HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-13, Page 5THS SIGNAL': GODHRIOH • ONT. THURSDAY. JUNE 13, I8lx. W. ACHESON & SON. Special Values for This Week. 2,000 YARDS Claret Prints 2,000 YARDS in 40 different patterns at 8c. a yard, worth 12 1-2c. Colors warranted to stand most severe washing. Send for Samples. Wool Gallie aid Pried Foilards in Black and White Neat Patterns. Scare goods. Special prices on Parasols and Sun Shades. An Immense Choice and Stylish Novelties. W. ACHESON & SON. D. IL P**tTH'A1. FWHIL44 DsOWIN MOEus almEll Oar. Square sad North St., tOver l'. O. Newton's Haenel CMOs night or day promptly •t- tondd t.. Ltc.asMte M O. t . A.. Tarns, MIL DOM BILLCHER-Ic Gadsellob, on Tandy Jane 11th. the wife d L C. aeleher. baker. of • HOLMEB-la Casten. on the etb 1st. Use wits of Robert H.L.osMayor et Cllatoa• a sac, D1ED- SSOwN-la Ae►asld. Leake Range. I* tali. the reread wim of W. H, Brews. saga10 refs 1<ineadWs. oasetery. ins -e ALL- 1a Osdertah i Jam MA' ea Ma ia lssimindds' Mc- Dowell' aged o-Dowell'aged St yeas. THE TALK. OF THE TOWN. lhwm the Reporter'. Notebook It to*'ve • Wile In a' ler teat., 1 red Te Mat M t a Ass's Amami i to i Takla' lies., age' Milch We'll irsat Or.' -*sr.•. FiNE TAILORINi- Ai clam alma prigs' weirs s1l.4 cI ea snared. Joe arrived. u ci.l It. in Spring and Suasmsr smitf•pa B. MAt.ORMAC. We are badly in want of rala, but if you want the best i■ the Dhotogrephic line call up- on R. R Sallow*tr. the phote•pber. oor. Meat - real et and Spur•. (limos watt afraid to play Ooderich In base- ball yesterday. but Prldbam is afraid of s teammate is the clothing line. Boo him •boat Your new Sse'.er volts. WOOD EYZ SiGHT- b a priceless treasure. lou who have eget It should take care of it You who hive sot got it sksM have your eyes attended to at Dana We mean this pr.- o srv.tlos of siabt • ane .ss tot roar e w •oc.raely and tteieaultslly. W. T. W Z , eotleM. and Sewell* PUNTS. VIRAL MRirrist:+. -Tbe opeaisg of the manes of Pentecostal matings, will be is the Victors* street church ea Thursday at 3 r. w. , and the sumo oommtttee maki.g Arnes.oy.l tor their ormantition, dean • fall attesdanea at the mastery sae. Buwu1.-A match was played ea the laws at the resides°, of R. S. Williams' lest evesiag by the follo*Nsg risks :--D. C. Stesoban, skip. R. S. Williams, H. Lock wood ; D. MoCorreiok, skip. Chas. Sewer. .1. Wyss. After a well contested MIM•, is which there were some good pori. made, D. C. Straoha.'e rtak woe by 40 to 19 BATHIVG Awxt+ Tag RIVga Numerous o.mplesste are berg made •boat the suss bee of people betide, in the M.itl•sd. The objectaow are that yeas, meg olid boys is many instaoos Dever assume batting wits sod that emeriti ot them tree Warpage not tit for polite ears. The pares int.reeted say that no oblotan will be made to early sad late bathing. bat that they must have soar portion of the day to more abort their property without being grossly offended. Amoral. KxrrastoN Tt. (;Oet.rn.-Next Saturday. Jo . 15th, the (;.T.R. will roe the saws emersion to the Model Farm, (;sylph. Tbe fare ie $1.10 from Ooderich, train Iambic at 6:56 Saturday. arrivisr in Guelph at 10:42, sad tidal valid to raters toUnriag Monday. Sees* your tickets and all isfersmtios fres H. Are'strosi. tows takes agent : ti.kela, expruM and tale - reams to dl parte et the world : abs went ter Allege, Desira:on sad Cussed Attaatic .tsamehipa LAID At IL r.-Tbf• (M..day) margiser the funeral of the late P. O'Dea. leek pba fres the rsid•ae• of Wm. Tbbs. Britannia Road. It was seder the •espies of the C. M. R. it.. the fellew4. 