HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 44
THE SIGNAL • OODHRI01r ONT.. 711171181DAT, MAY 23, 1UU5.
Thr nal,
RV O. amsaawasev.
oft sf PukiYssY.s-g : wertheareet,
rams .1 Mhssalgelea e
Ose two.tb, n eivemes $ 12
Three mwtla .. • iiia46
u.e year, ,-•.. I
Leek at Tear Laity.
Your label lea treading teoslpt of mks data
so which y•u ere pant up. Mew teat It i. wt
•Bowed to 1611 Into arrant.
When a change of nddresn b desired, both
ter* .14 sad the new eddies, .b..Id bedroom
ldvaremtsg tame
Legal sad other tarso: adrerttssmwts. tb.
per leas ter area lse.rUoa, and a seat. per Ilse
ase este subssg.eat assertion. Measured by
eampareil erste.
see audio of ala Hammel ester, M per
£dvertl.sstettts of Lost, lowed, etrsyed
tsstlens Vacant, 9ltuua
tnas Wasted sad
Badsees Cloacae Wanted sot eaeeedlsg t
hires nonpareil. 1t per swath.
Houses on !tale and Farm o. Sale. not to
exceed a 1+ to... 11 for arm moat!. lee. per sob
sapuent Mt, „IIs, Iwrxrr adres. la Welton los.
Any special outlet.. the Ogees of which le to
promote the pecuniary lament of say Mali-
vtdual err company, to be °Doddered an ad-
vertisement and charred according'''.
Lord silicas Is Na it type one oast per
word. se sales, lees time 13..
Local mottoes in ordlgry reading tree two
Nate per word. No notice for e t� No.
Nettert tor churches mad other religious and
beauties% Isstitutloss half rate,
laws* "Vie *steal" Osltveer.
elahsnriber who fail to maim, Tax tllosAt
regularly, either by .arrler or by mall. will
aster s fa%or by argoat.ttn4 os of the fact at
n early • dates' possible.
/toleewed manowr4pte cannot be returned.
('.orreepon.ence most be written on one side
of raper only.
Le.ss6aer'. N.1re,
J. C. Le Tousel, of Ooderfeh, bas be.s sp
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town-
sbips 51Goderlck, Colborne, A•haeld and Wa-)
Loral postm.Mers over the district are ales
empowered to receive •ubscriptlo.. 10 Ten
AU ealseswaiwotlo.. must be addressed le
feiwilsaseCts11Sat, Twsl ez era, .
- If this weather keeps up we will
celebrate the Q iess's Sirtbdsy matures',
with • oold is the head.
-During last week_
-the only hot
plus is Ceasd.,.tr.age to esy,erse Ottawa,
for the Capital is welly regarded sea 000l
spot by outsiders.
The Budget diecuusion is brown-
ing something on the lengthy side, and the
loaner it easiness the more evident it be -
coeval' that the National Policy has not
made the country rich.
-It out the Dominion Government
9",,43.5 to entertain the delegates as the
lateroolootal oo.ferenoe last June, which is
rather • high figure ter the preliminary ar-
rangements toward* trading kangaroo hides
for beaver skins.
Tomnto has been having (lard
luck, hasoeially and otherwise, for some
years beck, and now the cup of its titter•
miss is filled with a baseball aggreg.tiin the
stick of which never tauohes the ball of the
other club, and the bail of which always in-
ose upon touching wood for the oppoeinr
TI,e tf,.•atri al uisnal,:i'n of New
York, who ere acknowledged to be the
vreateet advertising experts on earth, have
decided to abolish bill -board and window
advertising, end confine themselves hereat -
ter to the columns of the ew,p.per., This
is a pointer for some of our local adver-
Mr end Mrx SZATHIttkt, of
,'sombolge, Hungary. hare just celebrated
their download waddiag _the eundredth
anniversary ot their inerrisee. It doesn't
fell to the lot of many "happy couples" to
reach the stage of connubial blue --or blister
- that one bemired years of married life
Our esteemed eontemporsry, The
New York Sun, isn't satisfied bemuse
President Cleveland hs. not officially recce -
aired Hawaii se a republic. The Sun has
set its mind upon having Hawaii recognised
as • republic, and like the baby in the
wash -dish reaching alter the soap, won't be
happy tell it gets it.
