HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-27, Page 44
flu �ignxl,
M rmMelnaN
iT M. MeelaLctSieT.
Oise .t Pa Aostes Itied
Tons. of Mhaorlparos
pas 1. ono" g 11
Om Pia
look a Veer Sabel.
Tour label 1. a maadt.m receipt ot the date
eo which you aro paid up. Bee not It 1. rot
allowed te tail sato •near.
Whets a ohasge of adders is desired. bath
the old and the new address Amid be given.
adverafrld seem
rprr lis. 8a 1..sudsa~ad lemmata. Ila.
stab wk.agas
est Iaatles. Il.sssrs 11gespaeMl iird. M six lines and .aAur. M per
of Lost. Found. Strayed
Stestiena Tes.st, Sit.atiose Waisted sad
t Wooled, sot exoeadiag 1
w L�1 per est.
mi sad Fano ea Sala sot to
sx _0 tl est ter gmonth. 00.. per sub
aaq mot Larger sans. Is proportion.
AayModal Nmeot1ees,� do °bleat W which is to
pt��as the p..aslary beoe& of any tadl-
vldasl .r eom}uny. he be oomaldered as ad-
vertlsmeet mad charred a000rdin.ly.
Local mottoes In nonpareil type one omit per
word, so scones les thea 1$c.
Local motions le ordinary reeding type two
ism per word. No soder for les than 50o.
Notions for churches and other religious and
bsa.voleat Institutions half rate.
•N.1 "The Mood " Sell vow y.
Subscriber who tall to reo&ve Two ammo.
regularly, either by carrier or bymall, w11)
easter • f
favor by acquainting s of the hot at
m early a Woo possible.
Injected manuscripts cannot be returned.
Correepo•dence must be written on one stde
of paper only.
J. C. Le Towel. of (loderlch, has boon .p
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town-
ships of Oodench, Colborne, AshtWd and W-
Local pwtmestere over the district an also
empowered to receive eubeoripuoes to Ton
All eomm untested must be addressed to
Tss Bow*[,
ioisphose Dell SI. e.d.efel Ott<
OOD (RICH. THURSDAY. .113111 fl. ira.
smiths have the saris .1 Mors, his ars?
I .f Merits, .or his .rami. e1..,Mmors.
-Of late it has bas the custom of
Termite to keep a.seed as s regular kit)
.f tara sed mew they have ane as tea
Hon. JOHN HAI:GA.11T wag saved
from the vote of want of confidence. It
was • clear case ot put up or abut up oa the
remedial order, and Jou" shut up.
-The way West Huron is repres-
ented in Parliament this year is more elo-
quent ties the words used on forms 00-
aseto.. by the Hoa Jas. Couxsoo. PAT.
-- The Stratford Beit on says that
Godericb is still • cow pasture, beautiful a
is the location. The Kearns might go
farther and ..y that the town is represent-
ed by . cow pasture osscil.
----From the manner in which Fed-
eral Moines disclaim responsibility for
frauds on public service,it would not be out
of place to say that Canada was governed
yen irreup000ible Government.
-This country ought to be breath -
tag e.uer. H on. .loon HA.+aAHT had re -
'vivid a bread new cwt of whitewash .t
at the hands of Parliament and m go
through the Summer without a tailor-made
A little pamphlet containing a
quantity of Summer resort pointers mid •
number of very fine view. of (:oderioh
scenery has been placed in oircul•tioo where
it will do most good by the citizens' own
mitten. The amount .pent in its produo-
tion has bee well .pent, as it will be •
capital advertisement for the town.
--The St. Thomas Journal would
like to see murderers disposed of in on easier
way than by hanging, and sogvsts drum
that will indict • painless death. The
easiest way to get rid of the death penalty
is for murderers in heart not to put their
desires in action. if they will persist in
killing they will have to suffer the penalty.
Perhaps, the better way to deal with them
would be to put them out of the world as
summarily as they dispose of their victim.,
and not glye them moths to prepare for
Heaven and work up the .entimentaluts.
If every murderer knew beforehand that he
would die the death of his victim, RAD."ivy .
would dos be out of • job.
For the benefit of those who are
eternally quoting that tilt. °pantry is in •
goad state financially beans the savings
banks dhow an increase in deposits, we may
dote that the savings banks deposits in
Newfoundland .re twice greater per capita
she they are in ('•nsda,@ad yet Newfound-
land, as is well knows, s bankrupt from
heal to heel. The fact is, the 4rver the
amount of espial there is Tying io bask
vault., the treater is the indication that
Moines is .t • stsmdstill, that • feeling of
6n.oei•l inesosrity prevails, and that the
country i.goial, m IIANTt1.IN1 would say.
"to the demotion bow -wow." A nimble
shilling, workout, true to name, is . hatter
factor in any oommusity than • tiro -pound
saw in . tank vault.
