HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-16, Page 6G THE ENN A I .: GOD1EIICH, ONT. T1111RST' A Y MAY 16. 1895 AYER'S Clair VIGOR aamtoree natural .Dior to the hair, and elm prevents tt .ailing out. Mrs. 1R. W. 1.swtck, et Dtebs, ll. •., says: "A little worn than two years ago my hair began to tura gra and fall out. At - "e ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's (lair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling nut. An occasional application has since kept the+ hair in good condition."—Mrs. 11. F. Ftxwlca, Digby. N. 8. Qirowth of Hair. "Eight years ago, I had the vario- loid, and lost my hair, which previ- ously. was quite abundant. 1 tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, tits 1 began to fear 1 should be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and 1 began at once to use it. In a short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair as before my illness."— Mrs. A. WiBCa. Polymala St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VrnoR rnarwasD se It 1. C. MIA ft CO., LOWED., MASS., U .E. A. Apses rifle erre Bien Ilalrelee. DICK'S LESSON. Bimbo to edema's triesde. "Abed .. p.•d a � 1 geese, r these hs eeof 11ar� debt Ihet they cry up se." he aid, .nes. tints. testes that by this samosa ellen meld aaasse/1s.mest be W esom led smelt • Poor Me said Mo11y to Massif, mtop- ps pick up o.e ;tit!! the r .z b ivsa ' Pe MDick lt'. snob • pity kr mother hadn't ugbt him that ' .o mem Syed' or teeth ante human ;' then for lessee wouldn't ha e been seeded. Maybe, though, au we of rel(lehM s le .ometaiDg be takes from .ems old anuoetor, sod ouch trait. ere .low is moon to the •urlao. ..mcumee. Bat there ' ► ve no time to .:.mb genet logical trees. This is moo► more like out. teas ase down. A. Parses Tre.alow would say, • It's for.ord.i.ed.' That's it, I gom.., sad not so difficult to understood. either Dick had oertaiol7 bees • ' tree .gent,' there was n*tiosg to keep blot treat coatis( the wood. I've bees patens, too, till he really make' o.pital of my pawnor, ted expects am to • menace somehow.' Pettiest the wood myself, sod even goes out into the woods gathering stick., like the poor widow to the Bible. I've tried gives, him oeld dinners, and he only .ulks and goes off huot.ng. ', it must be dose.' Molly picked up the other ex helves, and I I E leaned •crimen the pasture tiara, cawing : 'Molly ' Molly " A woman come to the kit Thee door --a betgtit eyed, rosy cneeked wonaa, • woman with the look of Doe vibe con both plan and he( amplieh targe thtog . 'Well'' .he qua tiaerJ. 'I want dinner -1y,' he said. 'I'm going to town this •,tsetse .a Abuer.11 be hero, t to. I set him p'owi,g in the south lot ilia morally,' 'But, DtCit. you're not going oaf without cutting the woad'.' ealkd Molly, u he took up the gun he bad ',tvod age" *t the trout, and, whiotli• : to hie dog, sauntered eoro the field. 'Dick :' she called again ; he readier, tand we neves tee v • Cees Meal.1 Truk*.but he did not tion or look back : and Molly, nrhing up the baby girl that was is Coersnt : He was not a cloning to her e' •, ran tightly down the thoroughbred, high-toned dog with an an- al-.' and around the cornier of the house to creme that made him • main* aristocrat. the wood pile. 'Mete were several big lots thee Dick had hauled from the wood% just attn. New ;rears when he was 'turu•ng over • new leaf.' Against the saw horse idly I. peed the •x and the saw, like old cremes that were try- ing to wink at the gudeman's sloe et oat.• mon. But not a stick of wood reedy for the „ ore was anywhere visible. 