HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 7G 000081
Stock is now com-
,nsistm of a gre tt variety in
thongs for the sMsOn.
ill., in the new Fabrics for
outings to suit the latest
we lead in Prints.
ugly lovely in both c
patterns the latest.
tea •-ortinent of Ducks, to
nal dark colorings. Crinc-
new colo.ings for the
tch Cin •haws, plait. and
mbraye, 1arsales Vesting,
arts and Challiee-
to draw special attention
ly Made Spring Capes and
ti Cape el iths, both in
Colored Goods, all new for
, a few pieces of Drees
are belling at about half
dei bargains, good alt -
and good tar lo^.
bon Stock is large and well
s is also our Small Ware
.t. Gloves and Stockings
lr good.
rtain Warehouse
but the w1ole of it
e Good Goods Cheap.
kr ()Hi.*
Lod Summer Wear, to which
ng Profit and select d with
g will be up-to-date, and all
particularizing particulars.
•ry of purchases to any part
waver and gaberdeeber.
le at a low price.
elf Goods, Garden and
Glass, &c. Also
ting, &c.
ie Crabb Block, Goderich.
an buy to better advantage
ielry, - -
3ilverware, &cc.y
:8, OT Dirt!
:s them.
ah" --,1113, & year.
Tim STGWAL : GOD WR1CR. ONT. ,'PH tt IVA n V MAY 23 1895.
Weak Women
grad all mothers who are nursing
babies derive great benefit from
Scott's Emulsion. This prepara-
tion serves two purposes. It
gives vital strength to mothers
and also enriches their milk and
thus makes their babies thrive.
is a constructive food that pro-
motes the making of healthy
tissue and bone. It is a wonder-
ful remedy for Eaesoiatl.n, General
DAANty, Throat and Lang Complaints,
Canals, Ansoetia, Scrofula sad
Dltaaeas of Children.
Serrff rPegiliefet Scars Eewlsies. Ave.
sella risme. W -- I& m flies eta Sus. • ss.
The Mikado of Japan is load of football
sad oa• kink • rood geese.
Flat•.aa. Nightingale oslebrated her e-
u.ty-dttb birthday os May 15.
Paul Bourget will he formally received
tato the French Andean June 13.
Herr Guet•ve Yrryt.g, the well -knows
Guinn nth 1 •r, ie al with pueamosu.
The uulisottua of old lace bel.iogiag te
the niacin ot t1'. w a worth 11150,000.
Campbell B►oneruiaan is supposed to be
the richest awe un the Kogliab Munieuen•1
Durig • 'roarer pert of 11394, 13.4 per
coat. of the leheere of Freon were without
August Relmuat paid $1100 for a sisals
Dopy of the Isaias'. edition ut tete Albany
Ot all the rennin sovereigns of the earth
the our of Rumt• passer-- tbm greatest
member d true..
It is said that Sarah Bernhardt will short-
ly be rained to the erode of • chevalier of
the Login of H mor
Henry V111 moil with hie fingers, and when
hungry would take up his victuals sad
,wallow It is handfuls at • time.
Dr. Hermann (;rote, one of the greatest
..mism•tec wtbarttw in the world, died
the ether day at Hanover, aged 93.
TLwkeray's diener tarries. whish, after
his death, was bought by Mrs. Anthony
Trollops, se sew offend lir sale in London
The noisiness& of Pamir q.satias alb ea-
.es.eed is the Swum of ('otn..on essbreis
the (1nlavtile-Gestchakoff temples of 18'75.
The i.irdbnn! present, which showered is
epos Prue- Biam.rk included. • lock o1
Wwbtart e', haw is • gold box, ,eat by se
Americas 1•d,.
Hoary Arthur Jess is mon to launch
forth • .sued, tanned " The Triumph of the
Phanfsm," which is mooted is cresta •
great ssm,atien.
D.uieg 1891 t west tiree members el
Use Hew id Lards died, ,txteoa of Lam
been70 or err, and only two "ewbers of
the Comteons died.
?1e fat en d,seipof the € ;nese set
Parer p.up looking neat
sevsss.ia• tbiasbouldered,
ed. ft.il, wra-ant bey-"
Y. Gamma, • ai tcal wthusiest, has
lit 50.000 tease to the city of Parr to pay
fir genies* wartammenu for the sick per
in hittpitak and asylums.
Themes Nast's historical picture. •' Peace
in Caron," has been presented to the city of
Calcar It iepreeeuu the toeetrag banes
Great sad Les at Appomattox.
