HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-20, Page 44 ilu gaxl, In rwmeJssmu RYARY TSIIABDAY MORNING v filealli{gt7MT. Mee ofPliagMa ttaar*. N.rtb arrest Terme or noblerlpUes t Them • swathwadv..aw fa 11 Owl leer, IM Leah at Veer Lobel. Year label Is • itandlni receipt of the date N what. you ere paid up. toes teal it le not allowed to fall tate arrest. both the old ando tube cow address sbme ety •. Advertisers sates toad steer es& advertisss•ts. 1 . Crtr (list [ar.semi.., nae 1 esu espr the 4r web in =mat twas .1.1 irt os. Moand =cares t>•pstell osb e•resaliet lex lime and either, in per y ad, vanlsoase.ts of Leel, ltb.id. Strayed SemisoftChffttuatiess Vsasasaa.*. t.W selo.o Ws•t.d ..d :art g1 ..;1 not eaoaodias 1 :sMsatlawp feL I Gr"'as • I Mem SI t Bret month, Mc. perawe Nowa. Larwer ad s. In eropurtlo•. tsatM•, 411 of which Is to ve tlsesio /esneese>/hobs. sf m> u l- Ytiwss ks lees tans mat per nt rttseiessdsee credlasel mondial trP° two DMUSWM1 . melon taPro maks tor lees tb•. Ma. Negate for obarobee tied other religious and bseseelmt [neaten lees halt rata •b.at "Tb. Nerd" Mllmey. nebecrlbr who fall to receive Ton Sweat r•mnl•riy, either by carrier or by mall. will emitter a favor by acqu.,.tf.g no of the tact at as sar:y a date as possible. Rejected menueortpu marmot be returned. oforrepaperepplsnc must be written oa one side y. r*Ntaber'. %melee. J. t. Le Tomei, of Oodericb. has bee. ►p pointed Loral Travelling Agent for tbe towe ships of Oodericb. Colborne, Ashdeld sad Ws weaselLoral postmasters . over the are empowered to reoelvesubecriptto s b Tec An etrwmuleatloae must be addressed to D 1toOILLICli DDT. 'r-'-phemo Can N. 14 dsrlab. out, ooDgtuCH. THURSDAY, JUUR N. ire. MONTHLY COLLECTIONS. On and alter July 1, all accounts du. Tub SI.:NAL for contract advertising and job week will be oolleoted monthly, .•d ooatrs e000unes will be paid in the same manor. The system which has hitherto bees is vogue hats not given satidaotton W THt SIGNAL or its o.•wmor , and ft u hollered the weekly ostl.eli.et and payment ymtes will he ansa seas/eatery all around. CASUAL. AUVICRTISIN(: ANI) JOB - WORK must be paid for when ordered, as .o booking will be allowed. The pay -as. mago system is the only square way of dealing. 1). Mdi;ILLICUDDY. SNAP SHOTS. The building of the Soo canal has been mother si.kbele tor good Csoadiee money the bill foe extras being • mighty big average. -When the (creat Powers get W- eather mixt time, it is quite possible that Japes will be of the cumber. Slim isn't big, but this great. R After euni;;r•tion agent :MANLY Rt',i.o, haa made the best expiation he can in reward to his $1,100 drain oo the Federal treasury,he should now made application to I'erliement to have bet front name changed. It does. t harmontz. with Brother Ry *..'. peculiar methods. -The York county council has de ended to abolish tollratea The people in the effete East, In the vicinity of Toronto are about • quarter of • °eatery behind those of the county of Hueco in the regard. and ifuron today ham better roads than York oonaty ever had. Now that nine of the timate voroe committee barn r.sigeed, and given their reason., would it not be a good thing to make the divorce mart of the Dominion • portion of the "edictal fabric, or abolish it altogether' Marriage may or Inay not be • failure, but the Semite i. • complete failure, three hundred and sixty -firs days of the year. Every member of the Govern - meat voted in favor of free paaess. Even the Hon. I)r, MoNTA0rt, who took the palace oar Victoria to Chicago without paying for it, voted arsine' members of peritoneums pity's* their way. Mr. Me- Lor7t should now bring in • motion to .bdilb mileage. J'•rliame,terians should!' 't steal .t both sada. Dr. Eby, the well-known mi.eion any to Japes, is • Coruna in Guelph tbs ether eve/neap desiode ,.d militarism. plu- tocracy, prolastles seed jtagoi.m se the great hindrances to the spread of Mother heed amtong•t the .atioes of the earth, sed Tat Sic AL. beg. to remark that the Rev. letterer a etaI.sste .re no the bed rook of common assn .ad *o.nd logic. The wonderful revival in hennas which t:ovetaatest organs .Jkee M Woes pew, would almost lead ea ordinary person to iasegise that the .