HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-16, Page 7THE FTONAT.: GO M:RI( U. ()NT. THTTRKT)AY MAY 16. 11191. ?
The incessant wasting of a con-
sumptive can only be overcome by
a powerful concentrated nourish-
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this wasting is checked and the
system is supplied with strength to
combat the disease there is hope
of recovery.
of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophos-
phites, does more to cure Con-
sumption than any other known
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Thrust and . Coughs, Colds, Brom
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WS iw
Sense. M Mnlggleb- IS.. i 11.
And There Was • as -II .1 5ale.h■r Ia de.
as.tie t...,.•ge.es.
Dinner wee over and Mr. Snapshot had
seam! turmoil .:oxily Iwfore the fire to
peruse the •ventog paper. Alter • I.w
&axioms giaacee et him hie wife remarked
• I hops you haven't formic." that we
aril gums to the new play tonight, June -
Her hueh•:.1 gave a guilty alert.
• Of course 1 tr.ven't forgotten ; I never
forget wythiee. but it's early, .ad 1 want
to read my paper in p•.aw, not in pools.'
Afar this 0sxcbi•g amu:, 31,.. Sanpsbos
was silent for eve minutes, thee she emery.
• It mems to me that everybody I know
is gang tonight. sad I'm •u glad met 1 got
my sew hennet home in time it was .sly
by dict of telephoning to ,.b.. milliner every
half hour that 1 did w.'
' Humph ' 1f you kept the woman its
the telephone .11 del how did you mimes
her to God time to snake sour basset.'
' You dote,. knee, •ovthi•g about oiIfta-
ere. Josephs•. I do hops oar Bata are hoed
ones. Mr•. Blaogtw told toe that there was
snob a crowd .t the boa offtor that .he ruin-
ed her lovely new .IMVea in getting hers.
She says there will cot even be mandtag
trout tonight.'
Mr. Snapshot looked anxious. ' By the
way, my dear, while you were telephootag I
you called up the laundryman and
toll him to seed toy thing• ; 1 haven't •
shirt is the house tit to wear 'might.'
• U. Josephs, 1 never ono* thought of it.'
• IN courts mot We will poet remain at
Mass. thou. '
' Bu•, dear, the one you ars we•rim ls
Meaty c:e is *nos=h ; you only pat it ea-'
'Thank you ; 1 dos•t mot te ge looking
like • sweep, while you-'
Coaldo s---ooldn't you mead over and
borrow ow from Mr. Btaogne ! I'a se awry
I forgot.'
Aad hove lir. Malaya. say that you
spout .11 my m.•ny oo drams wh t
• shirt to my back ! and when I ticsIar-
ly wanted to go tonight, too; it s too
H. turmoJ to his paper to otiose maies1y.
and it was •o hoar before his wife v.otoed
to ask meekly : Shad you be able to ex -
chimes the ticket*, dear !'
The tickets --what tickets'' said Mr.
Saspbot aheeetmiudedly, ea he ram hie eye
. toes the column ; • 1 didn't get the tickets ;
forgot all .bout it Datil it was too late end --
look here, Am.ryellis Soap.hot, if I am
never to Toe allowed to reed my paper at
home in pews i .hall get • divorce and
merry • de.f mote, that'. whist I'll do.'-
Ch3005o 1'e. hunt. "
Brooches are round, decidedly eland.
A black het with wings outstretched is •
n ew fancy for • scarf pin.
The dalotie.et thing to be sees are little
enameled aloohol lamps.
Fancy across of silver gilt hese their
bandies modeled from the loots flower.
A silver allieretor with • .egeiosnt of bine
velvet os his back is • new design for • pas
The butterfly in rota and en•m.I 'swott-
d on the amp of hat piss sad amber shell
iEveryone has his faults. -Catalina.
W. may mead our faults se easily ar,
Dover them - -S..1 Primo.
Wheat yon have taalie do trot fear to
.hoodoo them. - 3esoine.
