HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-27, Page 22 THE SIGNAL: GODICRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1898. gettiai, with galley baby oe • milky stome!t:i isn't pleasant. Either can be • ► by keeping a bottle of Perry Davie' PAIN Kit,tga on the medicine shell. It is invaluable in sudden attacks of Cramps, Cholera Morbus. Dysentery and I)i•rriora. ust as valuable for an external ins. Tr7 y o j C 11 AfflKlLER Zkc :final to evictnwnau • VATICAN AND LORDS. RVP,RY THUR.SI)AY MORNING s$ P. WelallUt E V. 0 0. or Puhllatloa J aad PS. Nertb•atreet. ,ie+!er.e\• ontart0. seer. 661 su&aerlpIIen t 0 is month. in .Avow $ Three meati., r Gas year. .• 1 00 Leek at Tear Labii. Tour label Is a.teeding rooter* of the date to which you aro paid up. flee that et is set allowed in fall late armor. When A rh..rre of address is deemed. batik the old i,io • h.• ...ow address shooed be elven. Advertising Usti% Legal sad other casual advertisement& I. far line far flat Ina•rtion. and 3 rents per 110. ler each subsequent Insertion. Measured by w avered scale. B ushiest Dards of six lines and under. la per rear. Advertisements of Lost. round. Okayed. )MtYtl.r vacant. !llt.a•iloas Wanted and Baalnees Chances Wanted. wt exossdlag s Item nonpareil, $1 per month. Rouses on Male and Farms on Milo. not to .reseed time.. 11 ter drat month. 300. per sob peeu.nt month. larger •det... p.oportfss. Any sputal no'kr, theobject a which 1. to promote the peenntery benefit or any •adl- refuel or nompaoy, to be oonsldered an aA rerrtlee'meet and charred anoordinaly. Lona( sotle•ts In nonpemil type one oeot per word. no notice, less than ?lc. (anal notices in *Misery marling type tiro orate per word. N., notion for lose that. Mo. Notior+ for churches aad other religious and benevolent Isatltutions half rate. Antes "Tb. .jail" delivery. Subscriber who fail to receive Tma S,OKAL regularly, either by carrier or by mail. wit confer a favor by aoquaistine os of the fact at as early s dale's posslbie. Rejectre manuscripts cannot he returned. Correepon4nnoe mese he written on one side of paper only. J. C. Le Tousel. of Ooderieb, has bsu. ale pointed Loral Travelling Ageut for the town- ships of (lodericb, Colborne. Ashfield and Ws - immesh. Leech po.tmaatere over the district are alae empowered to receive subscription* to Tns SIGNAL. All cemmuslcatlons must be addressed to 1) MO6/L)Taw mii, Talsebese Call Ili. tlederkli. Oat SODI RICH. THURSDAY. Jura t1. hf♦•s. Bishop Gravel's Startling Let- ter Re the Judgment 010 THE MICS INTENFEIE ? the areae• groomed sorb 1.t .61.16. x16/ KAI*. Metweihv Sallee. the (1aurellor. ele..ara. •.YMe she J.dgneas reeler. warn T. Vie tae 4 a.r Ottawa, Juue 20 -The publication d Um circular of Bishop Brevet ul Ifeolet leu ep.ted a petwatiuu at the Genial. Tbr document embraces a report whisk Bishop Gravel wrote l...t Decreer the Mauitob.whim! gre.trou and the ply recently received ..l Gleamed -Wreak., Prefect ul tbe Pr Ribble, Gravel iu bis report awes that the Judicial Committee .A the imperial Privy Couucal, %hich rt lite tone he a ode had rendered only iia lir.( Judge meut, declaring the Hamblin' wi.ad law consLtutu.mal, Med acted .0 lad faith and had given a jadgmeet bared on a false resister The ili.bop Sirolet also pears [sobs Rolu a able man a by turcesefully champiooediths cats' .4 the •Wp•e••ed Heti* iu 1tt70 until ArcWoietrop Tache pncilird them.' Mgr. Gravel made his report in consequence 01 a rrqueat SNAP SHOTS. r- 7 ___- the-N. - theN. P. tettponsible for the drop from • dollar to ninety conte • bushel in wheat, sad why did it let the price drop ' Thio le for tic Hagulto. Spectator. The way ,tmne of the Toronto newspaper' worked to ret Mayor Kneeist v elected in Toronto, and the way they w now working to make life unendurable for his worship is something peculiar. to say the least. for it frost Cardinal Ledocbowaki, when the Bishop waa vittitiug Ib.me last year. At the eke& of the report the '..bop uuekra two suggestions se L. the manlwr in which the Sacred Oragreg.tw n .1 ale Propaganda could intervene to sa- dist the Comedies bialarpr is nreistirig the Iegi•latwo. cd Manitoba. They ere: "It might, per- haps, through tbe isterveotina d His Eminence Cardinal Vaughan. represent. 