-A Jersey City preacher says the
bi yo)s is • ebelltoM for *nisei& etya
That idea mart have wed hse when
weeding the good-looking girls uo their
-It is stated that the Government
will not grant remedial legislature to the
Y.suteba mi.erity this eeemeta is why
.vest the Hos. Jo. Gentry will have to do
some chemise of his words before his . -
tssmsd ossetituewte when he next meets
---A mon in the neighborhood of
Hamilton had his tale tooth take from kis
mouth while asleep reoestly. It most have
hems The Speotator mss who met with this
toss, as be is the osly mss in or snood
Hamtltoo who keeps his mouth open all the
tune. day or sight, .deeper awake.
An effort is being made to save
the .sok of • murderer named SHO&T1a ea
the plea of hereditary oa.nity. A more
determined effort should be made to save
the 4*..s of innocent o.opio by kmKL(
`(none*S and •ydry other murderer Chet is
caught. Let all murderers learn that their
only soap. from hanging hes in immediate
w ields, and their moiety to .sad other
people out of the world without giving ume
to say, "Lord have mercy oa my soul," will
be s•tertally l.a@essd.
--There was a good deal of "talk
Mg through the hat" at the tows oousril
meeting Friday night. but the belt should
have been awarded to oouneillor CA111.10,4
for his .44ree* on the benefit of billiards 1"
• oommunity. When he claimed that bil-
Bards mood boys to have sharp oyes. olear
heads, steady bands and strong neryea, and
to so doing improved them, he simply talked
bosh, and he either knew be was talking
rubbish or he didn't know what he wee
talking about. Mr. CAwrtot Arany other
o legi cannot produce • boy or man who was
either mentally or physically improved by
oinked with • public billiard table. To the
er.srary it cam be proved that throwiadr
Sive Mess started on their downward course
b g1Osi•sioo with billiard halls, sod ow -
ARS Curios ought to k'ow e1. sed m •
m.M11 d ha dam k.ow. 1f 1s.is billiard
hell be • tesalleg off for 1st tsheetion of
young mem. ilii Mr. Camden says he be-
lieves it is, hes dos it come that he dos
not insist upon kis boy@ frequenting it L
preheats to the ball field or other innocent
recreation, for we presume be would like
to have his boys ponesee 1 of sharp eves,
oleo heads, steady Magda and etrono
n erve. By all mew, Mr. CAMP103, lst
your boys graduate at the IHUetd baa.
In this woolen issue we publish
• portion of an interview with the pro-
prietor of the wlebrated i'i.k fills, takes
from The Brookville Reorder, in which
Mr Folioed gimes en eye-opener to business
.res es the question of advertising. 1e the
poet year he has spent home 1600,000 is ad-
vert4isg, but se his receipts have been over
0),00u,000 he doesn't think he has paid too
much for printer's uk. Notwithesmdisg
the merits of the proprietary medial.*, is is
este to say that had it not beem fee the lib-
eral and judicious adyertisisg .1 Mr. Ful-
ford, he would set hays maned 11,000
from the salsa, hut, m be eolsds, pits •
good article .s.1 the props deism of it be-
fore the patois, thromgh the median of
arimeoper advertising, it is head be be
-..sinful. The heir.[ norehante a the
Ise alias abase enamelware adept a
liberal peaty a their advertblsg. mil ems
of the sesta .-s a fol Meioses assn el Ter -
me/ ems tell 1st writs that he mods M a
plot to p1 lir sdy r idea a ash year as
teeth as the mad el -Me role el MP*
to irlthed MeN 1RS ikat M mold
DOESN'T wens 10r. WATII..,
Toronto Star : Co.ery.tives are.primite
hold the Ontario Government reep nsIMs
for the peculiar methods of liquor liana
oommosloners, but are not willing that the
Federal Government should be held respon-
sible for the acts of their agents or employs
who allow contractors to scamp work and
steal by the bagful
oily NoT'
Toronto Telegram : 1t the Divorce Com-
mittee of the :Senate resigns because it ham
lost the confdenoe of the Senate why should
not the whole Senate resign became it never
hal the oomfdenoe of the people
i. Medved and Hew York --amid export d-
ytss d thea tied reels kid 1 made the
Ames ay female suagested by Mom
.mid Ws laver wiab whisk
the Nb& hes remind the otrdiaiee tkeses-
Ar.eam stat is M the Meat periost Need
;miler emit serve taste knew. And sour-
ly bask to the geestle. of ..bstisstMmim
sod iwiteaimik what 1 have jest tad yea
Ell show whet . poor Wog lair ter . slY
who ggo.ts to s seers ler risk Pill to let
eometYi.g .1w be posited se to him in Mos
of them-sure..�..1.1ly if it is • wets -eat
Waglike gktad�1 -_pills- . fossi* i. the
Freseh pksrs.e.pssi., that had hens s
book ...fiber ter yews until • few sure
teepees tried to pnsk it os the su..g* of
risk Pill adverttsi.R.'
