The Signal, 1895-6-20, Page 6t
A. L. .'.
Result of a
Neglected Cold.
White Doctors Tailed to Help,
•• 1 ••ontraelyd a severe Sold, a Lich • HI led
on fey lungs, snot 1 did 011.11 o. •.I(.• , doer'
to such rages, neglected it lbluktng It would
go sway as it came; bei 1 f.•• e' ,her a
little while, that the shgbr.-; ea. roost
pained use. 1 tit.,.
Consulted a Doctor
who (.wind. nn examining my lungs, that t1e
toper part of the left one 000 badly aficcted.
Re gave me some medicine whish 1 talk as
dlreeted, but it did not seem to do any good.
Fortunately. 1 happened to read In Ayer's
Almoner, of the effect that Ayer's /'Merry
reo•lnr.l had on others, and 1 determined to
give n a trial After laking a few doers my
[rookie was reit.•veil. and hero, 1 had So-
Ishrd tis• (..,tile I wan eared "'-A. tot,Laa,
watehm.t.ri, Orongevllk, Out.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Awards at world's Pair.
I1isr'a Pt�fe Care J0[dpestims.
The red ka the west saesthe maim" op is tis deep gloom M
west grays when the mums W. wing up
Mapped to his Medium walk,
ibarply bolero • tigers width euddesly •p
belure bid 1b• tall, lite. Yee
too, with her overeat erase mod sweet
.else. Mies Iham wee 96 yern
Mir them 1104 dieooyerad the soil of Mr.
Taylor's fee1op toward her swede ago.
Tow .elf-a.n.e 9b years, though, also
...eked to opts Mos lltokem h•.remarkable
a arkable
degree of self poseeastoe and
eddy, wistfully to hereell may (toss
utile When she saw mwdecllaaruv Intl
y had
hurt Wan, all the 1.w
that the we who had faced the must not
Indira* a One stew, who hod wood lost(
..d vel►•atly ►o some of the deepest um -
%roomette which had vexed the oaurt• for
years, most be Weight to Dome to her o
opals, holiest bravery before he should have
a nisi of her willingoess to stake tom the
happiest mw in tis world. So this 'vacuole
.h. merely .wiled at him, so sweetly yet sit
wittily, mud held out bac cool, dustily
gloved fingers eo amorally that the poor
maw 1e11 all the more patslully the tact that
his face was floating traitorously nod that
Me voice could not be trusted. He hated
nttferlf for his weekeesr-bo who hoot u... er
two.. afraid of anything os .arab unto he
had met this open brows((, clear-eyed tiring
lit pemuw•u, acid his pride knew ut, sew=
before the realtrotieo that lin always .o -
peered at bit worst *atm with iter
recently H•, woo Id gine 10 yee-s nt
his life if he could meat Lot again out
tore Ley, equal footing as when be had
*inn knows. her It was only • year ago
:ham one had odine w F 1een,auvu.e, sue and
the tiny widow mother, .nd then he had
talked and walked, read sod sung with her
in open comfort. But it was .11 changed
now, suite he had weed to look upon her
merely as • beebtiful, interesting wotnao
who was well read, well bred and well
under ber own control. Mo poor Mr.
Taylor simply turned and walked back be
side hereto she talked o0 of his hopes for
the morrow, and the only time that he vas
tured to glaooe sideways at her his heart
fell like lead within him as he law only
quiet interest in her sweet, calm fa -e.
In spite of his •wkwardnees he was sorry
she. they at last reached her gate and she
'May 1 be so selfish as to ask you to let
me know tomorrow eve•iog how matters
stand with you : I shall be very .belcha
for the results.'
Mr. Taylor looked up quickly, boldly and
evidently unexpectedly, for be caught •
pink flush of eager, almost toad concern o0
the brow of hi. companion. It gave him •
courage he had never felt belors, and he
looked her furl, in the eyes as he asked :
'Will you really care so much •'
For the tint time .:nos he knew her, Miss
1►ixvo'* eyes fell before his steady gale and
her voice woe str.tigelr low and timid as
she answered
'les, it will mew much to me. Am 1
selfish to ask you to come to tell me, eyeo
if it a ever so late''
It may be after midnight,' went on Mr.
