HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-13, Page 8a THE SIGNAL: 61ODWRION, ONT.' TH ISDAT JUNE 13. 13W NEW BOOKS! WE HAVE THEM ALL. THE QUEEN OF LOVE, by S. Baring Gould IN THE DAY OF BATTLE, by J. A. Stewart A DAUGHTER OF THE SOIL by M. E. l•'rt.ocee BESIDE THE BONNIE BRIAR BUSH, by Ian MCLaren,Cioth, $1.25 MR WiTT'S WIDOW, by Anthony Hope Paper, 50c. .t.►re closes Summar months at 6 :Mock. 1 eleptaogt Esoheure open till !' o'clock, where ermine papers • ill be distributed. Paper. 75c. " 75c. 75c. GEO. PORTER, Ildok..eller an.i I unpOrher CI Fine stationery. pjAC EOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS THE BLOOD. Regulates the Action of the Liver and Kidneys. and will be found Indispensable in cases of Female Irregularities and Urinary Diseases. Asa tort onnist et wets direct to MAO MOD'S LABORATORY. SODUCION. MMR NEWS OF THE I)ISTRW(T. From our ownOorr.spundenta y.-..- I. lar.rmailea Mere f.aad Aa) warm KI.. %.•w.., the t easily averts:ll aey.rled ter 1lir Meant si iknt was supposed to be • burelar, b0 t which turned out to be • somnembult o mon. Mr. H. was awakened during tb e sight by • ru.tliog 00/0010 the room, so d thtnktag it wail the hired ma, Called out, but rec.ave'1 Do respoa•e. 1:ettIug up and lighting • lamp, he embed • club, sod was prepared to give the intruder • hot reoep- that t esia.t be non, when to his astonishment he perceived WHITECHURCH- Mk, Ait; , .11.M 11 ..- t . •cry:Y has moved !u W t.,..a. as \' o n..bh intrude sailing for SootMnd t.li. r,•• ,•w 1. •-... is to tel.. p:a•. tuu.,..t nt the I'resbytertan Mate, AIN H I'&rerson presented her husband with • line pair of boys last week. AI r N. 1. ou, proprietor of the 1 'ommercifl, a Cr OD 1nnoreotl7 g•4Dg at him. Hu fist impulse was to dispatch his 0000ehip, but seeing that the seined was so quirt, he lust 'shoe leathered ' it out to the woodshed Nazi mo ruing it was captured and Mr H. aow has it 10 hie possession. KINGSBRIDGE. 11,,1.11, June 10. Min Katie Merun is visiting in I:od.nch. BMete labor lis No. 1 ward is complet- e d. omplet- //actio Bros. were in Goderich on Fri - y of last week and report having a good time. has sold his hotel to'1 . Armstrong, of N st Me Mary Hogan, of the IOth coo., hes bus solWautahih been vsitmg Mn. Wm. I;utgley, 01 this place.There is • grand opening for • geed shoe- maker, she could do business i0 connection I. Webb and J. lsti o t. of Goderich. for • the liars..hues. passed through hero o route for the 10th . I tor town is morning. 'Phe walls of the JerrySullivan, of London, and .lames use church are rapidly moving up, and P. I►altoe,o1 W:ngb•m, spent Sunday at home Troy bas made • fur start toward the erec- under the parental roof. two 0, • large bnuk block on Main•st., ---- vireo h a 'o be finished on to store• and BENMILLER. shops Two of the latter are already leased. Mu.I,At..lune 10. one to • f oyed for • hardware shop. the To the Chief Rafter and members of other t.. 1/Kew. who u doing a good buss- Court Benmiller, No. 86. ('. O. F. nes., for a harness shop. PORT ALBERT. AL .nil, .lune 10. '1 A. 11•wkine vi'ded his paremu, Mr. eel Mrs. 1.00 Haskins, of this village, os Tuted•y. 1ileesn A1.l'hail sad Stroud, the new Pisa aid funeral beoefiu sad 1 beg to &c. teuenu of the mol, have arrived and are knowledge the receipt with thanks of the prepared to gave till Wtief&. 