HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 8k
Our Turn Now!
We intend to SELL
Clearing Sales and Bankrupt
Stocks have had their day.
Not merely ADVERTISE them.
They have been marked at prices which make people admit
they are Cheap, and that alone should sell them. We do not handle
Wall Paper that made someone else fail, We are here to stay ; not
here today and away with your earth tomorrow.
The Old Stand, the Old Man, with New Prices and New
4c , 5c., and 6c. per Roll;
Better ones at 10c. and 12 1-2c.
Hand made Window Shades, complete with Roller,
45c., 50c., 60c. and 70c.
1.063,1 Manarsr
To1.ph ne co.. Ooderich.
Soohssllsr anti Stations'.
(samesesor to Firer & Porter.)
Doors open at 8:30 a.m.
Thursday, May 9
We have purchased the O'DEA Stock at a low rate on the and
And are now in a position to otter
Gnerat Dry Goods,
Hats, Caps, &c.
Call and see that we do exactly as we Advertise !
Yours truly,
Grand Sumer Mllllne Opeuing
MAY 25,1895.
On Saturday Afternoon and Evening weiwill hold
our Second Millinery Opening, when the Lad es of Gode-
rich will have an opportunity of seeing and inspecting
The Latest New York Novelties
in Summer Millinery.
Miss Dane has gone to a great amount of trouble and
expense to bring together the very latest ideas for this
Saturday .Afternoon & Evening,
MAY 25, 1895.
North Side Square, Geierich, - - P. O'Dea's Old Stand.
NESS ' OF THE DISTRICT dsFiverv' The feel. t harm i etrosgle is
• savor of • daily matt with the musty
town and we vesture the .Bast•
boo that if the contract were
. tendered for the coat of • dimly service
would be very little over what is now paid
for a tri.weekiv mail, and would enable tut
villagers to enjoy the luxury of having our
lb, ll.1 Si'. NAL as well •e other people.
Trait Fut;1T OITI.ub.A.-Around here the
outlook tor fruit does sot look very promis-
ing fust now, but it is too nos to be able to
give • decided opinion as to the extent of
the damage caused by the use:weted frost
of the past sew days. One thing oert•ts is
that the cherry crop will be a total failure,
sad must entail • heavy Ian to the cherry
oroharduu on the Maitland 000cen.iou and
elsewhere. The plums areosrtatnfy looking
very black, but may recover rad yield •
portion ot • crop after all. The apples.
both early and late, have ptosed the Imago=
'taste, and it reaww to be be sem whether
the pollen has o•tried and the Hower' hi: -
tutted. It will be a week or more before it
eso be definitely known what damage her
been caused to our staple fruit crop. Paan
are hardy --eves h.rdier than apples --arid
the iodi°atioae are that they have escaped
with comparatively little loos to the grower.
(tripes w Olean goo* ; of course they may
Immo on again. but will be too late for any
Wag. Early strawberries are cut right off
sed the orop of tau berries must necessarily
be light, which will make them scarce and.
i of coarse, dear Currants, gooeebsrnes and
other small traits are in no better shape
than strawberries, •ad indications are that
the preserving Bracco will be mitered in
with • small ehowina to gladden t6e heart
of the thrifty housewife. W. do not with
to pose as a prophet of ill assn. and stake
things look hitcher that they are, for
it is yet too mon to say with certainty what
the extent of the damage emend by the ex
tremely hard frost of '96 whip have entailed.
but in a week or two fdtitle e.Il speak fan
tbatoosl ves, rad weariest shat they may sea
be ea bad as Ahry ran at picas .,
From our owneorrespondents
There N lir rnmata.a Sere That lasses be
resod anywhere Else - hewn .t the
leanly *pertain Retorted
*.r The slgaal.
So RI..1, May 18.
Misr male Stewart was speedily two
weeks to Lucknow, the guest of relatives
Hiti.. -lye lire soon to lore our
worthy pastor, the item-. Alex. Thibadeau,
who wa1 leave for hu new station about
the 1st of fitly.
1'i. Nb On the 'G 4th the Bethel church
Sunday school, scholars, teacher' and
fneads, will bold • pic me in W. Blake'.
trove. A ;oily time is predicted, eo don't
forget to be these with your very beet girl.
ori: a.anr Mii.i. Michael I'hrammer,
the '• lolly millet of the Maitland," feels is
good humor lost tow. He is expecting •
quantity of Manitoba wheat to mix with the
native article and will sot let any other
miller in the county heat him is the gsality
u( hu flour.
