HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-6, Page 7M. LETON CO. MIRACLE. TO SKALI'S ArfEK VKASS Or Kx minds ;Bl' FFKltlylli. D To TN, ADV.'. UV A VLIJD AID tAI'aD rmaU4rs Traits DOI.'1ON I NAD IIID To s!IALL, lee Ott • e • Joer••L U.orre Arise et ass of the best former* is the ete.asty of (:ower. • promo Lit ea eniisfl1I.e se as it i. r.mrr..o.l. , ..it as Marty ra • reporter .111 p.+rtiaps ba. .d vent' re.. "I was bur. s the 14e4Iy tit a." .&d Yr. Argue, "sad bee.. hued Ide anh.0 twwt) wi..0 of tet et,y ova 'fru veer. of that time have ears of peen Gad isomer, Memel !n• .dera.or. Eleven ) e.r. see I ee.- I a cold ohm). rr.wltel lu Moossy lfatuwauuu of the luog.. O,Isr ones - ems them folloerd ami 1 rep 0 --•a- u my room for the veal.. The d.o bu •tlsuae.l IMO tb(oush that Ica sod tb.• the rears 1 ws. to able re about wee dee to the cuotieumag f -ood.l Hobble u,,. ..ad M rrafrA... ,s.ueciaa and nerve. (11 tot heads lead ibruugh Wog contiareent u. bad I bonnie around . buboes erut.bro,l•at well-nigh helpl.es At thus etas. • d doctor elm celled .o wear deo►aed rouble was spinal compistat. Not - mending medics! advice and uratn.est sinking lower .ad lower, sad was re- d ae Incurable l we. sow sus ouch • thet I was unable to leave nay bed, letermined to rod a carr. it pomade, out tor one of the most able pngsic.•ne taws. i was soder he. care Gad treat - or three years. H. blistered my treaty three or four weeks mod ed all hie skirl, but is via I was tag weaker sad weaker sad begaa busk the end could sot be far of kis )asetare • fnead strongly urged . try Dr. Williams' Pink Pala I ed to his solicitation. and by the rime o xen of Dille were teal 1 found myself sg better. I amid is ell thirty hole., cbey bavtr sc•oemptiahsd what ton years t•tmest Sider physician' failed to do. eke to this woederful medicine, Ism to attend to my duties mad am se free disease as say meas in ordin ty health pseud to be. 1 .till use Dr. William' Pill., .ad they aro the m.dicies for t ad .o wrap as 1 hire I shall use no r. If I had rot theme pills tea Tears I ask stuffed i would not have .uttered did, sed would have saved some hal- e of dollars in donor hell. It s oily r who have peened tbroure Meh • tar• mare es 1 have dose who .ss fully ze the weedersul merit oI Dr. Wi:(ism.' c Pella r. Aram• extenuates ehr•ald a aerie tet most skeptical that I)r Williams' t !'tib steed far se adva.oe of other rises and are one of the gramme da- iries of the ate. There is uo disease dee oar or watery blood or Must tared nerves ch will not wordily yield to this errat- a. and in innumerable saw patient. s been restored to health...ad strewn') r phyaciana h.d pronounced the dread- ✓ ord 'incurable.' Sold by all dealer. in Boise or sent by mail poet pard, at 50 a • hoz or six boxes for f2 50, by .d• rise the Dr. Williams' Medicine (n , cantle, Ont.. or Scheneotedy, N 1 use imitations and do not be persuaded ry .omethine ere. AYER'S Hair VIGOR - 1- ss mama same w eke hoar. .sd slab prowess is Mines ata MO. >L W. isewiet, ut Diens. II. O., we n more Wo years ago my hair began to turn ander out. Af- ter the use of One bottle of Aytrr's Hair Vigor my sendrestored to ceased faillinsoriginal out.An Oes.stonal application has since kept rhair in good condition." -Mtn, !. ?u'wlca, Digby. N. 8. Growth of Hair. s iid years ago. I had- the vario- ]gl . oat my hair. wmeh previ. y was quite abundant.. 1 tried agination*, but with- out ith outtbbe i o variety Massif till a began to till j fear I sheet& be psmamamntly bald. About id: tatisibs ago, sy husband broutkt home a bottle of Ayer's RahVigor, I began at once to tams it. In a short ria., new hair beth to appear and there is now of asas thick a growth every before my illness." - Mrs A.Wr. nR Polymnia St., Near Orleans. Art's HAIR VrnoR razPAUUD 17 11.1.C.