HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-6, Page 8JUST IN TIM
FOR JUN* WiDD111 lel. with
Dur dew 1mpotati011&
SterlingSilver Novelties, rut Masse
and ine French (Gina, at Moder-
erste Price.,
A Handsome Lint- of Hampers --all
sines- To see thews is to buy
Ston closes Seamier menthe at 6
1 elephant Eschew* open till 8 o'clock,
where 'rearms papers • ill be distributed.
Bookseller k Stetioaer.
(eros( M..•g•r Bell Telephone Co.
NEWS OF THE D1STR(`.T• I, o Ty.d. demos Ill �.s",11-'�
Bisons helium', ('harks slowest, Arils
Bean : jostler 11 -Leah Regis. Geerse Boos
From OurOWnCorreepondente. Lore Ksa.edv. A Illannows, teacher.
Where . d Mar where
n •
bound ♦aywn,ereLlw-New •ei is.. Mies Falx Healey is rwtAog u the circa.
( shanty ogee Gosh nepeeaee lis town.
ver The seg.•I. Mies E. Allen is enjoying • plavn: visit
to her mums, Miss F:tree 1:.rdsuer, near
Porter's Hill.
SHEPPARDTON. A new planking of boards as to be put
M..si . ; uua 3, down oft the West and South uses of the
I- olluwtug is the report ot the etaollog of geoh•nge Hotel this week. The well at the
Wet end has recently been repaired with •
le Istermeatles k Thar raw passe be Tl r DAT, Jose 4.
the pupils of S. ' No. 11, AsbWld for the
month ending May 31st, 18'35: Senior 13 -
Bert Foster, Maud Morris. Roe. McNee,
Norman MLt.rsttw• : junior I1' Harry
Maw, Floreooe I;r.bam, Bert t•ordes,
('lore Brindley, Aha Dougherty. Alex.
Bogie : 111 maws -Nine Burrows, Lily
Campbell, Suev Fisher, Mande 1 oung : 11
clam Jeanie 1 oung, Nista Graham, Nellie
Fisher Komi Wh 3I'', teacher.
Trw.I.At, June 3.
,-,t.tute labor is nearly finiebe.i an this
Miss Meanie McIntosh as at present vi.it-
Mg is Loudon.
Mr. Quinlan, of 'esferth, is at present
working ter .lobe Keiser, of the village.
S .I. Pollock occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist church last Sunday owing to the
illness of Lev. Mr. Leech.
A number ot very fw•y people have been
getting the manes ready for Rev, Mr. Muir.
The grass co the lawn hie been cut, the
house is beteg papered. sad itis intended to
dig • well.
WatOOPADAr, May 29.
Cohn 1, luting, R.A., oosducted the ser-
vice on the f'resbyterno church hero Sun-
day .ltern000. He delivered an eioelleot
.ermon, choosing for his text Philippians
3rd, 13 and 13.
The consecration meeting of the Christian
Endeavor society last evening was led by
Mae Ade Morris, the tepic being "Christ's
cross. my .:roue There was . good .ti ed -
and • very interesting .ad, we trust. profit-
able meeting.
A lawn social is to be held at the home of
Mr. Gad Mn. William Young, •r , on Fn.
day aften000, .lune 7 Refreshments will
be served from 4 to 8 o'clock P.m., alter
which • chaos program, constitute of music,
speeches and recitations will be rendered.
A send time u expected. AU are welcome.
Tile proceeds are to be need in repairing our
oh arch
sew platform.
Several of our farmers here joined with
(hub/laid farmers to makms up • large
drove of .beep for immersion in the waters
of the Maitland at S.Itford, over • hundred
being washed to the river The I.ds who
took part say the baro yard cos•tables of
the different fioake took the dip quite
docile Sod quiet, not giving the trouble
that the lambkins ot last year did.
Planting potatoes with the advent of
,lune, 1895, m now the caper. Those who
put in their early crop in June, 1894, have
strong memories of the bugs, while those
later up to the date of the 24th had • better
turnout in yield, and less trouble with the
bugs, who, by. -the -bye, have returned .liv^
•ad well in spite of John Frost's efforts to
freeze them up for good during the preoed.
mg 'oath.