The fool glories over ha [mita : the wise
Was aorrecta them. -Pah Shang.
He who overlooks ors [salt invites the
commission of mother. -Palmist Syria
No Maracay is mere despicable than your
habitual fault-6ader. Sir R. Adair.
Te have faults and net strive to *effect
times is to add to oar puha--(',oalmaea
It is slily your frauds sadour .vermes
that toll you .t your Malta -- Haliborten.
Mee with mealy Mahe are the lost
sexism to disclose these of others. -Aeries
Surely this is • waMb for some Irish girl :
The body in of green mama ; is ted Detre
• • hers of dimmed*.
1 was in H74s Park one attcrn,...n.
comfortably ensconced In a shady r.,••k•
from which I could watch the .maani
of gayly appointed equipages conetanl-
ly paining.
A man to whose outstretched hands
two little children -a boy and • giri
were clinging• passed me, and. finding
an unoccupied shelter under the tree.,
threw himself at Lull length upon the
ground. and encouraged the little ones
to gambol on the sett gram.
He was, Judging from his bright eye,
and fresh pink and white con.i.lexlon.
about 32 or 33 yeah of age. .1 heavy
moustnche covered his lip, and his hair
- he had thrown off his hat- - was thick
and wavy
It and the moustache were snow
white. aa.1 It was epoe•ulatlon as to the
cause ..t this phenomenon that se ells-
lr;.eted my •tlentkee from the scene
kr•etin•1 ate.
Marton Is a newspaper w,iter and
k••,.r•s everybody : c, ner.;u, kite,, 1 Wes
u•�r - or;e lreu when he r..dde.l 'v ill -
1.. the. man who had •o attracted
my *11*, Jon. and called out to him In
his cherry way ;
"Hellos, Derry ! Taking a day out ?"
The man bowed In reply, and 1 seised
Barton by the arm, pulled him down
on the seat beside me, lowered my voice.
end propounded this inquiry with an
eagerness which betrayed my intense
"That man -Derry -bow did his halr
recome white ?"
"Turned In a few minutes from
fright," replied Barton, coolly. "Not an
uncomon thing. Derry thought. bad a
ren.arkable experience. Walt till i
light my cigar and 1'11 teU you all about
It was during a great railroad squab-
ble In France some years ago. Lionel
Derry was a minor clerk in the main
t Rice of the great Wissous company.
but sharp, shrewd, attractive to his
duties, and well thought of by his sup-
When the Parray company began to
build a road, and attempted to cross
ttc Seine. on property belonging to the
Wlasous people. Derry was sent up. with
others, to "hold the fort" until the
matter could be settled by the courts.
The.Wlssous company's bridge was
only a temporary trestle work, but plans
had been prepared for a substantial ean-
tllever, and it would be put in place
as soon as the trouble about the right
of way was settled.
The engineer In charge of the bridge
w'.rk was an elderly. sedete mac named
Pierre Lamoureux, Intensely devoted to
hie peof.wslon and a great inventor.
Among the labor saving machines he
had devised was an impreived pile driver
vi bleb utilized the water of the river
as a motive power and could be manag-
ed by one man.
One day It was moved up close be-
side the bridge to do some pilins. and
the engineer, pointing to the beams and
crvemplecew above their heads said :
"That's the weakest part of the bridge.
Ten minutes' work will displace a
thnber up there that wll cause the whole
affair to collapse the minute • train at-
tempts to pass over. I've been afraid
that some of these Parray fellows would
'totter the matter and do our company
irreparable damage."
"Tou don't mean to say" -bean
Terry. g
"Tei. I do." Interrupted the engineer,
with pnsttive emphasis They •re s
Lad lot, and 'quint, the head man. would
pacrlflce a hundred Innocent live,' to
give his company an advantage."
Lionel Derry had no reason to like
e;uiot. Derry thought he was paying
altogether to much attention to pretty
Aimee 1'Etoile, who, strangely enough,
was the only daughter of the chairman
of the Wissous road.