*111 & 00..IHELL, MAU, Al Apses PIU. ears edea M.stisek.m ate s.uwu_.Imtruu .tile. ul truce. pique and Galatea. Tiny thine flowers, ou white Rnwnded iflacea• 1.n• much used for reenitgt doss and for blots.., alai recall the Dully Yar- darm. popular soma• taus glace. A novelty in blooms is trade of an In - dr -patterned .111. handkerchief. the cor- ner.. bring used too form pointed epaulets and Nielu.. with ..tale of ark -Rel icier over i.`.• ...WildeM Lin,'.. ,fn•tu.lin.• l.: a nstertal of very loose w •.tee, azul 1- - ..own in tem n and eroud ....e.. It 1. retold .'I.Irty set the linen m..tr% Ind ...tato in p: btu. dotted and sant/eel •..r•i,in+ A w... l . s cwt bison silk wen n..•ntly was 1: 41:1- 1 n , blot. '.• effect, ..Ilii \Inlet e't•it•. • 1r.Wx .1: P.aat1I'.' ..•t In Irrogular fashion a1. at la l w ra.ltr's. The collar was. se .i L. with fleet roomier. "Angel sir one are ...own on the tea gowns, th..a• of a eu.hwebby net w it h ea •ppdtgl.e bonier bring very f&e.t y end Isla -like. n -.►.•r 41tu• .iw•test are eery long. with ',cid.:. iau 14.tot. aid are mart grateful a .d micelles.. Hcnrtct: , -:re that Commas wart ore first ruler 1....r.t,•r { :.1d Mao nese. Wilt, a poi : :clinn of hardly _iitin.lm nuc a debt of ;:-..t.1Lta1►, or about per milts The •1.e-er dollar loused In 1'*4 are wort' t!Anil ere. h. Then- 'erre only 114,370 coined i.i ,'14 aver. In the 1fnr.: of England sixty folio volumes • r 1. tigers ars filled daily with writ sr ,,, 1 ., ... .i.., ee•••,,e • LITE -3-4:Y NOTES- ; !< ,.ti.! that Ksther, in t.rn.•cil Wal - r'. •' 6ru 11ur," was named after his 1t.• r. Tlanatopats" means "a vision of die '' Hryent's prem of that note s puhll.hed to inlet; It has boen set to .Glc. The Silver Fork w•h.sd" wit: a tu►ate en to i group ..f writers of fiction In gland who laid grant stoma upon lat- e of etiquette. canny ('welly. the blind hymn writer. r not born hlb,d, last lest her sight en very young. Her hu.bond, Alex - der Von Alstyrie. is also blind. e.taln (Tarim King, the no.el!et, Is 1-,•.t Point graduate. He tar ser..•it in 1•nited States art llleryand also in the miry. He was retired from 'active uta. Ir. I557i un amount of a wound re- vert In the Apache mempalgn of Mt tooter 1. the pet to whom ie ttssign.d • authorship of tete "Iliad" end "0dy.- ' " Of his persntslity nothing Is own. Seven retire have contended for • honor of his birth. drtarten Maartt•n'a Arrt hook was rolled t o O1.1 .lard's (noun. " His real Mme .1 M. W. Varifler P..orten-`tchwarla, it he Is n Hollander by birth. rhe Astor Library In New York (:try an endowed reference. Ilbrwry. ft was andel-err bete fly John Jacob Astor, and has reoriveel sopaeselye gifts from dlf- e.nt mensbers of the family. The net -y numbers over14A.0en rnlnmea,.and Inc the most part. admlrmbly selected. o range Is general. The noel nam. of Modems. Pinna -Gera 15 Tloere.. VIcgner. At the lege of rhre•n she donned the garb of a French idler. and for twenty-two years she . ticlp.ted In the tntillary glories of warn. With Napnl.os's 411 her earner tk•d. Her last days were not proriperova f nr Napole..n's tall she opened a nook's op, which faller. in 1N1N dee married a tartennaster of the gendarmes. a Mead her youth. Eleven years afterward her ish•nd Meal leaving iter In vary poor mainstreams rtnaAy she wasrnsnpsi d t.. beg a place In a Hompitwl dm *.a- t* . where she dictated her memoirs sed ed. POINTS FOR SHOPPERS A .ovaty among ribbons le the Allots. .d or per*w.esd .are Them tomer le iib Milne* data Mesa Bieck Gad wh1m an. likely len be • !Iv- y Side year, the ironed white, the e pee marnrwer and Acme hiptbr tYtam 1p. wham wast bu*aei.em5le ttea s& e mhike