HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 3t THE BIQIIiAL : QODKRICH ONT , TSUIIRDAY, MAY 23, MA. 3 IlICHO * i LD. n,DIIaTAL Ilem;M pea. al Mot =ant WSW Det, L RICH�N,• L. D. ed air /M�W`N , the et meet►. gas .arta "�••-Ove r W(plana'. Barber Dhow. font-'► ,1.411111 al. DR. HUNTS& PHYSICIAN, SUR k.. Oslso-M.Lesie Peek. Memm- �� ►t cal e, tram R�rrlltle\ 1 zsM.re May 11J HAMILTON, VETLrkINARY ifer�geea.• twiggiest M of °ark, V etrlaary h oligge, • sac. 1 . aegtesrd mambo[ of Oa. mrq Vmestaarr M Sisal Anoet5Ut0S. Cons . poly e+wded IN ail hours. da or night. (Iso HOIDII e. •mast oppo•i subs[.. l• M.I. ll/Sta4 M. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO boor. misseimineasr. sac. Monet to team Moss: car: Hampton and lit. An- drew's -Ma Ood.risa, Opti 001 LOFTUS L DANCZY, BARRIATSR, Solicitor. C nes•••s� to.. �ortourectuess maim Cabo swest nags. i Hotel. Dederick. b. Oat. #141 1,114. LSWtB, BARRISTIR, P1400- 0. . taerel I01b.ess ls pearof Ontario hetet. tall 0. HAYS, B&RRISTZR, SOLICIT lb. OR, to, Udlep Nurib-.t.. nest doer S,o•st Melia L'rteC•u Awa M hied st lowest rates of laterals.. a1M gllRROW • PROUDFOOT, BAR- N�( assesaero. W1d feedscion. J. T. Uarr w, (,Al IW Al, HOLT & HOLMRA, lJ Berrieter.. su$Miton in Cb..etr7 is ooderto . M. 0, C.mersa, Q.C. ; P. Boit ; Dudley Holmes. O. WARD. CONVKYANUIR, U . to.. sad ad eu K tithingi 4safor tithing .ad re- solving and ball, amd. eillimetler• espww'tlaa• or .arieace declare - Male 1. sr any Bodes. eat or pre. seediest s'� of Jostle, the Court et .as ter or is ANS ODD., IN Division teen. AM LOMAS BOMB la111Yt'aaea. �SEAGIR,,OONVZYAIICINO AND . I.ssra.,eeies eppeenel]tadellBetel O.Or1oh. x f ONST TO LIND ON MORTOAGZ 1 at $)rtr rem. Nous diecou.ted. C. BkAUglt. NM.. eppslte Mamas hotel. Uodr rich. MONEY TO LOAN. - 126,900.00 Private reed. to load at Si pig mat. eta - amity. I.OrI'US CII l . L/.rws'. Meek. seesaw Colborne 11se.L UMerlo . ew.1t L� J. T. NAFTst., 1112, LINZ AND r • sondem losairemes spat ; at 'ewes Welt Otte. -Cor. Noethes . sad Square, 004- 04e. 7t- 000 TO WAN. APPLY TO 'P CAMZIWII HOA.t It HOLMES. tied. nob. '-`t MOSEY TO LIND.-A . A I. 01 therms of Private rude ter lISVOIKIDON a11cwest raw en *mobs[. Mortgages. Aegis •UAItRUw; PROIIDVTOOT RRADOLIFF11, GENERAL I11- . serums. Real Moat. .ad Maar !lasting sweat. Only erer..JS5 e.sspsale re [Boomed. Moss M lewd ea utr.Ish Isaac at u.• 1owen res of interest_la ay war to sett the wertower. W door treat aware. West w Agerphiandkese late• 1' ODIWOH 1010H ARRA' INBTI- lJf TUT1 L1ffILIIli' AND RBAItINII- 111100M, ser. et MO maim and Swears toe sears. Open tree t toll r. a.. and from 7 to LO r.r. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leashes' Dash, Woldarees, y weed Illustrated tor6 rile. 4*ZMIIi�LSLi1P TLG![=r, ONLY I. es greeds( tree . R Lamy sad ts.4 UN0atsse tee membeende received by I.lkrarlaa. la room J H. COL.HORNE H. HAMIL1ON. Rearm soy. Librerrs. 0ed.rtee Morel Mil SIM AM. [THOMAS OUNDRY. AUCTIONEER ..twin ..a ".Slt~shtlre n,.r�las. end Ganslas. Co. Seim at- t•.ded to 1n soy Dart et the coaatY. 10.17 JOHN KNOX, OSNERAL AUC- tioeser and Lead Valuator. Modarteh. Oat Raving heat .. srdmeW .xpsnow to farevi1 t MOruRbha rrsl.r.U.. parties r etmte•. 'strewed te bum. ��..5 Mot ret heror heron's hotel, r at M amp M bfe etS; KNiledOX d0 ..