Mlle. I'Etoile was staying at the hlg
hotel with her aunt. and Derry, being
known by the latter, had been intro-
duced to the young lady. He fell in love
with her on the spur of the moment.
One night when there was no moon
and the stars were obscured by clouds.
Derry left the hotel as usual after sup-
per. and It was p o'clock when he re-
Derry halted alongside the tele driver.
Presently he heard the Pound of voices.
and two men walked toward the ma-
chine and seated themselves on a lone
piece of timber.
They were Quint and one of hie gang.
end the first words they uttered caused
the. listener's flesh to creep with terror
and a hot wave of indignation to sur.••
through his bosom.
"You say that If that crowipleee is
loosened the whole bridge will conspire
the minute a. train attempts to cross 't
asked Oulot's companion.
"yes,' answered the Parray ortlelal :
"and we can do It without fear of de-
tection. Now's your time. The up ea -
Areas is due at 9.47, and If It gm's down
into the Sebe it will knock the Wlsous
company's Naim over completely."
nut Derry sprang forward quickly
and interrupted Mm.
"No. YOU don't you villlan *-" he cried,
and seised the man's shoulder. '•I
overheard your vile plan. and you
"Don't I was the quick retort. And
wheeling suddenly the man dealt Lionel
• blow full la the tans that knocked
him Mat
Atttactad by Ms srroRk. Quint came
forward, and bending down, peered Into
the young clerk's Lace.
"What shall 1 do with him 7" asked
the accomplice. "Pitch him Into the
river !
e;uiot, stepping to the pile driver.
pleked up a long piece of rope that had
leen left lying on the ground.
With this, esiiated by the ether ras-
cal. he bound Derry hand and (not. and
s thick wooden gag wap thrust into
hit mouth. Them they lifted up their
helpless burden. and. carrying hitt to
the end of the bridge, hound him fast
to one of the rails in such a way that
Ms rhea lay dimwit, acme it.
"I forgot the goods," said Oulot, when
the Job was completed to his patii-
feetion. "The local frons the other road
tacks arrow to ire Junction to be made
up into the south through train. As
poen as 1t gram over loosen the beam.
and the express will elo the rest."
The two were talking in a low tone
of robe whew 1Joo.1 heard the tumble
of the Moons train.
On ease the train, and, made frantic
with desp.rat1Ot the poor fdi,w sgwlrm-
ed and strugelsd with superhuman
strength. AW alerts IooYesd the
rope, .std Its was ebb to Mist tdirmeM
down as that lila seek Mebane or big
brad reseed spar the rail.
NHg ankle hts4 bees t11M toglitbli t
didaillhe Aar tele MM diddIAllig Sew
yards of hies when he licked oat Iran-
ueauyand sorted all Ms strength to
lite hie head truce the rail.
The train sassed almost upon him.
83. drew a long breath. and. concen-
trating all his slrwngth into his legs,
pulled vigorously . Then was a whirr of
wheels. a sudden thud. a scream ut ter-
ror. the nope about his neck parted. the
heavy wheels of the goods truck putt
graced his cheek. and he rolled down
the embankment as the train thunder-
ed past.
blruggling to his feet, be tore the
gag from his mouth and shouted to a
guard. who was swinging his lamp on
top of one of the cars
"Stop t For Heaven's wake, stop ' Dan-
The guard heard the latter word,
swung his lantern as a signal to the
driver to stop. and sprang to the brakes.
In a moment tb• train came to a stand-
still, and the guard helped from 1t.
**What is it P' he demanded. "Why,
that pile driver's running -Ah -h
As he uttered the exclamation be
staggered back. and pointed to the bat-
tered. Inanimate mass of humanity up-
on which the groat hammer was fall-
e ulot and his rascally accomplice had
met with a more horrible death than
they had planned for Derry. It was
the lever of the pile driver upon which
the rope about the latter•'■ ankles had
caught. and when he pulled to release
himself the lever was thrown neck and
the pile driver was net in motion.