Taylor, determined to hold his power oow
that ho pommeled it.
'Nevertheless 1 wish you would come -I
shall not be able to sleep till I know the
the �/s�.�� Warm.
ewe a gimps. .1 . y.o .-w•' s balm girl
had tiled me r twywelM weeds M glal-
The View. of atmos
We look to days that yet skid he
The hotter days for mw, -- ---
Though such we may cot live teem,
We'll speed them all we can
let we'll glaoe backward on our way
Aod memory'• woes behold.
Recall the players in the play,
Of the dear days of old.
The golden age is not behind,
We know 0 hes before
But still we'll turn with wtlliog:mind
To happy days of yore ;
We'll love our children with a love
That never can grow cold,
let not forget those now above.
(lir *tree and friends of old.
'Ts on the poet fields have been fought
And g!oriouely woo,
And living speech and loving thought
Their mighty work hale done ;
'Ts well (or us to glace behind,
And to our hems infold
The pure and true in soul and mind
I if the .fear days of old.
-Chicago Keord
without. round Wroogly of the rdt.wioaa
11.•►d.o. Mr. 1'st 1.0 was sort • bol, .sd
should Moe leewmbereol 1110 age lm • pees(
of sarlae b.m.ell. o.'. her 44.61 rela•mbr
rt : he forgot all Put . be white Wei wows
moos, 00.1 14 lir. empower be even lifted
We heal .leer• the wt.dow sill.
At tint he o.u•de 1 see what site was ele-
lag, hot grade.11• as he haimium a•otfestomed
tot 110 he t,.ved • un.ceuu0(4bi• .its
which the sill*( of ber t...i brought to bis
eyes hod molted •wmv. he felt his heart rise
is • weal, rtrauge hope, w loch bed had 0•t
Men are emit that 01001 Iwt krill ohm she
bed e.4 11 .. • out. a M. nor with the rimy d
hos eu.sw.a For • he owns, mike ed hiss
Diem with the usually p1a.;1.( me, was ery•
loll ury►eg eoft.y, buprte.ely, there sod
slew, like • weary ahold who sole on in •a
unsatisfied w.y without soy peotmes of the
esd of pea. She woo holding .c.nssthl0R.
too- a tiny i1fle prow. lest her book --sad
Mr. 'Taylor's he.,rt gave a new throb Y
he r•oosuir.•d it as the ml7 gift he had
ever had the oosiage to offer her. As he
watobe.l ber be .lowly lifted her round
shapely mina above her heed, then sunk ea
her hoses bel is the talls and actually
preened her has to Ow battered brnwo cov-
er, while the wi. ie 010.1 shoulder. shook In
• hungry, daepa'r+ua w.y, which went to
his pert son'. I:radually 1110 w hole matter
bstsme clear W hiss, mad his eyes shone
with his new discovery. A courage which
appalled bon one to him Own slid there.
and • moment leter he hood above her,
while she, all auoon eetous, knelt above her
poor little relic of bygone days. when the
lamplight f-11 softly un her hair and touched
the pink finger rive. elaaped desperatNy
over her little treasury.
Meow • she Lree■ Lane.
Sown the green awe the is teeming,
Alarms, graceful and (err
The blue of the skies
Within her bright eyes
The midnight within her dark hair :
0, Alamo' machree, the sweet aivht of
A leap of the heart it gweth to me'
I Down the green land she s coming,
Alone. with • voice like • bird
The mane IS still,
The river and rill
Such music they never have heard ;
(►,Alann•, machree, the sweet voice of
• leap of the heart at viveth to me '
• Enid ' at Ise' ventured Mr. Taylef, lay.
tog hu hand geent Iv en her pretty &boulder,.
The Oohs stolpp.l, and slowly, dazedly,
she turned tower him the tear -wet eyes.
