HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-27, Page 7MN SIGNAL : (3UDERIOHe ONT. TIWI{MbAY • JUNE 27. lot
and rapidly growing children
derive more benefit from Scott's
Emulsins, than all the rest of the
food they eat. Its nourishing
powers are felt almost immedi-
ately. Babies and children thrive
on Scutt's Emulsion when no
other form of food is assimilated.
stimulates the appetite, enriches
the blood, overcomes wasting and
gives strength to all who take it.
For Cough*. Colds, Son Thtoat, Bron-
chitis, Weak Lungs. Emaciation, Con-
armptlot% Siood DiiNsas and all Forms
.f, Ws$tiag. Said for rsa rAlrr.t. Arise
Sas • iotas. arlltSl► Al greggbta ifc au.
An Interview With the Grays
In Florida.
They Claim That the etre witch te•trey-
ed Their taease was •eride.sal, died
Keay e'e.aUv.I, Met acetate wee
Kilted foray Worked as •
mesas tied.
Leola. Mario. County. Florida. Jeer 2L
-Tbuma* Gray and hi. wife, Hersh Grey,
who were arrested in Gee seamy for the
alleged murder of David Scottie in °tom-
bs Township, Comity al Peterboro, On-
tario, are still in custody Isere, awaiting
the arrival of an officer with the requi-
sitiom papers.
Gray wee arrested at Agnew Station
last Thursday and lodged nu the Marion
County Jail. Sunday hes wile was taken
in custody.
Gray came to Marion County last July,
his family fuliowiug in August. He pur-
chased a piece 01 land at Aguew Station,
three miles west d Ocala. among a large
colony of rndustrioue and automate' Ita-
lian fruit and vegetable growers,
Gray rn*Larlyd iu the same business He
was getting his ground in good coudl-
tem and had panted a number of &ares
of ear;y vegetables, but the severe freest
w February .ant ruined everything, and
1...o.4 short id tummy he found employ -
cant as a track hand oc the railroad
ase.•. etas w.irkiitg there when arrested.
Those woo know Gray stave his advent
among us say h.• is a hard-working, in-
dustrious 'eau. ted can hardly believe
be is guilty of tbe charge preferred
&gaited him. His arrest and the cir-
cunMtancee leadiug to it have created
quite a sensation in this community.
Ocala has only a pupulative of 3000,
.]though tbs outstay seat, sod some edea
eau therefore be bad of the intense ex-
eitrmeut that hes been created by the
arrest among the owners of the exten-
sive orange groves, market gardens
and cotton, sugar - care and sweet
potato farms in this neighborhood.
Your correspondent, S to interviewed
both Mr. and Mrs. Gray in the jail. got
the following story :
At the time of' the fire in which the
house and &elite were burned Gray was
absent some 70 miles fats home, an It
cannot be said he set the premiers errs
Mrs. Gray says that the glaring flews
woke her up, and with difficulty she gut
out with her infant child, aad the .ether
children barely escaped aspliyxiatlol, as
her bedroom was filled to suffocation with
smoke. Aa mon as she reached the yard
she called their aged charge. David Send•
lie, but got Do answer from him. and the
poor aid man was eremete•L The fire
took place at 2 o'clock in the morning.
The premien say tbe buwr con.umed was
built by Thoiuu Oray and ;eat $600.
and the ilMnrnnce company paid . him
$560 for the building and his furniture
The compere jury acquitted them of
1the crime to burn the bailding
for the p urptse of cremating the old
man. whoop property they were to have
at his death. This property. they .aid.
was only worth $600.
Both assert their innnrence. and say
they are confident they can prove the
same at their trial.
Yrs Gray accuses ber husband's bro-
ther, Richard. of instituting thew char-
harges, as she said that. while near urigbbors.
they never did get along well together.
