HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-20, Page 8a TIN SIGNAL : ON T., TWIT!l6DAY, JUNE 20. 1885. NEW BOOKS! WE HAVE THEM ALL THE QUEEN OF LOVE, by 8. Baring Gould Paper. 75c. IN THE DAY OF BATTLE, by J. A Stewart " 75c. A DAI'UHTER OF THE 8014 by M. E. Frances " 75c. BEIDE THE BONNIE BRIAR BUSH, by Ian Melaren,Cloth, $1.25. MR. WITT'S WIDOW, bi Anthony. Hope Paper, 50e. Ston closes Sommer masths at 6 osMek. Telephone Exchange open till d o'clock, when mean' papers will be distribsWd. GEO. PORTER Bookseller &nil Importer of Fine Stationery. Ask your Druggist for �ANIIII Wonderful Tonic and emedy for LJ.iSI*RBId , Kidney and Liver Troubles. isserrw.s•es we J M. MacLEOD. GOODRICH. oeir NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our ownCorreapondent$. Them 1.Irtersaa,les erre slat tassel be reload Asywarre flee -mew. et one r eraty speHallr ••Mrien Der The segue BLUEVALE. Tr14.I,11, .lune I. las. I:obrrtsen has purchased as organ. Goss Lacky, of Brussels, spout Sunday in town. Mir Reid, of Wingbam, is visiting Mrs. A. Bruce. Fred Mc('racjts, of Krus.els, spent Sun- day in awe. Miss Annie Stow. has gone to (soden% tor the Summer. Siise Jlartone Abram is visiting her aunt Mrs. Slscl/osad. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Listowel, were in town last }today. Mlatt F.liiott, of N aw•nosh, was visiting at W. Duff's, last week. Bob. King and (:.o. M•odoneld .pent *sudsy in Molesworth. Mee Annie Lisklater, of ‘'S Michael, is noahing Mir Susie Collie. Mr. and Mir Mernton, of Kincardine, are visiting at Mr. E:rnngts. Wi11 Se of Wawaoosh, teacher, van- ed his /ei, Mies Mary Scott, last week. A pink between the Methodist and Presbyterian s. S. will take place on 22nd. Rev. A. 1. Hartley and Rey. Mr. Mac- kay. ot Lucknow, exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Miss Altos Gardio.r timilio M Wing - ham, i i1 - ham, Ms will dresielMe for Mise Charbt.ald Mr. • of Mussels, and CMAire lled Richardson wase visiting at Mn. e Burges' last week to point. 1 he bake seem to be all the rage and are m all probability come to stay. Miss Rase also .000mpesied them to visit relatives bere- 1)l.•rttu•r 14111T1 N4.. - Wawenti.h District (range lodge' bold its •snuel meeting at Itungenoon on Friday last, in the (rang. bell. A fair representation of the lodges in the dstrict weal present. After the general routine business was transacted it was unanimously dectded to celebrate the 206th &anniversary of the battle of the Boyce at Lucknow the ensuing 121b of July. V1.rroaa..-On Wednesday of last week our beautiful village, which is a great centre of attraction. was boomed with • visit from • gentleman student of Goderich Coll.1iate Institute, being soompaoi.d by • female principal of • public school not many miles distant from her. It was pleasing to notice how happily they ... ed to enjoy themselves. . Robert McM&th, ot W ingbam, was on • visit to the home- stead on Sabbath last .Squire H. Morrie. of Morridale, Colborne township, was in our village on Monday last, and was the guest of your humble scribe, when we had an enjoyable time in relating remin- ietisoss of away back in the seventies Harry is • practical young farmer, •ad, amongst other tbings in oounectiou with farming, etc., is quite an advocate ot Jersey cattle ss being profitable stock for dairying purposes, etc. A (:.u,u Scams.% --On Sabbath evening Iasi in accordance with previous •nnoanoe meat, Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Auburn sad :smith's HUI Malone, preached an excellent sermon from the words as contained an Jwbu•, 14th chapter and lith versa, holding forth Caleb, as sn exempts of pstrlotum, bravery and uo.elfahness The Rev. gentleman's discourse was very appropriate, and fraught with sentiment. of good advice as to brotherly love to one &mother and to all fellow citizens. He gave an excellent history of the order in its practical useful - nem as • society, and &leo commended it • highly for its noble deeds