GK4p,ti. fiLkltula has decided to
retire from the potties of ootnmeedsr.4.-
ehot of the (siadi.a "army." A great
savior would be *!footed if he eucesesnr
were sever appointed. The oily battles
weedily engaged to by the ('Mentum own -
mender is-c►rf u in the war for precedeses
hawses him and the egualiy useless Mins-
ter of Militia. _
The old aril original Sir I'ttA(tLsis
Ti Prca hetlerred two statements into the
elongated est of the broad electorate of this
oometry whoa he was engaged in the esus.
prim prior to the election of 1078. 0..
was that the ensuee of a home market
maid rise the price of the farmer's
piuisoo. and the other was that the public
debt would be decreased if his party was
Trued to power. The big ear of the
alpmrwte heard and believed the Great
Slloleker's promisee. and today sighs over
a pie debt tnerea..d by '100.000,000,AM
ettla!/s for • home market the! never nee-
It is *hoot tome our townsfolk
bete* to bestir t►whseivs is the matter of
arrsagi g far • Ilosiakla ie.y edebratiom
pdr yews pest (lederia3 34.6 niisquished
the INth el May to aiighberiag town es
lief eke wield art interfere is their spry,
ee patine•, mid, as • result. Neslort►, (!ha
tae, Ihsatr.ses sad ether pianos have
Mire .dva.as.e of the Qu..t birthday to
de timer edk\ratihg. (ledorb34 See, how -
one, her en to *sedates hay. .ad to
rake tie let et Jody a seems this roar lus-
•sdsm .Deism should be takes. A dosses'
•ustht deed be sailed ter east purpose at
am early day
A terradperleat ureas to Two
StairaL for pallier. ea lime mho. and
.Tari int beam wham Ie the MIMI 'bee le
pat his fated* te was es abs twee : psM-
We world My we are wet Mt Vt g "1+' M
horse resist or may eeber trate et daft*
sees.d-Tbe hest Iseerees he it eraaf'�
mase,, wbea ►see-esdsg is haelveti, is is
his pear. s.d it Mould be kept thaw ma-
ul be is aloe to deposit it ia the seam*
bask, or other sale iweoetmewt. Dost het
on • horse race. ate eie.tm•, er slaws a dog
still a Ye Nod to his tale will res to.
Two bright and shining orna
1,111311 at the Prohibition mums rooms
Iv bald at Ottawa were A. B
I Yu: let w. M, 1'. for I . Kist.. sad
Vie CO. nNA.L, M. r for K Nort►ua-
bsrlead. These of our readers who remem-
ber A.ut l..:*AO s.d ED. CO. MIA.L,
when they were an Wet Hares at the bpe-
el.ctiow n 1892,will he willing to make aNi-
d.vtt diet the smell of whM.; would. timer
the stomach of estber al abaft Aad of such
was the I'rolubtuow aooua It a N won-
der the the cause of tanpsrfsoe M "srrkieg
tone," so tar as potations, Ma flake It do ero
Here is an interesting pointer In
regard to the recent raise n the prim . f
whiskey. It is from the Windsor oorre-
epoodeot of the Detroit Fre. Press, and
Eves an unbiased opiates of • freed ot the
The change in the tax o0 whiskey, in.
mewing the cost 20 outs • gslto., bas rat-
ed a howl in this city from the liquor man.
They dealers that the distillers of remade
have today the moat complete trust is ex-
iete.or, .ad farther that at is legalised by
the government. Oa. of the retailers mad
yesterday " The feet of the m•iNr ie, the
liquor distillers praosi.11ly own the Guam -
sent. Dema,( the teste.mpaign the distil-
lers sub.oribed, I taus told, 1260,000, while
the bold they Mas makes their profits rue
away up into the tsUWes"
.%NDRCW PATTULLO, editor of
rl'he R sodstosit Seeded -Review and Presi-
dent of the I:red Roads Association of Os-
tario, is out u • letter to The London Ad.
itemiser is which he gives a cumber of
remorse in favor of road improvement,
amens whish ere the following :
Good roads would save the ferment of
Canada everel million dollars per year,
which they now los, in injury to borne and
30 Vehicles, and in the increased poet of
tr.eportatio.. Good reads mull *sable
then to rete! their markets at every mama
of the year, instead of durtag • poetics of
it. They could thus take advantage of fav-
orable prime, wbab they sometimes moor
do whew the roads are all but impewabl.