1100 to the pub- lic in grstuut and chopping. A deput•tuon composed of the reeve, Week sod .'ueeph I.nnin will visit Ottawa this week at the expense of the tows.bip to ask for • further grant for fort Albert har- bor. The north pier bee been com,,leted, With mu.1. credit to Mr. 'write for the in- genuity and ability he has displayed in superintending the work. Two of our citizens visited Dungannon on Saturday to market their wool. The day being wertr., of course they were dry, and they •iuenched their thirst no well that they lost their way home. As the bottle de- creased, the driving speed increased and caused quite • duiturbssce by Dearly injur- ing some ladies on the road. 1 ba of them had to he driven home. With the intoner- the dry weather continues. o nce of the neighbors order wee restored, and we learn that the "countable and poet" hr arrived home, but poor Tom had to 'shank it Den. Six- -Allow me to tender to You my moot sincere thanks for your unwearied attention and kindness to my late husband, Archibald Malloy, •n hu long and severe 111• sew, also for your kind letter of sympathy to myself and family in this our irreparable lei., and also for the prompt payment o1 of the chick for $1,000.00 benne the amount of beneficiary certificate on my late hos hand's lute issued by your (fitter. W ehiog your Order every success in iu labors of love and humanity, 1 meatus yours sincerely MARGARET M A. I "Y. NILC TrrsDAy, ,lune 11. Mr. Taylor a busy repatrinr his town lot Robert Millwaine attended conferee,* at Strath roy . Geon. Healey, of (.odench, .pent Sun- day at the perso.age. bliss Row Hutchins spent the past week undo, the parental roof. 1r -op. will be • failure in thew parts if LEEBUHN. Ttt...•A),.lune 11. twin iu bs.I.y needed. We hope, at the l'entocoetal meetings in the circular town, the leaders of it woo t forget to prey for rein as hew'? Ile es they would for • person al benefit Last week Mr and Mrs Wm. Fotherisg ham, of 'I'uokersmith, with Captain limp bell. an et mariner. ..d now a resident of the .arse township, were the guest. of Mr. and kin. A H. Clutton. When here they visited l -,clench, Captain 1'ampb.11 having quite an audience with hie former fellow - seaman of the deep water, Captain Raster. Mr and Mn. \ 1(sechler, tr., lett hem lest week for their new home at H•hbur- ton. I)et., where Mr. Bsechter wall setae more largely into the sawmilling bustnes., with Thos. I,Iedhdl, of Henmiller, •s • partner. A Dumber of Mr. Be obler's em- ployees go with him and will work with la. new firm We, with others, wish them every suo^esu in the new esterprias. The S. school picnic held on the farm of Jamie Linklater on `:•turdsy afternoon was • decided euciess. A spacious pasture field seer the west orchard gave ample room for the game of all kinds. the mammoth barn for the swings large and small, for the child- ren to and out of their tees.. The vsunn superintendent of • 'mortar .1 a mat ary A. ( Maodosald, with hi staff of tasob.rs, who were nearly all premise, did their best to make the little folks at home. making it the best social pionio in the angel. of Coe- burn DUNLOP. TrgeDAY. •lune 11. Wm Duos, of Eimer, formerly mine host of the F:xohaage, visited fwoog old fnesda hoes last week. Phos Hawkins, of Windsor, who was up the previous wed. &heading the fn.rel of hu nutter, was the guest of A. C. Monies .Id Monday of lint week. Mir Nellie Crick. of T..kenmith, with her brother, were the Karts of Mrs Jr. .lewd Inst wash, daring which they visited at the foist Farm sed at Reemillsr. The folkwiag were tradest visitors is our midst Saturday : Joseph Kahle, of 1•ederieh, and Mks Margie McAllister, el Flelfast : sad /w Sunday of this week . 