$v AAieta11•00/ MPH • IN.e Reese. Two boys were in • school -room alone to- gether, when some fireworks, contrary to the master', eater prehinitlos, exploded. The one boy denied it : the other. Rea d'hriatie, would ,sitter deny or admit, and was severely flogged for hi. obstinacy. When the boys get alone again Why didn't you deny it asked the reel o&.dec. " Because there were ,sly we ten, and nu• of se must have Iced,' maid Rot. " Thea why net may 1 did it •" " Bseanes yea said you didn't and I would span the Bar." The boy', heart melted. Bwi moral gallantry subdued lain. Whim school re- �wutllbledt the ; ve a it .rcb.d .p M the vareter's dak ane acid " Pines Bir. I nisi bear to be • her. I let of aha squ1 t" ..d be beret We team The wtr'eeyed on 44. • be llf onset. and t emir erred un . d Pk haul iodated es the ether boy ares his me - meths. Bare the whole wheel. heed ia head with the eslpgit, re it he sad the other boy wore joined N the as.fesgie., the master walked dews M where yam Chris- tie sat .std said aloud 'Rea, lad, be .o I beg year pard°u : we are both M blame The easel wee hashed and still, as older wheels are apt to be woos uattMhieg wee aged .,bis a b.ise do..: es NM they might alarm have head Brie big bey bars dr'•► - Mae an 4s bask, s he est rieleybig the moral ensidi whisk endod tla.01t se well se the Dot. And whoa. free wet el ars M my. he ge .rued "Manse jerrower r the Seed sleet el the eeh.btse Ned the old mo.'s .hilt .tee gm"' thing bskbd Wwhish meth bile wap, them %dere Ile mil dews sena. KNOWLEDGE Brings oomfort and improeetmial deed tends to personal enjoyment when rightly seed. The many, who live bit. ter time ..there and eat joy lite more, with ler expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world'• beet products to the neode of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced la the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its esoelleuoe is due to iia presenting in the form met aeceptab.e and pleas- ant to the taste, the rehashing and truly beneficial properties 01 a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, di�eUittg colds. headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met wi' h the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it s'p rfectly free faun every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in Tic. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not .coept any substitute if cared. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. A TRIBUTE TO THE DEAD. i I _ Donate.. BURIED WITH MASONIC CEREMONY • tire• Somber of $..Mian sepresoserd -..ret ..rest..._ Tem causeasee dMillelerat•- norm 0..er5415sa. ON Thursday, shortly after 3 o'clock, •11 that wee mortal of the late Jades Temo was mooned by numerous .o0Mtles and easy friesds to the Met resting glees, .Id M•atleed. Stioesly beton the arrested tins friends oeumieuoed antrum at the family mammies, and as the oluok neared tore. the Messes in fall regalia were ens apptoschtsg, tied. the ether eoaie.sea hetrain arrived. the grounds and .,reete were a ar- ly ecu. 4.d with mourners. Amami the Mesons fraternity we netted members Iron (limes, Seafurth, Blyth, hacksaw, Rioter and other place', the Smith's Hill lodge beteg strongly represent- ed. A. the Masai' formed we sowed malty Knight Tompkins and members of the Royal Arab. The other oo.,tenee and the bar were fairly represented. but an many members were with the Masons or town council their numbers did not show ea strongly as they otherwise should hay. doss The bodies represented rote the three breathes of the Masons, two breaches of 0ddf•!low•, the Sow of Scotland, the liar of A Newsome. -1..o L lloD. A11.., Bas of ear well-k.own fruit expert. W been promoted to the pomace of leder k in the Rask of Commerce, and t erred from watkertee to Cayuga. AND STILL A, mea - - The soh000er Sophie bee .acted for . cargo of lumber for Joseph tttlli.me, sad on no •rr.vsl in thus pert the well koowe lumber mwrohant will Mart in the