HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-16, Page 3THZ SIGNAT.'• GODERlfla• ONT, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1$L5. .00444 D9tRf INIP7. Mill vllIOLaO11, 15.0.6.-DHzTAL e d�e,� dud �a.d apMo .4 loom ivai.aehetbe en load ter plates*Utase- „ee el mash r•r.r de o 1�ee and Mistime ale Oar p•a•ns eaw.cttas .e meth. arm se thM..rva. e aHm ✓ tar �ttleal�so-Over Willem, • rt•thee 1iaV is1• gN4tr 71R. !JUDITH& PHYSIOL&14, $UR L pees. to (lee--MeL.... Mucci. Mese- , eel.. Nightoat s from Brian. li.a*CIlauge 1AR J. lHAMILrON, VK-'rl;R1NARY Hes gnarl nate of Vetere Veteslasry College. 7 , Registered mrmln r .f O•.. term v Meemal Aesuclauoa Calle n rwMptlyyW d al ail hours. des ght nicest Opposite Otwurs . Hilt.. Oiler M. u. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO fetter. mem ain=em s. ems.• Mucor 10 WM. Oro..: ter. Hamilton and lit. • •- drew'e-eta. Gs Leh. 0.t. J.1 1 OFTUa R. DANCEY, K+1(RItsTEB, J eslmlmr, ('.nvyo•oer, to.. etc. Meng t„'can at =west rinse. Horton•• Meek. Up melte Ceiberee Howl. Uodenc h. tet. 111n 1 LEWIM, BARRLSTRR, P11440mN.aot (hearth ah Colborne this. 11tg D O. BAYS, B&RRIBTEK. 11OLICiT 11i. OR, to 0r.e Nurtb-e4. emit doer Pies•L Mace. Yri iv.. rands to lead •t lowest eerie of Interest. M N- - CI ABRAW a PROUDFUOT, BAR. '.1 Oster.. ♦usrneys, Solicitors. &A... Guderoh. J. T. 011110W. QCpdm,t eAM=k0NN, HOLT & HOLSIY.S, 'J tharrtst.ra, Solemn, la dancer, ex. ooaselek 0, Osm0.erea. �; P. Bolt DIldlen WANK O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J . ao.,aed e.mmheteaer for =true and rr etivl.g newel new ot bail. al/Havre et arrm.tlssa. d.posttuoe or auiemL declare- t1.ns r or ear aay .orae- eaor pe ess (j y a - Is he Court of Justice, the Orissa Appeal ver Ontario. or is any CO ss Dtvlslsa lty'.ose1. Ali twtae•et1os. �Desssssis Omottell""littrit Lona&(" aaa 1001111011111141111. t t:MAGER, CON VHYANI'ING AND ineursima efaee. sMowei.Y.rett'e Maw! LOIIEY TO LEND ON MORTfAOS at !ii per amt. Nowa di.wuated. C. ORR. setae epps.lteM.rtls'. Hetet. teed► IMeb. 1AONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 FI Private read. to 1•.d atSi per oval. ea - s • t.Colborne a tiHD� (,'iii * 11 tt J. T. 1(A THL, 11BE, LITH AND L e eeeideat lasareaeo Weak; al lowest Ole-0er. $.rtleel. and liguare. Yod- : o TO WAN. APPLY TO SROM Mot l BOU WM MONZY TO LYND.-A L. A R (11 ssuonntof Private reads for Ltsssmen lahlwest .BAARO t a OrPROOO(TDVOOT ne Morissam. Atha) EuisIIADOLLPFIi, GYJi &UAL IN IN • On'7Sitileseentr"ilasey to Estate wd stralsh Immo at the /ewe=("rale of interentafislot • way es gait tha narrower. 1 hiss lgrre. West Stre._Uodn 1i9sI>rruotas • I Ututsl. Q,ODIRIOH IIHOBANIOB' INSTI- TUTE LIBRARY ANL RSADINii- ROOM, eor. of Best .treat •ad sawn lap made. Open treat 1 se e Rut., cod tram 7 to 10 ran. ABOUT 11000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Lending Day, R'•etly end IU idrakl )g�P Y cos., etc- , on Fins. OS.tT. ONLY *Lea, boo .w sad Reoetsm. yra� semberm ip received by it Lamm J. H. COLBORNE. R. HAMILTON. �s�,slsr� Las iise. Rasmus lastei'Itsb fid. THO�MAB OOD•NeDRY, AUOTIONIIR ASI Largs. end lanewldr. FM law Oa. end Ogre Detect Matta lar. Oo. sales at- *•nded to le w part of tM county. 10-17 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUO- _s�s�s� sad Lead Valuator. 