HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-6-6, Page 1IN ITY. )r the well-known :erns 1 Items t,wothly. month c. per Copy), NE, (5c. each). tr and how to make Itis. PRINTS. DUCKS, TES, LACES, MS, Art', JRSET. Try them 1 SKIRTS, PRINT coodh 1 STORE. 1REE1. IN DAY! the East, where he )dS, gs, &c., >Ie Hats, Laces, tc., etc. Re1ar 1 CO., O'Dea's Old Stand � ^t FOR • /14'‘ ou wit f. re. J ' aur ( 11 car 1►liinot. or OAamoa l ' •-atrn 4 by 1 Cicycle Co. to untfo,d, One. ' RE/7 363 sr. PAUL *T. MONTR8*a, /Or' elAT•LOOtl■ )MSON, - - - Agent. OD H. ONT. WOUGHBREi) STALLION ZADdOR " sr sable. Hsroilt sante 4W4.S [OIIAS GUIDRY. WI veil ell OM el the vessel .ns.pd se leer bair is the ins bow for • man's watak award u • ninny, lief it..keened is • FAIL SPREADING. do In Oimare- l les le lad / reel. �ttsha May 1l -The Aka of the M d Wham whish swesLe= d the D.usi.ime in Me is in the i.aermieg & S e ' salsa. Thee booboos ;MID e kisb"y ready new se well r the nein ef 's Sisson Wear le Me t@ the remedy W Mesa tldhF ' saype..tead baa,. the rtMr► • preMe,e ani Nath West resevery from i N, ef of whish a eami,ma\b 1 Tbe FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -252o lona. T21:I3 I B..A DZNC• 1sTEIVTISPAP3rR OF HURON COOVNTY_ GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, JUNE Gr 1895. D. McGILL1CUDDY, EDITOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - JUNE d Strayed -IL Yang.. ... .... House for flab -D. J. Wbverd. Liguasoat-R A. M.'- Hendook Bark Ws.ssd-W. F. & A Smith Ron Bae --J•& Wib... 6 6 6 6 6 Spatial Protases HrULOI'E BARK WANTED Bay ATT meat each erne W. F. It A..11111711. Ow it L .IIM1TH- i IRALINU.-(TATTLE AND HORSES J rsesi.M tsr p it#wUs ea w Mee Sow. Fey parts ONi1 t• 1 SET YOUNG. iii���tttttttttTt! �]WINDMILL 101 HALK.--APPLY TO V S. HEATON. Godwrioh. or R. I OUNO. Rtdaewood Perm. 11•tt BARGAINS ! BARGAINS . EVERY We nn and Seitard•y. Cs•h ter .0 puede dltneed Res et charge -. H. J. HOR1'OM'.Itroseel More. Hainan. 17 tt WHITE LiME. - PARTIES BUILD - in Mould try m White lime. Tbe ends sale gabled It Me eblyed me to reduce the pesos. The panty allows en -fourth more sand to be mlyad wltl it. so snakiest it emu all) cheaper this say other lime is the viola - 4t,. •Iwai... band at mm Moor of bestows e a Lest..[.. =WARD SHARMAN. tad Property ter Salo or for Rest 70K SALE. -CHEAP, 011 EASY r TERME. Kest half d led gl. Cosoessto8 eve, Woe Kaw oak less's& A "veil improved farm. Loss 11.11 and part It subdivision of Bloch 8. t elborsl.hest M •area, TO LET -Thr .hop lately occupied by the lam Thee. Send. Apply to ILO. JOHNSTON. barrister. Geode s. tS-tf POR SALE. -N. 4 LOT 31. END DON - T ossnlw. She Waw..... 140 oar.& Tb.40 M • Nrielsm dere ALyep town lot 47L e1.e. rtoh. Apply to POILIP HOLT. M41. L'IXE HOUSE FOR SALE IN DUN• r wANNON.-A am new frame hotme, well located *. Danate mse eostainisg parlor diniagroom, bedroom and Kitchen dew. staler sad three bedrooms and elitists elegem r► rears. first -clam Iron. new eastern with pump in kltcbsa. A gond wbd.ked oft the pre euro. Onogsaner acre let in soasgeime. with fine assorta✓.t of trait tr.o . starrs�pg raga shade trees. 1'• Tera Renee eabls N or parttceters emir w JA111.103 WHY ARD, Itummaaen P.O. Bltuatlon Vacant. WANTED-KEKVANTOIRL. APPLV V YRS. LINDSaY, W. T. Wetseti reel- �[' ANTED.- 000D GENERAL SER. 1 rant. Apply le MRa RAT. I6-111 \\ ANTED. 1Agood most in mer tows t0 represent the Foothi4 \uraerlea of Canada" cove 710 w re. The lamest I the Domi•ion. Position prrmaeer.t. Massy or c..mmisewn to right mw. With the Inereselog deemed for trait. • portion with W Y salesman will pay you tetter than emearinostst is farm wort. hod es yo.iirapt and we will show you hoer 'owe mosey. :school te.ehees . i1Y)ust the thing for you during the summer. Write for particulars. STONE & W=LLINOTON. tact 8.4I4Iw Toronto. Ost, Strayed Animals. 