HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-13, Page 3TH1bt' NOME' I:KIOH • ONT', THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 1$S16. a DeliaMeg. I sloe Ill L .). a•-D1E?�. ty r„ It, a1 `a `turd 4 Wowedgy'lemi iht.m er tom` ea Bend r ptmeees 1=4. ushossiesse EICHARDSON. L. D. a., JJ Messes dmr+. O...ar .Malted eh seilin,ywed her 111111111111s111111111111soneer.a►taa at & ream �nal« y N~°at"-6'v �tYl 10 puns, s, ,lase• tepee isk. I1taLO pm:R, J. HAMILTON. vRrERINARY seasee. graduate el Oster*Vererlaarl Tomato. yogi.lered atesaMr m 0.a Mae lMN.eta.r) Yells& Assecistlar. Cala tareemeeedied ad Melee. dal or sake Motel. -^ lir, �(. o JOHXdTON. a.,ealt=KTSR W. 171 kt:ter, uee.oirleswe, etc. Unser t. baa. • nee..: tiastioor e..i1i al As dtewere•s. Dederloh. 1 OrrU8 E• DANCKY. BARRI$IRR, gyhclMor, Osays7.taer. to...ta x0.07 to Iris .t lowest rates. Hurtoaes ii to ponies Colborne Hotel. Aod.rieb. 00L -tt N. LKWid. I1ARRIST1M, PRIKI- r4.-b ter is Maritime Cuero et ma tea.-osW Colborne beset. 220 H TB, BSRRIbTBR. SOLICIT it. OK, to cr.00 North -0L. seat doer duns AL Ogles. Yrs • •t. Seeds to lead at lowest mem el Worm.- Mb LIARROW R PROUDFOOT. BLRR- ricf Mesh •;j•A thelerlob. J. T. p.ZVSW.rrew.ti"••W. PreedIset. / ,Atislc3N. HOLT d HOLMES, '. �arrles.�r. Mua cb sitees to ..oerr to podneM►. ll. C. CameraWC.: P. Veit . Dudley 1101•1111. G. WARD, OONVIYANuElt, ft/ . mod essembelome far takiaet sad ne unwise tesemOnerms• et k•cl• .rli.vta es salor seisms declare. MOM la .mel d..alti 00 ems - No e sestaor the H Court of J .iesMs, the agie for tart, or la .y Osar4 er 4 avert _e aele_eme=mmeseerallot. Redden* Loans sad AaIn>Wftw• 1 SYAOEIt,.00NV=YARC1NO AND . Is.mr00oe odic*. s7rrsWtMa•a•'s Rotel Osiderielk MON BY Tat teru LiND ON MORTGAOIII eated. C. BIWA M ease emstts xartts. soM. Belem MOMei 4S TOL 1 O V BY TO LOAN. - $2b.000.00 vows. read. t. wed will Per oval ea - L tally. LUrrlJS IL DANC=Y. *terse.. bleak. 'Mesita Colliers. Yaml. Oodertek. 4s7 -if LT J. T. NAITT.RL,,agruts, l.,lk'= AND rreaw. Odie*-tdbr. Berthas sadt; at lowest be sera Oed- erish. X100.000 TO WAle. APPLY TO V o*MSIWN HOLT & ROl.M'S& Sed.- ✓ le0. ree MONIY Tu LEND. -A . A R l3 11 .mount of Pews. Tends fee tertot mos •t lowest tot- oo'i.tr4•alaer Mertime • DAKROW & Nii,)1JDFOOT RADCLIFFIL, GENERAL IN• nod Moony Leval ��epM (M17 amenlesn eessMNer rapemss$M Mosey to lead es smirk Isms. at the lowest rate ofinterestpfag, la toy to salt as eernew- . � door fromtfteutsse, west lassamus/r' IIaatfRgttw KNOWLEDGE BrioB. eotdort and lmprrivemec:, ....ol bends to personal enjoyment vhec rightly trued. The many, who live b tor than ext hetn►and enjoy life more, wit! leer expenditure, by more pr,.mptl, adapting the world's best produce t the needs of physical being. will Wein the Talmo to health of the pure liqu•d laxative principles embrsoed in the retacdy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptab's and OMR ant to the taste, the rehsshingand truly beneficial properties of a perfect 1ax- at i r'e ; effect ually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers aid permanently curing constipation. It has given ..tisfacti, •n to millions and met with the approval of the nodical profession, because it acts on the Kid. nes, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it ie perfectly free Erma (ivory object table substauice. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 73e. bottles, but it is mann fsctured by the l'atifon,is Fig St i 1. • Co. only, whose tame is printed on eve package, .loo the name, Syrup of leis:. and being well informed. jou will no. sc ei,t nos substitute if offered. t ODIRIOB 11HOHAMCB' IN8TI- '.7 TUTS LIBRARY AND READfNO- D 00M, ear. st ism 011001 sad Square lap Moira Ooss from 1 to • r.ti> and hon i to IS P.M. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S 114 LIBRARY. /mediae Deify, Weekly 0.4 lthlrl►etd Pdpsrt� M , etc.. 014 ram. uz*HSRaa Twirsr. ONLY 0* M. greeting e me of Literary end R00d1.K Moe Boma. AppiyatNae foe nlemb.rablp reoivd b L ike -lea. Sams J. H. OOLBOKNi. HAMILTON.s. eedertensm= 11Ih Ya•. J TIIE TALK OF TIIE TUV . T90MA8 GONDRY, AUCTIONZZR gad Iatlaraao• Arent. elodefteh. O.t. Ao,at L ..0 sad Loa•a.klre Fin las. Co, Z Qsro4DYArkd tiniest las. Co. liaise •t- tesdad te ta sal Met of the ooeat t . tell 511 JOIIN'S MONUMENT Unvsllmd by the Governor Gen- eral Yesterday IN THE PRESENCE OE TIIIIIIANDS. Tb. ease rreeatePs w W Ivssses ter taersasay cabinet Mansion Fee - Mat le V.res. AM. reessimaat *..bee Liberals --Mon. 41. meow PM leaser Montreal. June 4. -The unveiling of the monument erected In Duminlun Square to perpetuate the memory of Sir John Macdonald took e to -day amid the greatest pomp and entbusl- sem. There must have been 30.00o p•n- pw massed around the memorial. while over a thousand ladies and 7 apemen occupied scats on the platform In front of the monument of the departed Chieftain. The members of the Ottawa Covern- meat present were: Sir Mackenzie Do- well, Bir Adolphe Caron. Hon. Diem's. Foster. Costigan, Ives, Oulmet. Curran. besides Lieutenant -Governors Chaplesu and Mackintosh. Premlcr Tatl,.n, Sir Henri 0. Coll, Hugh John Macdonald, lir William Hingtson. the Mayor of Montreal and others. At 1.30 His Excellency arrived, and was received with cheers, the band playing "Cod Save the Queen.' Sir Donald Smith, the Chairman of to citizens' Committee, made the own- ing address, In which he eulogist d Sir John Macdonald. referred to his great whom for Canada, and paid • high compliments of the people of Montreal. and especially to Mr. Joseph H. Jacobs. the secretary, for the splendid memor- 1..1 that would be unveiled. Sir Donald Smith called on His Excel - en. y to unveil the statute. which Lord Aberdeen proceeded to do amid the thundering cheers of the thousands within and beyond the hearing of His Excellency's voice. All remarked the perfect features of the memorial figure. His Exeellt ney's address d1.1 not last more than live minutes In delivery. He said that he did not know that the re- hreaentative of our beloved roverelgn ce.uld be employed In a better or more patriotic mission than In unveiling a n.onument to a man who had done so much for Canada and the empire as Sir John Macdonald, a statement that was cheered to the echo. Sir Mackenzie Howell fcylowed. and met with a splendid reception. as It was the Premier's first appearance In Mont- real sine he became the leader of the Government of Canada. Sir Mackenale described himself as the last link con - roe ting the present Cabinet with the one formed In 1471;. when Sir John Mac- donald returned to power. Sir Mac•ken- sto Howell then referred to Sir John's first battles In Kingston. and his subse- quent success as a member or the House. as a leading statesman in the Government of Old Canada. and later as Premier of the Dominion of Canada. The orator of the day was then intro- duced to the person of Hon. George E. Foster. and the people of Montreal have perhaps never listened to a more powerful or eloquent address than was delivered to -day by the Canadian MIn- l-ter of Finance. Hon. Mr. Foster spoke for half an hour. and at every point was cheered to the echo. Montreal that great elty. he held. was a most fitting place to build a monument to the old leader who loved the metropolis and her people so well. What was the meaning. ,eked the Finance Minister. of this great and representative