HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 2TRE 8IONAL : WDWO$i, ONT.. TAtTRADAY. MAY 23; 1$i5. ITMA t, IVEYO Deer. -Osie __ _ b • salt Aa many good things are likely 10. But you weenie is the risk if you keep • beak of Perry Davis' PAIN KILLER at bead. it's a never -falling antidote for pains of ell aorta. Sold by ill Dr Merits. or swear at mut Iwane Iht le riia1A+Iiau SYKRY THURSDAY MORNING stir 5. a.CILLIMTP J. Moe ot Publicatio s -a mad 10, Nert►-street, Oat (ch. petard., Terms ..gebeerirolea t Tames epee epee.. t( '3 Ose month. is ed Teras meatlos. M O.. year. 1 M Leek as Tear label. Tour label lea sandiest receipt et the date GO whirl yea ere paid up. See that 1( la net allowed to tall into ertwr. Warn s cheese of address 1s desired. both the old red the new e4drew should be gives. Adventsi.a salve lwpl s.d Maw seised advenisenronia, leo. dee Use ter Irut illeert105. and 1 eerie per 1105 for sash pbwgseet las.rtisa. Meeettr..d by sospassil wale. B cards of eta lines and ceder. fib pet Year Advertisements or Lou. Fouad, Strayed lltustfess Vend. Situations Wanted sad 8astases Chances Wanted. sot exceeding Il lines .o.pareil, 11 per month. ;louses on Male Wed Farms os, Sole, not to e mceed s Imre• 11 for ern month, 60e. per sub- sequent month. Larder adyts_ in preportioe. any special notice. the ohl...•t of which b Lo promote the pecuniary netted( of say indi- vidual or compaej. to be considered as ad- vertisement sad charwawt s000rdlualy. Loral notices in nonpareil type owe 0101 per word, sosoticee leas (hen $Oe. Local metier is orditiary reeding type two es emote per word. No notice for leYb. Notion fur cheerless end other r.liglou. and bedevolest institutions Maresca £beat -The alE.al" s.tfv.ly. Subscriber who fell to receive Tse BwatsL r. inset, either by Miller or by mail, will meter ',favor by acquainting us of CM toot at as early a dateae possible. Rejected maao.orlpte (-parte, be returned. OOrrespondene• muse be orates on one Ode of paper only. P.b1isker's role., J. C. Le Tomei. of Oodertok. hot. bo.. se enamel LocalTravelling Ammon for the town- smen eter(ob(i°s,lsheaid sad W- weaseb. local pestmasar. over the district are ales emt .wered to tredve sataorlpttose to Te. filAll ementualc.tiow must he addresser te U Mo0ILLICUDDT, pb.-- caU IM, e Moe r-Nadara stilts. HODgRICH. THURSDAY. MAY R. N1BL SNAP SHOTS. if iusti'atlof taxing infantx•food;1J per emit., the tot makers at Ottawa docked the pontoons' pep, the financial medium of the treasury deportment would dot 01. hibit snob midmost el se seven an attack of dentia Frost the list of names published of this gentlemen who will be et Ottawa at the time of the proposed •, o,mpromw " it is • ,tueetioe if the able awisteaoe of the e"• teemed polios will not have to be called is before the little difficulty a adjusted. - The girls are leaving us one by one. The other day " Nettie 81,Y " com- mitted mmtrimosy, and sow tt ie rumored that F R(r, tv W I t.umu in %boat to be wed. Next we will hear of SrsAt R. A.STNoey Nk ANNA 1h. KINwt. jaatpisof the btarmt- saok. Now that the Mail and Empire is esd.•vori.g to prove that the Hos. Twist 1. Mott:wat%1 is a Grit, it may not be out of order to ask, how did it oome that the odorous Uncle 1111011A. was introduced to Mr. Speaker by so lees a person them (.Stair TAnnit, the chief I'our vanes whip. There's • dark-complexmoodinds- vidtal in the woodpile somewhere. A short time since our friends in Ottawa. on the llever.nneet aid., had • stampede on. and made all err.gg m sl. for • general election. The recent frosts have put the fear of a failure of the fruit crop before their eyes, and they now clamor for • Meth seseion and an additional cream at the indemnity and mileage before lacing their fate. That is jumping Irom me ex- treme to another with a eengeamoe, Since tire time when eatimip>,f' c,tn- legs and di•mtmde were placed on the free list the farmer has received no greater s- metaaee than ha pa. under the rare tariff changes w►toh enables him to import pictures by tit. old 51101.',., lore -hes sad boo bargr'le without tax.tme. I. it say weeder the h. -ray listed son of toil tache • sickly ' laugh with • serd.nic