HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-13, Page 44r.
flu ignxl,
M rwatJO
ice D. 1...wfa•Mt.
OSse et Pub=1 sad N. ii •a
Do/erlM Qatari&
Terme eJ NbeerfpMema
see mouth. to edema
Three menthe.
• 11
Ore year, '• I M
tam u Leer label.
Year label is • etaaditut meson el the date
ee sleet, vee are paid up. flee that it t• not
allowed Ie tail Lase mrraat.
Wbee • eiames of address 1s desired, bath
Ike old .ad theme address *heed M gives.
m r, M M[ Mveegeene Swim
ewes per
Ise ea- m tberzr t la.ertlo.. N..sa'vdl b
=cards of eta Ilan •ad ender. $e per
of Loh. Fouad. Strayed
Blteedeas V.nt. eltu.o.
tle Wanted and
Ilalelnm. ( b.aoem Wanted .ot eeedtag I
thlmwMp.:el1. i1 per month.xo
1en tl.Ie and Parma ea Bele. sot to
eiamed 1 lifew, 11 for Mt montlt, Otte. per sah-
e ogment month. Limier advt.. 1m proportion.
Any spaced .Silo., the •f which le to
1romWe the sweaty hese&of .ap omit
"dual et 00=1111011. to be eesddared u ad-
vertisement emit shamed am.ae.tlaab-
la mm1.uttmma oa...wsreil tees s.. oast per
word, DeseenlessI IIS.
leos.l iesMMss la owdfaasy reds g type twe
ovate per weed. Ne rebs. ter Int than
Kellam for churches sad other religiose*
be.evole.t iaminuts.m halt rate.
♦reel •-T1e sMemaI ' nellveay.
Subscriber who fall to receive Tun Bluest
relralbrly, either by carrier or bymall. will
seater • flavor by soquautlug us of the taco at
e s early • dates' possible.
Rejected manseortpt• menet be returned.
('orwpoade.oe mum be written ea one elds
or piper only.
r.Mtabeee Piedra
J. C. Lm Teasel. of Ooderiob, hse been •p
petaled Local Traveling Axed for the tows-
ehlp of Godertoh. Colborne, Addled sad Wr
pomma.Mn over the dlatrlct are alio
pioewend to receive •ubeorlptlon. t0 THIS
meat .
AA mmmuaientiens must be •ddreesed to
Talepieme O•M 111,
4110DR1UCH. THII11sD&T, Ants 11. t#I.
Oe mod after July 1, all discounts due Tits
SIc1AI. for oontsect .dvertisine .ad job
work will be oolleoted monthly, and Sentra
amounts will be pard is the e..w m•smor.
The system which has hitherto been in
yoga. has not glvea satisfaction to THE
1u:ru. or its customers, and 11 r believed
the monthly oolleceisn mid payment splen
will be more-tideelery till armed.
WORK must be paid for when ordered, as
ace broking will be allowed. The pay -ea -
you go system is the only memo way eft
dealing. D. M. C i LLiCI' DDY.
The Federal superannuation sys-
tem should be s.*sfa.nuelie ,
-It's worth tem defter* a (day and
mileage to swelter in Ottawa weather like
- The Toronto World thinks the
National Policy requires remedies off. So
dos any well regulated gevo.
This; 6; the fire of the year when
• weather bulletin anneunoemeot of local
showers would bring toy to the heart of
many an individual.
Everything has been out of kink
during the poet few menthe, and now 1t u
beginning to look as if the dog days were
coming • little .heed of their time.
The l(oeederry Government is
now worryiag along with . majority of six,
which ought to put heart tato the gentle
tree at Ottawa, whe bbv. • plurality of
sixty at their back.
The Toronto Telegram adlvo. ate.
the use ot the cellar as . Summer reort,end
commode that for practical purposes the
cellar is far more comfortable and decidedly
cheaper than many of the so-called resorts -
'1'11e ri•xt meeting of the .•aunty
oomodl will be held i. Mateo. The house
of refuge in that burg is the muse of the at
treotton. The marching tune front the
North will be, " Over the Hills to the Poor
The perni.nent military font/ of
Canada ie to be reduced by 200. Thu will
elect • saving of about $250,(]00 • year,
and is • step in the right direction, but why
n et lop off the entire alleged permanent
force, root and March •
The .liacu,aaion on the !ail question
at Hamilton ilea reached such • pitch that
some of the wranglers may find themselves
me the inside hetnre they know where they
are. 1n such an event the man with the in
Ude iafornatw wouldn't be the hest off.
The list of the Montreal and To-
ronto Heard of Trade farmsm who pocketed
movers" mailroom d dollars between them by
the recent Mir in wheat mast he good rend
nag for the •gncelterots who raised the
wheat and didn't pocket anything bet pent -
op lealiaga.