(,00d roads weal' improve the .oMiak, as
well lb. the neweitial maims .I the tam-
er's, awd greatly ineremes the Me of boar,
of country wed of harm lite on which the
future of fields met ee largely depeal.
es -
11' all absolutely useless institute
were abolished, Ow Casadi•s Senate wo
be a thing of the past. Fly the abolition
the Saute • large seeing to the Dona
would be effected per bantam in ealari
mileage ted officials, and • greater say
would he had m hindering the injury
legielatioa which a lute
sow doe by di
d ad passing bills in the Commons with
avowed object of havin, them killed in
The Senate is nota son -portiere inti
Goo, and no useful legialetios ort be
meted from • body oompoeed as it u.
largely comprisesa range of political h..so
who, haying lost the co.fidee of form
tosstltuents, have beau pitahtork.d into e
red -cushioned ch.irs,eo that they will hs
an easy time with $1,000 and mileage, an
Aber etcetera* during their deoliaine years
O a sort of political infirmary or pyla
•• house of refuge, for infirmity, i.di
At Confederation alt of the provinces h
the privilege of obtsiai., salami chamber
but Ontario. the meet wideawake and pro
greeive. and beyond ell .luestioo, the beer
governed, never asked for oe.0ou
the rue of rte. Sines Confederation t
emend chamber bas hese set aside in Y
bobs, New Brunewiak and Priem Kdw
Island, with basset to the treasury of es
n to of these Province* and with so Io1
Such being the oasis, why should we
twee to keep olive at Ottawa • ee000d
dumber from which not only a no good o
tst.•d, but absolute harm frequently
nita As present, the oily time when
erum of the Nemo. n be safely depend
as u when • partit ularly salacious div
Mi* up tor settleeast, .ad
.he old boy gather in large numbers to w•
heir toothless jaw* on the .Ideates :
e enba
yen this Mese of oases be better
non .00aowticslly dealt with by a regular
constituted overt with legal know
d common ..U.S
There a tot the *lightest manes for the
urther oestisuoe of the Senate. It con
ate of a lot of ire-pnesiblee, who tiara
wt soberly and are et oompelled to row
.Basad! forthe evil they do. Gasses
Cum.(u. used to my the only good Ind
was • dead nadir., dad with regard to t
Sanaa Tn. SIGNALbelieves, the only good
deans is Comedo will bow abolished 4..
A i.w:4L Analrt t.*Tar.T.
Hamilton Thai. Mr. Angers hes . treat
Md. het oaths shat on the cs@mswia pin it
does .M premise bin (rent robot beyond
he depth. Hew tom measly freetrsdi.g
Britons meat marry baying our goad t'a.r-
dies better et 13 caste • posed, k..wi g
this the Ilev rum..t tared es to buy it at
oasts sad pay ftM.ht aeries'
wletaI i.nr►tao la lexinxn,
Teresa Nowa : Thera are seer
faubrlta is C aneda that emp4.T all mid, 64
bawds 1. seder te men the bums martial
as far se pen ebie ler time beerries the.ma-
aeaas. et this sewn, were Reed ready
f• eet mer ler parabealag a little ever
1166,000 worth i seep•adna shed.
Ue4wlla and parasol flre4ee la (lama`
semis, 106 hada As a memo a surto l -
w the people of tbs Deemma le hey the
sip.4 of rens eslahllamgogg• US elfine
000 was levied b, the Government es SAW,
000 worth ef ua.brvllY aid parasols wiser
were insisted es p.rehersg s *abet ewe
Vete orrtsialy tem te he semi Mime
the may an taxed for the Medi ed the
few, .red if the Petry et espi.* off the
@meuld•rI.g kraits• is still us tom, then
M ben .a opraiat where • little hipping
might be sore with adveslags la the
We .re ret • warring .amigo ; tea mover
had • flet -elan 6gbt t. our !tree, sad then
is little po5Mbillty of oar 6gkt4.g wink as v •
ort for yuan to come 0 )ter milt. is kept
o• eusp94wos that something may tars up,
but not tor stat warfare, ear to win re-
mora Nd glory to Canada, war as • glitter-
ing saiese est We hart het generals who
doubtle a would have bees or*.a.ute is
ala of war, bat is timer of peace they
were deoass.ted *omegas. Oa their lee
they mould not use the darer, but es their
wbordia•tee they did use their Warm .ad
ppg made thieve wsa
plernt sad did
The Ged.rich Rembell Club play .t Clin-
ton May 24th.
Smith the tamer received 100 greets hide
from the States today.
S wend ears are berg loaded with premed
hay for sbtpm.st Kest
A Junior football club of Myth playa •
junior club hen oil May 24th.
The brick stable being built for Craw'.
hotel Is sow beteg pushed •seed.
Hy the will of the late W. Craig, Kam
church reosives • bequest of 1100.
1)0.'1 ferret to use the sew sailor,
"klejesdo," at J. T. Achasoo's MtUitsery
°peeing es Slate rdey.
