HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 5,LED. IN/ HAIL site Alea. lt., ties W to the ► *nailer Irma, etre e !needs tae man porter she 1141 •beet a la good spasmodic 1 toe mew is of age, iy menta I •vrtax- por• ase was killed to little'•, St. weeks Sky, was lige 1 was elengbw, 1, who was died four Ilea called ▪ aod labor 1 be- : skillet e. to take to rat week' I. Dura r a doctor, ewe muob. dtee aside ne my left had heard Ptak I'tlls trial B. ly .u. and myself mg rite pill. y track du w•U that daughter l.tormtatag PAM until and more they were not thea balk. The s lupus te fiat the pills Mertiokville tea showed '.d Mak ,the 1 were spar - y the saem e when the i as i begs ills 1 began W O of • few arely cured. d ►.alt h as ye that if it t' Pink Pelle is. and 1 •m nc,tir de well set yerieoce with erseene nb )k sold is balk, ie, or is my boxes. every Yapper prier - trade mark, Pale People." y ether form, re imitations d. Dr. Wil- ber andicises sad may be od KingMas r interference soname by ill.tnt e m•chestal will tell you •Iseat. has as • strength' 1 is far in ad. R E. 10 e that which ;hes must be ti doubt who rywhere that redly exceeax except when (fort, craven- s careful at - time be br- im with pies - move his ap- him, and he O oder titers need be no n *Tory par- TIE SIGNAL: GODSIOL OWI" THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1895. t W. ACHESON & SON. A Blouse Occasion About 50 pits French Cambric& Percales and Lawns, 35 to 36 inches wide, in Polka Dots, Stripes, figures, neat and new, at 115c., worth 25c. French Organdies, Batistes, and Hair Cord M wiling, 20c. yard. DUCK SUITINGS ANI) SCOTCH GINf;HAMS in Tweed patterns, late it noveit3 , 25e. qualities at 20c a yard. AH styles and sires in the fashionable Novelty Vassar Waists and Collars. WHITE 000DS. Dotted Swisses are the scarcest thing in White Goods, tbey say. Are they ? Look at the snowy heaps in our win- dows and on our counter& 20c. quality at 16c. yard. 25c. 191:. " 35c. ., ., 27c. „ VICTORIA LAWNS and INDIA LINENS. 10c. a yard, usually 15,:. TUCKED LAWNS for Aprons and Skirts, 15c. a yard, regular 20e. CHENILLE CURTAINS Large heavy Chenille Curtains, double Border, new Colors, full size, 9:3.25 a pair ; real value 94.50. White Lace Curtains, :3# yd& long, 50 in. wide, Fine Nett, at 98c. a pair ; regular price, 91.25. White anti Cream Curtains, 3i yd& long, 60 in. wide, very fine Nett and handsome Patterns, 92.50 quality, at 11.90 a pair. Inspection Invited. W. ACHESON & SON. IlarHikh Price for Eggs and Butter. BORN. MORRIS -In aodetieh. ea Mei like the sib of John Merril, of • see. KIDD-In Goderich es the reed May. the, wife of Joseph Kad..f • esu WARM/rig -In 0.dmieb.e Msy lerb. tb.I wife et Wm. Warmth, of • da.uaw. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reportar'a Notebook If You've a mite is 0 Ter coma, 1 reeks fie tent ti ; e Milers Amami We Taal.' noise...' th geld Frees U.-- Warn.. lo Toa never make a mistake by meting m e.rr. bta .lstg truly Prtdbam. the peepte's clef •tsr Per reliable asd first class wart he is eine celled. The :Sib anni eer•ary of the thee.'s birthday will be richt ovally celebrated tomorrow. bat you on. hose tie cnis emery t 1 the daloar photo was takes u •ay time if H. It. Sellew• has the •eptly* FINE TAIUIRIN i- At Mese ass\ pries satire satisfaction moored. Just, arrived. =admen is thine.$ad oveposuAings. 7w. aadmen •airs be. ready w• oversews at oust. Meet be sold, See them. S. MscOORMAC. ''GOOD EYE eta HT- is • priceless tremor.. Yon who have got It should take ears at 1t You who neve not got it should have your eyes attended to at Dice. We mane the pit Iervatloe of sight a epecaity and ma test your e esaocutely and acientlI.ally. W. T. W iLSHrs . macho and jeweller Tse OLD MAIM Nga.-Ogileies t Hut- tsbtsee have moved •gain into the old office, having had it painted, varnished and nicely relitted. THE PuMuk Hores.