'embers of the meaty d6elsteima seseph Kidd, ildbyn* K . Cam- pion 4J. J*•. Dem id J. Node* The tomes) reseeded fit le Peter's, where isms nes eisMa themes to the Ceiba -se R C- risman. where the totems* Wok *lees. e pewees of • large number of Maim* sed pore mal friseda A Sma)oss Aarmarer. - Oa Masor'Jay *mime while Mr. AiEbele. of O.ierioh terwmep, was Mein dews R(mee*ea•et with a wawa leads& with a hay praoier tssybimw Mamie Barry Cgs.* (about 5 years MI) ram between tie wheelie ssatehg- ly with the inMiien of his hoold. the wheel- M, bort, tier kis left fest lemettiewies, ersilmg It booby. No blame .os be .imbed la the dries, bet the mishap Mise the lisew attending the nese►-prasbad same la lisds.ib d Mary ler ea to wagons sed two escrows AA.,uamt. -Oa T baday while unloadlmg a ear of eMar.. lera M.iNsh, mmetiem H lain* be a 0. tank* am h1lm. Os Wb- ing the w. idSlsbErlb. *dog triable to was serial him em as LErprevie d ess lwp , end - -- W e enin eaL Pr. JAL aIle g iOM valet a sUhte badly injured, the right Mad painfully \seated, the right elbow dislocated, sad • large breis ea the back of the bead. The disioo•tioa was remedied sad the wounds dressed sad beedsged, cad Malaise\ seem - laity tested skier the painful mishap. He P*ac. TUE Tmiala.-Chas. (;arrow ssscsetslly peened the third year ex. manatees of Termite University. Altmann Ats:iDLYT.-Yesterday (TsM- day) Mrs. Jae. Sande, at Salttord, while p.ssisg doers stairs, aoaidently fell sad brek ►ear arm. CAT;H1M A TRIM ALA.'S DT. -Several kaswn sighs have already oes..seed eatcbise live bait s • preparation hr AOM Monday's baa fishier. Toe Pcxy.tuev&a. MEmY(-.-The Int address delivered by Dr. Keen m (.odetioh will be at the 3 o slosh siesttog in Victoria- st. cure* tomorrow, Thursday. THEY sag Corina FAST. -Every mail brings lettere M enquiry about the •0000. e'odatioe i. sews for Sammte viaiIore, aid the committee bas a busy time is s•arabiig ter board. rooms amd toss[, sad In sewer - mg correspondence. Iknlnc FAISILY Wcu. -Session forearm W. MaLtsh, who wee me esriossly injured T eeday eseraiy et the U.T. dept, r suf- fering oonsiderrsbly from the injuries oe re- ceived. but as there ware Ito boos brukee an early recovery r expected. THE To BAND-Tasdsyevening the town band practised in the Tows Had sed did some really good work. The player were well up on toed anetr mists. and all were is accord. Jogged by last night's n umbsre, the town bead of '96 will am be behind any set ot i strumeiuliste that Ism is the past enjoyed the privilege of beim called the (;odench town band. AT IT A..A1.. -Reports have already reacted town that Sunday fishing has oomntenced up the Maitland sed that the violators of the law are well-koowo Sabbath fishery of previous years. Fishing on the "day of rest" violates both diyise aid stet. tate yew, .ad is • bad example for the youth .f Canada ah is, therefore, the duty of every respecter of tee Sedated* and Ca- nadian law to Inform the Polio, Magi.tras or oonetwble of say sod every &air•ouon of the Sabbath ley Obs.rvaoos Act, that may owns to their keowlsdge. A Row AT THE DO** Jams Little, of Wallaooburg, shipped of the Aurora with Capt Thiamin Cosgrove and had his fare paid to (;odencb, and reoeived $1 as so in Velment on wars t le coming to I:oderich be wasn't 'awned with hr position, and left the boat without notifying the captain. This enraged the latter, who, findrag Little Iyin/ ostler • tree, undertook to inflict ob••twmest by striking and kicking him, trod badly damaging his lase. For this Little had Cosgrove cited before the police magistral, who, after bearing the evidence, Geed the latter Ido and co•u. PICNIC - The first picnic of the season was held at the Point Farm on Thursday last by the Hallett Ev.ngellal Asociatioo Stieday School, ander the menarement of Rev. 0 Booker. of Renmiller, sad Supt. J. G. Moser, of Myth. The aspect of the weather interfered somewhat with the .t- tesdsao*, but for .11 that • most enjoyable time wen spent by all present. A pleasing address, practically illustrated. wee de- livered to the **bell by the pastor, atter which • liberal oolleetles nes taken up tor the general eniasiseary fund. The sever oedisg .basses of the magnifiosat bssob, *spied with varier* tams, oompMIod a delir►Nal day's eatsg. Tow x Coe.ctL. -A evading of the spsial esusmtttee was held in the M rk's *Des co Mabtrday erasing ; present -M. Nieboleos, Mainsail'. A. Sunders, Il O. Jabmetes. D. Canals and R. Me1.... After the chair- men bad exd.,ad the epEEs of the mot- Meg, eatMeg, Malone moved; ea wdsd by Baa.dws, t.b.t we rsoommssd that tie "Me club be a11.'wed to make a Mader track timid* the railing sad next to the present track, the slab to vacate the track whim required by the a we or the Agricpltarsl Soo,etr. aid the work to be done to the satisfaction of the street inspector. and not to islet -fere in any way with present buildings. --Carried. Moved by McLean, wooded by Saunders, that De maim be taken in the matter of the offer el W. (i Cottle. for the PrIvilalitt of .slliSe r.fresbssss es the Harbor Pork. -Carried. Ax Ol.n Rorncr? Gone -P. O'Dea, our well-k.own rorideat, died Friday sight al 11:30, afar • kale Moses. Fee acme time Ids death had bean sapwood, his medial advisor baring staid ear there was so per *unity of recovering. sat almost from the hagiaatsg of his Meets 0 emend heli the ma. opiuies. Until •..th aims the patieat woe eoesoisss,aell • nay be mid he palmed M the `Gres R . nod " wit► lee bleultis ..bn•alred. Petrie* O'1 wg Tt.rs in ('east. flare, irolteei. sad is supposed to laws b -w in the Neigh- borhood of 60 all death. la 11166 he ad - gesso' M New Vert, and .fuer • three years' reddens in the Stats ones t. (Lim rib and *tared the sank, d Mr. McKay me dry deeds ale*. tilatly after be jee- red the slat .4 the las Jas. Watson'. wash- lidee sed .ad ressamsd is it toil 1061,whem he Warted se his ere ••eeemi. nth* whom he Left ee measle Ws veer* v bad Wow • mersh_M tee M yews. Arms= Osnalaeree. Deist M es la - P Da ... .i allwerme anew the to ae Mw^eM a M IMOilt .111118811108 hair esyeslsea We would advisaa wham. Mir has boom* W. or who are bald to take edtiisos of this *it as the Pro- estuary. bashes bee •sesmd each large proportion" that he is *.able to ,tell each Iowa as bequemtly as formerly. so be ad- vised. Seehie ' agedtea' wigs, tee pee, bawl, waves, switches, aged every (ere' el beams hair °overup sad moans the style ttoyoHe will be at Alhise Baal. y .