HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-20, Page 7THE RIGNAf.: CODLRI, ONT.e TRTTj1ADAY JUNE 20. 7 Coughing. CONSULTED CANADA. A ►,:tTEFL 1r MOTHER. For all the ailments of Throat and Luop there is no cure so quick and permanent as Scott's Bmu1sion of Cott -liver Oil. It is palatable, easy on the most deli- cate stomach and effective 7=1 ulsio stimulates the appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bro.chitis,and gives vital strength besides. it has no equal as nour- ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. Sear//er fawfAkrr. Bares Basallac14sr. swell • tha.a.. sel..iSs. AN Oregghb. Ila. a Si. CRISP AND CASUAL • lady athlete w to 'won the Entire award. Jame bad hat one newspaper ZS years ago. Now n nos 2,000. Out d 96 ssa-go•1afr retest, registered at Bordeau: ugly 22 ate of Fresob cooatrao- tien. Gl.aeow,w►icb owns 1u street ars,pri.ts riaeip�tnr�� texts ea the cheap tickets for i workmmn. I Maurice Boucher has finished bre tr.sda- tees into Fr.iu,.h of ell the suite of Sb.ke- 'ep••re'• work. The earn required to provide music for three swaths to the paras sad open spare of ,calors a. 86.500. Mtdie's oirealc Lag library in London has 3,500,000 book. arsetaatly w wrcul•ttes, .ad employs 178 people. Pow had • now prima donna are Mlle. La- farge*, who hos rsosst'v woo a brilliant saxes, as Ue.demuna to \'spoil'• " Othello," eit the Greed Open. The Rusin t:oveenstein has granted • oosoe exon to • Ruseisa company for taloa' seal., sea •-lanai., birds rad tiara in the Pacific t Mar and Polar `4s. Awarding to Ira. Koksls, then are 119 oavermue• is the world with 157,513 ata - dear Berlin. with 7.771 students, is the largest, and Urbino, with 74, the smallest Joseph Tlwitl, the railroad magwb of Vanua, who deed the other day, rah 51,- 000,000 to • society of that soy to be used In prea••cwtine setroesenibial observations. Leashes i.e. ...lies the real of deaths by .ervtioa in 1395 and tarry nsmbar 51, frets which at would appear that l dodos charity is too much takes up with the bee: hen. A telephone wire t. carried • mile .ad • half without support over Lake Walls. between Quinton and Merge. in the castes of St.. Galina Seitrerland. The wire e two millimeters in diameter. The rumor how.•• in the Vatican ger. deo., white) is Lee N111. 's favorite resident* during the bot mantas, is benne repaired sad fitted out .new. It to described a an lt.lun neweprper as • marvel of simple eh - gaper. There is no older hunting est.hlishweest is the world thee that et the Goodwood Hounds, which is sow about to be broker up by the fluke of Richmond oo seoowt rf its expense. The Hugo has been is till - trace since the asxteeath century. Smiling BILI Dratted on Sug- gestions From Ottawa. NO FAST NAIL SERVICE REPORT. D etentes is near • .mesad t. 1 earls a.d I s10h4Mb • messes e.s• I ore Tkas t;earsry le tM team ower Mese nes ocespv Cesma. louden, Jane 111.-i. the House til Com- mons today, Sir Edward Grey, fader Ferris', iSecretary, on Prig of lir. Sydney Buxton, Usd.r Co- lonial Secretary, answered the ones- twrs put by Mr. Thomas tiibeou Rowles in regard to the Brbwug Sea bill. 0l w hicb the latter gave notice ye.terduy. lir. ibwlee asked whither the t'auediau Gov - i ernmeut had concurred in the pros -Memo of the Governmeut's bill to regulate seal (lshiut iu Brining Syr, it, eccentrics with the teras of the Bebri,tg Sea treaty, •ud also waked to hate the rot - responder. on the subject, se bleb had pureed between the Hume tioverutaest a.J the Dominion Government entry 18118, laid arum the table 01 lbs House. Sir &tweed Grey sail that the Govern,- wont overnwont of Cauede was ewers that Legisla- tion ou tbr. .ubject ol .eslaug iu !Sebring Bea was necessary in the place of the law. about to expire, and taut the Do- minion tioveramsut had furnished the Home Govern.eut with a full expression of the ''anadiau views ea to the emend- n ruta which were desired. 