-Appliatioa• for the positions of master and matron of the hoses of refuge are already reaching the county clerk, •ail it looks se if the list will be a large me. Srs.i*i. SERMON. -The Rev. Mr. Edge will preach a serum" to the C.nadise Order of Foresters o the first Sooday kis Jona The m aben at outside courts are oerdf.Uy earned to snood. DusrarrntE FIRS tm W1we;SA3t.-Toss- d•y •bemoan. betwess four and five, the Unto. Formatters Factory, of WIngham. was entirely destroyed, the engine home, which was detached, being the only part saved of the Marge blook. Tee NEW Ou:Atirrr.-Prof. Can, site and family, have arrived in town from Que- bec. The gentleman hag ..suited the duties of his appointment. that of organist and choir m•Eter of 8t George's, gad last sass*/ met the mm.b.rs el the choir and bele his stet prairies. A TAI.smD Vor•AIJrr.-Min Fila Arm strong. of the Ce.nervatory 1 Music, Ft..a tots, snag • solo is North -et Methodist church Ssedayeveeiag is•mtyle that showed her to be • trained vosaliut. Her vines is contralto, of power •ad riotous", the low notes being especially rieb ins •rtioalattm and modulation HEAao Ox TWO SgoASK.-.iebmmy-"Ask pap to gat t S a bleyel• before yes gat that beget you're kolas, •t." M•esr--" Why !" icing -" 'c• if yes rat the b•ss•t awl he'll he too peer to boy the bieyole but if 1 get the wheel first you'll get the helmet •li the see'. Ova lien 'Oror.6wea.-As early tr•.p armed the beak threats will show the held 'reale riding keg Rpm the fmmishe portion of oar peralatha, se perfect riders mod nether" may be sem e* wwy level street. The w n.q Ebym fritis there that the Yale family give mitoioi lenses to stad•N• A Sr'DOW" CAIJ. -Mmliystrea G. W. Th.mtw resolved in Md1/taw 1t hie brethmr gan H. )learn!, had been dritweed r Lake MWpe. The h t.Htt .[..reed ea My Usk la •adthe g► low e/ Naomit►, the menti the I_ tau 3 esmnindd gats[ dews la the shim sf this date. Newry .either of the mow nes ins, a*d tis♦ M the thee 1 wrtlkl/ Wither tires merge se soy w et the ds.sei einestd s m leen& Wo e. ilia*,.-Wbe.y ,g krfifi sa. ,e.pb Mena gtggg at. l... Na drayman, saw • watch in the mud, whish he picked up and banded to J. H- Wor•elt. It is .ontewbat denoted, the glees beteg broken and the case beat : the shenk however, oompo••d of dollar pieces )egged together, is uuajured. The owner may eamly re.:ormee the property, moa mei dollar teen is • mane, and on • larger gold cots at the sod, this date of • marriage. Hugh Munro . to be praised tor Isis atone is Mediae the jewelry over te the Deanrt •ercant. A NEw LINK. -Toe 'Wainer Str S. L. Talley, of the Montreal line, made Les's dock tar moratmg and loaded 30 cars of salt .ad 1 of My for Port Arthur and Duluth. The other boats of this lune, St. Magnus gad Owe. Sound will emu be along, sad the whole fleet will tb,. season make raga• ler calls .t this port. Sru.t. is ries RI.,. -- From the Winnipeg Nor' -wester we learn that J. C. 1'orru • former well-known re -.deet of Goderich, bas been appointed • oommwtooar by the Lona! 1;overnmeot, for taking affidavits, and will continue to act a• deputy sheriff. H e has opened an utti • at 246 Portage avenue to do a general bailiff. mimeos in own c- ttoo. etc. Hu card in another coigns will interest the legal fraternity and others. CIKL u; ASO SKATIst:. --A meeting of the Hard of the Curling and Tatung As- sosi•ooe was held to the lick of llommeroe ea Monday eveome. There was • full at- tu*ds•ce and enure harmony throughout the proceedings. Tim saver.! plans and specifications were all examined and such progress made Moet the board expect to advert* for tenders to erect the buildings within • week. It as be seen from the notion of the board. that there is life in oar curlers and skaters, even when there as no toe. La'n'e os "A Woau."