HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-27, Page 5TME SIGNAL': GODERICH' OM% THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 18911. 6 W. ACHESON & SON. Anieflc Bleached Sbeelingz 1 PLAIN AND TWILL, BEST QUALITY. We have just opened 2 Cases of the Fainous AMERICAN PEP. PERELL SHEETING'S in 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Widths. This shipment in a Special Consign- ment direct from the mills, and will be offered this week at about 1-4 Less than Regular Value. Inspection invited. W. ACHESON & SON. D. 3. rkArTICAL FuIK.-MDKCTi!. MOEI,ALIEN Oor. Square and North et.. SNii1CH. erT. (Over C. O. N•wtoe's stereo Ct.1 ha or day prompUy at- IJee•taN of O. t'. A _ Toronto. IMP. MARRIED. MINER-TRAINER-At the holly reel dtr.oe. 4316. De kdsy Ave Chicago 111. ►y the Re.. Dr- Rau. se )i Jane IL W s Mae,. Esq. Mechanical Sept of the RetrlsMetor Car Co. to Alice Mary Train- or. rash •11 Ctde•so. THE TALE OF THE TOWN: Itirom the Reporter'. Notebook 11 Tm•v. a Male la a' Ter Cases. 1 rode ice snot el 1 a Chlere Ammo Te Takla' Mies. an' taleh toll reels II -Bur... TINS TAILORIN7- At anee cask prime entire s.tletsrtio• cured. JIM solved. spacial Imes In opting a MA OORWMA C. 11 you've never triad Prldh•m the clothier for • suit, try !tea tbir oboe sad T=s Basset can guarantee you will got what you want If you want pictures framed, Motes take• or enlarged. n.0 epos It. H. Bellows the pbe.•- =w tspher Aaythtsg in We Use regelrleif taste ill ons be sells(setorUy dose. '000D SYS BIGHT" tea priestess treasure. You who have got It should take care el It You who tiers sot got It should have your eyes •treaded to at ems. We maze the pr.• srarT•tio• of sight • epecWtyl. and can met ydoremu_soourately and sclest111d•Ity. W. T. W311.SH. optician end jeweller •■ Army Attack. Friday eight an army of mocha, several thousand @trong:invade] stores and private house all over town,lo some calsus booming a plague. • Sig Mash. The other day W. Kasmh•w killed • mi- tes soaks at AtMtU'• Point which whom measured up town oovered forty-three cube. to length. • Hog Turtle. Moods eve. Dave Yule ossgbt • y large mud verturtle, brought it up town, sed •iter showtsg It arouad put it in the foun- tain with the other one. Pelee N•gtutr•le's Court. F. Mursey •.d Jo.& Atkins wee baton the P.M. )(•tardny last for fighting on the streets. Roth ware found entity but were let off on payment of oasts. • Hera Burned. (!n Saturday morning the barn belonging to Mrs. Webb. of S•ltlord. was burnt to the ground, the surrounding property, particu- larly the house of B. Hogarth, had • dose .hare from dootrsgion. • tine Move. Last week • spark from Wm. Vsastoo's dwelling .Money sot Bre to the straw in kis straw yard, but as it began to apcsd it was notion by the bird man who with sans diffioulty put out t1. blaze. Bat for the quiekaeso of the elan another Bre would hays been recorded ia Colborne. OM Ilea Thdt. 1 t ws his tint visit to O.dsriok. As be stood on the sidtwalk nailing bis ides with laughter, be nes monad by. "Whiter the tun steamier ! " Fun ! (.a't you sae M " .lost look how that thit•g (pointing to e• water sprinkler) leaks. Why, the fel • won't have • drop left when he gets S. •. Iaeslee' Rand. The Mesio' bead of the Salvation Amy is • novelty, bot the mast aotis•bis Mem IN that of a woman • big drum. The head does fairly eel et the msm- bmrs paying •n eicellent iaslr.m et, sed ware all the performers as oarrsot m the leading ones the S.A. I•.ies' band would 1.1. • leading psoitfan. visitors wan prinmp fly young man, sols of whom were good anger, they rmodarod