HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-23, Page 1he lomat THE 1-33DIZTQ NEW BP.A. PE OF HURON OO'QNTY. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2618 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 32. 1896. D. Me(11ILLICUDDY, EDITOR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- MAY 23'ITHE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. Pre;tr RiaW- C. A. Haber A Sea.... 8 Co t'tsaaodresotisg--Ww Lane. &lark. h b WHOA 1ROoIdagon at theCapItel A t' a row 000 Sub -Wilmer Sm$$ lased Sommer Millinery Opening -J. T. Athena.... .................. 8 Um Tara Now -Geo. Porter,.... ..... 8 Ib You Wan{ • Deerbdt-J. H. WeraeU A Co 8 Whits Lime - Kdward Suer'•. 6 Wooed --Ma Kay 1 Auotisu Sub -Thea Ouadry...... ... Teodoro Waisted -C. A. Humber The W w Mea of Dairen -lir. J. M. Mo- L.od 8 1 TrsI.W g Guide. t14RARD MUSK RAILWAY. "Dear Asa TO SODSOOCK. A0a1T.. Mixed le l• am Mail sad !sprees Lit pm 7.111 Ma sad IMmees ••••AM. AP -*5T. 21 ow' Exuma and Express ltiasd... .................. 16 am IDep.m 3M p n Auetrion 8a.iss. 1 •NRYSEBvrD AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND 1MPLEMENTB, By virtue of a wafMt to ttw dimmed by t. Hares aid Irk Lisa and early" Osm mains' the ss orad chattels el Huth M.H. wale 1 will sew ter male be Pabio ♦amiss •1 Lot FA. Cos. 1.0oderioh p.. 11 tulles "loath of OMdsefok. Barfield Rol. ea THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1$9:5, commwnrg at 1 o'clock p m, the folio w lag' Farm Stook and I'mpbmosto 1 Any Hens 7 years old; 1 By Herm 3 years old: 1 demi More 4 yews era with hal by ber side; 1 Bay Mare 4 years old. due u teal. 1 Orey Hoene attost le years cid; 4 geed 3 -Year old Steers; 1 good I- ear -old Mesta, ! seed l.year old Meets;1 Farrow Cow; 19 Sheep; .1 set d Rouble Harems; 1 an of Weights 1 Worsens; 1 Massey -Rawl. Mader: 1 Mamms,. Mame Mowers: 1 Salty Rake: 1 Bagp ; 1 Plough ; 1 framing MlU : 1 set n Iron Har- rows. 1 Hay Porn and attachmesrs : 1 Heavy Cart; 1 Root Cutter; 1 Irmo Barrow: 1 en ot Wkltherma Neekyekea Forks. fie., ll of which will positively Mead without reserve. TEAMS : - All mums a 3H amid undo, Oath . over that amount a sesta' credit mill be gives on tuneable" •e•teweed Joint saes. A AMoonat•t the rats of . per east. per assent allowed terC`.ah ea Cred.i ameaata THOMAS OI;NDRi', May Had. 1.14 Auetioseer. 1IOATING AT THE HAMAR The sethemlber. hada. redeem' Ile boats far IIs mama. Is raw pr'epar'ed to tlmab .2* 4.- riroua of recreationreadag recreation la that lila at tuedermu r tit. The bon hew will be to charge of a eMm- peteet eta f tum S o'clock in the meeafag mai the 151 hent le la in the svoing, oven lay eoaapt'Mornay- rfpsOW suestiea given to limper tare of ladies sl ebikbes who �ysy bus4 L u J •MES BARTER,' Ptbprieter. Special Notloes. t KA%I$U.-CA1TLZ AND HORS ti l Jf realeN ea the Big Mea- dow. FW ow* to RnbLRT YOUNG. iOM Ittt `VINDMIlLi. tib Riii-APPL1 TO Ridgewood ?warm. aetlae•ak . R 1 win O. ARI:AINS ! BARGAINS r EVERT LP Wedaesday and taturrdw. Cm:. for :M(Mode ods dulveted free of clew -et H. ORTON'S amend Korai HamUOast 13 t1 1 HAVE OPENED AN OFFICE AT Id Prrap means. Wiens,. ado • roe ersl b.1lI hales... Worrsate of all Mods etecuimd according to law. and striotls in bin the tariff. J. C. 'Intl Mae 13. 1491, i►tW-tt r7 H1TE LiME.- PARTIM BUILD - ins otould to my White Lima The memoir neet it was waned me to reduce the once. The pasty allows es►barth mon stud to be mixed with it. se mOkbg 1t solo nilly cbsaper thin any other tlM la the nets - y. Alwyn en hene at ma e1 baei..es es Eset. t.., LOW SHARMAN. 10 41 WORT OF REVISION OF THE TOWN V OF UODSRUCH.-A meN2gg of the ('ours of Rev1Yee will be held i. the Tows Herbs. Meads' as Sib day o1 May. 1211. u 10 o'clock la tbe foeosoos. tee the pmrpose of hearten amens seinen the Yieasomeat. WM MITCHELL. lows (.'Mia t; ^R 07 tad Clerk et the Oran of Reylttt io. 55tib. 1f1. ILed Property Sir Salo Or tor Heat. LOOK SALE.-CHIAP, ON EASY j`w half of let Ht Oereslos ave. Writ O'•wneesh. 