HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-16, Page 22 TB SIGN A I. • OOfERi('». 1)NT.. TH IWI) 4 Y . MAY 1 s IMG. Cuts, Il L•. 5cratcbS, SPrair" P'6 and all pains, exterad or internal, are tnA•at- • ly relieved by PERRY DAVIS' Pain Killer. re+.d, b leas+"o amid argil vele evrry.a.. be.p It *re. TO OUST GREENW7 AY Because He Refused To ROW To Ottatb* Dictation. WHAT COV. SCHULTZ WOULD US. Matured Dr Seertaer• 2ptal.a Te ('.,ren the leaaltebs Mtrrwawat Mr Maw ell Maar the Letter reline A Lively Time Ins the rabtle Artemisia Ottawa. May 1O. -To what drpperate iterate this tottering g.,rermw• ut has berm reduced bas been ua..dd 'lino by. the dierlosure in the Hoerr yesterday of what looks like o anomie:lui coo aprrncy beta -eras the uwnalr•r• and the 1.iru1-/Governor of Manitoba to oust the Oneuway liorrnuu.ot from power brcause of it. regaled to bow to the dictation of Ottawa. Goverior er•beits, wboee term o1 ether expired alined two years ago, and *b, rrtaiw hie position by the favor of the Government. um in Ottawa for levers' weeks, and it is well understood that the object of hi• mission was to secure, a second term. tl k•ther, the (Goverumrnt has encouraged hies iu his hope■ to .t question, but that be is co-operating with it in opposing the Manitoba. ministry with whom be should by remain of him office b• so ac- cord, is a list about winch there is no, question. He procured a portiein rx prerionl of • •In uion from Dr. Bow ri mot, Inert of the (louse of Gfumouv, on a yastiun which forme the aubeeet .d po- litical controversy, rommenirated it to elle Government and sabergileotly gave It the N .nnip•g perm with the object u1 ,tdlueuring the public mind adversely to the (ln•rueay Government. Dr. Bouri- n ot, who as an ulfker of the hula, u JIM* m NO foundatt4 for t'•• en -ie.. