HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-27, Page 1TH! I i► TDINa NDWEIPAPAEIi, OP HURON OOUNTY_
Motive piele.._.(lem.te., Hob A
Mmol. a .r's Netto.--C.morue, Hatt
A Holmes
grotater'• Netise-Onieirea, Holt t
Hdsm.... .._..................
Now Goods M 'iia Farr . ... . 6
Amaluaa Wasohed Mbaeungt-- W
haloes A Boo .. 6
Wars Weetbr Goode --Ginnie. Ira. 8
New Boggies fee the fat -ilea Geadry 8
Bathing Snits -Jae. ReNmen .... 8
finuatfoo. VaNat.
MRS. LINBIleY, A. T. Wds's resi-
dential. wiped
wl Apply to MR& RAY. lid
Vartows b npre or theol•-'_eveonpsi*_.nesPho or sertmies Position
welt lip sereedeg demand for trnit.et
with as as hale nae will War sep�F1IS In term wort. .lead as
row (en •ad we will stow you bow
to tsesber.! 1Co)net the tttiaugg
for you
daring' tM.enamor. Write for
par salts.
grouse To .e. Ont.
Publle Noosss.
t....pesei.g se ry lands by Mooting.
bustler& 0mpdag fields' is otherwise will be
s�eseset.d.sssrdla� aw bucb buds are
tat Halt files Ito Oaleele. TV_ and the more
orty Mews as to Palle Reserve in the tows -
shim of rerisft and IA:Morse.
R.C 1 PrNII tieHoltor.X. 'HLKI�.
A court for to purpose of hearing appeal
frees to Cert of Revision of the Tows of
Oed.ricb, Will be 2.1d before Hu Hem it.L
Doyle. limier lodes Cos of Huron. on Tuesday.
to glad 4.y of July. INI. •i 10 o'clock A.ie. in
the Court Hees. doWMrrkiM.
f11Y NNI.L.
Clerk of i'oort and muws.Ipnl
W21.& Cl.. k of town of 00odderlok.
B. Taylor. tete oelebneed Sheffield cutler
and gnoder, lo in Oode•icb again for • short
time. and a'prepared to do ail kinds of greed
i endps1 n by .team power. Ramon
eefmon tailor e, sheep sad garden Flaws• and
.11 kinds of grinding done ib the bag y.estlee
maser. ('r cut saws gummed asd Mane
reed. lawn mowers sharpened and repaired
Ma sad pocket knives rebladed and made
•it•el to new. Vmbrelles and parmele Deady
melted sad oat Mee bough' 12 TAYLOR.
eteiel-rlmg use Street. corner atm.vld'.
M Mori and Tb•ary--eoP,r cooed. On.
deer gest of Cape. Pewees'. WestA et -em
IYJ ltr..f fit 6esewee°8re2t is prepared
to give 1.1�a Toral and PI••Awra er
trtiea• et etidrww-i Werrths to
ell 0e.1le web) PA: Box 2N. W 21 tm
Notice Y hereby aiveo pummel M H. 8 0.
Ito . that •'1 creditors and others having
claims agalest the estate of Helen Wee. late
of the town of (loderich. In tb• ConeyT of
11 woe. widow deceased. who died on or •bone
the tad day of June. Ir.6, ars required on or
before to int day of July. A O. AC,. to .end b)
mail pre -paid or deliver to the undersigned
Minton for Jobs T. leek.oe and John T.
Imam, the executers of the Leet will and
statement of the said deceased, their eel i.ties
and .or.ames. address and deacrtptMns
with full pie Oculars of their dates• end the
nature of the secnrlue., If any. held by them
and tli.t after the maid date the said executors
ehareglIvrocered to distribute that wow h•vta�
only to the claims of which they se
then have received nonce. and that they will
not be liable ter the daises Of say preen or
porous* of whose ed activeclaims they shall set have
then hated at 0odrleb *Me I2th day of Jopnma. A.D.
w!1•tt 8olleitors for Kxea.tss.
fou late Bata& or D)ONALU IiRUCR, LMr.sard
Pursuant to R. 8, O. NW. notices is hereby
Riven that all creditors sad others lavtog
claims tgndnt the estate of Donald Brook,
I•te.of the Township of Oodwoh (liedust or
Hu, yams.. deee•sed.
shout the lath day of May. a 0. 101• an re
embed se or Were
THE =ft DAY Or JULY. A.11. 1m6.
to sand wall paid as delivered to
thea odfdtors for David McHrlse.
executor lis hest will sad tsat•..ont of the
mid Meowed. their MAMMA and .Mearns.
addresses sad deseriptiene, with h0 peRM.-
hue et the claim and the nature of the s retri-
tlo. off say) haat by them...d that after the
mil date the said exeestr will pressed to
distribute the amnia of the said estate having
retard emir to the em
of which a shall
theees moles. .a that a win
sat b. Hays Mmeows skint of say row or
Memo et be thou net bays thew t'e-
eta pint0•dT•y HOLYiB. �.