the choir most pnmisg aeista.ee. The Ham Imam b•. Opened. Last Fall • geaslanime &him ou the M•itand lost his watch over the host from which he was fishing. The other day whin Baking he aught • three pound hem. His satoni.hni lot ass b• imagined whoa 1. found his watch lodged in tba throat of the beauty. The watch was cueing end the time cone*.. It being • Nomwiiidar' the . opposition is that is m..tkatiag its food the Bah wand up the watch daily. The Menne le be Steve. We are planed to state Sint the Onsets ot Leaden. • crook baseball rias will pay Mtn on July 1st. The town team will en- deavor to show Linden what God rich ono do in the baseball has and • keenly oncost, ad match may be =paged. Thom oos- hmpMting sp•ndig the day out of tows arena roman as tltay will no • pea of • lifigines, besides belpig to bay • hula spirt her .n the lig. • tsnaway. Monday afternoon, C. Chisholm 1.ft his bons and wagea on 11. Square, Ms horn bang satied. The animal ren away end made the demi& of the Swears without sa- ddest of any kind, but jet attar starting the ssoond lap it took the sidewalk at Wil- son's il- sois drag store, and the dispenser of drugs, bsir on band, deftly grasped the hammy Ita.s end browht the animal to • halt. The Mew o•pture of thit runaway saved d.ssag• to property and maybe injury to Ida,but all the fright and exeitsurent would have been prwvosted had the horse been properly tied. Tim Pe.Ieestal meetings. TM Pentecostal streeting* held by Rev, Dr. Kam in the two Methodist churches, dosed Sunday with • large sod interest- ing meeting in North.t. eb•reh. Probably 130 spoke to the union talk wsbip meeting at 930 A. it., the help I)r. Kens had bees to thea At the morning •ervns Dr. Keen promised on "The Kingdom of God." sad M night on "hive ma thy heart," Dr. Knew is • pain scriptural preacher, who avoids all .es••uooalism, and appeals directly to the heart through the exposition d t1. truth. On Sunday • freewill offering for Dr. Kam was taken, •sed the people re g.n.roosly. Tire piston, Rev's r41..d Irvin orations the revival •11 this weak. It is • union rSTivI, lbs two rhumbas uniting in North -at. church this week. All are invited to attend. The Gedeelrb Hleyele Cls.. The annual meet of the Goderich Cycle Club will take plaoe on Thursday evening. oommen0ing at 7 t• ii. sharp. The mom will take phos on the Square, the following members of tbe club having nen appointed to conduct thorn : Handicap oommitt.e--F. Stoke., 1). McGillicuddy, .1. S. Platt adorer. -F. Naiad, C. Lee : rima keeper - F. Humber : starter --Tout Nun The race for the evening will be On 10 min handicap for the salver cup : a mile open to ben.dict innembcrs of the club only, prigs, • box of cigar promoted by the president, and • third of • mile open to .11 smothers. prize • handsome lamp. It might be men. timed that the cup has been won twice by Bats, and should l.« oome in first on Thursday it will bee .nee his property. it has to be wont hree tames to st .bluh own- .nhip. • My in she tOwataln. Friday •Tenig. ss the axonrsiongs wan returning to the cone., • boy, about sons, ncoidenWly 1..1 into tin Soothing foun- tain. T1. -rants of .is lad wars with him, end wb,u peseing the benia the child on. his foot agonise • k odgs sad toppled oy .trikiar bis nod agsIas this iron e- -net mappens the mit Jug Cupid. The soon paled his son from the bottom, ..i, tom. MoLrnath being on heed. the lad ADS sewn restored to aei,nbility, and, after • proper inig .ed • T1- t to • store for • sat." of clothes, the am!' ..toossded to the scathes, whisk nes rear • la time for the stars to Stratford. • good M•srri- W, MoGrotb oared" .teewd.d 10 t1. bey'• r.imsn1 •.d let t "nom he war warm .ad etmfsrtab! shout ..goiriag the res of the oas 1. • . pd. rimees HvoryhMy. About ens bemired aid fifty ass" hat 1.a• wus4 m the tow ours." ods., shit "Holt ►.frau that oyerybody was planed. 