1)14. ESTRAY. - STRAYED FROM Rldgswus4 re . e. fah May. white star Pie. about Uv m Waal IN. £ny lo ..L Y to wbareabens will suitably ..riled. R YOCNO, 8•kt'rd P.O. 11 Q1 RAYED. -.STRAYED FROM THE ►7 premises of the subscriber, lot 4. son. 1. 1 0l teras, on May lith, • milk sew. red with • hutgwblte. white hoe, six veer. old. Any m Person gib 4stg Iatowatloo will be cul re- .ardrd. DONALDYt•[i\NON. 19 -ft nettled. Pub11 MMnni's• 11l'RON COUNTY COUNCIL The Connell of the *orpe- tanes et Use Den- ts of Huron will meet le UN Cent House. la the Town of Ooderite. e Timeday, the ilk day of Jose. at 3 o'clock phi. OD Thursday. the nth day of June, at 3 o'- ebek pm.. • epecl•1 meelne V called for Passing the proposed ay -law to rsW way of lona MOS for the purpose of • Deese d 1p to the stat day ef nestle, aenientb.a nil be rewired 4 the clerk ter t he of I -,4.A_.. MmaOgmr. Mama and 1' ler the Hewes se fleets. W. LA Conti nlglil. lead May tint. MIM, w -11 -ft -4-i1 Pablls lioness. A' mica- ALL PERSONS FOUND 2, , i ngsmi.g ea m7 Inds by ▪ oi. easepng loMng se Mberwln wIE NhoaHort tMtarnl ( ....d tle law. SnellIM Ph " ere any news Y BIN ye ta the tows - Oh m of Uoderlek and Celbarms. RCAM PRIN. QC X. SAMUEL it ear dslJH ltdtsr. Pear. A WORKSHOP ON WHEELS. L Tense to �- wye,M ' suWr tiinandIs.ad needle. I1Prer tenalikIdirK d oars w.... .. t sad Il�mr,1_,�M mar ad �~��iYenlk u►,kiade �f eve [k W MM �s'wble Lelia- r. (8.5.4,1 rows gssnsned amid r8ar,�. laud, 4wu v.t ttiflie end made oat "Osal"'"" �ssuv,. mYntl@ .tsd P.rnMls .su�1� 'sptlred sad .teem totem- E- TAYi.OH. 4' L lmgow te..rtt. sena Ile. fe+t Tinders Wanted. TRNDRRS FOR RINK WILDING. lessee '•4. le and � reinvest ythe Lies MONPA Y, J f7NI 3, 1396, foe � d aha 11rd14ts11 lerOedemted dna enass 1\e@@Ivus r ege.mO Nm eon• ote abs Aatwiub, iew a$ M i` m�'t eeil It �`'I1mt aMUM •F Ilo•• THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. I. Wedel Mka - -°•• HURON COUNTY COUNCIL lie the la plan, the Liberals called the bannsof the Hoare to the fact that. •1- --- WhatlsOolo=on at the Capital though Parli.mu.t had been .1144.414 three Ddtl4h at the Jane Session. week., rhe Minster of Fe..woe had .sly permitted throe mesti.ip of the Punta Ae- toents Committee. Thee the et -natation that looks tote the way your mosey W bees laid oat. This is the (aam4ltee that ....,4 .d the tartan Bridge steal of a quarter of • million defiers .ad .Dorsa et other weadals. Naturally the Goverment do not win this committee to meet more tr*goenUy than possible. This is the an - mune boore whin the Fredericton Bridg. scandal is bag iavestig•ted, sad Foster is anion that the searchlight of the Opposi- tion should be kept away from t• There are eev.r.l important matters Dow before the committee, but the Gover.n.eot r.lu.e to call • emoting. The rets.•/ of the Government to lay is. formation before Parlament, when moved for, was severely commented upon i. t8. Hoses hast week. The result wee • De- plete back -down foe the Goverment. ey after Sir Chas. Tupper, H.gg•rt Bud (',area had positively refused to bring down • re- tn+rt that wee moved for Int sessi0, Fos- ter, leader of 18. Hone, was forced, in the w ed, to say ha would bee that 1t was laud on Me table. tee 'Vale riser *Erne Blatt -deer'. -waw well aat,M. 17 Liberal Correspond. *Me as aglow. 