1M sorra Awed improved faro. Lots it. 9 sad part M. sabdlviatee of Hlook B. t Whores. about M sores. TO he shop lately ooipid by the hA�yteLOJOHNSTONMevm Hsi*rPr "0R mSAL, SALL-N. i LOT 31, END OON- M • ret-elaes . DOI AM 10seem 11. Soda Aeh. Apply es PHILIP HOLT. 0-d. Situation Valiant. (.I KNERAL SERVANT WANTED .- • into. A. McD.ALLAN. IN. d 34. ANTRO. - 0001) HOUSEMAID. - Appy te MR*. HARROW. lrrdtw-tf WANTED. -000D GENERAL ME - van‘ Appl'to MR& HAY. lett WANTED. A and sae lo ?preens' to peeens' the 'PsatkUI Nsr..dm se Q wads - •ens-Tbela the lesa1.M. swraese. A1ary of en.msesise ts •en 1 .I... .g deemed Pelt, • rts IZZ yea how ears rflur ws� +the=tea "Mee the iter., wrr1. Ver Iib ISTOOfR bw>•LI1Ii�orams. Oat. The r heeA d i - iea-i 's Rag+m.ore are gtr their m.snl •*.means es lnnesi d ga Jrly. J w. SITTItly •io/t S , MONO Ned them leseeed "oft Ser lata an sd Com i1- ens. Raw the Sovureese.t Vain Its W pressen• Mae- fits asseat.50 ave eolaelesn- Whn Me •adlterii.aeeal', He- paet oboes-Learavagaee, the Memel. there•pendeace OTT AR'A, Jlsy _'Otli.-Since my Mei liner you have learned of the •ogoittal of St. Lows, the Curran Bridge *mummer. The lloyerameat were the prospectors : St - Leen Is • musts of • member of that Gov, erameot,. you have from time to tea read the evidewe against S. Louts, ted hs own admiesloam before the Parliamentary am- mitme lest year, and what do you now think cd the verdict, " Not guilty :" .suf. ho..* *videos pruduoed by the prosemtinn to eonvlct. Do mot, in pia" your jade. meet, forget the important tact that the Governess were the prosecutors. The ans►on see oo, the whole week hev- MMg bees taken up with the budget dob•a. Foam the I:overameat side they are all talk- ing eoonomv sad retrenchment, while frees the l4bere1 ode they are reminded that this M the dootrone the Opposition have for yearn bus urging upon the t:overmment. Before the session is over you will prob- ab!y hear something of the large amount of eaceUeoted remota the Government have allowed their potiti,d favorites to hold In their pockets and at Is with regard to this matter 1 hevh something to say today. Th. Munster of Futanca had the pleasing information to oommwaieau to you in his budget speech that is veer of the heavy ex- penthture of the year, sad the consequent detioit of .t lust 34,500,000 in the treasury, the Guveroment had fouud tt necessary to lug your tea le miss mon revenue. Rat 1f you will look at t0. Audita Goner. al's last report, you will probed -1y ask yonr• .elf why the Miwur of Fiance hes sot collected the large •mouot of revenue dee the Uovermuteat by political tavontes, and to which the Auditor Gonsral bas repeatedly called attestant, before meting to raise store revenue by 1•nisq the °emissaries of Ids you are daily meg in your household The dowdier* of Canada, according to the Auditor Georral, owe the treasury a vary large amount of mosey for .zein• duty, ap i• the bundreds of thousand. 0t do1Ln, and why bas Minister Feuer not °elected them arrears of revenue wore lm:reeding your taxes to make up the shortage the Govern- mmt's reckless extravagance has brought about in the public cheat. Apart from whet the distillers owe there in 389.780 of usoollected revenue doe from the tenants and callers of the inland Keve.w. department. The Auditor General also calls toe attention of the Minister of Public Wutke to $95,620 .treats of revenue due that department. tor .lode and boom does. The leeway, t1epartment are $61,944 be - hied is their collection of revenue while to the department of intortor then is 325,581 dee free. teaaau and 122,412 due from the pmrohadn at lead. The Auditor Geser•1 also drawn at -tousles to the arrear et rest due the Militia do- parlament eparla ent tor loam ol militant loads. When these amount. are InvestigMed it will be bead [het . oeras0 Tory member of Perlia meat is the lessee of lands upon which the amount of mot doe is away up ie the hun- dred.. Bur why should we k hersbly of other 'teenier* when we Had the Minister of Fin.uue .clewing the Fredericton Bridge Co-, the Itrtdge expects