HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-6, Page 2Vise THE SIGNAL : GODIRION, ONT.. THWUSD.t Y JUNE 1 1896. r.,a Z. 14014aiesa. Almost Passes Belief Mr. Jae. S. Nicholson, Rtorenc.vIU., N. D . Struggles for Sevin Long Years with CANCER ON THE L!P, SND IS COMM IIT AYERS peri: Nr. Nicholson says. "1 consulted doe- tnri who prey. ritoed I.,r m• , bit so m purpose; the cancer began to Eat into the Flesh, spread to my chin, aM 1 suffered In ttmony for ..•.en Ion years Ylmatty, t 1 began taking A et'. np• .rt0a. 1s. a week or two 1 bou.,od a Decided Improvement. RNv,urxced by this resuh. 1 perse- vered. until In a month int no the sore mike my chin I'eg.ua i.. heal, lin three renes my hp h..g.an t.p bra). alai, alter using the !t,arsaparilla for sox mouths, the tbut tract. W the cancer disappeared.' Ayer'$ O. Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Falr. `r&ICI' PILLS Nevem. ran Mseekk CRISP AND CASUAL. Ruth t',erelaud r the young ,1 bicyclist of her sex. The N•outhern Y.cifio is experimenting with oil fuel for toc-omotivee. The Slicing -so Senate has passed a bill iglus the •,;e ,d commit at 16. A suoeesstul experiment in telegrapher pIAures was ware at Nan F-raa.:tsco. I:ov. McKinley declares he will leave the Republican party it a pr000uucee for free silver. The Denver Times suggests holding • mining and induatriat exposition ID Denver in 189(1. Mies LLrie Buckwalter, of Lebanon, t t. u defendant in slander suite aggregating 8114,000. Two B rtoe womaD arrested for shop-h(t• tag had their plunder .tutted to their balloon sleeve.. The (:reek* have two paces of worship in New York city. where the service trammed or in the (:rook tongue. lirooklyn's claim to be called the City of Churches has primed away. and the honor is now given to Philadelphia, The Court of Appeal at New York has de- cided that • tax must be p.,d no mooey in- vested to the state by nun -resident.. A statue of Beak }'opkwns, who was the first admiral of the revolatio.•ry navy, will be erected at Providence, It 1. A new silver party has been org.need s Alhema favoring toe free arid unlimited coinage of silver et* ratio of lei to 1. Readmit. of Arirooa f..r an uprising of the Iodises if the troops are removed from the !Gan Caries agency. Committee on books and hooking of the Miaow House favorably reported the hill abolishing the days of grace "lmjun" .Joe, once a prominent chief of the Ottawa Indian tribe, died at (:rand Haven, Shch., on Monday night. He was 75 years old. Is future passengers will not be allowed to load at American porta after sunset. Caw Spreckels recently drew • clique on the Nevada Brink in San Francisco for 81,500,000. A butcher in Belfast, Me., is Waning • bog to harem, driving him behind a sled. He has els., two tame skunks, who act as tramp discouragers. Aline Virginia Lowery, of Washington, has beoome engaged to marry the Doke d'Aroos, the recently appointed Spanish Mmuter to Mexico. The hugest woodenware work. in the world .re located in Rev City, Meoh. The present output every ten hour* u 1,800 tube sod 8,500 pule. Health and happiness are relative condi- tion. ; at any rate, there can be little happ• nem without health. To give the body as full memoirs of strength and merge, the blood should be kept puri and vigorous, by the use of Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. RAM'S HORN BLASTS - Nothing but God's ave in the heart can rake a melt feel rieh whon he gives away his money When you ro to ohuroh to help the Lord, don't ,hake hands with anybody with two fingers. Lay prayers in public often mea. short ones in private. As lose a ws are opening the door for a doubt it won't do any good to pray foe peace. It is a serious thing to rill, bat • more maw as to live aid .et Uv. right. The trees we pick out for ourselves gener- ally Melte .ice, bet it is always heavy. 