wbo Bede business. REN°t At --The furniture of Ratter Run- times kit Friday morning for Blyth, when our old median has taken up ha abode. Mr. Runciwaa will make a good resident of Myth, sod that village is to be ooagratnlst- ed ups. the fact chat he hos danded co lo- cate there. A RUNA,uat - Just before moon Friday W. T. Muroey drove down to rliett'. to • cart, and, se is hes usual practice, tied his herr before leavtag tt N hlle os hu buet- sem, the whistle at Baechlar'e mall .as started end the animal got frightened cad broke away, mad k.00kag against • gate ,mashed the cart. receiving ttaelf two or three rather lead looking cuts about the leve. A Ga.AT BATTLE- --Wedneeday .Roans.e football tease from Chutes sad S..forth eostesud for the sups •maty en the wroa.ala of the club of the later town. There was large sttemdaooe and such *paned play throughout the 18s1 the ealookere were to • state of excitement all the time. Several times it looked as though the Clio - ten team would score • goal. but the home team, story. on the .tart, blocked every strategic movement et their opponents, .od shoe tante was called the game was declar- ed 3 goals to 0 in favor of Sesferth. N hen the visitors were to leave, the Se.forth club and, in fact, nearly the whole tows, were at the station to bed their good bye. The mese .s the train wee highly ercauns the platform of the oars and that of tM station being densely crowded, sod all prow eat 'beerier to the fall extent of their Huron, tool.dhng county officials, the Town Council beaded by the Mayor, and the Royal Arcuom Vehicles were in great number, the bag Ilse showing that every available oucvey- m•oe within reach had been utilized for the uwx•etoo. Just before three, .mid • tarp a..embi.ge, the rectae ot St. 4;serge's, Rev. Mark Turnbull coon snood the church seri ions, sod at its 000clustom the Mseostc funeral tit nal was conducted by Right Worshipful Bre. It H. Collins, District Deputy grand Master Huron Dietnct. On the oampleuoa of the boom ..cyto.., the Basket wail sealed and borne by R. W. Bros. Joseph Beck, Richard Radcliffe sod I. A. Mortoo, of Wingham, 1'.1) DS'. Clea. A. Humber, 1'. L. 1'. lir. Ntokos.a, sad Dr. De Witt M•rtya. of KlacardiDe, to the hearse. and the last starch was u..aome.ced. Among at the cemetery the societies .topped, opened out and the faoer.l oar paved through. The sooseties reforming followed the hearns and were etas encircling the grave about to become • memorial of the most boating' Mason in Harem. Soon the voice of Rev. Mark Turnbull was heard continuing the church service and .1 its close the Maouo.c hreathrea joined up sod the D. D G. SI finished the Msootc ..,e As both services were impressive ly conducted, solemn stlenoe renamed, and, j.dged by those proem, the scene at the lateness. el fudge Toms will ever be remem- bered by all who transomed. litany friend., both personel and society, arrived by the 11 and 2 o'clock trains, to foie in the march of sorrow, and the freight tram w•• delayed call 4:30 to allow them to return home the move da.. The floral emblems were numerous and nicely arranged to every instance and they blended so sweetly, around the body whose (ane even .t the bet moment seemed natural and to peaceful repose. Among the dower mwmorial. were • pretty pillow, with ••Felber" in read dates, from dossed's oily daughter ; •.i.. wreath thoughtfully pprreeeseeootd by J. C. Carrie' and faintly of Wianiper' ; a maltase etross from the Knights Tonsillar ; • triangle from the Royal Arab Massie ; a wreath from the Maitland Lodge, No. 33; a cross, with S. 0. S. in raised letters, from the Sia of sootland ; the three links from Auroo Lodge, No. 62, L 0. 