The last time t.3. 4 Stevenwa was in
Edinborgb he wee.teadung the fusers! of
hie father. tort be was in bad health thee,
and only • few anomers freede saw bins.
South America is soon to have her first
asrdinal in the person of the proses[ Arch -
►atop of Santiago, who, it is said, the
Pope will soon elevate to tie esrdu•I•i.
The early wahine° of William Bleck, the
wveliet, was to be • portrsit painter. He
reached the goal of his ambition, bat by
the ektlfe,1 nee of he pea and not by hie
Thelate earl of Moray lived in quiet and
eta Miss nod/tap is Leedom He
than.' go in tor style or aristocratic diswa-
ty,bet he left thousands of pounds to Scotch
cheese 1'tctorie's duly menu is unties in
Frenuh. with the exception of the .rasa
Item, "reset beef." which is loyally and Un
esmpromisiagly Enloe, as befita the no-
uo+sl den.
Placed end to end is • o,stlnuous tis•
the streets of Loudon would extend horn
the Mansion Hone across the retire wus-
tawt of Europe and beyond the C'rel
mountains into Asia.
It is a forta.•te day for • nee when he
first dissevers die value of Ayer's Sarsepar-
ill• as • blood-parifr. Wish this midi -
Sao, he keen he has lead • remedy open
whish he may rely. and that his itt.Ilooee�=
malady is as neat oseg.ared. Roe omental
others. wall sere yea,
Sir Desald Smith will leave tor Kgkmd
et the aid of Jeer
Over 1.000 barrels of trout have bees
trolled amt of Kenepeafrldt Bay.
Jena O'Bri.r, • weU-kaeww Minim
Prima, was toned dead near farm., Nora
t hakot.,
For Two Years
Its Head Eidsrsd a volcano of Fiery
Itching, llamas P$13111.
So opens Maxwell Johnston, 112 den
St., Toronto My ds -year -..N designer,
1te11., was afflicted with enema tor 24
months, the principal seat of eruption be-
ing behind her ears sod on her faen ; her
bird was on fire with painful, herniae
itching, 'Molt wee ,trade worse by contain
wretches* and tearing it with her heads.
We spent mosey without stint in ensefaet
esdesvr to afford the little sufferer re-
lied, every tela raised tweedy was triad ;
innumerable treatments with sops sad
m.ei.i.ee sadtssatmest toy
physisi..e having high e.doremre.ts is
**rise rift dises.sn were et se relict is
hr eau. A short tine ago 1 p.roba.sd
• hoz of Dr. Ohne's Olatment, the firs*
apptie.tios of whin timed do swath*
.feat if tb Ofete.s* ; eely one hail .1
the bei has be.n seer;, with the tacked
(+eine of ea ..tiee e1 the
a.npties• and 1 W�w�y
child is
abssredlyanswered with e.rised slang.
M Feed mast a Vitra.
Cosmtry...- --dash ! there be sane anti)
he these ere trsups s to make • parr ..t
plate fur my boy.
bran lMke 'ems along, my h..mat
front !hake 'em algae. tont make your
pay a pair oy deer We. 1 only subargt•
you sur von pair ; due Nessdy-Afs fur d. e
pun uy trousers ' WWIe1$ p ! Petit.
Tes Mob b MNrbus-
tlhe-u.s'ti yea think that salt wasr is
bNsillal M health' He Not always- A
MO TIMM 1 nee k.ew wee seriously la-
lettit. tike- How me! He He was
-Tit Bite,
Ilateue sad Art.
E'en the ;small boy bad has the Trilby fad,
Aad debates with honed' now whether
He shell sit in the sun whim bei swim is
And pose for " the altogether..'
A waste .I.siruea.
Editor _Sorry ; but I'm overstocked with
Poet -But this isn't poetry- it's m.gac,na
.er.ee i. war .....a.
Milionly Tailor mato this year wall
wear piaNs, bslt., anent shirts sad yellow
shoes. Is will not bio a quit Desna d be
cal help it. --Bannon Amertoao-
aft WllstsNsny.
Gitsbag-Wsts an I
Don't you r 1 ea � oo.
weenies no del M wwli b. Gasbag r
U —w getfel rival -Yea, 1 remember: but
your ptMiouon was • Iltue off. 1t ei (,a. -
bag sed asbody.
We oro as •nlberay.