'Well,' said Molly. '1'm eor. , ,but it ar-t be dose.' The soe•: of • robin fluttered out upon the air much • triumphant burst of melody that the baby elate 1 her hands and laughed. •00,' said Molly, 'little robin amen as if he esu glad to ret beck home again, doesn't he, Jessie Such s wonderful morning it was ' Every - t` '*g seemed to be rejoicing in the new awakening of nature. Far off, in the shad- ows of the wools, nod in some toque, Aimee corners, Molly could nee the anew dnfte that still hovered, as it loth to (save such • glad, buutilul earth. But there was work waiting to be done, and only Doe pair of bands to do it. They were etronk, solute hands, and Molly hur- ried ueried back into the hoax, setting herself to the tasks before her with the deft fingers sad wise forethought that always seemed to work such mimes, in her homely world. I.ittte Jessie followed her about, watching with grave, await eyes while her mother skimmed the creme from the loeg row of .hin" *i pass in the milk room and prepared the morning's churning. Then, while she churned and the little one quietly amused herself, Molly planted the day'e asmpaige or rather, reinforced her courage for 1hs &t- rack &lrtwly planned, with reamer that Deem ed 10 her both etroog and jest. Theoburn- ing dose. Jessie was at her side, begging to be rocked to sleep. 'Sing, 'Hush,'. mamma,' the said, layi.g the bright head against her *bother's heed, that she had taken in both her owe. Molly drew her rocking chair near the sash window, and, web lassie cuddled Clem ta 'ovine arms, crooned softly to ber them sweet nod hymn that has soothed so many childish hearts : • Hush, my dear, 1s still and Bomber : Holy angels guard thy bed.' it was nota part ot Molly's wisdom to daisy herself or her child the exquisite pleasure this afforded. Whatever might be said in support of the theory &rid practice of theot- pph1otog the little ones to forgo (Mr '.odd• hag,' Molly's tree and Tonder .bother heart was *ts ow. law giver, and with • reverent ley ate tested daily el this Dnp of blessing the purest and sweetest that 1:1. meld ever brise. she kesw that she had sever seam ee .ear to l ..,... blew as this. She knew the same .estatie joy that Mary felt -when she (waddled is heroines theist•. Christ. And. lin •11 the 7eor• to ceese,whsu sever eeate that suss, head eonld rest Sp- ee her It -east . Mere most always mania this Skewed reinemberaeoe. Though, like Peal, she might he '11 perils «fees, aye, Omagh even 'the sword might pewee her ems soul, se deepest eewrtw, M sharpest trial meld ever rot Me of this mond memory When Joints bad Allen into the sweet, nsdreami.g dumber of ebild►osd, Melly Mid her restly epos her bed, and, opening the door ince the 1., rap quickly op the hest stain into the Meta Veen the sees - beam overhead hpeg greet braided bsoekes of sweet oar., kept Der .sed. The air IPSO r•dd.st al pes.yroyal, mist sed ewes fees. Melly armed the large. uedstahsd rem sed Mapped bslsrs • dim el as belvet 1wen a1 assessed hMaaer7 and sheered werb manhi. Disk bad hews est derhg seem d the elors7 Wiser le&edi : se sea lbw w WMew liellahewe .d a beetle pride Is die mer.+ out dow,atairs and out to the woodpile. No Dick m eight and time to begin getting den- ser. Far off is the woods she could bear the sound of his gun One ax -helve after Mather was laid across the sawhorse and deftly sawed into lengths suitable for the move For experience had been •r sasetDg teacher. When Dick and Aboor, the hired man, came in to dinner they found it all ready, amoktn hot, upon the table. 'Well,' mid Ihck, '1'm tired ; such • race as 1 had after that rabbit, and loot him, alter all " He ate quickly, acid said, as he pushed back lite chair : 'You can harness, Aber ; 1 ve got other things to see te.A nosiest, later Molly heard him chmbing the bock stain and creaking across the attic floor. He came down in • hurry, fluting open the door ; 'Where'& them az-helves Straw 1 can't fated anytbug whore I leave it' I'm going to take em to town this •fter- noom. Where are they'V Molly went to the stove, sod, lifting the cover, said calmly, 'Here .r. their ashes.' Ihck looked at her for one moment in • dazed, uncomprehending way ; thee, as the truth limbed upon him, hie face grew white with wroth. Hc turned and strode out of the house, .l•mmiag the door behind him ttll the very windows rattled. If be hail been • club man, or of a stratum lower than his own, M would have rooted his anger in oaths. But Lick Doolittle, nurtured by Christian parent.