smile whew he is salted the onetime, " Hee the National Paley made you riots '" HOn. l'1.44tKi: ry ALI.Antc tbeether day in the Holme d.6sd say liberal to dm ho. what • tariff for revenue naly was, Weil, l't.A*•a, hems at yea. The w two kinds of tariffs for romans oda. sad well deal with the owe that effects politi- ofaas for revenue *sly of the stamp of Hon Ci.seasTVcraroya. In hie pertieuhv m- eta/toe • tariff for t•eveoue hely mesas hang. mg e. to 35.000 • year salary after he had promised that, in the event of the Oruro - mom going nn with remedial lindol5/ise. he would step doss and out That's ammeter, (;iraae, and well des/ with the other phase of the gsaeies as •.Mbar ossa.... The baro .f Hakiimand, the Hon. TVAc.c.s." Ht'wri,ata YOwAuras get a sead.11•g.r Wds•adaa l..6 Cesium leviim, the mender her Ottawa Oseaty, wen .ddrmti5g the i3.am, whom the here broke is with the empteWse that Has. Lower Baena W lel rhe Liberal party lepers Ire bad diapprud with to p 1.y. Devise relaid, " Th.t,ai*e� �sot ter," red odds& rid Mal e wars ow'm Marr petty -u .... v larger with 611* policy." The lariats raeairsd implee WINO Sir Ito•oaau CAaT- 0 50.0T Iaterpol•ted, "Not ea toed as (bare N • Ghillie( lett,"sed broke out afresh wham Wlu.ts (;lunar, of Lincoln, cried out, "Net while the oaah holds out." What will this country .lo when 250 ot the peraias at miltear7 force is duo handed is Jaw' ft is gaits possible the ktov of the North Pole wt!1 hear that the "• Mudd .ojer-b'ye" are retlrtag from bust - Deis, and that he will coma down to Cords for his Summer varies sad gobble as all •A �a sip. DEATH OF JUDGE TOMS. THE last sat} rites have leen paid to tae remaia5 of lig It F. Taw+, the fate t aunty .fudge of ifuron. Oise of the brightest level light. is t'm- .d. ha. Robe out, but the memory of the late Jude wlil dwell nut uoiy with his brethren of the legal profession, but with everyone who had omission to appear in court whim he presided oo the beech. Hu integrity was of the highest calibre and ot the beet type. No feeling of perms - •I regard could swerve him from the pati: of duty. He was • men of open heart sad ~mom sympathy, and lou death removes one whose " pity trove ere charity beg•a in hundreds of iast.mosS. Timswas a lust .fudge, . • moa of basest thought, and generous im- pulse. His decutoos were always the re- sult of profound re6astro., careful .tuJy and deep oonvictaoo, and as such were not se subject to reversal as those of many of he brothels'. Hu premature death is not only • bermyemtent to those to whom he was the sanest and dearest. but deprives the beton of an able Judge,•nd the bar of oar of is brightest tights, the town of a progressive 0ititr., his host of friends of me whom they highly esteemed, and those who is time past partook of his besdtvtw.s of or whose oar always heard the call of went, idiom heart always pitied a.d whose head e me sever withheld is douse good. Lear sweets Tors is goes, but the ,pod that he did 4. his own unobtrusive way will long be remsabered. Peace to cur departsi friesd, may wa RYAN GETS BACK AT TISDALE. THE other day Col. Dari, T1s»AL1, who ran alpines for • Cabinet pos(Uon is the sear tutors, if the present government babas together, had the bad taste t0 make public a private letter of W. T. It. Pam - Toy. in which that gwll.m.a spoke of the well known polities Perm RvA1,as • man who would make • capital representative for South Lanark in the Reform harem Them was nothing obl..ctios•bls in sock a proposition beteg made, and why C'oL Ti'..t..t.c should ..e tit to bring ret to the atten- tion of Perliameot, even if it had sot bees stoles, is b.yood knowing- Paver Ry AN, however , gem back at the Colonel 15 this cb•r otsri.tic fashten 'I ask the indulges/es of your columns is order that I may give Pro Redo Pubboo my opiates of the gallant Coto/eel's 000duct and to assure those who ars 00000rn.d in me that the letter was written without any ksowledgs on my pert, and certainly Ns till it appeared to your Parliamentary re- port had I the remotest idea that either Mr. Preston or anyomo elm had writes a line for the purpose of securing me . nomination for South Renfrew or any other oee- etitnescy. Rut