•marry was jest smer- gibs front the throes of • greet 6nmootal deprogram. although Mishears of the (•reww. .then touring within the hast few moan, have told ue the oonntry was never 1* . more prosperous oosditioe The two stories don't hitch. The question of Huntley funerals tteosNly •(dewed the Anaheim Synod in Tereno, and it wee derided to dissymme- tries the b.1di.g of nbasenies ea the flab bath. abbath. A rider shook' hare bows pet no the m•tion, re•mnrard4( .11 geed Aeglede.s to die early ie tee week, es that by e. posei- biliy mold • Seeds, lease' tab. As matter .1 het, beeerwb shale be reg 'thawed es as to bast mit the ewdlefeme el yrs .Mlloted t.mily,..d then .re messy llssdlles who eas.et make pr gisies to keep • foody ewer Ifmdtp►, -Ra Mail amts lain is bwokl Me Is Ib mesh el at= Its the TRP: SIGNAi, : GOOF:RICR. ONT., TilIIIVIDAT, JUNE 20, 1895. the geed times have woo yet reweed Tome - i% when is .e fl.t on its book tamaaelly se tt ever was, and that bee hese 6.t eao.Kb fee severe years ; and the &anter pr'osper'ity has sot yet reached the Harm Tract. Tu. flity. it wants to wee It mom, sod come .e man be possible, het we d..n't wan.' to hear all the sbwu•g throe by paid two ra Let the business seas sad the farmer • ei the mechanic tell is that trade is improvise, that farm velum bow increased and that work et • good wap a *outset, sod we will behove. but we doe', meat to be told it by • fur up in • Mtn alms writing tdoti.e at•omuch •Iiaa The able and- esthetic excitor of The Stratford beams doesn't approve of popular music. but wanes aenaesn, .re%.r.ee sod things whoa his hoed begins 4. play, but we'll vulture to say that BMW O'Htax, oma whistle gets of " Aerate Rooi<ey " se '.Tars boom -de -ay, or the "Perth Busters March," than be can of "Trowelure" r " 11 Pteorton " Hoar bright, sow evil up. A mm may live is clams Stretford ea the bright sad shining Avon. .ad yet not be se authority on higher oleos music thea that given by • Cased/on bellrsah bead. A prominent resilient of the Iowa, whose dl.bureemeate for his beano each year, go up around the tour figures, said this morning to THE DAILY SIoNAL. "1 have di.00ven.d that 1 ma make mosey by t•kimg TH. 1).1 LY Sr.:NAj_ It OM* .ae toe. a week, and I read the advrtisamente every day. Ry doing .o 1 know what ie am in dry goods, groceries, boots sad Moor, tailoring and genes' furnishings, end the latest in toothsome and seasoneee goods) at the restaurants. The was wbo advertise daily went quick males, and by amities quick .ales are settafied with small profits. When I Dome up street 1 know what I want, and eo does my wife. We pay our cash and get our goods without the delay of chasing around looking for them mod make time and money by the trw•eec- tiea.'' glue 1rieod ham • level bead. -The value of police surveillance, property exorcised, wee r.oaotly given in Goderisk. About two months ago • women and two aseoctat a came to Gedsreob with the intestine of doing boniness at the old Mead. en the Sousa Boaadary, formerly oc- onpied by MAOI. HAMILTON. Soon after her arrival she and tier tremeenters were notified that they were under poltc. ear nils.os, sad the result was that the woman's venture proved a uapro6table a- oestosest, as the frequenters west shy of the pleas use the women dared aft res it wide epos Last week the keeper end her se- eistaate left for new matures, •etje6ed that fader exulting circamstasces there was ter pportunity in I:odrioh to ply their nef•n- as calling. Thus has been demonstrated he fact that police surveillance, properly maned, end the feat ot • police magistrate would do his duty, bad a deterrentwhich In years past was pr•ctteally nknown in Ooderieb. HEAT THE IRON RED HOT. THE Free Frees, of London, quoted roan Ti . St.:NAL the editorial item which that the Liberals n m als wesot aking way at Ottawa in tae way of turning e other fellows out, and tate London }me - se.. up the claim that at is because of • superior policy of Me party in powr. Well, that depend. upon what you call porter policy, brother If it u superior limy to always keep a .tending fund by (king contractors; by •s.e•aog Civil aut- w employee ; by allowing mea porcto h - etasin parliament who have p.rch- t. for Otos is their pockete ; turning right about face on party pledge hold on to ottioe ; by working every de th rtment as . party lever end not for e eral good of the country ; and by doing hundred and one things tett should not done, sod leaving undone matters of t moment that should be attended to, entamed.that party advtage may be tamed. S t ,.,NAL will admit that the (:over.