builds of carets £Lobes that THAT ACHING HEAD. What Is..e. 1r Gad Mew eve•... .r. How often the remark, 'Oh, my bead aches," and there are .o many varieties of aches and pains the head is subject to all along the line from the dull and heavy and oppressed feeling over the eyes to the persistent, racking and torturing misery of Sick Headache. The cause is in most rases the same, the overflow of poisonous uric acid is not extracted from the blood by the Kidneys, and accumu- lating in the brood, causes high and irre- gular pulse, headaches, mental depres- sion and nausea. Chase's K. & I_. Pills tone and restore the Kidneys, excrete poisonous matter from the blood, sending it on its way pure and health-giv ng, cur- ing Headache, and removing all the at- tending symptoms from its wake. Mrs. t. Bird. Harriston. Ont., while attending the tllyt Fall Exhibition at Toronto, was taken very ill with Sick Headache and dizziness. She was su ria these at- tacks for years, compelling er to take to her bed. In this case by using Chase's Pills relief was immediately obtained, and the usual days of misery and pros- tration avoided. Thousands of such cases can be referred to where Chase's Pills have cored Sick Headache and its atten- dant symptoms. 25 cents a box, of all dealers, or by adi)ressing Edmansos, Bates do Co., 4i Lombard St., Toronto. BRISTOL'S PILLS Lure Biliousness. Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsi,. Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles• BRIS3'OL'd PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, elegantly- Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. r BRISToLs PILLS Act gently but promptly and thorough(%. "The safest family medicine. All Druggists keep BRISTOL'S L PILLS TIN SIGIIAL: GODIHIOH' ONT', THUBBDAY, JUNE 1, 1U5. 3 1- at. ►ICDO1.►t►n, 1.D,r.-DEJITAL .w• l►+i •lama1.. a .le.whale ? ~tr► MEW DKrwMU a it1 1 OIN, I. D. /... ...dm• demmo. t.-. 1l t . ..awwwM/ ae pal■Irse es r .0 w eed atse■ties divers ie tt fargoreadip the MI MAI tomt ud.r Nt Wiul.A narber shop 4J d•rIM. 11111-tr nediw. "K. i1UN' Sit. Pt1YKt, N, SUR L moor, ao. tabor - x .Le ...• lark, Meat - tee co. NSW oil k :rete soma :zaaarae d, tel. tar W tom DK J HAM11LtON, V1.r1.ltINARY memeos at.duYe u1 low. ve Vetertaary Corneae 'curvet... Woos . i. ,1 .... a, ber . 1 O.- tarw Vetetlaeri Msa.al AeewMa...• C•Ile p, aril Y .0 loud a Sd boo •, de► .r miRh t. vrot ,ta ll/WM street 1), ye. a1. timers e Hort. LallfaL M. O. JOHNSTON, BAKKIMTKR, tio• 1ati r• e.mmlul•aer.mt. Moser to Ism Odium : oar. Hamlltoe sed et- sa- dism's -Ms Boderish. Oat. a- dtew's- s.OMsrish.Oat, SW 1 OFTUS Z. DANCRY, BARRIIITER, ▪ flsldter, Conveyancer, tea. ere. Mosey to 1... at lowest rotes. Herron'. Moak, (A melte Colborne Hotel. Oederob, Oat. --t_ -tf N. LEWIS, 1BB ARRISTER, Pitt SO - .1.11. 1h O.tioree to...t. SR°ours el I RC. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT . OK, to 011e. North-st.. meat door ewe AL Officio. Pel ...e a wads se now at Lowest rases ref IaIsr . IIso (' ARROW & PRAUDFCKYf, BAB. Vf realer.. Attors.yk adleitese. ac-. Hod. rton. J. 1'. Barrow. 12.0.. W. Prvadfaot. `1AMEIt3N, HOLT d HOLM S, k..) bor.-inters, S.4Mttere to CLeotesrr g Ood.rtrb. M. 0, Osmer•a. tit%.. P. (Mto.t : Oodles Holmes. G. WARD, CON VNYANtJEK, 1 . tea. and ....tt.M..er ten ulnas and re• soviets rerrNaY.rO . .l bail. aadavlSm as or edema deotere- s4▪ oas is or May action. alt or pro e sedisr ta the Onert ed Justice, the Courter Appeal foror, in wbus (-busty sail sreeor Devisees Court. All trei.sctw.s apretullf ed. . e aree.- LOWY alio ilmsureass. t SIAGER. 0U$IVEYAIl01NU AND aoenee woes. sepeette,]larUL'e Hate) AliONET'1'(►LENDt)N MORTGAGE 11 st Sj jpeerr e.at. Nouse d. -coasted. C. 9iAO(iR, ulee.ppodte Mastics • Weeklb.d.