The Signal, 1895-6-6, Page 3• THE A1GWAL : GODRRICR, ONT. TITRRSD LT JUNE 1, 18t5. 7 Dot.'t Forget that when you buy Scott's Emul- sfou you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scott's Emulsion t/masd be sec- ret for an analysis reveals all there is in it. Consequently the endorse- ment of the medical world awns tdwetdtl. low 1 overcomes WasdiW, promotes the snaking of Solid Plena, and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as III cure for Coughs. CMAs. sore Throat. ln+olatla, Weak Langs. Commentate Vatierffamagma s( Cblldnaa. !Dena Sews."Mae Ain Ogwmt Ns. a II Batt Meal. Mier'. Cm. Ob. Ns masts i• the laughter of oar UIW baby's ens ; It will p skim taro' • feller like no other wad ma do. Yes flan rave about your singers, with their voices high •ad true, 811t lot me have toe memo of oar little baby's coo. I've herd tell .1 Madam. Patti sad Alessi, wb. I ken Are taegore ow sing osing their way ANC to the hearts of nom ; Bet Mr satine real mtyte, and ter some- tNeg teat will do " A feller geed. there'..othue like oar little d s coo. Why, etrasgsr, if 1 ve rot • load that soone too hard to bear. Aad my awry head is splittin' with •a extra 'nt0uat of care, All I've got to do ie turn my Iittle sect unto, And cot • good big smiler of our little angel'. coo. Oh ' the mu*ic and the magic that is in our baby'. coo ; How it goes Dear tire's feller like mother mead will do. Yee om have seer epieadid stagers, with their Mrgia', sweet sad true. It'. platy pod waou/b ter ms to hoar our baby'. ewe. -FaswxalcK Amor. stop my Moa•! Whet. 11 u this world you wish te win Aad nee above the commo. champ. Take off your coat mrd pitch right in. Don't wait, my bold, Wag on and hump. Don't wait maul theires'I bat, Bat stake it hot by mnsle. Dewe wait for wealth year father's got, Take off year coat rod hustle. HOW CHITRAL WAS TAKEN. account by • t•sfve et the Medea' el Mos A wounded Afgbse, who was captured atter the taking or the Met of (bitinel, hes given to Major Deane, the political aBo•r, a moat vivid amount of the destruction of the poatooa bridge leading to the fort by the luaobies of hairy loge of wood upon the river to wreck the budge, and of the terror crated among the killings' by • star shell fired tato M. Afghan :amp ; for whoa the oar shell burst' it shows • brilliant light, vividly illuminating the surrounding e0u •try. The Algbsas claim to be a remnant of the MMildras of 1•rael, said the account which the wounded mea gives nada like • chapter of the Scripture'. It ram thus : 1. Behold the logs of wood rushed down the neer, sed broke the doting roadway of the foreiguen into pieces. a The Afghan watchmen signalled the sews from hill to hill, and the tribes gathered to the fight. 3 The soldiers of the invading army ware separated from Meir follows, sad seemed to be delivered into our head& 4 Thea oat priests mine •.d preached mato as the righteousness of our crow. They said that the Almighty was ever mindful of His children and would give us a bloodless victory, even as He did to the prophet (epos whom be pesos) an the dry of Radar. 5 Moreover. they told us (:d had gives us 1000 rifles and much powder end shot within our reach. 6 the words of the promote and the re membranes of whet God did for the prophet of Hader smiled ne rrsatly. 7. Ws saw the Hanish •eosadiag from the river bank sed marching toward us. 8. Victory .sued cartels. 9. Hot the F.eglisb tired thair gun •mono tis aid newsy were stricken and fell. 10. Then the rulers took ooaessl toretber aid decided that we .could comp op to our wends' in the night and tell apes tbsm in the 'til! hours, when the sky is darkest. 11. Two hundred tried warriors went forth to oe.ep .p secretly to the camp of the ubeli.v.rs. We lay for two hirers on the pass el the wet fields, w•itieg patient. ty until the esmmand to &dream was given by ear oo staa. 12. The the word Game rotted from cap tau to wptahi Chet the believers met be ready, seri every nae took his wsipoa and newly and without nein adveed upon the enemy. 