gather- ing of people here to -day' it was not that they had to come to mourn a death. to count our losses. or to weep over an open grave. No. that was In order four years ago. To -day the Can- adian people turn their facers once more towards the sun. and full of life and hope we set to work to count our gains end profit by the great lessons of which the lite of Sir John Macdonald is abundantly filled. Hon. Mr. Foster held that down through history all peo- ple had delighted by such ne ane as that* to honor the memory of their de- parted leaders. and in this Canada had not denied her history. He pointed to Munlm and Wolfe at Quebec. Brock and Lundy'. Lane. all of which testified silently. yet eloquently. to the fact that Canada honors her distinguished dead. The speaker had not made Sir John Macdonald's acquaintance till 1R•1. and had not entered his cabinet till 1Rf1•, yet. like all othere, he did not fall to be charmed by that kind and gentle manner of the late leader of the Liber- al Conser'v'ative party. It had been said by a critic that Sir John had no feeling, no heart. Hon Mr. Foster weld that when great questions of State were mooted, all great statesmen had to Ii - ten to the call of duty rather than the ftelings M thelrown hearts. In politics. aa In other things, sacrifices have to be trade. The ',ketch of the late leader's career. from his landing in Canada at theage of six years. to his attaining the leadership of a great party. and hs death In the midst of hla last great tri- umph was a masterpiece of oratorical power, and Hon. Mr. Foster•. oration was cheered t0 the Mho. Sir John's life was a neratl •• 111 all :net tendert to the weakenin . •.1 the toes that hind ns to the Mot 1. 1 Land. "A British subject he was W.• •t. a Brit - telt subject he lived and a British sub- ject he died." Sir H. Joly de Lotbiniere followed to English. saying that he could well real- ise the feelings of the men who had onme here to do honor to their departed leader, but as a Liberal Sir Henri could say that he too admlred per John. and the ex-Prem4'r of Quebec waw loudly cheered ween, turning toward the min- isters, he said "TVs. and we loved him Ma. K. Fauna Kxo1saATru. -Tbe a• miesto.ers who were appointed metier le Civil Servto. Act to 004 titre logo the char:• - agelnet R Farrow, wuuanune In toe Cue UMW Depart nest, have Dome to a deco., and praee.Md Maar report to the l;eu. .I. Tb.y completely a:ownte the men.*, official. 1111Aao1Ic MZ nlsu.--O. Jaw 5 D.D D. ILK H. Collins, of the Huron Dunne, steamily vented Moraine Star Lodge s' Carlow. The 1).U. was •coompaned fr u tows by weer* members of Menai. Lodge, •od there were members from otb. • sister lodges presser. After the work h.• hewn ezemplttied, the lodge cooed. and very pl.ssent reception was riven tit visiting brethren. ilraeOAT Pative.c. Thursday last to tiletr.st was out for practice, Csptan. Rain a.wv taken ,demotes. of the brat roue day so far this season to nave the n.i:. pracuos for 1895 The crow worked eves, ted messed to be sucb materiel es would d sz.x11•at work If called un to alp ship w r «:ked seamen or passsotrere There we. • good many watching the bot'. inan..