HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-13, Page 22
and Barrs are aootkswith
at once tb
It take% out the fire, redneck the in9am-
mation, and prevents blistering. It is
the gnickett and moat effectual remedy fog
t ' no . _..
1hc $qnal,
is Pomo=
sof M. Seetifiereliefel.
Oecs .f Pobllestien 0 e.4 Ie. Nstbeir tit'
kyr►0.t arts.
Trireme. sir 1
i 1,
One ...oath. 11. &Avast*
Three North&
Oar year. ••
tare M tear label.
Tour label is a staadl•a recoil* of the •late
w which you ore paid sap. Ss that It b not
allowed to fall late arrest. 1S desired. holt
When a change of address
the old •n.i oho sew .dd.•eas sborld be given.
Advereesl.a 00100
(alai sod other casual advertisements. lb.
yaw line tor arm r mob sobeequeut insertion.
' and 3 I,
tloo.Smeared Ilue
hd he
.Mtn •r .Isar.
B..1 ae a cards of da ltoe•e end wider. 10 per
Fear,Foetid. 0tnyeA
Advertisements ansat. attund me Wanted and
Bho•tbrr s.o.04, t l
Baine.. I'halus wansL test
Mass nonpareil. $1 pe M Dat to
Howes on %4&e said= 000... sub-
• a hero III for fleet tee th
month, larger wino la pro$.rt1•s.
Any special notlor. aha object of whet ie to
promote the pecuniary heselt of oaf
vtdual or company, to be considered am ad-
vertisement sad charred snror'dlsely.
Loral oott.r• ie ionteretl type one Dant per
word, no notices levo .floras rte.
Loral noncom in ordiary rooting trre two
owe per word. No notice her Imo time MO.
Bottom for rhumbas and other religloa and
bwevotwt institutions half rota.
•hret "'Nee wlasal" Mr11vs1.
9ube riber wbo fall to roomier Tits SIGNAL
regularly, either 1ey carrier or h{
of mail. will
es the ran' tit
tooter • favor by oogna.atrnl
as early • dodoes po••ible.
Bottomed menuecrtpu cannot be recanted.
(Jorreepondeace must be written ea oat aide
of paper only.
r..liebers Ileset1,
J. C. las Teasel, ofbeen
Oodsetcb,for the town-
shipsPointed bawl Travelling Anes
.hips of Oodlri0h, Colborne. Aahbeld sad Wee
Legal over the district are nice
enepeerer.d te resews subscript'swe te Tan
All oommualoatlons must be addressed to
re{ep --- Call Ib, atelsrteh. Ont.
Perlman' w good for theoouetry. Wises
P.rlias.eat meets es Jesuitry then i. .o -
thing hu: the toe crop to divert attention
from the .s** of the etaNsmen at
4441,..... • '4prisg sad Summer the mottos
o.. Its Mos of the good h.rvst sod tears
that the atop may fail to distract sots oto•
from not Parliament. which ebo•ld Jill the
puhltc eye.
Parlums•t sweltering hi • .autumn • e-
sin• feels that it u Dot leo drat among the
wtioe'. w•uer•s. 1t oert taly sou down
to the level of that feeling, tied is Summer
the behavior of Perliame•t is woe•• ; its de-
bates are more trivial Owes in Wester.
Somerville .loursel A greater somber of
men then .f women home stout late to
ids. No s•tiefartory ripl•natioa is o4ered
of this foot, tooling et be that the wossso
&Ie kept this worrying .bout the mea.
Tum t''..14,I44MAI. Yo,Ut-
('bisgo News A Casodlew soldior has
torn down an America 8..g Rut that
mat pot especially be charged up saq.In*t
Cade. 1'bere ere people, who make asses
ot tbeatselves In ail countries.
A rime ads.aseeaal =setae With a sae -
Th. present Collegiate Institute, like
plus, uular uurwratious, was ono+ of estal&
taw proportions, In fact, was built &poo to.
lotto /ewer ut we old lireaunar SobooL Toe
ouudesg kauwu as t44 4:r.mtoar yctool to
the exiles mod earl` revenues ts maw the
.empermote Hail, and in at many of our
wading pruteeel00&l moo were es part or
*bully euuu.te,l, .lou. bi.l4.a, now uf 'Por•
oute, wing the prwwtmt genius- The ideal-
ity of tea g,au•ltaa was *bows by the
rlany .ucos.slui scholars WDo rradoaied
from hie c4.ss , and perhaps the meet
pleasant feature of the resil.mao'e oo.trd
of the Grammar Senool, was the kesdly see-
usew s expressed by old steams* when re -
many they t.ro•ented • picture of their one-
time Ia•tre0ter w the t.od.rsob Colis tnie.