9edsrieh. r~ ap. les t• mge6elba v .sin 4s >• • tlle•wp• Weems ealfmpt.4 M him. brise ld1 .t I[�arU 1a,1MIAOt.,, or .eat by mil se hisP.sddtwss Cwux Oeumv Ams. eareIwiect ~ fB1.1 THE TALI OF THE TOWN. As A -rive ("ovum:¢. - • The ..amber, el the oommittes for edvssbsnp the tows'. in. *ere= ale dovui.g • plan f..r moving the Maitland Home from the ("Ration to some selected epos ow Hems • basks 1t snob • scheme de socowtmlly carried not the pe - set ere may lutiJy claim a tows testimonial 1r N'ucL1' as • Boom. -W have hese informed that Demon Z Co. intrad ,, beteg in between five and six minute feet it lumber tba....n,. to Gelerioh, if suitat.o- duek room eau be had. It is to be bot-e•i that tfirre will be nothing dg the eat of rentor the required dock room. as the haat/hag of the geaotl•.y of loather meu tiered • uuld mean. large output of erste, antelle t the laboring sten of the town. A VutTar:L S, u&.ii - A little three year old d•aghter of John Burns, V.ct•ria- et.. u • weeder for her age. Shit can read sad spell as readily as the average pupil of eaves or eight years Raoe.tly she visited Rev. Father West. cod the reverend gentle w ith was delighted with her youthful iotel- (ig.oee. He found .be weld read scbr of looks, used by pupils of .mice her age, with greet precision and aptitude, and his debght was increased by her perfect know leige of the mewing of every word and eso- 1suoe real. She is the prole et her parenon and well might they be proud of having inch an inrilligeat little dein/Mar. A PL&A1:ANT }.\'xlrlw: - There Irma • good Wand/woe at tbe open meeting of C .!1.48.1. Literary Society Friday evesiag, whee the ft (lowing programme was premed d. President's address, C. Dorris ; strutaeotal solo, Miss Campaig.e; reading, Mita Mardon ; solo. Mr. M.Cluskey ; read- ies, Mr. Beckett; chorus, glee club : away, Mr Hooper ; question drawer, Mr. Strang; quartette, Messrs. Simpson, McKat, McDowell and Harvey ; recitation, Mies Farrow ; impromptu, Mr. Seiler ; editor'. n elecuona, Mr. McBursey ; solo, Miss L Msest lied save the Queen. Miss Moss ma5.."4uS 01st play In our yard any sees `; eni'ms M oe mealy as to take the Conigi.se by Mann. During the madras were pawl, thanking the "At Henle" oommitt a and the retiring executors ter se ably carrying out their allotted duties the peat term. Ft imam. The funeral of the late Mary Sinuss took place b nday morning from the Seasons reudeuoe, Cambria Bead, Meseta. P. Feed, L Graham, D. Wilson, Geo. Heo- der.ua, Jim Hyslop .sd Jae. McIntosh bang the poli bearers. The proo.mien ar- rived .t St. Peter's cbarch shortly after 9, and .t eke conclusion of the religious dere mo.y, proceeded to Colborne cemetery, where the casket was placed in the family pilot M.ny of tbd deceased lady's relatives and • largo number of old friends were preens at the obsequies. The late Met. Simone w w bora in Aberdeenshire, Scot- land. ones 86 years .,ace. and is 1856 tailed with her husband for Canada, tattling in God.rieb towsnhip- After twenty years farming the Indy moved to the o.onty town whore she resided until her decease. year =didn't' survive, namely, Miss Jessie, Goderiob, Mn. Wm. Mewed. Li/olivine. Ky., Charles, Beyfeld, and Mn. Edward Shames. McEwen, Teen. Bon5IN,: Toa TOW'S. -The follcwiue eiti roes have contributed toward. • fund to ad- verts= the tows .e • hummer resort ' ('. A. Noire, J. W. Marsden, Colborne Bros. J. T. Acheson. F. J. Pronoun, Thos. Tilt, J. I!. Davis, 1). McCormick, W. J. Dow- ding, R. Price t Sou, R W. McKenzie. C. A. Humber & Son, S. M. Halliday, Jobs Bauer, Harper tt leo, Robe. McLean, W. L. Horton, H. E. SseU & Co., Geo. Porter, W. T. Welsh, W. Sharman, Ir., S.slt. Bros., J. R. Sharman. W. C. Goode, Miss Osmer.s, G.N. Davi., W . T. Marney ..d C. R. 86sse t Co. The sum has beim handed t. R. C. Hays, treasurer of the commune, .ad .dverti.