HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-20, Page 1itI1141.
NEwADVERTISEMIINTS -JUNE 2O THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. 8 sr. P Llwoy deals st '.s I.Awv! HAGGAItT UNDER FIRE. "'" ""'~"""`t "..t. ettt tip COVER THE HURON TRACT.
P Tay ease(: I11alo RawYs I..ek deal; (.etp Iran. tbwgi 0. • miser decree. some
Nobs* M laradMaw-leis Knoxb
Hy lrnsMd-Cksa sates
Pries Wrappers --Jas. Robia..ou 8
Venetia Tease Presetatiais-Jas. Wilma b
Oessllse Beww--13. N. Davis 6
hiss( ' -C. A. Hs.bsr a 8w 8
wesvia1--W. A. Rees . b
Hew tar Rest- L E. Dries" b
Newer Fee Saie--TMs OsNdey 6
b What he Otani? on at th.Oapltai
Tenders Wanted.
tendon will be remained by the seder -
q till uses au Jane I. IAL. hr the
of tee slags aNtaMa1 to tbek
esd of stet Osdtsg I� krlSeal
at Bea
Mina Speeilleselaw eta beams at the real -
Mace et L SANIII (.((tori The lowest or
say atter tet tseeseartly ttseepted-
OasMw. Jam 111th UM.
welsh CMrk of the Tatveablpof Colborne.
/pooh' lwetiees-
Wellaoshey sad Saturday. Cash Oar
egg. peek deUvered free of charge -at H.
J. HORTON'S twoetel store, HamLatat *3 tt
lag ebould to may Wide.
steady age of it bee et001.d M to reaaoe
prbm nee panty allow* eas-t.srte more
sand to be mixed with It so making U actu
ally chestier than ray other Ines in the mein
Irl. Always o0 hand at tar place of ba.fasss
A. W. /rfEtltrt bee • large shipment to
hand, .ted would reepoxfully laureate to his
esMtmen .ed those about to punt, that
tMesib this oelebreted lead coots mon than
Me Mier bread of Pere Leeds. to le prgared
M r 15 at the pease of ahosper Leads. ledlew
Property Dar hale or for Hent
l teem home with geed cellar ami
manias. d414w le 1. DANCICY.
VOR SAL,. -N. t} LOT 31, 2ND 00N -
A: eeeewa. East Waimea*. lv0 acre& This
L • Bmt lam Ara Also town lot 1711. God..
risk. Apply M PHILIP HOLT. MAL
welt halfd let M. Concession eve, West
W°wasesb, iOOsena. A we:l unproved farm.
Lets ref and part 10..ebdivistoe of Hock B.
Colborne, about Maria.
TO LIR- Tbe shop lately occupied by the
late Tama Bneyd.
Apply to !L 0. JOHNSTON, barmen. Geode
.ANNON.-A Bas sew frame Muse.
roll located is Duattases dostafning peeler
diningroo.e bedtime and Kitchen down stale
and three bedroom and clothe. closets up
stairs. Ors(-eWr well, new cater with pump
In kitchee. A geed weodeked oe the pre-
mises. Osequerta mere lot la mammies.
with Bae a ortmest of frost trees. Rgerasp�s
risme shade tress. Terme tteesossbk.
For parlisallers apply M JAMBS W HYARD.
Denesasma P. O. 1e4t
Situations Vaea}1t.
YRS, LLNDBAY, W. T. Welsh's rad
Mace. slat,
east. Apply se MRd. LAY. lift
A good roan Ie your town to reprover( the
roathtl Nurseries of Canada' - eve 70e
acres The O8atary la the Dominion. Position
perrnaoeot or cummIssios to right
With the leastwise demand for trait. •
ppeo ll:ton withqu Iseeing edemas will ma
'av amille.tthan' les amid we IMO'7t w was law
to =rod
tsaeAersi. Ir.iret the 7..
during the summa, write tar
STONE & yYELLiNT mite. Ost.
Pubil• NOtieer.
en ray hada by .ko*test'.
kustisIL tg. Illskleg or etberwfse wW be
e rasse.ad sesselts0 to las. Inch lands are
the Hart Arm 1a Colborn Tp.. asd the Prop
arty known as the Palle Reserve In die town
Mite d Irish Nell Gollserse.R.
!. Bh:CHLRR.
11 Om T.Meit r. Propr.
A =art be tiles el hearlsg Weals
from the Oeart of Koester of the Teem of
9ederlek, wIll boil beton Hs Hoar H.L.