0. Walters, M. /)'them. (was. 5p.nes, D. Corbett, of St. Steams's, el the a.Ww•ter tawobip of Hares : a.d ea Meads? : A. M.AlYser, of BeMsat, formerly are hest of the Reamer. LOCHALSM. See ea', June i0. • RMsuua Cori. --4:ea Marbles. re- eently W • seidegglit ane.Me with what M tee Hattie Burne, of Black Horne, is visiting friends in this nobility. Harry Cook, of Goderich Township, gave our village a call Suodsy evening, Mir Bertha Duff and Mir Sarah Mo - Knight of t.oderich, spent Sunday at Nile. Some of the young people took in the garden- party at i1 ilium 1 sung . Friday last Mrs. John Watson, who hes been vesting here the past week, left on Monday for Hamilton and intends going to the old country nest month. Henry John drove into the village Friday to take ha beet girl to the garden party and when he got hem was • link two shy to ask her. A taint heart will never ate • fair lady, •lotisny. PUNCH AND JUDE. UUNOANNON. Nance. The local agar* In DII anon ter Tee Swwim . is at the aloe of J. O. 'srd, J.P.. eonveyaaoer, to., wke will rendre or den for eubecrlptloaa, adverting and job work. slit is authorised to sive r odpte for . mounts raid ter the same Tl -r -..A1, Jia. lL V I.I1' .K. Mule Mary ('roabte,ot Reiter, n orth of here, is visaing the Marr Augus- tine. 1)N . t rn,T:'o. Tot R Mr. and Mrs, Augustine, of Adubeld, left on Friday last to visit their daughter, Mn. T. H. Walker, at I.ftersolb, Oxford 000.17. RFA ov/RIN... Wm. Mallough's foot to wally healing, and witb pod care we he will Boon be able to am it, which wi 1 be pleasing to hie many !abode. V 1+tT..u- Mr. sod Mrs. W. Holland, of the mroalsr town, ad formerly of Ashfield, were •sitter relatives sad former ealusin- mama the latter part of last week. Au At Alt. Thome* Tremble, of Mimi. tee, who had bees attendier the burial of hie deceased father, left here on Fnday last for Mime We wish hien mho arrival them. tbt• ►..Axl Y1 ellam Beaky, 1'.R , of Court 1 tunpnona. has her appointed as doi.gate to mused at the Hies Court whirr is to he hold at the city of Homilies, on Tuesday the 13th .lone. ON .v Y-I•IT. Mr. 1). (.len and wife, dar- ts" kat week were visiting relatives at Newbridge Fowler is a •reit to Liaaowel, Perth cessty, W his dasrr►rr, Mrs. John start. We wish the veserabl. g.stlem.. • *asset vat CARR\ 1 i• Fina Awe.. - iDerla( Inst week e.e Albert Herald, thee in the employ dd R. Finnigan. Ashddd, was brought Were Wes. M.Ooogh sad .1. G. Ward, .1 P.'s tag d•rged with earryiag • leaded pistol ..mosey to the etatatee. H. pleaded gay to the cheese, ad was limed 410 sad atilt.. NADl.i Worsting).- We repot to heye t.. lets that Wm. MoMaN,oes .1 ear w ast sassonad sad highly rapeseed MU - ere, le old op usith • sera f.N 'awed *a Bga!ns i11 Mi1e. One- Third off all Trasnmed Hats and Bonnets. Our Entire Stock of Trimnletl Millinery, about 75 Hats and Bonnets, ranging in price from $1.00 to $6.00, will be -offered at One -Third off Regular Prices FROM NOW TO JULY 1st. Our Milliner- Stock is all New, bought for This Season b Trade, trimmed by experi- enced Milliners, and marked cheaper than Millinery was ever offered at in Goderich before. 