The upper story N two of the reoeatly
built store* we bei., airily laid owe es •
dwelling far 1k. Riohardsei.
Prof. Cuff, organist rod char waster of
St. (:eery+',. presented • muoh-appreaisied
musical programme yesterday.
The first eSeesaw'litho:wry °peeing ever
bald in Goderiok, will be at J. T. Asirsa'e
Saserday next Duet miss it
You should try that Water White Cess-
na' Oil : bares o.. -third leedr thud After-
co.a. 4 gales for 80.. G. N. Davis er
Rev. Jompk Edge pcehed to the Vie-
tor1•,t. Methodist Mere\ Sunday *mole,
Rev Mr. Irvine occupying the North -.t
The will of the bite Judge Tome hes hese
sassed tor probate by J. T. (farrow, 4.4 C.
the widow, Sirs. 1. F. Toss, brag Dole ex
Chiffons, for seilltsery purpo.us, (itegreat-
ly in demead and are very scarce goods
J. T. Aohesen will s34ow a full rang* of
shades cm Saturday.
Jae. Stewart's sew two story house os
South sttwt, sow beim, shingled will be •
seat addition to the dwellings of the tows,
it being nicely situated. and of pretty de-
4;. M Elliott di/covered io • basket of
eggs delivered by Mn. Homer. of Colborne,
art which tapped the home at 10 see , and
@measured 11x86 Mhos. In the laminate of
the post, Cas any hes beat shie
C Klaok.teN9 restearaO1 as Weet-K„
next door to The Star offioe,bas loon refit -
is the latest sod best style. Re a new
prepared to tetter to the public in lunches,
ierocreem, oonteotiosery ted .laso.ab4e
fruits of every tad.
Kuchler is cutting logs at hie mill daily.
The steamer Daisy has been hauled en to
the harbor ulasd for repairs.
The Big Mill shipped 700 bar of flour on
the Cambria Saturday evening.
The river has beeu exceedingly low the
past few days, although then beim been
heavy mase all along it.
The G. T. Railway is pushing the repairs
at their harbor dock, using some very hue
square timber in the framing.
The -b000er I:reyhoued made this
pert Monday efternooa, from Gollea
Valley with • cargo of cedar for Strachan.
The .eh000er Mary S. Gordo., from
(:olden Valley with lumber for the Holmes -
vi le bridge arrived in port Monday eves -
The toss were got on Saturday and lifted
nets : the haat, started out for the same
purpose but the etrony woad drove than
uaok to port.
Marlton has received orders from ihin-
wille and South Ray for 44.h hada, and will
start co them se soon ea the wok ordered for
the frames arrives. 31
The steamer Cambria reached this dock
oe Saturday events, sod steamed North
ward on Sunday morning, after taking o0
psaes.gere and ooesid.rable freight.
Reply to Ile. 4'Nteloa.
To the Peblto,--
in last week's Si..'sAl. Mr. C11111411011 wrote
• letter about me. Now, i dea't want to
be hard or harsh and will not eater into any
controversy with Mr. 17.. but why dose he
let hie teener 1et the tatter of him and why
doe he make the false etatemen3m and
charges which he dem' I never save heat
say worse for it except that i mad* hien and
others redace the pries of bread to its fair
value to the public. Re and others had
kept he price up, although the pries of
finer was down, sad the prise et bred hal
Mee reduced in almost every town room
Galeriob, and it Irma sot reduced instil 1
began to tit up my bakery and had as -
manhood my uneutt0o to redone th. prude
of tread to 4c. -(
Mr. (; was s•hing lite profits oat a(
the people unjustly, and this is why her w
•airy .red wants t• hurt me n. the sates
Linn of the people When 4 wee Rotting sp
my bakery last fall, 1 was passing Mr. Ws
shop and he walled to me and said, "Jerk, I
hear let ore ON/ to pat dews broad to
40." i said 1 wee this ins of it. He said.
"Desi you know yon are fooleb for doitsi
so' Hemel yea bees ia she iimitess lase
emougk to know what prelim there ore is
it f said 1 thought that profits would
be good wedge rt 4 emote Re said chat it
1 pat it dews to 4e they weatd fellow, mud
it meld he of N bele& to m.. Bat if 1
kept it op to 6e, i meld let just 11 maty
e.stams $ .tad make more money. Thi, it
exast4y what was s id.