Dellsshier Owe Norm. ea S�et.�
=d dpti7oOfw. un. et t• o.deek a,r. fni
t h. court
Merkel Co014 and masici of
R -n -x Clerked tows N Oderlcb.
t. Taylor. the I01 sailer
mod inkier. L 1sa sheet
limasad le eloa ed Nltie aEt .1 ggrt04
e., t•fl.r'Tn. s0. sadir ws. •Bet
W ,tled..1 g:Mdiag demo polis
saeCeses.ae .ewe 9.1•1•81 __pool"
sed. *wa
Psi and Est~kair�reloadeddend .e4.
Musa M sew, miruits tee �,0y 11
repaired sod sem bwtkt. - i. TAYLOR
-tlegela (beet. miser M. Barbra
6esr /rat= =e- 11sWrSt Itis
SMR. W. L H. CUFF. oRapArl�saRi9ittras>,1t1tTMra2
e d arise et.:710esseWY ! S.s at ws b.
oiesisinite my be ti.ead f r
Seems Parties. 1aass -edsla ed saber -
te'Mrm.mss lit a rememilas Lwow 1M Is
IMtgg4A'•4f aahrlenea
s{ltattmbc ; a seta. , �. etre
TO. ArMw a e.versasnt seashore Leer
the AMYNafiesaral- sew ere a.e foo-
trace wee M.nlp.l.1ed - What
the .osteo Siemer Says.
Teta Swum. t1seeeepeadeoce
OTTAWA, Juue 17th. --Probably
the Auditor-(:eeer.l ha. realised by this
U.e that bre meows would be very nose -
e ase *1 there were a few more members on
tate llovee.mest aide of the Hoses. He c•a
only Ia d.messsd by • two-thirds vote of
I'arltemeat and furt.aaaly for bineyes and
for use rwuntry, the strewn of the Tory
party dues not rive the Goveromat any
each majority. liuring the week the Guv-
.rs1•s.1 took the opportunity of ess.illne
the Auditor-l:eoer•l as • reeddleseme, en-
quiring ofd werbeertng public oftiotaL 11
was hall that be exceeded his duties whet
he west prying tato the impetuses of the
Unman} He tuyceltorul nature was to
ssy the fast tmpertinent,and they would out
stead it The. u the way they talk of the
Audet f-G.seral, but It is a lorcuo•te thing
fa you taxpayers that you have on auditor -
Gumtree Matters aro bed enough now but
whit would they be of then were no Audi.
tor General to keep some lead of check over
them soil expose their dishonest practices.
It is true tbey overrule he decwooa,but be
certainly s tame restraint over them. Their
attack epos him and their effort to get him
out of the way r an Wollaston of the ch-
i/recta/111e is proving to their mon fre•
guest raids on the treasury.
How Tart oo IT.
The investigation into the "Soo' canal
coatrmots before the public amounts oom-
mattee Oat week developed • few interest.
ing festa which probably the Government
wueld rather were lett undeveloped. Eat -
amused alder oath Deputy eluutr of Rail-
ways and Gracie Schreiber admitted, that
u connection with the $4,000,000 job, the
original contract price fur earth excavation
was 24 omits per yard. The contractor
subsequently thought they were cot getting
enough out or the Government, • good mulch
ouw, and • private arrangement was enter-
ed into with the wotraotore, mores/Mg the
prim to 60 omits per yard. Now, it the
'overninent had the country's interest at
bear. do you mean to say they would
privately have increased the prate they were
prying the ooatr•ctor 150 per coot instead
of etompalLug him to go on with his work or
seeing the lowest figure they could set it
dace tor by wlltmg sesta tor waders
it tit r.t12D To cskaT cuff H1. I'u]TRA. T.
No, tee Government's policy has been
tbrot.rbout to pat all tbe mosey they pos-
sibly could islo the pocket of the contract-
or that they, the Government, might hem
• larva reserve to draw against when the
time came Iar them to make tate. demasde
upon the 000tractur for ampsign thuds.
teat that is not the only evidence that
was developed of the Government's gen.roe.
ity towards the contractor in the oars of the
Soo Casal costrwcte, for Deputy- Minister
Solraber told the public acoonots commit-
tee that although the oostractor had, under
bus original casino., screed to do rock ex-
o.vatics at the rate of 95 oasts pr yard, by
private areeageatent the price paid him was
mermaid to $1.40 per yard. Under the orir-
atil 000treet the price of m.onry was 45
per (cubic yard, but evidently he thought that
at the raw the ooatractot generally would
be restricted when he wished to help his
triode, and they accordingly by private ar-
rangement increased the price to $12.60 per
cublo yard.