13 When, hsietd, s gun of oee of the hated infidels boomed forth, sad 1. ' instead of halls mad ballets, tiers burst over the army of the Moslem • groat light with mighty thaadmriege, gad .* thought night had been breed tato day. 14 We imbed nate lits Lord tar mmtry. lb. Tbs. the groat light faded sway. The priest bad fled and we were b the hods of the i -heel- a.4 I lay a mem, weasied sad st the pent ei dsao. 16. Tars Pert el CiMr.f was mg= sed I am • prleaeer.-Oldesgo later -Ossa. moerMwd, They full • otary of • 11144. girl who be- longs to • Gki.M Lmily. sad the Miry gess this way : The heedsgW 1 en pants a little midget .' yon will lad a.ywhgra. sed has been ad- mirably ami.sd. She west est M lanigw No other day with her $41.the hemi o/ ea old Prised .4 the %sissy. Taos won a Nth of hga.Mfml j0Ny ea the t•W mnNfisd late the form 1 s py*a lel. sad the Mak riot Imbed at it wish legigl.g net. 14r Ise agilhs to ask fee M. At hag* this hasten bee ad- m4sKes. nisi mamma's wild. te give her sena it we- a omens* Woi�g, Mb the b her lush of maid see it W fihet mAer 1L/ atM_a)alit slebed •nem rm am gams ghs mew T embed the Imam '1*1 Mork yea.' resa•mdgd lei Veils elre...dteriaLesi*ES MITI* gra rhe es M SUPERANNUATIONS. Attempt To Forestall Mr. Mo- Mullen'a BI11. mane CNAN6E8 IN THE BILL. tree amuses ase *twatees an/ t1Nesew ty Ogataasd fir lle {Mose mess.) to ssteg/ag Paws &Nara& retie vales Jost Cesare evens the Llhorat filemebea. I Ottawa, Ont.. May 31. -Will the ther- mometer henmometer /It 9U iu the cheek, the neon - bens •f Parliaetrut got dues to bu sniew :►gain yesterday, nllev.d 1„ thick that the Budget debate is uuw >( wetter ..1 history, 1t was osly a few minutes be- fore the House was involved in a diorite- .i"u of the vexed m11. amend of .dull •.ervfee al•'r.tnnantiutia. Mr. Fdrtrr intr.ulds•rd a hill to amend the• $uperemauatlou het aid wear the following expla.ation of bis purpose.. In the first plaice it would give to the tiuven.ur-Osweral in Gutril, upou the rrrummewiatiuu of the Treasury Hoard, for authority to doriare that the act obeli not apply to any of the claws of officials dreigested iu the bill, which it may be c•.msidrred desirable to exempt from its application. ruder this the Government might decrease the clues, hut might urver iorrra.e. 1u the .wr.sn.l place the old limit of It) 'este, whu:h must be served by civil servants before coming upon the fund, wait to be iscremed to 15 years. Thirdly, is the matter of abatement it was pro- posed to app to the w hide service the rate of 3 1-2 per cent.. w hick, by the act o/ 1893. was made to operate only nom officers appuiuted after that date. This reiteeit bad bort[ calculated, would be sufficient with the allowance by the GovernMent of 8 per cent. per annum upso the moorys of the (mad in the Gov- . -retreat's bands to carry the whole bur- den 01 the syltam. While it ie nit customary to discuss bills upon their lint reading. t01' area - sure was considered by Mr. Leerier .d sufficient imp,.rtaare to warrant a full- er expisuatiun. He expressed himself as entirely opposed to the proposed trans- ference to the 0overeor-iaCouecel. of the {rower which 1e at precept exercised by Parliament. except upou grave reasons brio, given. The Eimer'. Minister bad gistet, Dube at alt. nor peso the shadow of a reason. except the Ooverunweut'e wish. Mr. McMullen. who has a hill upon the order paper seeking to abolish the super - animation system• Lick. stork and bar- rel, said it wao plain that the Fin- ance Miaieter had beet, frightened by the force of the agitation la the country. The minister evid•etlry thought he must do +teething. and this bill war intended to forestall his iMr.Mr3ul-. Mm's) bill. Bet ler would tell the minim ter that it the Government bad not abused for 'trident the oppn•ition to it would not have been made as bitter. The country knew tbat large uumbere of mew were walking els.