Re said in kis )sq., that 4 was the liret
to rare the pries t. 6 assts Thee *imply
entree. Mals he said be Abicharged see
frees hie **glen, and loaf be Metal aid use
(reeds/ sr hs. 1 shallow*. him he
dew N where I was w.er.thf.l, utvdiable
ter in any way w.fait\f.l te
He did .et di/whores tr. 1 left a my
sem owed brae 1 waw hal, Re tried be
p tee mels Gas ale to r. le Mr. flms3'., but
be seitibeis with be .et Wgeed wiish 1 woad hew.
de tem flet 1 d memo ler Imre.
Gm Helder week wad brew
par . & Mr. Omelet'
Nese m be red set
m Ids sow
afar std sobs. Mises wash eLmareows
his lanes Is try M idols t.. lb emus
be bit fides • Is Ode. J. A.(Iaaw,
Investigate d by th• Publlo Ao-
ooultbi Cummlttebe
lT cpsT TOE OOUTiY 8311N000.
t. theeph, <i. ret saes. . /. Cbaswe-
sorses Mb me 'i. twee 5f5***e'- vtb.
N.a.M14.. Gnat r.s 5,
tales* te me mews•
share eaaamea
Otte era, Oat.. Maj 113. -The Ffederic-
tou bridge traas.etiuu was the eabjett
..loch the Pantie Atcownta Communities
twtigated )retenl*J. The facts which
Lave hero made public wen: rut modified
by lbw tretStoely whisk arse M the chief
.eters, Mr. Temple, pi+ Y.P., gars with rw-
:arl 1., it. The first wittiest was Mr.
tuurtney. Deputy ,Kiii.ter of Fiume.
the p.iute aJ pie outlemrut were that
'Le elan►olden *4 the bridge owe the
$116,000 vu alarmed over-
due eh, to Der. 31 Last. Since June, 44489,
:,0 iutenet had brew paid upon the luau
$atto,uou. 1u tart the telly lute -nowt
i.'hw-h Lap beer credit..: to the °om-
, ani) woe $15,000, skull was due at
the tone the titti,Utie Minor was gleet/
and which was kept out of that dm:otkvi.
do that the cash actually paid to the
enterprise oat ad the publie rurbegttrr
w a. 11115,000.
Th: Department of Justice had not
b.•.•u Iuk.ril'd ad the commis., '• default
but the Monster ul Pit ana•r had known
all about it. The "special" w•cuuut to
i.11ie, the overdo.- $utmost had beu
"t.ar'gad was not (wetly the same as
profit std logs arcou..t. 1t was rather
a ew.pvlre actot.u1, its purp.ir,• merely
a iuj to show the amnuut,, l t4.' arreara
of lutrrest.
Then• were just four of the Govera-
nieut'e investments whir, were treated cu
this way, The Albert Railway, the tJu.•-
bet Harbor lama.. the Three i:iven..Lid
Fredericton Bridge. The total amount
of the account ware $.'M)5.00V, atm lir.
t',,urtney thought that this was count-
ed in as avail..b:e meets an the state-
ment which the deportment w:,de of the
ort debt of Cawadn,
Yr. Foster salted his deputy same qu.•e-
tioie, to which he rr 4,.' 1 that he hr -
Belied that during the tet six years
ue bad brought .the Fredericton J.r.dg •
i'.terost to tee M outer'. atte'utiou. Mr.
Etter said he thought the itruu au the
-metal account were not .ubtractad
from the gnome debt in the pnil•ens of get-
ting at the net delft .1 tine country, but
the ..•puty adhered to h. • lurmer opiu-
Mr. Temper. the member for fork, thy -
(Lops.' rruu.rkub;e iguoraare with. rr-
g..rJ t , tui whole bt.i,w•.M. The r,ork-
..,Lkr, had put $12u,0d0 of their own
a'mv into the bodge. Thur n...
W1U paid up uo the stork. Tor .uhtrrib-
1440 pluoa a0 various rva !ails pa
rrmewurr oar cal. Iran* made, and be
Supp Mrd it would be a 10 per rent. call.
When his was asked for the t anaes .1 els'
•b.r.b-1 ire. he gave them after some
heettation. They' are Al'xauJ •r Gibson,
senior and junior, Mr. Tempi. WIMP lf
and Weser*. Rowley and Hi.L.r. There,
were at.o the original sheir*ba4Jrrs.