W hw is 1871, under the now rug*l•ttona
the Grammar wee traa0Mrmed see a High
v-feeeol, there wee woof ly a change of
mad, H. I. Swag b.00m4g preseipl. Imo
week was oo.ti..sd for sons, ties at the old
mimed, but students inure&seag In members,
a Hine School was proposed and built on
SUMMON. THURSDAY. JUNIr I3. Ira the ground now occupied by the Institute
-- _
From that date maul recently additions
were made uuitl tb- handsome block as now
-The Farmers. Sun wauta to know N.a, ora perfected sad the High School be-
ll the res se wheat has made the farmer Masse • (a4egiat, Incite .. The following
n ibs shows the gruwrh nesse 11371. .,, '.
y-The Mail anti Eulptr• should ah- 1'••r
beevs.w iia name. It la now asunrwtnIy a 1871 .... • • . • •
• . '
• tae wean with ballon sleeves. 1878.
How .toes it happen that alI of ice' • • •e--•'•"••• • •
the not protectionist 00001rres on earth
have to borrow from poor old free trade
KaeMod, whin they sew short of shekels
The number of applicants for the
position of keeper of the Hoare of Refuge.
at a salary of $2.50 • year, is a commentary
on the boasted prosperity which is alleged
to exist in the country. Forty•two highly
✓ eepsotable mien, shove the average in iD•
tellytwoe and ability to Bare • livelihood,
ware applicants for the office
The conspiracy alleged by The
Mail and Kmpiro to exist with the object of
ousting I.,1'ttia,t frogs the Liberal leader •
ship hasn't m&tenalnsd to the extent of the
oomopir&oy by the Hos..:oHn HM;4,ART le
the Rideau Club, whereby the Hos..1. A.
4)1 1 MKT was overthrows. TM Mail has a
clumsy way of workia; fakes slaw it be
came hydre-headed
Teachers Pupils
2 60
2 71
3 148
. 4 173
4 167
1.890 ... .. ... 5 225
1894 ......... b 260
The school wee made free in 1872 ; moved
to pressat site in 1875 ; was enlarged to
1879 ; fees put on age.. 1888: remodelled,
enlarged and made • Collegiate Institute to
H. I.8tr.e., B.A.
▪ et at .0diog in
A..1. Moore. R.A.,
• pecialet standing In
.d iu 1880.
Mien H. ('h isles, R. A , 7 oronte Calvet. -
sty : specialist et•ading it modern laag-
uagee and English : appointed in 1890.
R. K Hooper, K A., Toronto University:
es 50
ist'beading ie.ee . appointed in
J. S. Canners, undergraduate of queen's
20RUoivoinsi <d raduat. of Sellout of POda-
• i o 1893.
Mus . R. Aikss, i.nior Isavisg oeni8-
rate and graduate of Mahool of Pedagogy ;
appointed is 1593.
There have heel floc. 1871 **westerns
other Ieeohere on the staff. Among these
witty be mistimed S. P. Halls, M. A., prin-
cipal of 1;tr.der,ck Model School, who wan
with a frost 1876 to 1891. and did good
service to ruing the steediar of the school ;
F..L. Michell, B.A., P.& I. tor Co. of i.*D•
ark : J. I. (twig, K A., P.M.1. for Swish
Welhsrtpe • W. McRride, M A., I:et►orwl
Agent NF A. 1a. l;o. for North West
Others have retired from the professfea or
are holding higher positions in other H. 4.
or C. I.
Passed exams. amus 1871 inolwiv.: la-
t.rmedute 3r4 elates and 2n41 °lass emiil-
cats, 593 ; 1st clear .aru8o•tee, 14. I it r
only within the last sir years that t4e
sohool has undertaken first clam work a
part of 1 he regular ourrro.l•m. 4 Junior
matriculation to usiy.10itiea, 47 ; senior'00-
tnculation ter rix year stone., 13 ; eatrees
*rams. for divinity, law, medioise• 28 ; en-
trance extra. military innate. .ohool of
schen°•, merveyi.g, 5. Besides trios inter-
nterins tho professions direct from the school,
many others, after te.ohtog for • time, have
become lawyers, doctors and ministers.
Pupils of the •drool have won 3 weholar-
ships at. mueior natricalation• rad 4 •t
senior rn.tric.lauon, and have repeatedly
carried off .cholar*hipe in their subsequent
.Dara &1 Toronto I'sivarsity, Kaoi (' r •
e nd Toronto sad Trinity Mel ..tine*.
The here alio carried off st 'estimates 6
medals. 2 fee chimes Iran Toronto
University, 1 for geeersl profiaienoy (rem
%ABU college, anti 3 is meeieime, 2 from
Tomato and ono firma Yd ;ill.
Rx -pupils aro to be found ie all parts of
the noaiaiea from Montreal Ws V•noe.vee
tied morel mon 4. I'hwage.. St. )1•al, ilakota
and other parts .f the Northwestern States,
000upyiar prorniaeet •ed r•spea.dble peel -
nese in the professional, basins= aad even
political world. le the e{q d Detroit
14.l.tos4, J. Waken, R A. w4a.d••
PrIrepal ..1 $fpk hl.l.orls. C. L. (_.J1.
