HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-6, Page 62
HM a ellen tad Rear It ems be
• s•aa. Yee eco arta sod ba
r at ms* be taxa Perm Davis'
Folin Xifln
Isere seed e.errwauw deet
M I Annoyer, brim of ecu mi w Istrrrrt ewe
Inas- A
In hedge= of emelt oe ri4
ghee $goal,
a Pom,mmtso
at .. gteetLILIK 'MT.
Odlos ot Publkettes $ sad 10. Net►ssr.at,
Terms .sr se fe-ci1p.t.s
Ove month, '.n advance
?Mee swatter. $ • tis people of Mastro J. A better water
•p$ supply is likely to worry the (3odedo► reai-
0.s peer. ...... 1 M I dent when the laws cervi,, hemmer mese-
Leek .4 Veer Cabal.
Yost label is a steadies receipt of the dot
so which lettere pat up. lie. that It Is sot
allowed to roll Into spear.
When a .borate of Mer'... Is desired. both
the old and the sew .ddrals sb.sld be given.
advertlalas Rates
Legal earl other mime advertiseta.sta 1...
par Isis. for neat Inaertio0. and 1 cents per etas
Pt each auteequcat In.eetlea. M.•sured by
&emppa.nel scale.
Budne...:aN. of six lines and under, $S per
�� ansa uaof Loot. round. Strayed
Vacate, eirrlime Wanted sa%
of 1885, and ism adistely boore the saw
impost. 85.519,717 Its. were Imported, Of
lone team the quantity of the preceding
Iyear. The tmpurters made $325,000 by the
transaoifoa, for although they imported
free of duty. they imu,.d,•tsly mood the
price to Obs coo.uu..r. Now Ii ie claimed
that • tip to the importers was Riven, but
{ by whom a not knees.
The cheep gas fever has attacked
• i At is meat meeting of the Ko„e-
bery (•rtaset it was decided to carry out
the (:oe.r.m.et program until •,tum,, no
matter how small the majority may ha
: They do Burge in • different way ca Es.
' land to what we do in Canada, ao4 do met
seem to be creeturee of .Oyes..11 t0 es
greet .a extent.
aadne•e ('honer Wanied, sot exoeadtng 0
Ilse. aonparell, $1 per enonth.
House on Sale and rapine on Moho not to
exceed 2 11n,.. $1 l,+r (bet month, Seto, per sub-
sequent nionth. lamer a'ivt.. In properties.
Any speciwl nonce, the abject ot which Is to
promote the proniary benefit of any iadl-
vldeal or non.p.ey, to be considered ca ad-
vertisement anti rimmed ancordin.ly.
i o.el notices In nnnperetl type me oset per
word. no notices less toxo leo,
Taal notices In orltnswy reading type two
ante per word, No ambit for les t� Ino.
Wakes for churches and other religious said
be nevobot lastltat/ors half rete
Abeet •'Tbe Metal" •eliv.syr
lenteerlber wbo fell torsos/ye ems ,toast,
reeul.rly, either by carrier or by mall. will
muter • favor by ao,lmtonia w of the tact at
as early • dames possible.
Rejected manuaortpu carrot be returned.
Correeponemoo must he wettest on oat side I
of paper only.
r.blieber's Retie.,
J. C. lee Toms% of Onderleb, has been ap
t•fsotodTravelling*(, tor
ships ber ,,Ashanti and Ws-
Local postmasters aver the demise an flea
Sempowered w
ad to rslvs si n►tarlptlose Tun
All communications must b. addeemed te
TNephn.. Call the. Tunaadstsa, O.t.
-They should have made Toronto's
r.pres•antative,hle Cm aarnr, • K.C.M.G.,
at any rate -a Knight of (3sioa.o a Mighty
Grab, 10 to streak.
-Of t•oursw' it was to encourage
the home growth of the article that the ilo-
miaios Government placed a duty of 80 p.o.
on rias. Or was it to give • " tree break-
it is now canned that one of the
reason• why Newfoundland is on its beak,
haanosally, s that for every four taxpayers
in the Woad there is an able bodied tai•
- It is claimed by those who pro-
fess to know that character u determined
by the mouth. This •000a,ts tor MosT-
Atrt',•'•1 •levan,,, 10 the Cabinet. Aside
from he mouth there was ,o ether deter.
---Thr tight I%etwefen f''Ires11010101
and ('.ntnitrr still moatmua, and the referees
.leis that both moa ere us good form and
holding their own, one of the able copied -
sem being stall lighting strongly with weed,
and the mouth actio, of eke other •howtog
no sign of impairment.
" Knoxonwn " writt+s that the
average Canadian preacher is as good as the
average preacher of any ocher country, and
we rise to remark that the average Cane
die,, whether he be • preacher or not, is
ahead of the average citizeo of coy other
country oft the footstool.