HAS►a}}. fie* JUL?. Raffinate; in the
July .embsrot Harper'. Magas ss, messy
Bedew will relate the story of rhe iters
Semite for Liberty daring the exathsg
period from 1806 to 1815. The paper 4
amply illeateateol. Other leat.rea d the
July somber follow : Johan Ralph de-
scribes TM Gerdes of Chum For this
taper C. D. Weldon he made six Manning
illustrations. The rereomal RemelMetie=
of Joan of Aro relate the episode of Joan's
fust meeting with the Frisch King sad her
pesetrattos of hie disguise. This Melded
has been illustrated by F. V Du Mood. la
Some Im./isative Type. of Amorist. Art
Royal Cordae: stews his .pposetMs .0
the painters lewisg mad Try's, .sd she
sculptor Macuw.sies. The article is Ulm
listed with portraits amid stimples
m dadawork of therth. Riehard Harding
!evee desoribee • half -domes types of Aisleri-
ous L Paris. C. D. Gib@os famish.
illustration. Ber-Chasesg is
the Rookies te d.soribed by Fredene Re-
mingtes, with sine ill.str.tio.e. A pop-
lar paper on The U.iversity of Pe...yl•
wants. is by Prof. Transis N. Thorpe. I. •
short paper entitled Where Charity Begins,
Owen Wistar deseribse the tateresting re -
eche of helping • few Philadelphia street
waifs to help themselves The O*MMa in-
cludes the eighth instalment of Mr. Hardy's
Hearts Insargoat, and three short Mari..:
Annie Tommy's Little Gaon. by Mies Mar-
got Suttee Briscoe : Rensood'a
R..msoos, by George A. Hibbard : ad The
Harosope of Two Portraits, by Mm.
Cameos Wheeler.
Tel M=wont= MAOAafna CDR JOLT. -
Ths Methodist Magviss opens ie forty -
mooed volas with • vigurou .ambo.
The editor leads off with • graphic illustrat-
ed sketch entitled, I. the Lmvast,de.uribing
the strange pilgries.rs life of the thousands
of Greek and slid pilgrims to We holy
please of PP1 4.". Toronto sad its
vioeity has uae.11es admirable photo -
pictures of its mega attractive bila New
Japan desosi6e t i voaderfel UP gg� d
the Stories Kiwis* le she last M sierra.
with • number of deriiiug wtogra. The
Rev. Dr. Burwa.h, Asinseller at Victoria
University, ooatribates the •harsster-study
of Mr. Jane Clement Jess., me of the
moot notable women of Casette. Method -
Vim. The Key. Dr. Wilma's survey of the
Domisioo of Canada is • loyal end patriotic
paper of remarkable interest. John Wesley
and hie work, L un able study of the groat
reformer, by Dr. Ins, author of thin strik-
ung book, The Making of • Man. A story
of greet ,lower sod paths is that by I..
Modena' (The Rev. John WMwj, whittle
few persons will read dry era - Wil
Salts Vee, is • very clever Mita by lits
inv. J. G. Augwin. Annie Swan's sw
story, Aiello. Mesion, is begun, with sp
proprlate illustrstion. A portrait .ad
sketch of Dr. Thomson, author of The Lend
sod the Rook, and other papers are given.
Now is • good time to subscribe. This
magazine should he in all the homes and
schools of Canadian Methodism.
book on Canad•,y Dr. BourmoI,will short-
ly be issued. It is entitled How Caned• i.
Governed, and gives in plain, simple lan-
guage • short 0000uot of the Executive,
Legislative, Judicial and Municipal Iastito-
tions of the Country, together with a eke oh
of their origin and development. The book
will be illustrated with numerous engrav-
ings and autographs, and being the work of
so eminent an authority as 1)r. Bourinot,
will be indi.pensible to those who wish to
he well informed about the afire of the
Dominion. The Copp, Clark Company,
(Limited), •m the publishers.
The Gnat Nere.ea Wheels hllowe Canadian
£.terser abeeed.
Mr. G. T. Fulford, who is understood to
have been doing big things in Peru during
the past Winter and Spring, introducing
Ur. N i11i•m.' l'ink Pills, says the Brock-
ville Recorder, reached home on Friday last
with his family. Mr. Fulford has taken
Mr. Field's handsome reudenoe in the East
end for the Su
•Well,' head, la reply to • question on
the status of the Pink 1'iil burins in
France, 'of °ours*, it isn't altogether an
.•*y natter to i'troduw • foreign article
into • strange market, especially where
there is as much conservatism as them. Ilnt
i don't think we oan complain of the pro.
`rasa male, on the whole, and it is gasify•
ing to report that some, at least, of the
Paris doctors are open to recognize a medi-
cine of which the intrinsic stents can be
demonstrated to them.'
.'How do you End busing= all rou.d
'Pretty 'nod tie have sold in the past
twelve moths • little over two million,
throes hundred and sixty thousand boxes of
Pink Pills.'