Berea, H Davi/pa, New...tl► hiasi*eis
. f Model 3oheels, J. R. Seewat, Sl o se sed,
J. Coolly. (lee.ws&L Lawyesa -K. N.
Lewis• 11 8dm.s. Y. Jobe ese. L. Dorsey,
1. Y. Hale and R. & Kaye, 8..heth, O. T.
Blair, of ilraasls toad P Malsehenee. el
Le.know. M. O. Omens tied R. J. Reas&.
d T.ro.to. O. 3'. Waehi.gs.., el Haat11M.,
W. C 0..lene. A. D. Dickens, J. D
8tr•a.ee. W. IL. 1lu(J s.. R. D B. Gamy,
i. Yantts4a .e the Ne1p► Wet.
Uootare-J. R Manses, J. R Whitely. J.
A. Hutchison, of Ileetreal, A. Miasmas,
ot Toronto. J. H. Mesas. of CbretMm.
Kier -ad, of Ylt.rhell f ieil Service -David
Bruca. Stntfnrd, T. C. McDonald. Ottawa
Municipal Odiciale--W. Luso. Comets
Clerk, W L H.ortos, Tow. Tremont.
Ko•i.as Moe --Teo nutwerees to mention
Fleetly. nearly all the tsaeber* of w
town .edema, • Large pr'•••ssYR..l thee.
Go-eeris•• the eo.nty .nal • e+weidevehle
.ember in nth.r counties iw.ludla$ "ant
.pec.nh.ta i. Iq.s eehonls like Mr. Whet,
of Walkerton H S and Mr. Hogarth, of
Hamilton C. i are proud to aloha the 0. C
I as their alms meter.
Toronto University ;
classics : appointed in
Toronto ('aiversity
mathematics: appoint
/tee [leap Owl me IN nee.
lhitldleport. N.Y.. .lens 7.- The Middle
port llauofarturing ('ompnay'. pleat w..
buried lest eight ; Lias 3M,,(jtK►. Use Mo-
dred Ines are thrown out of emplgyeseet.
bvMsd se Assa.esa
London. June T. -The Australian Gov-
ments have Jointly addressed to the
Duke and Duchess of Turk an invita-
tion to visit Australia next winter. It
le believed the Duke and Duchess will
tlepeeed Meal Meat Per Clevel.ed
Pittsburg. Jour 6. -Within sit mouths
it is quite probable that plans looking
toward the cosetrttstiou of o gigantic
steel plat on the banks d :.ab Brie.
at a point sear Cleveland, Ohio, will be
ander way. The plaut i• to be a rival
d the Carnegie and Bethlehem Steel
Companies. Mr. Joh.. D .I'.orkedeller of
the Standard 011 Company and the other
millionaires have &gnarl to furnish the
necessary financial aid.
new capital and Pasrrte. Make Tower.
Buffalo, Jane 6.-A controlling interest
is the Depew lmprovemnet Company ha.
beeu sold to a syndic.. Composed til
Cba.ocey Y. Depew, Jobe Jacob Astor.
H. Walter Webb, H .Me6. Te nimbly. Dr.
Seward Webb and others. The geutle-
mee arc .11 largely interested to the Ni-
agara Falls Power Company. The con-
sideration was *730,000 in cash. uod it
is said to be the purpose ail the ay infinite
to bring to Depew the shops of the Lake
Share and West Shore roads, the Lacka-
wanna. Nickel Prate and New York Cen-
tral .ad the Wagner Par shops. The big
establishments already located at Depew
employ, alt told. 2500 meu. The tillage
has • pdpolation ,d sew. although it bas
beep but two and a 1011- year in 41iet
epee. It Is about five miles from the
Buffalo city line. aad i. ronne•ct,d by
trolley line with the city
The mayor of Sarnia the other
day decided that the chief of police of that
town should rostrum milkmen from .trend•
ing to their customers on tuaday, sad the
chief performed the duty. At the first
meeting of the town oouneil he worship's
decision was overruled by a majority of 14
to 1 Perhaps the Hernia milkmen's labors
might be Itghteeed 14 the mayor .hut Mittel
waterworks on 'und&y.
At the present time, onwe'ighth
of the sten In the comedian Senate are
vacant. The nonatry hes hes hwe4lted te
the extent that one-eighth el the salaries of
Senators and mileage has 1055 sawed, .ad
if the other eaves efebl10 of the Soto
were abolished, sen epoedtng bas tote
would remelt to the Dominion- Let the
funeral promise pew. gsatlemen.
Young Tii►pR* has a peculiar
nowt of speech. la the House Monday
Ism, he stetel that the Nont.r•t were his
fettled'''. and in practically the one breath,
alluded to them .. ' • poachers " and "a had
oat generally " On s previous occasion ha
spoke of them as "pint.. " Now, the Min-
ister of the 4'rown who can have "friends"
&swiftest "water- and • • posohen" met 10.
"• had lot generally.' or else 10 ,. .lands•
toe he friends. What says Tures& the
I.111.t..ATen .. Her1.1. rat TII.Ie est.
fe•ntleed Repeater The billeting
cysts 1. I. these days of 0eoveniwo••. is ie -
coming a ■.dsaaos. bock to the enWtahe•r
sail to the entsrteiaed, ad shonld 10 does
away with. When parties go to °05,00
tines el any hied for their own plssisreud
esavee1.0e., they should pay their way like
other folks ; when they go se • mal at of
..semity to represent quarterly beards, the
.r reissue& time mead them sheets 10v
the 4s...sy to pry their ..pens...