• t has • "pall" as ag•iaat the O ppwt ut we bays beard of hewerhewererturne then the opettine of the r taws 4 ovnasst would be, and wouldn't be surprieed one of these days see a "cave is." et Ottawa. W. don't ep- ve of the Opposition "blowing" too mush though we read that the walls of Jeri - fell et the blowing of homes __and we Id like them to Muckle in to work dor' the remainder of the eeouion, end give m people material for • o.pwig• that will men like G. R. R. Cori:news to shake bier shoes, and mite with itching palm., missy members who could be to be relegated to the obscurity from h they serer Amok' have emerged u 0 t as the dint n Sated head th nal th P° mi Ti an by to Pa Ren • be grew no Tu men ten R op Ot to Pro ---sl mem you iia the mese it t like honed whic it is computed that visitor, on Dominion I)a) Fees s.miwdly Mit three thous. amid dollen in the tows, sod this year it t• e.Iculsted that as largo • sem will be taken out mrd left •t ether plisse by onr towns- people. This largo sum will be lost to Gederioh, and, it is said. aunt .nlaly through osr%ata oounoilltws expressing the opinion that it was batter to give mosey for any purpose th.a for fireworks. The Mail and i.iupir. rioean't think that Jon'. ('HAat.rn,,. M.P., is a sef- 6nieatly patriotic t'es•disa to introduce mord I.ghelatice into the present Paella mast. Would it mit is well for the people who favor moral l.gislatiao to wait upon Hon. JOHN HANOA*T ee the Hos. Ar•.Lex■ Gem)", ad sok either of these airht-hiseat- beg patriots he take charge of the bill aid kelp it tbres(b After • tight of nearly a year osnll-pot has bees driven from. D.irelt, and you owe .ow get i■ sad out et That city without bean afraid is rob •kmildees with your .11,111.,., 1. this ee.neoti.s, we might may that the reprt, whish seleleested ks Kaksenas., that kieedar-elerwm were ba vested by veeni.sW Deereet Woman els • safeguard while the spies were rem. is nM OLlstla Caolyrliat will not get a elates from the Ilw OY Orion mi.s. ifs toot wilt • Ng e111R e le Ms resume that hos mei a besets Ogee w HIM he is CONTEMPORARY OPINION. rtiTH041na1 .,e.,t•t-t! ('LAA. IMALM. Tomato News : The .aplaa.W Mew by the Rev. Mashy lioness Were tis rsbts A.•on.a C.m.mitess dem net pits the sea - dein of that gestwesas to soy baster light thee si was balers. O• the eeadr ry, 1M palsies has sees made easewnst tte.ns thus it was by the admisren that be ban. sell firm s ggented that the dev.re went should pay his expenses while es a \delay tsar is ropers for tsatdestal lestarielg .. Caned& If the Gover•smss& had beer mho Snot to ssggeet semi an improper enema - awn Mr B..... would hero boss lasliah to swept tan odor. Hie solioisaiiss of oho beauty mates bis 000d•ot something as,. time toolrn. Net a tan &Rlagatios that shoe atnou•1 allowed by the Government was is - mahatma' to gavot tate cues of the trip any jusei6oaties. The sem greeted ought to here paid its espesses not only of Mr. B•s- .on, bat of his wife and daughter es well, and if the allowuaos really was exceeded las rev. (oedemas must, when ebroed,have indulged in rte sort of luxeries tbet civil eesrvants usually isidulge in -when they *sod .t the pvhB. exsamia The pima watt is that. this affair M . .•srdal...d the Conference to which Mr. Boras bslaep ought to so put itself an re- cord ercard to shat elect. Is mi other way ms. Me*hdlsm over neat of . stets that m lar rests ea as individual only, but which will, If the suggested .coon be sot t.kea, •tt.oh malt to the wade deesmiosieoa. $INIY WANT•n. Montreal sitar : It is doubtful of it ever Wore Dost • government so mach is Med oasb to dodge en isms as the Federal Gov- ernment has had to pay for that little Pra- ha/nem Commission it Wok refuge bebled sons years ago. Nothing wader the pea was gated by at, but delay. This report is •o cumbrous en affair Meet no elector, whom time u worth more than that of • betting ben, will read it. And tt he sheald read It, be would fled little save • mem of opinion. A plebie- atm would have beset immeasurably more veln•be: but ever it would be very far from settling the (lnsstion. Pro11Ibitionwle and anti-Probibittomisb both nsdero*td that the uoly way to carry Pyobibiuoe is to elect a majority of Probibitio.i.ts to Periimment; and until the people get ready to do that, our politicians should waste mi more public money in playing with tan gnash . Tea 1100T ON Tit .YTH*a root, formate Telegram : Ia the course of that historic social evening Rev. Manly Benson ought to bete urinated that be ' should ore " W receive for some ohureh feud • stare of Sir ltaokeanie Howell's own meets o mal to the sum which west from the t)ominioo Treasury into Mr. B01.0.'s own pocket. la that event there would have been mighty little sociability in the mambo der of that treatise. • PtA'l'LIAH, ISN'T K'. Hamilton Times : Grand Rapids Reform- ed Cbaroh