• town and clo.e drawing large sem• of stone!' from the Oovernmrot at a total cost of *278.- 000 a year and home of 3300,000. many. of them having been displaced to make way for relatives of the minidter . He asked whether the miuieter had elimin- ated for provision of the act. which el - lowed the Government to add years to the time of . rviee te. as to bring un- authorised officials within the .Natrm. The old act made teu yearn the limit, ret everybody knew there were dozeus of mem to -day upon the fund who had nut served that period. He would tell the enlister that no hall measure would aatidgy °pauion at obis momrut. The Finance Minister might jest as well consent at oocr to tic abolition of the whole ay:tete He had overloaded the n'tnrn which he IMr. McMullen, bad Tilt- ed for o. ant to delay th- ,round reading of hie .Mr. MrMulen'e) bill. Mr. Foster: Order, order. 11 the mn.ister wanted to keep faith with for House. Mr. McMullen e..utiuned, let him hsmtes that return ae, that all the information could be before the iloutse upon the wood reading 01 his bill. Mir Richard Cartwright supported Mr. Laurier', objection to Parlianweut giving to the 0overgnr.in-Cb*mtil the power which the bill ?roomed. The ground of urgency contil not be urged for it. If the Ooveromeot wiabed to make a,tib- O tawtiel telore' they might divide the ser- vice into two shores. For the allow- ance of some provision to certain classes of expert and khrh J• skilled officials ....toothiest might to maid, but ae to the much larger clam win do clerical work. they were better pard than the Mme climate ru any other llovernmeut service. Mr. Foster replied that the priuriplr involved in this bill was already recog- nised in the Act by the Power being given to the Ooveru or-Oenrra-iu-Couacil to in- terpret the application of certeiu etches. Thais wee a3 he would say, but be would be prepared to give Hour definite rea- sons upon Use second reading. Mr. Laurier: I hope so. (Hear, bear.) To Mr. 1kMullen, Mr. Foster remarked that the return was bring prepared with all speed. Mr. Laurier: The trouble i• the Gov- ernment's speed is so very slow. (Laugh- ter.) Mr. Foster : Well, we hays gone on very well for 15 years. Mr. McMullin: Well, we want it before Gm sicced reading of your bill. The nicest Queen's Birthday honors are still an interesting topic. Dr. Lander - kin introduced a bit of divereiou by re- peatirnt him qur•tione of a couple of dap. ago: Whether His Excellency the Governor io Council makes sue recom- mendations to the lwp•rml tiovern- taent with respect to the coaferriug of Imperial honors on Canadians 7 If not, do sorb rreommeudatione emanate from His Excelleocy personally T Mr. Foster replied that Parliament some years ago had anticipated some 'saes tkirst ler hsfurmntiou and bad imp- elled seed member of the Hours with a a.py of the kook, Pa rlia.eatary Gov- en,meat la the Cblonies, at pages 314 ani 315 o/ whish' lairdin's despatch to. the Dake of Newcastle, the Bseretary Ger the Cobnies at Omit time, would glue fall information upon the quastiows asked. He hoped (speaking innially) it would be bawd helpful to the bon. menthe r. Mr. 'Leerier Lord Elgin laid dew. sooty roles which have been dlaeard.d by the Goverstwnt. Mr. Foster: That W not, I believe. bee. departed from. Mr. Milk (Bothwell) are to speak and as dlsumbr is ant allowable wpm the petting el oarstitiaw,Mr. Speaker reuark- sd, adnromltorliy."Orderorder i" Dr. Landertia : The Risottos has rot bees sneered. Mr. Speaker : Th. hos. m.mbw knew that then ga. 1i ae filseuasi* . Tae gesetiew may be esbd, 1.t the never - ..net may mower it or eat se ft Manama. Mr. Davie oohed Ur. moblr Mather mrnbow of this 1/11414,11,Amlightriwo gab thiplossevtary isms • • fel•eelwe la flee imwrlal P. ;' - .t.t.a.aim.aim..