•How do you amount for the way Pink
Pills bave'jumped' the English market,
'1 cannot attribute it in reasonable logic
to anything but the meets of the pill*. it
is the sa!s on the reoommeodation of those
who us* the pills that pay, and if the re-
oommead•tIos were not there 1 weld be
bankrupt in a very short time. A11 the
sae., the alvartoonr is • big item, and 1
oo.md.r the Pink Pill business • public
edaustios department on that a000n.t
Tia reporter wanted to knew where the
(demean cams h
'Through the prem. The newspaper pros
is the /ream edeo•tiv• inflame of the
day. I suppose i hove .pe a shout halt •
million dollars is advertises last year. How
moth educates do vat suppose time stun hes
paid for •'
The reporter was silent in the prose..* d
this edtte•uve 'miracle' but reisieedtsrtber
mfermatim as to the state of trade. Was
..erythi.e lovely, he asked, or were there
my emended rasa leave@ in the meek'
'(is'1 grumble, except in one way.
There's • aertaia amount of sa1Mitetios t.
sea retail .tors, sod there in • m•. is
Mosohstsr, Ragland, that i have had to
preesa.te ea the oriented Merge for it.'
No_mt•iler oar poseibly loom what le he
Pink Pills ; sled i1 he did, he oi'ldn't pro-
per* then is small quest**. to eat at a
They are ase semen drugs, ami
ne arses Miser to lash. 1 sapp. I
love spout mutes. fens tea to twelve
themed darm rte ee 1 fist Mak ever the
trade work. M trykes if eke fsrsela swell
t4*. 4*uproeed. sed milone t • ael b i , se-
e lft I ai aegtslsd tho trade orb I few
that N the Wisa was be he seeds a sea m
M was IsssaMv. stmt I ahseld Mee the
Mei owes pm that weld M visage up.
011sogea•ly i dried the .4, ....i
again d the wad add me. r eadlusie
Ma.ef rtare, 4el.atarlly Mermen the
Wages of ttmplores.
Loraine, Ohio, June 28.-Tbe Johnstown
Steel Company today ported • notice d
a 15 per cent. iucrener ou the wages mitt
the mea iu the couve etiug, dry borer
and turbine stops, iu mil about 200.
The men employed in the shape mill had
their wager increased last week. The
raise is entirely volontars. There will
be so increase in al departments by
July 1. The mill is rushed with orders,
and every brooch u miming to its full
Lowell, Man., June 25. -The wearers
employed by the Merrim.ic M-etedcn Co.
have been granted an imcr'ase et six per
rent. in wag...
Philadelphia. June 25. -The Delaware
rolling mill has notified Ito 300 employes
that a 10 per cent. Increase In wages
will go Into effect July 1.
Coated *arm deer time event.
Guelph, June 3/. -Thomas Healey was
found this morning by his brother
alongelde the railway track with his
head spilt open In several place& A
companion was with him when last
e. -.•n the previous evening. They were
both under the Influence of liquor.
Healey was removed to Ht. Joseph's
Hospital. where hes wounds was
dm,w•d s1,1 several pieces of skull re-
moved. He cannot recover.
a Hoed Twosome of eposSeawa sad a Carp&
MA =rises. disomies.
Fridey dearness the Aeelealtaral
Park grimed. were fairly well awed* by
paleees of the *els. assay of whom es-
pial ems os the graced d.eJ. The kers el
o rder nem meintawd throagMmt, .ad the
mem to wkl.k the mos was kept tree
ler the wheelers Meet* credit se all
owo.reed. 0. amnia, tram the rams
she chief meaty .osst.ble wee beard to no -
aria that liar* the whole afters*. he
had .ot head as tsprop.r word, • foto*
. f W day • p.-.m".gs that is es hoped will
characterise all lur.hs oselifeb
Of ..ares, ...sty every ewtedwi h.•
triad. presses, s.ces•rily Woes wee sem
oheeri'g, but wish to exo.puoo of them
always allowed desoastratiess, Were was
nothing sees or heard that wield have bees
out of plows at • share► gathering.
051 Wiz :40V11 *,
The lust ran was for sonles. diseases
oto sile, H. Lam bo's, H. William. J. E.
Headers. sad ;leets Maass beteg the en.-
wtanu. The ma got ..14y away
•ad were baoobed .11 road on the tint Op.
but whoa belt grey road the .cooed sash
nder maned sad wow taw the hem
stretch there were alight *tames of prshies,
bet whom all were straight for she has
Loughs fogged ahead a.d Dreamed the li.s
the winner, Sago Dick.os poi.g e.00sd
position, by • taw yard. atter • very moues
finish. Tun. 2:52 2 5.
The we.ehetr.
('hnmherinen. R D.. .Ione 115.-11 Peavey
hailmtcrin mind cloudburst primed through
Ned lake Township Saturday night, de-
.tmying all roam in Its pathos*.
dry bike M.I, n.ntaiming 1600 alerwa ser
tilled uith water te the d.pti of eight
inehee during the .tree.