It is dote for spite work. ebe
alleges. She also said that Riebani was
Wakens of her husband's *access and al-
ways envied him what little prosperity he
When told that the most damaging evi-
dence ermined her had been given by her
town sietrr end not by ber b pb.nd'a bro-
ther, the woman flew into a terrible P•a-
5ion, and reed anything but rinplimee-
tary terms in regard to Yrs. MCOregor
Aa will be assn by the appended le•
ter, Mrs. Gray tabes **rime cher
art/dust Mr. William Meareror snot.-
Memo. .we to • ae1•4ite.. Tea.
The great army of sufferers from vari-
ous rheumatic conditions joyfully wel-
come Chase's K. & L Pills because the
foster parents of their aches and pains
are the Kidneys, which, on account of a
diseased condition, are unable to relieve
the blond of uric acid poison. which is
deposited in the joints, producing on the
first provocatidn irritating aches and
pains in the bones, joint.' and muscles.
The reason that ('haste's Pills relieve and
cure is their wonderful power in restor-
ing degenerate Kidneys to itperfect and
natural condition, without which the sys-
tem is supplied with blood teemtag with
poison that adds fuel t., the fire of rheu-
matic complaints, demoralising the en-
tire system and readeriag it liable to a
comp icl a 'tion of diseases terminating In
dior abetes,
peasantfeature of thew Pillthat.
while eget Kidney remedies .4cess a`e
roasts Chase's relieve and one
1s neatly s1i rhea le attacks there
censtipatiest of the bowels/ -
is easily over -come C fse's bowels/
Liver Pills; is fact t are a pief Ct
rem for asaablue. i• ell4> M
Edward Gg r.¢t, editor aad
tad Wradllarda Oat, W'
Other•.. deaf
sis emits
•:scot,.: _
uru•m Weir.
ledlaas pried
body with a
is alleged the
was detached
uhe senerts Chet the ter5
the Mad df of Ifnollie's
pole. whilst at Rowel It
Indians thought the Mad
at the time of their i• -
Ocala. Jass. lath.
Dear dir.-Pleas• give me spas* Is your
flat Issue for this note. Slr. farm to the
Peeerboro papers last week s greet mass
false statement.ardlrnr the hero's( of
place, our Well. must say they know
little that give themselves •o meek tom -
ba. uveer BID 14tlr g is Ile.. Don't all
the nelghimrs know the klud of a liar he
Is. Oen t W. M. Higley. my useghbor, Ise
you all boort a
hot iany Iles he told on
as before this ever happened 7 And for
Grisham Weir. 1 expect nothing else of
him. horses* Min and u• have tet ea
bed terms this last 12 years. Hundreds
.•f things he told on us. lie •►1•I V. D111
Mot g..r If he lied • thanes he 1100.1
ohep off m) heed. but Melkegor sad him
este talk •y they please ss long en 144414
ggewtt so one W mind them. They would
tike to see as per.. uted. but I don't
mind them if reedlo•1 aid ain't smart
...Ione% to know that 441• Mad felt off by
outran,. the three Iodises fres Hiawatha
that 11.11 got his body In the debrle• can
114 them know that the head was on when
they pried 11 lip when It lay on the
top of the debrl.e rod the head fell M.
pieces. Why don't Yr. Murraygo to thews
three Indiana, Willie (uw .54 441s brother
*nil Modem Howard. for information, and
M will bear the truth from these poor
n41aas. They are nut like the high (low
In teeing affairs. 1 t►lak If 44-oll/e's
friends heard times liars they will go
crony. If they Mteb soy of we 11.c. from
the, Sates we .111 sae the 0.w5shlp for
damages 'bee they are blinded so much
by liars. Ws Dever drone auything to fly
W the States. but 4. set Ovine In trate.
we never tougnt nor sae q moans. w.
always was trete able Except we would
Hghe.we had gut to leave. W think it
was hest to Peeve When we came to (.11u -
MU we had our papers from .our n.inbt•r
and from our eosployer to show good con -
du. -I. but when other parties uam. they
had to leave tor being quarretsotne and
being up at court every other week for
fighting and lytag with their neighhon.