'roe an seems to .'SIM itashel of Me .sed clamysrw onntbs dieingodditietlmlwising balmy plant on plat- form N fora r Amp • .end "Hen, The •tar thy while the erase et Jabs Storni tithe thriiii • "ran, Inured sod "Heid, W pries! et es eeu191sig infair sadly on • bag el . sith iRssasentwed 1.a, • fern •..t nano end • tsimsbty deed pet of butt.tr. Ho..110ni1sro wet look d- ew their .0110,. bels. Ihis dna • OMB es Se. rtesos. O Ar•sew mum swoon resi- &•tdefilibsat Albert esti MOMS" .rvI..fl e harbor mad tamtid te eL peaw's Mora M W Ow Yeepere. The piny .nese Sewm r111 Masai Ikea' te bong 11 plunge part a .dthe uos •set of N' MT*. On Friday, • Bet oar v .t► brakes pc "rly sat, eau. left .ear M•odaratt'a . in. While the points were beim np.e.d as . the track ele.rwd for taking it tato William' yard, .ad whin a placed, .onto boys or • ea h sed spend Ow bother. A. mm es 'be Moth ear of the car asset en0.d N a • does t • lino end the bete getting frigh ..t . d rot into the mime. but the ear '...s ...a •t William' Int, into tn lorries Mgt ward bang M. .1 whb limber. Lite demo go to prope r•••M-di and then ma no hj.ry tie " L. beg thin ws deo to the fast that ...., •.s Ido blmbar ppi L••e raw the e ear .smog a :1 Am the ware- Lg t Shat .las. prnnk, l s ,.en .ga fatal i va ts W ley. rethistown The b fes were seen by • polloglia, Igilaming Ihe bale, bet ea sisemi ei IM theses be tens the our end thehe tom Hai d, their hem were ■his 1 Had the psi. thayy won race: beim ` the ...aloes .•..ewer• The mar essienby emeludl.s meet. kg 11.. thumb tussah ed O r1.Ws 1l- agm.r w.e nli4 lit aasrg, tam bong geed Whenwhw Hdlg Jade Adios w tb. tt antaR, bar sable." bltttilg • " 11e l Weld riai Ugr Our ( : been est.fee CHANCE IH SYSTEM Wsrld r.. tell . t.• stninits, was y wronged by tba mashers grasewtt. TM cnr..le1 Roams. Tbs nasal axamis•tios u the ••111111M- aisl subjects asmmoseod this mwdtlF ell the Collegian Uniting Paired with "stews.. Weare piped M Mars that J. C. $ 4, of I.vkaow, etc farm.rly • stades" of tin G. C. I., W sasomin in pais • the 9•d year yam in arts and obtasniog dist-oleo honed me philosophy. • leleed.e Tribes*. Following N • portion of •a epistle amt to • .."heir is Dogrel by • p.aso.g.r from that city oil the stomas today : ' W are is the most besati1ul little tow.. It is Godwin. It is p.rhotly beautiful. • • 1 do wish you meld ee* this tows." Tito rfeewe.ee tit•mtsattee•. Although the .mice dames of the Ward ' noon Inn completed the promotias a• amis•tio., the pupils in the Central aro net yet through, and as it will take some time to cornet the paper. it is not expected that the promotion Int will be pubhand this week. The Welcome Rain. Than should Os onion ot praise through- out this neighborhood today for the wel- come downpour this morning. Already the gree on be seen potting forth fresh blades, the trees ars clear of dust and our vegetable patois show sighs of program. Godorioh may have bees neglected in the "senor of Ma the poet few weeks, but that of today o nkel up for all d•6cienon. bright/no many • heart, and make. all ••cure delight- iIL The r.treo. T. (►. Currie end other members of the Patron arrived by early tram today (%ed- ••d•y 1 and orooeeded to Kist..il when • meettg is being held tice •ftarnocs. To- morrow tTbur.da) the geo•tlsmen ell. beat Besmill•r, where • beg demou.ition of the order is advertised, eh the members ot Cor born* sad Uoderieb township lodges having baso invited to be present. (liven • fine day there should he a large assemblage of Patrons at BeamiUer tomorrow. Mout■le. My. (h the national holiday the Oriente, of Loedos, will meet our Uoderiob baseball Nam on the Agricultural Park. Wiggtus and others will take out parties for • sail no the lake, Babb will have his bathing establish - mat in fol! running order, ('.pt. Baxter's bceta will he availeble for all. and the bass, pickerel, perch, pike and herring will be on hod for • tempting bait. To thole who •ro sot satisfied with the above bill of fan, then will bs BcamiUer, the oemetan,Ras- ford's grove and the hundreds of easy little *note along the Maitland for picnics. It will thus be seen that • most cajoyable time may be spent in Godwrioh on Dominion Lay. Sperm at Agrie■It.r.l rasa. Today • scrim of intonetag mats will take pace on the Agricultural Park. The old-time rivals of the Godurialt Baseball Club. the Winner. of Clinton will ornm bet. at 3:30 P. e., sharp. A Blom and •x• citing cots" on be anticipated, aced all lovers of baseball should patronize the gaIn oddities to the baseball match • special Dririlego will be afforded the onlook- er in nein G. W. Orton, of Pennsylvania University, the ob•mpios amateur mile run- n er of the world, give •n •xhibitiou saris ot roes. He will be paced by our strangest local run.era. C. Stewart, W. Backford and A. N. Other. This is an opportunity in • 0fe tams of seeing • runner with • *orld wide repu- tation eon s Mr. (*too hs. give an exhibition outside of the metropolitan cities. Admimsics lex.. Proceeds to go to the funds of the baseball club. rhe Stratford as.a metes. After dinner, Monday, the escar•ioist11 separated and pleased tbemml7s as bot suited their oiroemetances. Many mjoyd • trip as the lake to Wiggins' mart yacht, others utilized Captain Raster's rowing fleet, and • large oeating.•t were enraged tempting the finny ones. AU the .1ter000u the South pier was crowded, and the many visitors thereon seemingly enjoyed the pleasant breeze that came Northwesterly oyer Lake Huron to fan. the ladies' pretty idose. (then of the party made sundry circuits of the Square, while • few enthu•- ista saw the cycle races from beginning to and. 'hiring the afternoon the band play- ed • chola eel.stien of music that pleased the exouriooista and the may residents of Goderich who listened to the .curing pro- gram. About five o'clock parties com- moner] t0 travel towards the station, rod the procession was from that time mention. on until the last train left, shortly after six. From 000ver..tions held with siem- ben of the committee of m•s•gemeot it was learosd that the outing was 000sidered of • pleacaot oaten, greatly enh•nosd by the lovely day and the kindly greetig• exceed. ed by the residents •1 Goderich. Taw. ".aril Meesl.g. A spoon meeting of the town council no held last *venin, the mayor in the chair. Pra•ent-reeve, deputy -reeve and councillor Coolpiou, Thompson, Nolte' Sanders, Wilson, Dunlop .od Johnston. The mayor stated that the meet ig had been called to naive report ot sp.0ia1 committee • tpo• ted at amt mooting. It was moved by 8a.sdors, monied by Thompson, that this eou.cil nowt the offer of the (:lobe Printing Co.. to praise 2,000 oopteo of the illustrated Globs, mid copies toles part d the .stir Saturday illustrated edition, dyorWisg the town of Godwin. The poet•• i• wid dines to be and remain the of the town of Goderich, said e dit!.. not to be published later than July 90th, '96. The literary matter sad illustra- tion to be gotten op nn ter too suparvi•as of, and with the •pprovl of the committee .