is that he expects gang to carry him safely into York at the on; elec- tion, 90[04 behind six yeses m their interest 0000001. In drawing atteation to this fact, and the large amount of u000llecad revesue from interest. the Auditor General thus remind. the Minister of Femme of hie duty in • oommuoicatioo dated 20th May, 1893. The Auditor-i:ensrd say.: -" Ref rriag to my Immo of 21st October, 1992, 1 have to en- quire what action has minor been taken to etworwthe arrears due let July, 1892, for bterent on tbe following investments : Al- bert Railway, $3,903 ; Fredericton .ad St. Mary's Bndg. (;o., $36,000 , Quebec Harbor eommiseion, $406,808 : Three Riven' Harbor commission, $23,385. Is his report to Parliament this year the Aaditer (i...ral shows that no &ouoe has bees takes Turning to the Mimetic of Fhmao.'s own report, brought ap to 30th Jose, 1004, and which bas just boss tairi beton Parliament, we read ea page 16, an der the heading of menial interest mteoua1, (unrest in default), as follows : Interest dM the 1loyernssot ea Three Riven Har- bor debeatsren, $33,739 ; Frokrialso S'ldee ban. $60,000: Quebec Harbor 4.. e 1, 3706,561 ; Albert Railway loon. To then' mimosas another year's iatetwt will bay* to he added m 30th Jam. Whet ds yea $Nsk et this es • butea.em tr.ameliea t D. yea think the Minister hes eeadeseed year 0 " lanes, your Anamilal albino, he on �tisl .ziglseise from kis mind sad W w.1.nd the mites- Mos itatam .f bterate sad missies in is= hy polIt.asl favorites ht Is evident the ia.raaddd termites he new finds it aeseos"y M impose apes you wield have ham availed or at Mast eeeridm.bly basal. While e.lkbg of daisies and eaaessd t.xatren yea would probably Ms to bear when ams of year herd eared wages sad wispg+ t.. AseseMtsn to the AOditsrdieam.l's lost report. Mahler Maters Mee year took 385 of your mw.y to payiaw lits .•►bir. ani NM for Ids tvig ."poses. Faster. the unanmis1, .peat 3D of Osveraseat mosey roe [rhe. and OM ter Wavelike ex - imrAt Mast he obsreed you the[ iamb. els• Tem illy, of whom you will hear more beton the itemise is ever. ease ym $196 for ttt►b Dies sod $1363 for tr.vel- qsg e[poelors. Right hon hit me mrat1as that ivory masher of the (khat heath Sever the (lisadisa rwilw.ya Dm'1 thee whim reading Nr eim Thompson .kae_d 381 kr eab- hM and MOD kr tnwl1.g sap Sir Ass. Types aimed $176 kr .sb.bkty bM es tram at W Iramilog erpoesen me M t..... T...... nay he Mid .1 o.inttet, TOWN COUNCIL MEETING. who appears to bays oily arose for .s0 -bare. The Ir.v ing •zpse w m both w samay be there, hat you don't w Nem Pattwsoa tusk $138 for cab -him sad 3387 IR1nuLM 1>1<1111.1111111.180 Mooting. fee travelling ezpeaoes. Ser Adolphe Caren met the country :110 for cabs and $1108 for treyelhag ezpenee. H.gprs *Piwt $37 in women of m, . Arne op Far oohs and goo on travelling mammas& l:o*teg.s had $174 for oohs std 3100 for travelling se passes. Coetig.o evidently did not use Me pees sad then sharp the «worry tor thew al it. Su Macksa:ie paid doing for Dabs and only 3100 foe travelling' expanses. Clarke Wallace meat 3125 on travelling expenses, and Wood a round $400. while Ives con you $666 for traronies exegeses bud $52 for sake. The meet I.terMYM feat urs of it all is that the Mu eters positively refuse to Im- olai • detailed 0000001 of their travelling ex ow u beveo's name child Caron spewed 31108 in travelling expenses and Daly $1362 d they made the least attempt to ears in- stead of lavishly throwing about your mosey. Thus men both have railway passes but of comae they are too basest to make you pay for their wins. But some me has to. Jest figure it out end me how mwob travelling you could do on $1362 or on 31108 tf you had • ratdway pus is your pockets. Yet you wonder why the Government hem boom fumed to tax year mum. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. What was Mime at the •.asst Uenl.g' [e- pee u ed the wd•eers. At the statutory meettag 01 the above in- stitute the fo:lowiug were elected odium for 1895: I'reudest, W. Lane : 1st Moe proudest, P. Ford : Lad vice president, 0. J. N.fal: sou. Lime.. J. 11. Colborne dinotor•, H. Smith, H. L Straw. 