1 be hypocrite dose the devil's work tad comet. trod to pay him for it. 11 we hese sem. faith, it r • man proph- ecy that we tear have men. He who 'path emeriti fee hoe friend te a man who w111 leant much quickly. Whets we piss for en,B.tves and lease out 1 hri.t, seae an sure to meet with tailors*. The eel fear ate •. Gro. Mother I should eartaialy woowrefs his .*tutee... Hs hes suss- him the rise of true gentility. Dlaegheer I )h, r-4.., did yea ass it' Mew eosylhe nay M eared is . Nes boot er as yy pass a • far days, ti the ime of Awe'. Merry Mesterei. With mash • prangs end mire weedy as this me Mod, then ism send et moleaging {M year lee w.0 mmlia iris; Mela mem bona ,elMr/� J INTO TILE BORDER LAND. /tam The Chalets hew ie. Tea LAT! pati&!. microimages. tilt d.ttud•y adenoses led death hsez- ptesedly endof b. haed oho sseene l ea alaiw. Ihtiis that lls.pbwsir, et Ftaeal, • geatlemaa welt known all ewer Waiter. ()starts, Although sM leett.g wed ler • weak prier so his Meath he woe erected as weal ay to within • kw horn of ba death, which was due to Mart Mikan. Ha was is ►r 79th year, being bees is Ilelesdam `ltttherlandshir., Scotland, Feb. let, 1817. He came loth his father sad mother te Cume ads is 1870, whet three soon a ys. and Bret settled us lhtawtok towpatp, the fom- ily afterwards remotes th Somthw'eld avow - ship, RUcpi• comity. Whoa,* yoga* was, he was e.g god ter sane yaks in operator threshing monitoryy--M and the lase Has. Arch. McKellar berth tesosg the ant to In - deduce u the southern aunties Improved noaks:ery of this caws. is the year 1848 be, with N'm. Ulasgow sad M.ttky,. Honey, whose sav anna°, be formed is Lockport, N. Y., started the Ftap1 Agri- cultural Works, sad wend 1a the ma.s- motors of egrtuultural unpl.*uste, esgiw, ear and grist mill maohi.ecy, oto. After matey dttles years of acmes - hit business, they started a broach establishment in (Toth., baring for s few years as partner with them Thom Franked, a skilltit eaginser, who will be remembered by nearly here, end who noertly Woman so widely haute* se the projector of the Nm gar. Tunnel schwae lot electric/al power supply, Dow about being utilized. Both factories ere .till actively tarried o., and are Mediae setabltsbmeote in char 1,se11 of manufactures. 1 he original pert..nbip ooetmued maul dissolved by the death of Wm. t:la.gow, in 1882. when the Fugal business was purch•eed by the deceased sed two sons, the remaining 'earner, Mr. Hovey retiring from baryes* and .ow is mime in St. 1'humes, The Clinton hoai.eea was then purchased by hit ea and Messrs. Ferran and Hovey, and after being suooess- fully oosducted by them for some time, Mr. Ferran withdrew, and the Mama 5* Don tweed by the otter two, under the style of the M.cpber*on & Hovey Co. In addition W msnutacturing, Mr. Maopbeewee's food nem for farming pursuit., which adhered to him through life, led to hue always being actively engaged in this line. He was a mw of the highest integrity of character, could not tolerate or sedum) wrong of any kind, and always lived up to the golden rule of doing to others eft he would have them do to him Some years ADO he showed his principles by pretesting all hie employes with • handsome copy . f the Scriptures. He was of a geoerous dis- position, strongly attached to his friends, and a friendship once formed was aver broken. He was widely known chrourhou. Oatario, and esteemed for hie h000ntle dealings with all who bad bootee relatioee with bum. Although of Cror.rvatire ante- oedemt., be was from bit fiat participation ta poht'ce a .launch Liberal He engaged actively in the early poliutal oosteeta ta the Southern counties, and was an intimate (timid and on -worker of the 1•t. Hon.. Alexander M tckeniie, George Brown tad Arch. MoKeller, in macy herd -fought poli- test battles, in which they participated is those counties. He was • member of the Presbyterian church, Fingal, for many years. Hie wife predeceased him In 1889. Seven some and one daughter I Mn. W J. Coats, of ('Itaton) survive him. Two of his eons are well -knows residents of ('limos. The funeral took place from his ate resi- dence to the Fingal cemetery, on Tuesday, the 2rlth inst. tl Kms. .KED I,*.,\, Saturday morning the people of town were shocked to hear test the wife of Fred. T •leckeon (eldest son of .lohn Jackson) for• merly of Clinton, had died suddenly at Omaha. No ,intimation had beim received of her previous illness and it seemed impo.