'Chew views Led bre, carefully considered and the Government had eudeavored to put them all into effect in the present bill. Yr. James F. Howie. weueber for Mid - Tipperary, asked the Goverumeut to es- tastitb the report of the committee of the Metallic* Department respecting a last bias d subsidised mini steamers between the United Kingdom andllanada. Mr. Arnold Morley, Postmaster -Gener- al, said the deliberations of the commit- tee on the subject regnired considerable time, and promised there should be De unnecessary delay in the eubmissiou 01 their report. Sir William Harcourt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, aunouneed that the Govern- ment would take the entire time of the Honer for the remainder of the s.•aiom for purely tiovernmeut beeinees. liar Edward Grey, In reply to tier Ellie Ashmead Bartlett, said that the Government considered that Russia still abided by the agreement that In the event of Great Britain's ceasing to.oc- e upy Port Hamilton Russia should not aria•- the opportunity to occupy Corea* territory. Sir lddward Grey announced that Gee Government had decided to construct a railway to Uganda, Ceutral Africa, ani to establish a protectorate over the cow - try between Uganda and the coast. Ile asked the House to vote £3f,(J00 yearly to meet the expense of administering the protectorate. Jo.epb Chamberlain and A. .1. Rallonr. the leaden of the Liberal -Unionists and r•o0,ervatives respectively, congratulated the Government upon its decision Sir Charles Dilke declared that tbe pr.1i- :J as the Government is thi. resect was • fatal one. and be would uncia-iugly protest against it. The money grant w as adopted by • vote of 249 to 61. Ten yearn afro about 3,000 bicycles were asawlly produced in Eoglaa•1, during 1894 more than 60,000 machines were maaufec- tared there. A peer of the realm is at the premien moment an mutate of one of the in•iatuumse of the Churdh army, "He is • vierim of We laws of heredity, it to explained, •'aad oomplaitis that he wee never gives any de- finite work to do by his fatter. There ie a call tor American clocks at Singapore, amid • business house in that far aware city has offered to become the sole spat el es Assrioan clock firm. Some people ere constantly troubled with Manilas sed boils, specially about the face and neck. The best remedy is • themes, aarm. of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which expels •11 humors through the proper channels. and so maks the akin become soft, healthy, aid fair. Under the Belgian law tu.snarried mea over tw.sty-five have one vote, married Me .ad widowers with families have two vols, and prisms and other parsons of posi- tion and sdneseio• have three votes. Severe penalties are Imposed upon those who rail to vote. Byres sod a great deal of heir dramis., but was very potholer to 1►a.e only tG best to bre found is the market It Ayer's Hair Vigor had hems oboiieble tbee,do.bt- les be would love tested its merits, ae s many distinguished and fashionable pimple are doing now -•-days. Mims Ansetror-An you mutual, Profs§ nor Bison ' Professor Bieeon-Ys ; but 1t won gotten to play .uytit sig &Net s'." my tail tag.. -.Ming Cassie. New woman, i• her Mare el use, Despite Mr saws of roan, Sh hes .hese& by imp= in:For b s ScrssNe w gear old -New Y It.oc • or Lite the Touch of Magic %sptfats Itehisgs d the Skis Allayed by {chase's ()hat t -Tb. nes gained Skin flpuift- h is only • firer mosthe ream Dr. Chasse •masa all ether Is, i1rs ea M as its ftehing ' peeIle eerie Wive Dr. Chesm:ab l/rew . T' RgLATIfie HOW HER HA1't;HTK11.'4 LIFE WA8 8.41V ED •1X.br• •rep oeNO.1. DLe11JTT MAO ii OCutrT NM TO TNC %amus or TNS blear&-PHY$II'Ski NaLD or? No NOrz or abs'rsav - ti. wlw•De' rink MIX/ .MAIM mors • lira aria. Prom the Warm rtes Praia• A personal paragraph as the Free Prose soots los.. ow.. Empty •latlag that Hue Sophie Helm., er, 428 Cooper s' feet, Ottawa, had recovery., bow a .eiN.W Wrote caused by aaa-.ur and resort debility, bee spier cooly soaks ed r,u. s t bas weal eters•, and Weser, ricer her relattsee and w qu•iat.aoes. S.. much so, nedeeed, t hat • re porter of t1,e paper found N extremely in tere•tme to visit the t..uily end rwjoy • Wet with lite. itslae"n o• the nowt/try of her datteht.r alter die had for two years Nes ekes der.A sheen. rrahly • sootiest of flys tenthly anervatLut end dsegerous die saw. Mr.. lirfsugrr ass a test intelhgeDt Preach Cradles, stile of J.-rph ileleager, whom, war, icier •Def riot aid glass esteblubmrnt is at 146 Rink street. Blois Sophie Belanger, the 'shalom ia- va1id, vascollatiog hots sea ,heath sad life, u • proem's. lou.g lady of seventies, Veneta Wim. . Some Toronto . .300900110-5 l:urhester . . . . .000200011 -4 At Buffalo : Buffalo . . 022021025-14 21 0 Syracuse . . 02110110000- 2 9 s Heru400. Urquhart ; Day. Hes. tin- pire- Sutler. At Wilke. -Barre.: Wilke. -Barre _. 011100030-6 10 0 Providence .• . 010000901 -2 7 3 Betts and Wenn.; Hodson, McAuley. Umpire-Dor:her. At 8rranton . Scranton .. .. .. . 200110001-5 13 2 Springfield .. ... 201000000-3 12 3 Johnson, !Logen ; Gruber. Leahy. Um- pires -Hurst and Gaffney. error Argus Stomata - At Breton: Chicago . . • . 000200000 2 9 3 Boston 102011000--5 6 0 Griffith, Kittredge; Nichols, Gannet At Brooklyn: St. Louis . 020200040- R 12 2 Brooklyn 107060000-13 13 3 Kiwnger, Peitz; [lambert, McDougall, Grim. At New York: New York . . 001000020-8 9 6 Cleveland . 003000230- it 13 1 German, Wilson; Young, Zimmer. At ilaltimore: Pittsburg . . , . 000001004-5 16 1 Baltimore . . 100000000-1 Z 0 Killen. Kiosk, . {..per, Clarke. At Waahiegt• Wastingtou . . . 010-1 t'ine.unati . . 320 - Anderson. . r; 1:bins, Merritt. Game Ball. . •.o . ;;rounds. At Phil •Ip' Ph: .delp.. n -l. :1k. Wet grounds. Tat .. Valkyrie. a*ow. Jul 13. -Lord DDursven's raciug ya •sl:yrle III., still lies ' act Laportbts, t *rock, where .Ile is receirioe her . ('aptain Cranfield et I Sycamore etc ' cotally snperintend- ,g for work. TL' c- .e ranted i1. c(eto Netts( the y=al• her riargi..g and trying .11 11hFirsel:.rs parts. They won engaged in Mesh: i ..1 koisti•'g M r top- coat yesterday, • operation was re- peated many Om,- ate new Lout's ate oow lying .- loft at G•,nnrk, ready to be ban' :ant the m- nigiug part er 1e the r; ,aportbm. • '.rock breach. professes • awnof t1 men- arement. The fii ,rial of the boat ender mail has b a d. initely 1 :d kir Saturday, prorid g t to weal sr is .titabh. .Sh, ler on u ,-eek like car dying. years. Sim is • student under the Hues is St. Joan 1:•pti•te school on Primrose Hill. Over two )tem ego •he fell swot and rapidly wasted •way. '1't.. nature of her deseaae appeared so be • prulonnd mystery to the phreiciw as they were celled nn one alter lbs other. Despair seized the family as w ry looked opus tA.e uice beautiful spiral- ed girl, Naar day in and der out, weeks and morns on her mewls. .amply slowly vs.t.Mug and they powerless even to raiw • smile to her wee lip.. Each woosed1R smith Oki ern gravely told the permits te n'epare for the. wont However, Mrs. Belawer ispot one of these weans who give up ined spair while there is still hope, as/ her own words will demote. 