• • •
Am esrener?AILU 'Lao*.
Terri Telegram Party l.termR .ria
Hides with the FAD., awed when a.4rse. el
the Ds Lai Parliament begins i. earl?
Be seer .e sae me net geed M lie
Isolated resole.
Yeo who isolate themselves from society
and have no near and dear family ties, are
the most unoomfortab'e of beams' twinge.
Karon says, 'H.ppi.ere was horn • twin,
bat the phrase. though pretty and poetic.
does not go fax enough. We are greganoa
sod not Mt/inched to march through life ie
Sir Tupper Selects Opts Cas.
For An Increase.
lee •»..msec •ereaaea•ly •N••• 5.
iarr.ans ea Peersrreated CoasOlelme
th. week Mase L gassier M
stares the t r..P5.ttea sl Yr.
M. lMM le • Sham
Mr. McMullen . Tbnt .•pisioo M tow
4!ts •d t • the I.wy.r o..ly.
Mol•'rk rate( that there were lad
judgre of all kiwi* rod it without rhyme
or reason the Government arbitrarily
tutored ow tiniest that would be a
precedent for turrasies the other 194.
Nothing could warrant the increase mo-
lests there bad bre.. Goose urde10taudiug
betw/eu the Government nail the Chief
Justice. The tart that the minister was
uawble air uuw iltiug to deny t15 •tats
went warranted tLat rauclmiou.
Dr. Sproule, .M, very rarely dimmers* his total wane 3001)(1.
with the Guvrnnuleut, acid that he did Mr. 4 iu -trait* rerun, p.otea .••.1
nut think the Wiuistrr a Justice lied .gainet the iacreare. wbkh he a..iI sin"
made out a rase sufficiently atrial( to i.a•pprcloa• and
:ouviorr the committee that this judges I Mr. McMullr■ tool ekreptiuu .o a
anl•ry should br increased. H. agreed 1 .tutrm'•- t made by tlw Misietrr .o( Jta.
with Mr. McMullen that the fudges we're tire that the ledge:*.ut.riee alt i.r,•al4
inirly well paid. tumpp.'4.rail ' with ole I -oil, h• iisrrrearti. 11. 4. -•Id that j..' ff'-.
membert of other prnftesi.ms which r.•- ' were welt paid for s-l.at they .11d. /..at
qunn•d equally high gwlifiratioue, the' Yr a iso tb.et it wa• tlr• duty .4 • ter"
anlaries of judge* %err high enough, , Layne in in tbe• HOU. *11 p rOteoi aga.:,ai
WIwu o. VOID 11 41 ow betsch became vo,•a.,(' the to oomeed i•rrra•e«.
there w -:u a rush ..f lawyers for it. who Mr. Ilfilla said teat tb. i,a•r•We• of
were willing to a.•crpt the pay attarbed the artistry of tb 41.1 Jw.tire .4 Br'.
t.. the offiee. tisk Columbia wooed wake nu tori r n'
Cop Prior, nor ,.f the repreer•utativre of ; di.rtim'ticn. Ile rolled epos 11w 101•.im-
Victnria, British 4'oIumhio. •upge.rtlug ter to Show the 'h•.r lana ...sill.ielt
the i,,er.a.e, said that +ben the leader I work da:r to jt:stilt ';n, norms c.
of tb.• Oppuoitiau seal his friends were Mr. Doily hrid that tie• sur• 1• nt
in that city they promiwd inereaem in the n•.e.l:,t' was. to w•i;r out r ti hoe.
a la ries mel large pipeudituree ou pub- dietiartau. ilea• m, :rh nor Ili' j.:dl iu
lie work.. bet w two it came to a paltry British 4'olumhu. . '4 :cot get no ❑ .xh
344)(1 they were met prepared to carry as Polite. in A,iwi ..Ily elsrw:len,
nut their promises He charged that the ; till. IJ.urirr pointed out tint by no
Liberal. alma,. •.1... -d in-n•awe iu .al- ort ;cooed iu 10111 the aaterk• .d Pedrosa
otic. std radon}' subsidies. m .t,llanult' hod h•-•• fixed in arse.-
Mr i.Iurier laid that he had no ohjvr- dance with the wm•Hlst of work , •r•
lion to repeat w hat he had .aid in Vie- loon •.1 by .•ech. 1'h • aoklry of the On
Luria. He had said tjtet for entrance to t;ah Colombo' Julg- had this b e1.
the fine harbor -+ Victoria. which woe li.rd at 3f14NI. It wi.s for Ow miri.ter
ubtrorted by is ark. aM4nld have ,. to show that the work had iirremee'd
lightif be bad had the Lon,or of being •uffirieutly to warrant an i.lerea..t'.
the member for '. n•toria he would have Sir Charles mid chit it was nntnrilw•
used his influence with the Government e. the Maritim• Potentates that Ow
to hair a light upon that ria•►. rather j nl_.'s were not i.dequately paid.