An anti treating bill has lust
been passed by the Michigan House of
Representatives, and will probably be as-
sented to by the Seats, It provides that
the man who treats and the man who sells,
on • trsat,are tooth guilty of a miademaanor,
and liable to Roe or tmpnuiomeer. There
is no provision matte for the oars of the salt
wine the jag, who wants te b. treated.
In Hamilton the (ihriatia0 work
ere have secured the old St. Janes' he of wen
en Hughtwo.et. and from a barroom and in
tem/elatedbilliard room have trelated the primates to
into a place of prayer and prates. That is a
better 0111110/11. than s sometimes ,times made when t
salons ('brbtia, f dk who desire to swell
the Marsh treasury undertake to ke the
place of prayer and praise • °heap hoard-
ing home or rendezvous far tie holdias of
games of Mame, with a lemoned• aid km -
cream her •ttaohmest. `
Aur IMP i t. • " ,11144 Willi ALL
rises M Last at Perla 2.. se OWN
by Mr Wm. •aMosrs la Answer t.
t.baseas MrtJedt
L.nd•en, May 31. -In the House of
Commons to -day Mr. James F. Hog.,n
erked the Government to state the re-
; suit ..1 the Inquiry Into the matter of
1 the imprisonment and eubjection to
harsh treatment of Brftl.b subjects In
llonolulu. Sir Edward Grey. Parlia-
mentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs,
said the cases In question were now be-
ing examined by the law officer, of the
crown. to whom they bed been referred.
During the Mass en -the estienwt.l
J:,ttaes 11 Weir. Llieral. pmteeted alfain't
tbe excessive salaries paid to officiate
of the Hootw of ioonia. and proposed that
e reduction be mute in them. T►e Rt.
iLni Sir .1. T. Ilibbeet. Financial t(eere-
t,.ry to the Treasury, aunt •d that in
t.1•• ease of the ire appointments to
entre in the HOMY of Lords tbs. aelnriea
noire redoe.d t, its to correspond with
those paid to uificia:a in for Howl- of
C..11111 rain,
Sir Elis Awhnvad Ifartlett lGmserrn-
tivel attacked the foreign polity of the
Government. tine of the grounds era
which he ba.e51 his attnek was that the
Government bad nbandoabed Lord Ka:io-
hnry'• poke,. which be declared wan
founded on an entente with Orrtanoy,
Anettla and ha y for no -operation
with Russia and Fearer,. He especially
attacked the Goverment for aaaailling
the Porte. u hew friendship might yet
be of enormous value to Groat Britnin.
Bir We.liam Veneto Hareawrt. Chancel -
4,r of for Exchequer. stated that the
florernmeut was acting cordially with
fiauwia and Frazee.
Sir h: lie Itartlett : ., Where!"
Sir N i:linm Harcourt • ' Everywhere.
The object of the Government is not to
ally Great Ilrital:i with any group u/
power., bit rather to remain friendly
with ail Eun.praan and American na-
1:( eone;tsion, Sir William declared
that tb, re wits not the segbte•et founda-
tion for the charge that the Guserutnent
was repe:l;ag the iri• :i•abip of Germauy.
t atesw ralwr•tl iaereaaed
Edinburgh. May 31.The Parliament-
ary election In the West Edinburgh di-
volain to O11 the vacancy caused by
the nucceslon of. Vlacount Wolmer to
the peerage. was held yesterday, and
resulted In the choice of Lewis Me1t•or,
Liberal -Unionist. by a vote of 3733 to
3076 rut for the Ministerial candidate.
A. 0. Murray, the master of Elibauk.
At the last election Viscount Wolmer
Liberal-t'nlunist. received 37b; votes.
and Mr. Buchanan, (liadstonlan Home. -
Ruler, 3214 The (7nionlat majority In
the division la thus increased by 126.
l..ebery % IsmeM, Mere,
London, May 31. -The Chmnlcle lec-
tures Lord Rossrbery and aaya: "Doubt -
lean he may be called fortunate. but we
hope he will never aspire to win an-
other Derby." The other papers heart-
tIy.eongratulate the Premier on his dou-
ble victory.
It.aehevy'. M.lidaya
London. May 31. -Lord Rooehery le
making arrangements for a cruise dur-
ing the Whitsuntide holidays on board
the steam yacht Morver.
P21MQttR .111131111111111111Allffelle
MIs /•.M• t. Lard aip.. IllmMrsr4 by tbe
fly.tay, N.R.W.' May 31. -In tbr Aa-
r••mbly to -day Sir Henry Parke. moved
the adionrnaret of the House in order
to call attention to the cable de.petch
n few days ago by Prime Minister
to Sir Baal Samtp•1, Agent -General
London 01 New South Wales, relative
the vaoeitney in the governorship of the
eokioy. Prime Minister Reid rootsmled
hat • sovpnww should be •ppi.iated
he Imperial Government at the •arlit�t
possible moment. as the doable duties im-
posed cm the iia.. Star Fr.4erirk Darier,.