of love and sympathy The disoourse was riven with energy and pathos and was listened to with rapt attention. A large number of the One- Third off all Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Our Entire Stock of Trimmed Millinery, about 75 Hate and Bonnets, ranging in price from $1.00 to $6.00, will be offered at One -Third off Regular Prices FROM NOW TO JULY 1st. Our Millinery Stock is all New, bought for This Seasons Trade, trimmed by experi- enced Milliners, and marked cheaper than Millinery was ever offered at in Goderich before. Off Pnco is Now 1•3 Lass "Mandy," said Farmer Corntossel, as he set down s bucket of spring water and leaned against the door- post, " ain't the Goddess of Liberty a female ? " " Course." " ain't Queen Victoria a lady ? " "Certainly." !'Ain't all our warships called 'she' ? " "Invariably." " Ain't the ststoo of freedom in the f - --'--D gender ? " "It is." " Well, what do you 'mancipsted women want, aiy- how-the earth ? " " No, I don't want the earth. But I do want one of those Print Wrappers at ROBINSON'S, Corner of Square and West -Stmt." We also show a full range of Infants Muslin Bonnets at 15c., 35c., and 50c. .totr.ben ware ',resent as also were (aits a Mester Mackenzie Messer was badly amber of the 1. 0. F. from the diWerent kinked by • bon. in Wisgham last week. mites is this section 01 country. The in oonee.Iuesce he was at home for • towebnrch was well Rlt.d, there being a very days. Urge oonoreg_trea Fent. lturtch's sew sensation," a travelling circus. arrived in town on the 13th inst. I1 was very good, end was attended by • Mrs Dumber of people. UUNGANNON. Nonce_ The loess agrees in lumina_ en for TO t$uSi ini Al.At. is t.race. of J. O. Word n, J.P., conveyancer. &e.. wbo will receive et - dos for suhecriptlone, advertising and job week. sad le authorised to give recetpu tor st.11ald ter the mama T*s.,.tt.June 18. I tI % lawn Corm-, 1 iyaion court will be bald bete is tie usual plate on Friday the 21st. Pewit Master Elwin Pent load, of Irumbo, sad formerly of iyungannon, is visiting relatives here. IA /TO as to Hoer.. Benjamin Aeg■•time sad wife, who save been visiting relatives at Ingersoll, returned nom. last Friday, after having • pleasant trip. V 11.171 •. •. Kobr~ Lockhart, of Sault Ste. Mane, Mich., and formerly of West Wawa - nosh, is visittag rel&tiees here. Fie doing well in that part of our border= Istel+r...tu. -Ws, along with the sumer- ous friends of Mrs. B..1. Crawford, tenet te .tate that she s somewhat ill from the effects of having oo.ttaoted cold. 11 a hops .b. wiU have • speedy recovery. Rev iIAN el. H. (;dein, reeve of Ashfield, returned home trim Ottawa on Friday last, and reports having had s good tim., aim • good promise from the Government of pecuniary .esutence tow•rds further im- provements on fort Albert harbor. W Du.ut‘.. Bn.in. -One of the moat pop- ular young belies, Mrs Julia Pollard, of West W•wincele so dame Rumor puta is, ea Tuesday. the 18th Juank to be united is wedlock's bead. to • yosag ems whose [tone. is Mr. (;reaves, of the gams towaship. J.T. ACHESON. PORT ALBERT. Meineniv, .lune 1R Shim way sem Release hai bit.. .1... 111401111111111 is still very low. Massa *Us and Alio" Hawkins, of Le.dss, era g • two weeks' holiday at the home. David Johnson, who was elected elder i. 81. Andrew's church bre, was ordained to fist office last_ Sabbath. The I. O. (c. T lodge and the Y. P. S. C. E. purpose having • ptheriag is Mr. Quaid's of chard, Wednesday evening of this week. Quite • number of the residents bene tool[ in tb. pionio at the Point Farm ea Satur- day end report • good time. We hope tb•t some of the young mer of our village who go to picnics. w:Il oosduot themeless as be- come gentlemen hereafter. (;culdn't we aeord smother hundred dollars for the fitting tap of the picnic grounds, tor the hoist of the numerous Meek parties visiting hue *at enjoy fish- ing from the mew pier! Let,- Hsu.. MK M.latyre. of Detroit, wbo had been on • net