•a vara, most of whom seemed Meaty please. at every change made to working while 1. the roughest of to waves. JOHN KNOX. OIIDIZRAL ACC - Weiser sued ed LeValuator. os exeerleaes le 0.1. Having ass d a i't * th•asettea.erinrded..h• le to • poiWw is dieeberspe with thweare s•tista.al• a all met miseleas satr0/Md to halo. Orders left et Marefa. Hotel a slat by mall ta kis Y•d0X Cool. s* coretully a Auctioneer ! COMING AND GOING. Miss Kase Martin. of Kia4.btidja, Tinting is town. Mies Aikomb.ad left week's visit to Chet.o.. Eos. Asbestos has pet the plata lights is his bioei war W eet-et. Rev. Joseph F.,dute is att.adang the annual I'oedema°. at Stratbrey. A. M. Pell.y shipped a earloa 1 of horses Thursday •tteraoen for the Fa.:.. W. McKay. of Amherst. Nov Mosta., wee widths, A. 8 Cbry.tal this morning. u has gone au • Regimes, Farr hes pat up • .akatarttial sad pretty fame, di7idisg his lawn from his Tact TM l.bryst0l holler works shipped • trec- tiom swims Thursday to X Be-ok ler at Halt. bones. Bert Hewell le speeding • poetise sf the University vaeaties with .i4 friends is Gedetieh. Mies Wyss arrived i0 tows this west trete (3re.vUls. 111, ea a three moths' vias 1 the family renames. The a bo.ear Aurora frees Gere 8.y with 340,000 foot of Issabar far N. Dynast, mashed [tmmtl ysrteedrp aeo• mashed MR. JOHN RALPH TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton -at., Has decided to continue Business, as he has WV . proved in health and able to attend to his cus- tomers in the way of jobbing and repairing, and will continue to sell AT t LOWEST + PRICES 1 PLAITING KILL. EfTi8l11MED IiN. TORY STASL l%eul'A•Uxa.-A few da,. since • suggestion was made to tater coium•a, that • track or walk be made around the square outside the fence, aro that the tree guards be remuyeti. Tod•, tn. gu.rds are n..rms and the meat, er chtuuts stand unguard ed. The removal of the trent. shields remind. one of the tine when the espltngs they have iso loss pre 11C*.d were first planted. The idea had been agitated for mine time, but ono) holding the view that trees could not Lee there en account of travel monad the .40.10, the plan was Coag to maturing. At Mot the Ghanaian of public work. the late K. iitarhes, wok the ,,utter tn and, then the baby chestnuts were placed and guarded, Use theme chairman seeing that to bad wee suitable for the nurselings. Today they • mod •love, and ars tieing emblems to gree❑ of the maw wbo did so much t.• beautify the town of hu adoption. Tits Coors t. Heac,le.-A representative frost each tow•isbip of the comity was is *renewed yesterday on the orop prospects for '96, the following Ming • •omm•ry of the •newer• : A. to the prospects for apples. 2 gave poor, 2 not many, sad 12 bad ; Re 'carding pears 1 gave fair. 1 poor. 1 • few, and 13 had ; small fruits received 3 bad. 1 all gone, 1 poor, 7 • few, tad 4 sedum ; as to wheat then were 8 fair arop. 3 m.diom, I not good, 2 alt • crop, .ad 2 badly da aged ; .a • got 5 good, 1 very good, 2 did ism, 1 all an •var•s• 1 an oversee. lisle, 1 b•ekwerd hot good, sad 4 doubtful ; bar- ley obuwd 6 good 4 fairly good, 2 ma danm. 1 se meer•se, 1 pot ss average. 1 not had •o average .0d 1 fair : hay had 4 bed, 4 poor, 3 short, 5 light ; pe••. 10 good, 2 fairly good, 2 fair, mid two medium. Is &- meat every 4Mt.nee them interviewed stat- ed that to answers were55 s premed oe.dfusua. as • oopioos heavy min would make the prospects mors tavorsi.M tar hay .ed grain Apples .tad pears, he •• mow. GNAW sot be,mprwved by rata, thoi.: t• e ntailer Mit mites beeele dt, partisurly e ▪ aries, of wbieh these are at press( • pp.agaao•• of M 101111141011 Cr.ep lluchauaus & Bhyuas NAOUPAo7vaoa BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1a all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Awn butldses material of every a..oriett0. School Furniture a Snecialti. MOI.4$,4D'S IMO MOMS tf a Oaths 1.07 Adige gift a *sate petery, was steam his ewe heel hrter••t amid aero at • 11 brew to be itepseviag hlssaell. mod set Daly able r do his preseat week is the right way, bet prepafe htmsslf ter blare dubs. whish mos mate M War. He mos o nly .bo.ld stay M M what lis* means' W hf. basun, teak M OM en Ins .ler' M pis fsfwmrtl.e terelliR