0. F. ; sad • bucket of choice flowers frees Miss G. Ie'.. Walk LT AatkOR DAY. -Sinai suggesting the ergasizetioe of s weekly arbor day, we have reed the following in a meat E.g11 4 pettiest:on. 5511 as it in • measure summate the preposition, we publish it for isfutum- MOM, trusting that our raiders will .M be frigbteaed by their daily supply et wi- orebes : Duet particles to the air have boss the •ubjelt of many elaborate rese.rvbse. The lowest Number of duet partible" ever counted was at t..oerne, where 3,500 west to the Cubs inch, Nod there are eine mil- liose par color tach in the ordinate sir of Glasgow, but immediately above a Basses hoarser an inch eostaine four hundred ..d e ighty else mullionm la a dirty town three millions .( boater►• per manes are deposit- ed by the rain upon every Been inch, ..d a teea breather thirty-six Berme s minute in a tows, sod seventy-two in a dose bed - MEMBERS OF THE BAR MEET. nowise.e of fo.delesre M the Relatives or the tate Joann Tema. A meeting of the members of the bar and "aunty officials was held on May 15th, 1896. Present Hu Honor Judge Doyle, M. C, Comoros, V- C., In Lewis, S. Mucolmses, D. MoDoseld, F.. Heetoo, R. C. Hays. Wm. Preadfoet, Dudley Holmes, C. Seeger Philip Holt, Dr. Holmes, R. (.. Reynolds sad W. Ian.. Moved by M. C. Cameros, Q.(', wooed - ed by I» I.owu,tbst Judge Doyle be chair- man. Carried. Mood by C. Sager, e000nded by R. C. Ilya, that Philip Holt be secretary. Car - ✓ oom. Tut Lays kitsE M.•Mosr ung. --Gusto. New F.n : The funeral .f the late A. Me- Marebie took slate os 'Smartie moraine, llth..od was largely sta.eos. aotwiW- . eeadier the very uslaversble another. The sell-bearr. were Messrs. MoCorvis, Moises, Fair, Forrester, Jas. Soot* and W. Comm and had all bees ..i.eted by the tete Reeve. Tb' renbers of the ooe.°il and tows Whittle also etteoded, end • that. her .t the Co ety Coua.i ierr wars also pteswt At a opera! m•etlsg d the Com - ed. has th Saturday the following mole - ti's was earned : That this ooenail deeirem M plate apse record its deep wise el the fen lesWud by the eommntty In the le - newel by death .t Mr. Ahmed*, Me- Merehi., I'r away years Reeve .f this ti/.b ad M myna its einemn ap- pr.,Mlies t.1 the Emmy valuable services reeler ed te the tees by bin. both se a member of the Ned 'muesli led as the el the nett p,.Eiseet meEbme of the wreath °..next f. the careful evereirbt sad }rud- est etttsdl a the very Merely the ratielee- tery osedhian of the i.a.ese of our Mw.. rod it la a Eelaa.hdy plrwre M the seem - here el the Costed M hbar whom se the mei •fsr'isyed by biros even whelk dean thfbe4lt severe bedny pais. A copy M aha twletian to be tet to Mrs. Me- Moved by M. C. Cameron, Q C., saooad- ed by In Lewis, that the following roman- tics be ps.e.d by the liar and the Officials et the County of Herm : "That the members of the /Mr owl Comity Meas of the County e( limos desire M pl.m cm record timer asses of the great 1011 that they, together with the whole county, have eustsen.d in the death of Hie Honer Judge Tons, for upwards of tweety- two years Judge ot the County Court a Hares, who by hie courtesy, sbtlity and bosomy of purpose compelled the admiration sod esteem of .11 who same is contact with bim..d wen for him the reputation of as up- right aid able Judge, which was set oosiln- ad te the limit of the County, but estesded throughout the whole I'negt of the Pre- viasee. " To his widow nod dasghtr we hereby extend oar eiseme and reepeetfsl sympathy. T1e� and these many tripods to whom ►i. kbdly sod meereau extern .odeard him will have the oo..elatss of knowing that he died