2dletere nor eater. Yedertab.
fe the lights el JONATHAN BURTON. far
Permit to RAO-. fit.Mine b Meshy
Rtvondatuvat au eeedseen and Mhtw Germ.
latef tlsafa.tT.wwnsw�tfw a Imamri
lktsty i.1M .rue. Tastes w4ossrrs -
Met en .r that arm int dy d Jane. A. . 11214
me require& ea or beam the
lea DAT Or JULY. A .D. lr6
Whatt.Ootrg on at th.Capltiltl
Bemuses of Mon hem• or Coverseoet with
resume IlaYe.e2.s-sew the 2)....
try Is Mod In the theorem of Mss.
(seers --Mese llample ldeee.
Teta tlwSAL Correspondence.
OTTAWA, June .'4th. -The dis-
graceful eo.duioa of affairs as retards the
relations between he t;overs..t sad the
Fredericton and St. Mary. Bridge Co., and
the asnocietnon of Minister Foster's name
with *hat very shad y transaction, finds •
twin .o•odal, as far as tnuappropraUon of
public money goes, in the Tobago, .Valley
Railway. •
Whoa in these letter 1 brought to light
the tact that Minister Foster had for year*
permitted the Fredericton Bridge Company
te dsf•ult their waren account, sow
amounting to 572,000, to eay nothing Of the
=.100,000 Man to let company which might
as well here been sunk in Lake Superior,
the Government prem made light of it, but
Men the wrcaligbt of the Public Amount
committee was thrown upon it, wen the
Govw.meot prom admitted that Minister
Fostsr bad eased indiscretely in dealing with
to Temple Bridge scheme.
As regards the Tobigue Valley Railway
she Hon. John Comites, Minister oillartns
and Fisheries, through whose county it
runs, has brooms closely identified sad for
the following reasons
Acting soder a provinmel charter, from
the New Bromwich Government, the To -
bogus Valley Railway Company appealed to
the Domtma. Government for • subsidy
le send by M r w ahs
�if . Mar mid
'trews a memese ad
wile fall eartieelen
If their
uatgre d 0r *8.rlf 4
date to mit wed j5inn rat attic tamprayed m
4irrib.to ate tit. .t1d a sitmr
them b•at tie•� ~ ywit/ f�a�Ygws�. sfn&tsvyrtpmthteeo.
i�t'•M ret rte lien bane re:
r-aVA t:
t;, 1 A TRIP TO LAKE HURON. :Lbws" 416n t''y bid and • keg OVER THE HURON TRACT.
TWa is osrtaiely • matter that should be
utesilpwd. Let tis know the mastless be -
twee. C..tigu• sad the Government in this
deal. Le. .s bear wb•t ialae.ee he
bre.ghI to bear on his to secure
the subsidy for this railway that has tower
bees operated because the plaster trade is
Between Foster's loan of $300,000 to the
Feeder: W o Budge, and Uosttgaw's gift of
$134,000 to the Toblgw Valley Railway,
the provmw of New Brunswick has not
tared very badly es regards (ioverome.t aid
to enterprises that eta hardly lay .fates to
Wag works to the Rawest •dvant•ga of the
Domutos. While it M held that Foster
baa wound • safe entry for himself hate
York over the Fredericton Bridge what
here the good people of Victoria to my
about Costive haying eee.red • safe pain
into kis old county over the Tobl.ine V•1by
Von have heard and read el the Govern-
ment's determinauoo to oboke off the meet-
ing* of the Public Amounts committee sod
do you wonder when you take into consider-
ation the fact that it is for the purpose of tn-
vesttgstiag eoendala like the Fredericton
Bridge and the Tobique Valley Railway
wb. re hundreds of thousands of your
money to squandered that these meetings
are Mid.
Tomorrow, Thos. 'temple M. 1'. is to ap-
pear before the Public accounts committee
to tell what he knows about the Fredericton
Bridge and an effort will be made to get
Canteen in the witness box before the w -
moo is ever to tell lis little story about the
Tobbque Valley Railway.
