee, benne* sad etas honed minima
Per sale r 76e. bake hp .Y hodl g
Nondaaaed hp the Modals
ti Oe. rah.
(1. Domtana Day • large tombs( of
bo•e were es Cha river avid is the harbor.
but the cold *fad of the morning sad the
r•tbr rough water of t8. Wee mine* hat
interfered with this .soonest, healthful
amusement Oo. *king we tin congratu-
late osm.Ives on, and 18.1 a that Doberman
accident occurred. The sold day also in -
tailored with t'aptats Wiggs.' yacht trips,
but to these who were not afraid of sen
e akasm. the day was • grad ow dor sail
tag. So far as bo•uar and gulag were
*mourned, the 1896 •aaiverw•ry of Co•ied-
er•tian was the wont Godeneb hes sen
for many years.
Oa 1omia1oa Day • party of about thirty
to number enjoyed the beauty of HenmiUer
mad seighbo hood. A amp was tonne(' sot
far from this bodge that .pass t1. river.
The penieksre 8.d swinge and ether holt
day annesemse, and • sumpteooe 'upper
was served sad hearty enjoyed. f he
young people drove out, starting shortly
atter soon and returned by twtltght, took•
tag as bright ad happy as • plasma' out-
ing. good o•mp••v and substaaual eater -
tinsmith could soak* Nem.
Several little Masks were along the river,
• few betas es Aural's beaks, but the larges
n uber kept on the Gederiob side.
A few ream parties wee at the Point
Farm. emend at Ran/ford'. grove aod route
• neither .bar the river between Pipe's
Dam ..d the Ladle F.11..
From mane* until atter mama an the
first, the follower@ of Sir Isaac Walton were
uremia* bas d •long Use Maitland.
Mary were 1s the vacuity of Besoul1r sod
a hew medium wimp were made, but the
beget hall d U8. Alb ..ms►t were wider -
sued, and if bmbd by • sp•rtmn were
rearmed to t8. river. The town angles
kept m view of Asti Il'e add plied rod and
hoe frim boats, breakwater sad other avail-
able ram HMS alasn seers two or three
fair striae, but the merrily of the trying
for base hale the river iamb tiappei.ted at
the meagre sake. Owe reams far the
skeane el sport was the clear .ad low
water. Aatther was the large samba d
p••pl• and the breakwater mod the rewiwg
e•bthem away. We heard •
few cos its 1 theee were but few bee a
the river, bit as .ager was fishing all day
yesterday who made • god arias. sad it
is said of the same overawes that durum
the past two weeks he landed over four
Misdeed good reed base
Nam west so is ass. two, three order. le
the .irbtb, the Onsets sofa coasted two,
deal li.deriek eared oaea mealy through
the steeliest noisatws of H.sp.r.
At tine stags d the sum it was thought
that Lades add at make it a tw, ia fast.
diet it was • sere titian ler the tows boy.,
bat with fairly good play ..d.str..edi.ery
guyiat, the Ornate added three to their
.evil and tied the boa team, and (104...bb
Wine to more is their halt a math tsaiag
was memory. The vomiters started the
teat* badly. tsar tint tee etrlktas oat,
bet the nest maims first sad those follow -
tag doing equally well, the beam were filled
sad one mea bad creed t8. Mete, thea
Madan Cederiok. A ,pie.did bit to metre
Geld now followed, but Holmes caught the
8ry r, red, a. squally I het thin. wet, sod
88.aaon rte forward sad deftly caught the
ball, tam .mdse the Swag. (.odericb
oomse.esd their kelt of the tenth by hav-
ing • nes struck eat, and the odd, seemed
MI is favor of the Oriente, but the hall hit-
ting the striker, Hooper rot his first, *its.