-Dr. Hereby lectured Tuesday in the .monthly room ot the Collegiate Institute to • large audiences on "A Word' A. eteetpwted, .11 pres- ent were pleated, the lecture being ably bandied, manly delivered and treated from an edncattosal point an a scholarly manner. The " Word " of the lecture w.a practically the Emelish language,• subleot wide enough to rive amph .cope for •s .ntell.r.et denser- totion. Judged by the expressions of opiates heard. "A Word " wiU not lessee ir. Rug.by'e repuutati0m y (:odsrioh. A MIR' Irrl. SINTKNr..--The y.aag mem Angus A. Gordon, of FSeefertb, °barged with theft from ha employer's .gen, was on Tuesday •rrwigssd beton His Homer Judge Doyle tor ..•twee. The County At- torney Mount. reported that the previous character of the .uoumsd had been good, ex- pressed the view that justice would be serv- ed by discharging him on .u.pead.d eeato0s. Judge Doyle addr....d Gordon at some length, se the psatuoo be was plood in, and after giving Inns counsel, allowed hun te depart se suspended .otenos. A. FA ruusioa. -Tuesday morsi•g G. M. Elliott bad ease • dispiay of fireworks, hie Me stove blowing top off, doors epee sad the long string of pip•• to pieces. The stove had been burning for some time, 1..t it getting low the boy filled it with •toro waste, primotpally straw, sed It M opposed that it was packed in se tightly se to pm- yeat • 11'ee p+ss•g• from below, hence the explodes- For • time time was quite • sear., the building bmimg filled with smoke, but the (Jell.otor .f (amLme, A. R. Davison thin sod .s helping. order was es.n, r. stored. A F'nAetrrt. END. --Teasday svesi g, shortly before sit, Rees Prion, surrounded by his f ail parsed peaostdly to the bet- ter land. Hie doth will be se surprise to ear residers, se it keg hose ••pasted ter seese time post. Mr. Prise had been she aver these m•.th•, bet two week. Mose' •pp•re.tl• unproved, •.d es noticeable was tfii • i.araase in strength that be Immo to take daily driven Tomah the end of the past week the old sempld t, ••.mieny kis greeter wirer from Its short reek overpower- ed the patient mid }lewd the duel resell beyond deals. Rum Prise was Mrs i. Lwhbm., i..ismegrahire, Haeland. In 1336, and sailed kw C..d. i. 1868. rear►. bag ski seregitd7 lkdopmet et the same year. tNWlsg 1. WNW.. be lived then twenty - tire yaws, thee owed to Ged•riah, where he Marled busies= in May, PMO. S46mrt[y afar W •nivel b 1461 Mat he was ed 1• the millitg bmgnmo" . the . P i mill bog I•woad by Hart & Pries. After w. dsrn'eeeese 1 the INN the desmwd eeasla el the Seer ..d teed brew el the brats. and • fps rose .4.0. reliatlam►.d it tend •trued the greets, firm knows as Rees Prise A 4..n. At his death hese Pries was • school trust* fes 3t. Asdr.w s ward. •member of !Jutland Indite, Nu. 33, A. F. A A. M., • mother of Maple Leaf lodge N. 27 Aeoli- an Order et Coiled Workmen, wad also .f (;od.rtoh Coattail, Royal Aromas Na 998. The declassed amnt.d u 1864 Harriet Ass I nesomey, was servitor him, .ad the vuvi.g children' are Mrs. R. C Ha a, St. Edi .4,1a,George, Miry .4,1a,,pb, and Heiser Dura Elisabeth, of l:uderi 1. ••d Fred Kw, of Salt St.. Mane. The !easiest will yak. pl.in frees bis late tandems at 3 r S. Tbar•dmy to Matl.ad cemetery rads Ma- niac ..epics. KEar Tang AT Hot.t.-As m.pties.d • few days segos, our horticultural, are talk • tag of buiMtag s grew buses to experiment with fruit feel flowers. These seme gentle- men oomplais ooaaiderably of the exports tido of wood *bet, bolding that they are .ot only a.osse.ry for the lend. bat help very mach to destroy the insect pest. If the Horticultural Society took the matter to hand, at could two propose measures that would keep this desirable land food at home, for tet. people will do anything with io reseoo to help tike Goderich and vicinity what it should be, • l..di.g fruit g rowing district. Goo., Arita - A visit to the city of the deed on Maitlandi bank., shows that the recent rum have started the gram to straggly that many ot the plota need the mower. A., r.oently there hen' been menu fine awoumeata and stones of various kind@ placed in the oem•tery, in memoriam, those owning lou should tee that they are kept in suob condiuos tint they are no dieersdit to the surroundtmg emblem.. It is expected that the town will have many visitors dor- isg the e.