"I say," said the .wmposer's fneod to the
oompo.er, "you haven't written this noc-
turea in the correct key.-
" What do you know about the correct
key •"
1 know enough to be able to tell you
thea a nocturne should be written in a night
lie Carried ■M Pret/v.14a With Etna.
Friend (to Kilometer of philolsry 1 What
struck your •tteatios particularly oc year
vacation trip ` Professor -A nuadr.d and
twenty-two anortheer•pluo saga mania -
Fliegeode Blaster.
teraplse tree the thrysaam m.te,
Peter. -Do yyeea. .,e that lovely young
bloods i r deoolle a gown yeader
Nibbles -Yee, who is she
Petra --The latest heiress debutante -
She is eon oat ant week.
Ni ! she will certainly Fe ar-
rested if elm ones set my further thea she
is mow.- New Yak World
That ilearad P..U. .
"Deets," end the min who had been
nagig the deer bell with spasmodic
violins, "do •sethf.g for at.. 1 don't
can much what itis, 'sly do it right away."
"What a' the mater ' ,--maned your
"No, nothing like that.."
"Ab, I se. You've ca.ght oold, and have
o sodden N •
'tor t•,mold."
"Probably you've eaten something then
donee agree with you."
"I dews think it o•o be exactly that.
1 -on sae, it's • complt ation. I've bees
roadieg the bei of symptoms in the patent
medians advertisements, and, I toll you, 1
sever realized till this Moate that I'm al•
most dead."-W'.bisgton Star.
,Mats r sIw.s man.
Rsmsmbsr, ey ass, you have to work.
Wbbbat, you beadle • pick or • pas. •
trbsdliaerew or • net of dishes, digging
diode. or editing a paper, noging an
euetism bell, or writing funny than, you
east work. 1f you look around, you will
Me the men who .re the most able to live
the reit of their days without work are mea
whc work the hardest. Don't be afraid of
kitbag yourself with overwork. It is be-
yond your power to do that as the sunny
aide of thirty. They die sometime, but it
is bemuse they quit work at 6 r. a-. and
dost go horns Until 2 A. M. It's the oar.
val tit kills. my eon The work gives
you an appetite tor your mos. ; it leads
solidity to your slumbers : It gives you •
perfect and grateful appreciation of • holi-
day. There are young man who do sot
work, tut the world is net proud of them.
Itdose not know their names, eves ; it
amply speaks of them se 'Old So -sad -se's
boy. Nobody cares for them ; the great
bogy world doesn't kaow that they are
there. So fled out what you wait to be
•.d do, and take of your coat and make •
dust in the world- The busier you are the
ler bora von will he apt to '.t into, the
sweeter will be your sloop, the brighter and
happier your holidays, .ad the better satis-
fied will the world be with you -Bob Bur-
Crest We. alallesedl.g.
Losdoa Advertiser : I was standing at •
Greed Trask oromsag the other day wises
my attention was draws to four men, who
from their appearance were plenty mitered
su.r. although they ell sported heavy 4..es,
and oro bad two.
'How essay leas do you think there are
moor* the crowd a railroad friend sated.
'right' r I answered promptly.
'Save., then.'
'Wing again.'
*Six.' I natured.
Ylaess oras mon.'
•N.: gases again.'
I looked at the men cl'•ely before s.nrer-
isg. Surely they bed ore • pies., I
thought, as I hazarded 'four.'
Still w[wig. Try man'
1 leased up against sed gasped out
Right, You see that utas with two
nasus. He bee en say Watches a crass -
i.' 1. Chatham now. Used to be on Talbot
street. The other three have one aoieca.
Oren iife, rsilro•die'. Load eat for that
wine "
Torte thssea.d legs belearingg to Alex
Baptist are adrift in the et. lhsri's by the
btre•kiog of the booms.
The (Iovenuesst has decided tie pea the
ease snits* Jansen, ex -Fishery lespener
of Barrie, whe ie named with freed.
The week of eseslreNten es the venoms
pasts et the Adonis sed Irks S.psrier
reilesy will e.mes.em ea Me.day nett.
Nearly ill the Dominica Callan
We ban s eeptsd 1.'P' s M
sanding of the state• of Sir Jen. Off"
&mean is Montreal.
Harry Teekr. • yang fsrgWhesa he
ensidsv of Judge Menges.., i).rigaal
(Canty, Mn est of • nem hi *bin be
was riding sod bathe W utak.
Mtshesl 4'. Okes.t, •r imper*gat witness
is iihe Venation mine ease, hos We OK
the U.Md Slug ..d ell ass insets.
