HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 61'HZ 8I(4N Al. : (JUDKKICR. ONT.' '17ITISDAYi MAY 23, 1895.
Mos Ates Jeaa.wee
Ayer's Pills
' 1 would like to add my testimony to
Gist ..f others who bare used Ayer•.
Yells. and to say *at 1 have taken them
tor many yearn. and always derived 1b
best result, Iran their use.
For Stomach
an4 lever troubles, and for the ems. of
headache caused by these derangements,
Ayers fills cannel he equiseed.
my friends ark mr what Ix the hest
remedy leu disorder of the stomach.
Liver, or Bowels,
my ;maritime answer la Ayer's Pills.
T:tk••n n. sr:a,u11 they will break ups
cried, pr.•, e•nl is grippe. cheek lever, and
regulate !.w digestive urgau.. They are
easy to take, and
Are the best
all-round family nwdMHne 1 have ever
known "-Mrs. av Juaa.ort,3111 Bider
Ave , New York City.
lighest Awards at World's Falr.
lye is *troops ring per FAC Weed.
Tilt it-n*l, May it,
tttobt Black a building a lettcheu.
'lite batntng season has commenced.
Andrew Holmes .plot Sunday in Itlyth.
Farmers are through median to tau vi-
Will (:ray Ila. Launched but boat. " it.
Joe :alley, nt V.inthain, was to town os.
Mar Mamie Widths ts vatting tomtits in
Seen Stott. of Manchester, was in town
on Friday.
John Spence took ha fat cattle to Gorr"
on Saturday.
Will Fraser spent Sunday in Gorr* at
Major bane's.
M0Ksurle Masser was home lest week
from N nngnan'.
K. N. Dud was in Seaforth oo business
last t nur•day.
Miss filched son, of
Sunday to woo.
.1. Acheson a drivug
team to Kelgrave.
Chris. Tharutoo is working for Mr. 1'.t
ton, pumpinsker, W taghsrn.
Aker. MO .5e ie running hu little farm on
share. with 111 Thornton.
Hob ('ornyn, of LYtngham, was in town
Friday event% on his enrol.
Pugh faros. have been working on Thos.
Hemphill's hdeee, Wroxeter.
James Burgess will make cheese this year
with t► .11 Herres, of Kothaa/.
tt"tl1 McKen%te was in town on Friday
nygbt with has fait drtvtr g mare.
Thomas Whitehead, nt Walkerton, mks
"dating at Ales. Craig's last week.
herr. Duff A Stewart have not their
plenum null in working order again.
We will be well supplied with meat this
year. bots of butchers to be found.
Ed. Coultas, teacher. of Whitechurch,
spent Sunday under the parental roof.
The hisses ('opsland, of Tessw.ter. were
vatting at John Robertson's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy and family, of T•.►
water, were vdl:tng at John !tureen' last.
Housecleaning I. poet for this year and
the head of the house has renewed hie good
Fad TIplady was in town on Saturday,
bidding farewell to his friends before leave
ing for reset Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas l'nultrs were visit-
ing their daughter, Mrs. John alaetntash,of
Molesworth, wt Thursday.
Geo. Haney has built two fine driving
abet* this Spring, nae for Thomas .Jewitt,
and the other for ,1..1. Denham.
Mr. McKwen, public school teacher, is
preparing large classes for eetn•oe sad
public school leaving examination.
Duff & Stewart have •old them old mill
yard at the 'tattoo to Thomas ('Dukes, as
be desires to snake an addition toohis farm
.1ae•t Gardiner, of Teamster, was in town
last Suadev• Ha many friends were sled
to sate that he was looking as hale sad
hearty as ever
The Igoe betimes Wm. f'atten's sad .1.
.1 lawman's farm was surveyed byMr.
Ritchie, surveyor, of Kincardine on urs -
day of last week.
Mrs. Fall and piffle ,laughter, who have
been elaition foe the past month around else
village, retuned to their hems in Palmer,-
toe on Wednesday.
Will Bailey has gate for the Qume»r to
Rothsay, where he will work in the cheese
factory. %% ill will M much missed by his
voting friends i* the village.