es the burin- wish whirr his it er111s attA- This istereMins we sum imps/ Wig sm. betiim. (t sal bursas in W1.es .ad -Lip•s Wi`w a lien as 0. sed lt. 1 tied than Samoa bare prefer Ji. (Jbese% Liver Pfli b as7 other 1 hams ba They aie • wes- 4.fd pW rise 9 dente at rtes. PAW _ti•eL y part, J. W. lambed. Gann. ask. .illi pm aits silly bons ligtals i i r i. Ma. » rlr dalltil.kltlaiia• paw .a.tftnwn :Y�TEM RKNOVATOR AND Ovmaa TiOrrao I1[t.sotta. (Specific and Antidote for JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF Impure, weak • ed impoverished blood, dye ,loaplenesisss, palpitation of the Bort, livert'neuralgia, loss of memory, nory, tis, assumption, gall stores, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus' danoe, femur. irreg- ularities ted emend debility. LABORATORY, AODERIII, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. MoLsou. STwran Re+oTAToa ose be had all est drorKiw ID town. as well metros dr,ya between Owes Sound and maea�iW. b. Breessls, Durham and T �*to.T. To Smokers • a SUMMER MILLIERY. Latest Styles in Hats and Trimmings. Fine Assortment of Flowers and Feathers. ',POMP: AND SEE THE MISSES YATES THP. wUAKE, I:OUF.Rl('H. SUPERIOR JEWEL FURNACES T. meet the wishes e1 their Cashmere The awe 7. tsi,kest t Sea re.. Ltd Name 111... eat.. have pieced M A Combination Plug of Aro the most Powerf 1 Heaters in the World. For Economy, 1)urability,and an eas- ilv� regulated 1' it has no equal. Fon SALK NT HARPER LEE. • - BUR . ST AR h se Ms WM `.7 T- P. 8. -For Coal or Wood r _ HAMILTON.ONT.-r. SXOKINM TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want, giv• ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or 10 cent piece or a 5 Cent piece of the famous "T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. Tile Till Tx "T N B" Is out every Piece. POOP 0*01 a all .t'Self. serest Vm q. ter Snagie el. ort Mdse recesses. e.w.eed saes Port Tawaerad, Wash., Jen► a. -Plod. T. Noah. Chief of the Bitisk Ednratiooal Beam d fella, last aMonda7 foverboard oe eosw mitted ilds 1 Nes from the ss.sehip City of Topeka., ' ear germ Charlotte Booed, he deed was romssittd Is the b prss sdol hie wide who is e daugh rht�se sad hemsOss1J wealthy, bat war .steeb *skim at her k hs'sade settees. When mor Quota Charlotte goes. about 4 o'clock Moeda/ attetsoos, she s.lied Professor gNa twee. ber- snaotIng ate ad, going ate Ns for sere aek0ow. same. As the ergs tuned hail rolled her hatband daft - II te . the rail late the a. 4hnNasor Nash belonged to a wealthy harry Arias Is Ragland, as& alter n - we yens' w4H•er'e le tdta, was re - townies hem. Wham M *prase tato the era he worried jewels on his person valued at several thousand dollar.. J_,sadise ere AMss0M0 st ser Ohio Jews 6. -There Is se mesh griptt here saw as there hes Mas within the seat do MSS, ased it .1 a o* es0sym satree t ss heesedaro. Plod lens .fete that the amass le •l- Ity whetirn v«'a of reaptwwi fY/ are Mt with It's no because I'm Scotch lett yolk canna unoke a better Cigar than •1R08 ROY," jig; tad 5C. ',It I get sax Jf :) P•: f;r a 1tlarter. brans TOSACGO Co . MoarwnAie SAVING MONEY ING MONEYI Parties wishing to save money can do moo by calling on Mr. JOHN KNOX at his Warerooms opposite Martin's Hotel, where he keeps a full line of Agricultural Impletuents on hand open for inspec- tion. Noxon Binder, Noxon Mower. Noxon Seed Drill. Noxon Spring Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake. Full line of the Cockshutt Phw Company's Riding Plows, Walk- ing Plows, Twin Gang Plows, Corn and Root Cultivators, Road Scrap- ers, Disk Harrows, Land Rollers, Little ('rem Pea Harvesters. Mdisughlin Carriages, Buggies, Phletons, Road Carts, Training Cana All