WO have heard little or nothing
of the eetee-ed member for West Hama
o nce he resigned hie molted hat std spars
Ceder the decommissions would it Sot be
Int ea well that he cheek" nears her rag-
time • He is getting ea salary and West
Heron has en repraeem.•tive.
There 11 • by law in this town
ageism ewers of horses allowing animals to
ran at large on the streets Duple this
toot Beers of err man he .nen any day
reaming armed the deems at their owe
sweet will, to the risk et Mildew sad
pedege i.ee of all .gen. Way dose to tom
misread* ea time Ike by-law'
Amnia NOMAA Mil Arent imparatertmi"viell
the amber bill. aid ase goat tib star sulk
lt peen/ toselee& A. N @M.de led*, N
in • disgrace to the Iowa to have sash ea
eskeps sidewalk with. the oerperades
limn., sad one el Lhasa days an aooidest
try eoe.r by reams et the Sneeuve plane
Nat try p -_"w- the taws tato Oases lar
greater ties the uupairttt5 would sow
- The tali semsu. of Chit/Igo
pees the paept of that alta at aver 1,
600.000, seakrag its gnwtb the steel pe-
semeaal in model or modern 1lma
rieb, which wee established about the same
item se Cei.ago, sad which borne of a
oureener aowuw, •ad whack had as propi-
tious • start, hoe may 4,000. (:bloats has
ucre•sed is populauw by 1,300,000 mace
1872, when it woe p/s0N0•lly desolated by
the terrible fee that swept over at. while
(iodereob bas sot been wove w successful 1s
onward growth from the date mwtio.ed to
the present time. Will wmehody plisse ex
phis why so great • discrspb.oy exists.
Isn't it shout time we heart( of a
polataor.) eartheseke et Ottawa' The loyal
Opposition, some time ago, were brimful of
hope diet, sada, the present leadership.
then woad be so difficulty is dayisg the
giant, Fled l.overameet, and pettier
Hoswty in its place. Up to date there
doesn't appear to be • sags dist pooh an
event is likely to heppa.. sad even Big he
Li.T►e, the genial .11a SETueau+u and
the brawny Fru.ra, train down by the
sounding ace, get on with their labors is the
most oommeepl.ce way. and with the miry
gait of • me working by the day.
Tile New York Sun says the
blacksmiths, horseshoers. h•rse esakers,
and eackdriwees of Quebec ham mad. an
energetic protest against the granting of •
permit to build an electric street railway in
the city, for the reason that it will interfere
with their means of earning • living. We
suppose It is bound to do that for • time
while It well surely furnish other work to •
tfoe.d inlay ot them. Above all, it will en-
able the rest of the city to reduce their our -
rent expenses, for horse travel .ie far mere
costly than eleotrio travel. There is no use
In trying to resist the introd.ctiee of the
miters' esteemie% of power or the Mw i..M-
veatioas in anSSb•eiCS. !Such attempts Sas
n ever be ■uooasefel anywhere.
The Toronto Star advocates that
the beads during the Summer menthe
should play popular urs, and net kip to
what le generally called " high elms music."
We most mode- that we .gree with The
Star, and would prefer to hear " Annie
Laurie," or even " Annie Roomy," ei The
Maple leaf," •• Ihxie," " ltd Folks at
Home," " Tommy Atkins," " Shoo Fly,"
•• Garry Owen," " Tommy, Make Way For
Veer Uncle," sod scores of other airs that
would muse our lips to pucker in the effort
to join in the melody, rather than be wor-
ried with selections from the toasters, and
eom•ta. in R Flat, and other lovely things,
• coording to the magical cranks, tb.t are
too rich for our blood, and which keep us
Art quiet in ecstatic raptore that oar Gagers
get numb, our toot goes to sleep, sad we
get tired is general. _
trade by The Mail end Empire and other
Tory imamate to attach to the Liberals the
stigma of electinv t'ncle noires Mc
(aneri Y 1n Quebec, the action of theliading
Conservative whip in introducing the die
gracedmember to Mr. Speaker, and the
suhenluent vote, to wniuh Mi (Meter stood
by :he I:overnment, settled theeuetion be-
yond • peradventure.
But not only did the Conservatives en-
deavor to l,andrmp the Liberals with Lite
weivbt of M. %REP.! y, but they also claimed
that R. K. Demers., who opposed Mr-
Gerevv, was In accord with the Govern-
ment, and would have supported the pre•
Sot combination, it sleeted.