even reel. Tisdale could not truthful- ly may that the letter was of a corrupt or immoral character, sand .pert from the un- deserved oompliasats Mr. Preston paid me it was not other than each as one friend would write to .other, sad surely it con - tried nothing to warrant Col. Tisdale in using what he mast have known was • pprry� vto letter and which meat have fallen int* his poreseme under olroom•t.oces that for- bade iia ase. Had it bees of • spacial, spicy and iaterestior character like, say, Tuppws written resignation to the Premier, it would not be in the least powtible taste to nee it. COL Tisdale a sot aloe. • military me. bat • member of an h000rable profsseio., but his Wes of .nob • 1•Itee obtaleed by some peewees. only shown bow low se other. wias ho.orab's man will deeneed en trying to makth a point agree political oppes.ne, and my former opinion that he was .bout the kit maw ia or oat of P.rli•aneet to es- oser.ge the iodation. of teeter-eta&/tog has mtd.rgrwe • decided thongs. If h. loves to wallow with letter-palfww, or heroine the Psrltame.tary twee to or wily t.be contents of private attest to the world 1 trust ha will be allowed to iwnwopolise that re., for i'arli.meet cannot aff,rd to have many of that ilk ; and iwt as I know then are Reformers who dorms letter stealing seed the like, 1 dm sure ears then are 1'oosar- estiva is N Misted number who would ra- ises the eomp•nioeship or seesoy Of those whose sees are a0, in accord with the laws geywmiue honorable nos." - WHAT THE PAPERS ARE SAYING. row, 1.111 M. 51.10 A.D. Stratford Beams : Th. avidity with what every peMie attenuate of Sir Richard Cartwright is s.iasd upon by the T prem .ad their est _par, the so-called i.�p.sd- est journals. a M twisted sed sesterted tato s.esathiag A a Moire him with the public is the h o.alpha•eae that, meld be peid the 14 (.5eeial critic for eho grope wrviem ha realms his 005.try by worm its bermes. Tito man the Terve mast filar chef mese abuse .ed mirepre. tai, . Air R�ri has is hie elmo impaled a boat of rangiest wern�e1s1ggdoers wed the ter - Imre lies hoes inbe oiled be their iNbliey a tied . vahearMM rpt is thee .44 kei.thts armor wheal Masy sada 4.liver • ret.lb . ler blow. Sir &era (»s.,-ighi's s , abler, bale puddle .ed priests. se .have lies. parr He i1 hewer Man4( and ha %- ttbbe Mese hemeur4 case" -wassail, Masa aNspyins Wilma et pub &s Wee . N. P. NO 'PROTECTION Canada's industrlas Increase i More Under Liberal Hulce Ili. CHARLTON'S EFFECTIVE SPEECH Pr.Ieeite■ Warts la nes eibleres ley ettY1w1 ell ear a,s of e•lte. M ase La Aortal the se•ee( et .seeker set N toe 51.r.ar4 . rirwdset. Ottawa, May 17. -The Budget deb+ war re*am•'J yrst.rd*v br Yr ('l:arlt I1* one of the taut e(t.•, telt .pee•bes the dIscossi,,5. Rt tient rousi.kred t relation of the Cesadi•u farmers to t Nation•' Pioliry.. He declared in t rigorues iaugw,ge whirls is, his, that t Notional ;milky is incapable of 1614 0117 profit or advent:nee to ferment. laid it down as a fixed priuc•iplr that duty 4-soutd enly raise the pr.ce received farmers upon so eeriest:turn: product wbiek the rousumpti.n, within the rou try wan greater than the pr•.dwrtit Doing into this sabjee't in detail, he .0 ate latotted the .tatem1It that tariff is ut u1* beu•fit to the farmer (tiring a comperiao0 of prices to sl'e. +kat upnu ell the pPrddweti likely to br,ueht into Canada the price. is t ('cited titrate; markets are higher th St Toronto_ The rnited States. M char:ten *aid. waw ('aarls's best mark for bay.. .ma;l fruits, home.. shire :tmb., p•ultry, +c R•. hidden, ward. 110 enit'e. barley. brano melt. vegetable potatoes. turnips and wheat if the de were off. How, then. told be said that the Canadian to users needed a tariff t e evcstec them up.Il their prowlurta? ' leo fa therefore. s+ the (armer• of th;* c'onpt were concerned the Notional Polity w slmolt a neoekery and a frond. Having *hostel what is the tree relit tiott.hin of else aarieultarel interest the• National Policy. and having *bow how onprotreti,e to it i. the Writer tit.