•mestt will be inserted is the tollewisg papers --Detroit Free Press, News sad Tribune, (leased Tobiase, St Lour (;IobieD,moci•t, Louisville Courier -Jour - sal, Cimcin.tti Repairer. The oommitfee M werkin4 meat esergetioally, and it is hop- ed • great deal of good will result fres their labors in the interests of tbe teeth. 1N THE 1410H COURT OF JUSTICE. Vie 0..awary gisn ssi swore ■w Lord. .11p Liss/ Amato Mereditk, Following are the remainder el this mese, .ad the results therein, that appeared baler. His Lrdeltp Chief Justice Meredith yes- terday : Robertson vs. Bose. Anon to not aside two deeds of lewd .e frsadwlont .ed void ea ageism plsisti1, wM nus • creditor. Judrwant astir& .aide both deed. with ems. (farrow. Q.C., for Off.: Ayleewortb .ad Boat ter dsbe. J. M. Bess and J. T. Irvin.: P. Holt ler deft. J. W. Beim Ds.ssO vs. Prost. Adis for wages dm 4 daft. M pl[ 8etelsd by tee parties, d.11..gr.ois, M realist for IWO witboet emu. (amen, 4C . for pfd-• ; Vomits** ter ask Merrill ea. How. As intim by iee u reeky of Morris .s.inst the swimmy M ewp•l Ile se ay to pay its properties el tb sspre el bsildkM certain bridge.. E. 1., askew* for pl[, Darrow, Q.Q. far deft. Jolgm.nt reserved. Baylor re. Bober. As tutees by pM. to not eve. will et t►. lath Wm. Behar as mtv'tynl gnswri. Aolies diastole& wMb eesbl. Apione ertb A en* her pia; Darrow. Q. C., far dill Daiwa 5588.1 vs. L.kharl Aileen he eat aide es ewer' for feesilies of . biles salsa .e_Ysa Iwres . ulnen, 4 Q, ter pI . 1. L D{.balasw, ler dell L & Laidlaw .. at . Ageism en hal bent. Addles dMoMam& will .mina Ayier weesb, Q. Q, Mr pito Prosaic* Mr AGA fes gisRig.a,�g.4.t res».... M. amid d *oarm wed a rtes Omdois r » _ than fat .aelndr Mr 7r MMasess the • .. through all right. Thew Wale ears • r the imploded Madre. et • brother .f R. 8. and T. E. Miller, of this .hip, beth parents having died .bat • year sr es ego, leaving them .11 atom in that far off lead - Mr. Millar, with kis tittle Marrs, mom over the l'.aadtan 1'.•thu vial 010.1 North- ers, arriving i. `81 Paul len* Saturday night. sod resohi•g this any w Meade, . The children seem to hay. enioyd thew long journey. and by reason art their Amigo of haMutteo will eil.erte.ve tbe novelty al eve.. $u..ms• oomwg In •asoes.ioa. TM 8. 1 of Salisbury was on the sass ate.m- • . nth them. on bar tut-) around the world. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. We wederd.ad that Mr Taylor, from 14. rim, velli shortly t.ke po.ee• iuu of the 0odlert.