- 26th Jima. Kion Cacaos Y. P. S. C. K The Y. P. S. C. K., of Kaci Oast* hold its regular loosing Lot .vemise Mie Misses McIver presided, aged ted as szoelbat paper os "How to sand the Bible." At the aloes of dee nee.tiag, the .gest-anaaal meeting of the sssiety was bell, whea the officers and ooa- veers of comatttss, for the next et: e,osths were chow*. Resident, Ker. Js. A. Lederman M A he vice-president. Mie Aikenhead ; 2nd vioapreeids.i, Mite Nellie Strang ; reo.rdi.R-saM,sry, E10 - wood Campine* ; osrr.spoading sser,sry, Mie Belle A. Wilma ; treasurer, Walter Bachman. The oosv.awn of comedies are : Loa -out, Mw Miaar McIver prayer mseung, Mite Jame Adams ; medal. Mies Minnie Strachan ; Hewer, Mite Jessie Masan : neesei.oary. Mite Kate Aiken- head t►enhead : relict, David Sudden.: delegate, George Andrews ; literature, Percy An- drews Thai oomstttess will be complet- ed by the Dew stoouttve, which will meet in the lecture room of the church next Tues- day eveaing at half past area. The pro- gramme fee the next six months, anttosoc- ing the toped* and leaden of meetings, to- gether with daily readings will be issued by the end of the wrath. COMING AND GOINQ Mies Bailey bas returned from • visit to Detroit Mrs. Pay, of North Bay is the gust of Mia Davis. 15' McLeod retuned today from • wok's visit to Detroit. N. O. Kerry, of Luokoow wheeled into tows ea Saturday. Harry Cloacas, jr., of Loodoa, moose Sea - day io the old tows. Mw Abs Cbiebdm, of Wtoghagi, is the guest of Mie Diets*. 8$asst inspector Js. Rad t. "pending a week's holiday is Detroit- Mia" etroitMia Aasie Oenepini, of Seaford. "pent Saaday soder the parietal roof. Mia McLean, et Woodstock is the rest et bee Meter, Mrs. Jne. Shari*. 8. ihebe.s, .1 Nestor* epeat Sunday with releases is the county town. Fred. Davis, of Seafot t►, arrived is the oousty tows on Saturday e.eatag. Harry Parsons, 01 Stretford was at the family residence, West -.t en Sunday. R.s.0 Maria. of Detroit japed' the tally gatbsiag in tows ra Saturday. Marry Jammed', ot Tomato is Miaitdmg hie grand preset, Mrs. T. R. Van Every. Mr. sad Mrs. Henry Homes lett Me.day fora rolm trip ou the Mesmer C;areessa. Mrs Misses Jaime, of Meehan', ie visiting relatives, Mr. mad Mrs. Wm. Dictum Walter Swallow, of Walton, was in town Saturday riling bes 006111014 flea sad Wal- ter Smiths. s. Rev. Mr. Irvine, who warn attending con- ference at Ste.tbroy, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Robertson and Miss Seegusiller. of Stratford, were vieiss, to town from Sat- urday till Monday. - Conductor sad Mrs. D. Helmet who are spending • few days in town are at the re- sident of their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Js. Robins. Mrs. las. Beecksnridge, a000mpasied by her sou sad daughter, left this week on an extended visit to her son Robert, t* Nut - walk, Coon. Mia Ford, who was the gust of her rel- atives, Mr. mid Mrs. Ford, the past Win• ter. lett for bee home is Dakota. o. Satur- day, her aunt, Mrs. P. Ford, •000mpanytw ker. )no. A. Reid and Jae. Elliott, who re- oently left tor tbe.Old Land with • ear of h orses, returned bogie 'Moly on Friday The geatlemes report a very pleasant and profitable trap. Thos. O'Rielly, of Asb6eld was in town today (Wednesday 1 on his say to visit friends m Santa and Detroit. "Toa'' will be missed b, the people of A•hleld. Ripley and Lucknow dense his abases,, as be bee the faculty of making his presence telt when be is around. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The 'chooser Rephto oompleted unloading yesterday morning. Most of our friends have already discarded their Winter underwear. S. Skase has had his pretty resident* and fence brigbtead by painting. .toe. Hyslop reap busily eagagsd getting out .tone for the new St. Peter's. One very bad boy recently started • fire in the yard of St David's ward school dur- tag school hours. The scholium in the school section *A- main; Polley's farm, will shortly indulge in their annnel picnic. Harry Craig who had his foot so badly injured by beam run over oe Saturdays Row programme favorably. The car taking out the God.rioh Organ, was pl.eRrded This car is loaded with orgw'aaafaotared by the (:oderich Com- pant - Colborne Bra- purchased oe Friday from (e•.. Wa.blttgtos, of West W•waneah, 904 lbs. of wool. A pretty good clip for me (arse. The steamer Cambria was in port at S.30 this Wednesday moroisc, sad leaded and took on several pss.sger., and loaded ons• adorable freight Rc•obler brought • big raft of Iopa up the river this morning and it had to as broken at the boathouses to get the timber op towards the mill. C. Bia.kstes.'s restaurant on West-st., next doer to The Sear ea*, has bee relit - ted m the Miert sad beet .syle. He is new p M M orbit te tie pablie is losobs, 15s- s. . eganaliOmcly seed e•easssbls (nits of emery Mad. The weather preolinell In Iso waree, sad • large isles d visitors may be yc- psessd. Yee wW wised pretty wie.1 paper to be up veer resin sad sarin vase and tty brie 'Arm M sasenest year how. Mia Haeeslm, d Tis Pair has this at prison it* will make yes army. METHODIST APPOINTMENTS. The datisning esimitese el tin Leedom MMMdist isenes. new i sees. at Ntrasbrsy. lure pesamt 8 their less abaft of the eteneas ear the .... _t year. Thea wW yes. as desks. be &sags, but ale fes war are the e .imsemi's, se est ter Swim the S1a mile .{obi . M. Mr. Oaatrwy. d deal. M, hes beam =B=ind is Pomba it ale 8wsthnny Me - m NASfl DwwtD0. 8L Marys" Anima Ommmi-Ohaw i One - Joe. LL Omsk % 3.. i1. la l Lima. CHANCE Ur( hi UI SYSTEM ! THE PHARMACY ! SHERBET " The Popular bila\ Beverage." OF 1]OINC BUSINESS.ea"":.... .r re drink. and after SATURDAY NEXT, JUNI Int, 1595, tie will conduct I STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS ! We are compelled to stake this change on account of the low prices at which we are now selling goods. To do a credit trade would wean bankruptcy in a few years, and being at present in as good a position as any other uter- chant in Ontario to buy goals for Spot Cash, we intents, if possible, to continue so. The large profits of years ago are stone, never to return again, and with them the credit trade has been decreasing year by ear. Buying and selling strictly for Cash (or its equivalent-- -Butter. s, &c.) we are prepared to offer our customers goods at the smallest pod- sible advance on Cost. We intend to show for early Fall Trade a Complete Stock of Ready Made Clothing in Men's and Boys' Sizes at Close Cash Prices. We have opened this week New Goods in Dress floods, Hosier-, Underwear, Parasols Lace Curtains, fire., Fully 20 per cent. Less than Regular Prices. Goods shown with pleasure. The highest price for Butter and Eggs. JAMES . A. REI D, '29th May, 1t'95. Jordan's Block, Goderich. INSECT POW. DER, PARIS GREEN, HELI.EBOR1. Warranted Pare. TR' ('UR OWN FLY PAPER POISON I. 8 pieces for 3c., TANCLEFOOT, AND OTHER KINDS 141111:.1 LICK, ROOT BEER EXTRACTS. Best thing. for hot v. -seater. OUR BLACKBERRY COMPOUND FOR SUMMER COMPLAINTS. W. C. GOODE ('HEMIST. ROI Al. SCALP MO. Latest OW, Kest Hair K - Protect and Adorn Your Head! PROF. DORENW END, OF TORONTO, [%(`5511O+ AND %ILL .x AT T111; Albion Hotel, on Tuesday, 25th June, with a tarry mock of ladles' and l;utlrtaea'e Wigs, Toupees. (tangs. Switches, Waves and other Hair Uo.I. styles. Every lady or gentleman who Is bald or who.. [lair W become this should take add this visit and consult WIS.1f there issv chancy Of g Cho growth he will ad vise those prepsr titbits best adapt ed in each coos. His goods are w ern bytbou. sats witgratify *1 ins results. . Remember at l VAN'S ROYAL SCALD' FO0I) tlH:If I.r ■a.UMMLI DSD rut BDMaae. FFolllless Hair, !