He said no. him, as he took her c•,ld hand.
sod tenderly lifted her to him, tut he Dever
after that was &tr•id of her, for her tape
•horse with • marvellous gladness as she
whispered :
• Why were t Vail keys! I've boss so
lonesome.' -=aches/.•
,111Sagrialt= gag
Mil soca
West street BAKER,
MAST 0a111aatatlCi
• ,eemeel 41011then That he C.ed Weald
Berlin, June 14. -The National
tung says: The maJority of tike Federal
governments have sent their replies
to the enquiry of the Imperial Bovero-
ment In regard to the expediency of
summoning an International Confer-
ence on the currency question. Some of
the Federal (toveenments oppose the
project unqualifiedly, and others. while
they do not Imply direct oppoSitlon. ex-
press doubt as to its reselblltty. None
of them expre•• a desire to have the
Conference- called. and generally toss
replier Indicate a conviction that such
o movement would not be productive of
positive 811111*
Mr. Taylor never koew quite how he left
her. Always afterwards there was • de-
licious confusion of tear -wet. grayy eyes,
• pair of over -eager lips and the cl•ep of
two tremblinf little hada Probably hu
political alive. my went to bed that night
full of dreams of public vlory, but Mr.
Taylor's eyes knew no deep, for there swam
before him all night long • sweet vision of •
telltale (ace under • pink -trimmed, dainty
It was after midnight before the returns
were in and poor John Taylor hado t the
courage to go and toil ler, as he had pro-
mised. He could Dever see ber again, be
felt, for he could never bear the look of
crushed disappointment in those dear gray
eyes, w Miss Dixon read his defeat In •
Witty, tremblingly written note, which he
sent her by • messenger. No doubt he felt
himself the unhappiest min in the world,
but, on the other hand. he was the most
foolish it he thought that a woman's love for
• now is • thmv guided by mere worldly
circumstances. He thought Miss 1hion 's
alliance with him, an obscure lawyer, int.
possible. She thought that .he had made •
mistake after all in her goes that he hod
loved her, and a man of 35, with • woni0o
of 2I., can make the most senseless blunder•
of love affairs that ever fretted poor Cupid
into • decline.
A week later he heard that the and her
mother lid gone south for the winter, and
people laid his haggard tem sod purposeless
mien to Wm political failure instead of to so
simple • little thing as • hungry beat. It
woo not until the first of the year brought •
celebrated law case into his bads that he
awakened to the stern realities of life, but
the new work gradually won him back to
hu oM-time vigor of purpose, and by Spring
the only outward sign of his diesppotnt-
meet was an added furrow across his form
bead, with • grave, deep line about lits
genet month. He had woo • wide reputa-
tion by his Wrong, masterful handling of
the recent trial, and new honors came to set
upon hie worthy brow. at which he smiled
with • fixed gravity, as though, after •11, A
mattered little to him.
1►owo the green lane she is rnmnng,
Manse, with smiling so sweet ;
The daisies, deep red, ,
Leap up from their bed,
To fondle her white little feet .
0, Manna. machree, the sweet voice of
thee. t--J•'a-
A leap of the heart it vireth to me '
• Jennie E. T. hose
1 asst., ..t.11).la1tntat L°t !rr'14CY.
TIIF campaign had been Bettie, hut
sew that tomorrow's ballots (sire to deoide
the question the oppoeeats It.d rented on
their oars and comparative quiet had set•
tied down over the enure community. The
ego was siokmg in fiery prophecy b•yosd
the toll, dark woods lust outm,de the little
town, beading its penetrating rays up the
smooth Wrauvht streets •ad along the (route
of the •lutist, nest little cottages which
marked Freewoanville from the ordinary sub-
urban willows
Mr. John Taylor came down from his law
olhos and glossed furtively about with •
hosted, weary look which ill be•eame his
awl file manliness Bet Mr. John Taylor
was sae of the casdtda•ee wham fat. his
lmrntory was to donde the following da
asdis tweeks of metre battling had left
him thereapkl] mom , 01. Fortbehoo1'e,b5
wattled that ahem with • deeper, more dee
pante longing them that of mere polittosl
fonds•s., for he felt that defeat here meas1
etertssusg loss to the dearest baps el his
111. that of tnakinv Kind lumen hie wife.