Tbe rete paid for wrought iron .as in-
creased SIO per ton, an emirates of 33 per
stat. ever contract pries. The price for
concrete work was is • like meaner ID-
eremad from $7 to $8.30 per optic yard. In
edditiou to the above, the committee were
given several other illustrations of .bat the
Government .ill do when they are not
spending thar own, but other people's
THeIR Mimeo.
In addition to their pad record of bood-
lind, extravagance and corruption, a few in-
teresting Mapco's Mee hese added this po-
sies. Whoa we field newspapers like rhe
Mnetrsal Oasdw. the Government's chid
organ in the Provisos of Quebec, drawing
sweeties to the iniquitous systeee of look-
ing to the comtrset re for baodsome c..s-
tribetioss towards the elnotioa toad., ii t.
tient Parliament took soave ratios to pet a
cod to the outrage.
It is w mance upon the taxpayer of the
owistry, for it bas sow beooss • reo5Rsixd
fact that is proportion to the liberality of
the Government in dealing with • °anim t-
or, se is big resereeity at election times to
be mastered. Read what the Montreal
Ossa0M el Jame 14 says is jastifyisg Ed -
goes bill imposing realties on esstr00tor0
let °.•tribeUm towards Nasties hinds
The Osstt� �esr sv
' The O*rs..t hoe
messy M '!'smass hem to d speit, sod
bb.es terms* whom it is expended are.
eea neer, at ray tate, salted dem
ed to ream de
{ar f•NOas ami RUWtheas tits
*ad are very apt M look es me ealrtbs-
Mee as beanies lave Menta red se apses
• Maes. This stem ealy be had a Camas
t0eesak the good sem d those who ass -
Vol the peals brewery."
TW watemest seryl from •wmwa4
bks The O•aette,.heee S41 ie ..pp -.1 b
be she daimon et 1M Oe'vera.mt rather
Ma.:w..hg sr adaitehei Lair hs1M, ls •
primer Mahan menterledgmena of w se -
swam► there mem far redeem h Le mesa
Ii t6aad
11.6 ries. Me berm si. _ -.- (s wet s
owner as Llis para eta el
rule : "A Nerthwod eeMrfRn; saeefta
Stand-', the Ner.hweee CL.mna; Oeg.ta:
Ude is Asleore red fabs SkJ°M raMtwya
smadelet yb rt Timber Limit t'
and Ilam as.0eller
ty ted Landes et
Llie.s6ii the Frasabin Adm: North
via Beeek; f3bhk's Used Dam; Correa
Brides; rrederisr.s &ides; MoGrewy and
C*aOSlly JSb--Sad • hoodred ober woad- The Curran Brldge Exposure/
early 01001.4 seems bound to lave.
A. M. Palley ebipoed • ow of homes
for the .otberlstd.
Prohibition was rival the usual polite
bust is Palisaded,.
Rob(. M.1.aa shipped two can of hams
for the old lead Tuesday.
M. Sharkey lett by the early train for
itratford, Monday .aeiag.
F.. Csmp.s, Q.C., is mailed to his bed
by • serious .tt.ek .f pleurisy.
Seders noting the catch .t • tour potted
bass, Tar 3D:!at. would like to see the fish.
To. story about the strawberries being
killed by the From was evidently sot
Holy Communion will be administered .t
the 8 o'clock service in St George's next
Sunday morning.
Perch are again entering the harbor, so
that iters will be Iota of sport for our boys
during the holidays.
A merchent reo°ived today 260 bags of
binding t.tne-a sign, we think. thee he is
not afraid of tis grain crop.
Why will you roast yourself with • cook-
ing stove, wast you ora purchase • gasoline
stove for $5, or • coal oil stove at half price
from G. N. Davie
Jas. Elliott and J. A. Reid shipped a car
of hones to the Old Land 1Vedneed•y. Meters.
Elliott.od Reid take charge of their own
horses daring the journey.
Numerous complaints aro being made by
those having boathouses .long the G.T.R.
breakwater because the Togs in the river
prevent boats passing out.
The matter of holding :sabbath school in
the morning was brought up before the
teachers ot Knox church reeontly, but lbw
majority decided in favor of oontinuine Y
One angler, fishing just North of Mira
dermot's steps, sad 'tending in ex Mom
of water, was asked what luck be had had ;
the answer was : " I have fished .11 evet-
ag, but nee.. got • bite.
The tame crow known as "Halm, Ilse"
died yesterday. i)urtnm tee past year
"Hellos, Sam" was koowe to every visitor
to the h•rbor,his peculiar way of calling his
own name being highly amusing.