The tint time ever we ware in court was
at the Inquest. Print this In your paper.
Florida, MRS. T. OKAY.
Can't the constables find that Mr. bray
was at his brother's as time of amident !
The Sheriff told me yesterday that
if Gray and his wife return to Camila.
their live children. three of whom are un-
der 10 years of age, will have to be
taken with them or provision male for
their maintenance here. If this le not
dooe Marion County will decline to sur-
urrender the prisoners.
The Greys have discharged their attor-
ney and the application for their re-
lease on a writ of habeas corpus has
been ubaudooed. The accused have no
niowei to make a fight and soy that
tlwy would not do so even if tbey had
th.• m.•..4ia, ea they are Dot at all afraid
1.1 the ontc..me of the trlaL
a gree the C.rerameera t-.aneerI...
tondos. June 19. -Thr ('am,liau (fa-
settr says, in consieetitn with 14. At -
'retie and Superior Railway. For the
auk.• of the repute of Canada iu Great
Britatu, we •.eepty regret that the Do-
minion' Goo.ernmeut u ou any was ease -
elated In this issue, though there is
little choice about the matter, as nay
oar has the right to pure Imre an an -
snits, while there are ,precedents for
undertaking to apply, sock au annuity
in any way the buyer ;erases. Dom not
this most recent experience show the
imlortauee d a new ruse to prevent the
d the Government name iu the pro -
low of individual rhesus'
Mvere rummaerns Al
Edinburgh, June 19.-.% wstorm
prrvhiled to -day on Ben Nevis, \\Invrrnro-
shirr, the loftiest mouutniu 10 Great
Britain. The storm we. arcomlent•d by
lightning. and a bolt struck :be trtr-
grnph obeervntory disabling the Amore -
mental. The belitliutt was at ,Ni fire, but
the officiate and two touristw extiuenish-
e4 the flames. I.itt1. damage was dune.
kw elphw hese es .way.
Herne, June 11. --The ff.anetng of the
scheme for the construction of • tTll-
way up the Jungfrau Mountain Is as-
sured. and the work will be begun in
the latter part of the peetest year.
4.UU.eeak•ve Taught
Wooiitoek, Jure 19. -The two prison-
ers who .raped from the jail herr 05
Monday afternoon were captured at
Tbatmeleed by Postmaster McCarty.
Rami 1111,, Was Sept the Castaways
Alive tam tit••eeed.
Los Angeles, Cal., June 19. -One of the
survivors o. the wrecked *loop Crest, whir
returned yesterday froth San Cletnent't
Islaude, tells of the sufferings of himself
and romlmninus. After being struck by
the atone the sloop drifted around for se-
veral day.. The water awl provisions
giving out, they killed a do.g and drank
his blend, which kept them alive till the
shore tram reached.
One or the party- went crazy
from thirst before the ramp of the
hunters on the mainland was gained. Here
they were fed and eared for, and after
several dnye' rest were sent to Sae Pe-
dro on a along.
Three Deaths •'w.et 11 ,(.4a l Wreak.
ilufalo. Jure 11. -Samuel McCor-
mick, the LH. ti -*mars who wag go ter
rthly bur ,ed . he freight wreck near
i•artan •m th n+;et of June 5. died tin
terrible age"i; at the Emergency Hos-
pital last lathe. This makes the third
death res Atm from the wreck.
1114,,-4 4.• M. *sash.
!Muffle, June 19.--Oeorge Boson. a
:.g man who llvos at Comecon. died
night fro -n this effect of striking
t 4 head on a log whilst diving on Sar-
astMht Death 4
Qu.eH.toWD, Ju
Aureola. which t
for New Tort yr -r
her arrival her..