To begin with, het was 36 years old, sad
when • ma had reached that point without
ever having before lost his he•rt,he is oru•l-
ly la-kiag in morass Seooedly, be felt
that his meows in • simple little town like
Freetna•vdle, where caw were few sad 0
satiably of little weight, warmly upheld
him in the loagiem to take ieto his keeping
mob • trwear. of • EMI s Miss 1100 .
Now, if he only w0( .00o0ssfel in this rtes
Ma mete.(, it he might go te big wish the
heel weight of 1aa101 on W brew -thea he
' Melt dare Ret there were hose r -ape .it
...mod to Mat se With he mesa wan red
W am•tttweets tbeepkt that he was fight-
igbume ter hewer. when fa reality he was prey
he tee the of a woea•s.
Al last he bed .em merel a f100i.R him
• hem the herde of fellows wise all stay
w bad Omega/ wheat him with pas..
.rias mow al the aeon da e
sad he meat eat .hiss leis ilia
TI sfil411661 , whore the aur t11111W li Wand
We Imre the largest and best as-
sorted stock of Carpets ever sten in
Brussels, (rem the beet soaker*:
Tapestries, in great variety, from 25c.
up ; Bordering* to Match our best pat
terns, which look as good as Brussels
latest designs and colorings. A
b stock of All Wools, direct from
the Mills. Unions, from 25c. up, the
greatest value ever seen to tbis
°minty ; Hemps, from 10c. up ; Art
Squares, in all wool and union, (assort-
ed patterns and colorings and sizes.
Lace Curtains, cheaper and better
than ever : over 400 sets t, choose
from. LAC. Curtains are one of our
great specialties : C hinellr Curtains,
French Art Curtains, Art Sateen.,
Art Muslin* and Curtain Neta, Ax
Minster Rugs, Turkish Rugs, Moquet
Rugs, Dachestan Ruga, Beam Rugs,
Velvet Rugs, Dior Mats, Velvet
Mats, Wool Mata.
Our houseturnishing department
upetr irs is very complete. Our Car-
pet Sewing Machine is a great sea
cess. We i.on have a carpet ready to
lay on your floor two hours after you
leave the order.
His bread is wade from pure
Manitoba dour-tuade from the
cream of the Manitoba wheat ---and
therefore is the brat in the world.
This is a big thing to say but it is
a fact and you have the privilege
of buying this bread at the same
as made from inferior flour at the
price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered
to any part of theltown.
()niers for cakes promptly at-
tended to.
Now r.atffses ger tH P M S.
•.ester tete a. to VI W tilos. Shall to
Ow t minty Towle
Toronto, June 14.-A new piece -
tion has been ordered for July
11 in the Nipiasing district to de-
cide whether North Ray, Mattawa or
tlturg.ou Bay •ball be the county town.
At the Inst ehrtiou North IL.y secured
a majority of the votes. but a protest
waa entered by Mattawa on the ground
that the elector'. had been carried by
bribery. Mr. James Fleming. inspector
of legal 014X00. lino appoiuted a commis-
sion to investigate into the fart. Bodes
a result of his report the new election
hos breu ordered,
Summer had come again to F reem•nville
Summer, with its worm, bright sunlight
glinting on the oozy homes of the little
village, till the trees spread in luxuriant
shade, and the tom flower We lay in fro
grant pertection along tis neat walks tied
dnves. The 1 hxone nod returned the week
before, but Mr Taylor had not seen them,
and Do one not even the busiest gendps of
the pleas had dared to mention thew► lm
him. He telt anew the old din•ppoiet-
meat of loot Fall, and he decided to plead
weariness from los recent pretreated strug-
gle es an exams for going away some Maas
to rest. He didn't know 0111010, het any
pace in which there would M no Jaeger of
owning face to face with that clear-eyed,
sweet lipped woman.