Synod in wraitliny with the quanta, of riding bicycles to church on Sun- day. Straining at aweless little wheels and sw.11owine with gnat rehab • spas of horses, carriage, coachman and all, does not seem ridiculous to some croaky but well - mean ing people- " THE 1 URNING TIDE." the Triumph .1 the 1.r. 4. Ceemplet. (With •pe1K/ea la 'be iteml wad auesere.i Hamilton Times Six settlers are coming from Hungary to settle in the Canadian Northwest. Mr. Days vigorous Maniere Mon policy ie to be commended. There was • big pow -wow among Chief Whooping Brave's follower* yesterday. and • vote of thanks to the groat Father at Ottawa wee passed for the excellence of the soap end whiskey furnished by the Indian Department. John ,loses, ot Scrubtown, has just com- pleted the work of nailing tin over the knotholes in hu outhouses and unless the Grit, are returned to power -which Haves forbid ! - He expecte as times improve to pint the sprite to prevent rust. Times are looking up. Fernier !trough now oils his wagon ono• s month and the squealing it made in ante -N. P. times now no longer offends our vara No fear of him wanting a revenue tariff .gain. The N. P. good times have .track I:oohs villa. John A. llatelonafd Gulled, who wee born the day the N. P. was inaugurated, i. 'middies. • hack kitchen to his father'. house. Mossy has been so bard W get it could not be deme before ; bet Gulled bad faith in the N. P., and now it is justified. TeJ1y one for tits N. P.! Mrs. Mort•rity's black Spanish hem has jest hatched out 13 Moths. Where would it be without the N. P. ' An ins1noe of (:tit meatiness and diabo- lism has just been recorded. The Buse combs Small Potato in ita last issue ole- tiniel the fact that Mr. Tom inks was the happy parent of thine and, of ooarss,se was its duty sod priviege,drew attention to the event se an N.P. triumph. Lake, who is s0 inveterate Grit, resented this. and ea the editor trying to oonvinoe him that be owed his luck to the N.F. lumped on him and mopped the earth with him. ledge is like Iota of Grits-dostm't knew what a rood tor him. Holidaying ie now in order. Have yon noticed that many people who mod to work like slaves all Sammy now have to take holiday*' How thankful %bey should be to the N. P. What i. 41 in Ontario. Hurrah for the N.P.! Why should fermit who old .t 50 meets grumble ! If they need Soar seise they oma got it at 22.50 . bag ; their lose 1s the specalatore gain. Some people are neva, satitdied. Now that bread i. 12 oasts . lead some grumbles are asking wherein the men oat of work r at low wogs, w beeeltt.d. 1b they tic. the N.P. for • poor boas Under the Mstrtai ialle...ss et the N. P. basses les, and orRaaimt4r to renes, suffering week hare wonll.rtrll.iseremed. sad the demand tor them has stere Ora kept pees with their growth. ie is reasonable that unntreomNusd (:sib .herald sit .t this mad wed stories@ poltey • Rearm& : At 7 o'edeek Wednesday svea- i.e Row. A. K. OriMe. its.mb..t of St. .1eh.'s obtuo►, tied the traeritales.l hew asides Wedgy PPelleni, .t ureas.., sal ifem Leaks driver beab..d sod wife. The eenoeses tree perlssms•d el the r aidases of the bride's pares* firtmwie, h Ws pret- erm of the relatives of the .enerealksg pasties cJ.d rth Ths following .x -el./s b d %hos holiest* base stns ..t ahead at the L4t .L ash A.dtgree with haftere, A. Oases and C. P. Saha, get thr...A the Wird yew, J. IM[blsy mad C. Willi peened die lbse year with la a have apt yet hem *.aa sea w AAtt .. Ib. Nee molt ladideur sal a Om PAID THE PENUTI. Henderehott and Welter Hang- ed at St. Thomas. CONFESSED TO THIN CLERCYMAk /f. M•a•ttsaal 1e4.W•res naw rhea is We. • Me ate need.* ta.t.•ta.eons mi,s•rb by el.leea1N. meanie Malde amee.t1.• la taw - oda'. 54.5•,J. 8t. Thomas, Jour lo. -Thr County u1 Elgin btu wryer bud an execution, carr um goods rad chattels. 1t was out till to -day that the services of tie public executioner for the Capital offence, lul murder, were called iuto nquiritiou. mud, ea if to make smarmda 1ur lout he comity, Hangman 1(adclite had a duublr woof. Nu double execution baa taken place iu Canada except that of Lount and Muttbewe in Toreut, for participatiu's iu the Rebellion of 1837. At r.13 o'clock iu the woman's lured of for county jail, on as flue a *Immo morn as e'er the eau .huue an, of 411.- 01 the outraged law's official.. a scot. newer. lite 4ere. of the prem. 1 flown jurymen, mud a baker's duaru of favored burgesses, Job,. Htuderebutt mud William D. Welter paid the penalty of the brutal murder committed at Mia dlrmareh on Dec. 14 last. Th.' rxecutiou was pruaaic, Pxpedi tions and effective. No burrowing dr - tate eau be appi.p4rd, no eru.stionel iu talent chronicled, tau last dyiug speech. - reported. '1'h.