•d beard of Wads, said $000 oopies not to east mesa tb•. 8100. Yee-Thomppso.o s N•ttoL bounden, Wil- son Dalai*, Johanna. Holt .- Nay-Me- eIl • Cumin. Cuspids ran nodes that at the sons rg.Mr or ether wasting ot the mooed he mond moo as mein the motion pained d tics e( mann in regard to the •dverleng of t b tows by the Globs Prisdag ft. lingonal Cbas.Moranea. A Gonna IWO, is Now York says Mess tell • pines% nMiosaNg by the elle be ace when a f+r drops 1• r Wit It remise hr the IOa 1Hgt-. •A Sp..mrd p.y. Ise the ten, dentes 1 es the tone W goes away ..ITL -ewylg • word. 'A P .shoes MR de the moo, except that he swear whew he g.. . A. Ea/lNhems agile the bear end mind esether A Gerona y dim est tate y end Giles atd.rf.g ieb.n a. It ■pthiag hod ti 1 - - Erika the burr with the fly. eA Oilients Ails .•t the ex Marg. MIini Owe weep tea bets' OF OOINC BUSINESS. t7On and after SATURDAY NEXT, JUNE 1st, 1893, we will conduct 1 STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS ! We are compelled to stake this change on account of the low prices at which we are now selling goods. To do a credit trade would mean bankruptcy in a few years, and being at present in as good a position as any other mer- chant in Ontario to buy goods for Spot Cash, we intend, if possible. to continue so. The large profits of years ago are crone, never to return again, and with then" the credit trade has been decreasing year by year. Buying and selling strictly for Cash (or its equivalent- Butter. Eggs, &x.) we are prepared to offer our customers goods at the smallest pos- sible advance on Cost. We intend to show for early Fall Trade a Complete Stock of Ready Made Clothing in Men's and Boys' Sizes at Close Cash Prices. We have opened this week New Goods in Dress Croats, Hosiery, Underwear, Parasols, Lace Curtains, &c-, Fully 20 per cent. Less than Regular Prices. Goods shown with pleasure. The highest price for Butter anti Eggs. JAMES A. REI D, 29th May, 1895. Jordan's Block, Goderich. INSECT POW. DER. PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE. W arrested }'aro. TRY TOUR OWN FLY PAPER (POISON), 8 pieces for 5c., TANGLEFOOT, AND OTHER KINDS LIME ,j UICE, ROOT BEER EXTRAOTB. Best things for hot weather. OUR BLACKBERRY COMPOUND FOR SUMMER COMPLAINTS. W. C. GOODE : CHEMIST. ROYAL SCALP FOOD, Latin and Bast Hair Dtrsesisg. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes mast be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. eternal Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Penile Nottses. AGOOD SFCOND HAND MOWING machine for sale cheap THOS. OUNDRY Auctioneer. w22 2t Hemilto. street. WANTED. -BOARD AT SUITABLIt farm boom for family of .IL Near water preferred. Write for particulars sed terms to JOHN Czuzito ti. Advection. Lendon. Ont. 3s -!w ince" ori FRESH COUNTRY MILK. - THE SATCHIL LOST -_A 8*&LL, DARK - sYRAr eAY 1: i.i rsttrn. beet coward P. hand satchel between Goode* drug store, livered to any part of the town 21d-im*w-1t and CarneUl furniture store. ya.trrday. Is it were a pair in of gold . mined glass eno • mall sum of mosey. Finder will kindly leave at n this oce. 'J3w It Special Notions BAi*UAiWs ! BARGAINS . EV ERI" Wedasedey seed Saturday. C..b for peed• dollvred free of Merge -at IL JJ.14ORTMCS genaeal store. Hamilton -fa 13 if WUITK LIME.- PARTIF.h BUILD frig Med try m White Lime. The stead? solo of It W eneb me to rodeos the price. The peaty allows one-tosrtk more sand to be mixed with 11 so making 0 actu- ally cheaper than any other fete 1et the ricin - sty. Always on hen at ml place of business on Zotet.. BMW ARID SHARMAN. 