'It was • terrible tine,' We said. We had been told seam .sol again that nothing, could be done to eve 4s.pbie, aid had al most been fumed by appearenors to believe at. I bare now to my oboe t,ut for 1)r. Wilhams' Pmt Pelle like would have been an her gave instead of attending eohool every day the liveliest of the Iiveiy. 1t hewn like this: the poor girl wr coming to me three or four times • day exclaiming, 'Oh, ma ; 1 have .etch • tervnble heed.bbe. 1 menet stead the pain of tt.' This west on her a lour time, weskit to iwot, natal we ar- gon to look .t it in • very enols light We had almost emery Preach doctor in the oity celled in, but with n.. result. Sophie got were. and worse. Her face was small and yellow while her lope wee as white as your collar. She was listless and afathate. •red so weak she orouht not noes her hand to bar head. A leading doctor forced bar to take • oert.iu kind et powders, which ammed To be taking the flesh from her boor. Her skin became hot and perched, her even rook pito her head end .he lay o0 the rook as one .lead, taking no interest whatever in thio". Rom? on about her. 1 hen it was we tra.no confirmed in the popular hehrf that she was going to die. 1t was agomizing to look at her, but we became part.•Ily r' -angled to the 1.m tbat a peer.d to be overtaking e. She was watched day and night. but we ootid dlsonver •o chane unless for the worms. Ail hope had gone. I bad read of the cures by the rtes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and about this time 1 noticed a description published in the Free Pres somewhat smiler to Sophies osww. Something urged no to give them • trial. sad sow 1 thank God 1 dd. 1 sept for some and begun givi.g thou' to her one at m time, Before long we saw an len- pavement, sod grad wily increase' the dose from one to two awl then to Three at angular interests. It was incredible to hot* the *Wogs Her color came back, • different look in her eves, her general health and appaloosas gave it. .11 interest in her. Before the fourth bor war nose Sophie wee ask to be up sad around again, and • further use of them tally restored bar health, or rather seatobed her from the brisk of the grave. To. 1)r. W tdisms' Phi Pills is dew all the credit, for we had stepped deofors medians. and simply gave beg Mew, toUowher the directions around the box. My dangltter's lite was saved by Pak Pills .ad no ase knows better than heir soother. I wish to t.11 .veryose of the ears, as its almast iseposible to believe that the poor thisig that ley titer., and the happy rowgirl who goes regularly he her deems are ups and the naps person i• sash a eiervellesely obese spans of ties, soh yes may be es/. I am ad m.dic1.ulint s iibMn to w this wonderful het se ab.woe Itemise, Miss Believer rebated frets school. She was the philtre of Rao.. health mid beauty, her lithe phyngne dmmother health is every eo,s.wst. while her face showed the warm, Teddy glow .f health. She corroborated all her mother had mid besides •ddisg some pew bnilmsey- Hepring now .1214.111 is that hems whore misery held sway tee hag. sad Mea Defamer testa ber faith in Dr. WWlien e Pink Pills, which will do for slier feast .sol .IIise Orb what they did bre dhsl(bthr. PAIT T.1r NW TN: rams yaw laud. b i, Liar Southampton, Jun. • -The hearse• ehlp m. Louts cam •1 her voyage sorrow the Atlantic arriving at Sonthamptnn at 1,40 ick this morn- ing. Her time from -.ew Tork to Southampton wee 7 e! . a 3 hours and N roti;titre, which wet .aade at the s1• meet uniform speed of knots an hoer. The ship's rtlgners In the mnder•se seas encountered and the as easiaaN absence of vibration from her r11.