A.da.ny sootherroma whims
is ale r w limiestflttaea
• glimiesol•. tsar Orme tits Fee Wes, One.
• reaN. 5505.550 .ins /55105.
The dialog room win loa.hed, ..d •1 ole
labia eros a yarn bloods trwraWsg my
bran Bastes. who no evtdeatly os hie
maids. trip.
He wore gold eye glemse , and he haw
was pelted to the tumid e-
Notaiug seamed geed emosgh for knit,
sad be kept the waiters bast' chaagtag hp
dishes for 1.a, while .e eased fur our.. -
finally an &equation,' of hie came in
d was anted beside hum. They shoo;
node, sad the Bootie man enquired.
• v. nen did you coma from "
The Irtetid teptied - , Oh, 1 lust got is
from Chute/dos. We left the masroinir,
but got lad up In the bran by • freight of
the ua•k, and hart had outbleg to est, sod
1 ani •early famished.'
Atr•IUxaT •I sling u' r•
' Speaktbg of academe,' mad the Roston
mal, ' 1 bar& a tn..a uuKu .r uw bsppw w
nee upon the $.,t Tenons. hood two
weeks ago. 1 ora. to the rear eleeosr Cola.
lag down the sweeten' wises it Jamped the
track and went down over a elif eighi7.8.e
feet Tato the tied t•1 a creek.'
Sines» reigned fir the space of five
n aiads, till • tall, quiet gentleman by the
n ame of Cwtrtoey, Wind of mite, who
was selling shear., leaned over to the Be..
tea man sad mthly smeared :
• Did you say eighty -toe tort"
• Yes,' sad the eau from Boone
' 1e that list" said Mr. Court ley.
' No ! 1t is not Ire" thundered the Bos-
ton mess. ' The oar went down eighty, five
feet, sad • Irak girl bad her arm broke.,
although 1 did not net hurt myself.'
A.. IIMST 1"•wRxa TNO.
i 'My dear lir; said Courtney, 'I world
not want you to think for • monad, that 1
doubted your word, and, speaking of the
mountains, reminds the of an adventure 1
had ►bout live years ago up in the Rockies
'There wee • party of us out theirs from
Chicago hunting and fishing. We were
moped on • trout stream away up 1n the
l' to Par, and, am l would rather fish thee
log • gun about ab day. 1 made dally tops
up the stream.
On day 1 went much farther than ever
before, ace finally came to • pool that lay
between two high rock.
'To teach it I had to climb up the mon-
tane side and out on • shelf of rock that
overhang the pool twenty feet blow.
I.ArT U[ TOK Bi.T.
"I dropped my 9r. sod as fast as it
struck the water I had • speckled beauty ue
the and of hey line.
•But all at once I heard • scratching on
the rock behind toe, and on looking srouod
I saw a bra she grizzly bear Doming for me
woe her mouth wide tepee.
":'hen I was without gun, pistol or even
• peaked, to defiled himselt with, and slue
death 4 I jumped tato the stream.'
*What dal you do" cried the Boston man
to ...eat exritsaaa.L
"Do! What could I do' I just eat
there, gad let the Alaska! thing est in ap.'
la Um rear that loll,wed the Beaten team
toot no part. He looked aaros. at Court-
ney's placid fame, is which there w.. not •
e ndow of • smile. Thee be laid hie twpktn
ea the tahle and sleeked oat of the room. --
Chicago Times -Herald
The ideal hasbaed and the tied wife are
purely creations of the brain.
1t would be better for many grows -up
children d they c. uld only be seen, but not
Yokes made of Drade. ribbons, cut in
star shape, the points outlined with fnils of
beurre-colored lace. with Hagfish eyelet
holes and • deep net top, are new and
Jersey trouts •ad vests she seen with the
n ow sale situ for boy. The catty suite
for boys oo•eat of • abort jacket aid long
trousers, and .re made of dark blue or red
serge, of striped denim or of twilled cotton
A orcin clever au•horer was asked by
• writer of the opposae psi who is not re-
markable for citihty
" Wouldn't you like to be • nun'"
'1'o this the lady readily replied -
" Wouldn't you •"
The east accomplished lady ot the Eag-
li•h royal family is Mare of Buena (1)soh-
ess of Edinburgh). who is a tborougn lin-
guist and as •dtnirable pianist as wall. She
devotee several noun a day to bit music,
and deliabte in finding anyone am\food of
the piano se herself who will play duets
with her.