(lief Jestpee,who wads!•° acting Gov -
maw. were a great stria epos kite
im nsotkn. was O Seated.
P., tree • I... •,cur-'-
Parts. May 1 S. -1M IMHuemal (Tnart
at Mont Dir flaw eoademned the Pops
to pay the coot of the litigation nM•T
On will of the irate Matgni.e de Pf.4.-
lleliere, who bequeathed her property to
Hie Holisose, exeluding her next to kin.
Tehe court refitted to *ay judgment
Teres. eschew
Tereato. May 31. -Anew Pair, mho of
•tralgbt miler. at $4.76. Toronto freights.
A 1.4 of floor, tw.i years old, bet la
stood a,nditinn' void to -day at 95. Most -
liven--Rnstite.• 1n bran gine% and prime
Beni at $14, Toronto freight.. Aborts sold
MAIL,- TM marts* oeedinnes rieme with
coir, 'wooed oftertng.. Halm nt good whits
raj rad were made ea Norther. •1 $1.0111
mid met at $1.01. het we also beard of
NNW offer as 11. were with only ebb
Md. N.. 1 klealbba herd ...Id at $1.09.
Ten.tn fv g0M.
Barley- (1fGrtag. halted. .Irk Re. 1
4ltmd tat Me :Is NM et tier.
Oats -The marketer-le',oho. with prioee
.comedy. Mimed mid as Sit meet. asr.l elate
at 110• te 4e• .. lrw,tbsn► (1r. ne Inset
selntaal et 460 in tie.
One inThe Oda n.d a fair .rid pries.
lar. tare lemma : sea withlimited
tie M., ,.
The hanging of CHATsLLI which
took pantie Stratford lel rridy.May31, is
the ot•siag Moe.. of • terrible mime whisk
tae* pt•.. Mew Letowel, when ihttIs diem*
K•rrot lest her IH. to the lust of c',,.yye.t.a.
Han.*. 2.p poor one to pat a hennas betas
to, but if any ,sae ever d.uarv.d h•.gitas,
1'ri 4Tt,Le was tha: gas. Ho orate wan
without a parallel in (•each, and that he
wee ant teed .p by dodge L'. nen, instead
.f beteg paired el in the reenter way
.cid with dee formality of mart. is to the
credit of the law abiding ,-meideab .f the
seettee In which be o•enmitt.d his teerihrie
R4tw.tly an effort was matin by
the IleweromaM to ,es the novenas
.t tats erste, by 1•-M ohm
date ea Sported aver. icy ems se-
colt toweled". the Imperier. bass swans
el the het sad, while Wens Marsh 27
sad Mt/ kV" the {.deer of new Boyar
inspired /110111.011 lbs, r the male pew
To Enable Manutaaturers To
Export Goons.
Tae Caadaas Vaa
rm, ray• t.,, f r Casa
Masi Mete tmpp1. .u. rias tae
•strawemss e. a'.r tea
. a..•
goober seamier $..*tem
eta the 1rbst. ayetes&
Ottawa, May 30. -In the Erma* to-
day. Mr. lioulton moved fur a return kiss the ss to the ret entre oe.a-
sluned by the payment of rebates ofm
ustos duties un articles exporte.l.
Speaking to his motion. he said that
the fanners of the Northwest were
forced to pay more than teary should
for their agricultural Implements. The
.!arnaey-laarrta Com{wnyid
. he sa, dta-
p opted of agricultural machinery In
fluent*. Australia, and the Argentine
public at a lower price than they
trial -seed Canadian farmers. thus con-
tributing to the cheaper production of
N uabeat In these countries. to the de-
tltent of the Canadian farmers.
He then launched out into* apee.'h of
an hour and a halt in favor of the
adoption of a free trade policy, which,
he .untended, would bring about great
Prosperity. He blamed the Liberal
party for forsaking a pulley of abaolut •
rr•e trade for one of unrestricted re-
lproclty, which. he claimed. was to-
tally Incompatible with a free tradepolicy.
Senator Power depreciated the grow -
practice of the Senators making
long speeches. covering ground no.
specified in the mot' en before the
lionise. He condemned the poilcy of
granting customs rebates. which he
sale work. d detriment to the Cana-
r:hen farmer.
Air Mackenzie Rowell explained that
tete object of the granting customs re-
bates on raw materials Imported aid
manufactured fur export, was to enable
Canadian anufa,•turere to come -pt, in
the markets of the word with United
Staten manufacturers. by allowing
them to purchase raw materials at the
stone prleee as their American compe-
titors. He felled to see how the Cana-
dian farmer Suffered from this arrange-
ment, an In the cant of -agricultural Im-
plements, 141- Instanok the rebate of
customs duties barely enabled Cana-
dian manujacturerw to comlwte In for-
eign mar•IiGta with manufacturers of
the United Stater. The result In a
singe, le instance that of the Massey -
Harris Company durlhg the present
year, was that some one thousand agri-
cultural Implements were made and ex-
ported to Australia *torthe AtgeniIn-
Republic• and 125 to Ruasla, which
but for the rebate would have been
supplied by American manufacturers.