�s pry were subjects of .Antlratton. (creat enthusiasm was manlfeeted at a mt•.t- bit of the passengers. held en Tuesday evening. and provided over by RlieJallem Punncefote over the sternest r ealtis of the first rrratkrn of a new Americas m.rrhant marine. (:apt. Rtg.db be - Neves that when tie et. Ulla hes town prepared her bsr bit MeltMirk apse& later lis Wal anea.ttflsa r'a stabs MAIL T.LS I. New •t. .:1r DELICIOUS MAZAWATTH TEAS, 15,000,000 Packets MI Inuit It Out .(ttW he Tea of the Old Country, II I LB. IID 8 LB. LIMO PEKES 1T 40, 60, LID 60 CEITS PEI LB. SOLI) BY - e. A. NAIRN, H. E. SNELL, ' STURDY BROS. IRBIST Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. Sw they are gladness thee: 1411111111110. PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 111114. No. 20110. NONE ARE OENUINL UNLESS 110 STAMPED. Mita or moron, casemate or town. rem - ripe, on Mnaday night. They find two volleys, bat were drives tiff by 9paaisb troops. Melt rallies far Me weeps. atpewSantiago, de Cab.. Jur 18.-0... Cam- pew has raked for additional troop to suppress this urw uprising in Puerta Principe. INazratfty ■ ne ■ahesst••a. Washington. June 13. -The 8reretary e1 `(tatr bias sent lorm•l commanicatf.ar to the Attorney General and Secretaries of fbe Trnasury and the Navy, directing them to take all ncerwry stem to •'- force the neutrality Owe in new of the increased activity of the insurrectionists iu Puha and their sysepatai.•rs is this rouatry. oMllts'a rretmtseas mesas a Semler Caves reels, (hills, Feb. 10th, 1894. EDM ANSON, BATES & Co., Gentlemen, About three or four weeks ago 1 had an attack .4 Itching Ih1ee. 1 treed two or three different remedies recommended by deur/vets se "the beet and only cur.,' etc , etc.. het got no relief. Ahem' the time 1 was he. trnoiou to despair of finding any relied, with some slight misgivings 1 bought a hoe of your pile cure, which 1 am pleased to my gave me tamest umlaut relief and permanent cure. 1 consider your t)uat meat• ,red -.cod. ALR..1. DEAN. saroly rommeiee l to yosriey towards the coast to emb..rk for Jamaica whoa be fel; jut. en ambuscade and was trearb- rrously killed. virtually maamered, with almost hie entire staff. by Col. Saudi- val's troops, which were six to our. 11e was a marts -r like Crombet to, the cause, but they were brave bay., noble !cries. & fed if i leve I 'hall avenge tlrm both when eve triumph. Neither of Item died in vain nod though myself. Harm Masa. Guerra awl other* equally beaker, may fall. the cause ret liberty will not lack its Bolivar. its Washington. its 8..0 Mar- tin. The of;tlrwok • too bright fo.r that Alnndy the pr -{cine, of Puerto, Santa Spi;itu• and Doti.:•n Clara are reeprudnag n obly. Betoret two years we will enter Havana in trltmpb. the republic will be an atom;shish-d .' ,r• and the. people .4 Cahn. grateful to liurti for Living his 01. • ud ls.bor to the cause of liberty, w ill erect a moname•t to his memory. ' " The report that Hayti an. a.r:ath•ig s ia also metrue i declined President Hippoiyte's indirect. but c.ourte.ue. over- tures. The repos that the Steuart.' Oil Company is mw.ati..r us 1w :. rana'd. Campos' .tt.empt t prevent the upris- ing in Camaguey Ish:•.1. Even Mereno Garcia is about to repudiate hie neutrali- ty. owing to Campos' .lownees in giving the promised reforms Comma mutt upon acknowledge his onions and return to Spain shown ret his former prestige. Ile attempted fro touch." t.areges(s AeM4.4. Havana, J ane 12 -Two insurgent bands. nnmberin[} re) mea. under the comm:, of rouses tient and Agrumont, entered the cow 1a .1 WM. T./Ir1Qe. UMW hens• Vw• /gssgssee N erten 1.sssbit Naw 'York. Jew 12.