No family but has its dental autIerr, and
the average drug store's .apply of Ian .o -
ism, ocean and other pain alleviator. al
hardly equal to the extensive demand tott-
ing from ell directions. The trouble is em
amides as it is extensive. A phvsoi•a
asorihse it to the Spnng instinct, that seems
to affect teeth just so it dose everything
else. (ltd stamps sod roots int have lain
dormant for month* begin to throb sod
ache for dear life just as irons as Spriag
Romehas been much aroused lately by
the ouertebip et two very well known mem
ben of society there. The young lady is a
wealthy and beaaufal E,gh.hwumun, and
the gentleman • distinguished Italian. They
m.1 en passage and loved et sight ; bet as
the young lair knew badly • word of
Italian sad the geetlemen eves lase of Hog
lin, the love -making bad a1 to be done by
the aid of • dkrionsry. However, sow
they are married, they will probably itt•it
pertep&ioe I. each otltr's iaarsage.
very osriees bee been the remelt et the
f•.Moe this .eases of tong the fine. silky
weal of the Mn gohan sheep as H•fmmt.As
for cloak. The price of on of them reds
nooks in the vill•gu. of North Chins is a
few shillings ; when sold in London they
fetch about eight pound., sod when out u.
to strip and put epee ladies' 'Ions •boat
thirty pound. All Unoonseious, as they sit
in the defines warmth et these expressive
sod luxurious wraps. are our Wise that
Usk •document was originally iute.drd for
the nets eery coverts, of • rade peaasst,
whom annual inoome is sheet nes•third the
p.4.a whim • sink ele•k bas fetched.
!kW laully
le Greet
of the
Old Country,
IT 40, 50, 111) 60 CELTS PER LB,
-1'1.1' 111'—
saw It tame to \etnbr an tree d11
Termite Sews : Louts P. Kribbs, the
weU•koown newspaper man, bas so chlldrca
of his own. Rat both he and his wife are
foal of youngsters and by adoption they
possessed unit • few days ago a curtly of
five. Now It comprises six. Somebody
evid.uUy thought Herr Knobs' household
was not lame enough and 50 deposited an
infant un hoe doorstep. It was with mingled
fallouts . t s•' .nahment and indignation
test 1111 K•.. •. yowled this uoorthodox
method et arming.
"Mr.. hila'. '• M sod, "I wonder v -hat
poppies thtuk ee • Yu iters, an orphan asylum
or et het' Children are all very well la
their p we, Mrs. Knbb., but the extent of
these t remises is limited and this thing
either hone to atop or wive gut to move Into
• larger hoose. Let see see, Mrs. Knbb.,
we -had five h -f.• -e. Tb. makes alb, all
eves hell alt r. •• 1 •• ms call this family an
even halt ... r n, ks•a Krabbe, and then
well stop the . • l • • re's got to be • limit
to that roe, -. •aeon. ern. 1 always play •
limit avr'11 .n•we tlr limit six, and the
taut time st,yt.uuy -,tea up another baby
on ser door••• p tl call the game."
And the Krabbe Una now numbers the
eyes half ann.
Recruiting in 'tootland for the British
army h•• c•. -ally t.opruved during the I••t
year her two.
Gleason, which owns ate street can,
prima Scripture term on the cheap tickets
for workmen
1. severs Europese neatens, iecludiog
France and Itelgtum, elation are always
h.id or Ssoday
It is said thin President (leveler. will
'make • tour around the world as soon as his
prima taro expires.
D•dabbai N•orojt is onminosly known es
•' Dab -in -the eye Neii ' by hie fellow mono -
hen in the house of Commons.
I'boo.osd* of people *ft (Mersa at Eimer
time on account of • prophecy that the city
would be swallowed by an earthquake.
SOLD BY JAMiI>s WILSON, Nivea, (teshafill.
Can only be obtained by wearing
No. 391 as Improved Ail -Feather -
bone Corsets." No side .steels to
break, hurt or rust.
All First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell TMM
wishes to announce to her customers and the ladies of Gott -rich and aur -
rounding country that she ha- • 'scorn in stock all the new, keeling f4ihious,
both iu Shapes and Trivaaun , that hate been deigned for this t$eaests'a
trade ; and also that the present well -assorted stock will be renewed front
week to week throughout the !Season.
Having adopted the strictly Cash system, both in buying and selling, site
is prepared to quote the lowest possible prices tir•t•class :Millinery can be sold
for, and can quote Hats from '.0 eta. up.