The address Mined by bit. IIoegl.L, on
his rotors from F.ngl•ad, goes tar to refute
the view held by (eosetvativea After
thenktog the Liberals tor their hearty and
enthusiastic support, he gays, speaking of
the t.overnment
"1 am perfectly ..tutted that we had to
fight not only mfr. Thomas McGreevy, but
the whole strength of the I:overns.en( at
Ottawa,and I do not attempt to express the
contempt that i heel against mea who, with
• full knowledge of the corruption that was
rectified, and for which Mr. Thome. Mc-
Greevy w.. condeeried, still voted for him.
4ome of these oocupy positions where they
draw • 1:overnment salary sad pose as
honest mea."
'TIF question of who will be the
sew lade for Huron Comity is Ming agita-
ted in the columns of our contemporaries.
and last week The New -Ess, of (' 1010.,
quoted from the Tomato New. that M. C.
l'•merwo, .f.l'., wee spoken of as • strong
The News- Reoord, this week, devote
epos to • I••gty communication from •
('oservtivs soarer, reoommemding the
claims of Mr. 1'•merge' to the position, and
advancing strong arguments is fetor of the
appointment of that ge.tl•m•s.
The editor of The News -Rooted also
gives hie options e» the subject r tol
" A correspondent refers to the passible
appointment of M.1' Camerae to the senior
judgeship of Heron. That he would make
• ecienp.test Jodie we have no doubt, hat
as toe whether he hag boas offered or wield
%Pent Liao peartio• we de ant know. We
do .ot look .pen the jsdiri•ry es do our
Anarimn Smudge. 1a Sir -lobs M•sderld',
Una Reformism were •ppoi.ted to to
beech bad • man's polities was next sod
*hemi be no barrier, but we do net agree
wash sit brit prr that each an appo.ist-
ment would be owing to political •'hussy.
nem • political stsndpei.$ The News -Ree
mrd Weald sot favor sea ea eggelimemsst
heat the argument .ddu1.d ver oores-
peademt smelt eijbt be mid in favor
TWO ivrwesa.Artva amoim.
timeliest iim.er Tan Plow AI. is argils
the 1 i.vsea-e.t to amebas Jsafer Jude.
Doyle *s the easier peri meated by
death of Jades feem. M If Obey Mak Ten
110eAl.•e advise More would be s patron -
ego to diemesa. and 11.000 • year would be
save& Two gaud Omearvmtivo re.em w
*mese 10-
Tae ttiaea COUNTY e.s . ft.' TIIf: A(DITOR GFNF.R al.
aimai- flee g"s
e ury Usk
seam H4 H. Jaime Der le.
Tosnav, Jane 11.
The 'prism Muse of the Ormmity Cruet of
Harm opened .4 1 r. as. today, Hie Heuer
Jude Ih.yle preetdtyt.
()♦ the opwmg of the Court, J. T. (far-
row, 4.1.C., asked ea in modiste boaring of
Me Sir of Wilma ve Whitely, sad Hoe
Homer •oeediaR, the ease was tried whitest
• jury, sod being eadefemd.d, only the
plinth gave evWesos. His !lease gave
jadgse.t for the •meemt claimed, 1173.60,
with oeMm-
The jury Iii wee ton Salted, to follow
!mg grand *moss •newerteg to tater
lams : Joe. Bolter. Stephen. Wa Geddes,
Morrie, Wm. (itotom, Harwich, W. A.
Howell, (Whores. Thea Hannaford, Ce. -
traits, Thee. Inose, Hewlck, Ch... Mem,
W•w•oeek, Jaime Mc*tebel, Hulket,
Peter Ritchie. O , to last a•ed gentle-
man being elooted ferem•a et
His Rome charged the grand jury. cos-
gni/deuag Mesa en to lightens' et their
duties, but mentassing the toot that it was
in • sae.enre due to the trial of primer's
without • jery by the oou.ty judos H.. -
nue '.formed the .,embers that they would
sot be Minmedi.tely dimnesed, .sad that it
was their day to visit and inspect the jail,
the grand jury retired •sad the awe o1 Smith
vs. MaMicbwl was proceeded with.
The ease of Smith vs. McMichael whisk
wee tried today, lasted till 6:20 r.r ,
when at wee Set is the hinds of the jersey.
('oe.id.rsble interest tree m.aifest.d u this
mace toward the end, the orese-esasato•Mise
of witnesses o.uatmg the interest, At to
O 00liou of the evidenes, J. T. ((arrow,
4.0, .ud J. M. Best the jury.
.ad Mks Judge, Saving summed up, lett to
case te the jam at 6:20 P. W.
Atter a absence of ems hour, the jury re.
termed and give • verdiot is favor of pi/.
oar both avis tar 2232 00.
Wsa.esnAv. .lose 12.