7o peke, hn.. Jure la.--R.,suaJ lw.1
prevailed in Kama= yesterday, the mer-
cury indirating a temperatgro of 91 le
the rtv
Amoroso' loweeme 1 tee.dea.
i.ondon. June M. -Truman Jerome Ser -
tip of Buffalo, N.Y., was married is tit.
MergR..ref. 4urel. W..tmi..ter, today
tel 14) Charlotte lone, of !few Tort
The bride wore a gown of mother-ell-
otber-uI.p art, mirror moire, the bodice trimmed
wltk *Masa sled a .boulder rap. d chif-
fon MRild km. Her teal dem wee •
Mee but trimmed with
astath ohms.
fid - Mersa M deli•. tt.p..e Tax.
MAK June Mc -The (meadow or EM-
p�ftks p rej.etel a sue d M to
i1 a plepos & to abolish tis *pert duty
era grail►
DALY-1111A 0718.
The first heat of the halt mils open was
met to order, and for this F. W. Saks,
D. Mulvor, W. Hiller sod C. Chisholm en-
tered. An even start was effected end the
lour went routed the course .t • good .hp ;
at two-thirds distaste. Chishdm made •
spurt and obtained • good lead,bst ea tarn -
tar tato the home stretch Stokes tame ap
even and after • e.11aot struggle paved to
the front and mussed the line, an easy win-
ner, Chisholm Wog mood. Tia 1.18.
la the tad heat of the bait -mile roe,
(,'kiekol= led all round to the boa atriach,
whoa be was challenged by Stokes and
Hither, and after an mating finish Stokes
crossed test followed by Hillier. Tia
1.20 1-6.
la the esoond heat of this race there was
quite a bit of "sojerug" on the back strata
un the first Imp, m took too, that the time-
keeper had to cameo the men before they
started on the mooed lap,wbiob caused bet-
ter work to be doss on the fast half. As
Stokes came in first twice and Chisholm .ted
Hiller had each takes a emend pees, the
third beat was rode byIlk two killer tode-
ma who should take mooed pima Hit.
tier was .uaoea.tal, as will be eeeo.
The dandle; spin for 2.d plow in the
half -mist was exceedingly well oenteeted,
Chisholm setting the pace all roved to the
straight ma where he was overtaken by
Hillier who, afar • sharp struggle, paned
the Judges'. staled • goad first. Time 1.27.
The toys' rano was Shea called, and H.
William., M. Hambw, A. Yule and Ed.
Belcher�Yp..r.d for the mile trip. The
boys got off together end continued as all
round the firm lap, to the Mat hall mile
they scattered somewhat, but were all
bunched again on eotenng the home stretch,
the lis being crossed by the Arm three
within • few yards of each other. Humber
being first. Belcher r.00nd. Tia 3-01 1-5
The ladies contest introduced Minn, Chis-
holm, Yale and Stokes, Mw Stokes carry-
ing off the first trophy, and little Min Vale
the 2nd. Time 2:07
• Tombs Mem wrl re-hdY the Pert
Mope Gahm* Hied M $14.2118.
For the two mile handicap there were
four entries, via., Stokes, Meteor, Hillier
and Bates. Stoke@ stoned from the scratch,
the others 150 yards ahead. At the
conclusion of the first lap Hillier retired,
and Stokes totlowed gait on emend, Meteor
and Bates being within 6.e yards of each
other all round till the corner was tented.
Here, after • hard et.uggle, McIver forget
ahead and gained a well won viotury, crowi-
ng the hoe with a good lead in his favor.
Time 6:39,
ifmak Rammed has returned ti tows.
Chas. Res, barrister, a Tame, a to
H. Donley 4dt for distant Keearduss
She morning.
Rev. Dr. Kees lefty early trate Mon ly
etoratag for Ohio.
Mrs. Wm. berms retuned hem. ea
T.esdy tree Ayr,
Reeve Kennedy. el (:t.I.., spent Fr54ay
is the ea..sy town.
Bro. Medea et the Sadorth Ogee stir is
estl.tp tows today.
W.S.Chime a r., 4 GI lig Is is boos
May Mad to the Bishop Being
The Proton' t.peweMr ism the Clergy,
eon the Waimea, ta.em.»aa was
ulnae Deg U as 8...0 Ties vs -
abase lieaarde Me 1.ere&
Neem Hoe.
ONr. 411 K OPEN.
The one mile epee brought ont the oom-
test•m* that fought for the half mile. A
good start was made and the tour mem
pedalled round the course together at •
very may poor, bat when halt round the
Int lap Chisholm pulled away, and obtain-
ed • decided feed. Towards the home run,
however, ,Motet deore•ed the space that
intervened, half down ibo.tr•ight was even,
and in the final sport led Geer the line. •
good winner, Chisholm being ..pond. Time
3 15 1-5.