•.oa of '415, and as it is • known hot, that nearly every temporary wiourner in 1:od.riob visite our cemetery, it behooves all owser• of lots to have things in order. It is tree then are .ores pieta that are sot looked after, particularly where the owners are aims, bat could sot the owiet.ery nom mines trams acme rule or eosin some bylaw Mutt would overcome this difficulty. A.crrima KrwNG Fluor. -Last Monday sight the thermometer sank below freezing point, gad los formed as still water is all exposed plum It was expected, neverthe- less its mane impressed the fears ot fruit g rowers as to the result .f the uncial eatkerina of the crop. Ry soma,it is theurbt that the frost this moraine will be the most destrumtive of the vacuities this month,' for previous omen were followed by cloudy mors.nge, whereas today old Sol mad. •a early appearance sliming with great bril- liancy. it will be remembered that atter the arse frost, grower, predicted the entire Ices' of the crap, bat as the month advanced living bade were noticed ; Moes it may h appen that trees, that withstood previous i attune will not on this mosaics secoamb to King Frost. Co.naSAT1OS AT ST. PrrnR'it.- Hie Lordship Bishop O'Cossor arrived in (owe es Saturday, .ad yesterday morning este- bested the eaorement of oonfirnt•tios. The service was oommsned at 10, Rev. Father West oel.brating aures, and then presenting the candidates to the Bishop. not mem- bers were thee severally owfirm.d, after which His Lordship addressed his people M some length on the subject of payer, in ef- ficacy, how answered, and ire osoeesiy morning and maniac, daily. The dolly - eeana was an •bie os., easily comprehend- ed by the 000j'regatioo aid evidently ap- preciated by all Reagent. In the afters.on the Rrhop and Father West proceeded to Kingsbridge, in the church of which village there was • large ratberieg to *gigues tb. . ceastest of confirm.tioa. A large Masi was presented- to the Bishop sod who .1 were omolrmed-Hi. Lordship addressed the owgr gation it terms witeble to the oc• canes. TEST ARE Nur TRi-'rr$D. -A. will he noticed in report of council prooesdiage of last evening, considerable diaooesion arose on the question of purchaeing pew market scales. It was held by some that the sales were correct : that the..y, engaged unjust ; that • specialist should be engaged to test them; that they should be repaired : that • ono pound divided hay be purchased to replace the present 24 potted o.•: •ad then were also other .eggsmtioas The money ton- sideratiom was also prominent, but the goes- tien of as expenditure of $150 or so should not prevent our seeing that all using our market scales were fairly treated. From our knowledge of the scales and the feeling throughout the townships, we would say replace them, tor itis not * much a question of are they ngbt or wrong, but what must he dose to restore public ooafideoce sod bring back the trade that Ing been diverted by flying. and in many oases, lyteg reports. New .sales will alone do this, we are there- fore bound to pee ali other oousideratiome in Payor of • plan that will tdrurtise the town in good style to the farmers. and certify to every townsman that (:od.riob has • Put balsams. Swore To 40t% or Ennt.ANn, - The Goderich breech of the Sons of Kirland trent at their lodge room, over TSI SIGNAL. of - goo, Sunday last, and marched to North -et Methodist ohurch, where a sermon was Preached to them by Rev. .Ica. Edge from the text : " But if any provide