HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-27, Page 8s1
Silver and Nickel Plated
French China
More closes summer menthe a1 :0
Telephone e•chwagsSIM until a where evealm' papers will be distributed.
Goods !
Pink and Light 'Blue
Pink and Light Blue
Pink and Light Blue
Pink and Light Blue
Pink and Light Blue
Pink and Light Btu%
Qreaflt Ca+l ,,ivre
Cream Serges
Create Bcngalines.
Chain brays
Brocaded Chambrays.
',adios' Vests -5c., 14c., 10e., 12_!.c., 15c, 20e., 25c., 30c., 40c., 50c.
Ladies Hose -4 pairs for Vic.
Ladies' Lace Mitts, Colored and Black.
A lot of Ladies' Capes at less than Manufacturers' Prices.
Parasols -90c•, for 65c.
A lot of Ladie,''Oossainers at Half Price.
The Orem Carpet sad Lace Oartain WILTehot so of the County.
From our ownCorrespondents.
There 1. Iwf.rmattea Mere That iresset be
posed Anywhere Li.e- %eves e1 the
Sealy specialty Retorted
fee The algs.at.
previa who enjoyed themselves to the ut-
most. A football match was played be-
tween the Rrowntown- Jamestown teams
against the Bluevale team, resulting in favor
of the borne team i goals to none.
11 L•Ioar, Jame 25.
Mood•y's shower was gladly welcomed.
Mn. .diet., M. Mackay, of t.oderich, u
the gust ot Mn. H. llacmaous this week.
('ori. n \oT►...-Rev. R. Henderson, of
Carlow, will preach here on Sunday at 11
A r.
Misses Marie and Rebecca stirlivg, of the
4th oon. Goderich township. were tranaieot
visitors hero this week.
Several farmers cut their clover meadows
last week tor hay with • hope that • sensed
crop might be better. The want of rain led
to this step Dearly • fortnight sootier than
on other years.
Statute labor was on the move last week.
ltutteraut Row to the lake was gravelled in
many places. While unhitching • tow
team ahead of another drawing the waggon
on top of the hill. a well known bachelor
got • severe kick on the shoulder from one
of the horses, which was very painful for
several days, I /there of our residents drew
gravel from the toweabip pit at I:arbraid.
t -
WLut►.0+e, June 2b.
Mr. Hutchins has moved his family to
Clinton, where he bee secured wort.
There will be • tea meeting in this place
on Thursday evening. A good time la ex•-
The hay crop is a failure an this section
.ad if the drought keep on the grain crop
will •leo be a failure.
A trump has been bothering the people of
the neighborhood for some tine past. He
generally tars better than the working
class by getting live Sr six meals • day.
We thank • term down .t Kingston would
do him good.
Trt..TAY, June 25.
A dancing party at our open house hall
e s Friday nem mw a good att:endanoe.
The affair was under the management' of a
committee of some el the lade of the 6th
000. of the oolAwater township, and prove.,
• decided success.
Last week we outset vie enjoyed tke ordeal
of pthmaster's duties for the first ties with
as etlioteot deputy of former expedience to
spread the gravel se it sane from the tews-
si,ip pit. We did very well, getting good
praise for keeping the pit good add clefts,
w ad no trouble with the leen, whom courage
to .hovel was well kept up icy copious
draught, of • well -know spring ia the el -
entity of the pit, and whioh all heartily so-
Pled- - -
kiwinay. Jam 21.
Mw firydne. of Milvertna, is Meting at
Robb. Mudgroye s.
Mrs. and Miss IAwresos, of Wingham,
spent Thursday at A. Homes'.
Miss Aggfle Melttwala, of Wlmgham,
spent • few days last wee visiting her sla-
ts, Mn. Andrew Hebra
A. At Home will be held in the basement
of the Methodist oharelt es Friday, the
2Ath ort. Adsision 25 oasts.
Miss H. Ball, of Brussels, Miss Bertha
B•11 and Mn Gee. Aad, of Tweets, wort
visiting at John Farrow.' last week.