8. k'. Halls, K. S. William", J. H. Wor.elL The following otkoers reporta were read and adopted.: THE rax0IUEST'S a[POex% HAT bib, 1896. Lamas Ant. tImITLg3LII, --11 .fiords the Board of Di:ectors Semen to place before you *bar annual report, although westward have liked to bare shown you • loner mem- bership and • lager amount to the credit of the institute In the treasurer • Made. The report of this year shows that the Institute le only holding its own whea oom- pnred with pest years. W• wish to my that we bays done our beet for the Iotuuts, and have, we feel, ac• cornpllshed a good work in •betiding to the librarann d room,. for we . able to report that 23,040, or 72 per day, prisons hew patronized the free Inure[ lire found on the (able& The institute u, finencially, much the same as last year, and your directors had to eaosomi25 in order to make aide mast --this is the remelt of • smell membership. Insted of • membsreblp of 137, we should have at Imam 250 or 300 in• town like this, when towns 000uoer.bly smaller can show • taeonberuhtp of over 300. We wish to thank the town council for the usual liberal grant of $100 and the oo:aty council for $15, sad also Mrs. H. Y. Attrill for placing, grata, • large Dumber of volumes of valuable book" of retereooe. The roes are free, oomwodious and well kept. The library ooataine 3150 books and 219 publications this year, all chola sel- ection" of literature up to date, and the latent and teat magazines and newspapers are to he toed on the tables. By the treasurer's statement you will w that the directors expended about $2,_5 in literature of various hum's. Besides this it takes considerable money to mem{ other necessary expense 111 commo- tion wilt the iustitate such as rent, fuel, salaries, ere. We heartily thank thirst) who have stood by the Institute in the past, and bops that ae increased membership will be reported next year. The reports of the teoretary, treasurer and librari•a will be laid before you, and we bops the members and public will study these reports with • view ot beoomiag in - tweeted in the work of the Institute. TREAs'. OOM,KT. Wawa from let May, 1894..318.20 Government grant 238.00 Town grant,. .... ... 100.00 ('cooly grant. ... . 16.00 Classes (pupils' teem... 28.00 Stale of alagannes 29.22 Members' tickets. 136.00 Bakal* 7.36 -1571. 78 [T P[T 9ITCa[. Nooks for Library' 156 98 M ag•xiees for Reader* Room-78 25 Rest, light and Heating89.00 Solarise 170.00 Cassese . 42.00 MieodMalsas Espinosa 36.55 --$671.78 THE LIMIARIAN'S SIMS? Sheered the isms et books daring Ph•- v --•r as forlorn : Biography, 52 : dot, , . l 710 hktery, 567 ; misesllaaow. 564: poetry, 40 ; rSpens, 41 ; mimeos, 80 ; voysres and travels, 454. Number of hooka added to the library dark" the year 219. Total samba of volumor is the library 3,150 Average daily sithendiusee during the year 72. Reading room fres to a1L Member- ship dolma 31 • year. Olathe : O. M.aday the seven-year-old els d J. C. Adams met with • had mei- deist. While Aber in a wages he was so - 0 M nsbashing t1I•, his arm sad Braman : Deputy Supremo O.ms..der Towashed. of Guelph, urs beer town tee the pen week kocsig the memento of Yr.a.2s Teat, No. 34, O. T. M. He meos•ded wan and by tube semistsmei of the brethren 24 sow moorhen wen idtisad on ea Tamday ov.. Mg. There ars mew 66 msmbmi as the .41. Mr. Townsim - k nmsid.g ter .oetber week. Masa : Dewiest the pee 18 meths four peami.est meshes of the area monad �MgMpeened sway. vie :-Meals White- head. ase only were irsea.ss•�mssbera .t the eoaswl. kine shay were sites" the mese amid and pwl.oat N of the Iowa d the oryl..l vibge read we helm dun atm Mwl tw• nsmbw sus Seim i Woo saw 55erwrlea-ifs Tows Read tine • •:rant ed ef«-Reselunes..t[tm- dnu..