*...- YU 1 upper it 11 a ac. euesarat. Mr Speaker rv4 the auth,rlties olio'. the pulut awl rely -1 that the l)t•vetament might a;Mwyr • gt,reti.ni Of reeler •u do au sad there could be w. tiler uaalum. Mr. C\ar:Roe pedaled out Ib. t the Gov- e rauseut had et Abe. ■wu r.vd vie yam - Coo ut.r dew limed to du u, lu Enes ed It wee the practice for the Guve:nuwut to deeew to am*Yr •1w.tioie whit\ 1.., pebble mammas they did pot chows' W make repiee to. Ou the pie-eut cora- skis the question" had ieen treated with contempt. (Order. under' ) Mr fliwaker : The b .u. member limy state ►1. pniut ul order. Mr Char:ton My wait !. *het the °overusteut hies tied answered the ques- tion nor .Isvlined, but evaded it Mr Spiker thou;ht the* *be looser. orb as it was. nowt be accepted. Mr. Laurier • i cour.•iye that you can't put words into the m..nth, 44 the Govern mrUt if they oe, n -,t wnut to *peak. 1 1.11 nobler.) And M. neither the Moor a•.- the el • at.o.iuted aspirant. nrr 10 hr iuf..1'ed where to place the resp.u..baity for the r.ert.t knighthoods Mr Wallace, r••pIr!og to Mr. Casey. said the Government heal mem. to w• de einem with regard to n board 1st rno taws npmpraisers. Mr. Mils mos -ed the ndj••urnm.ent o! the Hi,nee to Kite an; oplortuuitr for the disru.•iou .1 merlon. charge. 11•at h mash' /ganef flee Gossrumrut 1k as sects 1 that it bgil1 0..'n ,milli' of a nett •mpt .4 ther 0.'. "r the Mew in Deg:retina to bring .I... notions wl;it:. had broil ordered. He .aid that more Muni two yearn ago the house had pelmet an ort.-- fora return. t're ..bj.rt of ichith was t.. show the groes hummer, tier o1 t1e reur.u. %4) 5.0 . W O 1b11 po.isrd without the retort's basiuo te et. Aron flit .1o. u. ■ud up to the pre - rot time it had rr t m.,•lr its up pear- ara.•. The (Joven.m it bad been guilt,' La thio twitter of It contempt of art or der .,f the Mow, and it wets b.•tnmirg • question whether the Homs had oily right* that the 0overumeut woe homed to respect. He said that if the Govern 'went was not disposed to bring down information ordered by the Heuer three seeeiow ago he would introduce a mer tion colouring it for neglect of its duty, and piece on the shoulders of its supp.rtrrs the resp nwibiaty of pro- n,uoriug np.n the meaner in which it had vat..trd the right.. of the people. Dr. Montague's explanation was that be had taken steps to implement his pro- mos). that the delayed returns would b.• prepared us speedily as pnraible. The mune as to the comma, he said. were bring prepared with the greatest poa- .ib:.• speed Sir Ititbard Cartwright held that it els no mower to tell the House that after a delay of three semsiom tbe Guv- ermtueut was basteuiuR returtr. It was • disgrace to Parliaruent, he said, that the Guvrrt:ment should be allowed to, dis- regard its orders. The Government should baro that it wail the servaut of the Home. The discussion which fol- lowed was taken part in by Mr. Martin, F. MrtIalJ,•u, Mr,Fraeer, Dr. Macdonald. . Edgar, Mr. Langelier, Mr. Mulork.Mr. noir: and Mr. Leiria. Mr. Daviu took the ground that for Douai should bi- o tin on returns being brought down by the Government. Mr. Laurier said the Government was bound to obey the tinier .f the Home promptly. i1 it did not it waa guilty of a breach ..1 duty and Mr. Mill.,tbnngb be bad taken an extreme course in bring- ing the matter to the attention of the House, had acted witbiu hie right.. N-hett for Speaker had expressed tbe opinion that the lineation was one which might more properly have been brought up on a motion to go auto committer of supply. the subject was dropped. t1:carol %MLAte LOA% • MCTtfaa A Pontes of the 1...e n.beerlbed For 1■ Canada rrr.-a s'aw,sdeas catheters awl Inepereal M.Nre. Montreal, May 31.