- tariff. Mr. Cherltou devoted him sell to A rotleldhr.tlx•n of the CnnMrvn tics. rtaint that Canada is. .bgeu(1rnt rep protection for h'r nt.tnufarturiug in tries.. noise rv•tivrs Iwo v• as •caned at the outset, he said. the Corrado hod etc nianufarturere oriur t the adoption of prat:•rtinn. Bu; tit fal*ity of this aoumptinn wan seen, h 'outiuued, by a comparison of the -resin iigures. and the rate of inert.* in the iwriode of 1661-1871, 1871-188 ,end 1881 -1691. lulu this romps tin he proceeded to take his auditors, and taking the amount of rental inverted. the valve of the raw materiel treed an the valour of manufactured prodnets, be reached the following melts. That i the decade ending 1871 the rate o profit was 73 per cent.: iw time decade ending 1681 it war 42 per cent. and i tbe last period. ending 1891, 33 6.1 per cent. The rate of iurrraee of th number of baud.m doted in the in dostries in tbe period eudiux 1881 wa E6 6.10 per cent., ea compared wit 45 per cent. Itrrea,.cs in the decade end lux 1891. The :u-res.e• in the capita invested w*e, in the decade ending 188 i lit pear frit., and in the following perils 114 ler vent. of raw material. The in crease between 1871 awl 11+81 wa* 4 per cent., and between 1841 and 189 42 1-10 per cent. (:.dug into chaser ex*miieation i( th industries of the tlenuiuruu under neve-uue tariff, Mr. Charlton contend, tlsat under that tical system mauufac tureen lead 'not only batt able to 1.v bat ninny bad been promperoue. that i many limo tbry had remind of the home market, while i1* nutny others they were w. -II ertablisbe.l, and fortunes had hi o s.l been mole in 1878 by many menu lecturers i1* thin country. J. 11. & it. Velem were worth a million dollar. .1. if. (Cort* had made a ',railcar, and K. a 1'. Gurney, etartieg• without a dol tar, were worth three-grnters of a - m31i.•u. E. A. Green and A. H. Galt bud other., were worth hilt a/million and w Iarxe number of smaller manufactur- er* had made from $64,1511) to $hdtlr,irk That pretectiert was not essential to the development .4 manufacture* the !meats clearly proved. Mr, Charlton contended that remota'o nowuulaetunw were 1st a healthy condi- tc,li larder a reeliue tariff, that they w-eathered the depression of 1874-9 bet- ter than dal the prute.•ted indnstriee .ot the forted States. There wast, there- fore no ground for the intn.disrtiun ret the prntertire .rete% into l'ainole. The desire for pnr taction among the Warnlseturers was die to the period of depr.•..eiou. and there was not the •lightest doubt that it tbe manufacturers hail h I:1 00 for a could • if year.' time r••viving trees, conditions would have slums. for them what they in 1o7$ asked the (iue- •rnment tp do. IApp•Inlse.) Ln n t',•rk thernntrh and comprehensive way he went into an examination of Slott Prot•-rtuion hast dote for the I aiMJ St*tw. H. !mind as the ChM - Irma this pert of hie n4.•oeh that the operations of the protection had nit I*•nt prolitnhle to the iudiwtrie. of that ("uutry. 111 •np.port of 1111 cou411- ti1.11 he gave n vast array ..1 figure., 111, effect of which was to pros, Hint at no time aim.. 1AR0 ha 1 the coalition of the mnanot ttrtore to of tel• forted States been ie. pr...perons as they weer under a moderate revenue tariff. All this was to e-etabli.h his initi.ttory pro- laa..tion. That protection when ex- truded aroma.' the whir circle of a ("en- try's manufacture. fails to *more it. object, bowsaw, it neutralises its one set of duties, %pill Fill lade.trio.s raw ma- terial the promised benefit of the ddt- les which it imtaeaee uta. that t.- • ...t..1*'(* I' flirt. for tont rea- son the manufacturer,. ere DO better off under it than n.u1er a moderate revenue tariff. iAppdair••.1 Then, when baring done with the tariff 4wue, ns, earn, to rnnsider the financial adiain4tratiun of (he (1',vernnenl. he found the text for one of the moist rllec- tier perti,>rs of hi. ap.e. h. He made a roeiporiat.n rel the Maekenai, 'sp•n.p. tune with the present Aeverauaent's,aad rr.p..n,4d t.s the ap plieati(w1 which nomw. Conservative had made to know in whet Heine th, 1.ihrr..4.. if they wore in prover, void "yore' to rrdure the prevent ,.x. p•uditnres. The subject of the iterr.a.e of the public debt drew from him .n em- phatic de.l.nition that fur •very d04. I,r of the increase