Tle Inst of the Collegiate Literary
society meeting. for the term .ill be held
on Thursday evening. The chem. from
Friday to Thursday is made because of tee
bicycle tournament on Friday.
Photo. of the living std deed ere treasur-
ed by all, and the,. reminders ot those pres-
ent and those who have gone before should
be cushioned in memory and pretty frames.
Mise Henning st The Fair has frames that
for quality and pnoe cannot be beaten. See
adv. ea page 3.
As will have been seen by yesterday's
Siatc*L, Buchanan & Rhynas will get the
°entreat for building the curling and skat-
ing rink as soon as the necessary amount of
stock is subscribed. Will those who .re
able take .tock eo that the work will be soon
Report of the RMsrse$ seetlaa Meld all
The Huron District Council of the R T.
of T.'s was bold at Uemtralia on Wednes-
day, June 12th, the District ('ounoillor, J.
E. Tom, presiding. Seventy-four delegates
and visitor registered, and all ,xwparatioa
necessary was made for their comfort end
After reading the minutes of lest meeting,
held at Holmesville, the different oom nit -
tees were struck, and the stenting settled
down to balsas. 4;roup,, here and there,
were seen warmly discussing some point or
examining some report or orreliziag some
Oen of whoa. They were the dearest
committees who were preparing wok fur
the afternoon _,_lora.
At noes they repaired to the parsonage
Own, where dieter was saved to the ne-
tters sad others.
After the °peeing exercises in the sitar -
twos, Bra J. F« Tom retreated the District
Councilor's repot, which was encouraging.
This was followed by the District 8..r.-
1077, Rey. W. H. Butt, who amoebae( the
full membership of reroreuig oessoile to be
600, • Reis of 6 during the fast greeter.
The esesssittes in distributees of reports
and pspr. suggested that the residing
of the different aoascile should
be very .arefal is fitting ape their gasetsrly
report : it advlssd all the members M take
the Weekly Templar.The essandueS on
state of the order rsporeed that Hen
sail, Weasels sed sl th oails b
suspended, while S.TBsWosuas bedeoasatl
wee is • weak oosditioa. t wthought
passible to argsatss • caused at Hills Green
and the matter was lett is the heads of
Varna, flreosfield sed Kipper. outwits to
effect. ]ism Fotieringh.m pr-ado..ad the
report of the memoirs, oe Temperas°.
work, .hieb advised aU tows and township
000neils to do away with all licensed houses
that are sot s direct benefit to the trnvel-
*104 osmmunity ; sad reaemmded ell
ppogil1100 a
sad 8. 8. Wash..to indoor their
alga the empress, padre ;
#uutbsr~that all Tomplare mbeld nese their
Mambos le Nee. all m.sidpsl seem sad
members of parliament who ars Moira M be
5.prase area
A seethe to divide the disMkt woe
brought sip, bot the seesaws et minim
was es Wrest that It was wiehdeews.
Atter the teal Teres el thanks M the
friends et Oentrslia, all adjourned M the
which ars memos the
dsA (s M.rs Osasrlo, wire ttyrWr
woe sweet Sams lett by the trait for the
North and ethers by hos, all sppas.stly eo-
matt nesting a44esated to be head
lit 1144.0, thehaw pet of Jemmy
Tatar germ..
TM sake( sed priest (state
with Wise .y use Le aWm a&
Bsgqold fa�vr el Fisk (lodes V ses-
dMdsts. mak= to their taverns remedy. Te
ist tis true W geolime .41*, leek tar
Roo mums el Lbs Cledliseola Fig Syr+ oe.
pieta seer the boom et Lbs press..
Mee. err. Navies loaves a tete N rev=
rad t.d1.t. the Milert.r et Bali -
Leerier Takes • Mead
Ile the ot.rs.ellea.