His Heiser Judge Doyle took bin Sent on
the Meech at 10. A. r., .ad after the petty
roll had been called an adjournment wee
made till noon.
The court r. -opened at woos when Cha
Smite, of ('laden, applied for rt.rabes-
tiea papers, .ad all the smeeseary affidavits
having been daly read, His Hoene grunted
the pryer of the petition and direst
ed the county .ttoreey to teem the need
The Grand Jury's prsee.tment was then
reed by the county attorney ea follows :
(:uonmea, June 12th, 1896.
We, the grand jurors of our sovereign
lady, the Queen, beg leave to report as fol-
That .wordier to instructions free year
Homme we exami.ed the jail and based
seven pentium theta --Six males .ad sae fe-
male, the latter being 80 yeses of .ge and
committed r • vsgeamt, being totally en-
able to earn a living tat boned. Of the
melee, two w iesame ; they bare bees ex-
amined .ad reported oo, and .re .waiting
removal to the asylum ; two are seder epo-
mime fee larem.y, one under matinee for
indecent •.malt and one waiting trial for
the last named efenos.
We found the rooms clean .end in geed
W. were plowed to learn that • .ors
comfortable .ad suitable pi... than •jai)
is being built for to reception et the
poor and helpless.
All of which is reepootfally submitted.
PETxmi Rr 'HIE, foreman.
His Honor then dieoharged Um jury by
congratulating them Me **1111616665 oi the
dubs they hod W M rli.fga
1)r. Cr., i• sew able 1e+ eke moderate
driving exercise.
Mr and Mrs. J. T. Darrow returned
Saturday from . visit to Seaforth.
1'ouooillor J. W. Smith returoed from hie
trip to the motherl.ad on Moody.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitey returned
from their honeymoon trip Monday even•
Rev. Joseph Edge returned Monday from
Strstbroy, laving attended the Methodist
Oreo. Acheson returned home on alondey
from the annual conference of Aletbodiets
held in Strutaroy
t.. M F'lliott, the Victoria Street dele-
gate to the Methodist conference* at s:r.th-
roy, returned home o. Monday.
Mies Fannie Forbes,• one-time r...•lmt of
1;.iderich, has .nooeesfally p.seed • ne 2ed
year exam. of Toronto (University.
Miss ('ombss, of Clinton, who was once •
etadeat at our Collegiate. has passed the 3rd
year marmot Toronto University.
Mr. and Jin. Coleman and infant, of Sea -
forth. arrived Monday morning and .re
at the American Coesulate. it is under
stood that the family will reside in town for
the Summer.
The •oh000er '.phie, trom John Island
with lumber for Joseph Williams, reached
her dock Sunday cassias.
The steam harp ('hick•luna was in
harbor and loaded considerable freight for
Salt Ste. Marie and the North shore.
The stege fouristico for the market
scales is ready and the .Iterattoae to the
building are completed, so that all that is
now needed is the firing of the weighing
The Seedier School pupils (senior class)
of St. Georgi o met at 930 a. e , yesterday,
and the services will be held at the Mme
hoer each Sunday during the Summer, to
give the pupils rest durier the hottest
portion of the day.
The G. T. R Compute has completed the
repairs to the harbor dock, mind the per-
ertion repaired is • credit to ted company, it
hetng suh.tentielly done. The Beier of
stabbing pmts .ley the repaired points0 ls
an smallest impoveemet
list., : WW1 !het shipped three our
leads of liege to Quebec on Sitorday la.t.
i'e.ter F, J. Oke, of Toros o, an old
gxeter boy, wee married last week to •
Toronto lady.
(liatoe F. A. Scott has lostp• ••d hie
Primary Exam, at the Ontario (ollego of
Physicalist. and Burgeon.
Exeter • W. H. P. Hooper, ed Khivw,
Stephen township, was married on the 21m
.1t , to Maes Maria 1; 1'mdler, of the same
township. Mr. Hooper is • moa of .10lia
Hee,.,, tows
Wieigb.sa : A yeast man was before ties
Mayor, ss Wednesday. for .eealtisg magi
the latest/ma Arm •Hisses. at the hernias.
on Randal" night Mt. A Ilse et 51 sed
este area isapsd
.e.tortk : Oa Wed..sdy'maim .1 last
w eek, • number of the friends of Um
Morin Lowrie sash, and presented her with
• droning mss end • eenple of inestestl.g
bests as • memento from Ler friends ea this
ride of sh. elver
W taegham • O. Thurady aft raves of last
weak, wills bnue.mlo..iag, Mrs Wady
tell .a sesn. Imes en widish she me seW-
1e& bemiring her thigh hems At her res,
it is eery Mobile! if aim will ..or Masevae.