161 Tilt made • 6* hit to Dente Mild that
.uabled Hooper to reach third, and before
the mat sea had .truck the baa Tilt was
eu mooed. At this stage of the May there
w.. caased.r.ble .zottems.t, as • bass bit
tied sad • two bagger won. Char11. Shan-
ae then became the observed of .Il observ-
ers, sod striking at the Ont b•11 pitched, be
hit It fairly, 'endiog it 'pianism down the
centre between left sad centre fielders. The
bell was piled up speedily 5u1 before it
was returned Hooper sad Tilt crossed the
plate amid •ma idersble cheerio/ and the
game was over, the .more as will 8. sees b. -
low been`` ten to nine in favor of Goi.riak
ai... The game bang wee, the Pang was
colored without playing it out. The follow-
ing 'hows the players, the batteries, the
technical points of the genie sea the soon
by inning* :
W. Milroy
W oaten
G reliant
6 1 1 2 3 2
6 1 2 7 1 3
4 1 2 0 2 1
4 0 2 1 1 0
5 1 1 0 0 1
b 0 1 1 0 0
5 2 0 1 0 0
3 2 1 5 1 0
4 1 1 1 0 2
M•lo.meoe 5 1 2 9 2 0
Thotnpo. 6 0 1 10 0 1
Holmes 6 1 1 1 1 0
Hooper 4 4 1 5 0 3
Tilt, E. 5 1 1 3 2 1
Shames 6 0 2 1 0 0
Doyle 5 0 0 1 5 0
Tilt, B. 5 2 1 0 0 2
Robrtacs S 1 0 1 4 0
Earned rase, Godrisb 7, Londe 6:
streak oat by Doyle 9, by Graham 6, by
Bright 9 ; 2 bee him. Woolton: lett os
haw, Goderich 11, Leedom 8 ; 8.... in
ball', Goderich 2, Leaden 4; hit by pitcher,
by Doyle 1, by Graham 3; double play Tilt
to Hooper : wild pitah, Doyle 1 ; time of
game, 2 hours ; attendants 1,200; umpire,
Dr. Hunter, first halt, Harland, second
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 K H E
Goderich-0 5 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 -10 9 7
l.00doo-- 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 3 1--- 9 10 9
generis-Devls sad llalootnees, Gra-
ham, Bright and Weoitoa.
Seder ten V. drams.
The baseball mateh bearers t8. ()rise
el Lades, sad 18. Snit oboe el Godwin
drew very w.B, the Agricultural Park
gremlin Wag fairly roweled with spseta-
tees. Of these rasa • these number were
diadem wbo had bees admitted tree for
tee baker p s, but from tee adults pre-
sent, brbstk•I the Oriente to Gadorkh wee
melt • bad speculation
The gams starved at half pan three, the
visitors nolo' to bat but lamas to est •
ham la the first mmstm sg.. The hemm team
leek the plots, bat elbow* they filled the
bases they failed to _11y, and the sere
matched time Orients The Lindens, la
*dr sated also failed N ears, sed Oen.
doh Lwwl.g. bad Oa rase ered1 54 bears
the lobo sided, the .oilers hams
WIN rwgled. T8. *kid wee • bask
Landes. sada hsa hr the (modern* mise,
.skims skims the cwnp
d ed the ba,
=thrash swerNcww The fourth W-
aits did ma add to the gees 04 dinar .Isla,
bat the fifth added ems M Leeies, end Mb
the hems ulnas nay www at its brain -
w. The girth w. jmM theinverse SheMit, w Orient *8 the non oto meal
Osdel* the heon het G the ewesti. Lam.
dam maid few M ifs segoo, *lame Ilho hum
This Griot tram that /AM1 WH.
• weekly et/eM of C•s*y .ems serval
up se NN iv'eeyb.dy - t ICY sad
reit Leopard and Condensed
them [very seeteea.
Exeter . A. Wager has deceived as older
of *75,000 for be hetet i. Berea, •ad will
likely accept the .else.
BI*vale : Dr. and Mrs. Toole, of Toronto,
arrived bees last week. The doctor will
bvo here and pr.otio, kis profession.
Seaforth . J. A. C1srk has sold his brown
driving horse to Mr. Vervake for 1150.
He was pus heed for the old ovuntry mar -
S.aforth : Mus May Ryan, .ldestdasgher
of Thomas 1). Ryan, formerly of 8.nf.rk,
graduated a arts at Ana Arbor University
this Summer.
Exeter . Geo. Caddis hat purchased the
Murray farm is the 2.4 einesesum of Hay.
paying thretor 84,800. H. takes posses-
sion in the Felt
1%1*c am : Conductor Delmas• of the
G. T. R., brother ol J. H. Delmas, et
nue tows, died suddeely u Landes fres
heart disease last week.