to relatives hen sad swearing the fusses of the late Jades Trimble, • brother -is -law, left on Monday for home We wish the venerable lady • safe rotors to her family and friends. Cheese or Toss -Owing to the fall show beteg previously arranged to be held at Blyth es the 8Ib and 9th October, the directors of Ashfield .sd W aw•aoeh Agn- nglttlsl moiety, having decided apes the ganee date, have obeyed the date from the 8th sad 8th to 10th mid Ilth October. Pic%n (Is Saturday I•st quite • .551 - bit of the public mobools is this violasy were well represented at the rraneoai picnic hold at the Poise Fans. Menem A. Pentland did peed service is seeing as Jaime for 1►sttgssses public wheel oentmpst, sad deserves the taeake .f parsess amid obildt■s. Vert.rtAsrered. -1'b. .sitarist at ti. Lord% Supper all (D, V.► be diereised is Erskine shrub bits es sort Sabbath. Serv- ioe to eeobho-oe se the seal hem. Pre - Waggery scrods will he heti is Thursday, Mq,, 2 •t 8 e'.Mr. r. r., f� r by Rot. Mr. McKay. e! Vswv s.-aslis Poetised and wife..( JelleseaM we veiling raisers' W bots W. trswlai se ids Mk. fres. Cli- me hi- die O iii 1b. age le last mush rime LAID LOWLY BY FIRE great aaaat■ to Kangas City, Me nes 1•,-L tones gamotens e.mEsawd bare ysgtsrdag alternates and eenti ged ass tas O. Meseta fa lepu tris were adj. r were awayvelars. Half of Tottenham Village a'1 tea' O.T.• Jae 1a-B,eeeat heavy raise is welters Oklahoma lave eaumed Burned Down. the rivers to oveedlow. The NorthCane- Ras is overflowing the bottoms sad rapidly rising. Tbs Booth Chea- dle.* is a (aging torlest, and is potting the gold hunters to sash trouble. Two Imisers end a ashlar bearing despatches errs boos drowsed. seeilte Selp tram meigisb.rlsr rewao can gJ.ebes "weeatrg A."vet) sad ere awn* ramp tae r ugass Hs,va.i , Jar 1B -0•ptais�3eenlral r..id set M sleeard T1s Less libertines Campos is et Puerto Principe, welt frac. e.11) aworking ll Mrereb to are daily r` •' saved, .hewing teat the Iganrgeata are Tottenham. Ont., June 1R. -This vil- destroying sugar plantations and other lege has been to -day swept by a ter- proMt7 near Santiago de Cuba. The tint tittle bpart d the Bpe.sisb cavalry reia- le ere. About 3 o'clock this atter- lams tDts bate arrived noon a Are broke out In McKtnney'a foundry in the southwesterly part of the village, and as strong southwester- ! thetimetit.? EICMTY DUILDINCS DESTROYED 000ERICH TOWN8HIP.JuinMoen*r, Ju17. Per ver.-iAM was • rd hater day u Ibi history of fl Na 1, when tbe p sam pk-ale was held ia the beautiful grove s Mr. Blake. fans. Early u the moraiag it thr.stered ram and the children Streams serious, bat shoat as at 8 o'olook it clear- ed . sad the day wan that could be de- sired. At 2 o'clock tee gathering com- menced sad et supper r tires there weabout, 200 ratepayers and friends of the motion sat dews to the beautiful tables wbioh the g eed ladles of the section had •mph erpro- vided with evythie a that could tempt the appetite of the meet fastidious The .port consisted of swaging, hem -ball, tostksli sad demeise. The os pupils were gives madam Cr sod ess•des. About 9 o'clock the happy mthough seemiev loath to depart, tora bsh up and !nape Wera heard is rosrk thea whatever No. 1 mold give n the future, they bed been at oat of the best ll plosion ever he. AN ILLINOIS SENSATION. • W .f allies Ineneety ree.vM. •enieb r•M la • .rvelleme .a.. Nr A N • A. 1111sois, .1... 17 A very interest- ing gene of recovery free • oomplieated fermi hem • kidney trouble has taken p1aes hesad ds tae hils are eradsally Wag mode pub- lie. us lie. The sufferer was rads M. II. T. le, ms as whe for • beg tohbees • viten" to severe pun is all parts d the hilly. She .es.slted • somber .f dames lend was treated for • great vsslsIy .f ean"plal0M, the Emmons all pfe Ir•ly. Al length she doesesiinei to try Defiers Klima Pills. hawing read sad heard (mush of their .4i easy sad fogad her .zposysleis jewelled is • e. _..1_ etre. measeSeafertb A please ease e.