Lionel managed to stop the machine
and tell of his adventure. Then he was
ceercome, and fell to the ground faint-
The men carried him to the hotel,
and there it was found that his hair
and moustache had suddenly become
A brain fever followed. during which
Aimee 1'Etolle was the poor fellow's
nurse. for her father, the manager of
the WW'lssous road was a passenger upon
the train that Ouott had so coolly plan-
ted to send down to destruction, and
gTatltude•over her parent's escape made
the girl wondrous tender to the man
who had nearly lost his life that her
father might be spared -lid Bits.
its Thyslea1 Features. its nerveless leeptia
mad rarity.
Professor Mark W. Harrington. chief
of the Weather Bureau. read a careeutly
prepared paper on "Some Physical Fea-
tures of Lake Superior" before a large-
ly attended meeting of the Oeograp-
homl Society, at the Cosmos Club house
recently. The paper gave an Interest-
ing description of the lake, Its area,
coast line, Islands, drainage area, for-
mation, depth, currents. changes of lev-
el., periodic and son -periodic changes,
temperature. precipitation, forest fires,
storms, winds, climate, vegetation. soil.
fauna and commerce. Lake Superior,
the lecturer said. was the largest .04
deepest. not only of the great hakes,
but of all the bodies of fresh water
on the earth. Its total coapt line is 1,-
272 miles. of which sig miles are( on the
American aide and 992 miles on the
Canadian side. The total area, Includ-
ing bays and 'elands. Is 3222.156 square
miles. The islands !Owe an area of
560 square miles. and The Mays an area
of 1,041 square miles', leaving a total
area of open lake water surfa: a of 30,-
466 square miles. The boundary line
over the lake between the Dominion of
Canada and the I'nited States is 209
miles long. Probably the next largest
body of fresh water in the world, the
lecturer said. Is Victoria Nyanza. or
Ukerewe. In /equatorial Africa. with an
estimated area of 25.000 to 30,000 square
miles. as against the Lake Superior's
known surface area of 82,116 square
miles. The combined area of the great
lakes of the St. Lawrence is 16,275
phare miles. and a third of this is
formed by Lake Sperior. The largest
Inland In Lake Sperlor is Isle Royal. or
the Regal Island. The Indians have al-
ways considered this Island an evil
spirit. and even now are loth to visit
it. On account of the large expendi-
tures upon 1t. with no adequate return,
the island hag also proved somewhat
of a 'hoodoo" to the white people. Cari-
bou still remain on this island and have
become quite tame. The island 1s de-
scribed as an Isolated and nearly sub-
merged mountain ridge. rising from 1,-
000 to 1.500 feet from the bottom of the
lake. It is the only Wand of the kind
In the lakes, and is only paralleled by
isolated and volcanic islands of the
great oceans.-Wasbington Star.
ictal Abet/alae. sad Tltaltt7.
Every polar expedition and whaling
vessel which visited the Baffin Bay re-
gion puts in at Yaureke Bank, so as to
allow explorer's and seamen to vivid
the celebrated Lake of Blood. Of it the
author of "My Summer in the North."
says : "It Is a lake of considerable ex-
tent, lying only a few feet above the
line! of the sea, and appears of a deep
dark blood red. • • • Careful examination
proved, however, that the water itself
was as pure and clear as possible ; the
red effect being due to the fact that the
bcttom and sides of else lake, as well a•
the few stones which were scattered
about in it. were coated most perfectly
with the red snow plant. In Immo
places, when the water had evaporat-
ed, the withered red plants on the salt
and rocks looked exactly like dried
spots of blood,"
ter wasn't tam I1.
Sel e. tion lase (• o y onne man who has
Cees pays. 51st attention to the sneakiest
-Are you saved
Young man --No, I'm • reporter.
Salvation lase -Oh, I beg your pardon '
fie ts5411't Mans
• Modems. have you the reosl).l5I this
pie ! said the tramp.
Yes, tame yes like t. 10144 • espy of
it?' mOill tae geed w.ame.