'moag other thiugs to toe ...loath' Min- ister in Lola. that his predecessor, lord Carrutrvth., had given to his uw•n name. and in the name of Her Majesty the Queen. the assurance to the Catholics of Manitoba that (bey would have their Separate schools. that coneegoeutly tis Crown is Mood in honor to lullil tbine n:emn pn.misee. if it does not wish to alieuate the heart d the Catholics of Cooed*. An iutimatiou of this stature might have n good attest in r.fereue• to the judgment which the Privy Coun- cil will render within a kw months unc0 the qmot uw whirl. the ('anadinn Gov - enum•nt has ■Abnitte•d to et. At the came time this Sacred toogregatioo might address to all the bishops of Can- ada. cougratulatione upon the art so noble and truly a .i.pal, which they have accomplished (trrny their petition to the Government in favor of the persecut- ed Catholics of Manitoba. and expense the h..1w that they will enntinue by common action to demand the equitable settle- ment of this questwoe." Here is whet hater Cooper Amid of • newspaper "In all towns where • newspaper is published every man should advertise io it, if nothing more than hu card, stating his name and the busmen he is en- gaged in. It does not only pay tbe adver- tnser, but lets people at • distance know that the town in which you reside is • pros- perous community of bneenees men. As the seed to sown so the seed recompenses. Never pull down your sign while you expect to do business." -- - - At the Hamilton Methodist Con - hoopoe reosotly held, several member were charged by the book steward with being be- Privy Council a+serung trait the MISSING FOR MONTIIS -Kooning of that judgment oas ro lame bat It 1s impossible t0 bell- . e that man such Intellectual strength as the ioblr Lot dr ar c a d have approach - it le good faith. Now. for my part, I have always bought. and I frequently eapreased nyeelf to that effect. that the Pidgins/el ,n the Wt case. In which It was held •hat the circumstances that bad o - curred whlcb gave jurlsdictloa to (he i1ovcrnor-GGeneril-In-Cuuncll and eu- tertalned the complaint of the lionise Catholic minority. was technically and strictly correct, but at the same tem • It is a very striking Utica W find that at this time In our history the Church of Roane baa 001 tOrgQateI6 1t,. sndent mo- tives and meaner of latrigae, and that the liberties of the people of Canada are ••ndangcrrd on seo1•urat of prt.stly Interfrren. e, which In all the ages oe the world has been a menace to human Itbert y. le M not probates to be wondered at that Monseigneur (It avers statements of tact wraten as they weir without un opportunity of .onsultlag doe ,- menu, are somewhat leaf -curate. Tile most Important misstatement is con talo• d la the allegation that the Mani- toba r••b.•I1 before they laid down their arms had asked for the est.11lshmrnt of Separate Schools. •• In hectic• .0d •,ntario, and that the , :o: • rnor Genet it and the Government of ('ana•l.6 ;tad a. .ed.d to this and promisee that a Haus. Moul•1 br piaewl 1q the cunett tutlon it I• now ab+ulu sly ler the' no such appli alien wits ever made by Kiel or the reprrwnutives of the peo- ple who formes the Provisional A•rem- ly at the time of the negotiations be- tw•.en the Red R1.er eettlrm ant and the Dom:n:on. ai,d cone. quern ly it c •u'd not have b assenl•d to by the Go. - erttment of t'anada or by O. Queen. al- though It s stats.( by the 1.lahop that Lord Carnarvon tab graphed to gran: the demand. On the contrary. 11 ap- pears that the pretended bill of rights n which the demand that Separate . ho ds be established apt ears, is a Ile- nU,nis do.-ument got up by the same wily influences that are now ..eking by underhand and Illegitlma:r means to ha.•' the people of Manitoba deprived of their Jost r ghts. Th.