•h Woollea Mills. .1... Stewart, of Saltlurd, is bwldtag • ex...m•.Lons two story brava veneered swelling no tine corner of south -et and EI,ilu Avenue. A young nos et I H lroraell fell from . Lenon Wednesday while p:. yiug,•od broke W wrest. As a osestqueuue ne will be laid up foe come time. A. Weir has puroha..d the statiuwy burger of 11 K. Carrick, sad will room.. the stuck to the old stand la the Actwsoo block M song as possible. - The I;oder.ch club was out in full taro, Thursday ever.ing,sad carried out .umber of rather difficult evoluttuaa credit- ably. Kugler Bate, by his •iwlleot play - iog helped the slasuiuvere oenoider.bly. Messrs. Bird, McVicar, Rayls. Shaw and Mtewar+ have taken up their abode la •• B•.helors' Hall." •'Kscb•lors' Hall," ,o subbed by their friends, is the hoe re.r- fence of Mrs. Hays, on St. Patriok-.t. The gentlemen will no doubt lied it one of the prettiest and most conveateat rest - d. time In tows. COMING AND GOING. J W. Smith, the F...i .t baker, i. on • trap to F.naland. Mrs. Thos. Graham u recovering from her recent severe .amde.t. Impostor Paisley. of Clinton. was in tetra Friday on Bosses business. Kees Price u now able to be around, bav- iug come viotonously through • loot[ net:• of III•esm. E. G. t'ourtic,, recently engaged by the God.rioh dlrg.. Co. re tr.velkr, h.. start- ed for Etateru Canada and the lower prov- inces. Mr. aid Mrs. S. H. White, of Summa. New Brunswick, arrived m town Thurs- day oa • vait t• thea relative., Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Armstrong DEATH UF ALEX McMURCHY. ins Reeve en At.1.s Passes •w.7 Atter a loam and Severe 1lraees. Clinton New Er.: Though not unexpect- ed, the death of Alexander Mehlurohie, reeve of Clinton, which occurred yesterday, will oases • feeling of morose sorrow ted eaduesi wMrever this gentleman was knows -and be w.. tienenallr .cqu•tntod loth • great many of the restdes1 of the meaty, trona oae end to the other. For some time peat, In fact autos 1882, he hes been *suffer. sr suff r - sr from diabetes, and knowing that the ultlm•te result of this would be fatal, be hos comhatted the advemoe of deem with an iron will, palma/ through a Douree of sell -imposed treatment that none but a per- son of indomIrble purpose oould endure, omd he had the fret sstafaction of koow- we that but feu the hygienic course pur- sued. he would in •11 probability have long ago pealed away. He was born in Va's hos township, York, on August let, 1� and was mot, therefore, an old man ; his Lather was one of the first settlers in York. Mr. Murchie remained on the farm until he was 24 rears of age, packetr up what education and in formation be could. In 1859 he moved to Clinton and took • situation •a traveller for the late Mr. McTe.g•rt, who was them en- gaged in the manufacture of tanning milk. Im 1862, in o.mpanr with the late Joseph Cbldley, he became a partner. mid se re - mimed until 1982, when be assumed stir. .satrol; shortly after wards the hum woe en- throned by the admisdoo of Messrs. 1). Mc - Carrie and A. McKenzie. which has .ince bees kmwn under the .tyle of Mehurobie & co. Mr. MoMtirebie's name was • syuomran for bose.ty and integrity. H. regarded a man's ward in all thing of as mush value as • written agreement, and would carry oat to the letter any promise that he mode, teen it it meant • financial loon to himself. H. abhorred anything m the shape of .ham .r deceit, mad hai no beeitauoo in openly desesm.ing whatever he believed to be wren.. Strom, in his own convictions of right, he was not • mon who ooald be .way - e d loom the path of duty by any persuasion or impulse For eine years he has been reeve of the tows, an ofBos he held at tie time of bio death. In this position be ..peemlly =- jotted the oombdeso. d tt-. pelta Eves these who at