The cost of labor in making* the ma-
chines and In pur•haaing a largepro-
portion of the raw materials used was
emended In Canada. and benefitedCanadian labor.
Nenntor l'Duneegbe:e of Tot -mite did
not think the rebate injured the Cana-
dian farmer, and it certairey b. nJ2tp,l
rem/diem labor. He eontended, how-•
ever. (lint the Government. in grant:r.r:
n•fbuptroes, etectinson. departinW%'
g from eta lic
Crams le to\o1 tthernRe
Hn nekeil if hectmii mnplgv
known ea the Bay Rwitw,ty.
was seting within the law in fixing th.•
p efot of commencement of iia line at Win-
eitveg. theme northerly.
Sir Maekeneie Rowel avid the Gnsern-
mrnt did not know whether the romp. -enc
was acting within the law. n .r wb.tb••r
it intended building tbe road at •11.
P•160111,14: Was sitarEe'TE9
tee R. Terrance . %tandem A. eh ria
Plainly, tin Iwgw.t $,i4, bet to rtes
teertene • tenders N Apept-•t v.
Presley, Ont.. Mny 31. -♦'orient•• r►there
of Port Elcin op.L en.An ioq . t Isere
to -night On Rev. wil;inm Tom, c,e.reho.e
e•ttdden death Wielneeday hes ,routed
auspicious that he was p,ieoned.
Evitienee Nits given chit deceased had
formerly till. •n m .route t to ,caw w•iatie
patina, but latterly had taken ntropine
the • wow. parer,*. Then•verend
gentleman officiab•d at a funeral theafternoon of hie death. and on returning
rnIMd nt the drug store of Mr. D. Bain
and partook of • draught o1 efferves-
cent citrate of magw'.ia flav-
nerd with pineapple. Eight
Immo later be died in great
atony. with sympt,del poisoning. such
.s *omittig, pury;iell and para:) -rise
Drs. flecit awlKelly/beechattendedhitt'. The Ioriner swore he first th ugbt
Il r. Terra,a•r's ;'Ince„ was due to it
mistake in the deuight gereu, Audi tu.,
patient made a remark to the sheaf el -
fret. The Doctor sant the .ymptem.
would iadieate 1*•is.n.ing, but it wins
preac a that sante ms have been caused
y a desk of ice -water woe:. the t..mly
was over toted. Hi. itupr.•,..t„n wi•
that death was due t , la•:I•douu• or
its a:kale•tde.
Dr. Kalb lei rb +won• he tb.ueht death
wait doe to avoid sr,, toiretb•r with rap-
ine,. 01 a blow.l v,•.e•1 in the heed. lle
eS.w ne .q•ulptom...f psawnins.
Alex. hit bi.•i•rb. drug elcrk, told of
,wine the ear it. drat'sfhi. N.. ouj,ua,
u.•r• kept 4rnr tri• pr, tr' pp:e 7taro; ,.e
used. •
Jew/. Munkman. %n..ther drug clerk,
ora. pn•r•ut wb-n Mr. Tonnes•. d
SIR WORM M ales!.
l'e....... •e Saes 1- tttti.... I._ _. si0L -
w'eelltemelt M •seeks. • •
lbtto.to, May u. - Rosettes le-
e -J sae Wad Asaotiatit ;
Pieto. WLcyels Q.w. 4'tw"4rta ties.
g 1m"
, July 1, Wi.6s.x, t4.& !(anter
*Ma c2* pk a 2.ip.; .Lag. a, Napam.,
a emcee for .sob chem. Baeetius Its b.es
gtive.i to tier Tvr to Blicycl. Qa► to
have imcemakani on tandems frost either
elan. set in the one mile clam B rola.
4 meeting of torr promoters who have
dates on the L.A.W. (lreult in taawada
will he held la the Racing Board ulfko
o. June 7, at i p.m.
For riding in ekes race, to which they
were sent elislble in Woudetoek la. May
24, the Crtahaa Bras. mud B Cievelaud
of Ii.tfaio have beem referred to the
cbairmaa of the L.A.W. Board lir sit-
For ndtig 1a oleo, A, when not el(dibie.
the ttrlkrsist have beeu suspended for 10
days from all track -racing. F. H. Au-
denass, 11 Brown :ed H. Parkin of Tor-
out.,. The fulk,wiug are .upended from
track -racing il� elms A. pending iave.-
tlaatidiu r to their ataudiitle J. A-
Harley, Petrol;.: C. t1. liartb.dumse,
Wow.dettiek; h. R. Millar, Owen &iuttd,
aid titauley A. A11aa ul Kiult•too. Fur
competing in class A, after being warn-
ed . .t. J. Wright of Stratbr oy is s.s-
peu.led from all track-raeiug for 30
Additional trawlers to class B: N.
l)e,JJe. (herfte Smith. W. K Smith, Let.