•, reverencing at least the letter of the law, only slimmed the door. .lust at daybreak, the nest morning, Molly was awakened by the ringing blows of an az. When Dick came in to breakfast, Alper Mine with him. Dizk was saying " *Nell, we'll um that prom -ant caw and make quick work with eke old logs. Thev ..y confession's good for the soul, and 1 might's well metres that i've been letting Molly lilt Om heaviest sad,'. ! e stoop and ought 00 Jeanie, lifting her high •boce him. and then dropped her gently oto her chair at the table. Molly to, led sod looked at Dick, and as lone as he lived be remembered that look, with • thrill and heartwarmth that words alone can never give.—Woman's Journal AN OLD LADY'S SUM., A ;UTVERKR roe TRAMS ram KIDNEY ANu LIVER TROUBLES. tin! nam ArraTIT* •al) a rrtaa. r$uM LAHaa.es to CUL ascii •vD p•a7ram THi*UrIHu.T Tea IaUUy—DiMfl7 A. yAvl'SD %%Ann 'OHO Is AIIAIO HALL AND ■ t A.Tx. Hra'fold txposttor, Stoolsad me the name o1 • pretty little 1•e• to the county of Brat, teelve miles trout Brantford. Ors of the oldest rew- dente of the village is Mra M•ry Kremer, widow of the late Jame, Bowmen, sad to s•7 that -elm is kooeo t►every person iu the oua.- triunity and to many outside the county M but somas • ample fact. A reporter et the Expositor, who recently bed occasion to visit the village, was saturated that Mrs. Kowouu is another of the sueaetuue army of sulfrries mace well by the use of Dr. Wil- lmar' Ptak Dills, and u-tervewed her with • view o1 getting the pat neuters Mrs. Bow- man ,is now nearly 72 years of ug., but from sit eppt•rene s Is erj.yiog the best of health and bods fur to be spared to *• more years than the allotted three score and tea. Her story can beet be given in bar ow ■ words. She said ." I het' been afflicted with liver and kidney cosi leiot for many veers pest, •ad a less ego this Sprites 1 was nearly used up •n.1 irrdy obis W do anything. The symptoms of my troabte were 1•meoeee ta ane back and screw/ all through the body. 1 tad • kind of neural- gia is my heed *early all the time, end had completely lost my .appetite. For rebid I had treed many remelts., but they *ere of m assatonce, and I cent ioued to be troubl- ed with these severe pain•. One may • lady frieod urged me to try Dr. W illiomi Ptak Pills and I purchased • couple of bole*. tVhile taking these my appetite returned sad my lameness did not bo Ser me so much. 1 thou pure/wed seven more boxes and oumuoued taking them, nod 000tmually felt an improvement, mat be the time I had ward up the :ells 1 was soloyiDg better health than 1 hail done for years, and I me now entirely fres from aches and pains. I know that 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills are • strand medicine, and I have recommended them to many of my treads. Mrs. Bow - Mae it so well known that no person will for a mouleot doubt the statements she makes as to the greet benefit she hes found from the use of Pink Pills Dr W illie:no' Pink Pills may be bad ot all druggists or direct by soil from 1)r. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Scheuectsdy, N i ., at 50 units • box, or mix boxes for S2 50. The price at which these polls are sold make • cr otos tf treatment comparatively inexpensive as compered with other reawhes or medaonl treatment. Ibf1/4DAND9urP GtesrutMEM nee • PALA1O TAR SOAP EXCELLENT' IT CLEANSES The 3CALp, REUEVEU THE DRYNESS AND 30 PREVENTS NAIR IAWNG OYT. DOG PETE'S COMMON SENSE. He was a plebes hound, aew*oratic •.d homespun in ba ways, with • degree of ion telb.esce and common scow that would do credit to man, the speaking animal Ha same wee Pets, and for fourteen years he sees • member of the family of N. M. Wright, of East Hartland. He had • good head am hist for • dos, and mm -:y of his (eats of mind pewee, so to speak, arm trsditioas ta the family. He k.ew ail the member, of the family whoa their various Dames were called and would approach the mother or the aunt whenever told to do so, and Dever made a oust Eke. One teatimes of Pete 'a sagacity te worth .euoa •s ehowug the quality of the dor. It was during the period of heavy snow snow and impassable roads immedietely suc- ling the March blir.