Mr. italirr i.. Yr. Temple'. e,n-in-law
and Yr. Rowley la clerk in s store in
Fredericton, wbu woe • .Jerk .0 Mr. Gib -
son's employ,
The Government putt $330,000 iuto the
bridge, $301,1,000 of • L *.n at 4 per
e tit.. nod $0,000 of a howls, hors
S15.000 held back to pity or,•ved°, in-
terest tip.,. the l.*,,. The company had
I,ut in 91211.000, he said. but be rou
pot tel( 1:',w' that amount kid been rot
trihut.'d. 11'16* .4.r Richard ('6rtwr,rh
J4,iuted out that the hri.lge. (.117 Mu*
1,414,0x0 nal the Government had fur*
i.•ee'd $315,000, there was only $1118.000
4.-11 for the shareholders to rade in asgy
oth•r way. Mr. Temple thrrrapoo car
meted his former statement, and with
the remark, that whether it was 9108,
1100 or $120.0110, it way., plenty tall lase
upon the bridge. He bought that was
. bough kw them to Mire invested 10
the good 0t the country.
While the committee laughed at this
ay of Linking at it, Bir Richard Cart-
eright reminded him tbat it was after
all a pretty shrewd bootees• more for
the a0in'4ulders to get the Government
to coutribute $815,000 to their *pecula-
" Ub, We a men' bagatelle, there are
millions sunk in l)ntnrio, mud it's a good
(bruit for our little pruvtuc•e to get
This reply probably indicates. N clear
as a.ythtug the light in which Mr. Tem-
pi. temente this whole tra,.xatttioa. It is
interesting to mote that thu oio.errat..,h
was nude with the utnl..at cr,mgsrure
Y though it wax the most natural caw
sideration in the sorkl to be taken iu
to thio wne.14vJ Ineratme.t.
Mr. Temlde could throw nu more light
mot, the transaction. lie told the
committer tont raw railway, the COM -
Mill $astern. owned by Mr. Gibson, is
using the bridge, and smother road he
expected ti. He astieipates, therefore,
Mat in the future the bride • will be-
enm), profitable.
Mr. Edward Jack, a New Brunswick
laud surveyor and timber explorer, gave
evidence, *hat in hie opinion with the
development of the timber resource. of
New Brunswick the bridge w-onld even-
tually give profitable returns. 1Siis
evidruee woe ch‘raeteriseel by the Lib-
erate as an attempt to draw a herring
renm the trail. but it went into the
neord of the ear 4.- • what it was worth.
TM subject will be resumed at another
•ittirsg, o. (be t,•.uw....•..
Yr. Leerier told the leader of the
Hons. to -day that he sew no prospect
of a division on the questions which
form the .object of the budget debate
tr'-mnrrow, so that it may he lake,. for
granted that the vote will not come all
until after the holiday.. The decision
corner to yesterday to adjourn Irma to-
morrow instil Tweday went was offi-
cially re. ord•d upon a Government MO -
The budget debate kw rammed by Dr.
Orae of the strongest speeches that have
bees beard it the Hones daring the de-
bate was that of Mr. Raja of Wentworth.
He tweeted aped all the important fee
tome of the trade question and present-
ed an empti0oall7 stmig reap agaiust
the pone y and adminnrtretion of the Gov-
ernment- tether speakers wore Mr. Mac-
donald of Vittoria, Mr. Braaten and Mr.
it n un/proton., that the law will
take Its mum. In the eaae M Chantelle,
the murderer of Jeanie Ke1th, and be
watt therefore he ranged on the SIM
Inst. No Importance fe attached to the
contention put forward by Mr. IOayt,
('hatelle'o lawyer, that the pr'a-.n r is
Insane. At the trial Mr. Kest withdrew
frmn the defence of the prsnaer fo-
rmula (`hatelle wanted another line to
be pur.aled than that which the r0ona.1
Md derided upon. 1t le felt her. that
If Mr. Meat h.4 liar thought that the
pr3snner was fasatw ro alsa'i1d h.,v'
stied that print at the trial, and not
bee, Wttbdt*wa,
May 21
MOO in In an ►Aide on th 41...lut'ote A
.051*, gya the pante In the 1'bby M
not shared by th • minister*, who hem
decided that unieee allay ase defeated
upon a vital Maur 1'ar$arnent will set 1 TRK
be dissolved this mealoh.
oe.serrealve *t.Ytrrtwl state
London, May !1. -The eewapapers of
thle city to -day have denot d u,uck
space to the ewe t tuned l . , rr. els
carnes by the report spread of ilk. Ap-
proaching dLwlutlun of Paol1.m nt.
The Weetminater Garotte. for ,n lanae,
says that the n• -tit ('onsetva iv min-
istry hag already toren agreed upo at
the Carlton Club, headquarters for the
pniminent Conservative.. 1t is *idea
that the Hight 1Pon. A. 4. Ilal'our
be Premier. The Hight floe. J•.w••pA
Chambrrlaln. 111 • t't I n ,'. 1 ad r. i1
e lated for the office of 8.. re.ar: of
State for Home Affairs: the Mai outs of
/Salisbury. formerly Premier. Is Bald to
be likely to be tor-• n'•st weer • ler: of
State for Foreign .tftalre, and the Hon.