- prisorrs were weak and n.'rruu- but born up better thou the m,.jor.t} of culprits iu their lout hour. Bruder Mott bad alrpt fairly well, but I4 , -Iter was very rest hew. Both partook nand irately of a good breakfast. Haste n•adiug mud prayer filled up the tem. till the officials arrived. Business -like, am the •nmmiug up of n rase by • lawyer, expert or perspicaciou statement to u jury was it. v. 4). Spot err'm recital of "What 1 ht1,w" to the newspaper mei gutbrred lee nue of the targe cells. Rather the speech might be more aptly entitled, "What 1 Will Not '['ell," lir beyual the very impor- tant tact that William D. Welter had, with the gallows before his fare and the haugmaua noose in view, drlib..rateI) perjured himself, though prolrs.iug to have "made bis wore with God," whet, be nought to throw the gailt eel grim fell murder on ILO iunuc.ut iarwwr, and. (cueing his fiendiab duplicity of no nerd to save his creek, had taken everything back, there was 111 menaation eu Yr. Sp•uter's recital. Crrtaiely, be ped that Heud,•rsbott and Welter had 'confessed,- but for ma- wuia. best known to bimnrlf the re."reit gcutkman did out divulge the uutur' of the coulerion, our, .aid be to The it paid, will I ever di siege it. Well, herr ettdeth enotb.'r chapter to the Secreta of the Couleariounl, uu .•c.lea- eaattcul inetitutiou which Mr. $$.weer Moo not love. Sub.quently Mr. tlprnrer said be had made nu en.11li0u in his statement: De- ceaal•d bad ensured him that Charier Welter had nod, our had auy other luau. •uything whatever to do with the mur- der, and had au km/wieder. wlaateeer of tb.• fact*. Rev. Mr. 8p'aeer was urged to mak, ubu: the coofeerion of the ,ieceased. 111. reply wee ereu stronger that) ilia r.'1,..,:' ir. tr- jail : " 1 will 'sever divot(. th it couleesinn to any Ievitig soul, nut even to the Minister of Justice." Two henry before the time M execution the nx.rbid curiosity inherent iu fallen he manicy prompted early risen to wend their steps toward the grim old court house. None of these restless ones had the hope o1 adrnis*o,u, but iii had gar- rulous tongues, and in knots they gather- ed on the parched award and g.•seip•d of the tragedy shortly to be exp..i; •d in Ow rear .4 the prison, melee bier smoking their ttx.ruing pipes. Ae the dour approached their number, swelled, and the crowd waited so for abode for the appn,aeb of the fatal hour and the hosting of ter black flag to tell the inevitable tele of the flight of two guilty mule to the bar vel rterna! Janice. Erre women eitb children in arms and in perambulator,' went out as tbeugh a peg.'sut true should p.o.e, stud young aloe aced old men partied together with as Meeh an.matiort •s though it were a rehearsal of M..or,'s pathetic it unorthodox poetry of "The Peri et the Gate of Paradise," and not the guarded tote of a euut)ty prima. Among those who witnessed th. ree- entiota were Sheriff Jackson, Si mow ; Jailer Butler, tiimroe : Dr. [(aide, Dr. Laurence, nce, Dr. Vau Buskirk. Dr. Smith, Dr. Edmonds, iey. Dr. Hannon and the rapnrtergi of tbe Kt. Thorne mud Toron- to papers. Redclivee, the execati..ner, did wit ar- rive till 7440 o'clock. Five minutes Inter the inner doors of the prism yard were opened and there was ample time to ga... upon tbe gnu engin of death described in y.t..rday'. World. it was S.06 a.m when the jail officials repaired to the eo.demned re)). sad announced that the Isar of doom had arrived. The protestant' a few minutes later slowly emerged from the prima door and mounted the 11 steps of the araffotd. First ram. Sheriff Brnwa, Inp'etar Chamherbe.n, Iters. *prer.r. M.1ntyre and Hannan. Then rime Jailer Moore, De - puty Sheriff Brown. Turnkey Langan, jr.. pprbM cwer iter. E, Lamoin, Pr., priaoeer 'fenderah..,t, JaitBergnw Van Bee - kirk 1 ne prmrfftera, slat had •nowrea tan pinioning orrb'i1 in the rnodemoed cell with inkwoked-fir fortitude, were emelt ghastly pale and trewbied greatly. T'aeir eyes were moist with tears and h..n emerging into the Wean yard till the black calm had covered their pallid faces, verb glanced furtively at the epee- tatore with upturned Is... towanlo them. Welter, the more dirromprw.d of the two, Bare a nod and raid with quivering voice: "Friends, greet -by," There wee breathings silence and iso reply siva ut- spoken prayer. dtwirlin quickly rtreppw•,f the k..e., fitted the black rape, first to welter,. then to fiendershott, end