• 11.,,.. held an Were these two suggestions acted npon hy the Sacred t'ougregathas '. That the second ..t.' was Accepted is 'bowel by the circular itself. and it would be fair to resume. judging by the event, that the lint was also accepted. With the French Co*"ervntive members Molding secret catteueee. threatening to holt if the Itemedinl Order is not imple- mented by leaa,Iatioo this session. the situation is such as to pruloaudly alarm the Gewerument. A crisis is inevitable. Aad the position .4 attain is Dot improved by the di,rl,.ure of the statement" of Mgr. Gravel and the reply ..1 Cardinal ledrcbewiki. Onvernment i• teamed on the honee, s1 two dilemma& for whichever way it morrow it will eneownter treble with its supporters. Allaire poor pry. and it was rimmed that one .m took on nn ugly aspect yesterday. as particular was some $300 in on books end the tin.• for the divi"iou on the Curran the same amount short on paymesta. Tho bridge stein s aupprbce ed ihsendt,f trbta.•t 1 nrin n its,ut book steward should maks them clerical Inm es/u.•gbnecvthat bn.aght it glmIerona nt- •towp•yu • present of the Old Testament.. ler the vole. Rut one Government su and the Conferee,* should adjudge them to porter from that province voted adversely read Lite Ten t ewmandmr.ta every day for at least owe mouth. -Thou shalt not steal,"' and "Thou shalt not covet,' era very plainly set forth in thatlume. Hunker's Hill day was celebrated at Roston %lrmday last Bunker's Hill day is • sort of safety valve to let people in ed ments contained in it are certainly of around Boston 1st ref patriotic gas. W. 1h. m, at .t:,rtllrg charm -ter. It le al- ba,. •similar ooesswa sack year in ('.sada leged that the Prefect of the Propagan- called Lo.dy's lame day, which is annually da of Rome, through the Instrumental- ity of Cardinal Vaughan. Interfered to commemorated in the Nieearw district te influence the Pricy Council, and It is give potnote0 month artiste like (;anima more than Insinuated that It WY Taverns T)atieme an opportunity to oak. throueh Cardinal ta..ghen's good oM- dnwn an old rusty !sabre, swear veneeaaw Me that thea judgment pronounced by against the people over the way and repeat the Judicial .'committee nn the appeal l r m the Supreme Cenrt wpi favorable the sweat refrain : to the elaarne of the ,'A. hu It is not all of life to live I It 1. impnomlhl.• t.. • Or •11 of death to die, io.rds waw .at upon f ad then go home, hang up the sword. rad Ie allowed their minds to be influenced draw }4,000 a year nut of his bleeding Tenn by the Insidious insl,uattons of CarJIn- try, with an ,as.istant to de the large part al Vaughan, based. as they appear t0 et the treat for which h. is paid. hav,• been, upon a tissue n: mttreprr- sentatione At the same time It Is well known that the Judicial Committee 1. 'Why have you got such • liar. neck, In .ome respects a political body. ■nd mommis'' that the Lord Chancellor. who preside.! 'I'm going to a demo. darling tine has on the occasion. Is a member of the to dem like this for a dent..' Ro.••bery Government. and one can 'Ito the ladies Amos in one room and the hardly fall to Roller b) the remarks g•.tlem.n to another •' tsorge de blearier which the Lord Chancellor made is Leedom Pooch. I throughout the argument ,and some of tb,• ol.servatioI.t whl b occu•red in the The percuss' etas Rambler -(Mr nsda- I Midgment. that he was Influenced by mit" tan received a tail from sensewhera; considerations which did not appear she at more messy, and 1 eladM4tebd he az part of the . as.. which was submit - hew harm home two days ;.rayls( Ise geld ted to the Sup:. -w. Court, and that &nos. I the threat that the Cathodes of Mani- ('estlesea-WMl dein W wife *Usk tote'. meaning. I presume. the French abseil -2W _--_ commies. who mould be .Len tt d eros) she's padiks their all.gian. a to Great Nr tat , .f Wig Judgment was against them, may mums a gm, (s turd of a mode ammehhe more or leas influenced Ole Judgment, wissows to tA•hem or. rather. not so moth b'• deckle.ill tiv l with ssi•ad e,lesd' imam upon the dry question of law an tic leaseuproaall s.o At last ems of sic Wreathing Mswgivenh a In lo be foun.1 to tM jadg.rente Lriag .11 ...ted el w anrstisms, ..elt(md to abisrpianswa. .ell, on. I mom. 001 which he made avid wheel. waccepted Moms* lige Timor sh r he mislereema he set ; ale adopted by the R s4orlty or all d ewes spam !' • oNsr, mdse f mid ties Awe, the ..ember of the 1.dh Lal committee. mm. 4(tay'•(T 'pug mins M fors that 1 The Bishop of Nk'eiet does not heed - ens r the reins.'