George N. Curzon is said to have been
selected for the oflk'o of Sea retro of
State for India.
•railer/ SWIM R$LLiw
IUs /rows mete, 11111111111101 *err rare is
'atfsetrtte ineday
New Tork, May El. -During the per -
formula. of Charlotte Cords) et -he
American Theatre last night, Mrs. Jas.
Brown Potter, wrought to a high pitch
of excitement by the Intensity of the
play, stabbed Mr. Kyrie Renew In rho
aide, Indicting a slight wound.
It was in the some where Charlotte
Corday enters the apartment of Murat
and assan.lnates htm In his bath 4.b.
Mr. Bellew Rroawd an the over-
wrought actress thrust the knife Into
his side, but she was not aware of the
wound she had Inflicted until the emir
the blood slowly oozing from tats flesh-
ings. Hodes'• ssfferings will he al ght-
I.r! atImer re veva re-•.
Binghampton. N.Y.. May 21 Farm-
ers from towns in the north east part
of tette (Bronrne) .aunty rep ret fiat
an Inch of .row fell In that dirt act last
night - -
Tarsale metas
Ryn--Trade Ju►I ,u4d prirew uomival at
113. Toronto ireights.
t( brat- The denaud is good and prices
firm. Sales of white were made to -day
at 90r on the Northern. No. 1 Msuitd#a
hard 06c bill, west, with ..1.•a at $1. oast.
Barley -There ie a *tied dr iia ud and
prices are fine at 46e to 47c fur fed.
Oster -The demoted is moderate mei
prices dowdy: white sold et 36r to 36 I -2e
welt, aid errs %noted at 39e on track.
yea. -The demand is fair and prices
Rather/red. •ales being made outside at
Sys -Balinese dull nod price* nominal at
58c to 50c.
Dor kerbeat -Prices are gnrely oomi&AL
Flour -There is • limited demand, with
prier. ruling Wrong. Straight rollers are
$4 to $4.10. aid Menitobee at $4.90 for
Lptents sod ILO for bakers,
/set. *wt def si.a.w.g Jam-
Cobourg. May 2L -Monday Murdoch
Plamton escaped from Cobourg Jail
Three other prisoners made a living
ladder or pyram4d by which the top of
the 16 -foot wall was reached. Plumton
bea not been found. The trio have
been charged with £Meting ham to es.
D. .1. Waggoner of Kingston baa
Id submitted to Mr. Daly a plan for col-
t. °nixing the Northwest, which he be-
t heves will be moat beneficial. 11e sue-
t gents that on a number of quad ter sec.
Hone the fl,.vernment et ()I'd • reef a
log house at the value or that aid hays,,
five acres of land plowed *nil) In the
spring, .o that when the net I. r enter•
the country he «Y4 and a dwelling
ready for him, and land pr. psreal for
the seed. The cost In each ease would
only amount to S90. which money eou1J
be repaid on racy terms.
The Archbishop of Ontario and others
to -day petitioned for Incorporation as
the Domestic and Foreign Mlarlonary
Society of for Church of England In
The Minister of Justice wired the
department to -day that he would re-
main away from Ottawa until next
week, the holidays enabling *56 to
take_a looter_ t ._
terms& MtbtTat. arte4i4 Alla stall; 1. ale
114*35'. paotuoaT AAA ALARM Tu 1 its
yawl N 1 M u**VI--awa . Aiea
wugx Mor. sup •Ltoer rL.p.
Mrs. Sarah Wood, widow err he late Alen.
N ood, of North 1lat•My, Lanark (;,, . nes
hay Maas garrote Ilas aurally twills to the
lot W hits•. beep, sad tt r .o waiadgr
1561, aster 1►a Ists.s. 14151.4 elrara, she
was 0*eplrtdy prentrswd, sad her treads
Y* r..i. uu.r with her that she dr mak
hem restored to health. To • reporter ys
told the following story :-" U.1i1 aim
Muse years ego i had always hes 1♦
emm34.0440, •ao.pt tr oosaeos•1
hrad.cbeswhich hadbothet.4 ase ter seem
year.. 1 am .*s sixty-three 7 of atek
sad toy troubles awe as mushy mestai
aagutob sad sleepier uigkre as by overtax.