gime 18117. the pre- bent tl.ovrrument and 46 pred.rearors were reapeneibl•. The intriaaw daring Mr. Mack,naie'e time were due. be mid, to obligatione entered into by the (un- rrvetf,es for ronstrartloa of the C.P.R. and the eel.rgemret of the canoe. TL.. lest etat.n,t,t drew from Dr. Moutag,e tee 4.'slal, "N... N," het Mr. Charltew repeated ►is words mad the fit.panitirss gave them the 'import of ,o hearty round of appleme. Speaking of the &felts bre des -bared that those %hie% meeerled darieg Air 1lkhard Cartwright's regime wore cow - .d by Mr tithes espse(1.g a revival of trade following the deproara. and bad 41rrtive4 t. Weer. at bleat tial Ole bit; people w ...eery epee 40tbs. Dr. Nustag.r: That was not the tattle awigeed by him Mr. l'bsrltu.L 1 think it was. Dr. M.,ntague: Tun will hal it in his budget epoch. Mr. ('harltueb 1 think 1 w:11 had It there. Dr. Montague: The boat. geutl•.tws *CI Mot say that that was tthe remota be as- aigued, air Richard Cartwrfghtc it t...st c.r- *411 y wap, (.keelaur.I Mr. (lutetium. proceeding. egad ha 1ad lt+icor 1 1• tel spe'eb. moreover, he re- membered bearing th.- *abject d:.ciamed it. party Carina *ail the party b.td eu- d„r..d :.ud mipported the coarse whish war thou pyunned. The coucludiag portion of tlw speech *as devoted to au limitary whether the buudlilut of the flounces by the dovero- wout had born bonnet owl clear. lii Its course Is; called iu evidru:a of .r eat - tux of ruble contracts,. 1•.11iu4 railway bu.ares such as the listws Bay Itai1- wey, srautiag lands to ap►culatnrs, the Tay -ramal, Treat valley canal. theC•r' ran bridge. Sheila l.land Dam mad s dost'. other •imilsr traneactioas. He concha:et' with • vtxta...e ,.tateraeut of the Liberal milky null and the liberal victory with wbieb the lutufe Proarer- ity o1 Csnada he, declared wan bound aR Tai CAPE Seer e4A04. TIM 9rwaered tee.prse 5 Tve•y woese is oke imps Sewn Parllamew{. tendon, Ray 14--A despatch from Cap C.,ivay says that i1* Per:tamest to- day Yr. N tenor made a nwtioa calling for the papers eoaeeruinc the treaty atth Cauada. Ile contended that it %tend be better for the tenuity to cultivate role - tams with iia own neighbors than ..:b 0oada, and said that there %err no art,, -;es, eu•ept what tier. already fere tb.t they could esrbanx•• with ('•tt*J*. The Premier, Hew. Cecil lholee, that the uegotiations hod toot *tern he- yood a protarul -that a Canadian d••1. - cite visit tape Colony. Mr. 5,surr remarked that tits• Govern - recut bad plied heavy duties on Aus- tralian gouda. awl asked how, in view of the fact. it could admit lhnadlua eu.ies free of duty. t ii611 Taut istaws TSt 10400111:5. 1?Sm•w5y e.elals Revers eke Law To lie Sielared titre tares New York. May 1 Treasury official+ have fettled down upon the rnueltmiom that the income tate law will next Mon- day be declared uneonstit,: .opal by all to three. Advices which hate reached the (%,mmiweon-r of lutenist Revenue holiest,. that •itch will he the attitude of the court on for question. A Washington special to The Mail and Romeo' says : The positive state- ment is mode that the income tax will be declared nocoswtitutitstal by a vote of six to three. event if hider Jueksoll rotes for it. Besides the four justices who voted *gaile-t the constitutionality of the .tet at tel' first hearing, Justice" Brown and Shirt., it is alleged, have changed their views, sad the majority opinion against the roustitutiunctlity of the law will be signed by therm. The ex- act position of Justice Jackson is tem- knowa a. 1. ',JILL'', wa ItX4MIIRM. 1 Need •1 Tesw.l. Lawyers Exiled*. Rum at sett,.,. Detroit, May 16.-4 rommi.4on from Tomato were in the city to -day to ex- amine C. N. Williams, the abs onding bookkeeper of Boater, Grid le C,,. Mr. Charles, Miller, barrister, of Toronto,ex- amined Mr. ICilliauw as to his dealing, with the defauct Central Bank. Mr, C. J. !Lotman tot Pattullu 4 Holman) and Mr. W. IL Wssllbridge examined Itilliatue as to his private affairs. Mr. Walker, barrister, of lIamiltou, was also i5 Aired/ince. N111 11g54190 Par asebseas'* 11*.. Sing Siug. N.Y.. May 17. -Warden lenge of Sing Sing Priam was last evrniug w•rvtd with papers to show rause i1* Albany next 1L,uda7, belure the Court 1 Appeal., why he *Mold unt produce Dr. i:. W. ittr•hanan before that court for re-Geatrnre to death to the electric chair. It i. held that it is the only court that now has jnriedirtion over the ear, 8imtlar papers were also ;erred on Dr. llee►aitau. Tessa.. 