Tu. Mews has mesad • norm ter her. bat
the pivel ism .Nendir her .1Ye Met
Me by lobos le the beepiML as eie seek
A Thorn In the Side of the Gov-
Mr ■Reber( Ta••er abeam Bet leaedee-
1.11 Ire amine mast me Move M-
etros mels lie.ere•MJ la IM Sae
Casal e•e.tr•seees u IM
t'ernaery • gapes.*
Ottawa, Jur 12. -lo the 'fours yes-
erterdaJ esu mambos to go Tutu supply.
Mr. Bills brourtht up the matter .d the
is -Utica pre.rute•d by for Auditor-lir•u-
-•rel. who twist -idle felt that lee was
deeded the treatment necessary to the
discharge of the duties il.pwed Moen
him by Parliament. 11is repreerutatitws
to the S overtiwrut n• to the urgauiw-
titwt of his office had breu di.rrgrrded.
The Auditor -Neutral claims that hit
.elite• is iorlfkirutly equilged, that be
i• rut down is 5ie estimate. and duly
showed our first -chute tier's. when- there
.hmul.1 b.• four. Hr asked for • special
committee to consider the (acts mud re-
port. Mr. Milts declared that the Gov
ernmrnt had placed the 'stamp of their
diel.( •a•ure ml the Audit Department.
The clerks iu the uudit branch averaged
mule $1070. while iu the flui..rr. justir.
stmt other drlrr:ru •uta it watt $1670.
Mr. Foster charged Mr. Mills with at-
tempting to make tarty capital nut of
this matter. Fur himself. be An/ to
sympathy witb the •feta of (be
Auilitor.(ieneral. and nuclease against
him of unfair treatment of the audit
branch cou.d he established. Mr. Forte,
eutrreJ into a long argumeut awl use.(
many illustrations 1.. show that for
audit office had not beau unfairly treated
as. compared a ith ether .lepertturut■
The rrarou the salaries it. the Finarte,
Department erre on the ge hi_her
era. brcausw it was au older department
Mr. Foster resented the course taken by
the Auditor-(lene•ral in appealing to Pnr•
liamrnt. He •bould have dieemeril it
with the Government. He did write to
the Fivauce Minister. but the Fivaree
Miuistrr did not fuel time to briug it
brlorr the t'ouucll.
Mr. Furter criticised the habit u1 the
Auditor-Geterat in publishing athe de-
tails of payments and the display .f nit
items o1 expenditure. 1t was more that:
an audit. The details of 1 corals" t.
Tom. Dick r..Meu'd not
be paraded. 'rite committee asked for
could not be gran
Dir Richard Cart -right thought that
the Auditor -General nal offer a eras
that he had given ,y to Parliameut and
the country petttitulars of expendi-
tures which t Governmeut led
rather kept coucea;r.l. The display
of esieuliture in the Atditur•Gru'r.e1•
report acted s a curb on tbr extrava-
gau•r of the (Suve•rutneut. it was n•
doubt unpleaamut kir the Government 1 •
have for Auditor -General extend all the
poy'rneuts for public perusal.
Sir l'. IDiblert Tupper asked who had
charged the Auditor -General with the
sufer.isi.a of public •flair.. The tnx-
payen had wait. They looked to the exe-
cutive. How was it that it had been left
t tithe hpps.tieu to diameter the nuttily
..•arida(s nll.•ged, noteitbptnudiIlJ tb•-
•fturts mf the Auditor -(/ins -rat "to icy
itlt.. the *l.el.erts•tuts 7"
file Monster of Ju.ticr .poke earwly
.4 the duties "arrogated to hime"lf" by
t►. Auditor-GPw'ral. He termed that
officer a Senor aid a bold critic of the
(n,1e•rumeut and ally of the ilpls^r►tsnu.
through all his long •perch, bowe•vrr,the•
Miuistrr of Justice ».•ver tiller cited a
siui:le instant wb••rr tit.. Auditor -G. -tic's!
overstepped his lint of duty. Ile routeud-
rd Hint the Auditor-lieu.•rsl wan tryout
;ar to.0 noieh au due stuff they could give
him would satiety hi, lodgings. tir•os'ing
axe rmer the Minister stylet the .11elitre-
.;rnenel's a ••ti"u ;newel ••ut and Mir..o.ti-
Mr paw., who tell"wed, rebuked the
Miiii•ter .1 Justice ter hie unmeanored
above of an independent officer whore
wrvieen were of the greatest value to
Parliament nest the country. i1 the ex-
penditure. were right the Government
need not be ..'raid of the Auditor -General.