MONDAY, Jape 3.
The following repast bawd spot' regular
attendance and tteneral prellesioncy, shows
the standing of the pupils it' S S. No 1 for
the month of May names are in order of
merit. Fifth class Ida U. Green, Norman
Special B
slur thsWeet;
Pieces All -Wool Serge Dress
Goods in Cream, Black, Navy,
°ordinal and Brown, 25c. a
s Pieces Tweed Dress Goods, regu-
lar prices, 35c.; for this week
• we offer them 25c.
5 Dozen Men's Top Shirts,
prices, 60c.. 75., and relit.
We put them all in at the
one price for this week --50c.
New Deftarllment
Tro.DAv. Jona 4.
(:111-w of Noti'.--lonimontoo e•rvicewill
be bald (1).V.) on the first Sabbath in July.
The C.11F.. S have also added new hymn
books for use et their meetings. Weather
favorable. 'onto a number will go in to hear
the Ker. 11r. lhckeoo, of Galt, who will ad-
dress the 1'. 1. ?t.. of Knot church, Gode-
rich. They hays reoeived an invit•tios
from the sister society to be present with
se Invitation to head in 'ueetione. They
can do so for the `-question Drawer,"
should they so desire.
A N.rruxit Ngw BARN. --Jamas Taylor.
who severalears ago pnrchaasd the Broach
Farm from S. Linfield, erected on it a new
barn 40 x 50. on a .tone foundation of two
feet for the timbers to rest on. Michael
('•roey and John Macdonald were the
captains of aides. The former's side was the
Michael Carney has h.d hu resileooe
omitted inside and out by L. Correll, of
We sell Ladies' White Underwear, made and Trimmed
as cheap as you can buy the Cotton.
Ti-gsi.tt, .lune 4.
Miss Heddle, ot Beamiler, was vutung
at J. Echlin's last wesk.
Alex. Kirkpatrick wen yisitiag friends •t
Blueyle last Sunday.
Mrs. Wsteon, of Hamilton. is st present
renewing old whin•int•ocs in this vicinity.
Duncan McPhee's team ran away the
the other day: some folks thought a was a
F. Church : mentor fourth --Minnie M. Cur cyclone but found It was only the rattling of
wen, ('I.res.ie .Inhnstoe, Henry .Johnston : I milk was.
junior fourth Wilbert Church, ('&rmse The temperance boy. well gat a cheap rig
Church: senior third -Alice 1. Johnston, now, as we have another prohibition wagon
10 town.
We will have to open some of the back
streets, as it is very troublesome climbing
tight board tenons.
A young man from Goderich trade our
village a call last Thursday evening and had
quite • time looking for hie best girl, but
otter easy enquires he located her at last,
and .pent several happy hours on the beaks
of the River Nile, l'ommerci•l st.
From another oorrespondest.
Jesse Grummet' has purchased • "new "
s. (:. Pentland, who ham been visiting
friends in 1:orae has returned home.
The weather is very warm at present and
the crops are suffering very much for want
o1 rain.
Wm. Mot -Otto' has put • lawn in front of
his r•esidesoe which adds much to its ap-
Allis Kirkpatrick, jr., wean • broad
smile now se he is the father of • bouncing
baby boy.
.lie. Mat'ann is agate wearing • smile,
the hot being that he wife promoted hi•••
with • baby boy last week.
Mark Hutchins who has Mas laid up for
several weeks with a son limes i• sole to at -
teed to his work ea formerly.
Commercial street is beginning to be
ignites "Lover's Lase." Perhaps it would
be advisable for some of our young folks to
build beaches tor the sake of that young
dcahe t freer. tcircular town, as it is rather
amp those sights, satiate os the roadside
W Idle Drysdale, Myrtle M. Trudgeoa :
jester third Mary 1'. Porter, Cora M.
Church and Leo Chisholm 'equal), Sophia
G. Williamson . senior second- 'rooms
and John N 11 Porter (seal) . tumor sec -
Seibold, Nettie t:. Hell, .(some Drysdale
ood -Lester Church, Kathy (:ibeoa, Katy
Williamson : put two Idabel It. Corms,
D. Graham Seibold, Lett* Graham ; part
sew -Mary A. Willian.eoo, Hattie Church
and Delbert lohwtos (salsa() Edna (:ibsoo.