- able to believe, but it was only too true. Mr. Jackson a000mpaniea the remains to Clinton, arriving hen on Monday, the Knight. of Pythias, of which he is • mem ber ; sending • beautiful floral pillow. The remains were taken to the resident* of her brother-in-law, W. Doherty, Esti., where a gnat many of Mr.yand Mrs. Jackson's for- mer (Hods called to see her as she lay, beautiful even in death. She win the youngest daughter of 1' 1)epew, of Wards. villa, but had resided io Chilton for a con. .ider•ble time before her .marriage, some six years ago, and had formed a wide and listing friendship. She wag for a time organist 113 Rattenbury ',.rest Methodist church, and ubwwlly proficient in her mums*! stteinmrmta. The funeral, on Tues- day, was very largely attended, the choir of which elle had been • vetoed member, taking pan in theservices at the house and also at the grave She leaves • 3 year-old Mild, end it is needless to say that the deep symoathv of this community roes out to Mr. Jackson in his irreparable lues. Mr. Jackson returns to Omaha is • few days. day, ahoy Bob had few gem for ttw.tke, kis weds was M the ped .(iso Mead • letter ..d . et►wo,♦aper there bet. t)hs k..w they mess be tram B.kr she maned for her hood '..et. Dov N V.. Fame read the Maar for her. the way she thought tag might as weed tk...wapeprr ami see i1 these were ratans* it ..d .8. did .o, .rd plumy el pictures, she Md torted the pretty well t..lde out by the time she to Ma. Iatrrli.'s. Mr. Devlin letter ad reed It aloud to Mra Bob, amity oamm to whet Boo wrote that toad .wtemed ta the papaw he mailed she letter • .amber of rough He mid .My didn't saoont th ettek, miebt dress up frees 875 to 8900 Fonio Devlin weed afterward. that Mated up at Mre. Bob whin .he read ted Mn• Bob's twee was whiter tinta ghost'., but .h. enraged to out : 'Lord, Fa. ' Them diai�i was heedful o' gravel that tumbled out o' paper ober I °paned tt over by omen. Thee Sin. lob Duetted off her okeir • dead taint, and it took Airs. Daubs minutes to fetch hit to. lirsaer'e w.. • low aid sort of gravelly sparse %wow the adman and a httl. home Um Bruiser lived. As soot ea Fan got 111 Bob in Mope 1h. two .carted to the des guiok for Browst'm, bmltev,ag that they tied the dtasaeals say enough, as would look so Enoch bk. gray.! th.1. no woad he likely w peck them up It ia than probable that they womtd have rime mad the diamonds Bob's wite bad th..gk were gravel tort. had rot tato the paper some way in tr•o.tt, tl it hadn't b... Coo Beater kept Asthma. There was Rood deal et avow on the ground, but C kept his opening clear no his ob►ckene ret .t the gravest. When Mn. Bob 0.d F Devlin Rot to Breeer'e they ootioed Coe clucks.e picking to the op..ing, stat didn't thick aayth,ng of that u the ti They were too much intent to Boding t lost. diamonde They looked mid' look but sot • sign of any kind of gravel they Bed except the familiar neuv. k By std by poor Sire. Bob had an idea,aad made her scream right out, 'lib, Fa.,' the cried, 'them .Mahone eat 'mm.' ' That struck Fan a. being • Menai thing. The °hiok.sa h.d tuedoubted puked up and swallowed 18. roue dummied. ied. atomm with their C013313100 SOK day gravel. Mn. Bob and Fan hunted u Con linter on the jump. , Coo,' said Fan, ' Mn. laoobs lost mom diamonds o your °ppeenntode, and /our chic uu must hare *wallowed '.m. We'd like get 'em. • Tb•t .o'' said Cos. 