The glosses *theses factory has won
moored operation., with the following stag
I:en. Ms.:doo.aM, Esse.. Measles, Andrew
Warwick mei Wesley ('easel.
Joseph Burgess lett no lnd.T for Priam
Edward lased. via Ottawa tad M.sIns ,
where M norupts the amities at iastreeter
ie cheese std beam nrkie• for the (:ev-
enwest. _
A Rewarkahle Ogre --.J. W. Jenni-
son, Clifford -Spent Mtemen Hills) and
liclal in consulting Onetore; trial I)itoa's
and all other treatments het tett no h+ne
lit Otte hex of Chase's Catarrh Cera
41,1 'sa m,.ris t•vd Ikea all other retnwrlts
in feet I onnssder'sy.alf eared, std with
• 25 seat bot .t that _
N mak ea. Mea
Mame Ura are dootses to make the
1aals-11/2 Its piem es sf abs sheep. -
Newfoundland Cannot Accept
Canada's Terms.
.hsps'... w Cassia • CrKWeald
Leave the taloa, WILY s:.sM,•N
Debt sag as saaaal aeratN Ts
a. kiwi By Wirral
rales mmis111r8 •sp..•ee tor meat Igoe'
ettameat. It is (mpumitlk to ..rept the
arms dol auk's. Cau yaw not massag' to
arra.gr for this? 11 you do alt t•aeur 1
mast intn+durr sit altrruatirr policy,
wheu the our ulster. consequently bag
your early reply."
To this the Premier Bret the follow tag
reply. bard May 4. "Impswible to ar-
cade to your proposition. 11 a favorabi•
(tamer is received fr..lu the Imperial Gov.
"massed we will slake- a e4•ftuite propo-
sal s+i to the auuual aubsuly. '
The correspoudeuce dosser w ills lullowiag
cables from 14r Mark •ria•• Howell to
Premier wbitrw-ay. dated May lit
Lord I.ipi. n'e deapltch, May s, to
Lund Aberdeen, forwarded to the Wirer -
nor of NewlouaJland. will ialorw lou cl
the position taken by the British Gov -
eminent. 11 Newtoumlhonl adopts Lord
Ripon's proposition. it ac.y be modified
by slid froth the Home t:overnmeet. I1
Otte we, May 11 -Tbe long - exported wt. Canada cal only supplen1rut tW
(.peri iu ref••renee• to the Newleulltdlatxl peopeuu.1 made to your delegates by
w got inti 'ns wrrr presented to Perlia' tii, oeul the \ wf,s ,tell auk I. limen
welts last night. They contain simply the iilvrr Ekploit. to Port Alit IL.rytaw, by
protoeole of the (•ttawn conference, the •ubeidy of 11100110 per "tide. and to Add
ds -p .t• h,•, in wk rh the I.oleuial lint ($36,000 additional to yearly •llowaree.
rrumen t ie iut•n•xtrd not appearing Iu
Own'. At the recent couferener it ep-
ware that each side asked for a ',umber
Mitring ou the trade. ,
merere mud fivaucialcd uJ taws of bt'tb
col: I.t ro..
Tt:rlo. after it few days, Mr 114.od. on
brha:1 o1 Newfoundland. fried the follow-
ing haat .1 union
1. A subsidy at the rate of tel tents
per head.
2. Bounties to f:,hrmien . $150,000. T\i.,
Teamster, spent
I .i vingstone's
CA's &a*'. TIMES s to &e1'grTaBAL
Tbs Delewaa.s Mayan id sove•Ir ss. ahs
eller Seale.
Bt. John's, Nfld.. Mac 16. -Tho idea of
the molests -ratites of Newf.sudla.d with
the Dominica of Canada was abandoned
to -day. la the 1Aegisl:atare the White -
way (itovernmeut abused ulwuimous.ly op-
poeed the proposal.