N4 ms•1•nt@; but 1 would like to d.•
strey the ortg.•..l, said tits trap.
of the
Old Country,
0 t LB. LID 4 LB. LED PLC=
IT 40, 60, IID 60 CUTS PIR LB.
s, elm i;t-
Deet complain of the world ; a taw of
merit iI never or.lected.
The true philosophy of life is to sow, and
then to reap.
Don't wait 1, T s..methiog to turn up, but
,.,urn up something
You must earns dollar to know how to
nee it.
There n no room for lazy people in this
busy age.
A pilot is not chosen for his riches, but
far hs knowledge.
To stand still is to give up hope.
Take the world as you find at and make
the beet of it.
The good opinion of ie.• abroad begins at
Hes your friend who speaks well of you
babied your bac*.
Help no mas who will not help himtsell.
Selt-reliawce, industry and integrity aro
the tined Mestere of the world.
"Pot all things in writing that thou
givens out or recenvt:a in." --Foci 13 : 7.
You must go after incomes : it will not
eslne to you.
Sumer. odes on every boor ; grapple it
and you may win.
He who waits for dead men'* shoes may
have to go a long time barefoot,
In prosperity prepare for a change, in ad-
versity hope for ossa.
The current coin of life ie plain common
Pure Quills
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tough-
er and more elastic than any
other make, as they are entirely
filled with quills Featherbone).
To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores.
16259 C.l M£RON
wishes to anaounce to her cnstoa.ers and the !adios of (o,1orich and sur-
rounding country that alae has placed in stock all the new, leading fashions
Troth in Shaper and Trimmings, that have been designed for this Season's
trade ; and also that the present well assorted stock will be renewed from
week to week throughout the Season.
Having adopted the strictly Cash aystem, both in buying and welling, .rhe
is prepared to quote the lowest possible priers tir-t visas Millinery eau be sold
for, and can quote Hats from '20 eta. up.
There will be no special opening days, but every day will be an opening
for all who wish tasty and artistic Millinery made up in the best manner.
Thanking my many patrons for past favore, I aolicit a continuance of
same. Call and inape.1 my .tock. MISS CAMERON.
Why do we disonver faults so much more
readi:y than pexfectiems'. Mdine. De
He shall he immortal who liveth till he
he stoned by nee without fault. T. Faller.
la war the pin in always with him who
osmmite the fewest faulty -Moslem 1.
T.rse0 Mart vas
1011050. Mev 1O.-Plokr - The printed
r,� Maine of jtrdgbt renews at
0.190 5. • Termite free/ate.
area -The deta.Od la I... -ti r. en I ',rte.,
commis' et 511.25. west. aborts brae at
517rt, Teee-�lhsroa}. MM`eta•
market Is steady. Seise of
red wary made e5 ase, and alar at 03e.
north cd West. Iced sad white .u:d .t
equalM lee 1..tt. pr Ia.
.•casing .old at �s es the MI41tnd, Nn,
1 •limiltobra hard 1. aualael .l spa•. meet,
TM b tfquiet soil pries. ume. 1 i. gqamed .t Sec. No. i
.1 sad Mid at Ste to 40o.
nate-r. dewed le for awl pewee
seradv. Whit* pla ea 1•b, numb
',r. t . .attj to j��ge%,00501 .1 340.
en *ree
iMaa-The .rkM 1. firs wltb e•1.. nr.t.
id... wept. •t 60s to des
tt.... 'isles.. smell see prise. ` .molest
y,M.t_gisajrris este dell sad pries.
iillt• e
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of Soots and
Shoes, comprising the Finest and most. Stylish Footwear that the market af-
fords. In Ladies', Misses' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are
showing exceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have a tine line
which are very popular just now. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button
Boots in endless variety, at prices to suit the time.. In Genn wear we have
all the leading styles in Mongol•, Shell Coal and Calf. Boys' and Youths'
School Shoes at prices that defy competition. Call and see our Ladies' White
and Tan Canvas Oxfords.