- rieb. MON ICY TO LOAN. -- .20,E-00 Priv.N Feuds to load et .t par neat aw e erily. LOFTUS & DANCK1. Horton's bock. apposite Collieries Held. Ouderick. 107-tt L' J. T. NAITEL, FIRZ, LiFE AND C . accident mann... sweat ; at owesi W l►les-Cse, 0.eth• t. sal deem , tlad- 14= 61I0 000 TO Lu A N. APPLY TO t O•NSRO0 Rot.t t ROL]tia._0 a etch. ot MONEY TO LEND. -A . A R G Y smoast of Pringle roads ter terseness • t loses row e■ tbst•ota5. Moetsseee. Apple •OAKItWW a PROUDIMN T RADOLITTE, GENERAL IN- . nNonea, item Baste sad Messy Leanly' onset. Omly aretedass °entomb. represoated- Money to Lead es otrafgb loses, et tt• lowest rate of latereet scrag, la M way to soft th. eono.e►. Mee -8... sed door hem Menem Wes Orem, Ho de Ieh 'fist Institut*. t ODS1tIOH II[EOBANIOIF IASTI- %A TV'I'R LIBRARY AND $0ADINY- ROOM, Mer. ng yet street sea aeaere or . Matra Oma Mem 1 to a r.n.. aid from T to 10 r... ABOUT 9000 VOL% IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Wstldy rid Illa.fratd P./.ra, M etc. • or. b iia. M>[ll LRaHt TICKS?. ONLY til M. g rating tree use rl Llbriery • od Bmeltna Applleallous toe sesb.rshlp resolved by Libraries. la soon J. H. COLBORNL H. HAMIILTTOrN..a Ileciry. eederloh Mach' 111th IMI. THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONIIIR Amer Leassehtire Ods.. ay re 1151.51 Its Ce. same •t tended to M Gay Dart of the senate. 1617 KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improves' lards to personal eujoym.nl when tightly med. The many, who lite bot - Ler than .,t herwand enjoy life more, with law expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products to tho needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced In the remedy, Syrup of Figs. 1'a ucellence in due to itss promoting in the for must soceptab'.e and plass- alit to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, 0,>141v.diing 0,>141v. headaches and fevers an mpernutnently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and mot with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly fres from every objecttouable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all dreg - in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured bythe California Fig Syrup Co. only, wose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well infortned, you will not arlevt any substitute if oared. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. ',routs Dura --Ur. WhitetyWdsmdy reo.tvd • telegram arnounctnq the dee* o1 K.v. Wen. 'I.r1.moe, of Parley, t•raerty pastor of Victurse-st church. The cause of death was apoplexy. Tris TENNI% lirorsDd. - Ravin obt•is- ed permission from the oou.ed, the oomeut- tee of the Collegiate lisatrte teamss club have atreedy prepared the allotted grounds for cuarkuag oat, and tt r ezpeet.ed that tills week will me the drat practice. F. Aiil.t Ctu.na. - Che following groou. have .warred to close each .Teeing at 7 during the summer mouth., Saturdays and n rghte before holiday excepted : C. A. Hurn. 1.. M. Kitten, H s. Seidl a Co., Sturdy tiros. sad t.e.. Prtoe, sad we treat th. public will support them is their effort to giro cheer employees a beset/mug spell da•lag the heated Latta JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUO- ue.w.r sad L..d Valuator. O.derlc). Oat. $avfes had ammiderable experf...e d the aec,biasflsgtrade, puttieshe le la putties t• rabreas Marti.' eadraollea .11 seem te or east by min M ar K Winch i..•refolle amended to JOH KNOX 0.usee ASstlaemer Iliftt BASKATONG MURDER. Little Evidence Against Mrs. LaGFrambrolse. A 4-18. POKER THE NEAPJN USER Tadesbr wet... treat Doll .d . rocket knife wkteb Mas .i.apreared 1M s1.Ireel a w lid Ore and Grass If AMAIN TM Leeward 1. O./& All Ottawa, May 20. -Fatigued and dis- tr.