The town council met Friday owning Abe
mayor preeideug, and the deputy -reeve sod
the following councillors beteg presort
Then was • opposition ehOwO mMersey, Swartz. Thompson, Naftali,Cant♦
liament to the 1404olof s subsidy to l°11.W then, JoSauoe and Snub. ---r- ---
tittle railway of only 28 miles in length as it Manatee of Iset regular meeting ware lead,
was shown Chet owing to the Sparsity of approved end sigdne
poputauon along the projected route there A oommuaio•tton from E. N. L awl. on
weld be bat little or no passenger tntfio behalf of the Cutirens' l ommitte., oomplais•
This ems• IN lfifl7. ung of the .tete of the dooka and the I nis-
The expeodtture was justified by Curious .race caused by *he deport of huh offal en
on the ground that there were valuable the docks and piers. On motion of Cas .
plaster and p pen= deposits at to fermi- poo and Murney the communication wee
nem of to roots.the 000etructten of whteh rebored to the street inspector with m -
would develop these meas. After • deter- structures to act at once, If he deems it
mined tight John (Mogan got his subsidy Dmmanication from Mn. Tame and
through the Hous•. So Interested woo ho A daughter, thanking the members T of to
to secure the Dominion .ubidy *hat every uB in6
oat remarked the eewvy John ('wing•o council for their very kind sympathy on the
s throwing into to job he had on band, death of the 1.1. Judge, was reed and rs
kle was not satisfied with small favors, °stvd-
hut „tutu oeme to l wrltsate•t for mon sob. A petition from Robt. Johnston and eight
other rate-p•yers asking that the Spring at
sidy and vet again unul the total subsidy to Southwst corner of Mn. VV'ystt'G let
he scooted out ot thetreasuryrogot for
ou to To- on to Homo !Road be opened up as the
b yue V ►lav Kailwav agRragg•te><134 OOu
During the discussion m 1'erlaameot over wells in the neighborhood are ell dry was
the proposed nb idy Ceatigen when asked read.
who owned these planter deposits the rail- Moved by Campion, seconded by Mersey,
way was being built to accommodate, said that to pettuon of Robs. Johnston and
they were owned by the Provincial Govern- I other. be referred to the public works com-
ment. Premed further he admitted there matte. with power to act. Carried.
were individual partners who had • lot or The to/lowing accounts were read and re
two in the locality, but he mentioned no ferrel to finnan) oommtttee: Jamtbsen
ammo.Reid, contract, 520: 3rd;eIL, printing and
1 have said that this railway received advertising, 59 21 ; Molxou & Bats, oop-
$134,000 out ot the Dominion treasury, now Per heaths', 56 ; the Chicago Mfg. Co.,
ket us see to what extent it has benefitted water work. supplies, 66c. ; the Gotta
the taxpayer. of Canada and to what extent Perch Co., hydrant gate, 520 ; the Electric
it has or is calculated to benefit John (.'o., mitlaten lee-. $1.64: the Gutta
Cost igen.
Perch• ('o., supplies, $9 : the Canadian El -
The rood was completed in 1893, and in eetrl0 Ce-. carbons, 545 ; A. Kirkbride, re
April 1894 it was leased to the Canadian Pairs a/c., 518.02.
Pacific Railway Company on coodttion they The finance committee reported in favor
would run at least one daily train over it. of peyiv the to41ow1*R : Sturdy Bros, 521.-
W ben I state *het the total groes awnings 30 ; (:lobe Oil Co., $34.20 ; Gutta Penh•
of the road have only been three thousand Co., 533.75 ; Coats & M°(.`noken, 56 ; Star,
dollars since it Wes oompleted, some two 52.24: F. Smenth, 52 85-
years ago, it will be seen that It advantages Al.. that report of the monthly audit bed
to the oountry have been nil. been oeaaidered, and that it. be received and
Neither has the Tobbine Valley nor the tiled. Adopt...