with the eo..eiosen ss of bevi.e faithfully di.oharg.d the duties of bis high °flea with the stricter* istsmity, and that the people emote( whom he Head, from the highest to the most bumble, nlwsy° moor - sited in him an impartiality earl strict ad - haver to the path of honor from which be see D'ver known to wenn" Moved by 4. Malo.msos, seconded by R C. Hays, that • lolly .t the above reoole- tim be forwarded to the widow .t the late ledge Teets. Carried. iMev.d try W. Presidia*, eseeeded by S. Mab •mem. that the Members of the Bat and the C mety Odei.le awned the Nerd ed the 1N. Jades Tem la a hay. Car- ried. mo •I'-6eatare •till be fl r Wlhe n. trade with for They arse REE front gRE.A36 ithd are easily di- gested. i- gested. F ry in9� Sitor1bni , and all COOi(Ih9 J,LLrfrOSI.,$ Elio tNa is dotter and j,icrer tival.n. lard. Mad, only by The N. K. F.lebenk Company, Wallington and Aas ate,. 51O51"!tt •g. Mw. JOHN RALPH TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton-st., Has decided to continue in Business, as he has im- proved in health and is able to attend to his cus- tomers in the way of jobbing and repairing, and will continue to sell AT r LOWEST - PRICES ! PLAITING MILL. ESTABLISHED MISS. Bucaiiaiis & Rhyuas Sown Ore sea leer. Aelhsfaew• Newe e--1144 !w one beet about Rm cast'% l_.selal dllfs ky' Tabar- ds.' was Relliagethee 11 .n -m emeesa gent E a gari.rr, an' be owsaewed k- 9�emd VIM M Stan. mearase. MrS/ Ome pill a deem. owe Rett w emote. Owe M.aee gin o sawMi by ,t w of Aje�i as eidlethy sves ees ()taw p41 takes weekly haw*[ Primm.l It map, the eeetrtttiisee /611•141" teas .aid V IM wit, rtthr infanta of w lowti sell thaws seeshosedled (Wed seta preethies !!right's Rider?y dirt Readirelle tY amodlleil ll r- t sue Dabs's& Tame ink el 11t. YANIIrAOTII.aa SASH, DOOR. and BLIND Deakin la all Mods at LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every description School Furniture a Specialty. MoI ED'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR AND OTHea r5Te;D HOr*D1H.. Sfecific and Antidote for JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF SUMMER MILLINERY. Lated Myles ffi Hats and Trimmings. • Fine Assortment of Flowers and Feathers. ter comp: ANI) SEI: THE MISSES YATES THk SQUARE, GODERICH. i'rotectici . Impure, week and impoverished blood, dye meth, .p1 . palpitation of the Resat, Lim oonpleint, Manlgia, loss of memory, bronehitts, o,asum tion, gall .tore., jea.dios, kidney mid urinary dise...s, St.. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and newel debility. LABORATORY, (ODERItI, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. MoLaoD'.8yrror Rmeovaroa iso be had tram .11 drs�m1.m la town, es wen esteem the dragrrfsteOwesSound end neatenss ►. Brucle, Dtfr4. and Taranto. tal7 t,. To Smokers: of Building is always A WISE POLICY! To protect thecal properly it its desirable to use a good Paint which is not affected by the heat, rain or snow. and which will not fade out within u few iitnths. If you want a Paint that will give you satisfac- tion use eather and ¶ater-Proof Ready-Iixod Past Covers Most, Lo )i: i Best, Wears Longest, Most Econoutical. It is un- doubtedly the Best Paint eser offered for sale in Canada, and costs no more than ordinary brands of mixed Paint. Weather and Watetpruof Ready -mixed Paint is a Rubber and Enamel Paint combined. Will not chalk -check or blister. For outside as well as inside use. For sale by To meet the washes et their Custessevs The etre. IL Tarbes s w fee. odd.. Nam- dues. terRtes. est., have plsed spec rhe sssrkes • Traseres Week. "Thank yea kindly, ma'am, for the Ma- ar.' mid the tramp. "I91 sever tenet year Wisdoms M ass : sad Bore'. H you'll =- woe me, 191 be goalie' Seek M work." "Work '" embed the wema•. "What i your wort r• "Well, it varies, sm'emt Flee 6 N 9 be the mhrmia' We generally lest in' for Weak- tsel After br skte5 I slam es hour red tie get reedy for dMr. Now, haul•' Meth. I .meet pet fhi the afterimage bier ter e.