-Re__ieft Weida. tem en ia%.sae she earlier lad W the Government. and that wee for rename outside of tis school question. Mr. D'Alton McCarthy. M P.. was interviewed to -day in regard to Bishop Gravers circular to the other Catho- lic bishops. Mr. Met'arthy said: I have head the eirehlar of Monseigneur mate - es. Bishop of Nicolet. The ate - es. pose that the • case knowing - afternoon sittintr b. - day , and ducted itsell to routine fermi oras.. S T. 1MrEre as lu044.9•11. t1 , neitat■ 1111 Wake a easel inemensemailes at resta(.rteasple. London. June W. -A special from St. P.-ters,.urg. b)- the way Of Eydtkuln--- non. the Prussian frostier, s.ye th" Russian Government _ Ilas received a communka-i-lou from theovernment of Great Britain advising the CamelGovernment of the Intention of Eng- land to make a naval demonstration at Constantinople. Advices have been re• celv-rd In St. Petersburg from other moire+n to the effect that the Biltl.h Ambassador to Turkey. Sir Phll.p t u - riee, le secretly intriguing w,th the Ar- menian patriarch.. A, cording to the tide' ee there :s no d ubt aha' the Eng - 1 mh pn._A: menlan l' mmlttee ace sup- plying Arm••n ens with a large number of w••a;won•. and theRu•.lan Govern- ment Is preIwr trig to meet the dreelot.- n•ents of the situation outlined. The :tett division of the Russian Army. now stationed !n the south of Russia. has been ordered to the vicinity of Karg, and the departure' of 1:A0 troops' from ( drssa for f3atoum Is being a c.'letated. 16,6,.,4. Waal. 11 -,mage• Fr.t16 T.rIi y. Constantinople, lute. 20. --Thr Govern- ment has demanded from the Port,. the Payment of $2001) as indemnity for ren incursion into Bulgarian territory of n number .4 Ilawhi-Raauuk., who were pur- suing sheep. Th. 11:u1:i-Patoa bomber vrouud- .4 three Bulgarian guards. h Tae Teta ale1 (awe V WtlT ISISAwe. Attester mod lake tlie..(sr Sallwal s'emMny Mees. b1mrN(Iee. London. June 20. -The .ltinutie and Lake !superior ieailwriy bond issue has been temporarily withdrawn, mid bank - re state this by been done to permit them to get a correct statement of the Fj la bee Mitrist.•r's •peeeb Wed:tendsy ght before the people. Tb: y declare that Mr. Foster's utterance. .,n ale luwt!on of a Government gunraut'e are misrepresented in cables from Canada. Kerngood's Body Found In the Niagara. Meg trial. Jacob had been sane, 1118 from lasomna el late. They ta►u..ght be must have fallen oft the train v. blas la this condition. Though the body dam been totted. there ■111 realising the mystery of tures he came to be drowned. Whether be tell or jumped off the train while It was passing over the Gorge. or whether be gut off the. (rata la Caread.i. ••r on (bin side and walked to the r.. • I or NIS 8NI8T SANG. whether he was thrown Into 1b'- area'. probably never will be known •i :.es. _ _t_iro he mlgbl have fallen into •naso ' • ewe•k tributaryto the Niagara and ti1Y tact secs Au.. em se Themes eta ice. a-- body have drifted to the Aver. and N taetaapee e•'d crest . ltllrnswan sumo - t the place where it was found. it so one :peculiar. too. that 111r body could Mere reals. .N ■t. creme remained in the water for seven worths Iia W Masora SltO[r howl hetes discovered. but perb.bPr leeweelea. became wedged In .erase ru k • and • Niagara Falls, N. T., June 10. --As their.' he held for some time. Never was there • stronger, tenor pa - turgid waters of the Niagara swirled the le Illustration of hr,tbelty lo.