10rkNs. Toronto. Slay 177.-rh.ur-Plan: m•eeler- •t- demand. Straight rollers told at 114 to 14.05. e Bran -The. demand la ',acile*. with Mall lot, sellfag here at 615 sod .•ar 10441 quoted at 113. west. 'n oats. In tar lots, 117, Toronto freights. Wheat -Thr feeling is firmer. owing to tie. strength and higher prigs ret ua.lde market*, este. of whit) and reel Inoue ere reeorte.l et 117, to e"•-. outride. at point M shipment. ?4..11•.10 No. 1 hard is also higher. *ening to (40e t.. 91.•. west, and at IIJc. Montero; frelgat. At Vort William the price is nut 56.'. Marley-1'brre 1• • geed demon', hat nuns offrring. Prices ere firm at ase to 47c for feed. the. -Tim demand 1• fair .red ;arise. steady. White gold at 36 1.2e4. 36.. olds. „•.F Pt's. -The demand 1• !otter and whs. Honor. sans being road* outside at Orb to 61e. Ry..-ttuel..ee dell and pelts. euml.dl 55 the We. lieskeheet-The nominal price is 4d0. Tag IIf1JIYgaa1 5i4Cati1 clSITara. A ro14 Map in Megiddo sail termer. ,rase. London, May 16.-1 deep',trb from Rroadetair., 1e1.• of Thanrt, Comity 111 Kent, say4 n gale, tterumta.nied by snow and hail. prevail.. there. A number of builtioge have been uur..olcd null the fruit hhass,uu bore born 'kitmyrd. Poneunli, cold w.•nther prevails throngh,,et Efig In101. i h. -n• were snow storm. In. the east const. To day • few minor wrecks base occurred •m the east const. the Tomei* having run ashore tiering the soow.torms. 56.5. TIMI Wavy he 1el1.d The Hague. May 16. -A holing *mark foundered to -day near Wa.s.ertaar, South Holland. Eight of her crew were dn,wued. A high tide by been Mewing ep by the honey wind and threatens to destroy tar town of 8r4vehinxea, a well-kwown watering place two miles nortbweet of The Hague. 7M town is ehrltmred from the we hr it high drive, bat the water is rapidly elenowekipf 00 it. Hill of Schevrninr•n was *wallowed np by the ere in 14470. feet wooer t. Wrier. Paris. Mei. 16.-I:OdN weather, me- eo.mpsoi.4 by easterly 'forms, prevails in France. A ..mhrr of't_+res by Iigbt• ctn. sn. e.•.*.rted. Wbeeellie't tam aewvw7 by ore. 8t. Peterwt'urg, May 111. -The ken -war factory of the gotherhilds aL Sake has ban deatrnyed by fire with s smmber of oil reservoirs and other property. Las eery heavy. lar Nisaaillsa Ile IM hared. Mata, May 11-1 telegram from Dir rya the satire tetharaae have made a MO* attar upset the British airlift He fest at Wilartalinit. firm awasi alt SIM* COCKBURN WASANCRY When the World'a Fair Ex - panses Were Mentlonut:. MRDEYLIN MAKES AN AKIE SPEECD A Lively 1114 selwe.s ads ae5tbere Ise eiYwa mat .'tater Te.M1e•-111r. tae• Us r Tone ara•ess ler eapsakaa lie ba.ermreeiro 4'eelve- sita 're/Mr Ottawa, May ,44.-I4..•k-ribh,d ,,rut.e- t1a1t is the l -my ir,t(' of *11 the clash,s that bar, t..•ro made uu the Mo.i•tenal side of the House during. the pro,. se of the lug-dnlwu-wt Budget .ie ttete. There hos ub.'eu :so word of euro ,r•*e- meat to the taxbunkl.rd people who ut ow time were 1e1 td t.•lieve tLut thr,r I.ad wowld b' lig11t.nel by tela ,,nr'rr of loppittlr of1 the ew.e1d.•rIAt brn,xbtr, Seam the 11.1auuhacturers' .ta.oe!etlon ant iia mighty foot datum opens Mr. Fiores tariff revisiuu bill and furuish^d him with • brief ra'budyiut; their drumli s a, Our eminent supporter lar hoot the coiwegs_ or the patriotism to ally A word "1* be- half of the op.premwd faruner, or laborer. Te. Liberal party as represented 11* the House oCommitteeboa steadleatly irrCommitteetaiued its positioe that the iulerest of the mare most be cuuaid.rrd brlurr u( the lavun•d w d hat the ugly u.rtbud of erlirv►feitg so111.t11* i. t.. .tth,pt the er.wuatic•*lly souud principle of n revenue tariff whish will take from the people enough crony to meet the re_ qu,remritta ••1 }uvertuueut and ',•,t cue rent more. Thr Budget debate was resumed eater - day by Mr. (.1,ekburu. The mrtn.i-r fur feet re Toronto Legbu his speech in n very promising and effective .tyl•. But thio did nut last, and wbru toe turu- e l 11' a serious cousi'l.