Balm.,. The to. during the
spring freshet shifted one of the piers
of the bridge and it will be seorss•ry
to build • sew pier. The county engineer
was down and gave the necessary instruc
boos for having the work done. T6estruc
tura IS all safe for traffic at present
ft.n.wlt cii.i.r t(ttu,.s. ('oatractor,
Hardy, of Exeter, wtth • large staff of mesa,
is now (berme; the umbers for the new
structure, to be erected in ptaoe of the old
Me Some dthoolty was experienced in
getting the cedar from the neighborhood
and W. Strnughao, the contractor for find
ing the timber, has gone u Warton for •
Wcou t MIi.i-. The repairs aro sow
completed .t the woollen factory sod al
ready the new clip has oomtseooad to come
in. The proprietor reports h.viag
chased the fir's fleeces es the cath day of
May, fully three weeks earlier than any
other eemsoa doming hie lot experi.ses of
00 year' m the buww.es, .ad aocoasts for
it that the early tropical weather of
the first days of this moth induced farmers
to *hear earlier than u•mal. The pressen.
1sdto.0 that prices for wool will rule .t
shout the same Bgore. as last year.
Htriail.: vs Nua.rs.t. The last lead of
.verrr.ens left the nursery this marshy for
Clinton, completing a most escmwfuTde
bran. for chi. season Thu sreprl.tet re -
pares that 'the huskies* 6as ie se wa
aoned off from that of other years, end.
is fast, dans' the rook of the seeson,hebed'
to engage other teases to deiiver his artery
reeds at otlyhg points. The very wenn I
'math. greying to tasi h,.► sold asap, ad
vaned the slsd at .nth a IttpTi into that
the .a.aes of le was folly two weeks ahead
of any province year during hie tear *teen
Poo Ostia s As • result of the pa.itioe
that was largely mimed here a few weeks
age by the s esmthg egoism the epr erose Interested,,
the mail earner far d16. eha
an Ws
needs. e
en inspemep
er, A (.. Hkfrk. held a
pewedli.e, cps Anded net
es elmage ehwY be mads h the haps' e(
MoviAr, May 90.
Th. *ever trade have dose egging dam-
age te the fruit cad Spring crape in the
The beautiful rams of the past few days
Mee oosaiderably renewed vstation.
W. are glad to hear that Rev. Mr. Hall
e revtverinv.
We trust he may loos be able
to rerume Is' work.
The young people at Zion church muted
to start • Toone people'. society.
Mn. .leo. (..eIier% has removed to the
old hom..tead, which was formerly rented
to Mr. `crimgemir.
.1. H. (:ardn.r n going to live devise the
the Summer montha at his pleases the 10th
Muvn.1, May 206h.
14M. Slathers and his alai et work/nee
hero eemww.00d work es the bas.me.t of
'Net Scott's barn.
The crops nem the recast fronts have •
aw.nofr a make wird ' bon the preset
iNre essset.
By what we ban two of ear hoys, known
ee ay.'s Jess and Joie David were both
nay anion t. " (,o .West " the ether
West. We think .1. .1. bed better ge Beet
yds, as be seemed to have batter leek is
that gear -ter.
A Unlit, WetL The .thea d• Pen
Man e'mmeneed hewn/ kr unlet, mod at
the Been 8191 ten te*wsk n Wath
r... Melee a lew hashes « Iy jgi 1.
We beg to state that we are appointed Agents for the well-known
Reliable Standard Patterns 1
All Numbers in Stock. We receive the new Patterns month!)'.
Call and receive FREE a new Y lhion Sheet each month.
Also the
and e
These contain a lot of valuable hints oewthwhat to wear and how to make
your garments in the latest and most becoming modes.
Extra values this month in
We are the only Store that handle. the TRILBY CORSET. Try them
them and you will wear no other.
Take a look at our Ready-made BLAZERS and SKIRTS. PRINT
WRAPPERS, etc. No other store handles these Soak.
We Lead -others may follow.
XIra ZU''Ixo, Wt.
SPKCIALTY ; Wh lePsale P�e�.
Are a source of great pleasure to the wearers if they are indeed
-0000"ARE BOTH
Inspection solicited.
Mier secured • rubber tube, inserted assi expected
sod in the augur hole and put the other br•tof to be
774tr.at.. day oin in f Her
into • large trough, and he now has • ons- Majesty, cues Victoria.