times regarded him as nudely mottoes and careful, knew that be eould n ot be .uilty of intestional wro.g doing. Eitnv.gant or improper taw of public fends he would not tolerate tor • moment, sad be was • most caret's' .verde.. of the public trust. Ususually well informed i. municipal •ff in, po..ss.is4 well-trained meatal faculties sod with s11 the oomph: and istric•te detail. M any ruble atter. thorowgbly at commend. be wee • w el more than ordinory ase pt.Nlity .t wiei- pJ gstheri.ge, •.d so well nus the knows and appreciated that he *Wes, mesh .light after, was almost h.vrisbly a.sspt- ed without gae.ti.n. As • member of the county torah, he was simply ievakish's, esp.ei.11y is egad to land ..mere.»t. Mambos pmwos.Il almost every farm es every essomien of the county, W volume Mem, *bee • mnom►er of the egrUstles t,m.alttos, was mewed as asthmatic A member ales of tit. Hew of Refuge semmitte•, his beat Alerts were gives to Mb genion until the ssMor eau. brought te • wileasmftti Mmes. he realising fully the bsn.dq wish an Mitatiss wesid G to the peer of the soleey. Mr. Melee/olio has feu years b... • twlasber of Willie Presbyteries .bent, . *rads. Jin., soil one of the Board .1 Man- agemmen, .ad se Iwo se Isis Meech would allow, wee a regular mustiest en the ern - loss .l t►. eksreb. PdiNmlly he was • d.. - Liberal, esti • few year. ego was me. numbed to {o before • Liberal ewiventd.n, b., he pceitlsaty destined- By sere mad pradsles be was able t Isere hie family wwll ler. H. leaves • wife, w eon sad twodanibters- wee of tbe Weer baling *be wife et Dr. Robert /womw- Manns.: or Coogan. Coarmpue. The Fisaam. Committees met Friday mesing and Prepared • report for pr sset•tioa at the mit :.snag of Gesso& The thief item disowned wta the raw of intorme o• the tows. di.sounts, for which thine were two .term, rmely, Beak of Mmtreal 6%. Beak .f Commerce lei i,- There was also an otter for the mend of the town's caking (nada. Oa mem the severs offers were left in the beads of the Mayor sad Treasurer to aside 1k. q.atioa 1t was oleo decided to renamed the nasal grans to the town band es the oesditio. *hat see day'. service M gives fres to the town yearly. The 8p.si•1 Committee agreed to report that Gee. Riss•it be greeted • portion el W old burial grounds e• the same oondiees that Gelber.. Bros. t Harrows e.mpUsd with. A proviso wee •Iso ceded that the lease slay he termis•ted any lame by either party es Ovum nim mamtlm' seise It was aloe aged that the offer of Ulm Par- i rs'e lend for • psbiie perk 8. set .e ..pied• A 7,000 M u Tato -The tllowles from Ole Eip. Maw, Tim.s.rekre t Moe orphan- ed children of David MOlsr. res of the lam. MMus MuIMr, .: this tows. end brother of J. R. end W. R. Mill:. ef Taranto. fernier .tuYemts of Gd.ri.► David MUM will be lwmemaersd by old ...I seeklairimg bins N esu tams • dark r Dealer(". More our bats 1Maegere arrived as IF lam Maeday sighs. They were *1*. seer ANN - patios, or se rly co--- t8e land el geld, Asap met and Aestralles ballet grim. Phos were wwsmpemts& y men, R. & Millar, et this Idsp, vel. were » VOW sneer. RCL, le mod Item sheet awe weeks ego Misp wore Mani. Miller, 11 years .f ego. aaaes, 7 yews, Dave&, shone 4 sod Awing. I ram w.