0111 Price is No 13 Les. We also show a full range of Infants Muslin Bonnets at 15c., 35c., and 50c. J.T. ACHESON. eeeuo0 of the harrows, which he was ring some time tyro, falling e0 it. whish tamed • severe wound. We hope he will soon re- COTer. 11.'-r rod OrrA%A.-H b Giraia, Ron.. ir the popular reeve ot Afield, kis pas te Ottawa as delegate oa municipal site lig couaection with }'ort Albert. F.aLi. SHow, Airfield and Wawanoefs Arricultaral Society anneal Fall Show, will he held oa the Agricultural grounds. at i )ungasnon, on the 8th and 9th of October. Tye FRrtr 1 i;air• - Messrs. Cook, of Clinton. trust exporters, were through here recently prospecting as to the purchase of fruit. They report the fruit crop in chit and aurroundug vicinity very poor. THKKu/.NLTKit On Sabbath lest the thermometer registered as follows 109 in the sun, .ed about 93 in the shade, it has been mid by some that Monday was hotter than on Sabbath. A good and oopK.us rata would be. we presume, • great blaring, ea the crops are i ery much in need ot moisture. ANN. AL OKANi.1. II.TRI.T MgrTiN.• The annual meatus' of the district (range Society, of Waw.so.h, will be held in the Orange Hall at Dsngannos, on Friday the 14th Jose, 1895, to ,omtneaoe at 2 o'clock, at the clone of which The Royal Scarlet Chapter, will open. A11 concerned will govero themselves, accordtagly. DtNGANNUSITi: Antuau.-R. Clendan slag, the viewable libraries of Dungannon Public Library and Mechanic's Institute, vested relatives in the circular town last week . ....Mrs. W. .1 Smith is vl.iung relatives at Kincardine, and also recruiting her health. We hope she will be benefitted by her wait •std return home safely. A>..Tilt.K ltiA'-.-ou TA•s' Aw+t. -Un Monday last, the remota. of Mary Irene, youngest child ot William J. Fowler, St. Helens, were interred in Dungannon ceme tory, after • few days' illness, caused by diphtheria. She wee aged 4 years Ray Mr. Miles, of Lucknow, conducted the obeniuies,the bereaved psrenta have the sympathy of their relatives and acqu.io- tanoes to the loss of their little one, their lar being doubtless its eternal gain. OMi..Iu 1N 1.ire er DAILY Si.'.U iIn looking over the newsy and interesting items of Tttr Ihu.Y SIt.NAI., Friday. true, we observed some omiesione in items of prominent geotlemee, who in the past have gredu•ted at the Goderich Collegiate, the names of Wm. Proudfoot, barrister, of (lodench : Dr. 1. MolMnagh, specialist, of Toronto : and R. 4.. Reynolds, deoutT- sheriff: all of whom, eradu•ted at 1:. 1'. 1. and were br.ught up i• the township of Colborne and I:od.ricb. &r-t.iRIAlrrlu*i--Rev. R. Fairbairn, m the abasia of Rev. 1) Rogers, who was at. tsodir.g Conference session at Strathroy, :tondocted evening service in the Methodic* Os here a Sabbath, lane Ib{h, Rey. Mr. Hesderso., of M•ucheet.r, and Smith's Hill dations, will preach • sermon to the members of Court Dungannon, No. in the ltethodset church here, service to commence at 7 o'eloek r vs. Members of the 1 •. F. and others are cor- dially invited to &trod. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. A.hfield council tae. es Saturday, May 36th es • court of revisioa and for gemerel business Minutes of provers meeting read and approved. The ceased was otssei- turd • court of revision by the members taking the easel oath Jeremiah lleasto.d stymied raises the aressmeet roll, oa the grounds that his lot, N.P. o1 3 ad 4, Mss. 7, W. D., as assessed too high is Mom prison with others, Til : N. i, R.. I, lot 1, oar. 4, Si'. D.; W. y of let 5, eon. 7, F. D. part of of 5, re. 5, W.D. sad part of 7, cos. 7 and 8, W. D The appeal was di. mimed. Moved by Mr. Farrier, aanlid by Mr Kahle', test the ssrerwt roll be are adlopt. Carried. A deputation waited as the comsat saw that 4100 be greeted M defray the expenses of • delegs• ties to Ottawa to i.rryiw the (:overs• meet is rased to Pert Albert harbor sad railway facility. O. motion of Values aid Fairish. the serve remelt was ¢p*sad. A petition was pr....ed arkieg that the N. i e1 kw 21, ran. 1. Moron tame* be tsree- ferred from U.A.R. No. 14, to CS. No. 11, .f Hare. teweskip Moved by Mr. Farrah .res4ed by Mr. Kiehl'', that Matthew Farris, he &ppei.ted arbitrator e0 behalf of the tw.ahlp of AJdcld, be settle the master. Carried Tits kivawieg shequss were awed .1.. Knight, work ea R. R. 41 : Matthew Ferries, Wary as warmer.ed sonslhaire el W. 8. g., 4100: R. Malmo. ^ . .wtk.t . 1w KR. ww.. IS. IN. 160. part pay for salary ; Jos Edallidf>, maturing road on E. R., $1 : -A. Taylor, work on road at Taylor: Mill, 18 : Wm. McNeil, for culvert and making road, S. K. 3 sod 4, 43 ; R. Fitzgerald, for plonk, *17.25: Wm. Teasley, repairing Storni fence. 75o. ; W. A. Phillipa, repairing i culvert, S. R. 9 and 10. 41 ; ,l. M. Noboru. 1 for cedar timber, 48 80 : Jon. Montana, ' cleaning ditch. cots. 12, 50c.: Hart A F(id• - dell. tor blank fon. and mowed for elect - non, 42.40: R. A. Umiak, for services as collector, $80: Jam F Caasedv, m.dioel at- tendance on Mase Mclean, $3 ; M. J. Me- . Kay, for cleaning hill, con. 12 W.A., $7 : H. Mcleod, repairing county bridge, N.B., i Asbfieid's half, $9.25 : John Cimpbell, n- puntssgg app roach to bridge on A. 1_, $2.50; A. McI)ti.dd, repairing county bridge, con. 14, 11 ; D. ('smpbll, cutting roadway on N.B. 50a ; Jno. Stevenson, planking bridge, L R. $6.50; Joo. Keefe, repairing approach to bridge, L R., 42 ; Robt. McIntosh, for tile drain, S. R. 3 and 4, con. 14, 42 50 ; Jas. Holland, repairing culvert on coo. 2, 4'1.50 : Jus Tiller[, •.pairing road S R. 3 and 4, con. 2, 41.50 :,lno. Black, repairing culvert con. 2, $1 ; Robt. Harrison, for return to the Department of Immigration, bank draft and Protege, ,)2110 ; Samuel Roach, supplies to t.be Carter family and bread to Wm. 0' - Neil, $13.6.5: •1... McMillan, ditch across and a distance along • street to fort Albert, 44 : Thomas Hawkins, goods to the ('anter family, ,$12.30 ; .loo. ('nein, underdrain, coo. 6, $'2; .lame. Bryan. printing. 125. 1 ouncal adjourned to meet again on the 2914 day of ,lune. W. ST(rrll [IC, ('lark. PONY DOESN'T LIKE IT. Isn't check my bead too high. 1►on't cat off my tail and then expect me to stand .till without • fly clip. Don't clip the heir off my ankles sad leg.