There will be no special opening days, but every day will he an opening
for all who wish tasty and artistic Millinery made up 1•• the best wanner.
Thanking my many matrons for past favors, 1 solicit a t•ontilu:once of
saint. Call anti inspect nay .tock. MISS CAMERON.
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of Boots and
Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish Footwear that the market af-
fords. InLadies', Misses' and Chikiren's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are
showing exceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have a fine line
which are very popular just now. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button
Boob in endless variety, at prices to suit the times. In Gents' wear we have
all the leading styles in Dongola, Shell Corti and Calf. Boys' and Youths'
School Shoes at prices that defy competition. Call and see our Ladies White
and Tan Canvas Oxfords.
Corner East-st. sad Square. Successor to E. I)owelxs.
P.S.—The balance of our Winter Stock will be sold regardless of cost to
clear out.
35CkSll PRh7JS-35
1st prize, S25 ; 2nd, S15 . 3rd,
SIO ; 4th, S6 ; 6th, S2 . 10
prizes of SI each ; 20
prizes ot bOc. each.
Th. Propnetors of
Mada CeY1ofl
offer to school children the above
prize,, competition open until let
of May, for the best poem or
rhyme, the initial letter of the
lines reading downwards to com-
pose the words -
'Salads' CIollTas
The poem is expected to be the
result of the child's own thought,
ins name, age, address and school
to be appended to each poem. also
• card out of • package of
tl 8aladait Ceylon T
Tac Miner% esederkb.
eff7ytl.pbens Cessation.
The town 01 Berne will vote on a by -kw
10e: $8,500 to repairing the Model
Wosipsg's teed aseaeement for the cur-
rent year is 522,150.160, exclusive hal ex•
emptioas, which amount to $4.505.980.
The setimated population is 37,062, as in-
crease of 2.000 over Int year.
A quick
g_JPl e&,Attr
for An
ober! nacre
ceh Coid
I \ Hcerseness
Bi onch. CIS
Big 8ottk 25'
11111.11111. Amgen
Oen* tir
rt' stmit Mew 1 w
tae z•.iir e(vei aM 4 i. res
(*cituttdic American
It is hilted by Le Figaro that Sardeu'a
" Rab.g•," which was suppressed se being
an attack co (:ambetta, is to be gives at
the Paris Ambiqu,wit b t'o.iuileo is the title
St ecresorte C•rysfet it B14cii.
manufacturer of all kinds of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet Troll
Works, etc-, etc.,
And healer in-
Enguses, Machinery Castings, ke., Pipe.
and I'ipe Fittings, •11 Bras t.00ds,
Valve., Ganges, Etc.
All Caoatenuy oa Hood at Lowest Prices.
The following `teoosm-bead Roden and Macl-
i•ery for saw :-
one 1ne 45 H. P. Boiler and Engine-
•' 40 " Slide Valve Engine.
" 33 " Tubular Boiler, complete.
.. 14 "
" 6 " Fire -box Roller and F'nguie,o.
Repairing promptly attended t.
last-ly P. O. Dox 37. (todrich.Oat.
web-Opp,sa. G. T. It Brehm. 0.drfoa.
TN -
has established it new Bakery and Con-
fectionery Store on Hamilton -et- in
Barrie's old stand, where he will keep
constantly on hand everything in the
line of Coal Bread, Cakes and Pastry
of best make. Large Loaves at I 0 cts.,
and small Leave.! at .r lc.
No combination ; no extortion, but
everything to suit the times anti the
pockets of the people.
If you want Good Bread and Cheap
Bread leave your orders at the New
Bakery, on Hamilton Street.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
Bread deliverer) to all parts of
CARATS. Tater /Mtn 400 COP,RIu1Ts
alt h.. sass 1e the U. S. Roost
attended to at MODZRA7'17 PBS&
opposite the U. 8. Pa�sten�
ear:, saethen Pstente laPatent lees th-smote trema WASHINGTON.
ewe es to patestahlUi tree .1 �g. sad
we make NO OH/ HUB UNLESS ori OB-
We refer, he. to the Postmasterthe Sega.
if WhineyOnrder Dtv., and to cantata of Om
U. S tent Ono& it coveter. advice
terms sad n ferv.uoee l smeal intents o rem
awn flint. r Osunty _ write to
r • awsw a lee..
Oglia te Pw.t (i(0'.Waeh/steer.•