• t an along past Lewiston yesterday marntng that shown 0 the .serf of Mose. they carried on their surface the ho ty Kerngood ,.f Saginaw. Mtc•b., 1 sr • is of a well-known commercial traveeer, missing kinsman. He heard of the .:ta- who had been missing for over seer„ appearamae or the n.ornlrg of N v •m - months. It was that •.1 Jacob S. Kern bar If. threw days tater Imme., . -ly he An,pt" d bus nese un 1 . ve )thing gaol, who, uu the night of .o%emur. , else and began a hunt which never 9 disappear. d In a two: nty.tei toile ' ceased until wool reached hien yea, - manner from a sleeping cat on th. terday olf the recovery of the b'••ly at Michigan Central Railrwd between Sr, the Falls. __ __ Thomas, 0111.. and Syracuse. set ISMS T •OatMT Steffe. George Lonsdale of Lewiston whit. Tae out fishing, was startled out of a tan- thoratmaas•a relates yelaa sic team gut,' .talc' by the sight of a mass o: . 6.q. human flesh floating down the river or- • Laudon. Jute 20. -To -day was the resole the L.•w'lston d.hk tvhru edto• grandest day of the Ascot mertieg. The recovered from the •h.. 'k h • rowed • attr:r'atn'e wa. enormous, end the ...pre - It It, overtook it and towed It lseotatiow d royalty and arist.,rracy to shore. It was Nulty deeonipos.rl, and but Ingle- Lord Breadalbatte traded the for a mark on the shirt -band. whlce royal process -on. Tbe Afghan Premie, was the only remnant of rlothrng re- 1 6asrul!a Khios. went to A.e..t Heath by malning .'n the ghastly flgor-. identtfl- , rail to wiuuour, and thence to the course I-ratiu a earrin the in would have b•nn 'mthe n On The St. James' Palace Stakes of 100 the inside of this band was the nems eprrre W each with 3d [ NIS NAME OM %res 1ea1•M•. Neallhy swage( Wellington. New Zealand. June 20.- 66.• Colonial Parliament opened to -day. fh,• G..rrroor congratulated the Colons' "n its improved prospect. and sound ft- ,tzi&C.s. Ire rated that the Bodget would show as 'purples.. and teatimd measures that were projected hy the r.nTernmeut. (-..rralaluelag %ew4V.n4sa16d Loudon, .lune 20. -The Post will say. Newfoundland Toned no difficulty in raise ng Lae on her eon neeount nod the fact will be welcome it 114. IV 10 Downing - street, while everybody will be glad to .we her confiner .e her ..crit:... •• ...u- :overnRag ccuooy. ITASBF.e We TEM aTALF- :g 1 soverri eo ad- Kerngood. almost defer. d. end ,.n malts ro,d Inc :i -yea► -olds, 1 mile, was won tinct that it was guessed W b • Keno ' by the Duke of Portland's be True.. by good by some of the Merrlguod,•ntfwy .Hampton. out of At'enta; lone Ab:ug- gt> td by some, and Merrlg.a"f by oto• r,.. ton's Mate\ Maker 2. Baron de Hirsch's The flesh of the feet. Wes all Cone. in' 1St. Johann 3 : Mr. Iebaudy's Priuce scalp bereft of hair and the furan b1 •a - !Mimeo. Lord Zetlaud's Seabolm, Mr. 1:••' - ed and discolored. It evidently had pold de Rothschild'• Anrige. Mr. L. Bras - been In the water a long time. Rut the eey's Pride. Prince ao:tykoff's Spur -Royal dimensions of the drowned man tally and Col. North's Oalopian also ran. .o closely with those of the missies 2 Bettis 11to 2 against Trout'. uo 11 Kerntood as to i.trengthen beyondfast against Johann. 6 to Y Maker. 1sst Prince doubt the proof furnished by the shirt- Sumo• 8 to 1 against Sabo ai. 9 to 1 bCoroner Walker of Lewiston was sum- ' against Auriga. 10 to 1 against Pride and 12 to 1 against Spur -Royal and moned. He took the body to the Mor Ga!opian. gar and as earn as he had cummunlc at- I The Rous M.moria' Stakes of 10 ...Ter- ed over.d with the pollee of Rochester. water- • riga. cant, with 1000 sovereigns added, .• Kerngood formerly lived. and beam" 17 furlongs and 166 yards, was este, by convin, ed that the body was his. he Mr. H. 11rCalmont's be Tb. Inmberd. 