.Ioru@ Hi. i.., teacher.
7't•wuAt • .law 4.
The craps are seeding rain badly.
Charlie Roue, ear village blacksmith,
spent Sunday at ('(into*.
The masons have completed
work of Pete Scott's ban.
Mos Naomi Baldwin lett last week for
Algoma, where she intends to spend the
Mos I.avina lane, who has spent the
Waster with friends near Windsor, returned
oo Saturday.
There was only one appeal against the
asseeement in Ashfield thio year and it was
mot 'untamed.
Martin Bros. were around this way o0
Saturday disposing of snow fish. Tis likely
• Hob' won't have to go West fiehiag sea*.
The way in winch the Kingsbridge corr.
spo.desu lavish their pnscils seri paper on
15. boys from Lanes would lead us to believe
that "we are the people and we must he re
That young man from the 6th con. who
promenaded our Igoe on S.tnrday had bettor
stay where ths balmy soothers broom
blow, ea there is a ' I.ot tle' fellow up here
looking for his scalp.
the stow
TvsiioAT, Jena 4.
Mrs. ( Ren. )John Voung •ad ehildren, of
Toronto. are va niwf in 1 'artew and
We are badly in wend of run is this
vta.ity, the meadows sad pasture@ w, IS
feet, suffering for want of it.
W• are pleased to hear that Mr. 5.1Mwe'
6w thoroughbred crew "Rarsheg•.." bee re -
Wowed ender the skilful own et 1k. .1.
Hamtltes of (:edsrteh.
N c'ri' r. - A laws s.lal Geier the
anepias et the Y. P. S. C. K. seei•ty, will
be held on the hematite! laws M the residence
et Wm Yee•g, er. Reereehumets served
.t 4. A good prefrelnale meg be expected.
Adssiw, adults, 20e.: Meagre*. iOe.
Canis ens, ossa ell. m it le fee • geed
Tbestag s the d peels et
8. R. No. 1. 0•Ib•rw., ler She asst► at
Map : V elr--.Hagan. Jos McNerie
Hesse lisdid t sewer iV--J•es•s Mclo-
tyr._lay tlwlYdltter. B 11s Varese ; jeni•r
ivA id UAW. Oran.t
We beg to state that we are appointed Agents for the well-known
Reliable Standard Patterns I
All Numbers in Stock- We receive the new Patterns monthly.
WI and ceoeive F1 a new Fashion Sheet each month.
Also the
NOTICL-TM local in Dnagaaaen
for Tits tfi0MAL s •t the et J. 9. Ward,
J.P., menveyasoer, &a. wise will receive •n
den ter subs rtptlo.a advertfsiag and Job
work. and Is authorised to give remise tar
•atoaate gold tar the semi
ArrasLiN.. Cue rgttioics.--Rev.. D.
Rogers and Joseph A. Malloogh left haw.
the begtnnine of the week to attend the
coaterescu et Stnthroy.
OM A VIsnTIr@. Toot -Mr. and Mia
Jamie Welker lett here es Tuesday last to
visit relatives at IngersolL We wish them
• pleasant visit and sae return.
Mcnu-tr•Ai_ -Oa Tuesday last Mears. A.
Stewart .ad James Gibson reeve and de- salary as armor, 56 ; Wm. Howell, equal-
paty •resve of West W tawssosh, and H. iiimg union schools. $6 Ad jouroed to meet
Girvm sad %Vm. Kick( , neve and deputy Saturday, 29. at 2 o'clock, r•
lock, . w.
of Ashfield, left hen attend the Jaw thF. W M Hestia', Clerk.
s...ios of our county partiassest, all of
wbom, w. presume. will •tboisatly attend
to the municipal Interests of their respec-
tive municipalities, as also of the county.