Mr my physical system. Two years atm
Iso August my sea, W. J. Wood, war kited
o. the C. P. K in • colbera. and as lamest,
.tsw34ed body ma brought bre. Sit, weeks
Leer my sister, Hrs. Leaky, et Kltfey, woe
foully murdered. During thew day 1 wee
talons owe el ev viest 4.rlgbter,
Mrs. (1 KteMl, sear M.erhekvils, who was
i11 with eawmptios sad who died feu,
soothe later. Few peeple lees beee called
upon to undine se rash aflietie,, sad
with steeple- .tghts mad days ol labor 1 Ise -
came redwood almost to a 1ivi.g Mkd.tes
la tar fell of 1894 I wag obliged to take to
ey had, when I lay for several weeks
hevert.g between life sad death. Duns;
this time 1 was wader the owe of • doctor,
Wit hr treatment did not help Mas muck.
My bead mow e(i••.Uy (refolded me sod •
even pada he say beak, jest above my lel
hip, oared me teas rimy. I had heard
• great deal •bout 4,r. Witham.' Ptak Pile
sad dt.rmised to give the- a trial. Re-
fers the mead box wee eatlirely gem my
headache disappeared .ad I found myself
'outwit stronger, and after takug the pills
for • tame Leser, the pais in my heck dt11
appeared Mo. I thea felt se well that
1 decided to visit soother daughter
who lives new Mervickville, det.rmials(
to 00013.55 taking the Ptak l'llis until
thoroughly teetered I procured more
pills, but found afterwards they were
a counterfeit, as t did sot thee
know that they were not sold n bulk. The
mesh was that my old infirmities beim to
rotors, and 1 begs to Metter that t be pally
were sot manias, awd gent tato Merriokedle
for mare. A espied..a some showed
that, while both pins were colored pink, the
ewe 1 had yet to Smith's Falk were spar -
ism, for they were a exactly the mime
shape aid did amt look the same Mien the
two were compared. As goo se i hese.
the use of the fensise Pink Ptak 1 boss.
to rm. better, sed, alter the am of • (•w
more rotes, found myself •sorely cured,
sad 1 .m Nam eery 151 Y geed health .s
ever 1 did 11 sr life. 1 'ahem that if it
bad met bar fur Thr. Watteau' Pi.k fills
I meld have Ire. ID mfr grave, mid I am
glad to give my mietimwny, hn,,irQ 'h.•
. orae poor suffers, may be made well .. I
Idea Wood's usfort.s.re experience with
imttatios Pink Pias takes it seoeseary to
earn impress opoe the radio that Dr
A Wear Pok Pile are sever .cid is bola,
by the demi, hundred, r Macs, or in Loy
shape except in the company's bore., every
ono of which is mimed as a wrapper print-
ed is red is k, hrsring rhe full trete mark,
"Ir. Willi ss' Pink Pails for Pale People
It these 1'414 are offered is .ay other faro.
even if Frisk is color, they .re imitation
sad should be promptly refused. Ill. Wil-
lie' Pink'Pile cure when other medicias
fail. (mitatiess an worthless dad may be
dangerous to health.
The 4yesd sal TsMstte aft Kinp.toa
paned • omolatioa -'tb,tg/jar iaterfpranoe
with Manitoba.
w rh Ido iess !1♦/me$-'
W dl he of votes % Mae world by illnav►t
Mg the improvement* i• the mechanical
area and minor p\vsieirme wi11 tell vee
that the progress is isedie.l assets hes
bees of equal importaass, sad as •streeptii
*pian laxative Syrup of Figs is far is ad.
vanes of •11 others.
61.) 1 w East Street, Goderich.
The Importance - -
of Tailoring.
That to which mankind gives the moat thought must be that which
is of the greatest interest, and the subjee't it thus distinguishes must he
of paramount importance. What this subject is no one can doubt who
is familiar with the social conditions of civilisation, for everywhere that
men are civilized the thought they give to clothes und•ubtedly exceeds
in intensity that which they give to any other subject.
Man thinks of his Clothes
at all timer except when
lathing or asleep, for they are always neeelrlery to his comfort, conven-
ience and presentability. In the morning they demand his careful at'
tention ; if they are too warm or not warm enough at any time he can-
not forget them ; if they are comfortable he thinks of than with plea-
sure, but if they are not he execrates them ; if they improve his ap-
psar'snee he admires there, hat if they are unbecoming to him, and he
knows it, 1* detente them. They concern him alwayia To order them
is a serious business, but as to where to order them there need be 4141
doubt, as
is nn-to-dete in his business and guarantees satisfaetion in every par-
P. J. PRIMIA1111