Thomas; W. W. Blackwell, F. H. Dunbar,
Stratford: Clay Manville, A. B. Brown.
C. W. Boyer, Loudon: W. H. Dixon.W.K.
Lvitg.tuu, C. Gingruoo, Toronto; A.
M•rtiaeau, Montreal.
A. 0'. Little, Sarnia, is sopended until
June 14 for violation of seethe* 1 of
clause 27 of the track rule.: T. Rurimide,
T.D.C., for 20 day. kyr violation of .ee-
ti.ru 4 clause K ml general rule.. Race
ps,rlwitere, who have an entry black
signed by a rider. who dos not
appear at their tweet, want to uotity the
board who will stspeud any offeuder.
R'eedine k of Mrrrickville and Herold A.
Fraser of Kr.wkviNe are suspended until
Sept. 1 lir eowpeting in a so-called
A fill list of riders who competed in
nnsatrtiu.Red races 00 the 24th is being
prepared. These riders are cautioned
that if they compete again they will be
black-111ted fur the season.
Fred Westbrook of Brantheol has had
hie amateur standitls as a bicycle rider
restored, Wes:
The M0.etn.a llama
Hamilton. May 31. -First day Hamil-
ton Jockey Clnb'. r•ena We/Ottr•r filar
and sultry: track bard: presiding judge.
A. H. Poet: ;atter. Jemee McLaughlin.
Attendance about 4000.
First rate, opening Murry, purse $150;
a•year•olde, 6 IarionplMorid•m 1, Lo-
gan 2. Banning Bird 3; ltoaewuod end
Achieve Mao ran.
Second rats, the yonnlMtera. pert. $.100.
2-7.arorldq 1-2 mite-kitnwaa, 1. Pyra-
ns 2, Florence Qdrille 3. Time .50.
Cinder. Ow ran.
Third rate. W.aiugt.,, handicap purse
$600, al ages. 1 1-4 Milan --lead Nel-
non 1. Tote 2, Lotus 3. Time 2.19.
Oogoette aha, ran.
Fourth race, Walker Cup Steeplechase,
y.11u.. 5250; for homes owned in Connie;
about 1 3-4 mile. i p.pteworth 1, Dom
Pedro 2, Pat Oakley 3, May Blossom
also too.
Filth race, Prince of Wa,e.' Plate, for
3 -year-olds. puree $500, 1 1-M mise. -Rose
ailietd 1. Kittle 2, Cosfeetiouer 3. 'Tine
2.04 1-2. Chick'. aced elusqurba.na aim
Device 1, Knpanga 2. Runaway 3, The
Piper. Low,kunt' Martelb, Addie B.,L.ster,
Sir Arthur awl Gwenduliee who ran
• 6 V. L.
lwr1ag0.I4 1e I Promisees la 1t
w it.e•llarm le a 5Nrestes ..........10 14
arae ... . 14 11 Totem.. .......... e rt
a)r.cuse 11 n nesaeeter .. 4 b
Mehl Causes as use aria,..
.At Buffalo :
Toronto . . . . &50300202-10 17 4
Buffalo . 013002330-12 20 5
Shaw and Lake ; Vickery. Herndon and
At Wilkes -,Barre :
Scranton . . . 101001003-6 9 E
Wilkes-Barre . 301001400-9 11 2
Qnarlea and Smith ; Mrakil o and Dig
At Providence Providence :
Spribtfield . . 230000010-6 7 1
Proridei , , . 1DU0tt0100-2 8 2
Callahan and Bunion , Egan and Dixon.
At Rochester
�rrecose . . . . 000102020-5 7 6
illatallay er . . 000011010-3 8 7
and Kee. • Harper and Went.
At il'Msior
Toronto •000011100-3 13 3
Battik. 002003311-9 11 4
Crane, Grey, Iake : Herndon, Urqu-
hart. Umpire -Swartwood.
At Nr•rant.om:
Scranton . 100101011- 5 9 8
Wilkes-Barre . . 420210301-13 19 4
Delaney, Roger.; Meekin, baggier. Um-
pire -Gaffney.
At Rueheater.
Rorbester . . 60107 12 001-20 16 8
Syringe. - . 3100010001-18 10 9
11Parb,n. White; Kilroy, Rafter, 1:M-
pive- Nny,ler,
At Providence:
Providence 022111000-7 l0 1
Springfield . 00(21M)o p-4 7 1
Lovett. McAuley: McKLlop, Goren.
Umpire- Doesicher.
.sea. *2*..aa •s..IK
Bayonne, N.J., May 30. --The principal
vent at the rams. 01 the New Jersey
C. here to -day was the special ons-
mile srrateir'Tn1M, in which were enter-
ed T.P.Connelt,the bolder of the amateur
record, and O. W. Orton of the Pulver-
ity of Peaneyivanie, the iotereollegmate
tlamplos. Orton won. Time 4.34 2-5.