Canadian Pacific Railway been obliged to An application from E. t1. Van Every, foe
operate the road in ecoord•ooe with the • btlltard li0..00 woo toad. Mord by
terms upon which the subsidy was grantrf, (.mpm• .wooded by Marney, that the n-
and then must have been some very power- gest of E. Yam Every to obtain • billiard
tel influence at work near to throne to pre 110001. ke Rested -
vent the inforcement of the law by the rail. "no - CentWoo. Hurtoy. Swartz.
ways department bore. Thompson, Smite, C•atelos, Holt, Jobe -
It is true that the plaster trade has beer si00.
dull for some time past, but is that any Nay* --Neftel, Wilson, Daalop. tarried.
reason why the read that bastioned in $134, Moyd by Holt, seconded by Maul. teat
000 out of the leoeninios treeteury, and Co.- the 000nc41 sa4ntf7 rta approval of the ar-
tig.s i0 • member of the treasury board, ra.sgemenle mode with the petitioners is re -
should be bong opfemme to °lea•iaa one the wells at the
But what is this we rend ot a charterhav- macs wick., and empower the water and
big boa granted the Tobi quo Valley Gyp- light 000301111ee to complete all moemary
sem Miring and Maaufaotaring Company Orraneemente for the o•rrying out of the
and the transfer of • Imes to this oompeny work -
by k -.Loi Swartz, Thom
the Hon. John Cstigan ot lands be bold Natal, -stoics, Johnston, Holt. peon,
i0 lb. plaster or gypsum district at the tr. Na M Smash, Holt. Iklnlo
rias! pout of the Tobafw Valler Railway. vu_ .rsy. p.
Sash w1. the ow, Ito the Is1. John .arm•
Congo acquired of a escudo ars in to The foUowiag w. tend : Mr. Mayer,
plaster district iik 1893 was transferred to will yon kindly allow the writer en
the above campers" in 1894, and to putt- tu•ity of briefly addressing the ossadl in
moo to the Doo►uioo Government &Aim reward to the purchase ot omen of Ula.tret-
for inoerporattdoa by the Tobago. V•Iter d edition of Globe. Also members of the
Gypsum osier eoihp•ay shows that out of Bead sf Trade. We will .ot 000uppyy woy
the total shares .abeeeibri. 250, the Hou. minutes. Roar. R. Mime.
Jam Co.tigan held 285 shares while another Moved by Holt, sword• I by lohs.tes.
member of the Cadges family bald • tett R- B. Smith and members of the
smaller .amber. Bard of Trade be allowed to address the
Now I do not for a memeet mean to is. cnunotiL Carried.
elevate that John Costigon at the time be After the petitioner and moinhete of the
the $134,000 subsidy through the Board of Trade had addressed tit- mimed,
atH bad sey throat inters; u tee Holt moved, •eooaded 17 Johpeton. that
estse, the cemsed purchase 2. copies 01 the
plaster is gypsums deposit. alai the Pro'
yeet0d line of railway, slthoarh 1 do my he Seterd•y edition of the Tomato (,lobe oos-
jset Mobil little Urs u esenruR Plaster Weise *Unetrat4o.. of Godrich.
Moved ia amendment by Thompson. ore -
ended by Mersey, that with mimed to the
to thin rail that in msu pureh•s• of the S•t.rd• tics the Glebe
to advertise the tom, it be left to • eem-
eittee of the mayor, deputy reeve mad
oenasillr C•mpies to wait apse the mem.
buts d the Beard of Trade and the °item'
(JGmsitec mad to report to the o.eaeU.
, Thomas,
Natal. Sndth, Ca••atalan, Wilma, Dunlop.
N•ye-C mpiw. Jebaseou, Heb
Moved by Heft. wended by J°Mwtoa,
that dates the maths of J sly. A.Ruat ••aadd
hiyetmber, the ees.01 meat *thy on tat
Gest Friday is each of ndd msma� Cer-
leads after the treaeury W been Ned b
the •mount of the subsidy be had sad ted
voWg to way sew .
tW to do developrws.t of his Mama in
Meter riintg.
John Ca.tiR•. is • pretty level heeded
Ie1low sed deserves tersest rsdit far the way
he pat that 5134,000 eub0Wy tiro.gi sad
the way he pebsed an the Omer daposlt
after be hod mode the Gevsremest ..billy
soome la the TiNgae Valley Gypsum Mo-
ut oemMay be W jeat M600 seeok.
As I hove before sete*d,owia4 to tis dalli-
es of the gypsum er plater trade. this
tstrereles Balt railway is Mug up, .M
ave. MmMBed by th. Government. of
pages ism ale 1. w toren to
amble R p.msa, either pemeneer a.earlesf
their foul primatesto tmth Mw d
The ,a.et1em is mew asked whether the
dunes etK after yieg 5134.000 d the
cse msuty to this railway, Mend al -
se2. " their minethlt • dtaaa& Isis Jehm 'a
punter, sr whetherthey will take Ws hk t
wed Met either the original -mp y r the
twit The City of Windsor, which tthe
1el esournio.mfor t. t • trip ea the lake.