►-The idol Itedae•. THK regular town council meeting was held last. evening. The oyer in the obair ; the reeve, deputy -fee vs rad ooanod- ion Murray. Tbompso., Saunders, Joha- etos, Dumb", N iobolsor, Caatelo.i, sod Naftin Bing present. The minutes of last emoting were read and confirmed. A oommancIatioo from G. W. Fraser, of Toronto, as to in trducing tnosedowen light, sad whim whet privileges the town would grant, was read, and on motors of der.uty-resve and K. Tbompsou referred to the Water and Light Committee to report. A oommanlo•ttos from Mrs. Wndder on behalf of Dr. Johnston, ashlar for osmpeo- mtim for tress pleated, *se, 9. motion of H. Dunlop sad W. H. Mur.ey, referred to Public Works Committee to report. A few accounts were read aid ordered to Flamm Commutt.. The report of Public Works Committee stating that Jam. Millets had hese appoint- ed caretaker of the Square at • "clary et $53, and rwoommendtng then the claim of J. L. Roberson for comp..eatios toe ujary be refused, and chef the tows solicitor had been consulted on the emotion, was adopted. Report of Special Committee, reanmmeod ed then. Gus. Bossu be granted • pontos of the old cetaeary to build ea, 000dittooal on oomplyter with certain oondtuas, and that 0o action be takes os the offer of hod Mies fano.. for • park, was also al The Khmer Co' manatee report reteel- m..ded that the bead be granted 3100 pay- able quarterly, ea eordit*os that it play one night each weak on the Square Marisa May, June, July, August and September, and that et give use whole day free to the town dunng the year, and ales that it be allowed to use the town hall for practice, w long as cud practice do not interfere with commit meetings. Moved to amendment by Saunders, sec coded by Cmmteloa, that the oboes asking one day's service fres be struck out. Yeas -Natal, Saunders, Canines. Holt. Nye ---McLean. Mornay, Dunlop, Thomp- son), Johnston. The vote being • u•, the mayor voted' for the .mtendowed apd de- clared it earned. Motion to adopt the report as .mended, the vote was- Yam- - Holt, Nioholso., C.atelo0, McLean, Natal, Saunders. Nays -Dunlop, Johnston, se army, Thompson. Moved by Holt, e•000ded by McLean, that the following resolution be placed up- on the minutes of the ooencil and that • Dopy thereof be torwarded to Mrs. Tome : That this council expresses la regret at the sudden death of His Horror Isaac F. Tums, for se many years Judge of the county ot Huron. By his death, not eery the musty of Huron but theiwhole Provisos suffers the loss of an able, upright and oosecienttou. Judie, and the awn of Gederich low • citizen who at all times wee ready to d- emos au interests. The council •!w de - sirs to extend to hs widow and daughter its sympathy in their sad bereavement The mayor addressed the °omneal about the members of the committee for psp.l.r- Mug and advertising the town, sad sec - Rested that *aid oommtttee *Boald at haat be .bowed postage on .11 ao.Tespoodeose it the d'notice . A lour debate ensued, but it traded in the adopttos of the following emotion by Sas- den and McLean, that all each oorrespood- ..oe should he paid -for. His worship then said that he bad eels b7Tug DAII. Su,:NAI. Chet the Market (foe.tibee bed ordered sow .sales, .d other alterations in oonneuson therewith, melodies the I:Awing of the weirbi.g mach- ine within the Mildew. A Loa( and s0rimeaetos diseweaos fah lowed, the reeve, as chairman of the Com- mittee. mounding that the committee had not exceeded its towers is •oeeptisg the tenders. and the mayor contending that it had exceeded es powers, and thet before taking final setae it ebould have reported to council. During the debate his worship held [het the scaler were in good order, while Mr. McLean met odd they *ore ueele & sad lad been to for years, and that their coach - eon had drives trade from the awe .Inb.atos, Casalon, Holt, Murmey and others took part ip the discussion. in the midst of which • mottos to adjourn was carried. AN OUTSIDE OPINION. " `° the "TONER THE HURON TRACT. 