Waiter Henan, who was engaged f
tits Summer with, W. Cowie, near W im-
brue, bad two of bee ribs broken last weak.
This garden party held fader the auspices
of the Lsh isomer chard at th reside--- of
M. ileaswn. was • weed sesssm. Mise
was rumoured by the Brusosis onboslra sad
the Khgamer their. while an aheedaaee of
sod Mees was res h. had. The proses ..
amounted to over Ph
'1!e posh hold es mask's Flab ire the
SY was • eassOIL A large 011ibliff wed
Bar��os i� M!1ery.
One -Third off all Trimmed Hats
and Bonnets.
Our Entire Stock of Trimmed Millinery,
about 75 Hats and Bonnets, ranging 1n
price from *1.00 to $6.00, will be offered
at One -Third off Regular Prices
Our Millinery Stock is all New, bought for
This Seasons Trade, trimmed by experi-
enced Milliners, and marked cheaper than
Millinery was ever offered at in Goderich
Wgi g.l.av .lune 26.
Mi- Ella Pointer, of Brampton, u vtait-
tag her twat, Mrs. H. Moms.
Joe. Sallows and his sister, Maud, were
visiting to Wroxeter est week.
H. Morris and hisHerbert
Morris, spent seemed art i�i�g at ilea -
salt and Exeter, Int
on Monday last H. Morris received two
tine jersey calves. imported from the cele-
brated stock farm d J. C. Snell, Edmonton.
NOTICE. -The local agency in Dungannon
tom THE rilo\Ai. ia at the °late of J. H. Ward,
J.P.. cnovey$acer. Eta, who will receive or-
ders for subscriptions advertising and job
work. and is authorized w give receipts for
amounts paid for thermos
Treseav, Jane 18.
F'e 1'LLMMA4Cu'AL. ---On Sabbath last Revs.
Turnbull, of t;odertch and J. James, of
Dungannon exchanged pulpita.
A WEL. out: SII t:tL --On Monday
morning last we were favored with$ shower
of rain which, althongh not of long continu-
ance, was of great benefit.
R/. in A? 1 :WREST 114rRO%ia..-Mears.
(..o. Horse and N m. Wilson, pthniaston,
deeervs greet credit for improving our
streets by a good coat of gravel, and other
highway improvements
Hurn --Mr. and f.lm...lames Waiter,who
h.d been for some time visiting their sons,
Mesas. Calvin and T. H. Walker, Inger-
soll, returned home Tuesday evening of last
week and report having enjoyed their visit
ET. -Uivlaion Court was
held hereon Friday, His H000r.ludge Ibyle
presiding. The legal fraternity was repre•
..sled by Messrs. Proudfoot, barrister,
Goderich, and Morrison, solicitor,l.uoknow.
Light docket.
To Citic Tilt LtNti -Om Tuesday morn-
ing last, Thomas Begley, of West Wawa.
nosh, loft herr vis t;oderiob en route. for
\sep•ws, Manitoba, to see the oouatry and
visit relatives. W along with his numer-
ous bleeds wish him • pleasant tour . id
sate return.
VI.ITotc . -Mn. slob. Humin (nee Me -
Math). of (.oderich, and formerly of Uun•
pennon. was toss visit to relatives ken, and
renewing former &ofuantaoose. We were
pleased to see her look so well. Goderich
and its surroundings sewn to agree with
1'r. leaf ti.. rwo of our promised
bestows men on Monday last put on the
wluipmest of disciple@ of isawc Walton sad
repaired to Port Albert fishier grounds. and
were, to their delight, successful in catching
quite • number of the finny trib.. They
report having a rood time.
SA. 'aAri' T. -The saramentof the Lord's
Supper was os last Sabbath dispensed is
Krohn,. church. The pastor, Res. R. Fair.
bairn, oonducted services in oosneottos
therewith. Has discourse on the occasion
was founded on the words as sustained is
St. John's gospel, rev., 20, the baste el kis
•0proprtee remarks being the duty el sis-
owe oh.di.nce toi.od. A large aosgrega-
ties was preeeti
VPori ....-Mn.Niggard (ad Fmsipal,
ret $taeitn►i, sad keyway of Weer Wewa-
asA. fwd two skildras. we visiting rel. -
nem at the bgsostmd and neighborhood.