Exour.lonm. . I..hesoyearn •go 1. wnot we heed end ao The Grist from the Local
persue mte.ad her.
the Visitors Mad • Ilse flat and • Very
r/eeu•.t tiles. -d Carmel Naas M
the 0 n 02e1•re - A11 WeWell
rt.ed w Ism the txc.ree..
Prom Macao.
Stratford acao.
1' I I K longest day of 11395-J une 21st
-was far too short to Gait Meta of Strat-
ford little folk. -♦ed big folks too For •
week beforeoats topic w1. uppermost in the
minds at the boys .ad nils •tteodtng the
venous eithoob lu the city, and that topic
was the union excunioa to the shore* of
Lithe old ke Huron. The wee tots sad
the larger scholars gathered in little knots
at every opportunity and mended w each
other their venous plan for baring "s
boater rood time-" Thursday night was to
many d than like the night before Christ-
mas.Their sleep was not 1. wand ea Wal
and as they slumbered they dreamed of
Guder ch and the tun to be had there.
When morning dawned they soon arose
and long before train time might be sees
laden with b.skete oomteg from all three -
twos toward* Str•tford's only depot. Two
crone were required to convey the ewer -
nohow to the lake town and every *est m
these w1. occupied. The brat train was
tilted with the school children and the ar-
rangement n s wecomplete that there was
not the slightest emfnston, end that is say-
ing a rood deal when the crowd of young-
sters that turned out u taken into 000u
atio.. Usually excursion tramsdo not
advertised till long otterthe advertd time. A
good example was set in tho respect yester-
day however, the tramspulled out Mnotu-
ally. The Wee was reached after • pleaa•nt
As soon 1. the first train arrived the oars
wecleared and the children met their
little friends of the l:oderioh schools, who
had been turned loose for the day. Headed
by the band both schools marched to the
public square hod swatted the arrival of the
second oontineent from Stratford. These
put u(•ppesranoe shortly after un o'clock.
That the children MDR . number ot patriot-
ic songs after which the crowd dispersed
sad everybody headed for the Harbor park,
a comparatively abort distance away.nsur-
roundingsThathe real picnic began and the sur-
roundings were found to be highly suitable.
Festive youth on an excursion generally
knows bow to enjoy itself and the Stratford
folks were no exception. Not many wan-
dered far from the grounds until atter the
nem hoer, but then the preparation for
Isiah ata Memo and watching ether people
stow away their provisions u to many •
most interiority feature. The sole -cone of • 110 hag* of flour were shipped by the Big
suitable Duos for lunch u „mourn..• very M Ili to the North Shore Chia morning.
Mayer Butler, Habil* eshoel isegeowr
Tom and 1). McGillicuddy of TIE81OONAL
were among the Goderwh citrates who wel-
comed the viitora
Strariordites who hays friends in the make town did not se extraordinary *Soo
to hunt teem up. ♦suing friends don t
count oe a picnic day.
It's an odd tune when souse boys won't go
robots; bird.' eggs. A dates of them
mallht Mee been .nen on the crates last
night dispiyug their treasures.
J. Rumen Stuart, principal of the public
sls, had a busy dry. A large share of
the matt of the ezottr,ion fell upon
Ins shoulders and he did it well.ta
Messrs. Mayberry and Pope of the col-
legiate Institute .11 .Met the menus.
visiting the (.oderich institute. They were
highly pleased with what they sew.
Mr. !rows. tat new master ma.tmade
his first public appearance in charge of the
oh,ldren. He seems to have won the
respect and 000fidenos of the little folks.
The trustees showed tame wisdom by
bolding the excuniou before the close of the
term. During the vacation it would been
difficult to get the childrand teacher,
Tina DAILY SIt.NAL contained many ref-
erenon to the elating ts
ting Sattordites sad
welcomed all to the town. Surely (%ode -
rich will never want to do without the
bright and newsy little sheet.stamperThe oolleetate institute stamper who took
in the excursion will feel in better shape for
studying tete remainder of the term. A
little variation even in the busiest time dose
mon good than harm.
Very wisely thoseanaging the sffeir
di.peaswith any speaking at the public
Square. There were retie -
plenty of clever ntle-
men end good speakers around but no-
body had the .lightest desire to hear them.