-Cablea to -day con- i.rm the decpeteb sent last eveuiug re- lative to tbe aures• of the New-fouudland loan, which i* new an accomplished fact. Tour eurreap,ndeut is authorised to state that the total amount has been underwritten, and ronaequenth• Glyn. Mills, Curry & Co. now feel justified in p.aciog the issue on for market. The Mork. r before stated. is for £530.000, bearing iutiereet pit four per cent. for forty years, but the iasue price. accord- ing, to latest table advieee. has not vet .a *o. trxe0. OOm firm. of Morton. twee_ 3 Co. and Coutts & Co- ball' been aa- e ociated with 0:ya, Melo, Curry & Co. to place the Wane, notwithstanding the mble to Th. Star of this evening. It ,s his.. maid that, in spite of rumors to the contrary, a block of L75.000 1*.. been taken in Canada. liatur4av'e Official llartte will ton - twin notice of appiieation, for iecorpora- tiou of the Dominion uinion G.:4 Stonuge Co (limited), capital stock being $300,000 The bead office of the Oouc.•rn will be iu Montreal. These is a good dea: of talk in French Conwrvative eire:cs over an article in Le Conr•rier do Canada, edited by Hon. Thoma. Chapala, Doo -in-law of Sir Hec- tor Langerin. The paper atr.aag:y criticitee the recent Imperial honors. and * aye ex -Premier D•Bourbervi:le had far more claims to a title than fir Henry J,e:y De IA.tbiniere. in feet, conclude. I.• Courrier, the French-Canadian Cntho- :•,c element bee been p,/Wed over this time completely. Some time mime Jam. a N,.rris, ;train ap•em:ator, brought a crania/0 action 5Raim•t the m.mlwre of the let' broker- age firm of Meredith a O'Brien. charging them with obtaining 310,100 ander b.:sr preteuos.. Judge Dr.n.yerw held to -,lay that the charge was not justified, and •dismissed the rase. Ilata„ck•. Post. composed of Canadians wtu, served in the Northern army during tbe war of encesa.on, drum t, M..uut Royal to -day, •al decorated the graves ..f severs! 01 their Tate comrades. H. C. St. Piers, V.G., who wee once an .1m - uritis seedier, delivered .0 uddres. Caeca est Om she t' P R. aeasesn•.t. London, May IM. -The Weatmineter Clasen*, In an article commenting on Canadian Pattie statement, expresses doubt that such a reduction In the out- lay as IrMlcated can be made without trading upon the capital account to wane extent Wales Memos see reasieM/m.Mp London. May 30.-7ie Prime of Wales has s•rittrn aeeepting for nomineti.n, nl (lamellae of the Newly formed Welsh Gnivreity. He drys that it M is elect- ed be will foster the Important work to obs utmost. Mee Malmo M MMae Loudest, May M. -The Pall Man (cas- ette oars tt ban reason to believe that the Maxim and Armstrong ordunaee companies win shortly be merged foto oat cumbers. mttlstde se em armors wore New reset, May 510. -)delude M Grim, 47 years ell wfas C. de Grim. we the ll-1Nawig d re w artist, eommittef .ol- die this of at her Mo.. Among her ballot hMtMil eras deg that erten- them wen watehdg the haw sad mak- imam aE all iter _twnuMtaag -ll DELICIOUS MAZAWATTU TEAS, 15,000,000 Packets InaI h Gnat Antall The Tea of the Old Country, II 1 LB. IID 4 LB. MD PICIBTS IT 40, 50, IID 60 CUTS PER Lae SI )1.1) I;t- C. A. NAIRN, H. B, SNELL. and STURDY BROS. menemy the Meat Polley. A couple of pick -pockets had 'pinched' a has gold watch Num a vlcti•n, who offered a reward of $100 for it. recocery and no gaestiou. asked. The notice tell under the *yes of one of the gentry before the watch bad been disposed of rod he took it to hi* •1 say. Kell,' he said ; ' here's • chance for us to get • hundred doII•n for the ticker.' 'It's worth four hundred,' replied Bill. ''i es, but you see we get ibis hundred end the ,pue.tioas asked.' And we lose ■11 the bil•ace •' suggested the tbnftt Perh..t., ha'. we ret the hundred .ttairht.' Awl Chem sin• -vl-.t we want Bell's pal rnc'u..t h.. chin and contemplat- ed hu pat taer .enouely. ' Von re . good deal worse than i am, Bill.' he eai.1 in a tone of borrow. ' 1 mess cot,' pretested Bill. ' It's • st*sd-iba h.