•ratiuu of fiw•al questions, the 1,tteutluu of the Horan lett him. After diacunsing the 1a►1- auee of trade theory and the littionrl debt. he came in due eowle :ironed to free trade in EugLt.d. He ..lied the House to remember that Eugt.0 I had' beea prep'ring for free trade for 40U yrs n. Mr. Davies tasked him %briber it will take that 1 .ng fur 1.tiada to make her- self ready to abolish protection. To this Mr. Cockburn replied that to edt nut elpe01 Ctu auI* to go to deep, but not in Mr. Davies', or his own time, not yet p5 their children's time, would Qin. aide*. industries be mo fortified that they 001111 be mately thrown upon to the competition of the world. IOppasitiou applause.) Mg. Charles Devlin, the bright Young member for Ottawa County, followed with en exceptionality atom( speech in 1' 1i1•'o•'(4 ''q: J+') sas.ete •e1 ynixy 11* arraignment ut the (iuverument's polity of for douses. Mr. Devlin has a native elsquenee that is always pleasing, used he is a clear Wad effective reasoner. During the program of his remarks the baby member for Tomato acted au bati- ks- that the Speaker was obliged to re- prove him uui two differt'ut necasioae. Mr. Cockbura persisted in inter- rupting Mr. Devlin without reason until even his own friends became weary of it. With a smile suggestive of the bravado of a bad little boy the repre- sentative of East Tomato continued to interject astute:140hle, inapposite re- marks anti! the Speaker. gently, but firm- ly, " turned him down." Mr. Devlin did bot waste may more time in rep:yiu; to the •• member for tut. Jobu'a War.1," as he termed Mr. Cockburn, than it r,• 'Wired to administer to him a rebuke f or the attack which he made apou lk Rich- ard Cartwright. Mr. Devlin told Mr. Cockburn stat 11 be wound eoa.ider bis own position in bis own party be would have reason for .erica. refleetioo•. 11e had been spoken of two years ago fur the high position of Premier of Canada. Mr. Cockburn was not sufficiently tulle• pendeut of his own party to attack any member on the Oppositiva side of the " Is. be trot 11e gentleman," asked the member for Ottawa County. " who two yeah ago went to Chicago And expended 14425 that was taken oat of the treasury of the eoustry, mad that was collected wader the National Policy ' " " That' what i tall adding hermit to injury,' replied Mr. Cockburn, with an alternated degree of warmth. " I went Chicago, *pent five months and a hall there and i received not one iota of eat- ery. I state mow. whaft 1 have not stat- ed before, th.t I spent over 413000 of my owe money, and that the whole ex - peones of that commission of Mr. Tarr and writs!! were less those the persrsaal expenses of the cummis•ioner from tario alone. I am glad that this subject has been brought up. And 1 shalt be only too glad to appear to -morrow or tiny day before the Committee of Pub4c Ac- counts, and I think i'll show that." Dr. Lioderkin . Ton will have a chance. Mr. Derlio: If anybody flea an apology to offer the hon. member for Centre To- mato, it should he the AuditonGpmrnal 01 the Dominion of Canada, beeatre i fled in its anoaal report that the sum of 144:6 was paid to Mr. (horse R. R. Cockburn, M.P., as an advance (oo ac• totnt of •xpenre11. Dr. i.nodrrkiA: Vias that for refresh. menta Mr. 'Devlin: 1 had that the lase. mem- ber has sent iui a statement of the hole amount of hie expenses, .5d tory amount to 144!6. Mr. ('0rkbarn: i don't deny that they amount to that. tion have a voucher for every dollar. 