(',ortey. an interne
committed .uleld
hoard. She was
'fork to join her h
the Miami,
A. -The steamer
from Liver,od
y, reported upon
iy that Isabella
:e pat>•eagr r. had
Melting troy
br way t.. New
Mew &Med 1a as Eredeaam
name, Julie 19.- fltzty ata were killed
and three seriously injured by t i ex -
plosion of powder is ti.• Belisle 1 tory
at Avtgtuna, 14 tile• west d As.
to -day. The .xplr'tiOt' was moon. bg
urelss@nem of the vk :its.
MW the dente weesetee
Alliance, Ohio. Yu Ig. -At Moulin
Union College yest.n Jas. R. Greets
related to the etude his personal
reminiscences of 0* tee of Water-
loo, which was fougtrt .1 ins 15, HILL. Mr.
Creon le now W year* 4d. As a tdd-
shlesman In 101E 1b. was • wittiest, et
the bottle. _
mese ed *sod els • remains iihe .
Bond Head. Jagef 70-Steyhets Byw-
ord. a farmer at West Gwillkohory,
dropped dead tt bermes Atop
_.onday. Heart dieems.
Myer server 1111+101111.
011a W111, JON !M.-M.ae Bwo■gem,the
I:imlr'rme•, ,wesfsed weed today t1111t
river-dttver limas 1 wee
dieMtW s tie Was Nkorsiso
44 -
Wield laii1O05 tenth Till amt kr-
rams or wap'ts Raot'I:ST MIN ALUMNI
TU Thea 1.11511- ML 1.1.51111 nee tits
NIL TYa salts►1T et trrOMB h P-
Saliba trails Record.
Mr Joseph N. Barton, who hes@ &boat •
mile from tee village of iderrwkvefie, is sae
of the best knows lumen is tie tow.ebip
of Montague l'p to the Spring of 1894 Mr.
Barton had always euj•.yed the bast of
health. At that mase, however, he was
taken wttb • bihows fever, the effects of
w►tub left hew a ternhly weakened coali-
tion. When the use tonne areued to bogie
Sprier operations ea the farm ha found ham•
self too weak to take any part in the work,
sad notsithetedt4lt that he uu treated by
as exceheot physician. he wee choetently
grown:, weaker rod his condition not only
greatly alarmed himself but his friends.
Having read .o much cwn.eruing Ur. Wil-
liams' Ptak POW, he determ•ued to give
them • trial, sod without oon.altiag his
phymcua he boom their um. He only rod
one hoe, and, sot Wieling i>rttrr, he diiso.n•
timed the use of the pills. This was where
he now admits he made a serious mistake ea
he not only lell back to his former weak-
n ess, but tee -one w.,1'..- tuna before. He
oould now do no week of any kind, and
the lee• -e exertion lett hint almost help -
leer Life was • misery to him and he
we*. ..-• -` . -
gained a pawed a day.
was no the point of giving bis case up as
hopes ss when • friend stro.rly urged him
to soon begin the use of 1)r. illiams'
Pink Pills. He a+reed to do so, and by the
time he had used three beim there was a
marvellous chants ie • his a9pearsnoe, and
he felt like • new moa. He still enatinued
to use this lite mein, medicine. with &stow
tithing restate. Daring his illness be had
fallen in weight to 135 pounds, but be soon
increased to 180 pounds. In fact, as he
mays, the iscte•ee averaged .bout a pound a
day while he wee taking the pills. He is
now able to do any kind of work os his
farm, and it is needless to my that he is not
only a firm believer in the efficacy of Dr.
Williams Pink Pi1ls, but loess no oppor-
tunity to sound abroad their praise, with
the remelt that others In hie looality hay,
benefitted by his experiea,e and advice.