ID the 6.e mile handicap, Bates, McIver
and Hillier had about • third of • mile siert
of Chisholm sod Stokes, and from the start
to the finish the two lot minted were never
really L the race. but the others ran •
grand ooe, sad • blanket would have oovered
the three any time until the home stretch
was reached in the final time, which ended
in Hillier peering the winning Glue first,
with Meteor • close wooed and Rates 3rd.
nrne'ina Or THE DAT.
Judges -R. S. Wilharns, i). McGilli-
cuddy, (:eoderioh : R. C. Colemaa, Sea-
Timers --Thos. Gundry, R. E. Hooper,
Frank Humber.
Scorers R. .1. Acheloos, S. M. Halliday.
4t rter -Chas. ins. -
Clerk of Corms -R. W. Lofts.
Referee J. 8. Phut.
Y. H. Walker, of New York, woe 1.
Gelamish ye.terd•y.
Giesler Diokaoo is Mktg L the Wedowee
gems M Ki.o.rdLa
Rob. Ellis of hided, made • business
visit to Chem Friday.
Ws. R B. Smith is on • few days' besi-
eges trip to the Quer (qty.
F. H.1. left S.ad• for Ulna, Mob. es s
scathe' athe' root to friend.
J. M.Kay, ot Targets, • s bee..p.diag
• few days at the old boos.
H. M. reason, of !Lrai•, reprem.tiag
the Cased• We, is in Uoderich.
W. 8 Howard, of the Quem City, nee
bees on • short vett to Godereob.
Thos. Downey, el Ingersoll, ie spending •
few days in Huron's prettiest wwo.
Re,. J W. and Mrs. Holmes, of Clinton,
were Visiting in Godsich on Friday.
Mrs. H. Yong and .on, of theme. aro
visite', Mr. amid kin 1•mison Reid.
John Haase. at Griswold, Men , is ',kit-
bag bis usele, J. T. Dickens, Elgna st.
J. T. (:arrow, Q C., M. PP., lett by the
early train Moad•y morning for Toronto.
Mrs. Hiek and Mrs. Hammon, of Paris,
aro the soests of Mr. lied Mrs. J.s. R ebin-
Mrs. Bright and deu,bter, of Sestor1,
am visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Addi-
Miss Minns Cooke, of Saginaw, is the
Keret of Mrs. W. D. Shannon at the Park
Mm. Archibald, of Seaford', .peat • few
days 4 visiting her parents, Mr. mid Mr,.
8. Meg•w.
8. P. Halls lett for Exeter this morning,
and is holding the oomosrcial exam m that
hum today.
Sedortb Expositor Mr. Chisel, (;ode -
rich, is overhauling the amiss of Cooper's
planing mill.
Percy Sheppard, of Toronto, arrived In
town on Saturday on • two weeks' vat to
the old home.
Rev. Mork Turnbull preached at Port
Albert Sunday morning .red at Duag•a.os
to the evening.
Alderman loo•gbse, of Stratford, repre-
sentative of theMlinuLoturei s his, wee in
tow' on Friday.
Wieser Sensders, of the Godertoh Organ
and Manufacturing l o., retuned to town
Monday eveais+.
Ed. l'•e.more hes returned to his hater,
Detroit, after • pleasant two to the
maternal meadows.
Rev. Mr. Jame, of Duagannoo, oovduct-
ed morning •ed *resin service ba
George's Sunday.
:Notice Foreman McIntosh w progree.isg
steadily, and is • few days will be able to
take outdoor exercise.
Hilton Holmes, who recently returned
from Montreal to recuperate, maws to be
getting on in that dire tion.
Mr. and Miss Addeo. left today for a
t • o month.' 1111 w her daurbt r Mrs.
R Mseaw, Portage La Praire.
Gee. W. Orton, .f Pennsylvania Univer-
sity, ohampton mile rammer of America, le
visiting in town, the guest of F R. Hooper.
Kincardine Review : F. H. Bird, J. E.
Davis, W. W. McVicar and F. J. T. Neftel.
of Goderioh, were here en wheel, Sasdny.
Chas. R Willis aid H. O. Hewitt, of the
Keating Bicycle Club, Stratford, arrived on
Saturday night to spend Sunday in (Sode-
Conductor Jones, who hs been running
between Stratford anal (.oderich since Mr.
Crawford's promotion,ieaves on Monday for
Port Rowan, and will be succeeded by hie
Mr., Mrs. and lien Sbaw,of Virginia(ity,
Nevada, are visiting their rotative* Mrs.
Cameron, Mies Shaw ..d Jso. ('aroeros,
West etrmt Mr. Shaw is • wholesale
clothier, and Bs is • broker. Both aro
interested in sliver mines.
Blyth nor. New Era : Though compare.
ti.e strangers in our midst, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B RnOciman have much sympathy in their
recent bereavement. the los by death et
their little son Baxter, whom funeral leek
place to the Union owns ery to Friday kat.