Mr. Davie., in an effective ye.ch.. defend-
er the auditor, eh° was Attacked now
whet, he could not defend him•.IL but who
was never attacked by Sir Ifibbert Tup-
per in the . ommittre ou Public Accounts,
e hen he could explain tied defend him.elf.
Mr. Dickey, the new Minister of Militia.
emotin o it the propriety mf the .Auditor -
General prtitieni.g Parllament, and pooh -
welted the a hole off/sir. though he Admit•
ted that the principle involved was imle.rt-
i.nt. Yr. Dither renlised the iminrtnnre
of a charge by the auditor that a
corrupt exerntive was crippling hie staff.
toga to try Anel prevent ..n efficieirt Audit
of the pnblir erronut• and invr.tigetion
into the expenditure iie did not flank
an Auditte•0en.ral Pweutinl to 11 cheek
an axle tore.
Mr. Laurier deprecated the .pirit in
which the Government had .ppr••nehed
thin gte.tioo. He denied the preptwition
that the auditor 'sherds' he held to he
merely an officer of the Government. Hr
was en io.kprndent officer. responsible
to Po prat Bement and to no en. els... and
rrmovehle only by two -thiels mf Par-
liament. There was no Minister reopen.
eihle to the Hone for the auditor. Hr
was responsible to Parliament olein..
Mr .Lanrier charged !hot Mr. Dickey
let the eat oat of the beg when he cx-
preneel the °einem that they could do
without nu auditor. net fon•ab•.d.wrd
nn aMditiun of the office. TA- point at
is•ne paw was a* to the .'flirter"y- nl
the auditor's et.1. and a remwst for
an investigation of thin print was so
reasonable that it should be granted.
Mr. McMullen read from Blnnanre) the
opinion r xprr.APd by stir ('hones Tapper
when Finance Minister in 1RAS. that the
Anditor-General was an officer of Par-
liament and a moot rpaAineteking oflieer.
That opinion Mr. IdeMtilkn put in AP •
complete .newer to Rir Ilibbprt Top -
'era tirade ag.inet the auditor. and
wee received by the Opprrition with
laughter end ebeers.
The matter was then mellowed to drop
reel the Honor spent the remainder of
the sitting f• Pimply.
WT. Dr. Manly Branae appeared b-
low the NNW Aeenwutn Committee to-
day to .tate what be dM for the 51110
which tb. Auditor -General•• report shove
he received from the Government.
Dr. Visa... .arida... Mowed that be
hid delivered tea lectures in England Aad
`rotl.ad nen remade aid ('eeadiane. for
mesh rd width be had 'weeved weeethieg
ever $100. IN bosom bis lecture aeries
'Is Glaegnw after having preached twice
there. His torture auditor. a*in5.red
^brat 400. Ther.after M preached end
Ierteyrd et tdlah.rgh, Liverpnei. Ptm-
IMriaad, Neweastlaq-Tgse, i.oedon, Rill -.
.toe And ererastba . look 115. Dr.
lesson ler tired me the vocal omits
home, as he said. to take It•lust
for throe am hoard. Re spoke II untie
alt rther daring hie two .poria' a►
apse*. lostitl/es wptsme ass b.tt:a
tn. ttred..a CHUMPS tent 0-• I.ea •r•^T
5300 or PUO ul hie own moor) 5• rdds-
liou to what he had received from to
(iurrntmeat. Tbe amiss/ M actually
merited was $WN, the retNiadrr bevieg
5.'.'p-st by the Usmerum. at is pea ileitis
.la tea peerage. He maid that the nr-
rangeaiert which resulted is hie ein-
pki mete to promote Immigratiuu east
the result of • osavrrsatioe he bad had
with Stir Mark.sis BuwrLl.
The evidence Wore the committer d.-
ve4,ped *•me very I.tereetieg fart. ,u
:unurethra with to ormetrer1oe el the
*Sim" Camel. la creme -ear mtri•g rte-
puty-Minister Ikbref►er, (ileo. of 1.iu-
a.lu drew Irian him an admimia. (hot
while u.drr the origis.I cataract the
rate te be paid for eieavatiuu fur lu k -
pit wee '16 crab per cubic )mrd, , pri-
vate arreug•-lae'rtt had •ubsrqueutiy been
sande with file eoutralct'r by w hal. he
w ee laid lip cents per cobse yard. it be-
ing held (hat he as. reeeiviug tie. Mille
for the wurk.
A .limier peltate rrretieetu i,t !tam pl-
Welk* .il5 regard to r+► esenyatien„
a kirk w'as hearts ed frig. tit•
cawtrset price, 116 cruts, G. $1.40 per
cubic yard.
Another evideure .d the Gave cute
ge•srroity AAs found in the Peter (.rid
for uuwatering fur which, under the ori-
ginal contract, they were to receive $:;a0, -
M00, which was lo-rea.rd U.