1 lid sot act es did the Commia.io5ee 1'111 Ontario. who told the Hoge, that he kept two tIrrowut.. Mr. Delis: The hon. member ie a lit- tle bit toswby on the subject, as is shows by the temper that he Mite into. Dr. l.snderltla: Wait till we get at hie one bill. (Laughter.) Mr. Devlin j*vm tir„ ert•r145.t a- .nbeeline*.eler uy.pni4nx the Ov erumrnt: Firrllet, ber*• he looked upon the financial. policy .d the Government aut worthy of ...modernisation: second. berates be thought the treAr pcdicv d the (loves• =went unsound, end third, berasse he eo.n.itien•d the Administration Of the ()•,crniment retold not be supported or defe.4.d. Mr. Devlin was saying that the Lfbenal police 01 toothy was the some policy that Alexander Matthaei, and Edward /Drake had supported wbeu the new- d eereetary of Mate in- terposed . " la kr kelt your party be- came he could not support your pal - icy." The h000ra%le gentleman will never have bis party 1110.r o1 its polity," woo the ready retort of Mr. Devlin, and it produced a storm of Liberal ap- Dr. Montages : The policy i• always right. (lir Richard Cartwright : TOe will etlek to it while there is a NH1i5g fa It. Mr. Others : T. tdsed... ioag • the mb Mdse cert. 44r. etUeske e.Wiabsi apes the l br a[ W RelMrsied btr.(kt et 1684+hr rag !unreal tits l>trge d Results Astonish MIN OF $CiENC[_ AVL3,°S A MEDICINE WMIOUT AN UAL Statement of a Wail Karim Deets niers lareaprlfl• Is withowt ea equal as a blood-purl/eft sad Sprung medietaa, and cation have praise *neigh. !have watched Its effects 1n Sweetie eases, whore other treatment was of to avail, and bare bees' astonished at the remits. No other blood atedkin, (tot 1 have ever used, mod 4 ha•0 t11.4 them all. in .o thorough R its sewn, and effects .0 many permanent e%res as Ayer's Bar.aparltla."-Dr. 11. F. MawLt, Augusta. Me. Ayer silt Sarsaparilla Adtslltt d at tuts World's Pair, 41.r'. Pula for Meer and beach, . rrtisu,. ape,. mut U: a i.. • " a .- . ascioistrut, 11(5.4 t1*. It .JW 4.4si.uia50, Mr. Craig. tie ;bital.rtr for Leet bm, is, tea ui repass wlw tee s0aaous :.5., 001.10i W e-,rui(.i.e i'wu:a;r•O•lty `rid tariff reform with the •,I.. 4%+1607. Thi. ye,.r 4r ka.1 no sostract.oes and hires au t.u- diritkd ala,ti u.. . - tt.,- :;•tectal Polley. lir eutere,t :no. . ,tool.•,* of tar Dwell - lug of the (►,/.. eat "4..ti'( fur reernue only " fur 1•s,•► .. . J t L .1 :t menet (het a,. duty would i:, i1*, . Al tont would give root tttci•. •4to1 pe ,t••etiou, .041 tberef•,re teat u1* err; o.• s1.1 be imposed on C pts •i' ,ng t.h, _ .' .'l. he ',roomed Ii..•.a. Mr• W. 11. Edwards, iLner.es,d the gun - 11011 from the p,,ut of view of the prac- tical buain,-1a :,.,t. au! he wee obliged to eondema 1 ',' r•.triet.re policy of the (iovern:et.t. 11e .reuse: bow ititera•r it b'id bar„ t . tL L.Im,riwg tar,. end the Lateen. of (:-a•..,!a, 011(1 proSoa.crdto In fay •r ul a review tariff. The (outr .4 re to Co-torre wait tbe next to take the floor. Wittst.i1t advancing may n w ari01wutw. he made n general drkuee of toe administration and policy of the 11..1,rtnent. Mr. Churlt..a touted the adjouraaxnt of the debate. I1'ILt7 t MS4* 54116. The R•v.I separtwee/ u -wort.* leo. Mbar or i.Ns nes We. Rimy. Maj iii. .1.hnir.,i Morin, Mine - ter of Moue-. in a speech at 8pe•,l,oa last evening ..ti.f the total retreurh - msnts ;n the lutists naval department for the cermet your %sould he 6.041u,000 lire, and besotted that it would 45' the cheapest adn:ir,istratrd marine establish - meat i1 1.::ruts•, The program of tke Government coutrmplated a redaction of the number of nreenais, the sale of old ships at.d the construction of a few new ones 6*. complete the wt loses. atoms 511 >rtoen N1 4 PALL: 5.651 Mdden( etrlits ss a 156etleo tlmiaT ease Ottawa, May 16,-A fatal adcident hap. pled fleury Tacker. employe of Judge Moegrr.ve, fell from the rear of • buggy i1*neck Rwtswaw bo:iroken. Ila d .cad, owie,IlOspind to themolt 451rm11- wtsediat*t gtri be way. The young fellow's slrly. arlCoa Yl,.. 14LL MOR'. Twelve Tbssa•md 5511.9. Lasa el Mme' (a5•.•• l esn5Y_.9am. Rime.,e, May 111. -The large flouring mile and elevator belonging to W. it groyne & Cu. were destroyed by fire yesterday. The iartsraxe tarried s *12.000, The origin of the fire woo spontam•otu combustion. Street anesway tlesee.tl,w. Montreal. May 15. -Montreal has been chosen fur the next cut.rentiou of the Street Railway awn of America. The convention will lam Irma (Mt. 15 to lit inerlativ., 145.55 1000 graders inter- ested is street railways are respected to attend. There wilt la as rxbiMtkn on the Victoria Rink and the Witcher wi4 be the bea.ii ,latter. of the &legate. Ask your Druggist fot Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY FLORAL_ UT*ACT Per llsai>r 'J.Jst, Tailet and 110116