the latest design. All work warranted. Adams Wagons, Paris, Ont., all kinds. Any person wishing anything to the abov will find it to bis advantage to call on Mr. Knox and inspect before buying elsewhere. AUi 1'IONEERINGa specialty. Being practical in the above and in stock, and having had several years experience, can guarantee entire satisfaction. from ttingstoo: 'The Macdonald Club of Kingston have Just returned from Cataraqul, the grave of our lamented Chief. May the example of Ws unselfish patriotism be emulated by all Canadians. Kingston Is grateful to Montreal for the tribute she pays to his memory to -day." (Blgned). H.J. W iI.KINSON. Air Adolph. Carne. Hon. J. A Oulmet, Hon. John Costlgan. and Hon J .1. Curran also delivered eloquent ad- dresses, the whnie ending by • do- alamatlon from Mr. Arthur B. irougbty. K being hie own ectmlpneltkri -Mo more the mudo of his eloquence win votes the words of ripe intelligence. Theme atm the essence of the tweeters wind Unites the common 40(51eet of man - hind A ioft to boar the standard M our ram. And foremost In to gnat Olympias place ens laud of own. �-- mod throws dem Thee frees Me tab dual emus Jgrgh'r 3awMal w w lead, red Meet of e f eery wises this rears Is fewaws s: segietair liddhi 004. ora'ter will hew.. The ftn110wtag dompafleh was received le a eirnmar. JOHN S110$, AGENT AND AU(TiONEER. Pretty Goods AT Tea A•EVTA.tl'0 SWATS. TM hes es fassaraee/ m.nsrtevy revered With neral wreath Kingston, June T. --The grave of Sit John A. Macdonald was to -day banked with fioral tributes. At 11 o'clock • deputation from the local Macdonald Club reached the plot in Catar•qul Cemetery and deposited two beautiful wreaths. one from the City Club, the other from the Ottawa Club. Very melt- able addre sea were delivered by Prof. Williamson, brother -In-law of the Chlef- tein. Very Rev. Dean Smith. J. H. Metcalfe, Y.P.. E. H. Smythe. Q.C.. Mayor Wrrlght. John Hewton and H. J. Wilkinson. all eelogtsing the charac- ter and worth or the deceased states- man. At 1 o nk ek a ieputatlon of Pries, Rdward County rodd•nts visited the grave. and conducted an luipreefve ser- vice under the chairmanship of W. Booker and John Privily -0r. H. B. pavans, M.D., Plcton. who originated the em- blem of the rose and maple leaf as typi- cal for the anniversary day of Bir John's death, laid upon the grave the offer bp of the .tauneh yeomanry of the 00••017 where 81r John .pent his early days. It was a wreath of rears and tenplr stave•. Meesra John Prinyer and J. C. Wilton 1014 the remembrances et tate ladles on the sward sad all spoke W BMW s.4•.,tng tertian Many law attended. Suctidleg Mrs. Qrlehoaoe4 a 0flr-lees tsetse ei deessed. trbw.re sin los seen Jess 11-JOeoph Caster, 74, es lying at death's petit at at FOR WARM WEATHER FANS, FLOWER POTS, FISHING TACKLE, GAMES, WALL PAPER. THE FAIR, ainurnro, Mr. t t Matches that Light." ITelegraph.. Telephone.. Tiger Parlor For the information of any- one wanting this kind of Match, we give the names of those fully answering the requirement. They are made by THE E. B. EDDY CO HULL, e CANADA. Keep your Feet Dry If you oatoh void now It will hung on all Summer WEAR GRANBY RUBBERS They are the best and last longest In Style. Pit and Finish. TIM MUI a WM •sea. Peri sot Do You Haut a Door Boll?, If you do, why not have AN ELECTRIC ONE. Yee can have the motel! placed in any part of your beare, to that you are sore to hear any of your Mood. whoa they mall to see you. And thee, we put them in so cheap that it is not worth your while) to bother with one of the old - tedtioaed kind. Oall and ant our samples and get oar priors and we think you will have one. J. H. WOREMILL Is 00., Diets MaaldLea lbeet