146,000 w lieu they decided to
arrester the Ieugtb of the l's k
from e00 to (160 ;.-rt, w itb • e leltb of
86 trot. It haeing here finally decided
to increase the le.gth vl the lads t(IOn
feet with a width of only IN) feet. the
Uoverstuent added •rsuther 516151.1, weh-
i iu .11 270.000 the cuntrac4.re re-
ceived for the wort of uuwateriug. F:n-
giueers who will take the trouble to
figure out the arca soured by the ungu-
al evutraet and the arra .d the leek ea
completed will appre. iatr the once little
mass Lie eroatras..rrs mads is the item o1
uuwaterirag ..our ey Weir phialar
rartgrtuent with the lw.rrnm.-ul.
It a.su tune out In the Deputy Mode -
ter'. widener that by the prlrat.• ar-
rangrueut bet is mu rout rector sad
Goverumeut the price alk,nel for ',a-
erate work was incremed from $7. the
roatract price, go fle.30 per yard. It t. as
further brought out that the price d
Wrought Inn, which under contract wee
to be furnished at ec per pound, the ti.•r-
ernmeut added $40 per ton in their go -s-
erous momenta.
Faa1141t 11114 044 40* fam5Al1
Teems of car Sew li.a..-Raadem SUS.
ace es M made 14615 Te -my.
Paris, June 11. -The Republica' newP-
pepere are highly satisfied with the
speech delivered by Miaotrr Ha.rd•Q
is the Chamber ..1 Deputies yesterday,
but the Radical and Socialist piens ace
. aanimoos in denim/rine the tioters-
ment's action in mending French warship
to Kiel, characterising it as wholly e.-
It has been Is•rerd co trusted authori-
ty that the terms of the Freoeb-Rmsi•n
alliance referred to yesterday for the
first time officially $, tin epsrc► d
the Foreign Secretary before the Chaste
ber will be made public after the Kiel
festivities. The (mar, in tact. (Mel. red
that if France would geed n fleet to
the opening ul the Baltic ('anel he would
consent that the terms of the •Ilianee
should be made public.
WUI t1.Imta4. 1M Telple alleasrr.
Vienna, Just 12.-4'otmt Oolnrboest3,
the surerssor to Count K.Inol , am .Aus-
trian Minister of Forrige Affaire. de-
clared before the Hungarian Delegation
to -day that there would be uo ehamgr
in the system hitherto pursued. Metria,
he said, would firmly 'minutia her sali-
ence with Germany ae1 Italy. as well
as her friendship with all the powers.
The principal aim would be to develop
the country's eummereial policy and re-
lations in the far east. The committee
accepted the Ministry budget witW.ut de -
ler. Jobs fasaey Wawa
Belleville, Oat., June. 12. -Mr. Jake
thakry the COON. rvatiPP candidate for
the Commons Our North Hustings. waa
%est night 'stricken with apoplexy at his
pep in Medoc Township, and died.
Wren..., alrsweed.
Ri.eraid., Cal., Jam 12. -Pre .Daniel
Kirkwood. LL.D., late prefed.or of
matb.m.tiea to Indian. State 1'uivrr
sity, died ni 1:averslde to -day, aged eL
He wee a well-lemura net ronome r.
Why is it -
That the most worthless manuscripts are
always returned with regret'
That a permanent • thing as • "wall-
flower" is always looklns for support'
That • doctor airy he • very clever
"duct,- and yet be nothing of • ".luack'e'
net the advanced woman can keep up
with them time* and not be "fast'." -'1'1055.
That the right woman. •a well as many
women who write do not favor'•won.ra.'s
rights •"
That • man's !rands know ot hi* engage
most hef.re he and the young lady most
Utmost/id are aware of it' Clinton : Cormier Beare bretlg►t let.
That the clock invariably strikes the town r..watly s very large Isom, esptered
half hour when yon awoke at nicht and s him brothers peed sear Monebeelsr ; 11
wish to knew what. time it is ie • beauty. sod he will haus It Mast
To Bo Brought Up In the Im-
perial House
IMM(.a telfunb1 alas ret Appmed M fly
1116.601 .N adW gibe CraA•re' Mo.
ptmae•-Tarim" Aadwer gen Caw
stewed. and r is.o. 6561
London, June 12.-1n the House of
Commons the Trade Committee hat leg
the Factory Bill under consideration
reported In favor of substituting 14
years for 14 es the age 11mit for ew.-
pk.ym••nl in factories, the L.beral amid
Conservative members of the commit t.e
pressing Hume Ste -rotary Asquith no
cement to the chastise. Mr. Asqut'S
eseented to the p opo.al. and It was
wattled In a ommltteere by a *cite of N
to 11. The Radical members of the
committee protested against the
eh it nip..