'hy telegraf•hed to the deceased's re'atlre- I retearel, ons d Wealth, 3: Mr. Wallace who Include a widow and two children Jobtstotre's Beat Man, 5, Y; Lord Derby's In New York. a brother In Saginaw. Dingle Bay. 8, 2. Mien.. a brother in Denver and a boo- Betting: 9 to 1 against Tbe Lombard, ther in Rochester. Replies e'er, re 'ell"- 9 to 2 on treat Mao and 50 to 1 agnitt•t .d within a short time rrqurstltig the coroner to hold his . harge until th--y ar- rived to claim It. The Kee -wood disappearance is one .if the mot mystifying teases that has ever been presented to the pollee of lids country. Jacob S. Kerngood wan a tray -ling talesman for 13 maid L Price & Co., clothing manure. lunars or No. 170 Green -street. New 'fork. He Ilvepd at No. 151 East 19th -street. that city. Some years before that he lived in Rorh•mt.r, where his broth r, of th- king the bend on the way home 'kin of Gerson, Kerng,xd & Co.. If lo- =ass overhauled Kilealaghmn. and took the lead. Ia the straig\t R .1.4'-: cared. ala.. passed Kilall. Oban. Mingle* woo Kerngood was a man of temperate eau by three leng•tba. and Reminder ems habits and excellent moral character. half a length in advance d Kilsallaghsn. He was free from any financial 11001 les Time 4.59 2.5. and was happy In his domestic life. The New Stakes of 10 •overeigue each. He was devotedly attached to his wife with 1000 sovereigns added. for 2 rear - and two children' H. left his nome olds. 5 furlongs 136 yards -Sir J. Miller's last October on a business trip to the b 1 Roquebrune, by St. Simon. out of West. His last words to his little wo- St. Marguerite. 1 : Duke of Westminster's man In 89th-.tim:et were that he would Braddock. 2: Prince 0f Wales' T1186 le. 3. be back to time to ..l••brate with her Mr. J. H. Platt. Monte Rosa colt. Mr. the anniversary of her birth. Hardly J. H. Hees' Woodmeneote. Sir R. Aftleck's a week passed but in his letters and de- Harpor, Mr .Leopold Ile Rothschild'. Ga- leasso, Lord Londonderry's Serfdom. Mr. Daniel Coopers Mu.idnra. Mr. R. IL Combe'. Max and Mr. Wallace Johnstone's Moak also ran. Dingle Bay. The Gold Cup value 1000 sovereigns. all ages. about 2 1-2 miles -Mr. H. W- eenie:at's b h Isinglass b7 Isnnomy, oat of Deadlock. 5, 1: Mr. Tiernnai Re- minder. 4. 2; Captain Mackll', Kilal- 'Agban. 5. 3. The betting war -11 t. 2 ag.inst Isinglass R to 1 Reminder and 33 to 1 Kilsallagban. Kilaallagban was first away. and made the running. but at a slow pace. He was well clear of Isinglass. 'who was six lengths ahead of Reminder. Ap- t bey salted IAef.e a Thesirleal Pee- M.e..ee 116 Marred Montreal. Jute. 20.-A fatal stabbing firay took place this evening at 16x ltasplain aebxol, where a theatrical .•rformanre was going on. and instead 4 owing n wooden dagger. tee was in- tended. • boy named Dejardine substi- tuted One of steel. aad in nm of the throats hi. 1emp:u.icw, named Laurin. eras killed. Balk went about 16 year 4 lige. Wandered Away se M►.wn. Brantford, June 20. - Herbert By- trate% the moulder who disappeared Si..day night, was found drowned iu he Grand River. a1.•Ms. Will Sees Wass .f Tenadesee. London; June 20.-Tbe Standard that corning states that it loan, that the I assalats meditate moving a vote .4 so • ..nfid.tse iu the Governor* :at. The Times ,n ,.n editorial augg,.t• the same thing, end says tbat the tloverntn•nt ia alm.et cot• W to be cheated ,a • well -chorea ••u•' If the Cuusis►a neglect to grasp the ..ppitta•ity pre.eut.d to them. it s..ys, a heavy responsibility will rest arta both the leatkre and follnwere. The Goatee' Nowa may. the tlppeeitins lei.dltre d tic prase of Commons hare derided to move a rwtnlatinu ••''ting (ort\ that the Roane hat s, ronfider.ee in taw ministry. Aeeording to this statement, Mr r,laeberlmia W framed a rssoledi0a ..k. ng Ile. Naivety to dimnim the pr•.s.ut n.i'outerl sed die4olie Pe Maoist. 1•011011011111 f1Mlslgsa jemrt Jas 116.