Howell : '1'1. many treads et Mr. sad
Mrs. E. Raman, wil1 hear with deep regret
ol the deet* of their obUd, Gretta, who was
seal, • year old, and whets los is bit .o
much by her pomade, m air within the
past year or so they were called to part
with two other little children.
h;soadvtlle : W. T. Gemmell sad
Hector Elliott have returned from • thin
month's drill at the Ottawa medal mewl,
biasing success sad bees slang with
Egmondville : Jacob McGee has • pear
tree in his garden is fall bloom, for the
wooed taw this .woes Our worthy
mayor will likely have •_bis mop d fruit
to gather.
exeter : W bib Fred McDonnell woe driv •
Mg boa on S..I *? sing he grey hero,
was soddenly *1 • stroke of
paralysis and was unable to be drives home
Net sight
Exeter ; J. L. Woodbury, • promiaewt
New Yorker, was to were saturday sad
puro8.oed a team of driving elk tram IL H.
Fish, for • good .um. He iotesde darn*
the 'ordered beauties to Corozal Park.
Tuckeremith : Another of those interest-
ing events o curred at the rendesoe of
Joseph Townsend, Zed eencisioo, wbee
their third daughter, Mies Mary. was mar-
ried to Thoma. Livingston, of Hullett
Seaforth: Mus Jean Hol ermid, daughter
of Lague McDermtd, of .the Huroo Road,
and Mie Aisne Henderson, of this town,
lett yesterday for [!*droit, where they will
enter Harper Hospital sod take • course as
Seatotrth : Alexander .itewart has return-
ed from • trip to London, f.ngla.l, basing
tames 58 horses there tor Hector Verveake,
end with his careful atrocious* leaded them
. 11 in prime mooiuon, to the great serials: -
Secs of all parttime concerned.
Exeter : Charles Weir, of London has
been awarded the contract by the Exeter
town mooed to lay • stone pavement in
front and extending from one end of the
gr-ioolithio walk to the other. He will oom-
meoce the work in • few days.
Exeter : A most pleasant event took
place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Tom last Wedoead.y, when their
second danghtr, Ad., was united in mar-
riage to W. 1). 1'eo, a popular young
clerk with Messrs. Carling Rio.., and sou of
Thos. Yee, of Mitchell.
Blamed* : Mrs. Carroll, mother of Mrs.
Robert Casemrere, mooed hoe of Morro,
died last Sunday .t the home of her .laugh-
ter, Mre. Moorefield. Her remotes were
brought to this village on Monday, and on
Tuesday were buried beide those of her
late husband in the llluevale cemetery.
%urtoh In the published Int of 4uoc401-
4.1 candidates at the recent Cmveraity ex-
• mttutie.r at Toronto, we notice the Dame
of t'. K B.ehanaa, eldest son of Dr. Bach-
man, of tbi. place. Mr. Hoohwan seek •
high position, ..paring brit oleos honors a
classics, and stood third on the list of the
second year. He is sow spending he
yoa_es at his bonne here.
M.•forth . lin Tuesdayevening e them
bare of the Methodet cth
church choir met at
the renames of W. l) Rri4ht, their leader,
to my ged•pesd to Mies (' ..•y, wbo bas
been • valuable acquisitus to the choir
during bar .lav bees. The *vain was
ole•matly spent with music. speeches aid
. acme! ooeversetie. Mies Galloway will be
greatly missed in the char. and the best
wishes oU the members go with br to her
new home is Le•siDSteo.
Seaford': Thom w8. remember Wm. .1'
MrLod, who • few yearn ago served 815.9•
prewtiosehip to the tailoring bantses@ with
Messrs Bruht Rrothers, of Seaforth, will
be pleased 1e learn that 8. is .t111 flouri.h-
ing is t8. great West, o v r beyond the
Rookies. Mr. Mc feed say. "1 as
sow bunted is Boles Pity, Idaho, a beauti-
ful hewn with • popahtia. et *early 8,000.
1 .use bre Dix weeks *go Iron Salt Lk.
City, w►ieh has • population el 60,000.
The climate i* this diarist l perfect"
CAaAY*, ,lune 29.