The college team relay race, distance
ne mile, b.twere Yale, Harvard, Prime-
s and the Oaleevoity of Pennsylvania
orae won by Tale. Time 3.22 4.5.
is the ono -mile rem, teratch, which was
won by O. W. Orton, University one Penn-
sylvania, T. P. Cbnerl4, New Torii AC.,
eased; Lady Walsh, X.A.('„ 3; T. kir-
Mahon, M.A.C., 4 Orton went to the
front at 1L start with Coarcl/t eieeoa4,
ko.rgh lying thrid and Mrilnh.n whip`
ping in. Entering the . sent.•i tapCoonan*
tnork the lead from Ortho, end .e they
tam until entering the far aide. is the
t,,at ap,when orlon went upto fossedl.
w)s,, mmol, a desperate effort to Mahe
him oft, but tb- piuwky inter-eolleglats
es laAladin n would not he deafest, aad
posing Connell, won by lour yards. �-
ins hctween emoted and third, .
*Aran Amesgas term*a.
Chioxto. May I1.Mabe1 Ronson
law. at one tires* well known in Pyt/dant!
ea eta authoress and aetresa. attempted
suicide hast night a3 No. 1120 Mouth Jef-
ferpon-street, by ,rotting her throat.
Pltyelctsn. 4e not Wok tie so Is.
Miss Hollow has been Maasg logy to
Hurry ftmlltvam WHIM Itarrett >Msa•t
x.ewtan, o.Ma wR Its* sive «eters
She was the bet p *y'trclett to rasa•
UM -Meat 1,a,e.•
rind heard kin] may. "f am ruim•d, tbia
IA my last. 1 sm adroit' 1.h• dose 1
got nt tiro drug eters. www
In 1111.1,11n in ,t." l2.wea.*s) 1rr.1u.•ill ls re
marked that dregs would fint.1, him some
1'h• jnrr returned a verdict of death
from rpopdexy. Considerable romment i%
made npiu the corset holding an In.pisst
witbont • poet mortem e1amiwtionbar-
ing been wde.
taeaas at Semen.
i.,mdnse May del. -The race for tb• Ep-
som grad pries et 11000 sovereign*. for
3•year-nida. shoat nee 2152* .rid • quarter.
este not at Era today wad war woe
by I$r, asesil • Mom nett, Whittler. 1r,
Lsaremte, out ef viruses T2,.r.. Yr. ,
ireN'. heyweal P•e.Hk,h, Remberid,e,d M
reweave. ww monad. Pow mit was the lav -
•t 40 M 1. Mr. k►mard motor*
N..ntaue did ant Mort 1s the race for the
Hersh" re. Mr. Y. P. Dryee's parry
West ecu ,..ratenist for the rem for the
R.,)v Mtrkr.
The ran for the Onset 0.,,.r ttreed•re'
/ne.,i PMM wits w.. by towel koe.e
-1 once (Fly
•vlllopt Caellait.
of Myrr. fps rota• theeos �r
•IM'• t em
pretreat.by net .ef '
ttalstmea,ed and W, a'
On• cher`
set 116146011 400411dae 11646. ear eta/ d
lta•otr e.s afmara_ je i1�Lavigla
BACK TO aKAl.rei eruct VKABII Or
EXMx11B;SU FFklllrl:.
v1a13*1' 10 TAO ADVIC•a 02 A 111.1111411 A.D
101141,1511113/101.10 Tba•s 0114.7Oew RAL
lens the Otis* a Jo.raat
Mr Users Argue et cos of the beet
kaews !,morn, la tie rtr.atty el (:ower.
He bur p....d tff.ar(o an •opener.. es
palatal me it l• f..infa►„1., awl be .tor) Y
ield by • reporter sell perh.pr ho u1 raves
to alta.. "I was burn to tbe to.io» re
Chirleto.. ' mid Mr. Argue, "and Si..laved
all my bb is oho. tweet) um.s. of Obs any
et Ottawa Tea reap of that use have
beer y•.re of mon atwi misery ahem., 1*-
*oad esd.rat.o.. Kievan yrem tom 1 woe
Mooted a oold stool. merited It. pleariey
sad i.Sas.auon of the lung.. O• t et c+im-
pheistoue thea followed a•.i I r... o .e.
geed to my room for the ren.. Toe dt•u-
tar why ate.s.ied me thruusn Oboe leets
Illaas. east *het the ,..'u r 1 wee r • .hl.