-A special Irons ••seas, N.Pw says: Advisee received been from Olba, yesterday, dated Las Tunas, MeV SA. say that • saddles increase la the etreagtb of the rebel movement wee apparent r Brdgaha. Puerto Principe .sol Saida aerie. at Gass's ap- Nvte►, sed ■ t i great Dare among the Gods wee stews 1■ air as Mosstaisp, war AadTSS, low y. ago. hue,• ZfWte recovered from his wooed' m- ill 4. ble loft therm' .t Dor Mos. The eorrespnedrot Mend Gomez see- remsded by hie stew std 1500 to WO*, WPM Ho appeared tad ted ea rowers. Tenet stood is his eyes whom Marti were ewtlw.ed, Ele said: "11 Marti had re- mell ed wSab mat he tight he alive to- i day, but the i t wseb 44 the rmvesutient dem•.dsd hie seas .hr..& Se bad CATARRH OF THE HEAD .. OF THE EARS • . OF THE KIDNEYS .. OF THE STOMACH . , BRONGIIIAL CURED ass SCOTT'S SARSAPARILLA trot' a sTstaa s1 iIJlClaw'% IMC. is rased mess t'ellasa' .alrpW and Comet -Mays Kiowe, I.T., June 13. -The residence Henry Thompson was struck by light- ning last night, and J. R. Jones. Mrs. Henry Thompson, Miss Lelia Collins sad Mies Ella Ward, who were practising church music, were knocked stateless. One end of the building was torn out and the clothing .1 s11 the persons iu tbe room, together with the furniture, caught fire, and but for the entrance of neigh- bors ail would have been eremat.d. Mr. Jots sal Mrs. Meunier were playing on a violin and a guitar. re.pect- ivels, and the fingers which touched the strings were burned to the boot. Mies Collioi • hairpins end corset stays were fumed, and her bead, Jere and body were terribly burned, tlae curreut pawing down the left aide, tearing her shoe to shreds and paralyzing ber left leg. 0s. of Mrs. Tbowpeou's oboes was torn from her loot. and the is paralysed. Mies Ward escaped .. ith slight bruises. rievelesed 004.'4 risk asaday, Wilmington, Delo, June 14. -Tuesday -tight, in a lecture at ,lover. Rev, I)r. Merritt Hulburd of this city having referred to the statement In a Washing - :on despatch that President Cleveland spent last Sunday fishing, the editor of The Dover Index telegraphed Secre- tary Thurber. who replied: "In answer to your telegram. i beg to state that if Rev. Dr. Hulburd sold that the Pre..l- Sent was fishing on Sunday he told an absolute falsehood." You may relieve ;; ths be"alleUelo Mem, but .11 tba esa8u /owd^w. always. sale ani bailsman n earth went cure eater i4. beers eareap•rina wltl, tome it ads e.ee- .Gtstle sang with pane lobed. vet WM eery MO if the system, esareht g amt As feast f4 .. Ji.*- ue.ouwlsslom, rmmoApPta+mnmmm floor bmtef- The S 1000. & is Ibeafesupatal rsi h► W ae.� YSMep� mar1A�e attain Baos., betel% • I 01,4 kPmverbs but don't try to patch up a lingerie, oa1gb or cold by trying impertinental remedies. Take PYNY - PECTORAL .ad relief is certain to follow. Cure. Oa mist ablaut* coughs. cold., sots throats, In fact e.ery form of throm lung or bronchial inflammation on. deed by nolo. Large notue. 28 Gate 35CAS11 PRIZE35 ler n1yMolle Cresol ems Is. A good story is told of a judge who lonely had the hypnotic plea raised before him by • burglar. The purer clamed that he did Dot know he was •burcltog' . that be did at automat ally and uoc.•o•caotule, soder the direction of • hypnotist. The judge said he would gt.