The memo for bees clone 15th.
The Entrance
this week.
Friday releases all our school pupae for
eight weeks. 1.
The longest day of the year 1896 h
passed ewer.
The Big Mill shipped 100 bags of dour
by boat on Saturday.
los cream, los soda, da, fresh candies
end fruits at Mrs. Ball's. 40 4d lw.
Jamieson Reid has started the founda-
tion of Marlton's new house.
ore carload of oranges was shipped by
boat to the Northwest this morning.
t .0menoe
tunny expeneoce. You no sooner get
settled down in one spot with your olive
branches gathered around yon than you ase
another spot dust a few step away which
seems ever ao much better. You move to
the next place and two or three others and
are still dissatisfied. Then sou finally oome
back to the phos whence you started. In
the meantime half the family has wandered
off In different directions and are Dot gath-
ered together again without considerable
trouble. Somehow, however, these little
annoyance*, which on any other ocoenon
would snake you furious, do not. on • picnic
day rattle your tempos m the slightest.
At noon yesterday the Godertoh harbor
sod park presented an exceedingly pretty
immure. Under every Cres the youth and
beauty of Stratford was *mumbled to lunch
eon parties. Scores of nioe-looking, well-
drs..ed and wall -behaved children were to
be seen everywhere to charge of their par-
enu and teacher. lake Huron l., in all
its greatness, with .team tugs,6.hing Yachts
sad row boats in great numbers floating ep-
os its waters. Everybody looked happy and
nature looked happy and gay.
After the Wt cruet had been takes out of
the baskets they were stored away and all
climbed down the steep bunk or went b7
way of the terrible .taro to the water s
edge. The pier w1. Foca covered with
Chirac City people and every boat in sight
was filled. The fishing .sacks were turned
into pleasure yachts and those who west
oat on them had an excellent mil. Oa ose
of the yachts. which seemed to ride the
waves Ism easily than the others, • .umbar
of people felt a great dein to gam wto the
deep blue waters of the bike and make spas-
modic efforts to feed the fish. The trouble
with being sea ask is that embody around
Sema to sympathize with the .nfortu.ete
one* in the least. It seem bat • huge joke
to the net of the party ; we have the assur-
ance of them who have been through the ex-
perience that then's no fnn in it. It may
seem poetical to think of • person spending
his tial .imply raring into the beautiful
waters of the deep but there isn't much
poetry in the we
Outside the harbor the whir wee rather
rough for rowiog,bat within tbebreakwater
it ecoid Dot have been beater. 2.me of the
ardent apwt..tse of aur city might have
been seen early in the after.oee with tee -
loot fishing poles is their bande wending
their way to vriow parts of the.hore,where
they' spent to •ft.esoam r this quiet but
pianism sport Of .mans so person on an
amnion ever raises say Mit ; they don't
Ir for that pa For the benefit of our
readers we might explain that those citizens
who, were ..seed i long .tr'ap of
beauties hors tress the station last night
bought thorn at • Mare u the gravel town.
Tie Bataan.
The plsgmet eases wed whet raw
With whish Wise may ate the O4Yfrd•
Bgttid rash... Berth of F4ga, feeder a/ see-
diness, maim it titer 4.,.014. ,.mady. Te
gee the trout tad IpmmnLie.- tenth, leek lar
the tem, of Mei Oalife.eia F4 8yem Us.,
peened neer the bifem ef the poems.
Gandy s whales e ream beret that le
.spewed to woke OA pima
There w1. • celsbr•tion of Holy Commu-
nion at St. George's at 8 A. r. Sunday.
A mud turtle was put in the fo•mtaio o0
the South-west corner of the Square Mon-
F N. Lewie has erected • boat house
the spot the late P. O'Dea occupied for
many year's,
Pedestrian, are thankful for tee new
planks put down in front of Achesone re-
built store'.
Frogs in one fountain hod mud
another drew . large crowd
ren Tuesday.
Make up your mind to guy to tow. on
Dominion 11•y, and use how our boys can
play baseball.
Have you Veen those •'G,derich" letter
pads ! If not, call at this office and enquire.
You'll buy one sure.
The members of St. Peter'. had • bee
yesterday and hauled up • large quantity
of stone for the church.
The land apparently swallowed .11 the
roc fall Wednesday an ton was no per-
ceptible rise to the river by coon.
1f the water spouted by the Cupids on
the Square could be owned to the dried up
gram patches. it would be well utilized.