111006 anent wee due to the coots snag
! " oald Ao(.Ale u,,. end o..rareA,e.
of tie muscles sad Beeves of use boodle acid
feet through lung confiaea.e.t u. heel I
could bootee around a little on ere%le.,mt.
wee wets-oiph helpt.'s. At thee stage a
second doctor ora called in who" doctored
my trouble was spinal comptaiat. Not
wtUistandtag medical adi ac• and i tmereent
1 ora* slaking lower •ad lower, and wee re
/larded a. incarabte I was auw is cook a
state that I was unable to leave nay bed,
bat deterw,u,ed to Rod a cart, it portable,
and sent for one of the most able pnteic ase
is Ottawa. 1 was ander he core and treat.
mess for tht.s y..re. He Wintered my
beck every three or !oar weeks and
exerted all hie akin, but in vain 1 wen
rr'otrtag weaker and weaker sad
to think the and meld sot be far begs
At the jesrter. a !nand strongly urged
tat to try Dr. Wilheses' Pink Pella I
yi•ide4 to bio sotintatioas. and by itsor rime
six box.. of BUY were need 1 sled myself
getting better. I used e• *11 tbire• Mrs,
and they are accomplished what ten Teem
ot crosstown slier physicians failed to do.
Thanks to this woad.rfal u.dtciso, I auw
able to attend to my duties aad •as a. free
from lissom ea any mos to ordinary health
is expected to be. 1 atill oma i1r. Witham'
Pink Pills, and they am the needleios for
NM, sad mo leapt as 1 live I Mall nee no
other. 11 1 had rot theme pills tea yearn
ago I am satisfied i would act have safler•d
se ! did. end would have saved some ban.
tirade of dollars in doctor hill• It a only
those who hire passed tbrourn • ter-
rible ,lege at I have done who ern fully
realize the wooderiul merit of 111'. %V, lies.'
Ptak Pill.
Mr. Argue'• eIperi•aoe ah••uld r avian•
even the most skeptical that Ur Williams'
Pink Pth. stud far is •de iso. of ether
medicine* and are oat of the greatest dis-
°ovaries of the sae. Them Is au disease dee
to poor or watery blood or abate/red swine
which will not moodily .told to this tree,
meet, and in innumerable can.* patients
have Des restored to health -and vermeil,
after physician@ had pronounced the dro•d-
ed word 'incurable.' Sold by ell dealers to
mediate. or sant by mail poet paid, at 50
ovate. box or air hazes for ,250, by .d.
dressing th. Dr. Williams' Mediae. ('n
Brocteiils, Oat., or Scheosotedy, N ti
Refuse imitation, and do not be persuaded
to cry somethia4 oho.
OTES1: I• w►W that K.ih,•r, In tow, rot Wal-
Irur'- -Lti'u ilur," nes wawa! after 1i1.
Min hr
"-Thauatopals" MOWN§ "a Mister dnf
dant'." Hryant's ira.m, ..f that reams
was publi.hod In tele; it has been ,sit to
The Silver York .rh.sel" a-lto n pante
given to a group of w rlters of fiction in
KraginnRd who laid groat atrveae upon *nat-
ters of etiquette.
Fanny ('r eby. the blind hymn writer,
was nen Isom blind. but Into her dight
when very yoang. Her huatusnd, Alex-
ander Von Alelync, i. alo.o Mind.
Captoln ('ivarles King, the no,v list, le
a West Point graduate. lir has Nevem' in
the 1'nite.r' Mates artillery and aloe in the
cavalry. He was retired trent active
Nervier in 11.614 on aranunt of w woueal re-
ceived In the Apache campaign of 1574.
Homer le the pert to whom is oawslgnod
the authorship of the "Iliad" and '' Wye -
eel. " Of his petwnnallty not hino Is
known Seven cities/ have a,nuenh,d for
the honor of his birth,
Maarten Maarten'. Aral hook was called
" A n ted Mold'. tome." Ila tel lemon
is .1 M. W. Vander l ,icemen-Schweues,
and he i5 n Hollander by birth.
The Amor Library In New York City
11 on endowed reference library. it wise
fronded -Sri i5449 Gy .Bohn Jaevah Astor, and
tt ham received enccseeelre gifts teen dif-
ferent members of the family. The
numbers over 946.0812 vnlmmees.and
la, for the most part. admirably selected.
Its range is genewit.
The mat name of Madame seine -Gene
was There.. P lcgner. At the age of
elf/Maim she donne the garb of a French
*oldies, and for twenty-two years sae
pntieiWm'd in the military glories of
lent.cnt With Napolerin's fall her earlier
ended. Her last days were not prosperous.
After Yapu(enn'e fall air opened a nook's
shop, which felled. in IMP else married a
gttarberntaster of the Aendarnta,, a Mead
of her youth. Clever' years afterward bee
butehstwl died, INring icer In very poor
led to hem she was M-
tnng . pets.,, in • Heapt.al des
ass, where she dictated bar r.aemoles sad
A novelty ewslr•t ribbon le "the MIA -
toed or perMene d were, Thea ease In
pale delicate tints alma
Rimmek sad white ase likely to be a Uv-
eae this year, As g,wtted wins., the
arta, asrl*wer end Mow bngolhor than
. wides mai berbinise.tlr e. Ottani.
tar water bends at ammo doirwi dna
>MMasea babe ai
ease te tib later,
aaa des prevent.
ta edam out Mrs.