Mr. Morria, ar of the delegate* to
Ottawa, reported to the legislature the
pnerediugs ..f the conference between the
Caliadinu authorities and the Newfouwl-
they nay, wou:ei he largely u.cressed sub- bite. delrgatrs. Cauatla'a terns* included
arqu,•utly. it,. (1.• longest of b,at• is.- the aswunlptiuu of $'IO,000.000 ,.1 New-
ereas.d, feoundlaud'a debt, leaving $5,000.000 to
3. Cana.ia to aw.ume the debt of the be assumedcolour.
by the TheIhemin
colony in proportion to the debt of the 1+111 pn,pe..rd te. rant rt0 rants per
Dominion, at. if it Wks leas than the .spite lir the k'eal adnsjniwtrnhuu. =60, -
till► sur Irgialatjou, %4154111) for t i(
proportion Canada t, give Newfound` Crown IwutL and fW,thn) fur 7..liee in
land 5 ger cent. on the excess.. The I /lieu of for foRnstien ul a nuhtia b.edy,
fuuded debt of the colony is stated to be a total of $506,111►. This sea. exclusive
39.115,01.1 and the floating debt $675.- of the services to be taken over and
IIIc►• The total debt iso put down as mawtained by the Domioino (:"cern-
*IS,ft2!►,O(►0. The Newfoundland fele- men!. Those 'services now demainl au ex-
pruditnn• nl Me11►,Ix10, res. that it N.n-
ic.t•. claimed that there was nn *sir;'ceded Newfoundland the equ.vnleut of
The main oblertioo to thaw proposals
was that they left Newfoundland in
t•e•sa of ♦4.073.000, weich at 5 per
rant. waald yield an auaual amount of
*2108,fi73, debt nearly $7,000,000, .n which sum in -
4. Give the amounts t.. be paid by the teras wYulel have to be paid annually.
Dominiou for the vnriow provincial ser J1wtoundland demanded a bounty to
vices, including $12.000 for the l.bent.•ihiernwn. a aubsley of 11,00O,00U. ul
Governor, the total bring $r)02,S5tz. whirb $2613,000 n•preseuteu tbe interest
5. The Dernidtan Th pay fur a bat- ea the diHrrreee between her debt in
ter,' of artillery tee be raised for New- 18118, when Canada urged Newtuaudland
foundland. to accept maim. and before Mewfonnd-
6, The Dominion to build the resilwsy Wad sodertooi iu build the railway.
and other large public works, leariog : Whig' Canada woe willing to finish after
nothing to be provided for by tbe Col- f a ' was consummated. Nrwfunhdlawl
ony except roads, bridges end •aluCa-
7. The Dominion to pay 4160.011) so -
also demanded an edditlonal 111011.14000
for the Crown Iant4 in Labrador, and
for the fisheries of the Maritime Prov-
mwll� for Crewe Iliad" A couteutioa Titres, an efficieut v.eekly mail and
was put in that *1001100 extra ahonld psmiettger service with Halifax. bounties
b Rimed 0n aceuent of timber awl to local iiWaist ries and the establishment
minernla of Crown Iowa of l.abrntku, of a naval brigade. Wee referred for her-
ohirle are not surve•vrd. 1 elf all the precious Crrtale in the colony.
S. The ihomiawn to effi••ie•titly protect ` The ttareptance of Canada's proposal
the fisheries and arrnuge for the Mock -I would have rollout' a total ruual befitit
grit of the lake. awl rivers. A state- of *520,0110. which would be required
went wane pat in o1 the quantity of ter- ' to b•• made up by dirtrt taxstiou in
ring etp.rteel to the Cuite.l Mateo be- ; N••wfouuellawl, besides :nether *154.000
twreu Ix92 awl 1511.. It is contended ' yearly niter five year*. when the colony
that than should be bone iu mild iu would be obl.gcd to operate the railway
cou.it1,•nwt the question of fishery bona- , gulf.
ties and the nus to theslimly from ,Canada negotiated with the British
forrgoiuc the advaistrgee id the Bund-, Govrrnnent, hoping tis twrure assist -
Blaine .,mceutieu• aner tbrrefeem to help to complete the
9. Provides for the steamship subsi r ilway. Thee- negotiation* failed, sod
die*. ab..ut which tb•n• ie.•uta to bate Cawsdn tbeu wade he last ufler of scow
lar•u uo sula.•giteut di(fer•ure. . per mile to complete the railway,New-
. 10. Exem ,ts the liahe•nu a from the
1 foundlaud toll/000W thr•rrmn+nin« *WOO
Iaym.•ut of a Ilcruse lee or for the ii.e per nide. This was beyond Newfound -
o f ctrl traps.