To those who are week, *.ally tared,
nervous, or whose blond is one of condition,
Dr. N ilhent. Pink Pills come as a veritable
boon, curing when all other medicines fail
and restoring those who give them • fair
trial, to a full measure of health and
strewth They will he found an .beolute
cure for St. Vitus' dance, Incomotor ataxia,
rheumatism, paredyeia, sc'atiaa, the after
effect of la grippe, loss of appetite, head-
ache, dirs,Dees, chronic erysipelas, scrofula,
etc. They are also • specific for the
trouhies trecmliar the female system, correct-
ing irregularities, auppreemions and all forme
of female 'rookies.. In the an. of pan
they effect • radical cure in .1l camas arisen,
from mental worry, overwork, or excesses
of say nature. 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills
.re sold only in boxes bearing the firm's
trade mark and wrw✓per (printed in red
ink), and as, be had of all drngri.ta or
direct iy mail from 1». Williams' Medicine
Cones•ey. Brockville. (;nt., or Schenectady
N. \'., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
A Hopedale Utes -Visitor -What is his
particular form of iasseity'
Warden (of image asylum) -He thinks he
can find the man who stole his umbrella. -
Ata Meeting of the (creditors-- Offline'
Reoeiv.r-What have rust some here for'
Pretensions! Beggar -To put in my claim.
Herr Mey.rste•in need to give me twopence
every week.-Edlenspiegel.
The fiddle bug fiddled end the .lune bug
And the beetle beat the time ;
The too... tweed joined the tree n, then,
And they played as air sublime.
The lark was out for. skylark, too,
And the horn beg blew hie horn :
The boost sang and the Katy Did,
And the June ootette was born.
-Boston (ourier,
Scene : A town in the north on • very
misty day.
Sandy McKey looming out of • public -
boons and eteetiag his miniet.er Noe to
face) : 'Legh. sir, it's an awful deostvm'
thing, this mist. Wye kw (impeessiveh),
1 waadwad la then the non, tbinki' it was
the reooer s''
7 T S111•.1IT, saylats.
• YN .r tie l ani l.m .1 tweadtlris
Tottenham. that., June 211•-'144 • follow-
ing no a neigh setimat. td th i e at
j*eterdav's fir,- beer --
Jobe Audersua, coati -its, $70u, luster -
awe 5600.
Frauk Wright, home. 5600.
William Auderwo.e, ...utrnta 5200; no
Elisa Austin, thrwr daelliagn and con-
tents, $161*; insurance $1100.
J. C. Asdeteosi, black■mitt whop and
est -struts, 5.500: hu iu.ur:.t.•r,
3. L. Aileim, contet.t>, 5100; :,u Ilrur
Elisa O'Brien, woodelr !, 560; tau in-
Frank Kreisky. house, blurkamith • op
and contents., 5.400. iururaarr $11.1111
J. M. Lyme', berm, two drops n...I hwk-
•rv. $2000. insurar•r *11100.
Y. J. C sserty, barber and "hoe ships,
54410. :neurals•* 52440
P. ter Doyle. home and content*, $600;
110 I U11111111111/01.
B. Fauuiug, house, $t:tl(► insurance $5550
Anger Gum, rtalet.te. $510; nae timer -
a nus.,
D. H. {'inset, horse, $600; fully Iu-
P. Garrity. house. 51000• besides 5010
in pnemisr.ry totes. Ni, insurance.
T Y. Oreeu•way. barn aad emtite•ts,
$1000. insensate 5750.
Walter Potter, house. $4410. fissured.
John flay, contents $200. No insurance.
W. Henry, hope. Poe'. Iusared.
G. P. Hughes, livery stable, 5400. la -
' emcee $3110.
Yre• Scott, Meuse, $1000. Insure uce
George Gordon, low on wagon ',hop uud
i n: i dle ut n b. 52000
William Lung, le use, 5700. Itnuraue.
If. Ledgerwond, home. 5700.
Margaret Logan, b•tw•. 5700. lasur•
•etre $500.