'Which chicken you suspect '' ' Now, there were forty chiokew w t flock, and this was a poesy. There was way of telling which chicken or cbiok had .wiped the diamonds, and ('on said didn't think he bolt hike wringlDg the oath of the forty to see which ase had lunch on the rich food. ' That ts,' lot he, ' not for less than $ per chock. Them fowls u worth 11 e.oh he said. ' Neither Fan nor Mn. Bob had 840 hall of it, and it was n.e.ssary to have the chicken.. Coo said he wouldn't trust wed he wouldn't even give up the thick tam rpecuation, although Mrs. Bob .std meld take his pick of the diainc.de if the were found In the chickens. So Mrs. Bo termed sadly away, feeling that through Ignorance one had probably lost • fortune 'As she and Mrs- Devlin stepped oh sidewalk they met • man almost tams face. H. enol ped. looked at biro Bob .snood, and tau exclaimed • Ruby Totteo, by thunder.' "Why, Tow Lavine " said Mrs. Bob 'This ain't you ' 'That's what it is,' said Tom, tor it w ' You must know that Torn was in lav with Ruby Totten over at Skillings', an wanted to marry her, but .he liked to Jacobs beet for some reason, and took Rob Tran went away, and this tree the first b had seen Ruby since Well, of coons .h d hardly met Tom there at Bearer's be ore she told him 58.. wools .tory .bone the *•monde. ID 1w. than five minutes Tom ad bought that Hock of chick•.. and rung every one of their necks. Thee he ad 'am carted to Fan Devlin., and the roe of them went to prospecting in their rope. And they found fifteen rough d,e- ond., probably all that Bob had sent. Al- kire. Bob got oyer ber first outbursts of y, she picked oat the biggest di.mood in he lot. 'Them, Tom Levine '' .he said, 'I'm gois' ten make you • pretest U. that'' 'Tom kicked against it, sad swore he ould.'t have it, but it was so use. Mrs. b d.cared that if he didn't take it, she'd v.r speak to him again, and that settled Mrs, Bob dammed of the rest of the samosas for 81,500, and felt rich. Tem t hi. to Frisco and had it out, and when history became known the levies die - mood increased • hundred per oast in value. ore ma offered 11500 for it, but he would DO ha.e sold it for $5,000. 'Weil, Stn. Bob never got another letter rots Itch, bat six months afterwards she got from a shipmate of bit. Hob had over- estimated his capaaty in • row with some more, and, will, the writer of the latter he bad sea that Bob had as d.oeat • burial se they could give him is Item local- ity. The widow grieved quits • httI. for Rob, hot before the year was out the mar- ried 'row Lavine. Tort's been dead, poor t.Uow, them ere years, sad WY t• the Knot Levies die/need.' 'How did roe sot it, Cap'' `Toes lett is to his widow,' 'Will •' '1 twrried the widow.' WWWs the sem. All Over How natural is it for • tsar to imagine that the weather has • grades amain hi. Mathes. —Milwaukee Jeanie/ ie., ir. Meese. Shama --Tae w tJ .w thing mere terrible thin electr.tasita, Barge-- What'. that Bibbed--Kleost;... sevens .d ter w 8*ti (1s Wes 4i+ s P!w get the and he with di.mrtfa. hit the task • the the Brsistrlt is les wars re. Me - amid they sae mos v` that • ea meld as • they sum. he .d, soda hed. it has bis ly h r• p • k - to do h. ae eat be a ed nor all awe he y b her the to • Y a b e e THE DIAMOND BOB SENT. 111 N Mumma a I• ter merk8., If Slee ha the f[ara. 'See that dimmed sated Captain Joe Abel, of ('araoa. The gasoline was ow memory. No one could stead within eight of Captain Jos and sot see the diamond. ' That's the famous Lavine diassisd,' am - duped the captain 'Famous oojj in the Rookies anyway. I don't know whither it was ever seised around kora in the East much or trot It might to 've been U it waw't. Talk about histories ' That di•- eaosd's got w•, 1 should my ! Wouldn't ve had, though, if Tom ( ovine hadn't turn- ed up heady. That dimmed wouldn't bare booa say better off than these gem of purest ray serene t9.t the Clark, udathom- .d caw of ease ors triaged to bear, if Tess Lariat bad sot oppergsely appeared oa dank. That's why it is the Levis* diamond. ' It Geri at all likely that yea ever heard of Bob .hooks, for be