11. At the prevent time there are a lane's tndewnrs, sod the urgutiatiolta were
bn.kru off.
number' of local iwluatries establishe.1 by _.The (.ovenlment low protases' a policy
pm.t.rtiou. These industries. titer do 1 d r•treucbmeut, awl hopes to carry the
lydf•rntion4 would be culr.itlerably ham colony through eta tloubtee, but this ie
erred, if out entirely clow•d, mud it was i generally believed ll n
lid to be inwibte,',Wing
submitted that in Calarqurw:e cotupeu- : 1
to the difficulty of obtaining a Can be-
sot' iu the way of thud for it limiteds,
cru' of the bead condition of the public
period should b• allowed.
12. The rstuLllsbturi.t of a naval tri- !•rW /latew ageel[LTtf agl�ag.
wade iu the colony, which will take the norm of a uncoil training whit'. __
, tlt•ealas Tremolo., a Toronto Newsboy.
13. Perri -rue uset:.l. to be reserved to i ,Vers a asr/na Least
the rulony.
West street BASER,
We have the largest and best as-
sorted stock of Carpets ever seen in
ruareb, from the best makers .
T in great variety, 1iow "5c.
up ; Bordering' to match our t pat
terns, which look ss. good as Brussels
--latest desigra and colorings. A
big stock of All Wools, direct from
the Mills. Prions, from '_:ie. up, the
greatest value ever seen in this
county : /letups, from 10c. up ; Art
Squares, in all wool and union, assort-
ed patterns sad colorings and .isms.
Lace Curtains, cheaper and better
than ever; over 400 seta to choose
from. Lace Curtains aro one of our
geeat specialties : Chinelle Curt tins,
French Art Curtains, Art Sateen',
Art Muslin. and Curtain Nets, Az
Minster Rugs, Turkish Rugs, Moquet
Ruga, Dacbestaa Rags, Beam Rugs,
Velvet Rugs. Door Mats, Velvet
Mats, Wool Mata
Our housefurnishing department
upstr-irs is very complete. Our Car-
pet Sewing Machine is a great sue
cess. We can have a carpet ready to
lay on your floor two hours alter you
leave the order.
His bread is made from pure
Manitoba Hour -made front the
cream of the Manitoba wheat -and
therefore is the best In the world.
This is a big thing to say but it is
a fact and you have the privilege
of buying this bread at the same
all made front inferior Hour at the
price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered
to any part of the town.
Orders for cakes promptly at-
tended to.
Ear Wedding cakes and almond -
icing a speciality.
11. .summate. for legislation $50,000: New York. May 17 -Toronto Redeems
a statement of the services to be bores from Buffalo a few days ago. He went
by the colony was put in, totalling $535,- - out on the Brooklyn bridge earl] this
784. morning in n 01Er011 accompanied by
tantada'« nit.rwative props sitiou. sub- Michael Houlihan of No. 3 Fultonatreet
mftted a fro 'bays later, was nes follows. Bnn.klyn. When un.berreed he mad.- a
.1. l'acudn will .'ulnae of the present debt break from the ve\iele. quickly mounted
of Newt 'toed 444,3110,010: Canada will the bridge rail and jumped over.
sum•• an etc. -'s ill debt over the lure- the reaching the surface he struck out
g ' g ruuoultuig to $2.111I0,00‘e. total and attempted t.. swim to the Brooklyn
*10:i540.00 0. This is 111111111 to *50 per shorn. Hi. friends who were waiting iu
head of a p.p•sl tial of !07,(110. thn ex- a row Moat quickly pulled to his aesie-
u•as of $2I'(M),0i►0 Gonda will May inter- taree and lifted him into the boat. He
rat At line per (tient. per auttunl hal. was rowed ti. Morrisnn'a dock 'tear the
yearly. Brooklyn end of the bridge.