thea rientili- calls adjusted the armee. Welter was bowed to mnrmer, "Too tight." At this stage the prisoners trembled violently, their fi.gers twitched r,,,.v,d- elrPly, and patrol trepdetioe wee manifest. Their elbow. touched, ironer whim► Sadndle@ moved them a little •part. Thee Mr. Spencer said • low rlpPngeir seetesees from the banal @orrice. peal t►o noisier was beard from both pwiarears, "1.4'14. bare wore) epos ..," The weitaties of th. Lard's Prayer 'flowed, and this the ear sr, sate to Ole, melted atter the sMds%ee Was the wvwi. -Deliver es free ewer wee liter.., further ptdtios was abet elfvim bad Ws pry awaiting thus pnteg tee flour et the WARN& Thea the trap dust 1.11 down on her wit► • ((net 04.51 .(*cant t1N bar d the u.ir part W tan r*M.sld, thw pt'iensen' h 44*.. dluppe•red and wIy two twirfing, ami 5(eg could 11 sseu iJdt, with •frrilf. ministers and b' -.i else p.s.t•itt da•wa 1t was suer.14 o'clock,ar watabing ter .-aosid sod fur . ulfteeu- et. or two the 4fbeinls demanded the scaffold, nalarkad t1n ease and with one sr two medical sea two waw 'armee'. w atered Nal was sally the sepulchre of the wee. The hearts wens ate bespai the pul- rtruestibfe, •ad deb .bacon swiug- trlg ruu.t With this earept1us all a5.- ealer twitrhiugs had erased ase it was gives es the cowrurreut medtesl eq,iuiem that their w',-4 had ileo brukeu. 5.4 me of the doctors believed that death had resulted from straugolatioa. lladrlior was the (iter to emerge from the wooden nares, A .pertatur 1110i411. "1 think that was cleverly doter."- "tooth the hangmen, "l am sot complaining." Dr. Vara ft.rkirk, jail •ureeou, and the other doctors wrrr eel opiuedw that dratb wan well Iugb itrtaotatawa, though motion went on for 14 minutes. os 0s'III*ttm of the 101.1 tout tuned • quarter o1 au boar. the Iaper eel hall at) hour the bodies wen ea duwu. The straps were removed end k•rPe .sal wrists showed t10 marks el the p'uouing. Welter lay with Pyre open, but not protraliag. Hraderebott'e eyes went clos.d, but his mouth was oyes. it was tbe reek wad throat where the punish- ment *bowed. There was a deep livid bead ou each tbrWt, and the skin was •braised, There wne blued ou Welter's neck. aid iu a leaner degree is that of Heod.•r.butt. 'There the lifeless bodies, oa which the Jew had shut its full force, lay, mutely prracbing a atroug.'r l.a.o■ tbau they bad dour with the r1auF'iag ropes above their living beads Sit mina - tom bmTote. The same clothe, %ere oll the urs that they wore at the inquest, the preliminary examin•ti,u u114 at their trial. le feet they were their "Suu4.y best," the only ..Iteretiumi being that each won- carpet slippers to die in. There ie a dtIferroce of 18 years in the ages of the executed men. Heudee- si.utt wet 43, Writer 25. Hrder.butt was four iu-bee taller than his com- panion ,n iuiquity, and this accounts for the difference in the teugtb of the and drop 3e111. d by the bolters, 2h. Sia.. The young mea of St. Thomas ere not manly daunted. Three climbed the marmot telephotir pole at the rear of the prison and bad a good view of the executwa Utters. perhaps • down, enamored to clamber up the outside wall and fur- tively prep into the forbidden realm, Them &roome.d the righteous ire eel Sheriff Brown. who peremptorily, though futile- ty, bad.' term decamp. . You have no btsiarsi," .boated the Qnee.'s representative, "on that well Get dewu, or I'll nave you brought is hers." "I liner so control over the telephone pole," said the sheriff, regretfully. "bat l hiker over the county property. (est down." But they didn't, and nobody woe one penny the worse for the shrievalty order. A• sous aa the execution was over, Ret. D. Spencer broke the stillness of the death presence by the eteatorian ateem ren ens that he desired to see the representa- tives of the press in a term in the pri- son. "Well, gentlemen, 1 think it is my duty to say to you that the coNeewion malt by William D. Welter rnpettiab the West Elgin farmer is red true in any particular whatever, nod that it was made, iu my minim, in a sort of parox- ysm of grief stud disappointment amid drepair-and I think also d temporary ,tuse.w-t -with the hope that the neck of owe. if not both, might be moved. "The particulars .J that statement have not been made public. The items that did appear are but how. and it is aft ssospry for me to say mythittg more about that. "The prisooer, Welter, hes assured nae that the story was falx. "With regard to abythiier elft (hat tbe prisoners said to me, I eau nay no- thing beyond this, that 1 believe that they ham coedessed themselves to God sad made their peace witb Him. "I am not at liberty to say ouythisg more, but tbita that the country ebouW have the cootradktiou in respect to flee story told to some of us on Saturday sad Sunday. "I want to say also that Nary Lily Hesdenbett is not deserving et any es- persiom@ with renepeet to the atter for which these men were b►ngrd,m "Her statement is true. and her eno- tlsrt not worthy of reproach or tetuure, In fact, above reproach. The primmer, both assured ma that ohs mid all .be knew and that she spoke the truth. "A fart r two !Ike this might be said, William Welter was desperately fond .4 her and she of him; and there was no had f•eliag of auy kind between the two prisoners. They had always been friends and died in that state. " They mate their confession to me sincerely and honestly, the particulars of which I give to no me." In the .nuthe•Jt roman of the lames yard the remains of Hendershntt and Welter were interred at 2 o'clock, in the presence of the jail offiicials_ [:era. Tk Spencer sad Dr. Hearns roodoeted the service wash emended of prayer •d a brief exbort.tioa to three present to beware of sin and its punid.ment. The death aeuteaee includes burin' le the emends of the pei.mit where the trial secured. This aceoaat. her the feet that ao $.we» wan received from the Attor- sey-General t• the request of the redo - tires of Renderebott and Welter, who wished the remnena for eremite interment. There was another strange request on the part of Welter. [.ate on Monday sight the in.peetor o1 Primes granted p.'r.isai,u, whieb had preriouely been denied, for Mhry Lily Ifo drrab..at, the daughter of the elder prisoner and time sweetheart of Welter, to have an Inter- view with the roodenmed men. This was of a toned heart-rending battle,. At the okra Welter begged that the portrait d be wweete•.n be buried with him. 11afI15ta eateaa , N Nis l'A1*L. aura sem Twomey allisose Aswan ee sae - abase All Avertable theme Manchester, FAIg., Jars 1R. -Th. f)nar- dtan is lefeerm.d that the ()gvernmeut of Russia is .10,4 to give fnatruetioas to Its agent is Paris to perches@ •Il of the shares d the Suss ('.n.1 it is pnesihr to *Mem is the market. Th. imperial Treasury at St. Petersburg. edrordaIg to this stab..mat, boa allotted 510,000,0110 with wish to .egwlrs the desire griddle tan sett three Foam. now tar &aim Ihj fibrae e fames City.. utta„ hoe 1E. -m %- Nat to day basiN dews an doe/ari.& 111551wt.+l.a.1 the Met t fe.Mr~it 11 I1pp(ytg ae r1/ tow en retard to their enassetiose with tie. Ter eclat hs that q; r . rote* el elan I.(Watias wash Wafts again* the , M -slid am - see" Sett all as fit ' - ea.a ape • eb55__ is•wting YeeeL 4y., 1.., louse was Mist prelim opladoe. law w mover rade. Law, da OMardm 1 t1( TaAL allril5N'a1 51*e1. Mem Ser. Meters .1..ef The rrWderee hn M c'atMseetee Wasbiigtua. Jess 11a. -It It k tree, as reported. that the Presidents of due, bwl•, t4alrader, Hetsdur•a .ill Nicara- gua aro now meeting at Amataps. Hoe- dee•a, to roseiAPr thy better plan .1f .e.orllag a maim of the antral American fttat•., such a result. it in predicted by the diptum•tie repreematalivee of the Stet -a, will nut be lung delayed. It is fora least that tan President of Costa gk . i• not in etteudaace. Costa Rita '. e .,d t,. be the only taelaiber of tan qui islet of States is which the atom sa- tiu. '.t den out dominate. The four Stet, • lust mentioeed ars taboret poli- tirelly. whits ,u Ousts itis. tan Mental sad /'ouscrvetive element bold the tome of lower. dud Owes otiosity oppose say e,,t•'•tiou of au amalga.e.ttjon at lie r%.'ral Itepubltca, The Presidents el thie.temala, Salvedur, Honduras. and Nicaragua ate all yang/ ad progressive wee. l!efaya of Nkaraguoi ie 45 years of age, Gutterres of deluder 48, and Bonilla .4 Hoaduraa, and Har rtes of (ivateaala ate mark 40 years .dd. la Centre' Americo. the party is power, pr.rticnlarly, the prv.ideuts. wield en rm,rruoms influence in suutters c4 theme tie and forrigu polity, .gal as the ad - w ue.tralion, u( all the Genteel Aaen- c:.o States, except Dear plea, regard a un, 7, ;u vitally tomeneary 0, their is - termite. the impetus which they will give to the taoveete*t can hardly be oveneti- mated. So far as Ovate Rica is comer* - ed, the native will, it ia arid. be formed with .ut auy referee/re to her within. If Got t Nita shall decide to become " a nomaber of the Federation bar eo-ope'r*- tion will be gladly welcomed. but her diene(. tion to juin with the other tkaleo. it in claimed, will 1101 ham spy adverse:t,floa aper their meths. a1LLq eve Tat a w Taa1eentl less. eoorb fear waw.,. vllts J...MM., urangevllle, June 11. -The maps fed remains of a man were found w• Canadian Pacific Hallway track neer Orangeville Junction last night. He wee a man about :, ft. 8 tn. high, 'y) year* of age, muscular, clean-ahat'.