Ottawa, June 19, -TM Curry Bridge
mandator job tires thoroughly ventilat-
ed is the Hous yesterday by the Oppo-
sition- lir. Davies., who is deity macros•-
leg lie reput•tioe as on of the strung
Llberel leaden, led oft in a speech out-
lining the main facts 4 the ease and
dwelling perUeulerly on tbe direct re-
sponsibility d the Department of Rail-
ways and Casale, which opened the door
ter fraud at the outset by violating the
statute novenas public tenders to be
called for respecting all public works
Mr. St. Louis woe given the contract
for day labor by Mr. Itaggart. At tint
it was to be only skilled labor,
but this was afterwards eztead-
ed to common labor, even wbeu
they bad direct evidence that frauds
were Laing practised. The knowledge
that the palbie were being robbed pre-
ceded this extension of St. Louis' con-
tract. Mr. Davies had no trouble in
ebowitg that Mr. Haggart was cogni-
sant of everything going onTbe evidence
el the special political influence brought
to bear was clear. Mr. 8t. Losis was •
coulee of the Minketer of Public Works,
Mr. Emard, to whom 8t Louis gave a
contribution to Conservative camped
, is Vaudreuil, west a partner d the !fie -
teeter of Public Works. Tie bolieltor-Get
,seal had skarn a warm kite:eat in the
j work and took Superhteedeat Kenos. -
1404 protect against the extravagance,
1 which be saw gulag ea, to Mr. Haggart,
jibe Minister. Mr-Haegart was there-
' km consulted by tee Solieitor-General
, twos the completwr of Mr. Kennedy and
pile Minister clearly knew of the extra-
t+egamce at nn early peread, but took so
Ieteps to stop tt. Even after Mr noig-
Ise, one of Mr. Haggart's own en/Pacers.
reported and whom Mr. Schrieber, the
deputy minister, was urging the mini.-
' ter for a commission of enquiry, Mr.H•e--
Ig•rt allowed Mary cheques to issue to
lattethis eontrnctor, St. Louie„ and Peen
r • commission had ''rued to iuvrst�
t0. glaritg frauds, paym.01. d
000 were alloyed and altogether
0041 were paid oat atter the minim,.1 ter bad ordered an lavestigation.
Mr. Davies denounced the minister for
;failing to exercise ordinary vigilance er
to prosecute and peueeh the thieves,
Be moved in amenduauut to the motion
;to go into supp• resolution setting
+forth the oboe' la. tw acid declariug
,that "Under these circumstances the
I Waist., d Railways and Canals le re-
spoesibi. •met deservm the severest ers-
'esre of this House for negligence, iueffice-
elegy and grim mismanagement in confine
tine with this work and the loss which
tba country has sr.taio.•d."
There was : burst of Liberal amp-
' piano when Mr. Laurier arose. He
oprited fire on the Government without
waste of words and presented a strong
arraignment of the Minister of Railways
' end Canals. Mr. McLennan. he said, had
told the House that the Wnister 01 Reil -
ways was able to take care of him.clf.
3o the Hoyte would have skppo.ed. bit
epos ,this occasion he quailed before the
attempt. Iu fact the indictment of
scandal winch had been presented by
Mr Davies was so strong that neither
`the Minister who .aa implicated nor
any of his colleagues had dared to opsi'
their mouths in hie diene. They did
,mot dear the wrong of which he was
!runty. and for wbicb he was resprn.ible,
'bat they had called *pot their follower*
to come to bee rescue, and the language
!welch tie Hotep had beard from their
followers was quite in keeping with the
(attitude wh.h had been malntain.d by
the wee in (tier. who on all meadow
!had been profuse of exuberant declare -
tioa that they would spurn cor-
ruption from their ranks• hat
who bad turned their backs up.n the
task. The Homme had not fortettea
Ur pledge Riven to tbe people of Canada
by the late Prime Minister. when with
solemn words and apni a solemn urea -
lion. as the corner at the veil had been
lifted from the 'secrecy which had hither
to hidden the trnrsactioa's of the great
upending of Canada, and the people of
ffaaada bed stead .(t.at at the reve-
lations which had been meads. He had
premised that all otlenese would be in-
vestignted aad that all offenders would
be punisbed. This was tbe pledge gives
at the time. and the conduct of the Gov-
ernment was the latest evidence that the
pledge was given simply to remount die -
quieted public opinion. but was not in-
tended to disturb those wbo had perm
tinted these effeecee stud still lel to
disturb tior party that had profited by
theme ofientele Before that pledge the
Omvva9ment bad given npoo the floor of
the Hoar the measure of what war to
be expected from it when Kr. Limiter im-
aed the Minister Railways. eirm
G ehd
g him with grt.s oflearin in centre
thin with the C.P.R.. and when the Gov
e rum.bt invoked -no did not invoke. but
invented-tbe statute d limitations iu
order to prevent the light of day from
ever penetrating into that dark
record. and so it lad lees
ever afterwards. when is the
session of 1893 Mr. Edgar had charged
Um Postmaster -Gem r al wIte baviog
fraudulently appropriated $100,00) of the
s.assve voted by Partia..at ee the lab
St John and lemaeonet• Railway, tee
Gov.rnwnt stepped M the front, ,at •
witbbe dieg the pledge given by Sir
Join Tbo.psou that all offences would
be v*atilated, in order to bark as .f
Seethe Investigation by Parliament. lat-
e r en Is tbe session d 1f196, when Mr.