see -
Maio to get a i.e.toif i.•.' over n hitt then' 4m motion of Major Carpenter. i,t•-
10d been rgw,bbling uwoug the faithful ,,soled by Dr. P.,e.m.. the roma It 41.
a, to ohere the ate should be. Sir .lohu le, ;d,.,4 to rt•. omm• n.1 to the ,:n r,•tt-
Th,mpou had maid $414141 a year w nm 0 t.rrra t.. adopt tonne method of as.dnt,ng
fair remuneration for the judge. +-molder fruit-gn,wrt•a of confute to pls.e •tat
ing that in three years there was Duly o4e r• the I%ngllsh markets by teat's 0'
caw M{ere the .ldmiraity Court. If I ,.,old 'animate f0etKliea. This reeq.01 oil
the loon prPIltlPlai•{I would dir6arge Lia P as the outcome of a tatuahle oda:ross
deities properly to the city of Victoria. 1Mr. John Crate. horticulturist of the
woadd sot fight for obis. {rtty firm. .s Experimental Farm, in wbk•h he av
but •re that there is light for the
harbor .d that gnat Pity, to.- results of ,retain •otd morons' ex-
t fon the Minister's uadrrtakiug to' 1-• rimrnta made by hint In Yontr'-rl
brilltt • woo ht I o.foru:ntiun ou the •ub. loot year Mr. Craig le -hetes that by
ject the rommttter reported the row)* • t•ystem of district cold storage• warP-
tion. houses. refrigerator ears and coil
The ('nrrau bnd4•• .deal. by as loch the s(Nrrtmrnts on ateaniehlta, It is poa,ibh'
country was rohbrd of over *20,1t*Nl,wan t'• playa. the peach••., plums and 4ra•.e:I
recallol by the taster* $67441 to complete of I.n,arto upon the English motto t 1y
the payment 04 the •z slows of the corn- (.'eying quantltieP. Major Carpenter
mj.i.o that uw•orthe 1 the wn•tgt•tk,iutr. .111 take steps to induce the Gov. rn-
in response to ., demnud by Mr. Derive nirnt to make a trial shipment o'
boy iuforma4. p. the lliuimter of Justice grapes from the Niagara Peninsula tele -
said that oto p• hod ern token to lay
There were elms on the gr''n herr In
connection with Se -parole Sewall toa•-
1• n. The announ.em.nt that tb•' con-
n (Psion appointed by the 4intario Oro -
.-rnment to Investigate the co0411i1on
tb. Catholic Sbparate 'school or on-
t:.w'a hap been blocked has cauacd a
g. ruin sensation . The eommisellne
wee appointed at. the request of the
('.•4.arate School Board. and the Cot. en-
-wet seceded to the request with more
than the usual alacrity on account of
chs' attack made on nae of the Depart.
mettle! times -re. Mr. White. Pr.vinrfal
School Inspector. For momc time there
las been a growing feeling of estrange-
ment t.etween the French Irr .cher* ant
the lnapirtdr and also (-Petal; !octe-
Et rs of the Retool hoard. The Brothers
chanted the InepWeet"r with furnishing
reports to the hoard dontradiet cry to
those given themselves. This, with the
public Indignation m.•eting. pr.el4..1
o'er by Judge Valln. at whish :Orono'
resolutions were carried, coupe.] the
elimax. At th. meting Inspector
was openly called a liar. and hip mo-
tivep were openly attarkr.l. The Gov-
ernor -In -Council endnrw d the re-
gnewt for a rotnmisslon. and 1tev.
en Foley. Farrellnn, Mr ('heny. Plant -
lig. net. and Mr. W,.11lam Scott of To-
ronto were appointed. Thi,. commie -
glen was &insidered an • minently fair
one. Mr. Chcny 08• to r.'pr"sent the
Fourth -Canadian,', Father F..iey the
clergy. while Stott 1i a Protestant. The
rommisslon wall to have eumm.nee.f
work yesterday, ling at the eleventh
hour Father Foley rs good. ;.n I hit
action w0.,. Immediately imltatwl ' v \fr.
('hent'. leaving Mr. S.ntt the molt • •em -
4o r of the commts'lon. Father Fol"y
admit,. that he rsolened In def+ .ace
r . the with.,. of Arehh4 hop. Dnharnc'.
who regards the appointment o, th •
cr mmisaion with d'sfavnr. and In fact
re.natru.d It as an attack on the Chrls-
thrn Brothers.
tears... resolution I I,, Ale l be a,1 I - . es ..1
the following juges :
Tal, judlles d the Cirreit Omit .4 the
District of Montreal. welt 3al5III ler
Fit. "'empty Curt jn-kiss is M gottol t,
Poch 32010 pr &anent darl5* the filet
three years of nervier. alter which ....eh
4344*4 per ..arm.
The heal badge. of the Diarist d
British t'.rum41*a 31014) Irr timet&.