&rd of 1888. Oso member of the family eras away from home six miles and • half and sick. There was Do way to est soy word to or from her, with the snow mit to ten feet deep in the roads, Pete was f&milar with the place where the ae'b person mesa and how to get there. He Mao appeared very .sewer And evidently missed the sick Doe from the hems. Oe. day it °carred that communication might be .&sabhshed by Pete. A note was tied about his .sok and he wee told to go and find the sick en*. He plunged tato the mow, made hie way at miles and • half, raised entrance to the boars, ra.bed into the sok room and jumped upon the lied. The Note was road, an .aswer tied to Pete's collar end he wee cent hook He made the round trip is two hope and • hall. .ed each day fes twoweeks m frame twe the o a hours r otrip eyioe.rcel7 and • half susay trip. Well. Pete grew add. Be was weak, his teeth were goat, sed it wu hard Imes her the old bound. Mr. Wright, •Itboewb be hes .bot many &annals in his capacity as ageas for the Hume.. Reeiety, oeuld cot hates himself to pert eoa en with • friend that had dose such falcate' .ereiee and had been so worthy • member of his faintly. bo it h•ple.ed that me day this week Dwight W. roll, the germs' &test of the moiety, was out i. Hartl..d amid he was called upon to perform the sad office. Pete was sent soros the Styx pa:slowly at the maul. of Mr. Thrall's revolver. Vie body was pat is • sew pin* box and he was aoeord.A a dewed burial :.ad there real tsars BM thene Whet loved him. resIAe"artl Thea. Slam purse Yee say yet .b pot in love with anyo.w Slee, but you are ` fete with an ideal. Perhaps 1 ens we time approach that ideal Mis. Beach (regretfully) Im streid not He M • sher•eter i. the •Arabian Nights. Everything he touched turned to gold. CRISP AND CASUAL 81c I.A43t`y pe2 5ItaissOo6 0. CANTELON 1 West street BAKER, STILL LEADS THE THADB. His bread is made from pure Manitoba flour -made fr the creast of the Manitoba va heat—turd therefore is the best in the world. This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the same as trade from inferior Hour at the price of 4 cents per loaf. delivered to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. £? Wedding cake:: and almond - icing a speciality. D. ('ANTELON. The Prince of Wales has accepted the ('hanoellotehip of the newly -lovas.' Wei.h l'otversity. It is expected reeler train& will he iss- u ing on the T., f1. 1 K het ween Hamil- ton end Waterford by kitty 2A. Tb. wales used in weighing diamonds are se delicately poised chit the weight of • • mole syei&ah mil turn the balance. Horse radish, se medicine and emeltmest is mentioned in the Egyptan records 2,1)00 years g C. It is easily /;rumen in almost any part of the world. It is estimated that g1,000,OW worth cf butter could be mode hoot the whey pro- duced sone/illy in the maoutacture of cheese in New 1 rk State alone. (CARPETS AND SPRING QOODSI We terve the largest and (Bert a+- OurK Stock is mow cer- sorted notal of Cepetr Liver awn an (loderich. a Brussel., fru the best makers ; sIiz GRE Reli bore acllei edit muscular Rung. aqd ilab iubt put' on nor Bans&her of Baclucheb 'fele .94.L° M0111101 PPP3ttR an J >Icl.a.vua. root au c'heew. writ.em .