W. wish that • steed time Mn.
l'roodtont, wife of Barrister Prnadtoot, and
two ohtldrw on Friday bast favored us with
s passing call. We were pleased to see
Mr. 1'. wad ebildren Motional well mad s-
j0�iag themselves in car piegremtye v11
Temente, ,lane 11.
Mr. Mile.. our popwler Merchant is ea •
basis,- trip to Taranto sad Rados.
1f/t9.wti ArtTr. Al.. (ti 9whbstk Mat Rev.
D. Rows. ti.e redtlriag paster of 1►iu��
sea Wreak is esasas ewiwith the Mafigd
id dsld, preasb,d kis farewell gessoes
oath at the .weals ,sed endow survisss
Lame erapvv isss were prem* es bath
swvissa At 1M weldor wades Ins fare-
well disowns was hod e the ward, as
swished hi the Li* VINO of the lfj$b
Our IMce is No 13 Lis
We also show a full range of Infants Muslin Bonnets
at 15c., 35c., and 50c.
chapter of Paul's spinus to tho BoetamR
and which was appropriately delivered for
the occasion. His fame sphse d misis-
terial labor for sa=t term i. Talbotenie
circuit and not Woodside, as was
was started in some of the locals. We.
along with his numerous hisses. wish him
and his ammable partner is life and club!.
ren health, happiness sod success in thou
new abode. The rev. geotlsman has during
hie ministerial term don oxc..diwgly enc-
oeseful in endearing himself sad family to
many warm hearted and sincere friends by
his zealousness in the discharge of his pas-
toral duties, gentlener and suavity of dis-
position and courtesy towards all with
whom he came in contact. During the
three years be has been on this circuit he
was highly esteemed as pastor by hu oon•
gregation and ea a good citizen by the public
and during his tniastertal term was the s -
teemed recipent of tokens of appreciation of
his services fro,. the congregations of the
circuit. Mrs. Rogers was also highly es-
tuernei by numerous friends on the circuit
and by many people not oonnected with the
church in which she was during the term a
faithful helpmate to her hwbsnd. At •
monthly Dungannon branch meeting of the
WomeL's Missionary Society held at the
residence of Alexander Pentland, Esq. West
N'awanosh, on the evening of the 21st of
1one, Mn. 1). 1;. Hackle, reads suitable ad-
dress which was accompanted with • pre-
sentation of • very headstone easy chair and
two large framed pictures to Mrs. Rogers
as • slight token of the great esteem to
which she was held, her clumsiest and per-
sistent efforts to promoting the antedate of
the church as also her gentle domineer
and kind disposition towards •11 clams.
She held the honorable positions as presi-
dent of .he society for the past three years
with great credit anti benefit to the society.
At the close of the meeting Muss Sarah
Mallough sots appointed president. pro -tem.
The reverend gentleman left here on Mon-
day to enter upon ministerial duties at
Talllotville. Ws successor is Rev. Mr.
F:dinond., of Fordwich.
Rot ti. \1 rr1I1_y.
rrl.e,ww 0.1eee or 0r1.4a. Raveled se tar
Rahe of mala Rriltiwt t'.resseny
at klstolen -es -Tbaterw.
London. June 2ii.-Prince Emmanuel
Duke of Aceta. one married iu it. Ra-
phael'. Catholic Church. ret Kington -on -
Thames this morning. to Prioress Helene
of Orleans. sec..ii•1 daughter of the late
Count of Pare. The church was profuse-
ly and brautdully dronreited with tail
palms. .orebbls. geldings. etc., add
there was a profusion of white and pink
ropes around the alter. Princes Helene
and her mother, the Ctan.tns de Poris,
drove in a carriage from (Meaty HOOK'.
Twickenham, wh..re the bride was bora.
to the church. The roue irom tbe resi-
dence to the church was decorated with
f!wgs, and the general festive app•ar-
anee of things ran heightened greetly
by the bright sunshine.