-mod. Mrs. John LaFramboise the ac- cused-.1 un the Baskatong murder cr.'s, arrived in Hull List 0.cn.ne;, rad with at, infant In her arms was plucrel to jail to .watt her ti lar at the Ass see ID July. hilt bents trat-'s un ie. face .rod head of the drunken bawl in which she and her hustwnd were on tete day Mims Jones was murdereJ. Her eyes me both blacken •d by blows she re- ceived from her husband. The Bo.katuug, w here Sarah Jones e.5+ urdrretl. ie at the Mer)' uortbern limit of civilisation. It i. the 'met northern erttk•sient of white people iu the Y•1 - ley of the Ostiiwsu Nuue but beeline. •rr sound above the Ifaskstuug. The wt- tlem.•ut is at the juuc•ttuu of the B..eka- tuud',River with the 0,tines.l., *30 wiles from tie muitb of the latter .;r.•.w The eoestry is very mosntaiuuu.. cud the wt- t:emeat ie ou the only .e. tion of arable lard 'tit the district. a tumors strip 1y - Mg far about three mile* •lung the val- ley of the Gatineau River. The hall -cistern berms in the locality are poorly cult:- v.:ted. All the settlers are Frenck-CaDa- dame. The hbt.katoug has • reword as • dite- e-derly sectius. There is no school our ri. orb within KO miles A privet br.tdr .•rrwere otree n month duriug "Sumer This 1. tb. ou:3! religious Bemire of any Cud held. 1t bae tranepired since tb• r.,ronrr'e i,que.f tint whet Haas Jones' body wale road. a pocket kalif* covered with b'ood was w•ru lying ou the floor near the Is sly, as well as the poker and large trot bolt. The knife is said to bare lain on the floor until Saturday night. the evening b-1,,re tie coroner arrived. bat then it dieeppeared. The knife was imed iu i.flktirg the noun ti brhiud ti, right ear u1 eke metder••4 girl. 'rbc wouuu u s deep stab. The k ;ilc• was a commie pocket-knife wltb two blade., and when area on the flexor the large blade was opeu. Gal bkxud had dried cni the Maws end handle, The poker was a beset iron nne,weigh- fug about four prsind. The clasp of a tarsen band like that of a woman that Md been euvyd with blood is quite viribk uu the ypok.•r. The iron bolt is ...boat nine inches long. niadr of five-eightb• inch iron. It is a oocwo.dd b used in the cou- .truetiblt oun h ofas a bei-*ge. At the loquat none of the witnesses died .ren b:,..d on ]In•. L. Framboisw. atest.LE.1am MAaatr\6. The ml■sero .ruga was tarrying e.1/M.' reeve/YIN. Hamilton. May 30. - The Rev. Amos F. Parsons of Cathcart, In the `1 oodatoek district of the Hamilton Conference was expelled by an almost unanimous vote of the Hamilton Con- ferenee now In session. The formai charge against him was that of marry- 1ng without permission of the Confer- ence. It is alleged that the excuse he gave for marrying without consent was to save the girl's honor. This statement could not be verified, however, as the session was held behind cloned door,. and the delegates refused to talk about the case outside. uialeiarclsTRS sT r5ICUT A■ Ottawa lean •e.i mor Trial Per twug aetsw. Tits. Bai.i. FAau.e.--Tare wee not the large eudlenw expected last week to hear the ouster heat gtveu by tits Monty. w r.ssou 'or doubt ueiug the ae000f et•Wy warm weather. However, tfe atteodalsee was fairly good .ad those present had .i sow) mow toll of fere. The amps of the pruvraw, princtp• ly of site sees -hymnal kind so prevalent et the time of the Ameri- can war, were ,feserslly well localised, Gad the twtruaiatal .elections were all good. Cor at or liaviesoi.-The adjourned meettag of the Goan of Iteyieien wee held in tie cserk'a ottim Tbareday last Present - H. Dunlop, chairman, 1« Campion, Thos. Sahel, Jr. Wilma .5d M. O. Johastee. Too application ot u K. Celb.ok to be re - ✓ elieved of his personal awsmeat, the came b.vs5 amen destroyed by tiro was al- lowed. All other appeals held over,•iududiag those closing to nave tsar properties r- e amed as farm lands were disallowed. The committee thea adjourned. at RrAD Ht. Ow-. Ontn'AKv.