oast out iamb of • noun in society moo, the Rookisft i be- lieve he did get the drop ea a obey .nom at Skinny' and a marshal that worst wt ea MS Inking fes Bob saver oasts Mak, and some maid diet U Bob didn't Meow math et yything .Me bo knew why that marebel stayed away Bat that weer all the claim Bob had to ooetlder.tiee out then, and *kee he polled up and wait 'any on moves the 00..s to MOULD Atria. to try his leek in the dimmed disiewo a, nobody missed him mach oaths it might have hom his wife. Rob left hie wife .t ('arson, and . Bios little wearier aloe wee, tee. Pretty as a posture, and geed ea geld ; and M yet. Sia thos.4t a lot of Bob, for he always tressed herg.ed, beeaw he thought • let at her : otherwise there wasteful have been am lmva• dh. sited, New it se haypesed the* Mrs. Bob', early ed.0atien had both eeoetryd berried, se the was arm Y a Mang amp trod W to boon from the elm the told walk. Mee bad minaret M be .bis la pith ty aaeli lamina 5. M Mile M real print elitt IMO Mr, ea pie - tom bet the grdtilfrr Mil a weed et teeAflr 111111 Inn 1 DAs em res. Oast M t d h h th 0 tar jo w Ho ne it sea it. 0 one mi said air aeew an Akow M. Joao— 1 hear that yea have • goal mgr .t your lodgings. Ib yea know how tater shape it M.' 4k. Doty about three a day, •ed those are set ler Dem Rama (Globe. herr f'wlleira t, Bibb Who was the ewe who gave the quarter at the betel this mestmg' (MAO A. old literary Irked of mina author of 'How to dee Risk i. the South.' New York World. {s flow Jess Was (1alai., MI et 170 Esther .t., Te% : For 15 years 4 snared u fee'- from - Un- itas• •'..t .DmNgau send pa worms. Mao, .ad sly wens tees I had to ay .d the read from this trouble. 1 tried eight other pile annualises •ad sweated remedies web so perassesat relief to the imams itebieg ma Niel**, IAMB, irri- tated by ser s*Biag, would based and d- seena ()ao•h.lf • bet el Ohm?* OiN. ssessi .eft se...weWit AmanitaAu P" SIMP gam1' " 1$ TMt 1T BAS SO/AP seer nam WO aret ow bine seg huh I toad "ediaellIar r e�sy� ble ..ivy teen lira s am ems u'e..taidta.se 71st Misssam.Oisildeo. tab teaBig Oahe D. CANTELON, West street BAKER, STILL LEADS TU TRADE. His bread is made from pure Manitoba tiour—trade from the cream of the Manitoba wheat—and therefore is the best In the world. This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the same any made from inferior dour at the price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered to any part of theitown. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. E3'Wedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. CANTELON. r Jol i 5 sot 11ie Teumativil arld e5eularr Pareecte:11 Rot IN 0ay mtriot me� one. ticured lute mage _err • bag um 1 suffered with RhsemNltm4 she mask .o severely teas 1 could net even at lerI Mw wfh deiced • G e L headed tria it and was seen rang about s.1 S. C. Wynn, Beset'. Coram, Trice new Patronise True Competition. Torg • Catraotah Paatrtc 1taiLWAT Oo s Tst.a.sar! has bur established to era the �l with tale tad per It is mas.Aed a kaeisess principles and la the nearest et its patrons. It deserves the at every perste who btu verps tempest lea Por "WW1 desghseu w 44.11 C Iles& ereemetl.s with all Ifses .M e•btee la Walesa aft..., Canada and Lurepo, Meet through wires to all points is the Nwttbw.RHtitIsh Columbia and Rano Com Moe --loath BWe•'yl'eetrt, R. RAI fumy, Bet tf Loral Mesta..:0ode eh i ♦�7 '" t - vRli- Cc W.5'TIPATION, -s13f LIOUSFIESS, IYSPFPSIA.' 