*taut supply of water. ! Encysts: Co., ALM, e.T - Tate malty
1'r ol...,t.. For some t:me lately ower. I Meads tit Rev. R. Fairbairn will be pleased
COW spectacle pedlars bay. bees roar f' to learn that he u gradually recovering
aruued here calling themselves 'apecmhattar. free ha recent iadiaposttioo.
They have a different name for almc.tevery Drerei.T M.rr .,..-
house they enter, and of course the Oe Tharedsy of last
telling • great deal of char good.. r are, week. Rev. .. Rodger" and Joseph A. M -
A joint meeting of the congregations of j Henson. lough t hThe tore ort disvut goal and
East Ashfield and let. Reins was held h I profitable time.port having a gnat and
the Presbyterian church at St.. Hetes. itsCATTLE Bt-t'ttt. o. Tie Mol L. --burisg
Tuesday, 15th, for the purpose of moanwte,het week quite a number of local and other
tog a Thecall to • a brought beforetor to tillthe m�v cattle buyers were to our village oollectisg
coolyng cattle, for shipment. It would seem that t6e
was that of W. T. H.11, and as he wee the cattle market is brisk, which will be good
unanimous choice • cell was extended to Bowl for .11 u000srned.
Saxswx of Couyc U.. -00 W.dtaeeday,
Movimi, May 20.
The farmers are all through seeding in
this section.
Mies Agnes F-loreocs Bruns is
Meade In the community.
(:es. Haley, of (:oderich was
Rev. 14. H. Moss on Amides last, Ctenderising. formerly ea esteemed citizen
Our village painter was hanging paper at of Dungsaoon. and who, .o far ea known to
Robert Mcllwsio e part of last week. °"• was breeght up is this "logo. and new
a resident adjacent to Buffalo, C.S. was re -
the members of the municipal council, of
West Wawasoeh, will meet in the Township
Hall, as a Court of Revision of ametoor s
roll for 1895 at 10 o'clock A. *i. sharp, all
visiting 0000snred w11 p1e.e take note.
L1 x..A*'*o. Sot. AsttuA,.--IL i. with
naitia( greet pleasure that we sou that Albert E
Wm. Correa 6as • hue dog, • battler and mostly appoiutad • director of the Moate -
setter. He hunts up hoots sari .it. Ay the head National Bank, and at • sub•squest
fin to eat them. meeting ot the directors wee appointed vivo.
Levu Taylor bas erected . new chimney Provident. We, aloe; with his °uwmrows
os the boned which he lately purc6aaed friends sued •equaintanoss, ooegrstolate him
from Wm. Hutchins. Where wag your oo his enemas u steppes, up the ladder of
spirit level, few ° k000r.
We wondered why that young man cornea Vrai ATrauTIVA.-Mrs. Wtl.es'.
from 1e1farten, but we think by the limey establu6eest, with its beautiful stook
way 'they'' oftarm in arm, that it wild of Indies' furerhinps of millinery of t se
come to the nielr anooial point goon latest styles, is quite an attraction in our
Ws wonder why Irick takes so many Rod vallsa. No doett the fair sex will appear
ouch frequent drives over to Poplar stow • h tiger beat styles es tbe 24t8, beteg enp-
11'e would advise Tommy George to get • Plied M t6. taabiosable mill eery.
pair of those pointed boot like Charlie's. W. M. 8 -Yrs. i1. Richt* sad Mime 8.
our locel watch and clock mwder beg die- Mallo.,b, who were .ppoiated ea delegates,
appeared sod in his stead we here a local attended a sneetiag of the Weinges Misni.e-
doctor, she amore to be greatly ute1wted cry Society, which was 644 at Henan der-
cwithmes attf 16. young Nies of Cor- hag the latter part of last weak. Mime i. Araid7►anetTreleaven also attended as • delegate
.1. Deglowis homes ma awe the other wwesa.tttaaagg of the Mission Reed at HasaaU w
day with the roller, and it it �• t saes Thar'day red Irrfday, 16th and 174.
for Allii s preemies of mipd and powerful STATS or WIIATUC, .iJ Teensy of dant
speed they might ban doles considerable week, the wave of odd and treat, daring:
damage. the nen sspeci•1Iy, felt set mane Nevem-
Then wee very snore frost Met week her skills, and .p to time of
writing steady
red it has does. treat dual .t damage to mild, which is unusual for theisosth
'6s crops sad heft. Jew will get to b.d May. However, He who 'ovens all Wage
early tha fall, aa he woa't have to w•toh knows and does what seine th right es Rae
his gropes. end for oarbee.flt. Os Teensy mermisg. s6.