Mr. Davies took etrepdion to the lost
proposal, which ;Ream. that (lief Jocose
Dade of British lkdumbie shall have as
oddities u1 3400 to b4. salary. Ti,.
groin.' token by K. Davies was that
the judger in ecbe: pnn•irsrw. notably On-
tario .ed 11Wb..s•, had great drool tiros
work to Jo than th• Chief J ust H e of
British Columbia, and that if ii1e n1
ea larks terve to he ,,w reams' the ot...•r
r`.rotegees were ....titled t•. eoaidrr"t..11.
lhie one a moat IW•1,1.11•t lllr 4111N• t.,
lien -we salaries.
Mir (Baer. 'Tupper etpiaiued *It • llo
salary ail the prow -lit *Lief Metier . 1 I'ri•
flak ('o:unable was ire.' than that of his
pre.!.vePr.,r. $Ir Mat the w Hester... II.
now received *Neel h. chief jtrtiee. a .4
lull aa lural ju.lge in u,lpmralty, oh...e-
an his p.rerleersoor oreeivP.l 5e .heel
admirttity. oinking allogt•ther *MP' i.
tire 3611:1► Kiel /MOO as lucid) judge In
proponel to inrrenae the sulory o lar
present chief juetier us local Pelee in
gllgatu 'Otwlt3 ''I why moil
amgls or in double 81e. In p•inog time. 44. Pviirrre taken before .Indgr 1*sury-
t.e., dosis the honeymoon, iadtviouab o/ err. but the ability of the pnsw..•u/lou to
ng do that had br.14 e..3,4 in question by
oppo•iu 'MX" may find 11 very pleasos4, tie ,Metre. Th. point was whether the
cwt to my delightfal, to walk apart from Dominion or Prot inein I I ;ore rtetoeut
the unsentimental world, two .rid tor., should ply the cost of the new trial.
Bot a a general thing they •r* ready Chief Jostles i.:u•uate was low reu.•ider-
.s ough to rush tack into the crowd wb"n I Ing the arrumeuta addressed to him.
the billing and cooing aeasoo is over :I Mr. Mulork I presume in the +Tent d
P.trareh would have grown tired of Laura I the court ergot nog a..'urity from the
•oat she of hint, had they bean 00odem0ed I Dominion Gurenuueut that it 'ail fpr
ton lifelong tete a tete Le the wilderness. Eisen
d Sappho would bare jump** into theses Sir ('har4.. Tupper 1 thick it world
to have escaped Fool had she been common.tw eery navel.... .cud yu.te extraordinary
ed to matrimonial whtude with the man for at tbpnewut Portos.that we would
lack of whose love she made 'a damp body "fah what we world deo in the .•vent
of herself,14 the court .Ming a certain thin[. We
It has been well said that the vital prw
e. ' are 'lulle ronfid•nt that our application
ill mtweeed.
ciple grows weak When isolated. The man Mr. Mulrek called attreion to the de -
oho owes for nobody. wed forwhoni nobody lay that had recurred ie bringing the
cares, has within; to live for that 1 P•y guilty pr mew 1.. jneticii. HP said that
for the trouble of keeping soul and • ly to. the cnmmi"sioo hod reported that •
g.th.r. You mat have • heap of •-others wholesale fraud had leen committed.
to make • glowing tiro. -oat •' them nod that in(ormntinn woe in the pie
apart and they become dam sad col. Set, Trios 01 the (w'o.rnment in November
to have • brisk, vieorote late, *on must 1N1t8. After two yewso had elapsed tba
have • group of lives to keep each other only prove's' made in the matter was
warm, a it were, to afford to each other that the *reused person had carried the
mutual enOnule*gemeot and conhdeaoe andwar into Africa. and was pro*4eutiug a
support I1 you wish to live that life et • suit agaiiial for t'mwu for chore matey.
Oo the 1 'bl 1 1 ' 1
man, an4 not thst o1 • fungus, w •.'0101, h. Pse n a p w& r ...if n . et low
there had been a maoil.*twtino d
brotherly, he chantahe, he •ympo'hetio • Perrgy nn the pert 01 the Unverum.nt,
end Mbor earnestly for the good of your bet now the Government seemed to have
kind. _ 1 kat all its energy. it was an outrage
Tied te a frank. - - I that the mbbrry should have taken place.
aad that there was no person b.ehiud the
It u eametimes better to permitt publte I hers for it. This' lethargy was no ho-
meyants to have their own way than to go dseement to otter* to do wrong.
through life with • theory that +.,...n;WA I Sir Charles Tupper protested (hat the
(iorernnwnt wen proceeding to order tied
mime is • public osemv. The ('hio•!, fm .kreucy.