Mn Lowery, house. $700. No inane -
D McKinney, cost entP. $1000. No in-
J. A. Herter, hoose. slap aad contents,
52000 Insurance $1(44441.
Stretch as it is wnd•.tood. - First lady -
Haire you read' Tho lr•ook.tt Miaieter,' by
4taokit' 9see.d lady- No: is it heed
Fiat lady -I •m going to got IL Second
lady -What ie • weaken minister! Best
lady -( ;**skate is the 9aottieh for wary -
masked, you know. Ia AeetLsd. whoa yea
want to say • sena is rather dotty. yew say
he is ernuksls. fleae•d lady Why, of
assn. Owe sieb have kungen by the
gonad.' Of .ea..,
W. J. McDermott, tome and contents,
5700, Insured.
Sarah McDeruadt, bone and cottents,
IftailLdlinsuranee 5500.
a Moffatt, bowie, 5.100. No in -
Met bodice A u re b 16000.
Newbury Fitete. house and outbuild-
ings, $1200. Inauraore.
Elisa Mitchell, hoose. $250.
Joseph Prestos'. house 5800. Insurance
William Patter. two stores and two
dwe'linit•. content insured for $5000.
1ra Phillips. house 5540.
Stone hewer. 5900. Intimate 5700.
W. H. Sanford, shop and hoose. 52000.
Insurance 51000.
Ellen Austin. house, 5700.
J. 11. Gregory. hose 5500.
T. J. Turner. house. No Insurance; loss
on store about 5200. Insured.
H. J. Turner, low on stoat 5500. No
I mur•anee .
Alex. Totten, house end contents 52500.
bearers** $2000.
Yrs. Wilson, house ¢400. No iusur-
Margaret Woods,
L. 0. Wolfe( loss
Thomas Dale, house $600.
L. E. Williams, house and content,
Insurance $1500.
V. Y. kobiaso., content insured for
KGrt a Lyons, horse • pie wer aad
clover mill. 5600. No itu•urauee.
Robert Sanderson. steamer, 51000. No
bonne, 5800. No
uuknown but very
•r.wa.*ew111 a a►aek,.ed Weser
Franklin. Ind., June 1t. -Thee village
or Brownstown was destroyed by are
Monday night. Lona 140,000.
WW1 * 01111441; t AC•11CIKa.
Ce•eral Aa.embly derides Net le Leake an
•ppsttame■t 1., • Tear.
L000lou, June 20. -Dr. Ward of Mont-
real, the choice of the Assembly as the
successor to Dr. Reid, the venerable
clerk, and ageut ut the church, asked
leave to give the matter mature and de-
liberate cinaideratiou, and the Assembly
granted his request.
Overtures were read from the Presby-
teries of Londou and Toronto respect-
ing the apptwuttneut d • professor to
the vacant chair at Old Test/meat ex-
egesis and apo:ogetic. at Enos College.
The former prayed for a 're -arrange-
ment of the chain, ao that only cog-
nate subjects should constitute the me-
tra! professional choir., and the latter
asked for a year's decay in the appoiat-
Dr. Lyle, H•.ilta., moved that the
overture be set asi to . and that the Aaaem-
bly coldirm the sole tion of the College
Board in name( Dr. Macintosh, Philadel-
phia, for toe position.
The matter was further digressed and
several •meudmeuts j.roposed, obeli Prin-
cipal Gen spoke 1!e tceik the first pub -
11e opportunity of stating that the 1•e-
tarerw who had tcmµ.rarily filled the
chair for the part year, Messrs. Ramsay
and Duman, had d..:..• their work exceed
igly well. Ne allotted that the staff
weld be strengtnen•.i by an •dditiomal
pee/*mor, that he knew nothing untavor-
&Ye of Prof Macintosh, but nu the lase
e1 the upin10u of els-sevenths of tibia
alumni be would greatly hesitate tocom-
piete the appointment at the present
An amendment to Dr. t.rbraue's al-
lowing the College Senate to consider the
matter of au auvantagnucie re -arrange-
ment of chain and delaying the eppolutr
meat until seat 1stt►Iy was earned.
seireww M •4.evet ta..4.