Tate Mreresu Iaenr .epd le Proceed with
the heartier of the BelMI.g.
A meeting of the stockholders was held
L the grand jury room. the tollowi.g mom•
hers being present : M. Hutchins, Pre. ;
R. S. Williams. A MoD. All•s, F. Jenks.
0, Porter, .V. H. Marney, R. G. Reyseld•,
C. A. Nuns, .1. T. Goldthorpe. H. Smith,
W. Campbell, D. C. streaker, J. H. Wor-
sen, W A. (olborse D. Hol. H. Don-
ley. H. Leawood.Jme
os ..hephurd D. Mo -
Larne, R. W. Loam D. MsOillis•dy, C.
A. Haobsr, Holy.
•deMi.eo of w msnieg read Ind
llovad by R.'.. R.y.olds..eoesd.d by
C. A. Heirs, that the daroetors be.m-
to pressed with the oreMMn ol the
ildimg. ad swea the respsusiliIity ei
!Noes the destruct or. behalf d the sh•re-
holdua Darned.
Moved by H. I.eekwood, e.eseded.
MM . -*1., miss the by-laws s read
the wass ley% is1 Usried.
Hegel by 11. Lesinnied. •es..i-I by D.
M M1t M the epi dee d thio
ewlrt. /1s•sdeg ems Y1 one
w .1_ th1 b.f�ihB,ass�. a�bur� d'Ifewma *NM
We* • laid teles. M'sal oei.1w Imo a
�-4keeer.�orshli st as to the ese..lty elf
X1he t. adjoined.
gh. (s the .rt gallery) --I weeder Y ay
bea l e *sight ; everybody deem M
as. Ha--Iga•erary t1S 1. Y'o're the
same peeled MM. lee. Ani sew the
mile ami refs.,-hi414kb assns .
MonermiL June 10 -1t L learned that
the Human Catholic authorities Are
about to cull Blmbop Oravol to the
rtrletest account for the publication of
• letter to the Propaganda, and
as a French-Canadian gentleman ob-
served this afternoon, It L more than
probable that It has +beady b• r de-
creed at the Vatican that the usefulness
of the learned prelate Is gone .The
following details, which were commun-
lcated by a gentleman well up In "c-
clea.astical matters In this province,
relieve the Nlcolet prelate of a personal
responsibility In the publication ..f the
document In question, yet It by no
means alters the tact that His Lordship
committed a grave blunder, and was in-
discreet to his judgment.
The story goes that Mgr. Gravel as-
pired to the high potation of Prince of
the Church, succeeding His Eminenc•-
Cardinal Tascbereau. and as it Is well
known that the Cardinal Archbishop
0f Quebec L In very poor health and
liable to succumb at any time, (be am-
bition of the Nlcoletsn bishop was con-
s1deprd by his friends as proper and
legitimate. it is well known, however,
that Mgr. Gravel has not only bad a
good deal of difficulty with has own
clergy. but as already stated, His Lord-
ship has always been looked upon as
a usurper by the Bishop of Three MT -
era and the clergy who remained faith-
ful to Mgr. LaIteche and the lost cause
of a united diocese.
It is claimed. therefore. that • clerical
enemy of Bishop Gravel would rather
cut off his right hand than' lee the Bis-
hop of :gimlet made a Roman Cardinal,
decided to give a well -directed blow to
any aspirations his Lordship might en-
tertain for the position of Canadian
Prince of the Church In succession to
His Eminenci Cardinal Taachereau.
With this end In view, therev.gentle-
man who had been favored with a copy
of the ever -famous document, forward-
ed the same to several newspaper offi-
ces 1n this city.
Few to this city agree to the probable
result, politically, yet all are of the
impression that the diplomats of the
Vatican will see that Monseigneur of
NIeolet will be in the near future placed
in another position from that now oc-
o-cupied by lily Grace.
sf1'Q1.4, 98 4. herr tt .•Tttiew 11 a.
...0 w tie Meal In lies. -
have.Issas to •iepeesber.
Chicago. June M -A meeting of the
Executive H •mrd of the International
Deep Waterways Association wag bold
here to -day. There were present: 0 A.
Howland. M.L.A., Toronto, Presi-
dent; L. E. Cooley. Chicago. Vice -Pre-
sident; F. A. Flower. Superior.
F:zecutive Secretary-; A. L.. Crocker.
MlnneapKotla; D. R. Mc(linnis, 81. Paul;
H. W. Seymour. Sault Ste. Marie; J. 8.
Dunham. Chicago: Jas. Fisher. Wlnnt-
• Jas. Conmee. Port Arthur, Ont.
Secretary Flower reported that has
netlike to Senator Vitas had been sue-
eesful, and that the latter had put M-
ime Congress a bill for an Interna-
tional Deep Waterways Commission.
also that the secrlptary himself had put
through the Wisconsin Legislature a
hill creating a deep channels COmmis-
slon, hut the Governor had so far loot-
ed the law.
lir. Cooley reported the peerage of a
bill by the Illinois Legislature for a
deep waterways cnmmtss:on with an
apommel* tIon of $25.P00.