New* tells • •trey of • young women wain ' Mr. Davies commented upon the fact
entered a rilway train with a tin -elle Amp- ttb'it tgh a erideenumberealbad
• conspiracy
ed M&tendam,erly in her ante.
to defraud the Government. No step
'Madam,' rid the yery . . he parch- had been taken to punish any .'w d
ed het ticket, 'i am sere ...rev het ♦ata them
can't loom your deg 10 this car. it's ageism lair Charles acid that the instrnetiom
the rules.' .4 the italic. Drpartmeot frmm lh.• IlP-
'1 .h011 hold him in „In
lap all the way' partment oat itailwsys and Canals w.rs
she replied, 'sad he will sot disturb .ay to proceed not against one mon. hit
•05 against any •s4 all who were iu tiny
'Tet makes nn dieerenee,' said the Inn. way connected with crime.
doctor. 'i «mldn't allow my ewe dad Mr. Laurier. after stating the fact
here Inge most ride is the baggage car. that two years had elapsed without any -
111 fasten him all right for yon-' ; thing having been .torr, pointed int that
'Deal you tnooh my dog. sir ' said the • prosecution rould not he "fleetly,' sn-
Teasm woman e.e4►odly. 'i will Oast him '-e- ""'1--f.fr.. imn...fiatNv.
to ne nese' And with indignant tread, she - The Minister of Justice.' said ie.. ...
marched to the 1*ggage oar, tied bow deg. would
theferret, h.fm
n. gentlemen,
e mace
arid returned. About fifty menhail sidles further
, ors had int emceed why
pall men
when the adeeter cease &leas seals, .be p.rtth
eskedhim, 'Will you cull ns U ay do, ,w against every offender. 1t was not an -
•11 t ticipat.d by the law offices o1 the
I •m woe, *my; sold the Beni. is. Crown that verb an unfortunate Reimar-
ri•gs d justice would take plane i•
pnlrw' 'Ant yon trod tint to • tank' wad Montreal. iI they could not obtain a
h0 ores thrown off with it at t10 est
statin..' committal by the magistrate or • trot
bill from the grated jury, it world ice
Th. Meg sad the r..e-manes. harkto prone/ agaiat the minor d -
As isoident whieb we kat seem le jtte 4.1141110.
that a dee learns te .dseeasd the'- Mr. Lander mid that 4n the prosecu-
tion of the chargee against St. Lose
there had brae a want al energy and •
willing to vos°h for Its troth. Ad this is west of determination that Tres .ti-
the story doter to a maiority of the psttple aad
'A dog had come to be very old in a the eo*.try tet it lied i. en & stem
letmlly le • esia4ry village. O.s el ins p.aeeution. The d4....' .n won sew
family remarked ea & osetaie day se Ms tinned esti' after midnight, when the
la la tie resin • Hoene adjnarasd.
d eer there w w fewer than w ..f them i Sasebo ourht to be pat out J
practising medicina. ten of them, Dr. the way. He Is may • enhance sew.'
Ila old and lir Hamlin, beteg prefeshs, is Thai eftersoo. Raeoho disappear d, as/
aedloal collages, ether* are still Nether es 11111411P Famed dud sot neer.. In the
sway, nee. in New 7.+&1004, sod emossuf • I nb a neighbor said :
tern, Miss 14 i'resten .rod Rev n. n M that year doe is ip at tie
Mem$.11G11gg Jelye(4. ewasat
eed(Rleat eg e1 Fess beau' qut it wlearell
e10 Dteeg us 3eet
of thaw
ere ('
.1 Vienna Il.ivsraity, Tweet* ; &SOF?.
seen - Cherie et Ihrhad, Rim J.
Arlo. R. Rashers, J. A. Bs 11 ; 561 wire Immo. be Ifeetl at the tetra brie,
Ilse. R. J. Treleaven, Goa aei there peset uRy mesa be doer IRs -
W. le Jewess. A. 11. SMlai Our Atlmd Triple
fta.ehe 10.1.8 clerical
at /he per.
Isms sal base Madly reesived, had see -
NNW en es a reeml Ad .Tor Jter, sl-
(haugli be see•rtimads • beef Gall at
The Department of Trade and Com-
merce is advised that on.e.rtant eon-
ceeshtne have be. n mad.- to Flu.idart'■
Australian Steamship Line by the Ha-
waiian (government. lender • kgtala-
t4ve act of last y. a- the 1;nP .' nm.nt
remits to that .'ompany all the port
,-barges except pilotage ..rid at -o The
A. authorises the I It•cutiv. Co melt
to make eontracts for mall service be-
tween ports of the R.puhllr• of Hewett
and NorthAm.rtea, Australlw and la-
term.dlate porta. and to grant old to
any steamship company for the term of
two yearn, freedom from all eharg.e at
the port of Honolulu for wharfage,
lights, buoys, blanks at the Cui't•om
Hou*P, and harbor master's fees for the
steamaMps plying between Raid port..
and also grants free tar of tracts of
land in Honolulu for storage of roll.
not exceeding SO tons at any one tftm'.
for the use of company's vessels. Th.
Pteamehlp oastpang, on the ether hand.
agrees during the term of two years to
e.'rry all Hawaiian malls without
Merge to the Government. end to 110'4
Or. N. r. aw..4la
Results Astonish
el.teseeMt .et a well Knows Defter
" Ayer's Rens ar11 ls w1110ut ss equal
as a blood-pgitYsr aM OWN seullelae. tied
Mania have webs eeseg4. leave washed
its elects la streets ernes, rbcs ether
treatment was deo avail. sad taw ben
eetselsbee at the results. 1(o other Nese
nedletee that I tare ever teed, aad i her.
tried them all. M so theme. I, its action,
and Meeh w many psrmaosat ewes as
Ayers W+epeelit"-Dr. H. F. Muton L,
Augusta. ria
Aysr's./- Sarsaparilla
Almf1tel et tbe Word'. Pair.