Mr'tct►•AL('Ors. n_ -Ib Wednesday, to
penitence of adjournment the musicipal
council of West W awanoeb met In the tows
hall as a court of revtaion of s•se.ament roll
of 1895. All the member present. No ap-
peale losing made, the mart passed the roll
The uesssor'. roll showed the followiss :
No. on roll. 751: average, 41,696; : amount
of real estate, 31,128,060 ; personal, $8,900 ;
income tax, $500: total on roll fcr 1895,
$1,137,650. Number of population be-
tween the ages of 21 and 60, 501 ; total
popalatios 21,038 • acres of wood land. 4,• ed.. (finales of last messing read "d pan.
and the
Thede contain a lot of valuable hints on what to wear and how to make
your garments in the latest and most becoming modes.
Extra values this month in
We are the only Store that handlers the TRILBY CORSET. Try them
them and you will wear no other.
formed • council for regular business. Mam-
bas .11 present. Mutates ot last meeting
n ad and signed. The foliowtng •ccounu
were paid, 'tn., A. W. Young, 2:. days'
work on road, $2 ; Wm. Good. one sheep
killed by dogs, $4 : John Kerntngh•n, oue
MOep lolled by doge, $3 : Jams Jooes, one
veep killed by dogs, tz2 ; Xavier K,-chler,
gravel, $1.25; Geo. Little, mit•of cloths
(obarity), $5.75 ; Jame. Young, sjuikee for
bridge, 75c. ; Star printing, $3.96; Dr.
S bassos, attendance on Wm. Moon (oher-
117), 118: J. T. Goldthorpe, lumber. $6.48
J. T. Goldthorpe, taxes refunded. $2.94
John Barker, moving Geo. little (charity).
$2 ; John Carroll, repairing cuhert, $2
John Davis. charity, $10 : Wm. Howell,
Ti•itr.e,v, .lune 4.
Mr. Leslie and Stookey Joe*, o1 Walker.
ton, spent Sunday at Robert Mwpbersoe'..
Mr. Hudson, of Luoksow, occupied the
pulpit in the Presbyterian church lest Sun•
day in the .....s d the pastor, Roy. A.1 .
Bert floiley, of Molsereetb, spent San
day visiting ho mother.
Mise Mamie Wider lett es itonday for
St. Tbesas where she will spend the!toen-
Mr. and Mn. Sudo' sod family, .1 Z.et-
land, •post Ss.day at Oen. (isemese' s
Mrs. Brisk, of Teamster, visited .t Jibs
Rob.rt.ea's Net week.
Rohl. Kone win at Atwood set Thursday
• ttesdt.g the fssersl .f the late Mr. Wil-
A hex medsl win bold est Friday imams
at Wm. Joa.ess's, d Morris A somber
of ten mom people 'Wended and report •
geed Itsts.
Rey. A. 1 . Hartley preaubd i. (.auks.
leer $u.day
Mr. sod Mrs. (lenses and /gaily spend
Sandy M Mita Iliiy's.
Take a look at our Ready-made BLAZERS and SKIRTS. PRINT
WRAPPERS, etc. No other store handles these Good&
We Lead -others may follow.
May 27th, 1895.
Council met today as court of revision.
Moved by Js. Connolly, seoonded by
Toes. Churchill, that the following parties
be placed on roll viz. Robt. Heoderion :
Samuel Johnston, Wilson hoz. Tbos Amy,
ir., Chas. Hanley, R. (:egg, O. Grigg.
Moved by Chu. Willson*, seconded by Jae.
Johnston, that the following be reduced is
asssan,ent : Xavier B..-chler $300, Louis
Allsworth 3100, A. P. McLean $200. Thos.
Coons appeal was not granted Amassment
roll read, revised and corrected, was adopt•
1 : swamp, 8,928: orchard sod gardoa, ed. Moved by Chas. Williams, seconded read
430 • fell wheat, 1570 school
Popnlauon be- Jas. Johnston, the., by law No. 6,now ,
twain 5 and 16, 602 ; No. of horses, 1,200 ; be pared Moved by .lis. Connolly. sec -
cattle, 41,035; sheep, 2,367: dope, 261: ended by Js► .Johnston, that trsaiereri
hogs, 1,525 ..team boilers in municipality, hoods be accepted. Moved by Mhos.