Mier, even with an imperfeet inve.tigm-
(waa ems to slow tot the
Peetaaat.r-0. sral lad ap,r°priat/d
$15,000 of tt.m moseys. throat sot of
.oasts taking then out of the treasury,
but le a elreeNaas way, rad had die-
tribeted them for the aid of two (.IIo.-
...0.re of the Hese ; wisps Mr
..d also that, is thin very city, 00.
re bad bees iodated beim the sambas
ler a similar Where e.1•vieted and ma -
bused ; .ilw Mr. r pasted oat the
lest that the es jigs ad tee
pr...esties enema* bad stated that
0Mr. ware nes 01(*1 la Whim wine had
ersiNed by their ethane. ad who. Y.
ms.san el the same justice which had
flees metal eat to Lisa, lesser °Headers.
Ib. G ovsrnmr.t oaie to the reser. d
lag acotned, who was .gabled to .tate
se the floor of ParUatneat that is a
rlaifsr a tnetia be would do the same
this* again. And mew et this day.
wires it was peeved treat • similar (mats
elitism bad takes puce in the Depart -
meet of Railways, nee of Eke*s trainee -
home with whisk. me.tae0ly, the pea -
No of (Laada bad break too famillbr.
o ne of those traasaetioas wink It invari-
ably resulted disastrously to the trea-
reysury, bat beneficial!y to tbe Government
and to their Ir, the Government
bad not the courage to stand up, but it
pt up its friends to any that there had
Wen no wrung for which the (lovers -
meet war responsible. Tetue iadietmest
was nu string that the Meatier. of the
Government did Dot meet it, and thane
wt behind them met it in a circuitous
way. The Hums had bees toad by fir.
.sienna that then were motives bur
tied the attack. It had out been denied
by any d the lGmisterial members wee
h ad spoken. that • geeul.wrxgt had been
eomtmitted ie tie arastructioo of thews
bridges, h. the ddetrimeut d the people
et Canada, taut there bed been pillage
most iwpudrut ourTaption, opelti flagtaat
marl ahameleen. it was sot denied that the
country had been deprived sad dedraeb-
ed to the amount d searly 11200.000,
but the defence was that though this
was true, the Minister l* Railways was
sot responsible. Ife was the victim, *et
sinning, but sinned •cutest. lie took meso,
with that statement: be charged tbe boa.
gentlemen. mut one d whom dared to
Reek. that if there hal been a.rruptioa,
*pea flagrant acid ebemeiea, if Lbs
country ►ad been defrauded d nearly
$200,000. ;t was due altogether . the
fact tbat the kRniet.r of Railways had
openly ami designedly violated the law
of his Divertowet- Tb. Ib°se kers
something of the methods which wave
employed in the goad old times i■ se-
der te replenish the party treasury at
the expense d the Dominion Treasury.
It was ascertained at • famous inveati-
tion how it was that plana tender -and
spreiticatioos were altered, arranged,
re-arraeg.•d. ftgefed up and figured down,
so tb.t the cuntract relight fall into the
kande of a levered firm of 1r.rmds, who
dear for the privilege of cuntri-
uting handsomely for "charitable peer-
as war MC pious .'zpreerou =-
vented for tt.r acme's.
Yr. Laurier thea discussed the evidence
which had been adduced at the i.v.sti-
gatioas of the scandal and showed that
Mr Haggart had dispraised with pub-
lic teak,. altogether to routraenution
of the 1•w; that 0. had been moiety of
. lamrutuble error of judgment: that
there Mil lieu iso proper supervision of
the work. that exorbitant charges bad
been paid the etwtractor, and that Mr.
Haggart Wes aware of what wee gang
oe. He chaffed the Minister of Railways
and the Government .boat their
profe•sred anxiety to puni.b evil-
doers, remimiing for Mini.ter
that prison erne not a h. -Atkin!
place. rad that tl.y world be under the
necessity of releasing the prireneer. Al-
luding to the failure of the pre.'e•trtion
agaitst 8t. Louis for reramww that be
,(sated, be maid that the Governs -*t very
properly had •tteaptod to present au in-
dictment before the grand jury, but the
virtuous &, eminent of Quebec had come
to the re.+o•ne of 8t Loris, and he meld
understand it. 8t. Louie waw at toe
very day a contractor of the Quebec Gov-
ernment. At the prevent mowsk. 80.