Apses J1Nrf. for Misr test heseefa.
prices .1 Wheat. copper. w.'oI (too mo-
ver have risen. and that trade gener-
ally is reviving
tall -Wader. Treasure teveale
Rochester. June 4. -Harper p.trh.4
lassling ball this afternoon. and the
Indians ,-ould do nothing with him Ile
.truck out 14 men. the highest uw0t.•r
for the season, and allowed but mix hal.
Crane also pitched a good game Out
the hon:e team hit hlm at . ritleal t roes.
CO to the eighth Inning•. (be Itorhe's-
ten had not made a boot's. Two ., ..ors
then cropped up. and led to three runs.
Attendan.-e 4400. Score.
Rochester.... ... 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0-4
Toronto .0000000::0 3
Other ra.t.rr 41.5sse•
Ottawa, Jttae 7.-84, Geld.. 7 S1', to- Ma pmsent schedule of ps...pllsar
w4, is nmb{tioa ins 0110 0i rib /m1.• rid f/Mght recent.
ter. year. end limited exterlauso, hog
as opportunity yr•so.rd..y . .a N's whe►t
M r.uhd do i. toe 14.:y.;:.....
.i..... ,orwhistls
he wall s ea.did•t. h. me « see •
bream Mr. Fester wag.
as nllos at Nostrya . 1 k.1
yeses ruli.agse healed t. a ,lease
and tab tare of the p- . , .4 be.
a5Mwd that Pur CMr ,•• 1 •e1L,
esseparlag h11 leadew I u hell
10s bees landed coatis sisss
w newel&, .4 rtes
se,metle wee* • - e
4 4s. Wrath 11 t• AP.TRAIAA
At Syracuse:
Syracuse . . 000210200 - 5 4 1
EdlEalo . . (110004NMN1 l 4 2
ar.ett. Hess; Ilerwb.ni, 1'rqukart.
0m'...e, 8..idrr.
tt 4rraatuu:
Pn.videoce . . 000211412--10 15 2
tk ra utoIi . 00320000 - 5 . 7 1
Il.dd.•rho. re. MrAulay. Juhwoo, flog-
rn. l'mpir••. Hunt.
At N'.lk. 4-I arra:
Wilkes- Karr• . R0.r7pm0N)- 10- 9 14 4 M 41
Springfield . . 141Ct4tl(
lie euan. Diggius. Cougillu, Leahy. Une
pire, Dew-s.•her.
Mm•.M. Nests the l witee..
At Ralston:
Pittabur( . . (420120000- 5 10 0
Bratuu 20101/4/4 0- 7 14 2
itawIeyr Sng,eb. Mti vete, Ga..trl,l'y ns.
At Knollyu:
Louisville . . 016010300-11 11. 5
Brook l. su . 73041021)0 -12 12 6
meDermatt, Welke. Lucid, Krunedy,
At New York:
lbw York . . 010001000-- 2 7 2
Cinciomoti . II0001K1000- U 4 3
Rorie. it 'Isom Parrott, tlples.
At Ph:la1rlpbia.
81. Lou.. . . 220010030 - 0 1.1 6
Philadelphia . . 1050011100- n 12 2
Ebert. 'Maley, Pelts: Taylor, Cis
m. tit•.
At ltult.more:
Chicago . . 011321122 -13 17 4
Baltimore . . 104000410 -10 12 r
Terry. Griffith, Ilonabue, E.per, ('I:,rke.
At N u4hiugtos
Washington . . 210000400- 7 12 2
Cleveland 000201001- 3 8 3
Maul, McGuire: Wallace, O'Cusaor.
Teresa" mageees
W.rento. Jo 7. -Dour - D*.asd re -
.1,4. "d. Str•igb* rollers quoted at 44.771
!erre%° freights.
Berm-Bualas. la bran codes sad priest
41i 14144. 317.cap tr.Igbts. Shorts me
Wheat -The market to-do oss
Dos raid are
011111 the tow steady.
affixing at 81. north and wawa. Mealtntt"
wet "carom. with bolder. asking $1.06 u
32.07. Toronto fr tg4ts.
derby ..Trade doll and prices .ta47.
ta"s4t n.r,ted at 520 to 53o.
Lista -Ilia names 1w grass. 0418 moms
Qtots of white aro vqieted
ad 300 to 301 -ie. west• and roin4 MN
held b4 h. r.
3 .-Rstta"s quit& with prl.es .Desi'
''-eisaweas •erased Mal a a.essgl
New he Pvl.•&
Jew Au.tralta. J. 7.-
*nine of Parliament to -day.
• or. Mr TJIIRses Ruston, who
•oeeeled tee Marl of Winter,.
N the members spout the
M+rrossts tit the Oakes .K
-.ea He ells tenet toe
Ask your Druggist for
Murray &
Vet NoillordIMI, Taft /utlime.