Churchill, .eoouded by Chu. Williame,that
the following bocounte he paid, vis., New. -
Record, printing, $7.45: Sur, printing,
$1.75: D. B. Calhiok, stationery, 70c.: A.
Courtioa, work on road, $1.50: clerk, for
regi.Mry search, $250 ; Thos. Johwtoo,
judgment. 824: Mrs. McRae $15: assessor's
Wary 160; esesser s stationary and postage
$1.50: auditors $4: Mork. services of appeals
.t court of reviews, M. Adjourned to hest
cm drat Tuesday is Jaly.
Nixes Smoot', Clerk.
8. Further particulars will appear as
minutes of Court of Revision, in due time.
At the close of court of revision the oo.soil
issued checks for payment. The treasurer's
statement for the month of April showed
balance and receipts of $324.90,expendituie.
$40, leaving • betimes of $284 90, which was
ppaa.swwdd The coasted •djout•ned to meet on
S•Wrday the 6th day of July •t 1 o'clook
r. it. We retool to have to state that owing
to the clerk being ill, be was not able to be
present, but we sisosrely hops that he will
soon removes.
Dallis' or A Mu.T Rgersi-TAru R10.1-
Dgtrr.-Os Saturday last Jame. Tremble,
who had bean but • very short time i11, to
the great surprise of his relatives and num-
erous aoquaintanoee, departed this life, the
cause of deaths Irving Inflammation of the
.tom•ch and bowels.w which he succumbed.
His remains were interred in leog•nooe
on Mooday not, being escorted
e=ster • very large mower* of rela-
tives, friends and acquamt.moss, promisee%
among whom were hu moa. Thomas George,
of Mtwi.tee, Michigan : W. ('. (aryls, of
Berretta) : Mrs. McIntyre, of Detroit, and
formerly of the towwbtp of Colborne, a six -
to the widow. Deceased was aged 69 yeses
and 24 dy.. He was • Mossier of West
Wrwtash and for many years • resident of
Dungannon -• max of an i
character, upright is all his dealings as
mach esteemed by all who knew him for in-
tegrity and uprightness. It im a soars of
oossolatios to hie bereaved widow. men and
other relatives, to know that ere be depart-
ed this life, he 5.1 mad. his pesos wttk his
Saviour, in whom he placed .11 his trust for
eternal happiness. He will he meson missed
is our village sad especially by the children
with whoa he wee • great favorite es wee
evide.osd by quite • number of them own-
ing to see his ream' at his late rmetdesce.
Rev. 1). Roger. and R. Fsirburs aoed.mtsd
the *bisques in • very sasses end impres-
sive manses. He beleeged es the Presby -
teras denomination and is polities wen a
Mteswh Conservative, The bereaved
widow, eon .ad relatives, have the deep
sympathy of the ocmwiunity is the bereave-
not.aoav s.
CAaLoa, May V.
The Court d Rn'ldes fee the tewsehip
('others, hard their brat dttiag M the
township MS, Carlow. The of uses bev-
iug q Il cid, the 1oflewisg appeals were
brought bshis the Court, via, hes Rammer
swami el tee high aeswaaaa, let 9, re.
deed $90: Wa Davidees, tee high ammo -
stew es leo 16. ma 6. radios Tbea
((sed, ten high meammest, mamma $100 ;
(series M,PSm. Me high ---t. na
amiss. Xavier Iporekier. tet lien
mew, pedaled fICOM Wm R. Gnaws.
w high siessement, redausd M00. it ting
thee mew by Askew Mfifea, 'seeded
tor !loth.. Jehaota, that lbs WS be
m 'meth Ots.3M, TIM t i
Our MR. DOBIE has just returned from the East, where he
has secured some special Bargain, in
General Dry Goods,
Gents' Furnishings, &c.,
300 Ladies' Sample Hats,
Rit6ons, Flowers, Laces,
Handkerchiefs, etc., etc.
WgttNe�DAY, .law 5.
Will Crosby and family of Tilsooburg w
visiting his parents here. V. ill look. well.
We notice • young man from the Nile
passing through ben quite often. What
dos it meas'
Will Iter traded his wheel for . horse and
of our primmest Stook ot
and CARTS.