not for his ewe, ted especially for those of his own house, be hath denied the faith, and is worse than as in'del-1 Tisi. 5 8. The preacher, im opening. stated that e preemin- ent eat smug had said that the rreopsrity of • nation depends w the cbarae(ar of its hones. God is the author of the home. How i.volvd resperibility and the first thought was Is be forehanded. God made provision for man before cresting him, and mesa should follow the prenedeet est by God wins the how was est up. To make hon- est and suitable provision was the duty of every man. The duties of parents to off- spring aid children to p.renta were elo- quently pretested by the preacher, and the oomt.atien was made that when failure was had is this regard the faith wag denied. A men miglt prober to be • Christian, bet if he tailed in hie duty to his family the Bible said he damned the faith and was warm thee as laMmL The Clines/an life should he $. exemplary see, sad so mos - . ion should be given as ISM, of the Csepel to say that the worldling le say ow mor- tise (Christian in love of hemp tied ry to family. The .amen was eloquent- ly loquea4ly end frei1ly delivered sad had Mae to w7 Beane the order to wbieb ii was .penally presehed. At the sloes et the sero.*. the Sone .f Ragland re-isemd and mashed te their ledge teem, where an us- aatmees .Kpro.aiw i teasels was tendered to the reverend gentlemen for his able and 0egment dbaseere.. AUCTION SALES. an entlis wise trii then :. 1151 WM Wage this the up se the Mom oaf tam Wm.xaaaav, May [n-AnMtle. sole .I 10.00460" Posher., ha, M Part Albert, May Nth M 1 .'.leek r. t . Jain Kase. a.stle.eer ; 1 Peart. pr.,MMAw. T uvienav, MN 3Q -U...........3 agate. ...f 10. sash end ImplemMa1u en lea 33. urn. I, 0.d..1 Tp., M Iday 30.11emboli (r a Thea fondue aaslher. _L. H. iia -Hsi. Spring Stock Complete Oreat reduction in nricee for Cash. We mention only a few Sjerial Lines this week All -Wool Dress (tootle, Double Fold, 23c. per yd., worth 30c. :30c. O Jod s, worth 40c. 30c. Goods, worth 75c. 75e. Ooods, worth 91.00. Prints, 29 inches Wide, 3e. per yd., worth 7c. Aliso a special Line, 33 inches wide, at 10e. a yd. -well worth Me. All our Prints are warranted Fast Colors White and ( trey Cottons, `i,irtings, Cottonades, Tickings, ings, &q,, at prices less than this cost of manufacture. Inspection and comparison of prices invited. Teens strictly CASA. Butter Eggs, &c , taken as ("ash. Sheet - JAMES A. REI D, IOW April, 1!195. Jordan's Bio k, Goderich. When you pleas house you should use ('LJ IIA \ FURNITURE POIJSH. Iraq to Use -Drys Qulekly-Maim old Furniture look lite New. Avoid Uia..e hl Dludecge. ! We cam supply all Necessaries and Inetructiwe ,aaaafras Blood and Stomach Bitters Tosses up the System - - Purifies the Need - - - SM Data. FRESH OARDEN sad "Lowest SEEDS! TAR ('AMPHOR- For patting away Fun. Netter a.d cheaper than the told way. ('OI'1'ER SULPHATE -Por Spraying. Very cheap. STANDARD DIAMOND and TURKISH DYCK. Geed Horsemen nes our I Try ser M CONDITION POWURR and EItI('A1. HERB TCA. ENOUSH HEALING OIL. Makes • eat et Sprits( Medicine. 25c. W. C. GOODE, - CHEMIST, ETC. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes most be ler at this Office not later than Satnrdy noon. The (Dopy for changes roust be left not later than Mon day noon. Eaeual Advertisements accepted up tp noon Wednesday of each week. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT Seder Lel Fr1e.t. 6ossatca, Clay V. 1p6. Fall Whilst, Mewl standard... .. 0 6e to 0 60 Fieer. 6ami11. per cwt.... f K to f !0 Flexr, Fa1L per cwt .. . 2 10 to 1 10 Neer. p.te.t, per est . f 00 to 110 11 S .u. p ten.. 12 6006 toll a Oats, i bash 0 33 to 034 Peas. • beak .- .... ........ ....,0 53 to 1 6 P Potatoes. i bosh ass « 0 1t Pte 0 1* 4,4 Qutw -s • 12 to 0 14 •ems, hw1 .*poehod, • M..- 1 1 to 0 9 Wood 3 OO a 00 Hides. 5 W to 600 Sheep 8kim ..... ....... ..... 