Colborne ..meed met i* the tewat►ip
hall, member* .11 reseal. Minutes of last
seni*E wee read sad aped. The fellow•
las 0000501e were ordered to be paid Woe.
*seam, 2 Idiseie sad 2 lambs killed by
4p, 810 ; A.S. Gledhill, goods. for Mn
Y Uler, $.75 ((earthy) ; W s. Smith, stains(
3.0..e linanere,23 : N m. Batik repairing
3 .: Jamas Mitchell, ingp.otins,
IM ; Wm. Fowler, remelting. 810 ; George.
Armstrong. ter graveL86.80 ; Robert Kirk-
patrick. , it 30 : Wm. Fowler,
7 ; vi4 S•rhaa, baryimr
Jake McNevea, Br ;
Charles Walters, gr.veNar, : nsars
flair. ladrordl. , 16. The genet' lab..
adj*wrmed to forst g& Money. Agan 26n,
M 2.'alar.* P. F. W. MoDow•olc.
Tp. LiUh.
• large •ttendaaee sad a Geed Brenton'•
Last evening the Square was crowded
with our residents of all Mies sad ages, the
•itr•otles being the Godertoh Cycle C'lub's
annual meet for slub prises. Shortly before
the first event, an unmans scraper was
was draws around the Square to level the
mod, sod • very good Yob it made for the
time it took. Whole the Square was bads*
levelled the wheeling& paraded, wiweeo
twenty and thirty being to lip, sod when
between t8. British and Sbaw's they were
phased for the parpass of illustrating this
feature of liodertob athletics Shortly be-
fore 8 the third et • Mk ors to members
of the club was etarted, C. Chisholm and
W. Hillier being the only saute. The
start, by pistol, was pretty teen, but before
ase hundred yards was covered, Cbi.bolm
had a dean had of four yard.. and when
half way road t8. Square there was • quote
of twelve hawses the wheaM (N searing
the British. Hillier wasgsiainw glossal, past
Soeth-M even, son • mighty apart of speed
bi- Hillier seat him past Kingston et live
yards ahead of his oompetitr.
The east resat was cem6tad to the tom-
owdate of the club, aatd H. B. Pollock, J. 8.
Platt, D. Holmes avid Freak Natty bard
up fur the mile and the president's be: el
agars. The riders got of together and
went past North street la the order as above
given, net Wore the oompleties d the first
road, Helms end Naha retired, Pollock
. ad Platt ea.tis.ed through the seed sad
half way read the last lap pretty even. tat
roam West serest Pollak drew awy...d
making his pedal ly, he panned the wi.-
sat 10, some twat/ yards is fest
Ia the 10 mile bandies, there were six
starters, H. Humber, 1.., Bets, 05.4.r.
.o. 1). McIver sad Chisholm, the first five
rer•ei1104 • aortae lead, Chisholm alone
.terrier iron ssratok. Humber was the
first to retire. thea Lee followed sit and
after a few roads Molvr joined the re-
tired arch As Hates ad H..der.e
started even, e.acader•ble newest was
( here ia then riding, as they eoatinned
'VDU ler early twenty rsvin4. While the
owe seethes were k..pisg tsgsther, Chis-
holm was about two hundred yards behind,
and the Dominoes wets hold tr sixteen
sieges When *acing the tw.atieth lap,
Headsman elk wed dews sad lest a lap, bat
In male and shads the running for
a•d in • reread sport the two peened
Chisholm .tem esesdia7ly B.od pace. After
Henderson again retired, Bats aid Ckb-
holm kept penny eves, bat when ball sew
road the last lap for loam and the MA
for (1kis8dm, the blear node • in apart
e mit hesdd Hans whim pasmi.g limipeee
serest. Tim des allowed Bangs lar • start
enabled Ma to mak. ens .iroelt and .8.n
150 yar4 ea the sexed afore Chinos
started, Mt in *8. detem.. travelled Bates
gamed .heat • aorta ef • mils, sr to p5111
la a.Nbr way, while Cblsb.lm wee [sing
20 meads Wee did M ..d tar fifths of
.aa. By hk votary Sas benne .wee
di the .ltd)% shallow amp, he Mien was n
g& ttrw perer*Mmesad hest the
amnia lo width be the tea en
Mirdirdshe ls d the trophy.
sleep sea