During the next two weeks we will
give you the chance to purchase
A Splendid New Phaeton for
$100, worth 1125.
A New Top Buggy for $65.
A New Spindle Wagon for $415.
A New Campbell Cart for $30.
A Nice Low Phaeton for S45•
Two Good Second-hand art^ for
115 each.
A Good Second-hand Buggy for
Them Priem are AWAY DOWN
bat we are in a harry to sell to
slab roots for stouter litre
d Renck.
OUIDII'S 11EIO1 10018
„ Pries ha! Belay kir
x x x X X X
Call and investigate.
Yours respectfully,
North Side Square, Goderich, - - P. O'Dea's Old Stand
. Wk.. = }
FOR • t�';5 , •
rft. •
i L
- Hats
111, HYS il) GIRLS,
C. R. Shane & Co.'s
and at
If you want the ooneot thing in Egad
Wow, you will ret it only at
McLean'. Rook,
Corner of Square sod Montreal-Sf.
boggy. We wonder he parted with his
wheal, but the reams must be bemuse it
weren't built tor two.
Our teacher, Mr. Reid. attended the
teachers's convention .t Climes os Wed-
nesday and Thursday of last week.
N e wish to inform the Nile oorre•poed-
sat eb•t the young man from Belfast who
visite the Nile so often hes very poor eye-
sight, and that fk the rowan why he and his
miss have te walk so close to each other.
We are sorry so zany at the yeses
peep(• et this:vieisity were me badly dienp-
peisted (amt Friday wasieg, after taking se
mseh tremble preperisg ler a up in
Aii gid. They were te raters
beam oboist belt past to • it
erns es amount of the .aurally or young
ladies. •
The alleged Moment at Moutrssl will he
adaitted to the 1/sited States, it being as-
certeised that the adults of the party are
set peygesib4..
The Nobler' mixers wee dineweed is the
Hew at Ottawa. but ti• MinsMre refused
te bring dews se. mast fmpeswt papers is
the ewe.
At the as0 meeting el the ebw-hsM-
see el the Bask •t Montreal Sir ieosh
Smith eeeapled the their mid the *Id beard
wee er•Iret 1.
Mr, Mewls will enquire et the Govern-
ment at Thursday whet parse= f• Gaa&
law the tight M bit the royal masdard.
and es what use ima
T. H. AOq. a well-k.ews rest estate
was. sed praai'Mr et Amherst Park. W
entered es asks ter 1800,000 mom. as
Mastresf Street r.iw.y.
The am sMloanl beedenarliess of the
Wyse** Army at Mew Test war dedlested
by the load* 'Sew et the Army. The
wen beds( ( has bean er..ad M a wet of
lime.Man SOY wrsilps ave sew tom4
M illpre.<
Y -aur
Tire FwfvP,- 'Wwaa• 0A/4A1/40
rue t.•
nig?..^tel Wcycle Co. LA.
b x •rt:'Oro. unt.
• YON'% 3L , 3e4 ,r. PAUL SV.
G. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent.
will le at ow stables. Hamilton -4A.. devise
lila soma.
WMgbea : (iso. li. Wells, eon d O. P.
Welts, d tows, died at Piekford, ble5igea.
as the 23rd Mstast, atter • few weeks' M-
ame. The dress's W been seisms with
laver. sad W bees Is the beepitai. but was
reeeverisg, and had been this M he aroma.
when be eestraeMd psemesnla. red ei7
shed a fern dale. The dammed wee is .
117th year. and wee as exemplary rime
Ct�stes : The dosses .t Mews were
�eat� esrpffeed es (latently a/tersest to
finis et the death et Mardis TIrkeek. M -
loved wife of W. C. 8earta. About •
aim the lady wee affiliated with la
and serer fully resever.d. Beim ef es
sebve tem herr ttbeights 4.
e mere Mr
diseeseed,et▪ hers them
ma eetifran iw fee lobe serif. fOa Mei-eed-j, thesMet
asse. W see: is.
e ery. the immei' of death beim
bowl H.ubls. T e Iw 3eeds was a
eall Illsa limb mime la Aiwa illi
7'w silk