000 to • a0 V to 50 Lvprsa .d ail. 6 Os a 600 Deese. 10 t. 0131 Ham. per Db.. ............, .. fifi thio a 14 ('lee*. per lb...i.... 11 o 0 U Aapsypreph.01 ..Ma 1 K a 75 to 1 W COMING AND GOING. Mrs. 1 sneer, of Toronto, is visiting in town. P. 11'1)•• is reported or still .lightly im- proving. Mies Edith Wiggins spent Sunday to (;ederisb. Barrister Holmestesd, of Seatorth, was in town yesterday. .1. T. (:•crow, Q. 1'. left Monday alter- nate for Toronto. L H. Diekew, barrister, of Exeter, was town cm Saturday. Mtn Green. milliner, left for her home in legersoll yesterday. That Kohne, Seafortb,was visiting friends u town Sunday last. Miss Johnston, of Jae. T. Acheson's left yesterday for Fergus. Sam Curran gad Robt. Thompson spent Sunday at Dungannou. Geo. Healy spent Sunday at the Nile. What is the ate racoon George ' Mr. sod Mrs. Samuel McLean, of Lock - saw spent Sunday in l:oderiob. Miss Emma A _ Jett is is o a month's visit to friends to Hamilton and Toronto. (.. R. Rsobasae, of Sault Sim Marie, Mick, is vane, his parade in town. Master In Chancery Malcomme was in %.•forth yesterday on prohesioaal business. Mr. sad Mrs. 1'. G. Anaatroag left yes- terday oe a .hurt visit to l.oadga fieri D► trott. Mrs. and Moe Lee ,s have returned tom • very plewnt rhrae mouth,' seleera Ca Florida. Fred. Price, of suint St. Marie, arrived is town this moru:ng, bang called home by the illness of his tether. Inc..Porter arrived in town from Liver- pool yesterday, Melee made the iosresy le and from the Old lead in just ons .math. Miss Eda Arg left tor Landes w Mesday,wbsreele will may • fewdayshed'er retarniag to the Baotou ('emservatery et Msmio. Wm. Doherty, jr. of Chutes, gent fid• day in tow n, wd beim his d.pnl.. Mile/ rated the Orym Factory. 1 Saunders oourteoasly 000ductisg tbrsegh every department. Mrs. W. H. Hasti.gs and daughter, are visiting at the r.ilooe of bar mister. Mn. R 1.. itoyle. Mr. ad Mrs. Hastings are es • trip from the Northwest, Mr. Haulage \eiag gam on to Montreal and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. White left town yes- terday •ftereooa after • week's vat to their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Q. G. Arm- sU.er. Mr. and Mrs. White will visit Leede.. Sarnia. Detroit, Niert•ru Falls, Tweet,. Meetrsol sed other points before neatens te New Rree.wiok. A eve -year old boy named Normae Me- Fedise was playing sear the omens wharf on Hester% Bay. Heeteville, when he 1.0 into the weer and was drowsed. fieergs Lowry, Qt.di•e ismigratiee M. le irel.nd, repels M no Degertatt.t tau laserier dist K M highly dmi.bl. that (-milk-- stemoship Baia sheen make Maw er Galway a pert el ear The pejo* el bridging the [bereft River M Wisdom hes ..sb.d the amnia of the Dewea Rodway Otermillese. Hellen the week .a he .ailette iso the Wash- iness ..41 d1tem men gt,.Ikea semi. Public Meetings. (`IOURT OF REVISION. COLBORN E ♦t// TuWN8HIP. Take settee that Court - at tevissoa for the Township of Calibers* w01 hold its era .fitting at Carlow on Monday the rib day of May, A.D. 111 s 5. eommec Monday. at .'clock. a.m., for the purpose ef boars read rectifying all the esmplai.ts against or errors tie the as- mama .•count ren of the pretest year. All parties int•remed are regamsted to attend. P'. W. Mt DONAOH Clot .f the mid Munlele llty. Carlow. May 1.4. 