The princess was r Mad in a white Betio
bridal dress. tory -simple in design and
admirably suiting Mar tall. Mender figure,
with a well .d Chantilly Ince. spreially
woven ret Bayous for the ureas' . Her
bead drive ens n coronet of ureasy linos•
some. and aha .•n.rried n htugtmt of the
same. Th' Dalt.- el Aosta was aecos-
pnted to the church by his brother. the
Count of Turin. The bride was given
away by her untie. the Due de Chartres,
bar brother, the Due D'Orleans. bead of
the Bourbon branch of the House of Or-
Irars, being incapacitated from perform-
ing that rrrcmngy on -tag to his recent
accident while shooting in Spain.
It was in Pt. Raphael a Church that the
Count of Paris no/ Priu.... Isabella of
Orleans, the father sal usother of the
bride, was married in 1564.
The aysmblage in the rhumb esu the
mast brilliant Het bas peon reseal at
• similar Nineteen in England if o mens
yearn Among the guests were toe rrinre
and Princess of Wales and their lough
ten, the Duke and Duchess of York ;
Prior, and Priories Henry of Rattenburg•
the Duke and Disbud of Connaught, the
Prior, of Neper. Crown Priors. of Italy,
in the talions d a enlotiel rel besasn; the
Dobe of Oporto, repnwating the King
01 Portugal ha 'military attire . the
Dueled of Mntetpen der Pntsee and Prin-
cess de Jeinvilk, the Der D'Au-ale, the
Dar De fliseaonra, this Dae Ds I.sywo, the
Dorsals of 8ase.O'bs, add (,otha, aid
the Iskanea of Spain.
Th. raw promoted the bride wltk •
braeebt d Ma -ends. wad the gift of the
Primes .ad Primrose at Weise wad tpeir
Redly was • farts aseresry woad ofi-
ertrws, with st.ads awlrealso. The elft d
heat std Qlmten .sed wimp a Wd aim woo s
d Mud dm sad vales.
Word Received of rhe feesp$.4 Srrevery
el Sirs. Joan Mwl,,
Ow," Sous o, June 24. -Nord has been
rece.vrd here of the complete reotoratton to
hath of Mra. John Dawley, wife ot • well
known and esteemed resident of the town.
The tutellUgeoce he been very gladly rs-
afved ae Mn Dow', has many trued, here
who are well aware of the lamentable corn•
ditien of her health during the past six or
seven years. Her illuss has been found to
result from • severe kidney complaint and
she has been restored to health by 1)odd's
Kidney Pills, • remedy which u. now well
known to most ot the residence in this local-
ity ea baying previously affected some very
extraordinary cures
Tuckersmutb - John H. McDougall, of
Tuckersslth, well known to this town, had
• narrow escape from poisoning on Satur-
day night last. He took what he thought
was • good dose of epsom .ale but after
they were down, he felt his stomach burn -
mg. in short felt ,gntte unwell. Hu sus-
picions were aroused and upon examining
the bottle he Lound he had made • mistake
and taken mit peter, of course • poisonous
dose. He immediately produced vomiting
and thereby saved his life. The salt peter
was not in all 15 minutes in the stomach eo
so that • very small quantity it any was •b-
{ sorbed. A. it was he had a very Darrow
Rrlitwa Siraewatms r'errmle.lea.
Washington. June 2t. -Late de-
apatches from Panama state that Oen.
Fran<ieeo \'olladores Bone, S"cretary
to the Nicaraguan Minister of War, Is
I now en route to Europe on business con-
; nected with Nicaragua's recent trouble
with Great Britain. It is thought be
Is carrying instructions to Gen. Medina.
the Honduran Minister at London. who
bore a consplenous part In 'bringing to
a close the British occupation of Cor -
into with Weepy* to the remaining
terms of the Isr(ttah ultimatum to Ni-
caragua. These relate to the formation
of a commie:don to asfe.a the damages
to peveral ltritish subjects who were
exiled from Nicaragua In company *lth
Pro -Consul Hatch as a result of the
Mospulto coast trouble In August last.
it Is likely that the sessions of the corn-
' mission will be held In some strictly.
neutral country, presumably France or
ewltserland. .