2. Canada will pry yearly allowanceBridge Puliermon Broderick arrested
to Newfouu.ILsud iu the following sums. ( Houlihan on the charge o1 violating a
Allowauc.• f..r legialatiou *50,111): sub- bridge orlinaoce In twisting a man to
silly ul 54) cents per bead 1.1 I..pulatiou lamp from the bridge. Houlihan was the
up to *4911,00, which at the premost I only one of "Red'." friends to be ar-
pepuL.tiuu of 407111) equals. $165.600, ,e.ted. The others who picked him up
paymrut4 to be Houde on the In1pulrti.0 ; were John C. Bachman anl:lam Davis
of .'ie h d evennu,l remote Alter union. Ai -of is .., .n. who CAMP 00 with him to
1.wainee fur Crown 14111.1,. Mutt right. of , witnesses the fent. The daring jup
miuernls and metals Awl timber thereof wore coat whieh And an nuts'i, mer
env -
and thereon *1141000. Interest at live Bring of tort. while lend weights' were
par 'rut. mu $210.009 ex. eew debt.*10u,- (attached to the soles of hi• •h.ec. Re
Imo). Total *406.000. • clever string arrangement he «a• A1)1r
tr. r•Ienew the lead as boon as he struck
tide water.
The - right name of the lad known
as "Toronto lied," i• Thomas Tremain.•.
Ile is a newsboy. about t1 year, old.
who haw p,rfortne, wirer -al wontie
character. Crown bonds. admuustrat feat. in ant aro Rnflnlo Mrbor .04
of ionic.•, nn.tuliicc. etenm.hib .ereire, Niagara River, sal wh.w home i• in
3. Cnmsda will maintain all that
floow of 'services in Newiousrlleoid which
fall meter the Mend of general 4,r D0111111-
ion mt.-tees. These comprise the Gov-
erw.r's s.L.ry, customs. ear lee. *Ay
iasa hanks, public Works of a Ii.mi naen
marine Ari. lighthouse's, hthoues fisheries. peni-
tentiaries weights noel mranlresi mud
Ras itwp-etiou. arts, nerweilture and
statistics. quarantine end eseurauee w
erect Attd galloons' .nrvey.
4. limneda is to maintain in regard to
.teanwhip servicer, pswr.ger and mail
r..mmunicetiun iu at leest a en ie
minn.•r we at preeent, as loll.*. I1r-
tweeie the mni.ilind and Newfoundland,
bKWeen Newfoundland and Great Itri-
the coaatnl .team eer,ic.e e•,.et pmt
turn between Labrador and New•
5. b.. lien o1 esp•nditore on mien... in
Vrwlonn• Li nil, Willi' Omit tune ..a poor•
Iinm••ut .4 -em neee.e.nry n more gen•
-r..l nUlltl,s system, Fenno. soil grail
*40,1111 nnnnn. Ily tow aril. the Inaiutee•
are of is p.•Iw• eoastabulary, t.. eoi,aat
at men. 0 t.. be. a. to •11ieleisey gnip-
merit And di.r.pinte, up te. the .tuwler*
approved by the Miaiater of Militia. Thee
Core is -ty I*• at the diapered of the
Dominion Govrrament Mr udw• Anywhere
in Canada in maims of genrrel awl seri-
ous enig Mew
a. The fishermen o1 `HwfeendLtnl err
to portieipete equally with time* o1('e..
.16 In any bounties to fishermen oh..-te
may he granted by the Federal floowern
'sent At any time.
7. Can•la will tab at fair valnetion
the .termer Peoria, new an ow by the
o ve raeut of Newloadblrt Mr fishery
s► TV ire.
s. Sewloondlottd shall b. seprv.eutrl
In the feast* by leer Mea itnrw, and Is
the power of Comta.a. by 10 1prreenta-
Th„ tollowlag dated May 1, from Mr.
Wbiteway to Air Iwebeasie Mwelp, V
give.- "I• this ab....e of year ammehar
ti. male lett' Ie 1
Our ng Petcock u now color
p{�, iwttaista of a gre tt variety l*
all the sew things for the warns.
Dress Goods, in the new Fabrics for
Spring Trimmings to suit the latest
As usual, we lead in Prints. Our
stock is simply lovely in both cloth
and design : patterns the latest.
A complete A liortreent of ducks, m
both light and dark colorings. Crine-
lea, in the new colo,-rngs for the
Pure Scotch (linghau►., plait, and
striped Chawbreyt, darwales Vesting,
Piques Satems and Charnels.