18....Y., we here sever•! Oras25,0 sad r sddiuoa do • large Iumberiag bustasn, ems luau oar liu e1teadte4 over 26,000 sena 11 keeps me limy *Me 1 am home. "No ; 1 take no parteo•kr oatmeal is poli- tio., sod d • an desires to be ememenf.l in business, it or met as well thin he should mix ns little in polluw .. mumble Is New Rrunswiok po altos are scat so rde as u Ontario, and the elections are usually deter- mined by the calibre of the candidate. Here, as 1 understood it, everything gores. straight political hoer, which to my iniad is • vmyy poor way. You mum - try hove • tar better agricultural ap here than we have, anti your ferment appear to be ahead of ours in wale respects. but your towns std villages don't wear to grow as they should nadir the ossditioas. i echos that your young w are scarce sad that yon.' women of marriageable age w largely in the myority. Thin, 1 under- stood, is accounted for by the fact that When the smog fellows 0,11111 to worker, age there are ao lines of busmen to keep them bore, sad they take ,s6, early oppor- tunity to go elsewhere. '1 es ; 1 know Halifax. 11 is Doe of the slowest places au earth, when no. oosotders the advantages it possesses. 1t bas sot rade the material morins which it ought to bays nide during the an tee or 'went yearn. Otte of the reaaooe is [het it is . mtlltary'ewe and • av1 headquarters to sole exteet,and se • result the people don't oe themselves, es they ought to do, =mbcuI{ivuu trade by hustl,ns, IMP they have to do in other places. The military sprit, as • rule, doesn't help to develop trade and commerce. PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS. •rrartleal Arkeowledeesemt of the r -n. Ino of ead'helr Leader Dowding. Lest evening at the coaclueioa of pr.ctice by St.. George's choir, the retiring leder, W. J. Dowding, and the members, were in- vited' to the school room. Atter all were , the rector, who presided, said they feet to present a testimonial 1e Mr. i0g tor his long, faithful and excellent amylase as choir master. He thee, ea be- half of the choir, presented the gentleman with • handsome chair and • prayer book tot Mrs. Dowding, with the following ad- • new Moms.lekw-a Mews on Wderseb •adS�Ireaky. For the past weak or ton days, S. H. White, of 80mex, N.R., hns bus vieitiag at the residence of kis brother -in -kw, C. G. Armstrong, Quebec -ea, sad taking in (lode- rleh sad Ste surroundings "amorally. Mr. Wkit. u • beetling Dodoes' man from down by the eoaadiag ••o, and took advantage of his tint to order three mele.dn of flour frees the Big Mal, of Ogilvie A Huwbieo.. IS eestvereawsa with Tel $loiAL he in - premed himself as trek token with the •p- pse.aeo of Galeria and visiaity : 'Yon hays • Oasly kid eat tows bore, and nary ed the dwelling houses sad ppwwsseaddss an ie midi/nee that people neat brtably ells. aid eves well-to-do, are swept year romidests. Ba{ year basi [loos teen aeadest trade here dieweetly to what we de dew. Fast. Hca they make an teen Is spseaslias, and Nese we io is lr.r ptne.l trade- la ear Meows we tarry everything ptsdbk to boodle, ..d have even lepar1m.st seder .asessl of esm- petwee mss. Hen coo flim roma dry g.adM, soother hardware, masher hopes sad shoes, mdse es. This spatial seek may be all rytbt, but it wield set de dowel our way. i am a seesaw is this senlige, het were N w that I have all the bss(sw i ma heslM, 1 word sat be abroad to Meng hen moi s► tahli h • largo loonies= is dneartsm/e Mod W. array [tad W. O. ihwa mite le pay. tea. Yee. war bee a rd dress : DEAa MK. Duwoi..,-We, the member. of St. 1:serge's church choir, desire to thank you for your faithful and ..!able services as Pur choir master, and for the uniform courtesy you have iovrubly displayed while holdiog that trying and responsible position. We trust you are already aware of the esteem and hearty good *111 we en- tertain toward you ; it as, therefore, oardlx necessary to give further assurance of 1t. Still, w. felt It would be a great pleasure to give expresnon to our feelings to wine more tangible form this words. W. would, therefore, ask your •o0eptance of the 00- comp•0yaog qdt me • dight proof of our re- gard,and with the hope that in days to come tt will •Hord you the satisfaction of knowing that your faithful services were cord alIy