• l)oa't burn my feet wheo I am .hod. Don't yank the bit in my mouth. Don't ear 'beck when you mean 'stead .till.' Iloo't expect me to eat when 1 have • bed tooth. Don't hitch me out in the cold with the wind blowing hard. Don't leave • .hoe on me more than four weeks. Don's whip me If 1 am afraid. Don't fill me full of melees medioitae when 1 am sick. 1)oo't blister me all over if 1 am lame. Let we rest. poo't forget to feed me three time. • day. Don't call one 13 years old when I am 26, and don't expect me to be as good se ever. ;Won't hit me over the head. Don't put blinders oo me it 1 go good without them. Don't forget my salt. 111)on't run me if 1 have the colic. How wonld you like that treatment yourself Dost bars the bars of my mouth and thick you are oaring the l.mpa.. Desi let some smart aleck make • tr ott r of ma Don't weak w all day without lifting my collar. Don't pat a meed, nasty bit is my mouth. Don't let some one drive ate if they don't know as loser about driving as 1 do, es- pecially a man who is drank. Don't lave me a fly time without cover- ing me with • light blanket. 1►oe't allow my stable to be too light ia the summer Sime. -Arse ea. Rema Dealer. OUAINT PIIOVERRS. Bach vise weeds its slit*. (due Mop is worth one bemired hoods. leve Gad weak sons betray tbsm.slves. A girl that .piae thinks of her weddsag dregs. A mew. is 0011001100. •• Bet akar, he is atlw r " s..soh the hotter '" People in hive believe wwytte4, ark enn't sew -- ._ People is Irvs have belle 1 Maw their eyes. The aver e1 wean maim a t .1 • sew -bird. Leve w daasvered eider dm • bees i• the steskieg. A mew is leve Mee'* need eyeagh eee- ier he k KIEL (.along meerbd miles /WEB Sian e1 seethes ig a neve, ten old le love er ..mumu JAS. ROBINSON Cotner the Square and West Street. Crepon nes I swig yin ALL SHADES. JAMES ROBINSON. 1. EVERY DAY A BARGAIN DAY 1 *fur MR. DOBIE has just returned froul tl a East, where he has secured .some special Bargains in } General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, &c., 300 Ladies' Sample Hats, Ribt3ons, Flowers, Laces, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. ALL NEW GOODS, 'Prim Aral ligh Re KJ X Call and investigate. Yours respectfully, DOBIE & CO., North Side Square, Goderich, P. O'Dea's Old Stand C.R.SHANE & CO. We don't keep Straw Hato - We sell 'eni. Spial Lias Today GIRLS' SAILOR HATS from to 4.rtc. GENTS' STRAW HATS from to $1.73. BATHING SU iTS, an range, from 10e. to =3.00. •t... LOC..* PI tT t aw t1 '''' 0 io ex' /e 4.ic. I Ton Flirt Iv Wer.L III CURIUM MI (bold 3aycl• Co. alt immense' Bt a"+'l Wd. ant ae VON4r s riot... 301 :.T. PAUL In To.to.vro MONTIVIA4, .rst1 arca r iLoaus C. R.SHANE &CO. Da. Mentnal-St. and Stam: CLEA! IGOUT SALR of our present Stook et PHAETONS, BUGGIES ..a CARTS. During the next two weeks we will hive you the chance to purchase A Splendid New Phaeton for $100, worth $185. A New Top Buggy for $65. A New Spindle Wagon for $65 A New Campbell Cart for $30. A Nice Low Phaeton for $f.5. Two (hod Second-hand Carts for $15 each. A Good $Mond -hand Buggy for Thaw Prices are AWAY IX)WN 1 .t we are in • hurry to tall to make roots for another line of Stook. OUIDRI'S 1001101 80018 HAMILTON -ST., QODRRICH G. W. THOMSON, - - • Agent. YOD H, ONT. THE: THORHU(;RBRED sT*LU011 ser ZA21MO31R." win be at our sables, Ham5ten-.t„ dart thin season. THOMAS GUNDRY. Baby Wants Its Martin's Cardinal Food POO IMra0Te awe IMVWO.. The most palatable food prepared. NA k► unequalled byairy oth of its kind. The beet !bed mad Selma value. pat up 4. tae pound Than. iia tact& per Ttn. asif C+e er,w sad fiPiriggslfrR Efllswtr WATSON di OS.. rummaM.. to