10cf Property for lisle or tor Rent FOR 8AT•R.-N. 4 LOT o.1, IND 0eN- eesli.s. Zest trawa.ok, IM •oro. This 1. s amt.M. farm. Also town loo tn. Ooda- risk Apply N PHILIP HOLT. WLtt. FOR SALE. - CHEAP, ON EASY TIMMS. West half of lot O. Coseewsion ere. West W awanoab. 110 tors. A well Unproved farm. lots h. f and pan 10. subdivision of Block B. Whores, about 31 acres. TO LWT -The shop lately oocuoied by the kite Tho. S.eyd. *iteApply to M. U. t JOHNSTON.STON. karr, r, Glade . 01341 FINE HOUSE FOR SALE 1N DUN- .ANNOIQ.-A gee new trams home. well located in D. gsem e.atalnlog parlor, dlaingroan. bedroom an Kitchen down stain and three bedrooms "tad 411"iee closets up emirs. first-class well, new cern with pump in kitchen. A good woodshed on the pre Islam. 0as-quarter acre let In 000neotiou. with' fine assortment of fruit tress. 5g05rf95q Tines. shade trees. kc Terms Reeso••blw Per .bce p papply (o JA MES WHYARD. Inami lliltnd Trawelllling (,►slide. GRAND TWEE RAILWAY. /MOM AND TO YODSRIcR. ••"RVR Yid Supreme Molina' Rsprest flatland Impress Mall and Zxpvdsa Mixed wawa 1.11 pm. 1.0 in p.m. ..ib .m 1.50 p.m. alt 0.m. THE DAILY MARKET REPORT. dledlerieb hems. THE SERVICES OF THE GOl)ERICH ORCHZHTRA may be secured for Garden Parties. Lawn Socials. and other ea tertainmenn at a reasonable charge. For la - formation apply to J. K. DAVIS. 1QY lP W-tf Hec.-Trus THE CELEBRATED RRAM) OF PURE EI.EPHANT WHITE LEAD. R W. Ment 4711 has • lame shipment to hand. and would respectfully intimate to his castorners and those about to paint. that though this celebrated Lead coots tnere than any other brand of pure Leeds. he is proper 1 to sell it at the ria of Mealier Lends. itidiOw NOUSS tri creditors. N OTICE TO CREDIT( fear mealier of Joke leery of (be norms/,p of Colborne in Ike County J llcrow, /or.err. Notla 1, hereby.4T.. that the above named John Levy has made an assignment to me under the provisions of chapter 12i R. K. 0 107 and am• intent sets. of a►1 hie estate end effects In treat for the benefit of Asti his credit - ern. A meeting of the creditors. of the said estate is hereby convened and w111 be held at the omro of Messrs. 0a. :ow A Preudfoot. Bar- risters, Oalerich. ou Tuesday the 2nd day of July,15., at two o'clock In the afternoon. fur the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. All the creditors of the said wits" are hen by required to isle their claims with me on or Were the day of •ooh meeting. After said date i shell proofed 1. distribute the said s- tet having regard alp to such claims as 1 shall have notice of. and 1 shall not be reopen sable for the meet* of the said estate or any part thereof. to any person or persons whose Main or clans Mail not have been filed. Dated June IMO lift JOHN KNOX. Hedusieb P. 0 AUCTION BALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS. Under pms.aat to the power of sale to • eerWe mortgage bearing data gay of January. A.D. IMO. made to the vgadies. and which will be produced at lbs dm of sale, there will be aid by public Hipp •t the ColComity of orae is the town of Gzpgeslsa la the tof H dluren. by John au...ett•55.r. on SATURDAY THE IJ DAY or J C I.Y.A. D.tta. Oornotad every day at 12 •'elsek. noon.) I at 11 o•cbok soca the following rel• .oDtm,t1R, Jim• able. farm propertyIn the Township of Ash lasw) se•.Inrd... ., • M N • M SW. namely Alsad singular that serials p.m on N or tenet of toed and pramis50. none mI sad bang 1• rhe Tommie •f AMMO. per 2"in 1" a the Op.ntym Hann beitig anpssel of M. 141. Mr owl M 1.15 p the setMbertr me hundred and t went sores •the 16 a 1.15 Ol acres Oka *5..t fifteen, 1a the thirteenth Oise.. 12 M NUM sM tn iad mOt particularly the •aid SONO N of s d.sd t. and more heOth sows e In •decd mh«dot dated the f6th day 11 M toll MA.1). 