appreciated. Signed oh behalf of the choir, R. S WILLIAMS. Mr. Dowding was then presented with • very handsome clock and the following l:odticb, May 17th, 1895. Dees Mit. Duo Iwo", The rector, the churrh- wardsns and mine of the members of the oesepegatioo of St. George's churcb wish to exprem to you in a more substantial form them more words, the fact that they appre- ciated the earnest, esU-e.cnfictag manner in whack yea have devoted yourself to the choral minims of the church . your ever ready willinann's to do all in your power to improve and bloat to those services: sad the cheerful advice .ad asirsame you lave at .11 nim,* accorded to these whose pleasure it s hem to he essocettod with you uthe web .work. They. t dere, ask von to accept this clock as . mall token ot the esteem m whish yet teatime services ars held by them sad 1 rho members of the congress. ties moms y. sad they trust that in the years M cos • K may nmid you of been spat a the sermon' of the Lord Io His ARK TI-a%PI, 1.1., rector. Goo. Poona 1l'hurehwardeme H. La [woopl Mr. Dowding, is ..oeptiag the gifts from the Moir, the rector turd the churchwardens sad the congregation, roads an exceedingly feeling and happy reply, sad ooscludd by sluing that hu services would be as freely gives 0 t0. future as • member of the or. ranizatiea he had w long I.J, and hoping that prosperity might attend choir and church in the time to coat The wase luau d RNraM. UrcrwsT. Jan. 1r.h, Ite.i, .1. . Mctaon. e_ ,, t I )eta R8ls-1a *she yeah ago 1 coos - award deetsrime for luag trouble. 1 was treated by the most eminent physicians, bat their ��gg� would help me for only • very sheet flue. I was gradually getting were and had • hooking cough night and day, All benefit societies refund tae .am- benbip. About three years age i was takes down with k grippe, whelk malar near Inishi.g my existence. By the best of Mare 1 recovered ..octant strength to walk, bat could so.rorly .sad up ler five minute" .t • time Kidneys and arisen org&aa •ff.oted badly. Whoa w this condoles • irked advised uta to get your System Renovator Improved. whilst' i dad last April. Mt without any hopes of it dao` me any good. 1 behaved my ca boplaesgocam , bat, se • drowedag man will grasp at • straw, I eeeepted two betake of the Renovator sad etre d the ( are ler my Imre. After I had token • few doom, to my great surprise, I began to i sod by the Uwe I hod Wan the fl healed sod the moth mooed Mikis, rat e I a.1a►sd the eighth is all, i wee eani of .11 my enmpBeatad dmsem- b hoop. Hoer sad kidneys. i sow lave a geed ameba, sad drop well. 1 wised me - adorably eases 1 believe year System Renev•tier the greatest remedy la esker ease, sod I hap ether rarer will horde Utry sera1 *emsM. Fnss rearfally. . 1.. Its t, N8 Vas Dyke Armes. The GO'Ist from the Local Mill. • Weekly Sensed et enema, %ewe served ap se Galt Srery0edy reek and ruler flipped sad iroadeased frees Every aertte.. (CLINTON . 1)r. John R. Steep, of Snipe", (•o old ('Imto...) rejoices in the possession of • moa .ad heir. Winches : J. H. Stepheasos, of town, lost • driving hones lately. It is supposed that its death was caused by an otter -toed of gr'w. ('olber..: Mies Martha Faber, who had her oolkr bone broken to on &coolest a few weeks ago, s Improving ea fest as can be expected. Bros.L : Mrs. Cameron and children. who *pent the Waster in Brussels, Mee re - torpid to Rattle Creek, Mit:hopes, thou former home. Clinton .Ve are sorry to learn that Stra- tegies Brownlee, a ho is said to be euflenng tram cancer to the throat, is now uneble to leave her *corn. Wmxet.r : Much sympathy is felt for David Marna and bendy, of this place, in the death of Mrs. Martin, which occurred on Friday last !bawds . W. H. MoCrankea shipped • oar of potatoes to ': °root* last week. Thum snakes eight cars exported Om Spring by Mr. McCracken. Brussels : George Halliday, who is • "rest lever of dors, ham purchased • par of 000ker spaniel pups treat • well-known Brantford kennel. Wingitam : Manly Minden. of the Bank of Hamilton, being incapacitated