-Tbe Ber- lin Daily Record of M.v 28th says, "Ward was received in Berlin Mooday morning that Thos. Tdt, of t.dench, formerly of Berlin, Waterloo sad t.alt., .n .x -license inspector and s well known hotel mos, bid died sud- denly in that town on Saturday. The an• nouaosment mused much comment." 1W.41, haying read to death nonce of mine host o1 the Womb. ,t was s order to sheiks bands, and the shekel showed that Thos. Tilt weal pretty solid and hearty for a corpse. HALI.zI.i ,4H WCDDIN.:. -James l'oe• tlethwute and Miss Meanie 6e11 were united is the beads of matrimony at Ne 8cIvtie. Arm Barracks Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Irvine performing the oer•mmoay. There was . good ee.gregatfen present, as.pscula- tso. was rife as to the form of the core - missy. For the tntornattoo of theme who were mot present it may be stated that there was bet Utile out of the usual okeroh form m the marriage service, though the proceed - kegs pr o.ding and following it were per- haps • little more lively. IT r 1X Tag ('HI"m'ra..-The Union tbra- mittee of m.asg.msst of the Doming Penta- oontal .counts met Wednesday. May 29, in t'totora at Methodies chureb,Rev. Jes.Bdge presiding. The q..s$M0 of the place of mmtiag was the chief point raised, sad after a long discausos, in wheels the .latae .f the churches and the Atricm:tmr5l Hall led beat fully ventilated, i1 was s re- volved that tie mwiage bee bold h TM ohuvahs ee, eomemeisg is reams risen far the deeiim arrived as uses them mrw.mr.+mmm showed tie North- . Mane wouldoess as may as meld be placed in the h511. that the amnesic pro- perties of the hall might be tar frau good sod that tit sent the gnetsr •umbr 0*. vote olw="°12e. speaker maid mit bee all the Marledtthm e wed + • y, sted , mud &rested to be to the tows ssseell, ter the A rame.s Its Thsrre. There is • pretty amount ot the marrMg. of Marguerite of Austria with Pbflihul . headmome duke of Savoy. It M rall►.1 'Marriage aux owo ovule: She had ossa es the came of Beal. is the .barsnag delete et Breese, lying em the westers sops el the Alp. Heeo the deb primes, kbps epee besm, led FiiUiert, she was heathy in the .ejihh .heed, come M pay hie overt to h er. It wee Race Mesday, end huh .ad low dewed Iftsgber se the antes. A ls were emMered is • level e lm" seed, ads lad sad Ism beidfetg sash tuber by the Mad. Dame for- ward to eremite • does o1 the eomstn. Asoedhlg te tit. YOBBOS ..etas. i1 dimmes•oiei h . i Mese sili•.ed. T they with yeah sell hateismm, appeared epos the seem. Ha best his keen Were ate sachet ehatelaisa tad bass ght bar hospitality. He ed to her M try the egg farina. rs.r- mated. Their gram sed beauty charmed the sobokers, .id they e•ccmeddr without a tingle crash. in thre.di.g the perilous n "Newry sad Austria !" shouted the wowd. And Mie said, '•Int as adopt the mess of lIroo. •. They were monied sed enjoyed • few rarest exgWiM happiness. Thea the be- loved ►msh.d died. Marguerite survived kis lees int seer target Nm. •11 A sagas mlillimmemes. AMsfaey-Yee way, whoa roe weed him fat the seas y. be sed Msspismrss -I dM ea NM, r. I mid be mere .1 ohs a Weeper. -NIlrrie t liner. /N aims s5. wary fse.as. Ter Pm yeses 1 les asee piled eel pintail he weak bask, ssarias sad Wasik Ono mews la miler tet .pedal the n.asilm reeess5Ms teres en Wilke the 1 rd t and water were rad to rest m tt.s Ottawa. May t0. -Alexander LaFon- taine of Gat!neau Pont was committed ry Recorder Champagne• yesterday on the charge of manslaughter. La- Fontaine fought frequently with him father while under the Influence