-tw.... us • Not mech.' n s. -laded the pal : ' I'm willing to he h...w.• ire. I set the chance, bet yew 11415.1:' Wei. Stewart, ette ie a great plum grow• or, reports alter .l1 bi- seam, frntt w.e des- troyed ee-troyel by eke freer. • ill, that Wsshingtoa's tied other late kiu.te show • few living Ar*bibaid Mcl`•wnn., of Orangeville, is vieet.g his brother, Neil. no tt'eet et, sed will .Lend two week* i• Huroi'. Gouty Mora. BLEEDING SICK PEOPLE TO REMOVE DISEASE USED TO NC COMMON MOW T18 015FtRZNT. Poor, weak and 11 watery blood L tented fete rich. vllr lining and times building. The new dl.- ao••ry."THE KIND THAT CURES." makes the changes THE BIG FOUR I1NgUMAT1s�SCIATICA i)1CQorUI.A1s 11/11.N14M Yens motielaee Mil Midi ammo -1t takes the IMsgt dlsoevsry . fiedlegl seism. asset's flamsgaeina- en meth stebbs.s man. hews Mere ether meanie tell bemire of he dliir- saga- t7entairis new Meal peel4t.g.saheb Modern! Feathsrbone Corsets must not be conibunded with those which were made five or six years ago. The Featherbone Corset of to -day is as fkr removed from the old style, as black is from white. B"Y A PAIR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. SPRING MILLINERY! � .. a .rc+RON wishes to announce to her customers and the ladies of (:oderich and sur- rounding country that she has placed in stock all the new, leading fasitionr, both in Shapes and Trimmings, that have been designed for this tiesson's trade ; and also that the present well -asserted stock sill be renewed from week to week throughout the Season. Having adopted the strictly Cash system, both in buying and selling, she is prepared to quote the lowest possible prices; first-class Millinery can be sold for, and can quote Hata from '30 cta. up. There will be no special opening [lays, but every day will be an opening for all who wish tasty and artistic Millinery male up in the hest manner. Thanking my many patrons for past favors, I solicit a continuance of mime. Call and inape.t my stock. M188 CAMERON. AN HUMBLED OFFICIAL. A wire 1111 laws,s as o/erly Lady sad a emveransese Clerk. ' Hays you any muci� in there'' imbed • shaap-featured, elderly lady .t the stamp seller's window, at the poet -office. ' No'' snapped the urbane clerk, imide. ' How will 1 make this envelope 1 just bought of you stick then " demanded she with the asperity of • woman who feels she has got the worst end of a small bargain_ • Lick the flap ; there's mucilage on it, said the clerk, laconically. ' No, there •ia't ! Not • mite'' ' Thu you mutt have licked it oft. Some of you people seem to expect to get your diapers off the Government.' 'Oh, we do, do we " cried the irate spin Mar. ' Let me tell you I ain't reduced to making my meals off your nasty old mood - are. 1 had • Metter dinner today, before I cam• down town, than you ever sew w ycu• life you pale-tsosd, dried-up whipper- snapper' You're • new one to talk about dinner' You look ea if you had liver and striae bene at • Ian -week bo•rdiwg house '' 'All right, madam ; move on,' said the clerk, who by this time had begun to realize that he had caught • tartar. 'Wait till I've told you what 1 had for *outlines', tint. Lett es.. W. had tomato soap and baked bluefish --J Never mind what you had for dinner t move ea -you're blocking the window. im- plored the clerk. 'Don't be impatient, sonny. Theo we had broiled spring chicken that would melt in your mouth, and green peas -- 'There's • dozed people behind you; move on '' And pickled beets and diced toma- toes - ' Will you move on I' 'When 1 get good and ready. Ism going to tell you what a good dimer ls,so.. you'll kion one if you ever .sees it : which i.a'1 likely.' '(;o away ' 1 haven't time to hear yea D OW.' •Yes, you have. The people is paying for Your time. I guess, and I'm one of them. Don't you ever forget that the folks that come to this window is the folks you're working fur.' 