la,uie was building tbe Montreal Court
Mime, o-bich was pike Penelope's thread
e hat was done during the day
wee widow during the night
ft was never finished, rad
the Attorney -General o1 Qu.bee had Ise -
t nal,v asked that the Dominion d Qin-
e dit, before prorating the indictment
to the court ,Mall give oeeurity for the
costes. The more n per.xa looked at this
transmrtettn the more be was convinced
that it was fraudulent firm the first
Yue to the last Tbc fart waw fraud
was axing from every detail of it. It
wit eooreived ire inignity amyl carried
rot is iniquity. There bud not been a
work d soy m.tguitud.• since the preaetrt
Government had been in office that had
met east been r to 100 per cent. more
than the est itaste . Mr. Hagg.rrt ick
lowed with a perineal defence and the
debate was adjourned by lir. Martin et
Teres(. Markets
Toronto. Jas 1f. -trade very net and
prleos are beery. Straight rollers ere
B ottle& is 54.50 to 44.66. Toronto freights.
Brae - Bran morainal at 512. Toros=
trMghis. Alberts easier at 516.
tfSteat-The feeling Is unsettled sad
prIOes easy. owing to the weakness of for-
eign markets. White std red are q••104 at
06m north and west. No. 1 Manitoba bard
Is mondial al No. Port Williams, and as
51.04. Toronto frarghM.
W0.& -There 1. • very Ilmlt.d demand
en the pert of earners sal prises an us-
.0y0(0� Witt= rad rod are still quoted
ret 51. North and wont. No. 1 =suitors
bard Is dell al 060 to LM Port 5011111ss tied
at 51.03, Tor..le frishebee.
foe--Trids le 6rs0wllh deem= 11.1Md.
Ohre 1co quoted at 611.. west.
B.rlep-Trail' dell and prises N0.iaaly
OsO.a� O. market I. quirt. with prises
wehaeged, Oar lets of eh!M .re quoted
•t 371 t0 its west. end se 10e to 40...
track lire.
Ky.-Trees d011. with pries. anae-
mia/ at 63c to 66e otdsidS.
Oatmeal -Market Is dell. .110 prl.se
ea**nged st 54 M 44.11 s tri ter .rdr-
stry quulltw.
The t0Vw- 4 !NM. Who Moser0N M
Bebe Sees Pew.
Hamilton, Jori 11,1 --Kate Rodehonse,
the 16 -year-old girl, eoarreted ui ab.. -
deities ber ebild, which was fouled dead
en the mountain side a eouple of weeks
ego, was allowed to go a deferred sea-
ters° this Mrs(tlg.
rani* Wee Am Rbsrmi.
Brawtdard. Oct., Jane 18.- Maori Ry -
image, • ataalder, left his residence last
sight about 11, dace which ti.w se tram
el MA ea. 0. famed.
Ottawa, Imo 18. -Lissa Marti., •
em•vset girl at tee Regale awl wthe led
hese, ..,aped fere for tora yaws, was
bo marvel/ ea Saturday to L. Quias
awdow a. The girl disappeared Fri -
The w reed ay desert Mad rarely
visited by was sed far Maass treat say
amedelaed abeam tem, with fish.
The Or -1.t from the Local KW
• Weekly NNeal el foamy !few, nerved
aP . Nle tverybedy -Mete and
Mat flipped W eeendesaed
nem Every sees...
[j ENI$A1.I. Mater Wilt. Elder has
euarssslully Paved km tint year's examinee
tem .t the 1, ntversity.
prey : L. McNeil disposed of 175 bushels
of wheat ,at $1.00 • bushel. He sold et
UntneL. J) :..: • t�
Gist' . Jokn Stewart, of the 1010 oat.,
Ism bought Mr. Fulton's house sod lot in
Seaforth : Thos. Bridges, wife and family
left tor their home u Orteka, N. Itakota,om
W'Ingham : On 1Vedae.day of last week
H. Day shipped • carload of heroes to the
old country market, Mr. Cole, jr., cease
with them.
Grey . The trustees en 8. S. No. 8 hay.
porchesed • handsome new beU for the
school house.
1Venghant : Mayo Rr okenshtn's driver
bad a trout foot badly lacerated ea • barbed
win Woos ea Friday last.
l'ranbrook : Mr. Kell agtoo will be sac-
oneded by Mr. Kase as junior minister is
tie Methodist church for sort year.
Brussels : Mesas. 80.11 & Joass slopped
the 70 bead of export °little purchased from
W. Dickson, MuKtllop, on Saturday from
Brawls station.
Seaforth : Master Willie Robb, a young
eon of Wm. Robb, got hes hand caught in
a Own mower the ether day, and had eats
bager badly out.