Alex. Kirkpatrick has disposed of 6r 214, th. ekermomnur regislered 10 derte.s
thoroughbred animal mad received a heed- bel*w treaded pelst, owing to J•ok Frast's
.omen flours No doubt the animal will be anwam** sppaat+s05.
greatly mnsed amoag the stook raison of ANNUAI. MwgT,N. At tem anon °seet-
tan measseatty. tag of Duag.ssea paha library remedy
I's it n & .f tu.. bead is the mediae ream, the 'seel
l)UNCiANNON. ed. aad er's reports were reed and peas -
The tewanr'. report tinned receipt.
Reuses The Is nese, laDmassw e( $349.86; sepeaditare $349.82 - leaving a
tar Taw asewat. Y m..t 1. 9. Wof ahs °a.M, Women el dT oaati , Librarian's report
deJ.re ter
esav4., ermiser. sus, de willing .8veleNr- showed: No. of volumes u the Bkeary,
wart. and M .ptherbed r give r.eNp4 ter tb gotioa, 139: general 6terfler.,
semen, cad caw the
Tie*iyr, May 21.
Kenai erseiuwt--9n lame Bassa* Russ
W. Inegb, of Anter° arae!. .ad U.
puRogers, of Dago..._ cinema. exchanged
Asir. -Mimi Mary Lowry. whit has been
ea atesadeage es bar soar Jong. *0500.4►
deee•.ad, left here ler Twos.*. whore she
hold. • good paange. e0oegwie
Rsetspsr04-R.memistr Friday ttiset. cos fee pasevere�eftMd old
'r'°Mer Slithg, r n be en h'
M*day * ttbflas�ajss�m •
"" t M e `til*o w 48. r05 snag
to gf Mo
/aesw+as Ib. attioase to ....♦
19 : Wavers and advestereq .67 ;; ssle�sased,
40 ; biography, 36: hinny.; 99 pe.try and
drema, 11 ; arts rad soignee. 96 :
rials lab ; tens of rdes'asel 2 : orals r of
volumes i.ed doing the year :
NM ; gagers) burners, 396 ; trove iM
advantage, 277 ; eibri elkimmee., 641 ; re-
ligiose, w elms 43 t a14 rts _ -shay
37; aW need dories year. 2,1711. Nuns -
boy .1 Mtbere, 121. The
- ilais
C. R. Shane & Co.'s
sod at
11 you want the corset thing In Egad
Wear, you will get it only at
Melina', Block,
Cwsoy of .:quare and Moatr il-St.
vuu mut
Tisa /raasp, Mheme re Omuta.
Manohct°av4 pis
TME Geoid Bicycle CS. ITL
ae troAOt STS Rte• `T SOS Sj. Pte. an
•aro /Qtr OlTA6o.u111
G. W. THOMON, - - - Abeni.
osiduHy carry os the institutive. daring
its et year. Aa may (.s seen by toe num
her of hooka that were issued there was
large nsoonat of reading done. The attood
isos u re diag room during, the year w
fair. A gnat many of the young poop
availed themselves of the periodloale, mega
rums mad other papers. The retiring wreei-
dest, R- CHsde0sing, deserves great credit
for time great interest he has token in Ito us -
cooties and pretest nooses The
When appointed for 1896, and cap to May.
1896 -it betas the public library tam -
were : President, i bom ea Aiderwa ; roc.
R. J. Crawford ; trete., J. M. Roberts
librarian. R. Cleodeoningg.. pro tot ; board
of management, J. Jstdioe, Dr. McKay
Robe ('Ie*desaing, J. E (..s. J. Whitley
.1. M. Roberta, Tbea. Aaders*., B.
Crawford, John Rowers,.
Iof Clifford, were wilding •t P.. N. Duff's
- last week.
Miss Tun 8s04 rf
su, of Toronto, is visit-
- Mg at Jobe Dimont's.
Tt'twoAT, May 21.
Miss Armstrong, of Wbiteohuroh, his
been malting bet eater, Mrs. Phillips.
Slew program has been made by our good
hone:ire* with their Spriug housecleaning.