Herring are bieg caught in large numbers
by those who try it them with proper bait
and tackle ; perch are oleo easily ,aptured.
Captain J.o. McPherson haa tied up the
whoopee Craltenan for the enema, on ao-
oount of the low freight rates now ruling on
the Inks*.
Bar most be pretty plentiful, for it u
stated that one or more of our nutmeg have
lived on the pprroceeds of the bean catch
sins the day the .lose season boded.
It's • sure sign of Summer when E.
Lewis takes op residenoe on the Western
point of Ridewood Grove. As the gentle-
man and tamily are now ea the old location,
Summer is at hand.
It would be • blessing it our people
would keep their horses from mussing .t
�+p on
the streets. 'Tuesday a little
gjrl wee almost trampled on by an animal
that was running loose.
Having oouod • large Dumber of the
gentler sex trying to master a wheel, we
made *aiiurts of several persons, and it
appears that betwese misty sad seventy
ladies are learning to ride.
While the 28th band was .reading the
British Friday evening the water cart Mea
.long and was driven right through the
geek., .•stag a quirk ohmage of boss. A
movement of the kind my emit (tmay, at
certainly w1. not • proper ora.
turtles in
of child -
A weeiq Menet of Comely %ewe anon
.p 1. Sail ivsrybver -.nth and
roast t'Ippjied sed t's.dehsed
Frees livery •series.
EXETER : Electric light is being pat •
luso several of the new residences In town.
Loods•bory : Tramps ars exoeedugly
plentiful, only Six in two days ; not bad.
Exeter : Mr. Vale, of Exeter North, bas
• pear tree out to bloseom the mooed time.
Clinton : Meows Hunter A Scott, who
went to the old oountr) with cattle, ro-
tutued on Tuesday.
Clinton Henry Rea ford, emceed son of
.1. Bamford, has taken • pomtton in the Do-
minion Bank, `i.•lurth,
Clinton . On Tuesday morning E. T.
Holmes slipped from • bicycle hod dislowt-
ed the little finger of his right hand.
Brucetield : George Falb hes tented his
farm to Charles Aural, of Seaforth, for •
term of three yearn, .t •a annual rental of
Bruoefield : George Each bee sold his
trottueg mare to Mr. Vervwks for =.300
She will be *hipped to the old country next
Walton : Walton cheese factory meds a
sale of sixty boxes of new cheese to an In-
gersoll buyer. The prion received was 7!.
cents per pound.
Usborne : John Dew bee been sworn In as
postmaster of Hurood•le, the new pose
othos in Osborne. His son, Daysd Dew.
will be deputy postmaster,
Zurich : Rev. J. Sumpter, formerly pas-
tor of the Lutheran church here, but now
of Toledo, Ohio, paid sonic of his friends
here . dying you last week.
Rlyth : Much sympathy is felt for the
faintly of Richard Somers, who this week
have suffered so mad • bere•vewt in the
death of Eliza, eldest and beloved daughter,
at the early arts of 22 years,
Clinton : t'erhepe to prettiest tree to be
NOD to town is one on the lawn of G. 1).
Melee/gar, : tt is not • large tree, but ban
been beautifully trimmed, and is "round as
an apple."
The trustees and teaebers won suitable
There most Mire been nearly fifteen
besdred people on the asuman.
Gedert°h i. still s one pasture. The
town is improvise but there is yet plenty
of rem.
Whim the /1MlMi Imam am ani Maas
mad.rt•b t• fist alp au . _k _me% h►
beteg The hats
Illeft hr hers me a dale&
arrival/ ems at MOLL Tse.seal readi-
ed the Melia miff en beer ktdr.
Many • Stretford youth will rsme-&r
M years be sets bow he • Jame day
et 12Y6 en the ahem of balm Harm.
They were • tired sit of ehiliee that get
me the Haim., bat tb.e M wet •ter one of
Allen Seeger Mw
Ma ea eo.esful in ob-
taining his B. A. degree, owning out Bret
in the pen list. The meow. is the more
wredit•ble es Mr. Mager the post term
wrote on the eabjeots eent.i.d in two
years' papers. time oompletsg • four years'
maw in three goers.
Tuckeren,uh : Wednesday evening dur-
ing the rats •corm, h:. Ball, of h:xeter, lost
10 sheep by lightning These unfortunates
had run under a tree Dear the house for
shelter, but • sharp stroke killed them.