for work on amount of haviug • nail run into his foot, is visaing friends in Hamilton. Wingh•m Geo. u:nv, a•u*t•nt baggage master at the t,. T. R., ham been removed to Mildmay and has palm here has been fill - ed by the appointment d Mr. Longmim, of Atwood. W. W•wanosh : Juo. Htckingbottom has lamed the farm formerly owned by B. Biel for one year, at • notal ot 110,. H. Tay- lor has Juo. Riot's farm rooted for this ;Sommer. Blyth The youngest child of R. Mcl'om- moos, tailor, was severely bitten by • bound belooglog to John Perdue, V 1. As soon as the °wmer heard of of the log paid the pen- alty with • piece of rope. S.•lorth - Wm. Modeland, who for sev .rel years has held the pcettion of engineer in the oatmeal mill hen, hes taken • similar position in Mr. Thompeou's moll 1n London, bad hs family removes there this week. Grey : The dwelling of (;.o. Ingram, lot 20. coo. 5, war destroyed by fire one day last week, supposed to have caught from de- fective chimney. Only part of the oonteota were saved. Mr. Ingram uses absent at the *4011. Clinton : It is rumored that Rev. W. Robb, of Deaver, who has for sore time been pastor of • Congregational church then, will be wedded to • lady of that city in .lure ; he is the youngest can of W Robb, of town. Wingbam - There is what is known es a Zig %•g club in Chicago. If the necessary .ludtlitatioa for memberehtp aro &II en- gatave me the title, then there .re • few tVingh•mites who should organize • similar order here. Grey. lir. McLachlan, of Hartford, Mich., who ham been visiting under the parental roof, returned to the land of the Mars and stripes lest Monday. Dr. Keot, his peewee, who was vetting here .Ica, went West os the same day. Chums : We are pleased to note the sue cow of Moes Bessie Ross, oddest daughter of Mra Aaaa Rees of town) who lust passed her tad year ecumenism at the McGill University. Montreal, with first-class veaersl st•ading and the prize an logic. `mirth : Thome' lase this week sold 43 bed of fine stall td cattle to E. Wsaoo, cattle .le•ler, of Blyth. Them cattle have sot yet leen pmt on the grams, and were an extra tine lot, The avenge weight was 1,3M pounds, while one steer weighed 1,470 pounds. E. W•w.no•h : George %'1 milker, of East Waw•oosh, had his house burned to the ‘round one day cast week, and the inmates barely *soaped soh their lives Mn. Walker ham arse Mee ill from • oold con- treot d while going to • neighbor's house some distance away in her might robes. %Vingham . i.iottd Hansom ham purchased the very desirable and splendidly located brink residence of Wm. McAllister, on the 1)iaaons, newt. There s in ooaneotioe with this propet1 •bout Doe acre of land. The price paid was 31800. Mr. McAllister, we understand, iateads removing from town to eases in bmasess. Stephen • lion day recently Sewell San- ders, of the 3rd 000. , Stephen met wi.0 • very painful accident which might have Deet him his life. He was splitting wood in the yard and, not m aioi05 the olot es lime above hint; He axe b.s•me caught, and gaaa0.g with mob force on ham forehead as to imam • very painful wound. Brussels : Last Friday morning, George Seel wail found dead in hod. H* retired to bed as usual, and Isidore MR Peal got up he was taking. She got up and mode • fire sad west back to call him and found him dead. He ham lived hem for several ream, being • 00011er by trade. He leaves • wid- ow, tires *ons and a daughter. (lintel . Oa Thursday evesim et lett week, the se ad son ot Thea. McKenzie lied • -marrow meows from serious hjsry. The Mese he was driving ran away, but he plaokily bead en es the lines ; as the horse plaagei lots the factory yard the wages stewe4 • poek thmeriag theonth oat, the whorls monks ever m er k . fle was badly brdsd, but oioaped without any bream beasts. Whrim : A firs is Harty, Manitoba, • shirt time •ag{MM, destroyed • god stare of that , .....esiv. little tows. Aroma the were • empie .1 former wlagh•esitee cess. Jos. Yong sod Rd. Bowan. T1s termor had as Ir ermea, sad Me hes te between tires tad fear reread Arlan.