'Les eat en Me lmhlese UlsdNee.' Tra1m, Tau San. Cerrenseds.oe ( )TT AWA, June 3. -Since my last 4.11., I have had • 8111. free advertis- ing Iran the Toronto Mail -Empire, the Uoveresnat's chid wipe. 1 admit the Ma.11C 155'5 largo etrod•tion thud •m im►totul for tie rrat.dteos publicity the No wads 1 had to try te the termer is my last letter lave received through the channel. I amid have boon more grateful, however. had the Wil Empire shown • little more nasty sad publ,@ked my letter u toll and net have distorted n •.d selected each por- ttoo. of It here •ad there u the hops of stoking out • one. The Government engem after pubis's/nag such lines of my te'ur as suits 11. tit/spore interprete at as follows : "Having oouuouously declared that no farmer want/ protection, the Liberal leaders are now asking the farmer if what has Mon mid is true, because it the fanners wish to continue cadet the tariff the Libor de will withdraw their opposition, at lent tee tar as the formsr's interests eon." I Jo sot think there is • farmer, Liberal, TOWN COUNCIL The town oouoct! she Tuesday eve, His worship the mayor preetding. the reeve sad councillors Campton, Marey, N.ttei, Thompeoo, Saunders, Costello. Wilms, Tory o. Patron who, it he .peaks aox4mcien Dunlop, Niohoisoa sad Johnsen Dais( pre"- cat. A. McD. Allan. E N. Lena and R. Barely. will say my letter oonveye may such C. Have appeared on behalf of the citizens mesa1ug or iaterpretatiao velem tt a obop ped up and multil.ted Y the Mail -Empire has done In its r.produotioo. The object of m► letter was to get an expression of opinion from the •gncultural climes as to wbe' her or not they were ..tisfied with the committee Lid renowned • grant. to heip Pet up pamphlets and advertise In certain papers Mr Allan 'spoke at some length, 0etulsag the plan pursued so tar, .od indi- cated the course that would be followed if exorbitant taxation they were laboring successful to obtaining the treat. K 14. under rad the way foliar mosey was being made by the previous speaker nattered "wall ted polttw•1 fnend• of the end incident/illy mentioned that oegoti•- Govruge.t. Had the Mail Empire bon- ton were Dow in progress to move the o nly reproduced my letter it would have Maiti•ad House to some situation Dearer the bent Been that It was not protection on bank onset the fanner sells but protection .gainer Co'uneillor Nichol.os thought the town the 66016,61 oquaadertug of hu mosey by was greatly indebted to the committee for the Government sad exorbitant taxation on ,he work it had uoderteken. in. making the whet he bad to buy that i was dismissing. ham known so widely. and was satisfied 1 aid in my letter that if the tension/ oom- that any grant made would be properly ex- maa:ty was contented with their present He then moved, "wooded by M. oordttio.,tbat, •t least as 1., Ysad noo aton, that the asai4 grant the his isterestd against high taxation oommi1lee the sums of fifty dollars, to be criminal extr•vevsaw roe. the Liberals need in sdyertuiug (;oderich. councillor would withdraw their opposition. I made C.mpmon praised the gesNertea comprising the aratemeftt kiowtlg I was tet -u»4 0 • the committee for their work; which had wrrsicuy, Y • .porting moo would sa4• been well done, but thought the preeeot There u oo lack of evidence te now that the fiesmaial condition of the town would not Mare of the country are en canted with • customs. tariff that hes been framed to make a few manufacturers wealthy tad with • system ef reckless expenditure of public mosey that gives the political bood- Ier an opportunity of growing nch at the expense of the termer. Have you observed that for some time mist the subsidized press of the Government have attempted so defines of the Govern- ment's actions but have devoted their edi• tonal efforts to attacking the Liberal party. They now roe th.1 their ealy hope Ion in making the oenstry believe them they ate n o worse than other man are. Some of their organs have commeaoed pesoa•1 at- tacks on members of the Opposition. but if they want to fight out the political battle o0 time grounds, we wilt sive them • does of their own medicine. U they want to talk of what goes on in the Common bar -room, the . sppoettion press will have something to say. If they are going to commence the'. game. we nay have something to say about the roord of