`calorth : John Forbes, who h.. been Le
Logan & Co.. bank hen for some time, will
shortly go to t;lentoro, Manitoba, when he
will manage • branch tor Logan A Co. Hs
place in the bank hen will be filled by W.
Holmsville : 'There took plaice, on Wed-
ae•dsy evening last, • i ery happy and
pleasing event. at the residence of Edward
Acheson. being the marriage of his nteoe,
Mise Eva Lindsay, to Will Elford, of this
aril lege.
%Vingham .. R. .1. Swan, who held the
position of head mammal) for Moen- Geo.
E. King A T. A Mills for the past few
Veers, left on Monday last to take the poli•
tion of head salesman tor H.11td.y & Co., of
brussels: Wednesday morning of this
week Cupid scored another victory in the
m..trimou•1 alliance of John Mullin, .
well-known young buaioees man of Brussels,
and Miss Lfv e H , the estimable daughter
ot the late W. R. Wilson.
Brussel.: Thursday afternoon of last
wpek • quiet wedding took place at the
home of A. Itawttuheimer, Norton Terrace,
Bruaseu, when Rev. (:. H. Cobbtedtok, B.
D., tied the hymeneal knot between W.
B. Avery and Mies Ren. B•wtiaheintw.
Wingh•m : Mies Frankie Benne, of
Winnipeg, .titer ot Mies L. Buchanan, of
this town,p•sesd with howors in the college at
that city recently, biking a tint class
owtifioste and a R A. This .peaks well of
Moe Byran's ability, she being only 18
years of age.
Egmoadville : A very quiet, pretty wed-
ding took place at 11.30 on Tuesday, June
181.b, at the residence of Mrs. VV m. Mc-
Murray, when her granddaughter, Mies
Margaret Sproat, and Alex. J. Smith, ot
Faseenden, Dakota, were united in mer-
rier by the Rev. Mr. Shaw.
Clinton : An event that had been antici-
pated for some time, and which is always
regarded am the most important and intw-
motlng in life, occurred at the residence of
Mn. Andre., Mary -.t, on Thursday, 20th
ins.., when her eldest d•aghtr. Millie, was
married to Benj. .1. Gibbon's.
Morris : John McArter, 5th Iia., had the
misfortune to lose the foal from his mare
this Spring. Shortly after John Alpo had
the misfortune to lose his mare which left a
1u•1 about • week old An arraagememeot
was made Weenie's the two parties by which
lir. MoArter'e man was to rear the mother-
less foal, and thus lar the experiment has
suoe.eded well.
Chutes , The heart ot this enure oom
meshy will go out in .myp•thy to Rev. A.
Stewart and wile, in the bereavement they
beim *offered by the lose of their eldest
so., at the age of 12 years. He bed been in
delicate health tic some time, sad it was
hearts that hie ailment would be fatal, but
Ise had been able to go around aa usual,
and was visiting at Ktppen when when
with the tllaer whish resulted in his death.
MIs parents being with him before be
Exeter : (3. Sunday which IWID young
am of Exeter North, were ie Yr. Kstle's
wood, just west of the village. they lotted
hidden is • hollow tree, flee snits of clothes,
with the exueptias of see ftarr of trotters.
They brought the obthes to Exeter, when
it we. identified es telengteg to l' A
MoI)enell, of Henell, and whioh bed been
able. freer Yr. Cesworth'a hotel is that
vinare ba the eight of the 7th. le the
evening • tramp returned tic his bewity.
only to dad it goes He they milled at Mr.
Kesel.a be sensate 11 his Andrea had
fetes ley alethim from • tree u the
weed.. W hen Yr. R. Wormed him that
the eslhon had bees band by arm.
meed Rm use, sed ahem there, Yr. '
tread wed leggd h dawn the wee.isu M
• NW* gats
..se of emlalel Ile.esten.
When le it M be! This question is dis-
turbing tat..l. of polit mase. 1. view .f
the maerbl dtm.tios is the osra. renal
policy of tat .sam1ry width would be in -
Indeed ie m ahem. of goommo t 't is •
.attar widen ...etra tat general pubtie.
Mambas the whew ora .f the p.pale.e
Or, raw • reined and the ..,.,t e
held ►d te the j...d Leek bis '
suffer the mdse. M deity the sae et .teen
epee to all .tad whish roman the tats
painful and ebetlm.t..rm le two &g..
Palmar, sun aMlmg .ors sura Pstmaey
Puska Oyu lstW.e.r.