All arrangements bad beeo completed.
awl (Mill h. decayed hs departure. Never
tholes., he telt that further hag.ring ea
the noene was osly added tert510- hs
would so the 00re atxt storaisg. r1/1y,
was there asytinag area, is simply walk
(lag up pest tom Mw' It was taw quite
dark, sad she .said sot r sovn•*e him, eyes
though suns night be lo.kisg cwt towards
111. street. While ha -h. avoid have o.os
((tare the Miss d ette 111/10 glimpse of her
than is the pretty, 11.m0 -like roes, where
the be eyseol le spray. drooped .beet the
window sod the fireflies found their lipids
wipsed by thee opener brill..07 o1 the
lamps within. It w eery still in frost et
the hoas0, for the staples os sack aids e1
the walk grew low and the neatly trussed
graft looked bad in the dladew, 4 M
had hoped, be law her sta.dug last M
times hien and the light Wind. with leer
fair hair 'hieing sheet her Mee asd her
dabity 0t molders deeply setliaedl. 110
shadows .yp to the .soy wisdew were dare
--waM alas be say harm 1. ►e nymphs
nearer, teak tee sae lase Wali
why Itessms=
Te ea wtsidsr the night el the
la &e 1�NM. wars ile oars tbe Ian be
Cradeale any we'CRI 50( 44
e.ellty el Fraud -
New Yorl. June 14. -Dr. lambert Mel.
•;tion 1'I:,rk. a tall young colored man.
who is said to b• a grliduate of for
blrl'roll t'uiv,'reity of Montreal. and who
says he 1. a regularly ordained Itaptlat
ef,rgymen. was sent to the penitentiary
for one year yesterday by Judge Cow -
nog in the general session.
In April last be railed on Ella Gallon.
and, under the came o1 James B.' Lee,
told her aha was entitled to a legacy
which had been left her by a wealthy
Barbados olrinter (tamed John Simon
amoanling to .Hotelier. rte o0M.Ced her
to:fire him $75 nod a watch to make the
necessary arrangements to collect the
money. Ou Nov. 20, 1892. be swindled
Aud,reon Ijacley out of $200 by a simi-
lar game.
•■ •Ileged
Our Spring Stock is now com-
plete, a 1d consist& of a gnat variety in
all the new things for the season.
Dreg Goods, in the new Fabrics for
Spring Trimmings to suit the latest
As al, we lead in Prints. Our
stock is simply lovely in both cloth
and design ; pattern. the latest.
A complete rororttuent of Ducks, in
both light ane dark colorings. Orinc-
lei, in the Dew oolorings for the
Pure Scotch Gingham*, plaio and
striped Obambrays, Maniali. Vesting,
Piques Sateens and Mollies.
We want to draw special attention
to our Beady Made Sprang Capes and
Mantle and Cape (:lotto, both im
Black and Colored hoods, all new for
this Spring trade.
We have a few pieces of Dass
Goods that are selling at about half
price -decided bargains, good all -
wool goods and good colors.
Our Ribbon Stock is large aad well
assorted, as is also our Small Ware
Department. Gloves and Stocking
particularly good.
The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse
of the County.
E FWedding cak''- and almond -1
icing a speciality.
Netiteata. o• 4 thU tlACaa sines.
Lawn Mowers
Every Machine warranted to give satisfaction.
A Full Line of Builders' and General Hardware always
on hand at prices to suit the times.
Tan. Waco P.c010 RAILWAY O0. •
ed to give the
publictbfservals a
It r terseged on bwebeee principles .od in
the interest of ata patrons.