Se.lorth J. (:. ('rich, decorative paint-
er, has been awarded the contract for
painting and deoonting the Oddfellows
hall is Stratford.
Exeter : Wm. Bawd= is now owner of
the Wallis farm, bordering the Fa.tern bu-
tts of the village. He is really the land
king of Huron oounty.
Morrie : Weduesd•y of last week T 11,
Wilkw.oa, V.S , of Port Elgin, formerly of
Morris, was united u matrimony to Mees
Kebeow Rife, of Walkerton
Ka -meek : Mies Luella Roes had the mis-
fortune to fall on the sidewalk last Saturday
and break her right arm in the sans place 11
was broken • few weeks ago.
Seaforth. The officers of our le M.C. A.
were very much etoour.ged on Wednesday
by rsoetvtar from W. W. °eerie, owner ot
the Seaforth mill, a check foe, fifty dollars.
Morris : On Thursday morning of this
week Mrs nos lime left for • visit to her
mother in Dor .tahire, Engl.od. S0e gees
on .5. Labrador, Dominion Ione to Liver-
Grey : pert Hill, son of John. Hill, 91h
con., had the mefortuae to cut the top off
one of the trovers on he right kind while
working • machne in the tun shop tit
(1 i11..
*eaforth : Will Irwin, who went from
ben to the west • short time ago, has
secured • situation as oieht operates •1
Kelsey, Munesota, .t • s.l.ry of $50 •
Exeter The keys of the post -office were
stolen from bliss Coulde oomp.rtmeot on
Saturday evening last by some un;:nown
person. The pwtmaster, Mr. Johna,•t once
placed new locks on the doors.
Brussels. It is mated that the money
stolen from Brussels marl bag some months
.go will be made good to the parties It sing
it by Beattie Bron. paying 4 and Poet,
'neaterFarrow t. The amount was $163.
Wine/ham : Fred Diamond, soh of Wm.
Diamond, Wingham, • lad of sirSben, who
e employt.d in the Diamond machine and
tool company's shop, Toronto, had he hand
had*, ripped by • saw on Monday of last
Wingham Another business change has
taken place to Wily/barn. George Ir.lamd
ha purchased tete furniture and uudertek-
ing business lately carried on by John Cor-
nyn, cod will matinee the business as for-
Seaforth : Mr. Mel/meld lead to the
altar one of MaKillop's line looking ladies in
the parson of Mw Kate Odder, daughwr of
A. (:alder, • time h000red eitires of our
tows, who now reside. ea the 2nd con. of
Hresele Watson Ainsley was the pur-
chaser of Knox ohurob last Friday after-
noon. Ho paid =360 for it and the half
sere lot. Mr. Mosley inlaid' eattinr the
budding is two end will melte two dw.l
hngs out of It. He rot • barged*.
grey : Fred. Fowler, who has taught
suooeeefully for • member of years is S. S.
No. 2, Gley, was offered wad hes accepted
the situation of teeeber is hte home school,
S S. No. 1, Qullott, ata increased okay.
He has resigned his position in Grey.
(ioderiob township - (Ib Thursday, Wt
week, Hagb Sturdy, of Gabriela township,
mat with • asrloaw saddest. Ile was week -
ing on the bars os Jesath•a Mellor'. (Mc-
4'ullough) farm on the Huron Pesci, tad
whtie standing a the plata handling •
rafter, some twenty feet from the greeted,
his wrist sad ankle were upraised and sow
small hoses broken.
Morris : An old resident of Morns in the
parson of Jams= McCracken. neck to
Councillor McCracken, of Bru.ele, died is
Nebraska en May 24th, aged 70 yens. He
took np the farm sow owned by HMO For-
syth, 6th lis°, and was eve of the first
settlers Dimmed moved to the States 23
SeNass age. Mn. MoCkeeken duds 1877.
veral shade's' survive the parents.
M.Kilso : LAM Sabbath morelag three
AUdre. of Jabs Metier., McKillop were
is their father's bare and attempted to
aBath into • w ever • hay recd. ft eip.
est and a erba Myrtle. the oldmmt of the
three Mabee, seed 6 years, sad pissed
her te the esus. a part of the rash being
menti her meek. Tho awe seer Atkins
made • essewhaw•n salmi mad mimed their
sister from tee angers= maim and save
the Mum to their member. Myrtle wee tee
miserly injured M reenver, however, sed
death ee red is els hems. The fossrel
task pease ea Mtsday, imars ll a klieg
mode at Kerber,' ..'y