-n Wel well dressed. In his ,'o.'ket■ w r • found a diary with name "h.W. Tatter - soli " written Meld., and a lady's visit- ing card, on which was the name "Dora C. Copping," and on the back of card was "my best regards to R. W.1,'., Port- age la Prairie. May 24. 1156." ;)vee item In lam diary was "Left Vancouver, got ditched, and walked to Kamloops.- The coroners jury returned a verdict tit ac- cidentally kilted. mew" IOW %ROIL ewp••4 neve* W worse ■ehab. • L..de. '-onion. Jane 18. -While out riding with Me loodos Hoot Club, George ltart.ab d the seereaatils law firm 4.4 Gibbons. Mectab h Yailker, was thrown from lite borer violently to the ground. breaking kis rock. Death wits 1:,stautaueoue. Trottel Swaney le seserfeed Brantford. Juste ll.-bfary Goon.i years of agP, was run over by a trolley on Alfred -street, title evening, and wilt die. 190tH legs w-er•• fearfully mangled • 4.et4.as.. 11.w Wawa) At. Thomas, June Int. --(,Tarte. Fr -einem. GJf.R. erection man, was killed last night. In meeting a freight trach he stepped on a aiding, not iioliriag that the yord egnine w.. behind him He watt run dos, and badly mangled. Moth legs being era -Iv severed, the left amu rut off. a bole [Dade in 1,. I..dy and the left side res bin face badly tors. erew..4 44.444 a • Pail or war. Rrat'ehridtr., (•et., June 11 -Last night Mrs. Wei, C mere while getting a pall of water from the river, fell In and was drowned la about six feet a wage,. nanau*C pea meat 0C5eeta, teem et 111. 4'asb..airs itamrieese 5a site laate•he teah.eatere. Wiatiprg, Man., June dB. -The 8.)*' rate school advocates had their iau,uge to -day in the Legiaiature, Mr, A. F Martin, the member for Morris, them- peoued the cam .4 the Catholics in as ,'oqueot speech. Mr. Martie began his remarks .'arty in the atternsou and spike until a late boar to -night, bitter- ly atter-king the Manitoba Government for what be termed the utter neglect of ('atbuleca io the matter of edrratiot. The ('atb..i.rw .lid slut waut superior sebo ... am their prefect retool., an- t aieel by prirate sabrriptiou. were ion every way equal 14 the Protestants, "ul 1,. ono.. came' far .up..•re"r. AC the l.r'ea• ut time .one ('a thole*-ch..o!• in Wim,ise•g Mad other parte of Mani- toba were attended mere thou two- ther4. by Prubytants, lu)uetimr bud been dote• the i;atboliee by tie. rib diti'u grata ti, the i ,aril,• .:•huols in anpport Of what be gaited from opin- ion* expressed by Protestant rlrrpymen. Mr. Martin claimed that the 1 r w'nt e'bexsk were really Protestant sal read from the rel!*irnr ex,•n•ier,, need at the schools it support of her conte .- tion. In spite of this Carbo,.i •. were not •[lowed to ,1st the; r relioiene veers i .e* eel Er holm securing the lluv,1l.ueut gr t. There app.'arrd to by s horror of Catho- lic teaching. The opiatou. 1.1 promin- ent Protestant mfuieter,r in the 1-..ited State. were (ousted, we, held that p..s►- "lir mrhnrda had napped Chris:lenity. The testimony given by girls, who had at- trnkd these erbool. wan unfit to he read even to m.'mh re td the f 'trod: tire. Thr Catholics cif V - n 'ohs rcnld not .ecu-» -, test atm° tk•n tory wore entitled O. for support el their reboots, and M' denied that eon tuAe he their rrinpled .rite they were heeffieirbt. Many lambing eltiarr d W4aipmg Wert• educated to them swi- ll Separate shouts. fie gave sev- erwl itetatcme. Notice, •e. d le.n beet siv.m as to flee HoTeramen - intention t. .boli.► Separate wheels. •. ' the official nine of the French tanguage. iei a simi- lar ease in nue of the Son, re Mato, 20 years' mere. was gime. .ie .Iroiri that Catholics bad divan beet '4 their Separate shoos were inane; until after they were wiped out of Ps tense. 5aedlaw Bow • Terdeet et tit lehos. Sew Tark, Jute 18.- Commsl is the tine brought by Waitron A Wall . w against Rnrll Rego to rerovor 00,005 dasmagosSomme threw . Ihig trod as a ;Sold whoa. dream/too b• December. ..ahtoo bomb at 14. 1pr mber, )11 1....sited up Se- im (new Jurtir m-Ir<tetints le the Reprove d ay gars Ise 'Ro plv° • e°r the plaintiffIvdltlw. Aalserise twee* a.sy.a T)..aa, Jet Il. -Am resigsatioss d the imp.rlsl Cmbleit were loresall weed to to tea l spsror to -day by prism Winditb array the PrveNa.t el tan Cowman. a.d isrtmatly the M Alrrtass f+i w" 1If.