Corner East -at. and Square. Successor to E. Dowsing.
P,S--The balance of our Winter Stock will be sold regardless of cost to
clear out. " - •
b • tam las emeity tame e . carr knew
ry@ a Ins asoa it toes 'Abe Y
The L•dea Coasts Coascil's effort to
discard She 000tuot system and der its own
building, repairs. sewerage work and bridg-
ing, has mss with fair @nooses a far.
9w•rreserto Vhswera d• Mack,
manufacturer •f ell kinds of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc..
And limier In-
Eogioee, Machinery Castings, ha, Pipe.
and Pipe Fitting., all Bras goods,_
Valves, Gauges, Etc.
All Constantly on Hand at Lowest Prices. --
The following 8eoo•a hand
1st prize, $25 ; 2nd, $15 . 3rd,
SIO ; 4th, $6 . 5th, $2 10
prizes of Si each . 20
prizes of 60c. each,
Meilen and Mach-
for ale.
Oise 45 H.P. Roller and Engine.
" 40 " Slide Valve Engine.
" 35 " Tabular Boiler, complete.
" .14 " ..
" 6 " Fire -box Boiler and F:ngine,00
Relishing promptly attended to
[IIsi-ly P. O. Box D. Ooderioh, Oat.
Warks -Opposite G. T. R. Station. 0ederlea.
-IN --
has established a new Bakery and Con-
fectionery Store on Hamilton-st. in
Ilarrie's old stand, where he will keep
constantly on hand everything in the
line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pastry
of best make. Large Loaves at 10 cta.,
and small Loaves at 5c.
No combination ; no extortion, but
everything to suit the times and the
pockets of the people.
if you want Good Bread and Cheap
Bread leave your orders at the New
Bakery, on Hamilton Street.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
Bread delivervel to all parts of the
ppsite=ehed, sad nil ba I.e . la thou. , Potosi
OM1oe attead.4 teat WODRR4 TN PRIM
Our l sir to the U. S. Patent Ot
See, sad we sea .btala Phtenes la lees thaw
Ma these patentability
Seed MODSLwe osskDRAWIIVO. We M.
?AIN PA num
W refer, hers to the Posttmaster, tis
�� Order pply., spud te eMLelsls
V. 4. f 50901 OMiea Por circular.
terms and solemness to Weal diets 1a yam
awe State e9 Osaaty arta to
el A MOW a Or..
Opooette Patent yob WashingHa: D f,
The l'roprieton of
alada �;eyloo
o ffer to school children the above
priz.., competition open until let
of May, for the hest prem or
rhyme, the initial letter of the
lines reading downwards to com-
pose the words -
'Saida CIDTa$
The poem is expected to be the
result of the child's own thought,
the name, age, address and school
to be appended to each poem, also
a card out of • package of
" Salva" Ceylon T
Th. haate. Ledeel.r.
WITelepboee Connection.
liepart....6,55 A.SI. l (m
Ave...10.5(1 A.K.
.1.50 r. r. 1 .. 1.48 r. w.
" ,.346 r Is. j -1 " .. 7.40 r...
1 " ., 9.50 r.ai.
Purchase your through Tickets via
IThe Old Reliable
Grand Trunk Line,
thus avoiding transfers and changes.
Splendid Train Service- - none better.
Speed, safety and comfort combined
Remember Manitoba and Northwest
Excursion and Settlers' Trains during
March and April. For particulars,
rates, ate.' apply t° H. ARMSTRONG,
O.T.R. Town Ticket Ageet. Generic
-Fall supply of M•pa, Folders, be., free
to .11, (all and res hila. All information
obeerfally famished.
tYMnalle Aatert l
Ae..r M
e VyA
CO, TRIO lee.
Nam •°NM * (o, asst fee. Dealfrll aerie to
ytt. Y Ivo pat auAowdb yew Yung.
meow for en•mlett
M "pence 'weft
•• Untie* lilawigs. owe cs 'brwmtof i tieisr ie
Scientific Americus