1*1. lbtf HURON CGbNTV COUNCIL 11e Cm.aoll of the osrp•- ratios of the Crus- tyse Horan will mein the Court House. is the et Town et Ooder(oh. on Tuesday. the /ti day of Jew. at 3 o'clock p.m. On Thursday. the Orb day of June, at 3 o'- clock p. m.. • medal meeting is called for pwiog the proposed aT law to raise by way of loan $12.000 for the purpose of establishing a Neuer of Refute. Upto the fat day of mooting app lcatle.s will received by the clerk for the position of inspects. Manager. Matra. and 1'hy.lmea for the Hoose of Refuge. W. LANE County CIart. Dated May filet. per. w-4Lts-1-11 Motels THE PARK HOUBL-THIS POPU- lar Summer Hotel hes bang tbareaglily renovated and preaUy improved, • bathroom with all modern conveniences having bees added. and other acoommodetioes suitable to the requirements of • first -clam house. Will be open for guests by June Lt. 16-31 - Ptsbile Notions. NOTICE. - ALL PERSONS FOUND tr.sp*Nns m my hade by shooting, hunting, camping fishing or otherwise will be proseoated aocordin t" taw. Snc;i lands are the Hart farm in Colborn. To.. and ,be prop- erty known as the Falls Reserve In the town shim of ooderich and Colborne. Z. C'AMPION. Q C.. X. 8.+:CHi.KR. 1f Cm solloltar, 1'ropr. Tandems Wanted. TENDERS FOR RINK BUILDING. Tenders will be receiv- ed by the secretary up tc ted Including 1Jt ft1.\'.41', JUNE .;, /.s!/;, for for the erection of the Mak Building for the Ooderleh Carling and Skating Aesociatioa. Plan. and .peolfatlom an be sees at the of- fice of C. A. Humber. Vietoria-mt. The directi- on% do not bind themselves to a.oept the low- est or any tender. C. A. HU]IISRK. Rec. 0. 1'. and K. Association. Ooderlch. May 2ted IRI'). a te-It NO -TO -BAC. SPRING MEDICINES PAiNE'S CiFLERY COMPOUND, HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. AYKR'S SARSAPARILLA, rDfK P DOD 'S KIDNEY PILLS, U\'1lR ('URIs. WILSON'S IRON PILLS, for the BLOOD. ( )ur Own Baking powder 25c. per pound J. WI1.891r9 PRESCRiPTION DRUG STORE. Notloe to Creditors. N THE MATTER QF PATRICK ODEA,*Cladt- rieb, INw11.vt,:r1'. All parties having claims against Patrick O'Dea will please sent) the SIMS in to the undersigned, duly verified. And all parties indebted to Patrick O'Dea must forthwith pay their debts to the nndereigned, as representing the Liquidator of his Estate. Toronto, May 8, 1 1195. , JAMES PARKES 4 CO. 15 Front St., W. Toronto, Solicitors to the liquidator. THE PHARMACY ► tt nIER V K your Furs, Woolen Goods and Carpets from t lie• ravages of moths by cluing Moth Camphor Balls Pure Japaaase Camphor CI' du Camphor. SPRAY your Fruit Tress and reap result ( More and Better fruit. ) We ka.p tiro pure rhemirals for this purpose, and will furnish receipts from the experimental farui for their smc- ceasfal use. CARBONATE t iF C OPPF:k SULPHATE OF C'OPPF'K PARIS GREEN an mad for .priming. WILLIAMS' HARMI. *4 RADAVH E POW DERg never 1011 us reh•vtaa Nervous and HiYsas Headache*, Neuralem, etc. CHAS. D. WILLIAMS, I old Mebli•t. Chemist and Drogigielle South Side Square. Goderich. CMS. CA ItBtiNATE (IF C(►PPr:13, SI-LPHATE t►F' and all and CII PPE11, FUNGICIDES I NSECI'TCTDF$ A LWAYS (IN HAND J. E. DAVIS, Phan. B. Druggist A Optician. A FURNITURE SALE 1 GIGANTIC REMOVAL SALE 01 Paler Suites, Side Hoards, Bed room Saitearboies,Tables, Pictures. Frames, Mirrers. Curtains, Drapery, Wall Paporo, Fumy 4:00d*, Chin& i•ENCINE SALE. that will cause • oommotion among people of every CIW00. 2S of! Clem Cnt 4 'ash Prime. Enough mot. Come and see SMITH'S CRNITURE Lean and Savizepe "I'f III NOT Wan TOO BARN, RUT J. WHAT YOU SAYS. MAZES TOI7 RICH. THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN •ND Boticivorsa.--Orromun, ileis and 110111600. vassitte at fear penmen. per annum. es sums Imo rip afloir wore.. Depana. will Ind k le laser sevassegjetzzietto red me us. Loses -May he • say tine without property. Blesses, vesdarate. Applications revolved by the Massive or solicitors. Street and Owt Square oppeette The Company's 01110= 100010,1 110 North Maragar. President. F. SMEETWS PLANING MILL SASH. DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. ilno tide seirertesity te talons the ail rummy to the 1100061101. sodas prepared in de every dam of wort in sty Itas tress making a window home te months, a Ileteryiebbtid= meesard reef. Estimates fern ties invited - F. SAINITIL Oelerlsh. Jelly in UM. -J Ulan ANN A L. SLAW. TRACE= fir deer Rest al asp&