�.lr■4 es Tuesday easing lest at the .asedemee of Mrs Clarke, (t.dsrtehm whim her slime daughter. Mem Mask wassidedsed is mart insert with I'wMaw with .1.pbs, ed sun Thee IliMphass. of alb. Qssl.lt had. w r as.M Three Mildewy Mh sad es HIl adar ap (bi. Ian Juts 18. -While it southwester- ly wind was blowing at sans Mss Seaford E. Gilles wife of a flames spread rapidly towards tit- east I.rmir living star 81 1i.b■rt• uusmiled num of ser .l1 Clain/en cast algat. ass and north. committed suicide is the sasses manner.Everything b Ing so dry. Ares started The children died simultaneously to dozens of places. so te ayrl• that while the fire engine was doing Makkah *cadres Ordered good work In one direction. scores cer Beyrout, June 18: Tb. British mar- places arplaces elsewhere were in flames, which Bron lying here has received orders to spread so rapidly that cktzene could proceed to Tripoli, the -ace to Syria. do little more than helplessly look on. DUNLOP. Albert, Richmond. Victoria and MITI. Mos uit', ,suns 17. streets east, were swept on bRh fades. together with a considerable portion co Queen -street s.•uth. About 50 building( were buried. lo - eluding the foundry. Mercer's store. Potter's block, Lyon's shop. Verney & Joseph Morns, Iasi week put up several hiss gates sixteen feet wide, so the binder wand have cleat course going into the fields lir pain o■ttsag Galt linden, of Detroit, who was the Co.'s furniture rooms, Sanford's drug Rest of Geo. Fraser, of the circular town store and the Methodist Church. The toes is estimated at il221.0011; amount of insurance not yet known. Allendale sent down • fire engine which did good work. A large number LEEBUHN- of Reston and Alliston Clasene came over with a quantity of hose. which wets badly needed. also some three hun- dred volunteers from the camp In Hee. ton came on a special train, and to their unsparing efforts may be attribute -1 the fact that even so much of the town was saved. last weak. was • transient visitor here rya kis bike, making the jouroey os the wheel is preference to the iron horse from Wild• gar. imam TEL Ta1t.LF.b WIVE •In 1•a. Jesse Fawcett .f mesmerise Took • •etrk .t Wbk*y. thew beitb.r•seb blew bet •b Praire. Brampton, Jute 19. -Last evening Jae. Fawcett. aged 61, iiviag in Jobnetreet, eat down on the edge a his bed and de- liberately shot himself. He aced • double- barrelled shot gun, to the trigger of which he hail •ttaehed • string with a loop, through which he put his foot, Maze. putting the muzzle to kis 111rsbtad, palled the trigger. The eharge lifted the entire top part of the bead and dashed it against, the headboard of the bedstead. which, with the adjoining wall, was bs.pattered with blood and braid. There was no- body in the house at the time, awl no- body heard the report of the gun. Mrs Fawcett, wbo had been is • •eighbor'e h oose, was the first to discover the awful deed. Fawcett was n . man wbo bad lived about the comity for 40 yeas sad was well knows in Peel and west York. He bad been newel. mod leek of employment, together with an alleged fisanrial dif- ficulty W m with late epk ers, made him Har an beer before be took his life he went labs a bar &ad took a glass o1 whisky, with the remark, -This is the best dr1.k 111 take in this county." •'why. Jim. are you going to eboot year ell r remarked an ssgislatenr.. Coroner Haggle, ..with Crews Attor- ney ItfeFaddes, wile had 1st attuned Orem the Port Credit ingest istastigat- d se the cerurrsasod decided as isauest easeesenary. Threw Rest.elf Dsdw • Trails. Saratoga, N.Y.. June 1g.-Aibert Weod- tb of Port Edward, aged 10 threw kane.1l is frost of the Montreal poi and was instead, ldllsi. DAIS alts Willies MWF bagambs Mpse.M Ram aswa, ibls- sem i sod Mks11bsem J 116 -A streak tewareed yeelleday. t thea w s Jain Bens gag and 111s■ Rem r awl fem Works rae.lvad- St. Jam" Ma.. Jar 111.