Washington. June 20.-Pecretary Her.
hent has ordered Commission. Francis Y.
Bance to olnty s. (l .andrr-in Chief d
the N:rth Atlantle squadron. with the
rank of Acting Bear Admiral The new
surees•or to Admiral Measle will away
command in about tan days. Commo-
dore Rune* is'54xt to the l e-eet officer
of his garde. and has not beeu to Tree
snore 3`85. g moat id his time
ashore he has president of the naval
war college. +hie be orgaaied.
TOMMY Essiele
Flour -Trade le very flat and prices are
purely ,sisal. Btr•lttit miller* are no-
mitul at $ 60 to 54.116 Ten'ete freights.
Brea -Bran firmer, willieg at $1260.
Tonto freights. Very leo .hurte od1er-
"My dear," mid Mrs. Honeymoon to hes
spumes, one day at dinar, 'the doetees my
that we should as' Mob &boat boohoos
.etre at meal balsa, es it impairs@ Mena -
ties and ijemes the heallk. Pray, dote,
what de yen think shoat when we sit down
Is mieolot'
'Btrsaesat,' replied the old w, '1 testy
think sheet show r
hail Meet . ad his sash. toil !Weed h4iAt se test
thenal sod Ambles hhw.
Per ymes Ihave hoes a great mane
from Nei" eltio Womb* and sat Amen.
1117 Wide sail
aiafik 1* were Nhealy raw.
ilea OW-
( smetW i ' Mos bevels& itghi g . fL
Osis Iwo sada hatf asespleasly
1t YY aim Minuet Nig flee ai/Ir/1a .
i nit.
heat-Th.ve is • limited demand and
pries .re unsettled, White and red are
efisile; at 96e nor* std sere. No. 1
Manitoba bard in due at 95. to Sec Feet
WIMigs and at Toronto freigbt.
thous. -Trails is with demand lios-
ad. Cage aret.
1s•+b Trade -- and at vx e* Howe -
;wire* tetwa,t
alloat W S
to -'Lim storing* quiet, is ith pr irate
Car isle el white are gait-
e d a`d
t irk b :as most and at fete to
w ea Work it ers.
girt- fe.1. gall, with prices nom .Sal
,Il ills M as. outride.
to tat1, with prime Ira•
MYRgT A. ?muralists. . (,atbil•••• I id r KIS ea track ter or-
'fit. Oa11M•
of the
Old Country,
Wena much, nAd •1
.ore throat- 1'.r ■
reused? that retie rev
form the start, soothes
heals the inflamed
tissues of the tar)es a
i.roochial tubes.
k a certain remedy based on a dear know,
ledge of the diseases It was seated to
An ex.•h.rye tells of a ,entleman who
was recently ,utrduoed to two sisters, the
husband ..f one of wham had flood a short
time before, while the husband of the other
had gone to India. In 000vermatiou with
the former, she remarked that it was very
hot. Mistaking the lady for her sister, the
ee.tleman innnrently replied : "It is: but
it onih.ng to the piece your husband bee
gone to."
eart Disturbance
A. S. C H R Y STA L,
1w weerto C•rpstei a black,
manufacturer of all kids of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Ire.
Works, etc., etc..
And heeler -a-
1 ugin.s, Machinery Casting', Rc.. 1'ipa
and Pipe Fittings, all Bross roods,
Valves, llaug•s, Etc.
All ('osstauUy on Hand at Lowest frees..
The following Second hand Bo:.rrs arid Macb-
Iaerr for sad -
(Me 45 H.P. licher and Eagiae.
" 40 " Slide Valve Eagan".
" .in " Tubular Roder. complete.
" 14 „
" b .' Fon box Boiler sod F:nglae,ea
ltepalrtag promptly attended aro
est! -17 P. 0. Box al, t odench.Oat.