& & :clam awl they isms • see "yam 1 store 7,000 sass v .Mrs. I. tkmrgo N obs a1 ordls .f d. Olsadr Podia else - Wtrafat... Thew ism II logs so far osibb bib MO Oo$tol.n.. r _ e e • a s a ,r'4* z 0 s . •Hr •be, •,,, ••. DON'T Find fault with he cook if the pastry does not exactly suit you. Nor with your wife either -perhaps she is u# to BLAME It say be this lard she is using Sr shortening. Lard is indigestible you know. But if you would always have YOUR Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di- gestible, order the new short- etstng,"COTTOIENE," far your WIFE Sold in 3 and s pound pails, by all grocers. Made only by THE N. L FAIRBANB COMPANY, Wellington sad Ann Sea.. Montreal. -• ih it+tt♦,i -ore..: 4sM,,to a yr,„ 1 kMie, meta. In Jesuitry, 1892 my sou was takes with Kidney dee. se. Though attended by throe pbistctan.. and ohaoge of climate he grew Iroise and by '93 had fallen teem 196 Ib.. to 96 Ib.. 1a 10 doys from starting to nae Dr. ('Yaw'. Kidney -Liver Pills we were able to move ham boas. In 4 mouths be gained 50 lbs., and was fully restored to health by the use of this mdicia.. Jet). S Heroism. 23 St Paul St., Montreal. Now .t.rtc. Are Ra111, Th. Critie-How are you getting ea with your new book? The Visisaey-_S leodidly ; I have the title..koted,and •H I've got to do is to Had • ,tory to ge with it. S r Clarke Rivers -Wilson is like) to •o - opt the C'hairsa.n•kip of the Gr� Trunk road. A new and strong beard is being formed. It will include four members of the old board and three members of the o-mmtuee, inoludiag Joseph Price MB. JOHN RALPH TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton-ot., Has decided to continue in Business, as he has im- proved in health and is able to attend to his cus- tomers in the way of jobbing and repairing, and will continue to sell AT + LOWEST + PRICES ! PLANING MILL. ESTIIIISNED IAS. Buckaiiaiis & llhyIffls M•Irvr•orvsxem BABE, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kinds oe LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES t.s MILLINERY And builder'• material of every description School Furniture a Specialty. MoLICOD'S Mame lams AaR1bs Raw. Fori haw veer been • water hes Liam trod& mina 548 slsa w Undo mad GAM come raw. he flssise,a,,d,. of 17r. Oho• m+e Avail mess LM. Sing sand.. Oro bon dud • half .natabhlp wood ma Is M deo Li sad Mr .Wlabaa Next 1. !maw" i1. Gtll ohm. uta We have in Stock all the latest designs and shades in trimmed and un- trimmed Hats and Bei nets. Also Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Ribbons, and everything in the line of FINE MILLINERY. A large ,tock of very cheap slats un hail.; • MISSES YATES '1'11 E Stdl'.‘HE, (io.Ittrich. Protection SYSTEM RENOVATOR AND OTmia TI/TIED etairewm, of Building is always A WISE To protect them properly it is desirable to use a good is not affected by the heat, rain or snow, and which will within a few months If you want a Paint that will give tion use POLICY! Paint which not fate out you satisfae- WaaWar and Water Pmol Ready-Lxed Past (overs Most., Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most I conoulical. It is un- doubtedly the Best Paint et er offered for sale in Canada, and costs no more than ordinary brands of mixed Paint.. Weather and Wateiproof Ready -mixed Paint is a Rubber and Enamel Paint combined. Will not chalk -check or blister. For outside as well as inside use. For sale by HARPER & LEE. P. S. -A few more DAISY CHURNS at cost. DAIRY TINWARE. 