Air Edward Grey. Parliamentary Sea
rrtary to the Foreign Office, Pall the
text of the Porte's reply to the proposal
of Franc.-• Enghind and Russia regard -
Ing reforms to Armenia had temen r.--
ceivrd only within the last few days,
and that until the three powers had had
time to c•.nsider the reply an.l d. 11•
what action should be taken up.n It
no statement would be made
In reply to • queetton by Thomas
Gibson Bowles. Tory, rrgard.ng the
Rus.o-lerench financing of the l'hh.ese
loan of $14,400,000, 1(tr Edward .old the
Government would make no statement
to regard to the matter.
Answering a queatbn by Williar.
Blrkmyre, Liberal. Rtr J. T. Hibbard,
Financial Secretary to the Treasury,
said the Government of British Colum-
bia had not asked the Treasury r..v
any part of the 1150,000 which he had
been authorised to advance to them top
the porpoise of paying the sxpeneea .Q
the transfer of Crofter families from
Scotland to British Columbia.
Mr. Balfour asked 11 the tbvernmeat
would confirm the reports that they in-
tended to attain claim the time of the
House, as they had done after the Whit-
suntide r, -cess In I614.
Sir William Har. amt. Chancellor of
the Exchequer. acid he would take tide
opportunity to inform the Opposition
that the Government certainly did
Intend to r•Ulm the time of the House.
as indicated by the Mader of the a'nn-
T. R. Bowles.: "foes the Government
propose at this ,.salon to submit to the
Hods a re•ofutt•n relative to t1• ta•a-
tus of the House .d Lords
Sir Wiliam gar- ceirt "Ter, sir."
(Liberal and fta.11.-ath, ,•hr'r.
wen IN•b *..taws/ aeerrlary.
Londoiy June '2. - Prof. (knish t tt of
Magee College. Beira -t, hat b • n up
pointed assistant 1 oder get retery for
Ireland, vice Sir William R. R Kaye.
m.Mhh t aM..s lt'e.aett.
London. June i2 The entire .'at..n--t
was present at the Council at 11 o c:o.:k
to -day.
Lord It..+••bery uerewlded. Home Sec-
retary As.iuirll lett the Council at neon,
but the tithe, m.-mt ers continued .o
Canon Ni, -ell paid a volt to Lord
Rosebery to Interview the Premier In
regard to the situation in Armenia. The
Canon 11. an ar•irnt advocate of British
intervention In behalf of Armenia.
*50.5 % Tmeerw FOR 1gC911A.
IMO Nes ord.r.A per mobme s. atm
OdemA. June i2. -Own thousand tr. ale
ha v.• br.•u runveyed to Saloum to
strength,'., re.- Itw••iaa force of the
frontier f teiug .lrm.-uia.
Loudon. June 11.-Tbe ("Sronirlr pub-
li•hee a sit -speech irim Moscow, .tatting
that ted• twentieth division of the Cau-
casian ariay bag been ordered to Kare
• ed nth•, frostier stations'. This move -
meat ons cawed sata•h sarprix. It le
conier-ter it bus .e.m,• connection with
the AT - nn gnrmtiou
Albas eas..M'. 4.444.r4 Me -
London. Jame I 2. -The Standard pu►
babes .t dr.patrh from He Rerun corm -
e rr -indent saying it is feared that it the
Tartish Governm.•ut will not agree to
the de•ulnnde Of the powers in regard is
the .eoired refnrtnm in Armenia. Russia
will march her frontier troops into Ar -
Melee eetabla.b a Christian governor is
l5' crnuutn mud harem & policy $fmilar
to that followed in the Balkan.
The Importance - -
- - - of Tailoring.
That to which mankind given the moot thought must be that which
is of the greatest interest, and the subject it thus distinguishes must be
of paramount importance. What this subject is no one can doubt who
is familiar with the social conditions of civilization, for everywhere that
men are civilized the thought they give to clothes undoubtedly exceeds
in intensity that which they give to any other subject.
Man thinks of his Clothes
at all times except when
bathing or asleep, for they are always necessary to his comfort, conven-
ience and presentability. In the morning they tismand his careful at-
tention , if they are too warm or not warm enough at any time he can-
not forget them ; if they are comfortable he thinks of them with plea-
ure, hut if they are not he execrates them . if they improve his ap-
pearance he admires them, but if they are unbecoming to him, and he
knows it, he detests them. They concern him always. To order them
is a serious bnsinees, but as to where to order them there need be no
doubt, as
in np-to-date in hes business and guarantees satiefaMaon in every par-
P. J.