of liquor. and so frightened his mother that she became un ons. coos, and after ons. of these rows she expired. LaFon- taine was convicted on the charge of assaulting his father. and was fined 71n. or In default three months in the common pill. dot.id. mad Imelda seemeenM. it . wawa flees what ehm leets he wear wog twee whet At treat to et% Sores se resets why they shield '%■.s h a thr..d be happy. *CooI(s 1.0:1.1°j4 now toa1O;4 Sodden pastre "PRolliq swamp by file aroductiot . of' our Naw S♦w1Tuwlwor OEM O t,, ick makes t crisp, health - full vb olesoais paST ra.Midaerian a izte dyari d o -opoft 0" , authorit eS, •ndedre CoT OLCoE. you can't afford t. do Olt oat QfroL[ . l - y.. e made only by The N. K. Falrbeak Company, we assets. sod Area less i0111'1HAAb. Mw. JOHN RALPH TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton-st., Has decided to continue in Business, as he has im- proved in health and is able to attend to his cus- tomers in the way of jobbing and repairing, and will continue to sell AT + LOWEST - PRICES ! River Delver. nreweed. Little Current. May 20. -The reports tel.•graphed from Ottawa about an al- leged drowning of 43 lumbermen on the Spanish Rlvrr are gross exaggerations. Two river drivers were drowned while running logs down the stream. This Is the only fatality reported. but two other men had an exceedingly narrow escape on the Whitefish a fewer. aye ago. They were caught in the current, and were corded over the big falls and through the rapids below. The men escaped with their lives, but were terribly sha- ken up. The drop In the falls amounts to nine feet Wean Woles-Q.y Webs, i.imitiess filer ell is read. d. 'flee5dyTiedIdess---Hw's dos! dem v1 k. walh6.' la be deep. • Dat gime him a1 day is W in. ps wenn m me Mars.& Mbar+ Pet wart vim , Ow to leave es a battyyou're yere /russet ` 'aian Ws ray you. (n1::7.) 1s»'awa yeti wi,l he helms (tie knits►-1A•Y.senily.+r', heel A 47EIIlers 1gLwPO e ltl► I Mei wee/ meshMewed yea ple- i ! Uwe. afar J. milk, ielt,lm .egsOd oeyeeneletl 0. IleosaMr nptadi.s Panama. May Ib - Advice. from Ecuador yesterday my the revolution in spreading in that country. Several engagements have. taken place, the mrrt Important being an attack upon Aabahavo. In which the Government forts Ant 41 killed. 117 wounded. and 12 inrlaoners. The rebels also , • ,rained serious fosses, their leader, a, n.•rar Bowen being wounded. PLATING MILL. ESTA1lItNEO 1111. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE' STOCK OF SUMMER MILLINERYU The Latest Styles in Hats and Trimmings. Fine Assortment of Flowers and Feathers. arOOMK AND 81KE Buchailalis & Rhyuas •AI1OIAOTDaafr THE MISSES YATES 1 THI.. St,►UAK!, l:ODisRIl'H. i'rotecttori of Building i. always A WISE POLICY! To protect them properly, it is desirable to uw,a good I'sint which is not affected by the heat, rain or snow, and which will not fade out within a few months. If you want a Paint that will give you satisfac- tion use ager and Water -Proof ReadyIixed Patti e SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builders material of every desoripton The rame..y Pleat ti ir$'.ta London, May 20. --The Gold Standard Association has distributed circulars widespread !nutting memberships and pecuniary subscriptions wherewith to establish a propaganda for the issuance of pamphlets, etc. School Furniture a Specialty. Covens Most, Looks Best, Weare: Longest, Moest Economical. It is un- doubtedly the Best Paint etor offered for sale in Canada, and coats no more than ordinary brands of mixed Paint. Weather and Waterproof Ready -mixed Paint is a Rubber and Enamel Paint combined. Will not chalk -check or blister. For outside as well as inside use. For sale by HARPER & LEE. P. S. -A few more DAISY