L W. 7.awtei, o/
=aur. L t., ease :
than two ytie�s apto
my f a r
to turn
and feel
ter the
use of
MN bottle of Ayers Hair Vigor my
kali was restored to its original
dela and ceased falling out. AD
oteadostal application has since .
as hair in good condition."ept
$ P ?1*wtcg, Dishy.
of Hair.
•1110it )ears ago, I had the'varix_
idle, std eat my hair, which prevt.
eofoly w(l quite abundant. 1 tried
oat [ moult, till preparations. 1began htlto
lest Y should be puasuenUy ttaN.
About elle mttathomy husband
r ad Z at ora to
ane it n, a sheet new hair
began to appear there is now
every_ prospect of as thick a growth
tie bair as before my illness. -
Igra A. zea, Polymnii St., New
rsiwaasp lK
1 C. MEI l CO., UMW, MAW A .S. *.
.dear'. Pine mum Mira Jire.d.ehs.
GalGats astww n_*5(5514 a u
.ee .run uca,ptyur and
Tiny Chine flows -re, ou white grounded
glares., are lunch nerd for evening dreams
and for blut,rw,ti and recall the 10d17 Var.
dena, popular muse time since.
A novelly in hemmer. le rnawle of an 1a -
die -paltered ,ilk hantikcrt•hief, the cor-
ners being used to form pointed epaulets
and I.s.tiue, with et :isle .ildark-red velvet
oyer t.-.• ..mMtidont.
gemmline 4 a material of very
lace, sv .ir,•, alnl is • .uwa in brown aid
Wood w.,.e.. 11 24 found chiefly et the
listen-.,.n.i, net comes in p'aua, dotted
eat -t .-, i. -i
A scot . t mart hl.t milk ern recently
was n:at:e 1 . a 1.4•1..• ,teed, with s lulet
echo, .114.41x u: r imettee we in irregular
Mahlon obis. I.s t.. to;Iu,oss. The culler
WA. ee: ..IL, with hoses elective.
"Angel ale oars urs• e.lo,wn on the tea
gown., tin or of a cobwebby n.•t with as
*Meir, !sonde, being very ils.iy and
lsalu-1:Le. n,'d.o t0, .urge.) a0' sere
loner, trete .cede:, tau l .oast,., and an. nowt
grateful a ret edettive.
Hermtct:-, R:vo 'hat haemon wan ore
first ruler to oq.t,er F,.M ee,las tnrye-
With a pp :,,:.tion of hr.rdly
Greene las a debt of .,,sl iaki, ,lr aletut
$75 per carnet
The s).s.., dollars lettere! 1n PIM are
wort'. t'.tesi tor h. T).cn• were only I$.b70
euuIn• d t e . •t ► v,•ar.
n the Isnt.k. .d Ft,;land sixty folio
volu.o.•s r I, tiger* are filled dally *Ph
writ-ir, lei 5 . e •••
wire 4..a,. Is 5214 M.w *ae none.
How often the remark, '`Oh. my bead
aches," and there are .o many varieties of
aches and pains the head is subject to all
along the line from the dull and heavy
and oppressed feeling over the eyes to
the persistent, racking and torturing
misery of Sick Headache. The cause is
in most cases the same, the overflow of
poisonous uric acid is not extracted from
the blood by the Kidneys, and accumu-
lating in the brood, causes high.and irre-
gular pulse, headaches, mental depres-
sion and nausea, (lease's K. & L Pills
tone and restore the Kidneys, excrete
poisonous matter from the blood, sending
It on its wav pure and health -giving, cur-
ing Headache, and removing *11 the at-
tendingsymptoms from its wake. Mrs.
t. Hir
Harriston, Ont., while attending
the elide Fall Exhibition at Toronto, was
taken very i11 with Sick Headache and
dizziness. She was subjaeLte these at-
tacks for years, compelling!ter to take to
her bed. In this case by using Chase's
Pills relief was immediately obtained,
and the usual days of misery and pros-
tration avoided. Thousands el such cases
can he referred to where Chase's Pills
have cored Sick Headache and its atten-
dant symptoms. 25 cents a box, of all
dealers, or by addressing Edmansoa,
Bates & Co., 4i Lombard St., Toronto.
Cure Biliousness, Sick Head
ache, Dyspepsia. Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubic,.
Arc Purely Vegetable,
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
Act gently but promptly and
thoroughly. "The safest family
medicine` A11 Druggists keep
43• N1C
ii • non
vara rtL,AW
Ise of baso
Dx. is
dsehee y
Sesta awl
r• W sate
Ps rber Bio
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Elel. LII
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Noe. J. T.
ane. sad
rmatie ii
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ad vlsiga
AU eit tltAY M
J, T.
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Thom *
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tom ,sigh
It was
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bent his
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Yet is%