►udru5, aged E.pia'ingg ed sad /;rat Hair to els Nates*! CensorYand Vitality. la large twain, $l.0o Yoe sale only by ehbore.dirCHAS D. WILLIAMS, Seem(:old Medalist, bine. l)ruegtt. IrNT ? Mt:ET That the largest stock, and the finest aeort- ment of FINE TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CIGARS, P1 PES, .'tnd all smokers' sundries Is at J. E. DAVIS', Phe. B. Draggist &OpSielia. A FURNITURE BALE! Aire ALBION HOTEL, ON TUESDAY. JUNE 26-ni. 1196. TravellIbm Omits Mixed e1tA10D IRV= RAiLWAY. Fagg ASS TO soounins. amlmrya. 15.50 a.m. Mail and Express t.{!( 0.m. Mixed . 7.40 p.m. Mail and Zit press 0. t p m. _ _ licomen ttlAiT. _ Mail and LSO p.os Mixed 0.1f.. - THE WEEKLY MARKET ILtPOAT Ooo,atne. June It. Its. Fall whom, lase) statedard • • Flour. tamt0. per cwt Floor. Fate per cwt .. R.patted. par owt les.slnRs 0•111. bent Peas.: ' Peswle bask new Pismo. Zees. Hatterfresh unmake& • des Wood Hides. Sheep Skins ............Live .. ki to0m 50 to r 70 00tolf0 4to170 1 00 tali 00 00 to15 00 00 toll 01 t0to070 Lite 0 56 00 M 010 Itto046 11to010 9(001• 00 to]00 00 toe N 001000 10 to 430 00to600 10 to 01 ltlto • 1 11 to 0 IS 00 to 111 Hay. cos Driossonnera Baoea. Haas. per Ib.. Cheese per lb....... Maple Syrup, per es( .. . Kiwis A. Chown, R 1).: Ai11r ('r.ig. Walter Agars ; Kirktoo, Themes J. Snow- don ; Weedham, John Restudy, B. 1) ; Niemen, R. J. Ho.kiag ; Thamsford, Harvey 1). Moyer. 'TRATroRD DtSTRlaT. Stratford Pesetal. (George F. Salton, Ph. 1). ; Waterloo -rt, los. Ward, B. 11. ; Mitchell, Wm. Williams, i). D : Meektos. A. McGibbon : Stals, John Kenner ; Ful- lerton. Josiah (Greene, H. K. Katringtee ; Harmony, Nathaniel 8 }turmoil t R'bro, E. Ker'h•w. LIPTON' IL DtSTRI. T. Listowel, M. R. Wil , D.D.; Mil- verton, 0 A. Fear ; TrowJobe W. g5, Robinette : Gomm, 1. S. Fisher: Ferdwieh. T. N . Ceases: Wallows, 1t. R. Bariby B. A. Ateresd, John Hall; Ethel, W. 1. Weddell, C. C. Kam w'ITaaNAS nN,.ice. Wiegba., Gorham A. OiNsrd, 1'►.1) ; Tesew.Mr, .lex. Birks, R A.: Wroxeter, Welly K. Kerr ; l ....M, (Geo. 0. WNW dick, fl A., B.D.: Wawa, R W. WiWgW'; iwdsboro, Heigh J. Fair, W J, MOs; >th,Oeargo Reagin: Amhara, Wfl. ve, Edward A. Shaw: Mem% Rogers: Wa A. Smith. senega R IN. A 1111191 Dt+TR1.T. 1Ziat.ardiee. Jamie ii.Mgstons s SI Has. .1. I..Hutton: Lasko/ow. M. J. : Asb8eld, Robert 8. Hall : Whitoeh/ah, Robert C. Buries: Mertes, W. A Maley; Bethel, Cb.rleo V. Lake: Seim, Jabs* 1. N.Me. nnoaa5'a sternere. Oe erieh. N.rehoL, JSsep Sdgm j Vis (rr ear dory holm t Qi baa, RsttSs- • lal Js W. Sew : Oma elen4 J. ▪ il imrerih. d Bel) S.Inw.ile. W. Wit; !fd`;W. Yampa. I TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes mnit be left at this Of .ioe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Mon day noon. game] Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Publle Notion. • HAY WA1ITID. 1 eray,, pal fits we fee geed Timothy day at NAT1lB. T.RlltillWat. with.tatioc, Ooderi •hfork to unload. `WT1 1 HOL'sK TO Ri.:NT.-FRAME HOUSE oerw Soatbat ani Britannia Road. 6 rooms ; pantry sad kitchen : soft and bard water : eardes planted. Apply at MHN. HI. AKW& ammo street. W21 It THE SERVICES OF TIM GODERIC H ORCHESTRA may be secured for Garden Parties. Dawn Socials. and other en- tertainments •t • reasonable soaves. For In formation apply to J.K.DAVIS. 