Weeks -opposite 0. T. lt. Statist, 0.4.10
has established a new Bakery anti Coo-
fectionery Store on Hamilton -it. is
Barrie's old stand, where he will keep
constantly on hand everything iu the
line .4 Good Breaei, Cakes mud Pasta7
of best make. Large Loat ere at 10 eta.,
and sulall Loaves at Sc.
No combination : 110 extortion; hut
everything to suit the times and the
pockets of the people.
If you want Good Brawl and Cheap
Bread leave your onkrs at the New
Bakery, on Hamilton Street.
Wedding Cakes s Specialty.
Bread. delivered to all porta of the
There is more Mart disturbance NOW
them ever. Present day modes of living,
burry, insitemeet, worry. promote it.
Yen needn't have bear* trouble, br-
ews you can keep frons having it.
35C4S11 NllES-35
1st prize, S25 , 2nd, SI5 - 3rd,
S10 ; 4th, S5 . 5th, S2 . 10
prizes of SI each 20
prizes of bOc, each.
The Proprietors of
"Salada Cellau
S- -11•1--
11 1 -
4441041 Ka.
The.w.are. *.ederlr4,
arT.l.phone Conneetios.
offer to school childres the above
prow, oompeitltios open until let
of May, for the best poem or
rhyme, the initial letter of the
lines reading downwards to com-
pose the words--
o:0 -
The poem ',expected to be the
result of the child's own thought,
the name, age, address and school
to be appended to each poem. oleo
• (veil out dapackage of
i 1 alada" t Cellon Tear
Obtaised, and all bemuses Is the C. P. Palest
Once attended to at MODXRATR PP,RA.
Our o4loe is opposite the U. 8. Patent Of-
fice, aad et *an obtain Patents in Lem 11m11
ben those •emotR from w4tf1i:NOTON.
vise ae is patentability tree of charge sad
of and to otnotale th.
74JN PAr1tNT.
We refer, here, to the Postmae'er, the gaga.
hder Dlt.. d
U. 41. Patent Once. nor otreniu, advice
Perms end retereweee to aetual clients la roam
awe Rate or County write le
C • .a•w a ('S
npveette resist nelcaWeehineten. D C.
VelestNO Amebae
!•1gMWee nus fnihsls t d Ws hest tlsesrml`
4 Wan M algM. sinning of um ems sad
eniklss, *-woes et breatk, pain 1s ra IgA
Wk. *e0k mess that the bag. Y
Ismtd order.
Web the papyri direly chemises( the 4 •
et amuse am by u.Mset et thew W*F -
mid%lgrlhoeetfasma Amer• flamperf`
MIS MIA dielgrbsaes by elme:diarc the elo
attAlSlatb rebels, serve Mas*. g•prbl•s pine
VMS tar tete i.g 11e beam al No hada
IN Vose Si
Away ter ,
ppggTwCC• 1
M eeferssttm nsd heio I;ptdbwte odes b
MtX. • M all nan•nwAY. lrxw Tneg.
pQt4st' rhe. I.arwau %or .i.,•wnrr'.,p paf few -a Arseries.
Rear' pe1 scot tasnt oat ty .noses hetes.
the peWle tr. ■.a I.'. eros tree of enamels. fa.
»CieEti tit American
tar .ft Aww4er4.w M w Mr nt ar t+1 -e ,n us
weal, t .lwd.dtlr rse. 4. 1 a n.erea
mea bosh: t1 .1*. tt, we.•■ 0. •
1_Mt; 'l4 menthe. enth. Aow
es est ' n Op„
■Oto rgkltl. Ll 50.4.... row t at.
(areal► `rolls wR►11117,000 maws miles to
Mus ss fhb whole seatlwt d Rar-
rWt It t*atefy 1Ng.y tissss ns ss
lftritdetgi a sod framed. 14:11
open also law the, the l)*4 ehee=l