'No ; 1 won't, if you will only go away.' promised the clerk, feebly. All right. Then 111 lot von off from the dessert, though the blackberry shortcake /•11 /1x'5111 / / ions; Isl. mien 'ed 0010. .Rife PYNY - PECTORAL Wisp quirk rend. Cur.. 011 4.•ss.tion of the brooekiaS tubes, throat er cheat Ne u• - certainty RMI•'..., meths. bade promptly. A large Pottle torn Ceuta NIS 1 MERE CI.: U!. r%ors.svoea • MONTREAL. 35$d$8 PllIES35 1st prize. 525 ; 2nd, 515 . 3rd, 510 : 4th, 55 . 5th, 52 . 10 prizes of 81 each : 20 prizes of 60c, each. The Propneton of ��Salada "Cclloo , would have made your eyes stick out, a.d the crown we had with it wad that thick It would bear up • spoon. Kut 1 want you te remember doe more thing.' 'Whet i• It `' 'That envelope you sold me wouldn't stick. That's bad *sough. but there'd use thing worm- that's • postage sump that gets stuck on itself. A stump like that ain't DO earthly good to anybody, .ad neither u a young m.o whoa he gets the mine way. That's all. (.00d by!' - _- 1 OODERIOH STEAK BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, Bw.eeaseeto CAryseal d• )flank, manufacturer of W loads of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc., Amid Dealer In - Fatima, Machinery Coatings, tc., Pipes and Pip. Fitting., .l1 grass 1 iood., Valves, Bruges, Etc. A11 Co.g4aatly oto Hud at Lowest l'rio.m The ton.w -bawd Boilers and //sch- ism., fee Oce 45 H. P. Boiler sad Engine. " 40 " Slide Valve Engine. •' 35 '• Tubular Boiler, complete. .. !4 u • " 6 " Fire -hex Boiler end t;ngine,oa wheels. Repalrtum peampuy •treaded to. A. S. 08YTBTLL. 17a! l y P. 0. Hos A. Ooderle\, Omit. Works-t4modte O. T. 11 Mattes. Aedorle.. NEW BAKF�RY --IN- G ODERICH- n JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery end Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton -set. in Barrie's old staid, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pastry of beet stake.. Large Loaves at 10 cta., and small Loaves at rice No combination ; no extortion ; hut everything to suit tete times and the pockets of the people. if you want Good Breath and Cheap Bread leave your orders at the New Bakery, on Hamilton - Street. Wedding Cokes a Specialty. Bread delivered to all porta of the town. JOHN A. GREEN. TENTS 1 CAVEATS. TgaOE minas ASO COPI*N NTS Sas[4.10.4, and ail business In t►. V. S. Patent attended to at MOURItI TR PRB. Elsie I• to the U. 5. Patent Of - gee, we- aha obtain Patents 1. lees Ute b.. -.mot • from W I SHl \-O TON. seed MOURL OR URI WINO, Ws •d- rfw rs to patentabilityfres or rba,we and we make NO CHIROR t7NLi8N Wit OR. IA IN PITRNT. We refr here, to the Postmaster, the he ar le-as.g Order pr,. and to olaotals or the U. O. Pate.[ Ores. Fr etronler, ..1.. WIND Sad releresess to meow el/ente 1s 70111 airs State sr County - writs me C • MOW ACO.. ^.post$. Pease' OOo,Wablartea. D ( 7.ir 1/ai*i Attadla.M offer to school Aileron the •bowe I prize., oompetitios open well 1st i Dbrt11t.�wr ens of May. for the best poem or USI* • OS- PATENTS ng a1 ATENTS pm 1, NTS, awe. to rhyme, the initial letter of the M's es "r •••• . i 'ww7ia - ipw..eM take• raw rte kr•n•sbe mitten media( downwards to cow- Vasa•* 5Mr • rrrw♦etvoe tree of gesse r law pens MN w.rIh-_ i $cicutific Amrncn words - Saida ClooTms1e-.2 M �i """1""1. R' t . lteweMYi "ti.. -aver taring. 1 M Pa. movyts Pie a row SS I .- 111111ARSN, MITES L a-. TI MITI rwOLasau AGENTS Thepewmi Mb.tasfOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS :::eegnit del the tt�!�iii Miall enheta'�t�.patrlew DUNN'S H Saida tt Ceylon Tea. BAKINC POWDER STURDY/ BBiOB., THECOOK$ BEST FRIED LA14S ? is CANAM. ...�.... �s .rats .shed eaMe...s a.. ttalnam .be messes. Mdmadb. lul *Li SY JAY. mums, 6•16.111). art • -. - Oaaewess.