Mr. 'Howland said the Ontario Parlia-
ment had made a small appropriation
for collection of deep water literature.
and that the Dominion Government so
✓ ine ss President Cleveland made his
appointments would announce a reci-
procal commission.
Cleveland was eonflrm-d s.1 the place
of the next conv.ntlon, to be held in
September The progco
v-entlon -w111 beh prepareradm boy( thethat batedn-
txpeees ineipeel.s I•le8le for Taxes
Columbus, Ohio, .lune 25. -Thr Common
Picas Court has •.utaiurd the consti-
tutionality of the law of 114114, provid-
ing for an exeisr tax upon express com-
panies. The Adams, Amrricsn. I-nited
States nod National refused to pay, and
were sued. The judge held that they
exercised corporate rights mad were cor-
ooporation. for purposes of taxation. The
judgments aggregate $1T,44t
Two .sg.ss Deal* 1. •s.ereal.
Montreal, Qat., Jure :4. -James ('holo-
ard, a pester, was (r.uod in a bed way
at hist *uardine Mouse to -day find died
0n him way to the bospitaL
A cattleman named Joseph Harkins
wee ("cold in St. Poul-etrvet unron.ei-
o0e tbie evening and died at the hospital
G[*MA\T =AIM men 118114.111.
weer wllthies Itai miss*M bc else ter
lab mgln.dres al
Kiel. June 25.-P.mpror William, wear-
earI g the undone of a British adselrall,
nes the prtnrilal guest at a dialog,
Met evening o0 the waralilp Royal
&.neige, the flagship of the British
agnadmn, that partlripited ha the fetes
Mes io .o.s.etion with the mealier of
the Raler LP1lhalm Canal. Prime
Henry of Predate, the Emperor's brntbax,
aid several German •debate were &to
gess of the lerfti•1 .dsirak. The Fes -
Prot rvapooded to the toast to r
health offered by Admiral Kerr. Among
other thing h. mid: "Nure the fir-
man'Miry A.gap to mina we law always
triad to form our ideas .ad to Mars
from the bots►,^
Grey : There died M she *Maass of
Robert HeasWsa, 1Albwd. se the l.asm-
isg of Tssmi.p, the 1I* het, Wiliam
John Mammas, am M the Ws Joseph
Aess4ass. (tray amokrp, .Rd IM yeesr
Mr. Armstrong tag * .shed for too Tem.
bet b10 the Iass blebi res at 0. be nes a Med-
!g kg
to take .. be• .iter eiWlis.M M tits
+vyeel 10 Ind shoe
malarial bear ami ha•gt ham s 1ye fray lessoldei. s.
saltl.g le 1111 Asa&
Tilt ■AX•4EW marrow
• T0eetrlml casp.ey lea eefnsded r
Montreal. June 25.-Tbb'gs were lively
here today in theatrical circles. when
it was learned that Teddi. Emery. *
well-known actor who brought • co,n-
paoy d 14 here for a 551100 ire the'
Queen's had disappeared. The missing
plan played on Saturday afternoon. end
it has .i.ee trampled' that he left for
Quebec' that evesi.g, with the proh.ble
int.ntibu of tabhg the Parisian the
next day for E.glasd. in the meantime
the members of the deserted company
are completely stranded.
e/ Mrwnt4M .4111 wlr1.
.r.amanlr E.d of • 15rs .tle Anther sad
Paris, San. rAl. -A sensation has been
created here by the •uloid. of Fabric*
Corre. a noted barrister and Arnmwtir
nntbor, and hi@ wife by .' renting them
.••Ire. with a revolver. 111. "arra wu
w -r11 known in pnlitieal a literary
eireka Mm.. Carr, was r. Oly di-
vorced from her former husbn.... M. Pae-
Wile of MS ale.
Newark, N.T., June 2e. -William !' er-
risco, Spoor, one c1 the best koown 4
re.peeted eitiw• * of Fast Newark..1.•'d
fig yea'., committed nitride yesterday.
,.mese Pestoned by inesen@ed Was.
Ateasvlpe, 11e. Ju. !f.-Tbe *oily
d pastas Knee of this pies. .straeted
aoon�brtr by eating elbowed MM. Tba
mother and Ller children aro deed. The
lather mad the remal.lag Add are coo-
tan /..mise b tLeds.ses.
Montreal, Jens lit. -W. R. Brom.. w
mmeretal traveler, vrtvvd here Fri -
lest from Now Tnrk, wad bis dead
Iles at the Notre Dam HMpltal,
deal havesg boom .ae..d by taking
Cow last .wNeg Smws, at the
8..m. (ashdtleseOram, cram
wllsrttlt Ras the effects
of . deme of i edies11m, It was to Mb
to ea* W miss. Sema.nd bates a whew
W w Widow Y tes1u_