1C1f. t1" ADACHE. Mr�tE: i'k*ITETLIVER. ort 'O...L c 1'1Ln r :TIM• l( is'lirE9 1I0o0 Df.f1rr. N- ! itc.it!'STvciiADLJl.lfJlcwy IF YOU WANT A SPRING SUIT or an OVERCOAT • ow t. of First-class Make, Good Material and Latest Style, —CALL UPON— HUGH DUNLOP, Seat M Moak M laoMeesl, Ciesrso, DON'T DESPAIR ?ILL CURE YOU ttv rim. —ft'e>4, Garr+ • 1 ifoL yaw BMeNwter�ibeens by ea De le A. SMITHS ons xtertl.M CARPETS AND SPRING G00081 We have the largest and beet as- sorted stock of Carpets eve• seen in (lederich. Brussels, fro: to the beet makers ; Tapestries, iu great variety, from $5c. up ; Bordering" to match our best pat terns, which look as good as Brussels --latest designs and colorings. A big stock of All Wools, direct from time Mills. (.'cions, from 25e. up, the greatest value ever seen in this county , Rumps, from 1Oc. up ; Art Squares, in all wool and 00400, assort- ed patterns and colorings and sizes. Lace C urtain a, cheaper and better than ever; over 400 seta t) choose frum. Lace Curtains are one of our greet apeciatties : Chinelle Curtains, French Art Curtains, Art Sateen*, Art Muslin* and Curtain Neta, Ax Minster Rugs, Turkish Rugs, Morin. Rugs, Dachestan Rugs, Beam Hugs, Velvet Rugs, Daor Mats, Velvet Mats, Wool Mats. Our hot.efun. Shing department upstt,irs is very complete. Our Car- pet Sewing Machine is a great suc- cess. We can have a carpet ready to lay on your floor two hours after you leave the order. our spring Stook ie now com- plete, toad consists of a peat variety is all tie new things for the ,woofs, Drips Gouda, in the new Plebeian for Spring Trimmings to suit the latest designs. As usual, we lead in Prints. Our .tock is simply lovely in both cloth and design ; patterns the latest. A complete assortment et Ducks, to both light and dark colorings. Critic - les, in the new colorings for the Spring. Pure Scotch Gin/hams, plait, mut! striped Ch.subr ys, Maniples Vesting, Piques Sateen. and Challis*. We want to draw special attention to our Ready Made Spring Capes and Mantle and Gape Cloths, both is Black and Colored Goods, all new felt this Spring trade. We have a few piece. of Dress Goods that are solling et .bout half price --decided bargains, good .11 - wool goods and good colors. Our Ribbon Stock is large and well assorted, as is also our Small Ware Department. Gloves and Stockings particularly good. COLBORNE BP.O8., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Lawn Mowers LATEST IMPROVEMENT; AT L'.. WEST PRICES. Every Machine warranted to give satisfaction. A Full Line of Builders' and General Hardware always on hand at prices to suit the times. 1.1.11 DAVISON & CO. MUNROSA__ Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to which additions will be matte as the Season soli ante.. Goods are ill marked at the Lowest Living Profit and selected with more than usual care. Customers may rest assured that everything will be up -to -tate, anal all Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularizing particular,,. Special attention given to small wares. Inspection kindly solicited. Prompt delivery of purcho•e• to soy part of the town 1(184 A. MUNRO Braver and Haberdasher. IDo You -Xr x .t ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINEP R. W. McgENZIE con supply you with a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fnil to gine nor a call. R. W. MCEENZIE, The Crabb Block, Goderich. PRETTY RINGS Are a source of great pleasure to the wearers if they are indeed beautiful IsOPP—OURS ARE BOTH PRETTY AND BEAUTIFUL. Inspection solicited. C.. HUMBE & SON JWWKLRY EMPOBIUIL SPRING IMPORTATIONS We have received the greater part of our Spring Nock of Boot/ and Rhos, e.mppnnaang the PSne.t shad MOM Stylish Footwear that the market af- fords. In Chia', Mina' std aldreo'* Blank and Tan Oxford Tien we are showing exceptionally good value. in Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have a tete line which are very popular just sow. Ladies', Mimes' and Oink' Ives's Bottom Boots in endless variety, at prices to mit the times. In Goth' wear we have all the leading styles in Nerds, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys' and Youths' School Sheen at prime that flay esespetifdoe. Oall and see oar Lediss' White and Tan Canvas Oxford. Wm. SHARMAN, Jr., Corner Reetrat and eke e& fleommeor to L D mieneg. Pit —The balance of our Winter Skei. will be sold regardless e[ emit he clear eat 8 bs Thr "The aigasr---$ 1 rill*