-412Il e Moot ia* qtr imp ire niel ,starred • w (rt, "Death emit! al rrftut mdminiAsred their stows Mab at atm em• ti ksowg4. mg tesa eeary elect ' Ate' 'patches he referred to the birthday feast which was not to be. In the early part of November. after finishing the Western Weal nese trio. Kerngood lett Omaha to return home. He Is known to have taken a Michigan Central' train. He was last seen Just after the train left St. Thomas. Ont.. about 11.30 o'clock on the night of No- vember 9. He was preparing to retire to his berth on the sleeper. In the day time the Michigan Cen- tral trains stop at Falls View. at the Canadian end of th • cantilever bridge, over which his train puttied. but the train on which he ware did not .top. its first stop after leaving St. Thomas was In Buffalo. where it arrived at 1.30 a.m. it was not noticed wheth-r he was on the train teen or not. bet w :en Syracuse was ria. heti. as 457lleht was breaking. the discovery was made that he was not In the car. The porter who went to wake him found his satchel. coat• vest. trousers, shoes and place - Inds in him berth. but .carr; th'cugh- out the car tailed to reveal the man. Not a soul aboard the car had ,. -en or heard him leave. Mrs. Kerngood went to the Graced Central station in New York o o the a'- ternoon of November 10. H.-,- hu-han•t had telegraphed that he wooed arrive On the 1 o'eloek train. rhe ,.lo ••' on the landing and walted.She looked „t every face as the passengers filed out. A porter brushed pact her with a heavy bundle and ' valise. and hurried to the, unclaimed haggnge room an though eager to drop a harden which wa. irk- some to boar. That hon die contolned Jacob H. Kerngood's clothing. Soannln : •. ery face unt,t every pass- entrer had •Ileembark.•.1. and not finding nor ml.nand among teem. sirs. Kern- geoel made enquiries,. which el:cited tits Bret information that any of /Cern- greers relatives received of his dleap- pearance. The railroad officials aided her by telegraphing to Mr. Kerngood's brother In Rochester, who began a search for the miming man. Iter( the other brothers were notified. and the entire route over which the mla'Ing man bad passed from Omaha was gone Ae over. About the only fact that rould be obtained was that Kerngood had lett the car. That was Pelf -evident, .Incs he was not to be found aboard. But why he had left the ear, if he IIIA ren voluntarily, or how, If he did so hoard- untarily, were beyond comprehension. There were three tbeorie. at the time. One was that he had walked :a hie sleep off the car, another was that be ran- domly ted he. cane Insane sad leaped oil. The third was that he bad mer erltli fou play. The relatives Md not take .ueh stock la the foul -play theory, ta& tbongh for a time they a sesed to he sipapleleW of some of rte tram em- ' Whtie pr0Mmbtlag their wearek to firs Ob. the Romhemter brother &mm a o phew of the fit Itg men dfmanataag tic tmtrder therm *ad mmDr'eennt them.. Pty malas. hi 1 eaves ae MNeyttttg that it wee a ell r • . ve 'e.(Ipttthbe The betting wap 2 10 1 against Roque - brunt. 12 to 1 $haddock. 3 to 1 Thais. 8 to 1 Monte Rosa and Weedmamote, 9 to 1 Harper. 10 to 1 Gsls! lea2c0 to 1 Serfdom. Wehd•mer Mai • id sot'• Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Whisk Dieters Palled te Melp, CURED BY TAKING AYER'S Pe---cto- Che .,1 enkad.tttrrtaggee tt,ed a severe M/psati .psis; a dsidid td urrawisitz mimed me. I then Consulted a Doctor wile f.s.4. m e t4 slut baa y9mr raeft a the=YR was y1 test as 1st d 1 to" --red •Mre bat T•et k $ 4wA a fowl epos• i wee r.IIeveA. amd 1 hM t o reiWuls bort. 1 was eared."' -1.. Lein*, watchmaker, Oraerevips. Opt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Migbeat Award, at Waddle 1 Awes Pale Ours lriye4NMe THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Yagaitem and Mack flies are meenally aamnsmas throughout the ooa•try in the North. James .ylewertb, Tamworth, has been &predated Peaks llgiumaM for Addington meaty. Twe Laudon M.thetisq lets Is dtga•a1 about the appoie ort phew pastor• Port Hope te agitating a by -Lw to pre mat asy nue from voting who has not pard iia taxes A French ryodic•ts has mat bought 320 pare@ of valuable minima .and in Cariboo meaty. A young ei tmee's clothes the town. A large Sommer hotel is to be built at P.neaa, the terminus of the Eris sad Huron Railway. The sinking fund of :t. Jobe, N. 112298,415, aad the debentures outatasdiag ate 23,616,1.40 The f.ur+h annual meeting of tie U•iss Coir. of western Ontario will be herd at Leedom, July 10th The Texas Lake Ice Company ha. put up cold.tera/e weeks at New 1\'esteninuter, B.C., ousting 2.10,000. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perking, of Wind- om, have !use celebrated the 55th maim - eery of their marriage. A fire at Dartmouth. N.S , destroyed the reaideoae of R. Russs11, tl l'., and badly damaged hie 84,000 library. Hon. J. C. Aiken", ex -Lieutenant -Gover- nor of Manitoba, and kits Adios. have Iwt celebrated their /olden weddimw. The Universalises of Ontario had their amnia convention at Olinda lam week. They report their camas ae flonriehin.. Great quantities of grain cense from Chtoego, via Midland, and go to the Mari- time peovin0n and the New England Sates MEM A SWIM WI MIL ♦ awoke= Mass( Ilea Tmei*.ty 41sehN Sy ma Sn-posers.. Chatham. June 3S. -It Ice .ph Jewell. the proprietor of the Station House here, dies from the wound,. winch be received In an affray last night. Gen. McOregOr. an ex-eonv let. who Is now in jail• will have a charge of mureer registered agaltlit hie name. All last night a crowd of men were to the hotel drinking. and toward' morning they became bolstetlnus. At 3 a.m. the proprfetnr. Jewell, or- dered McGregor and another man. named Charles hyn•'tt, to leave the house. The men had some word., and thwo McGregor whipped out a rase,- and 'lashed the hotel keeper a •r0a:t the• ab- domen. inflicting botlble w ronds. Jewell staggered back and fell pros- trate, and McGregor turned anti ran away. but was captured_ At the Marlon the razor. wet with hl.00d. was found. and he had a loaded revolver 1n ho. hip pocket. tYynott was also put under wrest. Jewell is hovering between Ulf'• and death. but It Is thought he will not enrolee his Injuries George McGregor Is a barber. and was recently pardoned from the Penitentiary, where he was serving a term. $.T S. 75('tileT 11E11T 1\0.41%16. mom e1 I iogstoa dresses .L end thus ..arise des about A business how of Nelms', B.C., last weak trek u • to dollar bill of the Im- perial (teak of Cewd& the its back the fol. lowing words were written in iak : 'Ile - ware of fast monies and str•osg drink. This in the kat of • large fortune,' Helen Keller, the deaf, dumb and blind girl, who is the modern Laura Bridgpm•n and is bang educated in a private .obonl in ibis sty, writes sad impow fluently upon the typewriter. The keys of the machine have the letter in bee relief epos its bnt- temp. Min Keller, who is &bout 14 year of age, has marked Literary ability. and has re caved reoentIy 1260 for • short *ketch o' her impremions of life from the editor of . yotag people's mapriae. Cheat .embers Of Canadian horns hove lately bees Leaded oa the Clyde, sd will be spread tbroaghomt Ms length sad breadth of Soot land. The duty collected at Wmtmenetar'ad Vancouver in May in =15,000 reset► than that collected in May last year. W. T. Tsnss..e or Lowden Wee limed se IY.ee M.day. London. Oat. June 20.-WilliataT. 'far stone, for several years ticket agent at the Grand Trunk Static.. bra not re- ported for duty sins. Sunday. He le supposed to have left the ray for De troit on Moseley. and he has bees em - vended. Mim Robertson ne St. TheismA has been permaneatlJ plated in of the cake. Ramis of a eharseter haw game .tread Mr. Veasteme. 65 astMM.g de 4MM be Monied. SAME SWUM ■T 1 T1aN.LQ. Tw.-Tear-e. d COMM Wali...; wrUA a Fe.esrle.e tee ae (he Janette. Toronto, Jam 21. Oreille Ma- honey, the two and a ball year oil daughter of Maisel Mahoney, employed wit\ (be Dodge Palley Co. at Tomato Jeastioa, Wag ismtadly killed by s trol- ley ear As d at 1.15 last evening. amesersi Leman 41111011110. Wilk.._Ian . . Tenets . . . • . .81410111111102--• At ihrsaltaut Staab •. . 110111010- u 'r .. .:1r -slaw, - M , f t+r4 • ..4 Ask your Druggist for Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY FLORAL tXTRACT Per Ilegillosivalsf. UMW awl NSW