• him the full best, It of the law ..d also hu hvpoots. ms - fortune. He thereupon sentenced the ma* to tea years In prier, but told bin he could, If he chose, send for the hypautiwt and have himself made wuoosciour for the entire term of his tmpr soament. ' The same power,' said the judge, ' which enabled you to commit burvfav and not know it ought also to enable you to suffer imprisonment with hard labor and not be ware of it. At say rate tram is the beet 1 or do for you.' 1 evert. and ebe .Ascoli. Neglect cold in the head and you will morels/ have catarrh. Neglect nasal es- tate -eh and you 5111 as surely ioduse pul- mui ary diseases or catairh is, the stom- ach with its disgusting atteulait., foul Wreath, hawking, spitting, blowing, 3e. litt.p it all by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, 25 vests a box cures. OODtRJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA Lp Pseseseert. Carper & afar#, manufacturer al ell kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pane, Sheet Ira. Works, etc., etc.. And Healer Ia- F.egans, M.cbin.ry Costings, 11.., Piper and Pipe Fithsgw, all Braes Goods, Valves, Gauges, Eta All Ceastaatly oo Hand at Lowest Inc... 10. followtag 8eooaa toad Boden mid Mach- inery for sale: - One 45 H. P. Boiler sad Fogies. 40 " Slide Valve Engine. ,. 35 " Tubular Boiler, complete. " 14 " 4 " 6 " Fire -box Boiler sad E:ngise,os rebook. Repatrlag promptly att.adod is A. S. CERTST.sL. 3N -iy P. 0. Box N. Ooderleh. oat. Works-Oppsite 0. T. 1L Stollen. Oodrrieb 1st prize, 825, 2nd, 1116: 3rd, 1110 , 4th, 35 ; 6th, 112 ; 10 prizes of 111 each ; 20 prizes of 60c. each. The Proprietors of 3ada CeyionT NEW BAKERY I`- G�ODERICH. JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton -at. in Barrie.'a old stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of good Bawd, Cakes and Pastry of best make. Large Loaves at 10 eta., and small Loaves at 5c. No combination ; aro extortion; lint everything to +suit the times mud the po&lhete of the people. if you want Good Bread and Cheap Bread leave your orders at the New Bakery, on Hamilton Street. Welding Cakes a Specialty. Bread delivered to all parte of the town. - offer to school children the elem. _ prizes, oomp.titioe open until 1st of May. for the best peens rte -- rhyme, the initial letter of the -Rags Maas downwards to cam p.m! 10 w!wi►- JOHN A. GRIP. TENTS! CAVEATS. TgsSE RAW ARD COMBATS Obtained. and •11 beeiaes. In the(, te. Patent Moe attended to at .VODZR.ATC PKia. Our oleos is oppeslts the t'. ft. Potent (M- I4.e, and w, ,an ahem■ Parents is les rime loan three •emote from WABdXNOTON. Seed 140p�1) L OR DRAWING. rgsWe ad- vise make CHI patentability fres UNLESS wit ere maks °S- TALK PATENT. W f r bit•, to tie Postmaster, the So NI Mism brier Div., sod to .d.We of the U. ., 1?btest Oflee For rtroaiar, advlee terms eel reinvests to segued *Neste to yews yam 4eate Or Coast,. write t. C • exam A rip.. ')pooch• Term (leloo.WWa.tieet 914. 1) 1 7-1f Salat1 Ce IonTeas Y watt of the abtW's ewe .c the same. agm. watt aAdpa�. eljE M M .�p.nded re pia *aid wt r/ • psekaga d -els- - th. pe.fn iso srpseted lobe tf s ! 0R TWENTY-FIVE YEARS allesRNs Amadeu A,assy ler PATENTS MON P T N rN10NT .te. 1hw .arareemlton eel l>ma lDW 0to 5 NrA� a t 9g DNO♦DwAy, fete TTTusg. 141110e Int patents la A easel.. ear. rr.ist twhe• ow rr M N b resebs ,Won, me Vat lie L. • uM lea sieve free of shame ` the rienti tic Nntrriran ► • • .a r-r•.Ltt.wi Mee ..$!mase ble an IN sy�aeeweeir ..h..'4 bs wotb.,um n. yr.NlrFa• Pt'Y.ta�anen boss.:. .'. i,:-:. • "Aiwa" Cellos fiL 111-- SSA1PpJ. 1111011 00*? lwe.ski bellow eioMrlM. rea'wa int JAS. We.rot/, Oedrrinh. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND flm''11laglare lOt mmaIn mew..WNRT {alts 111 CAIrwaa.