'VE HAVE MADE UP A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF I AIRY TINWARE. Such as Strainer Pails, Milk Strainers, Milk Pans, Creamery Cans, with or without taps, Cheese Factory Supplies, Milk Pails, with Iron clad bottoms. Abo Pails with Copper bottoms, all made out of the very best Tin and our own make. If Your Tin Pani or Pails want new bottoms, or repairing of any deocription, or if you want any Tinware made to order, come to the New Tinshop, opposite Martin's Hotel. HOSPITAL FOR Specific and Antidote for impsn, weak and impoverished blood, dye papsia, slerpletaoem, palpitation of the !tart, liver ocsipl•int, .ssrslgis, lose of memory, brono(sitia, oonsesuption, gall d one., jaundice, kidney and urinary disssec.. St. Vitas' dance, foslale irreg- u larities sod reneral deitillty. LAIORATORY, 600ERI11, ONTARIO J. N. McLEOD, Proprietor and Ma.aheterer. WoIaol'. Brom& Rmtrov•rno ave he lied teem as dmietro 1■ balm. as weU es tram WI the drumeetii bet wenn owes sound eel ae•brh. Brumets. Durban% and Tarsals. tall ly. CAUTION LEANT TINWARE J. H. WORSELL & CO. The Practical Tin. Stove and Fades Mss. SAVING MONEY ING MONEY 1 Parties wishing to save money can do so by calling on Mr. JOHN KNOX at his Warerooms opposite Martin's Hotel, where he keeps a full line of Agricultural Implements on hand open for inspec- tion. Noxon Binder, Noxon Mower, Noxon Seeds Drill, Noxon Spring Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake. Full line of the Cockshutt- Plow Company's Riding Plows, Walk- ing Plows, Twin Gang Plows, Corn and Root Cultivators, Roel Scrap- ers, Disk Harrows, Land Rollers, Little Gem Pea Harvesters. McLaughlin Carriages. Buggies, Phsetons, Road Carta, Training Carts. All the latest design. All work warranted. Adams Wagons, Paris, Ont., all kinds. Any person wishing anything in the above line will find it to his advantage to call on Mr. Knox and inspect his goods before buying elsewhere. AUCTIONEERINGa specialty. Being practical in the above and in stock. and having had several years' experience, can guarantee entire satisfaction. Owing to the enormous sale of our famous 'Something Good' Cigar :OEN $NO$, AGENT AND AUCTIONEER. ti Matches that Light." Telegraph . . Telephone.. Tiger Parlor. i For the information of any- one wanting this kind .1f Match, we give the names of those fully answering the requirement. They are made by THE E. B. EDDY CO., CANADA. OIMr Manwtnetarele ere putting ea tbe market 'stern, goods under this mama A per wrtiel. i� inet.ted, there fere the fact that t ewe e. Wog assaterfetted e • rearamee se sneak • in gait N U the bast 6 mut Cigar iia mast.tam Is pmri w that oar trade mark (� B.owmi.$) and demw on moills. m ember a. .10. Darr leggg06.12 w brsai le registered end asp ewe Ing eslm sipre wrier *Ns .amn will be pawed• 3 7 S!!! Empire Tobacco Co., Montreal. For the prevention of fungous diseases and for the destruction of insect life on fruit trees we are handling one of the best Pumps on the market. lade iu Five Sias! Sunup, Cheap and Dllrable! It ha. an automatic agitator which keeps solutions in oonstant motion, thus insuring an even strength and equal distribution of the chemicals. information regarding solutions and times of spraying cheerfully given. DAVISON & CO. Keep your Feet Dry It you oath sold now It will hong on oll SummM WEAR GRANBY RUBBERS w711 sad lYt loglrlast ~hot - wita WM OMR.