Owing to the reoeot fortnight's spell of cold
weather some stoves had to be put in use
Josie Fah.? is .till in our midst. `ruit.
a somber are trying at night to hide their
growing garden plants from hie .harp grip
by coverts, them amply with old clothe.,
blmek.ta, ma, but .)o6* cam see with his
keen eye through mon thea • hoot
large or mall, to do damage. W. are told
net with the late frust then ie still a hop.
of a ynoid, as the resent frost his killed tit.
hesete es tbe trees which were wattisg for
the trim Weems to oonw out.
Tonnes. May 21.
The Mimes O'Neil, of Goderioh 1140,04
• pleasant whit here last weak.
Min Maggie ifetheritgb•m, of Brsoeflsld,
i'iidng her Teter, Mrs. A_ H. floor.,
.Ise. Herten weeded she Rero. Presby-
tery masthg ami Metall last week, Bl' ft•
mbst.e we repel to sotto* that the Rev.
M. Maskay, ea we rams already stand et,
brought forward bis rwtgn tioe again, rad
w* i.dsrotasd, will leave 10.4. Aeon,
after tane yesni labor m
bor •eemen ria
STILL 1y TUT WORN. -By Tea &seal. of
last week we we ear old friend, R. V.
Brews will have .arts of tale ems
tag wtr's., examieatiea •t Kitimat.
Vee se.esu yaws Mr. Brown taught ear
sshgel Ern sMh /and a wall, tad cess •
delimit* to the barbers' lellMotte at Ter -
este aid ales Meld Mal Wash ■area
In 61. - a We kWh, w hew be
gpered f• hie prieiii jeiWK i MIN
Vast► a Astern
Ares. R1IiMt hoe gene a1•Ilyjr 21.
J. J. Memeor, of Hamlbute, .east M Iowa
hitt week. 'begged
Inge wstpie hiei We in bad M ends
J. J. IIMIgM, tars sad 10 fir.
The saornmeet.(.tbe Lorifs supper was
administered is the Presbyterian church
Wit Mi•bbat6.
Mrs. T. McCracken and little daurhter,
Vird., of I.tnsty, Mich , are sesame at
John ]McCracken's.
At eight o'clock, Sued.y monster' the
eptnt of Mary, beloved wife et Poht. Mao
phrrson, took its fight. She hod tree* whoa
for about • week, but wan not thought to
be in denier. She leaves $ husband •sd
• young *on to mourn M. 1..r ot an affec-
tionate was sad • loviog *bother. The
funnel was os Monday, red . large number
of people followed her to the vier. •a • last
When of their respect tor the deed. Her
filmed. anal reiatives harp Ilse simmers
sympathy of the commstdby la their be
tenement. -_ _.
A ller$.d tserea..la tbe MM el the Mew
./setae isramre).
i/aTwratr, Mich-, May 20 -1' 'I' drnggi•u
ben report • great owner of wgnirl.e with
regard to the specific remedy for Rriokt'a
disan, diahot ., and all ',etre of ktdsey
oompl int, bootee as Dodd'. Kidney PH1..
A partial isreatigation bas shows that to
every one the reply of the dr.gris4 to the
queoteas of their os.tom.ra haw be highly
laudatory of the remedy that they hati
been able to vile many oases Irma *bear seam
p.rsoesl hrrwled's where the mast Bias)
m have hese der red from ite see,
The melt has hese • very marked bleeldel
in the somber of sales made and sslmd
renally large orders haw. sea avow
wnaeter : Wn neer defeated Rrostselse
M fathaa here less week.
Morrie Dem
hes Memel the Bar.
rises farm frees the Treat sad teas Cam
Wroxeter : Risyedets is s11 memo of de-
velopment say be gees ea our .trees at all
beers et tie day and sight.
Tacko*emith Norge Dale, who moved
hem Hellen to the old fole hememeeed to
Pookausdti in the Spring thi eultivestest
prom" z* '. him anHe hal ever 130
serge mfg amp
Knew : Mrs. Thea Hartnell. who clad
veiny bluer ea the head by B. saw
mar's dee a few week* eggs, in saw get
very mesh psis from w ins Lae Hulk
N a
gameyet I. esnhMeM
w• 4 rer teed L i se Ms herd
�tt�i iii lrai'i
aaedlrlht D. D. Wilson mss wish s armee
tem de Young. While the tattle were hir-
ing 4!''t Is hem wear. ens el the beet
mime slipped wad hiee
her h»T. e said W to be 6� 111.4.
This dew wield ham. Malsbt • geed .tri
M hh esh, os/ Mr. Wagon% lees .46.
sswdderahia 18. lanan tree tale to a
Oman Andes. vies Ahmed ante w