CHURNS at east. SYSTEM RENOVATOR AND OTNO TpmTKD REMEDIO. SAYING MONEY ING MONEY 1 Parties wishing to save money can do so by calling on Mr. JOHN KNOX at his Wareroows opposite Martin', Hotel, where he keeps a full line of Agricultural Implements on hand open for inspec- tion. Noxon Binder, Noxon Mower, Noxon Seed Drill, Noxon Spring Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake. Fall line of the Cockdhutt Plow Company's Riding Plows, Walk- ing Plows, Twin Gang Plows, Corn and Root Cultivators, Road Scrap- ers, Disk Harrows, Land Rollers, Little Gem Pea Harvesters. McLaughlin Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Road Carts, Training Carla All the latest design. All work warranted. Adams Wagons, -Paris, Ont., all kinds. Any person wishing anything in the above line will find it to his advantage to call on Mr. Knox and inspect his goods before buying elsewhere. AUCTIONEERINGa specialty. Being practical in the above and in stock, and having had several years' experience, can guarantee entire satisfaction. Specific am.' Antidote for lmpnre, weak and impoverished blood, dys pepets desple nem, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loos of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stoma, j.nndtoe, kidaey and unary dieemes, St. Vitus' dame, female irreg- ularities and ,eeteral debility. LIBORATORT. IODERIII, ONTARIO J. M. MoLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. fr'OMo emon BTfrala RssovATo. can be had m i la Soma se well whom all d 1SeswW. Durhe Owes Bono. and I)tirbam and Toronto. 1117 Iv, Tb. sea re•reM.w sw■.dess. San Francisco, May 21.--The•ndrsre Brant was arraigned before Judge Mur- phy for the murder of Monett. Lamont and Minnie Williams yesterday. He pleaded not entity. Both eases were set for July 22. -' - ewbs l Wreak. Oen esksetln, amain. May 21. -Th. shall Sp.alsh gunboat Talo 6•s bean wrecked upon a submerged rock off this port. Twenty-four of her crew .wan ashore said one man was drowse - .L ememi a Meas rweeree.. }few York. May 11. -At 11 o'etoeh web Governor Mertda was revidtwtsg tho pafsds at the Worth Mos*scent. hto was ewrsews be the heat edit dr•P pel deem ea the eastt•ret twateete leiter Re rammed •O a .. a mechieseses iortb To Smokers: Te .meet the whbes .f their Customer. The Cee. R. Theban It Iles fee, Lad.. Hem- IMea e/st.. hays placed apes the market A Combination Plug of "T& B" BXOEINH TOBA000. This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous " T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. Tim 'fit yK"TIB"I1oaowl Pima Rob (- Roy Cigar It's no because I'm Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than NM ROT," ilij Nd SC. Nit i get sal Jf : L Err a mmw.iwa Tee*4lea Illsonenellet JO= KNOX, AGENT AND AUCTIONEER. "Matches that Light." Telegraph . . Telephone. Tiger Parlor... • • • For the information of any- one wanting this kind of Match, we give the names of those fully answering the requirement. They are made by A THE E. B. EDDY CO HULL, . CANADA. Keep your Feet Dry If you catch cold now It will hang on Summer all WEAR (3-RANBY RUBBERS They are the best and Mat ieseest. Perfect in Style, F'it and Finish. TIM WWI 1.111111 moo:. Pretty Goods FOR WARM WEATHER: FA N S, FLOWER POTS, FISHING TACKLE, GAMES, WALL PAPER THE FAIR, mos monnato, migt. Do You aui a Door Bad? If you do, why not have 1 AN• E GT Tlroii sr,. 1 g .•w civ : . You tett have the bel! planed in any part of your home, so that yon ars sere- to hear any of your friends when they 1-a11 10 one you. And then, we pot them in so cheap that it 1s not worth your while to bother with one of the old fashioned kind. Call and Mee oar wimples and get. oar prima and we think you will have one. H wal. e WO & 00., am imametr5Ilt.