Caron, Hagrart, (:sang•., Angors, [Aly. Clarke Wallace and • score et the reek and file that will make very inter - 'sing reading. No, the principle is • bad sad ninon one and should be depreoatad Bet if the Tory mesa court that sort ot krohhUcal warfare, the Liberal cress will bs found reedy to face them with their ow. weapons I have meettooed this d.eide.t- ali v. ea 1 have recently noted that ono' the Li4,pral members his undeservedly b... at- uck'd 1D order to snake political capital against bin But it is not the moral gide of their lives we now have under review, tut the extrava- gant habits of the Ministry. In demeanor public expenditure this work, Mr. Rider dye some interesting facts rogard4.g the large salaries that are paid to members of the civil rorviee at Ottawa and the afternoon haws there has bene and 14378 in the samba of big► Gamind officials Is 1878 there were 15 Melts drswd.g 111,000 salary per seam ; i. 1894 the .um- twr had 'sorehead to 144. Clerks r.osivi.g $1,100 in 1878, 9 ; in 1894, 36. Reesiviag $1.200 is 1878, 21 : t. 1894, 46. Roedvin ; $1.300 m 1878, 28 ; in 1894, 36. Reosivu.g 51,400 in 1878, 28; in 1894, 130. Rneev- iml 51,500. in 1878, 8 : in 1894, 34. Re- ceiving $1,700 to 1878, 7 ; im 18. Re oetvisg $1,800 in 1878, 8 ; e 1894, Sb. lie• eUvnl 82.0001. 1878, 6 : i. 1894. 28. Re- eiving 82.300 in 1878, 1 : u 1$94, 5 Re- oeivisg $2,400 in 1878, 10: m 1894, 27. Re - miring 53,000 i. 1878. 2 ; is 1894, 4. Re- oeirl. 93,200 i. $1878. 11 ; in 1894, 19. 1. Ltiale to this there were the fallowing W anes peA4 in 1894, that ware set Paid i. 1878. vk : 4 (f MVO lash ; 6 d $2,600 sash : 5 d 18.800 each 3 d $3,400 ate\ ; l et $4,100 ; 3 of $6,000..d 1 d 86,000. This is, of.. m wItheat reforms to the Madras of clerks smpeyed in the civil genies who .r drewbg admits snider 81,- 000 •year. The ram mbmas givesslum ▪ imer'smma d r esalaries•.ni en k- erma of 466 i. Mnemes. What PM press& tan the Othelesweabeffer for yea 81.409.279 to keep up • retisselazil e tmkn at Ottawa win ese el the hard- ship they have r endure kmange they are suppesd te mons i. Mir Giese he. we until fear, with ea hest et two at sem is whisk to take then lean. The Omani - meet. s I have before pti.b, est, lee tmr messed this.zpendis.5. 62 per rest. while the yearly tax yes have te pay t. kelp Nese me 1. •thenen Meer they wear eat ism Mid work. ie 8968.109 Nei whit 1161,974 le slimed hem their Werke. De yon w think i4 maid be . 4.e, Wag lar yes r googlies Na Tory n.dl- Mee hi your eteemb7 • Litt1• es Ohms Fids wins be geisha pm wed Drbg Ike pest wall them have hens liMerestbs Illesensiene is Me law esNaamad •Tions• allows large • grant. He the. moved is .meadmsut, encoded by the reeve, that thIrtv be subetitsted for fifty to the motion Councillor doluetoo said he was as much in favor of economy as any one, but knowing that the oommttteo had done good work he favored the motion, though to preserve un - . 10.41y, he would agree t the amendment. Connctilor Thompson thought the fifty dol- lars should be granted, the oommitt.ee hav- ing done excellent work in adverting the town @o excessively. The trove thought thirty dollops was all the town could afford at present, ..d would therefore support the emendation.. Councillor Nicholson in reply said be thought the full amount sbocld be granted. The voce in the •meadment stood : Vein -McLean. Campion, Murrey -3. N•ys- Thompeen, Naftel, S•unden, Contain, Wil..., Dunlop, Nicholson, Jonn@to. 8. The taction was then adopted OD the above vote reversed. The usual buanese of the ooaooil was then proceeded with, but as the reports were Soya and our .pace limited, they will have to re- main over. N..rw. A few of the members said that the usual gnat for fireworks should be .topped and the money handed to the 044- ren's committee. The deputy-reeye could not be present on ✓