-& qualm last Mab Wigs east of MembeiM Psis irrday. ft demellibad sivwal lose.. kWed sem hese el leve stat .Id illi EVERY DAY A BARGAIN DAY 1 Our MB. DOBIE has just returned from the East, where he has secured some special Bargains in } General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, &c., 300 Ladies' ample Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. ALL NEW GOODS, MONDAY. June 17. Mr. end Mn. Robe Foley,of Kingebndge, visaed hero this week. ,las Ltaklater attended the quarter ses- sions in the county town last week ea • jury- man. The tall Turd &od ethers of our residents were among the excursionists to the Model Farm at Guelph on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Chisholm were in Oederiob towr.kip last week attending the h.■ral of the late Alex. Macdougall. Mrs. Cass. Jefieesor, of Parry Sound, formerly Miss lo■sia Hillier, of (;odrich, dart.g last week visited among relatives Mrs. Tuesday of this week our townsmen. John Horton, rose as • del.gate from the i.41.0.T , No. 213 to attend the Grad Lodes of the I.O.O.T. that mets is Termi- te on W dne.dav of this week. A mammoth pcsto was held at the Point Farin on Saturday of last week. The crowd in numbers wonted over three t otssed Irene all parte of the County of Huron. Cecw it NorrsR-lemm■sits .ervin the first Sosday is July ; preparatory service Friday before it A congregational ...ting • week from seat Monday In the ahe.ete of the organist last Sunday Mine L Horton filled the duties. The opsiag meeting of Pitst.osetsl prayer meetings is God.rkk saw a down- pour of rain, which remelted bora That was • grand bee.gt to the oras here, fresh- en*g them up • Ute. Pease are the slily w that promise a fah Mars ; ether grail' grows shows as the pretest Mea poor pas - Melo of vi5)4 to pay the bashes/lass for lei. Mbit, Statute labor was the stir duras, last week; severe of the pattesater■ sear bare drew their gravel ap Irene tie Isleii at the timeline of K.t.ersri Raw, N. seems doing wed drawing ■p the double. The t.w.ebip fathers *aside% be ww.g Ib e ning a large gest t. Enke the hill se 'bet . ee isa mold draw a lend aloes, and is the bang no it would be a esamidel /Ms le the s.wwsbip m gage, gravel free. Wil'gbsmi 1JJ.. W. A.ymdi.md Waft 1 aii . tai' 9ifa�r"-lel .e•n *0+ Nasser • few leo op • Weems ass a theems4 miles fume Maw 0e.sleed a dee bill hum • .tare for .intoe er•1., beats kw tare deem ergs ends per dews. • D INTS ale. Me rearmed be the stars aid pesme.d t dee WI M smother .lark, but is had sy■fsai.r.ly hww rsi fere two M twelve idensensa aaiidd IM ammles MMus was 'eked MaElsa .wi ewe, the seisms did eat week. ' Prices hal Below Hair „cm. Call and investigate. Yours respectfully, DOBIE & CO., North Side Square, Goderich, - - P. O'Dea's Old Staid C.RUSHANE &CO. We don't keep $filtsw E We sell 'end. Spacial Lies Today GIRLS' SAILOR HATS from 23c. to 45c. GENTS' STRAW HATS from 43c. to $1.75. BATHING 81 ITS, an immense range, from 10c. to $3.00. C. R.SHANE &CO. (br. Montreal -St. sad Square. CLEABING-OIPI! S[JE of our pressen Stook ot PHAETONS, BUCCIES and CARTS. During the next two weeks we will give you the chance to purchase A Splendid New Phaeton for $100, worth $125. A New Top Bu for $65. A New Spindle "agon for $65. !t New Campbell Cart for $80. A Nice Low Phaeton for $E5. Two Gaod Second-hand Carta ft, $15 each. A flood Second-hand Bap for Thee Priom are AWAY DOWN t at we are in a hurry to sell to =she room for another line of Atnek. HIM 1UC1IO1 1100I8 HAMILTON -11T.. OODSA10111 LOOK .von . 'j"pto • . i i w' ." . • C. G `' ,..-Yew, WILL 'VI •v THE Fa9TteT t7A•AOd TNI: Goof; F'crle Co. to Cr int shit 39 YONgr ' ..TEL -7 383 sr. Pegg Mb %AO r0 voter/gos, n' „L• POT CATALooum G. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent. YOU N. ONT. THE THOROUGHBRED STALLION " ZAMOR" wUl he at oar stables, Htlltoa-et., d■Asg this seems. THOMAS GIINDRY. Tabs it shape -Take no other par Coughs mid Colds Gray's Red Syrup .i SpruceOum T==M= >aari E tial di A�� CI tDi La.�. nieb 1Msempeng tr A. '� �e ` 6a eat sea a h.r Mow Memo • Oar. rawreasilir