1171 sad r•yNterdd to the Chen naw Oilmen 00 les for the Coust7 of Hun.. ca c 11 N• ii the b of Nevmmber. A. h. Ian as num n•paabsd, D tea1 1 is S N N N • first Mem fun. end well 51..Nd ca • Ned peel read. Th. 5011 I. •• ••••- • M 1 wMM s ot eo *1111.." of •fundi 11 .1 7hh.. Mee .... 0 440. 6.11: S M hen LIP wi w.tmM by • "mall "creno. ....... 1 01 ts . ! Thtr N wae mMmi sf ahem 1 14 serge. .lets/M The ef• house fes u . Westl.mksdshtltmt . 184 wit0 a Mkry 1 M f 1 live ba 11. Meat 11 Bir t Loomoot mk. .tee..,. The ii Remo 1Onwiny 11"11.. sunnewipi we& . Ise t. ISIMpllude, en the Incl k dib 41114 When mems bw.r 10►MuIiT Jik ewlllp, M its di.aW d en".. g '197 t Z Milne mid twenty mils from -N per payable en dp sr a.. month than y N the ! THE PHARMACY ! SHERBET -- "The Popular fa►Rlish l .'erne." 0r. tampooatid added to • gams water mato • dobolon, aoultog ••d r.tr.en.ng drink. VAN'S ROYAL S('AL1' FOOD (110111.* as eerIMDSD visa badmen, Palling H•tr, Modred, and Faded •ad Gray Hair to tae Natural tiger sed Vitality. In largo bottles, 81.00 For sale only by reset CHAS. 1). WILLIAM'S, Faris Orem Gold 11 nein, Redisherie tame Pewter ('05mist .ad Lraggilis DONT FORGET That the largest stooks and the finest assort. •tent of FINE TOBACCON, CIGARETTES, CIGARS. PDI, And all smokers' sundries Is at J. E. DAVIS', Phm. B. 1)ruggist k Optician.' A FURNITURE SALE! AMP GIGANTIC REMOVAL SALE of Parlor Sato, °lid• Boards, Red -room Suito,('hairs,Tabls, Pictures, Frames. Mirrors, Carton, Drapery, Wall Papers, Fancy Gods, China- ware. Rea, kr., ka GENUINE SALE. that will canoe • commotion among people of every class. 20 ; off "'los ( amt Cash Prins. Rneugh said. Come and es., SMITH'S F CRNITURE & ART DIoPOT F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -AAD- SASH. DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, i take this opportunity to Inform tbe potato that i am still In the badness notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary. risco prepared to do every class of work In my Ytse6oa making • window hams to erect Intl • . story building with mansard roof. Katlun.tes furnished end oompetitlon invited. The famishing of building material. such as lath, shingle and lumner • steci•lty. F. SM METH. Ooderioh. July IM int. Loan and linvialke Society. I C 18 NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YOU Harz, MAKZB YOU RICH. 1 HZ HURON AND BRUCK LOAN AND IN SST M INT COMPANY. Sot.tr-tr"n•.-('ameroa. Holt and Holmes. Dsrotiys. - interest Compound every lox menthe at four perleeat. per smarm. ea erne from one dollar upward& D•pesiton will Intl It to their advantage to come sad see o& Loan - May be secured all any time without dale, me the security of approved desirable vez iv 01 tie M Bort wood -fora tions 71.0smpanyy Mos tie 'rated oa North elfmt .e(_ Oe.rt Hoc.• Bgo•rs-oppoutt• Hiram, Hw1TAL Once. HORACZ HORTON. J. H. COLRORNR Massager. ProMdent. \TIROI.A TI)ILF4 I'RI'PARATI(INO ttagltsh) VINOLA SOAP, 25e. INOLA CREAM, 60c. INOLA POWDER, 75e. MA [NINA CREAM. LIME FRUiT JUiCR, 25e. (!1N(.I R BEER EXTRACT the. ROUT FIFER EXTRACT', 10a, "uses TAN( ILEFOOT FLNIS APR POISON PAPER .ed PA F008H FLY POWDRR By- ers EARS APARIILA and SOAP. NO -TOR -AC J. WILSON'S PamsTurylos Dom STolas We v1Tit. (`I.ARPET WEAVING REMOVAL- , le who has Justly pd nobility 1 till mist.s.& wen