( rise 0a. a Dat rI•y of tiff
Rome. June 26. -in the Chamber of
Deputies to -day the Radicals Introduc-
ed a motion declaring want of conAd-
ence in the Crtspl Government. This
was rejected by a vote of 333 to 161.
When the result of the vote was de-
clared there was a scene of consider-
able excitement. the Radicals shouting
•'Vive Cavalotti!" and the Government
supporters responding with cries of
I "Vlve Crfspl'"
e roeo in tae 1 meted eases.
Washington, June 2t -The weekly
crop report of the Weather Bureau
states: The past week has leen gencr-
al1 favorable. though somewhat too
cool In the Dakotas and Minnesota for
corn. while exc. solve rains have proved
injurious over the central and western
portion of the cotton region. Drought
has been relieved over the greater part
of the Ohio Valley, but con.Inueu to
Central Wisconsin, Southern Michigan,
and In portion of Tennessee. Pennsyl-
vania and New York.
soar. Nsrdee re So O. rsa0$.
Constantinople. June ft- United
states Minister Terrell having receiv-
ed trustworthy Iaforwsatlon that time
bicyclist Lens was murdered near Bs -
bar by six Kurds whose nasi aro
known demanded their Immediate ar-
rest and punishment. The Ports hes
promised to comply. In the meanthss
the United States having no consul at
Ers.roum. Air Philip Clife u, Britian
Ambassador. has p.,-mMasMr. Grimm
arltie5 Consul, to talo fhb flatter ti i.
grams+-e'I.oee *reads legood.
Paris. June 1lt - M. Ranotauz, Ben-
itlebr of Foreign Affairs, Informed the
Cabinet to -day that the iftench Min -
later at Pekin bis signed the cowed -
Zia. �.a1os of tar
soat>tarn ffentlee of camas. and abs
m gslstleg the re asevefal relatlasa oe
tis P r seek eoloetaa with CMOs*. dstsd-
tag this ratrwsy awl wenurap lis new
mINIIS600e with Tampb
Bathing Suits Iry.every Tom,
Dick or Harry
But get one of those
2 -Piece Suits at
Our MR. DOBIE has just returned from the East, where he
secured some special Bargains in
General Dry Goods,
Gents' Furnishings, &c.,
300 Ladies' ample Hats,
Rib3ons, Flowers, Laces,
Handkerchiefs, etc., etc.
e` Prices Aral Belo! Regular
X .x x 7t
CaII and investigate.
Yours respectfully,
North Side Square, Goderich, - - P. O'Dea's Old Stand
Stinky : The frioude of lass Rem, of the
3rd, mile sorry that he had to undergo an-
other operation for the removal of a out -
oar from his jaw. He is at present in Cki-
c.go, where the operation has nese per-
formed. and hie friends hope for his speedy
recovery sad raters.
We don't keep Straw Hats -
We sell 'em.
Spocial Inas Today
to 45c.
to $1.75.
BATHING SUITS, an immense
range, from 10c. to $3.00.
(:or. Montreal -St. and Sonars
...-.� .� .s'
Pt Li
Toes F
We.gt. res CANADA
Ilan '..lured by
TOI 600l� bicycle Co. L
&rantfcird, Ont
.)D YONO[ 3T PRICY SOS ST. P1194 8T.
'1 N0 e0w CevSLOOYS
G. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent,
Why Not Have Tour
We have Twelve Nice, New
Jobs Just Received.
Come and have a look at them,
and get our prices. We
are selling them
very cheap,
HAMI LTos 4n'.. OOD)i»C R
" ZADdOR "
will be at onr .tables llasiltoa-et.. Serial
this season.
What's the time?
11 you have a Coal)
ft is time yon were tads,
POR comma. COLDS.
°rare arms los tad am trial AtmMefhaa
prim sod the whet of 15. peevish, t1M
IW remedy mom/ s•
WO& add everywhere.
Kasai WATSON dl O0. PI NMs3rss
se ffoosrrssai ..