« supper." A Combination Plug of HARPER & LEE. P. S. --A few more DAISY CHURNS at cost DAIRY TINWARE. WE HAVE MADE UP A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DAIRY TINWARE. Such as Strainer Pails, Milk Strainers, Milk Pans, Creamery Cans. with or without taps, Cheese Factory Supplies, Milk Pails, with Iron dad bottom.. Also Pails with Copper bottoms, all made out of the very best Tin and our own make. If Your Tin Pani or Pails want new bottoms, or repairing of any description. or if you want any Tinware trade to order, come to the New Tinshop, opposite Martin's Hotel. HOSPITAL. FOR LEAKY TINWARE J. E. WORSELL & CO. The PrsNical Tin, Stove end Furnas. Mem. SAYING MONEY 1 MAKING MONEY 1 • Parties wishing to save money can do so by calling on Mr. JOHN KNOX at his Warerooms opposite Martin's Hotel, where he keeps a full line of Agricultural Implements on hand open for inspec- tion. Noxon Binder, Noxon Mower, Noxon Seed Drill, Noxon Spring Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake. Full line of the Cockshutt Plow Company's Riling Plows, Walk- ing Plows, Twin Gang Plows, Corn and Root Cultivators, Road Scrap- ers, Disk Harrows, Land Rollers, Little Gein Pea Harvesters. McLaughlin Carriages. Buggies, Pha'tons, Road Carts, Training Carts. All the latest design. All work warranted. Adams Wagons, Paris, Ont., all kinds. Any person wishing anything in the above line will tinil it to his advantage to call on Mr. Knox and inspect his goods before buying elsewhere. AUCTIONEERINGa specialty. Being practical in the above and in stock, and having had several years' experience, can guarantee entire satisfaction. JOHN ZIQX, AGENT AND AUCTIONEER. " Matches that Light." Telegraph . . Telephone.. Tiger Parlor For the information of any- one wanting this kind of Match, we give the names of those fully answering the requirement. They are made by THE E. B. EDDY CO., "'CILIUM. "T& B"L BMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous " T dt B " brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The TIN til 'It B" Is os foul Pies. warthog BP M 1aM••a. fleet-Mademakell- Mein fetes heselral •pry I Yes have ea tithee se tee Beed these Mat ese 1 wise MEM Mee 1 math her M Ws1e HIM CAUTION Owing to the enormous sale of our famous 'Something Good Cigar P i P Y 1 1 For the prevention of fungous diseases and for the destruction of insect life on fruit trees we are handling one of the best Pumps on the market. Other Masubteter.rs are pettier' is the mafkM Werke geode trader this same. A jeer artiste b,_ sayer imitated, there t bet et that Ssms'thi7w este is Whig ewsterfeit.d is • rara.tee to mel - VW Mat S tat alar ala do slaitegoitehmi..e that ear trade mark (11e Ss ei jtsod gres..e os .h has. a ear la rendes 115w Geer brad le registered mad any the eels - leg M Agars thaw theme rs w this will he Empir.Tobooco Go., Mon Nada ili Fie SIZES! Ztnu, Cheap and Biirabla! it has an automatic agitator which keep solutions in constant motion, thus insuring an even strength and equal distribution of the chemical.. information regarding solutions and times of spraying cheerfully given. DAVISON & CO. Keep your Feet Dry If you oatoh oold new IS W111 RIMS On flail Bummer WEAR GRANBY RUBBERS They are the best and last longest Psrteet 1n Bttyls, Flt and Finish Twat wane snag MOIL