It deserves the support .t every person wee
For �i•e se' see MMU Coes
t�(�. to et es. C Haw
M Mee
NaDime" „t* wires to all pefsta la Gdgi���flld• i/stitist �1'adao
R. 1A1sC111I1.
t111 tf Local Muaaar. gado eh
a �•o1Bs esa eststa w111 b talc and per-
Diles fevered his use Moser to r
Parts. June 14. -The race of homeless
carriages, vehicles propelled by either
electric or steam power, from Paris to
Bordeaux and back, a distance of 750
miles, whish was started at noon on
Monday, was finished to -day, and won
by Carriage No. 5, which arrived at the
starting point In the Place d'Armes at
12.17 p.m., having covered the distance
In a little ov' r 4* hours. The winning
rarvage le constructed on the Pachate-
Levasseur system.
5*0470R 41019 Tat rill's.
U r J. J tRtihrew •le.. reseures a f:everf•
anent (-..tile•
Toronto June 14. - At • meet-
ing of the Ontario Cabinet
yesterday. Mr. James A. Praetor was
• ppoiatesi to tlu' position of official ar-
bitrator for the City .1 Toronto. pro-
vided for by the act of the Legialnture
of last 5)001011. and Mr. J. J. Withrow
was •pp/int •d aese.$)r.
teed Iasistarie. warrSM.
Lnndoo. Junc 13. -Lord i.andnelon was
ionrri5d ie It. Michael's Church, Lorton,
to -day, to Miss Mary, daughter of Sir
William Hosier, Hart. The bride's dress
was d white satin. trimmed with pout
d •lenroo lace, with a tulle 1511. She
won • dimmed tiara and 0raag• blow
soma in her hair.
v`.� t�'k Ti{Z. Uktit
pal- P• 1,. �.FTLA rr:
..e row
IriSUR:s.'1 COO,
Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to which
additions will be made as the Season advance..
Goods are all narked at the Lowest Living Profit and sele'ct•'el with
more than usual care.
Customers may rest assured that e'erything will be up -to -dace. ani all
Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularising part
Special attention given to small wares.
Inspection kindly solicited. Prompt delivery of purchases to any part
of the town
.00.550 salvoes resew tsreeN.
Victoria, B.C., June 13. -Tee steamer
DannheorriTed ferns the north this morn-
ing, reports the total destruction of the
W indoor ealmoa easnery nn f$e... River
with a lois of $40,000. Tke the °marred
heal. -
t.11111tat: err 170 see ea00L
Tube ',evocator. rev.ty .1 Weems* char.
(Malt Rt.. Marie, Ont.. Jens 13. -it was
expected that a larrge uLreptioa d
.odoure sad saber. ext Parliament
wowed he hem today to lode is celebrat-
ing the missing of W mew ( .1laa
bet es members out both .145. e1
tis Oew50 were opposed to brooklet; I0
es lis the 0t TaA{ammit whoa se maty
wore as=ben to get bens, the idea was
wfbead.a.d. sad tis pre'r..::.ceds today
wits mem termal e11ttreetnr.
Drayer and Haberdasher.
of First-class Make,
Good Material and
Latest Style,
lest M 0500 M theatres'.
ws ey
f150'pmeli iV i Ott
De 4. A. 01111111 d► IDO. T
con supply you with a good article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garde* and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give me a call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Are a source of great pleasure to the wearers if they are indeed
Inspection solicited.
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of Boots and
Shoes, comprisingFinest and the Fineand roost Stylish Footwear that the market af-
fords. in Lathes', Mimes' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are
showing exceptionally goad vales. in Lilies' Gaiters, etc., we have • flne liae
which are very popular just now. Ladies', Misses and Childress's Da41100
Borns in ondkrs variety, at prioes to Nit the time,. in Gents' wear we bare
all the leading styles in Dortgola, Shell Ooryl and Calm. Heys' and Youths'
School Shoes at pekoes that defy competition. Call and see our Ladies' White
and Tan Oaavas Oxfords.
Corner 1RaNrst and Square. eaooneser to R. Doirensw.
P.S.-Tie balance of our Winter Stock will be sold regardless el east 1e
gear stat.
Wbe for "Th. !&~- S1 i yore