1111)-i9W-af Sec- Treas. THE CELEBRATED BRAND OF PURE ELEPHANT WHiTE LEAD. R W. 'MOLLUSK has a large shipment to head. and would rspsetfally intimate to his easterner. and those about to paint, that though this celebrated Load Coate more than any other brand of mare Leeds. Mt N prepared to sell It at the pries *Neap* Lada anew >lIzeentsrs• Meuse. IN TIB 118TATS of HILLY DOER. Moth* ish rebpm17.. M 1L 1. 0. 1107. Istat .S eur4NIors ethers haying Maims aims* tbsNtal et l)nhaalate d the tows .f Breads\. la the comity of Homo. widow n0ssa.e.0 whedrd so or about the 1* day Of Jim., 101. me required on or before the 1st deg of July. A n. Mk to mod by mail pre paid or deliver to the ealteinewee . elieito•. ter Joke T. Dlska.s sad J&\. T. Domeas, the exereto.s of the M.1 will mot nauseant of the .etas decosee4, their els Mies and enrnams, adar,ms sad do.rrlptlo* with full pa. tk slarssef their titillate and the mature of the.eenrlta... 11 say. held by them . ed that after the amid dal the said .m estop srleZiroosed to dt*rlbuts the ao.ets, barites only to the china of which they Moan Own have received notice. and that the' will M 140 Ilable for the rialrw. of my verses w yf when Maim eke' shall sort have ed ed atnMt ogiki ek tido 11hh deg of Jess, A.I0. (IAItROW It PROt-DFOOT - - w11.11 Holfoltnry ter 0xeenteaa Rww. M. 1. W(1..5 ; 111:=E1/amee Walker: D)e R. C.ILDA$ Nike, J. W. Prsg; . R ss seta nienuce. Riser, Marv, R. W. LsubS : Jahr rat. (sae. Jack rs ; Per*►ill, J. r• Feed ; Maras. T. P. Cosplesd ; Centralia. W . 11. shwa t tkeiliss, J... Demise ; Bin, T. Bi wderd, LA.: Bryn "sea. J. B. Kirk - bed eylesm. J. Nest ; Omni B.mg, J.111. GIGANTIC REMOVAL SALE of Parlor Suites., Tido Board., Bed -room Suito,('bain,Tables, Pictures, Frame", Mirrors, Curtains, Drapery, Wall Paper, Fancy 1;oods, China- ware. Easela, he., dc. a.F.NC'INE SALE. that will cause • oommotioo among people of every clam. 20 otf ales ('at 4 Inc...'Enough said. Toms and ase. SMITH'S rl t'KXITl1R1: & ART D 1 1'OT F. SMEETR'b PLANING MILL SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 take this opportunity to Inform the publics that 1 am still In the business not withstand isg all rumors to the contrary, sadism prepared to do every clam a work in my lin. from maki.g • window frame to erecting • Savory building with maimed roof. Ketfatsts tarnished sad oompet Mew Invited. The furnishing of build log material, such as lath• shingles and lumoer • siecielty. F. SMF.KTH. SMeLL. July tth lilt. LOOM YB 1811V1rngs 90e1Mtr. I rNTT WHATOYOUSLAVE.1[61008 YOUOU MIL THK HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND iNVICETMZNT COMPANY. Ao1.I(trnrta-Cas*roar• Holt sad Holmes. Derivative. iatorst Cempond every sin months at four perfoeat. per •arum, ea frff. Yew d.11er upwards. Deventer. will flu/ 114 their advantage to epee sad toe ua t tt may es soctired s way time without aeamr s. the security of ireved desirable Rx moderato. Applications M tktEMasrarr er selicttera Coarpaa a Mace w ou Masted North et sod Court House Spaaro--opeotae Ronne Hiu5 v. ones. HORACE HOUTON. J. H. COLBORNE. Manager. President. R 0 RxFIt A 100. bottle make 5 gasless Root Rami • *foe Saes drink. Try WILSON'S IRON TONIC PiI iS to tome see the system daring the hot weather. * ?r's SARSAPARILLA. Pere PAM 000011, OWN101111 seed INSECT POWDER. J. WiLSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORK Tebpnea - 11. Utes le. 1IR W. A. H. ('ITFF, OPOANI T Dl A4 d St Owes Meechh,, Is ee Yseal aged ►1aDSOei.