We want to draw special attention
to our Ready Made Spring Capes and
Mantle and Cape (1 .shit, both in
Black and Colored Goods, all new for
this Spring trade.
We have a few pieoe• of Dress
Goods that are selling at about half
price -decided bargain., good all_
wool goods and good cr toe•
Our Ribbon Stock is large and well
aarorted, as is also our Small Ware
Department. Gloves and Stockings
particularly good.
The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse
of the County.
Did not damage MISS PITCHER'S
Millinery Stock, but the Mole of it
must be sold at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Now is your Opportunity to purchase Good Goods Cheap.
f aye• as � 1 bbeen estaWL\eedd co I(4tre the
puMdo • Mamma's service sett\ fair and pat
serene 001011111101 1011
hie 10510111111111 ca bwslnars principles .ad be
the tatereer of its patrons.
It deserves the support of every person who
believes:la competition.
Far al.let 4sepasea use slats (.an=
Mmes. ooaneetiag with all Owes sing
la Sailed 'hates. Commis sod garep..
Lebow threagh wows to all points to the
7lortbwe a.Brlti.6 (7ojambla sad Poodle Coast
(m.•-towtb Side tVemat
t. aaM'Y(IIR
/•'t tf Local llaasaer."0ode eh
c/iaaa• 41112 r-or5Tll-CRI RAs••
The Musters or tab. .00 r1. aeeveesyM
rl•se Ce. ss /.wa•r.'sde W Ila
masse.' 1 'seas.
Toronto, May 1 -- On Wednesday
last a writ en. issued by Mr.
W. J. Watson against Evelyn Mac-
rae. (iw.rse 6. Macrae. H. M. Pellett.
i A. H. Campbell. F. O. Caylev and Lvdia
11111. The pleintift risible. 410.0004am
1 ogee for w nonglnl dismissal ant for low
•ttstelred by reason of a reimpiraey n0
1 the part of the above named defendants.
who are director. mud stockholders o1
the Ontario Rtereotrpe Piet. Co. The
affairs of the company appear to be it
a tangle by reason of a sgnabhle be-
tween the direetnrote and the manage -
meat. Two or three years Ago. Mr.
Evelyn Macrae inlnred annw• of his
friends to pet money into the boldness.
ileading them to believe that there Was
it, fortune in it. Altogether the com-
pany bare peak $271,0110 is Ines than
Hirai FAR. iifii Zi. W51055 *low try-
t•g to ivied it en. -
•1 4.sewe ea P.e.yeses.l 110.5
i.otwdon. May 1g. -Mr. OIstrbtnne has
writtew a 1 tter r.'s'sending the mora
meet for • teeniest' of the Scottish and
other Presbyteries tem -elms.
slew eeme rot A
om gii,
/insane.nmay OM the ,; ;; Ity ;, WILL CURE YOU
Meanies* ow *0r tot • cel Pron•Ma1 del �I �,
Match end Iselkitais as Wail"
eatfs� ea .tier British
e.4....NTHAtOCNI T'. * .
,,E3UL ETi::Ievr.!Q
INStl3LS c4000 ietoteTION.
Play5reS.TN. �s ey%ar
West Street, next door to Star Office.
Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to which
additions will be made a' the Season advance'.
Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit and select -A with
more than usual care.
Customers may rest ensured that everything will be up-to-date, and all
Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularizing particulars.
Special attention given to small wares.
Inspection kindly solicited. Prompt delivery of purchases to any part
of the town
2064 Draper and Hab.trdarher.
T.�o You Want
r.s of First class Make,
a Good Material and
Latest Style,
-CALL 1:POa-
Tae WeMws. t e ttsv,
Bess es Wt
U.N. las 1f.•as.s Beak dM
can supply you with a goods article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give me a call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Purchasing Power of
6 6 10.41116.1E3IL "
It is a well known fact that you oan buy to better advantage
when purchasing for Cash. You can buy
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, - -
x x Silverware, &c.,
No Stones, Stems, or Dirt!
Everybody Likeethem.
Your 'lvddera ,cliched
Subscribe for "The !ig'n 1l"--$1 a yur.