`roth- inr better for [A[AimBack d Lumbago than tie 1• A I. )rented Planer w'{edsor. "The R A e: hlart.ua writes teem * 1_ llentbOl Mete,r Son SoBacks sad ati• Itheunm at • Resat rat• mW .vieinnr ir sic each 'o au -tight un box. pieta, sat eol*•ietli of a great variety all the new things for the omaon. Drees lauds, its the toter Fabrics for Tapestries, iu great variety, from _a.c. Spring Trimmings to ..nit the latest Nooun•Ueme for the vacant represeo•a tion of North Brant in the (Atone I. lativ. Assembly will take place on May 20, and polling on May 27th. The Freight Rates Commission hoe re. ported to Parlament to the effect that com- plaint, easiest the C. 1'. E. in the North- west were without toundwuon. To tins day Lapp nen and women dress preeiaely .like. Their tonic belted loosely at the waist, their tight bromism and their wnukled leathern stesaang•, their pointed .hoes, the whole appearance of them, to short is identical. In senate teens of Germany the tele- Dbone a introduced by tobacconists as an additional attraction to customers. Any- one who buys a cigar may, if he desires, rttesk over the tobsoocmw'a instrument to • subscriber of the telephuue servtoe. The visiting card of the Emperor of Austria reacts : "Francois Joseph L, Em• peranr d'Asstrsche, roi oe Ilongne." This *e in the very worst tasty to Ecglaltinstiose which strictly wocibit the use of the Chris- tian name *o oonoectioo with one's title. were ses.ibS s la eesaegober. Honer My dear ('east, yes must parte. ems ant 1 have nail a Ter? per 7 of names. it's a real •albdw. I have forgotteeoars. The Coast Tom 'heals ge.wlt ass*idalmel- set tie m.sdel diseases, my mar R.ekew- you reale, shook Me segos M owe& isekeidlagloaks. • /MOM meerseenies se miessNs. "Yea dallied me • ler, a r" deeded eatery shifts to tie ether Selma "Tea will lige to nerd that vet, i 1" "l'h.t 1St obese the illeseseee r knee,," the up , Bordering* to match our beet pat- terns, which look as good as Brussels ----latest desigrm and colorings. A big .tock' of All Wools, din ct frons the Mills. Unions, from 'l5c. up, the greatest value ever seen in this touuty : Heaps, froui Ilk. up : Art Squares, in all wool and union, assort ed patterns sed colorings and sizes. Lace Curtains, cheaper and better than ever : over • 00 rots to choose from. Lace Curtains are one of our great specialties : Chinelle Curtains, French Art Curtains, Art Hateena, Art Mualius and Curtain Ness, Ax Minster Rugs, Turkish Rugs, Moquet Rugs, Dacliestan Rugs, Bean) Rugs, Velvet Rugs, Door Mats, Velvet Mats, Wool Mats. Our hourefurniuhing department upstLirm is very complete. Our Car- pet Sewing Machine is a great suc caw. We can have a carpet ready to lay on your floor two hours after you leave the order. Patronise T rue Competition. Prof. Weber has recently found thea the normal temperature of all kiwis ot atac•n- desoeot filaments is said to be about the Baine, ranging from 1.2,42 degrees to 1.307 degrees cent , earl the Lament of • sixteen candle power lamp only changes 180 de grew cent. in temperature when the o•odlm power *raised from 2 et, 32 There stands in (Berkeley Springo, W. Va., on Washington street, t stately elm tree, which was planted by lien. Washing too in 1776, when the town mer laid out. It se the oely Doe left of three planted a' the time by the father of me country, and It hes been suggested that an iron feces he placed shout it with the tnactIption there on, Washington Elm. designs. As usual, we lead in "tints. Our stock is simply lovely in both cloth and emir) : pattern. the latest. A consplete assortment of Ducks, w both light and dark colorings. Crinc le.;, iu the Hew colorings for the Spring. Pure l4votch Gingham*, plait. and st rq d Chambray', Mentalist Vesting, Piques Sateeus and Cluilien. We want to draw special attention to our Ready Made Spring Capes and Mantle and Cape Cloths, both in Black end Colored Goods, all new for this Spring trade. We have a few pineal of Dress Goods that are belling at about half price --decided bargai•t, ge.xf all - wool goods and good colors. Our Ribbon Stock is large and well snorted, as is also our Small Ware Department. Gloves and Stockings particularly good. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Wa rehouse of the County. CALL AT THE GODER!CH FOUNDRY ... ASD %*I OC*.. .. . LAND MLERRS,RDISK HARROWS, RAIIKEES, �&ct. SCUP- MRS, o.• ',apply you with any kinds of Impls- sneats you what. Ts. C►traDIA* PACITSI) 1LILw•T Co.• he peblle• ersseisee eureka withILUIPIOLLPII has been to give er- with epee gad per- manent amelia tloo. It 1 maseeedon ieslnsss Pefuefplm ane f• the tat root Se he pdeserves the•ausees WilleysS to ee spetuloo- of every perms abs For '.tete deepatrb ase ski. taef.sut satri Uses. oonell.g with all glomsaid oDnaaisseee In •st.ed tu.esa. Caned. end aam+p,. Direct through wine to W palate le the North west, Brit sh Colombia e.d i'•e Me Orem pees 9os:i etde A'esr st. R. KAM'1UJ1FR. MT tr Lomat llsee er.'esb est ROBIN ClUt•Ca Off • slLL1 . • M.pewdees roses 1 weaselled 1. PwbNM Werk. eepaetgorea Chicago, May 11 -Mr. Kent. the new (bminsesiou.•r of Public Sweat., W discovered a stupendous ey.tem'nI 1raad in for pay -rolls d the department end bee preprint(' the evideue, of theft of public money for enbmiation to the legal department of the city. It ie estimated that 11,000,000 hoe been attars from the city in thin meneer by o4khls d different grade, eider deposal' the Hid of relatives or ward puddle's' . Deipli- cation of .DaMtr. Insertion d .mare d deed nes a.d rme.ideme. npgol.i. where 'haeaet Mtn were kirstsd age MY of the imam employed to pleadst the dty. t*ul 5?a Thep da.d/AW. -,•seer 41aea Ossa IN M asega shiaia�iw, lei. 1L—'•aIa-- 64 Adiega to tif the atdfatb ed alta Tetley alta t of -- diemsJeseph I. 1'd of the lath Ss- IOtsr Liss. thew tribe ithis aids al OMB Miler i.igbtaosia, la a dense tag tads ws',dta. The Cayuga a seek 1. abtet = atm Asap J the ebawned .f ti. aV 4 w•m bbeech.d a..rb.+a Ile amnia d (lb e•Weloa and b wsafaleg d•mbsse el boll area thesis piled tp te the eb ansae lemon amid ladled bees 1b baste ogee wet ods ahem 111 bat .gest visa rel reworked R.bban seh Wi, who happened trlR•da IMO irltr.l.i.� bat 1t we M dl r bow•s with •bed sf % Ws AWba song I Mem aria Is�1 Is amid the eelllekm. Ow . indklilli wee st...11. mem • r.. as dise'h Ila &. Mr nett• 1AMOND TioVit,1 0%31N ST C O I PATI O N. I6"BILIOUSNLSS, DYSPEPSIA,- Ick HEADACHE. EGULATE THE UV 0H1: PILL AFTER CATINe IN3U*ltS 6000 r'IAC5TlON IPP.IC(25 CTS.T'1i0fas PAWL% " House Crestings a Specialty I Ali &lade of Castings •t Remsseehte Rads t Band= Bros. FIRE! WATERI SMOKE! Did not damage BUSS PITCHER'S Millinery Stock, but the whole of it must be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. Now is your Opportunity to purchase Good Goods Cheap. IF YOU WANT a OM I a MISS PITCIEE West Street, next door to Star Office A SPRING SUIT or an OVERCOAT of First-class Make, Good Material and Latest Style, -CALL UPON - MUNRO'S_ Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Sumpter Wear, to which additions will be made es the Season advance.. Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit and .elect,d with more than usual care. Customers ma/ rest assured that everything will be •p -to -date, and all Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularizing particular. Special attention given to small wares. inspection kindly solicited. Pmmpt delivery of purchases to any part of the town HUGH DUNLOP, Tem wewl-at. t leader, nest ie Sant of Metre.). DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU gizsee Sip Pm Par r beam ak_A' fITM • 00.. TMeelrr 1064 A. MUNRO Draper and Haberdasher. 3. -Do _ •o -u War.Lt ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE P —MEW R. W. McgENZIE can supply you with . good article at • low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a tall. Rs W. McKEIZZIE, The Crabb Block, Gods**. No Stones, Stems, or Dirt! CLEANED CURRANTSNi. Everybody Likes them. ' Your `)rders solicited CHAS. A. NAIRITIEZ � flubsodbe for "The *-4 y • MUD • Oen A ' ..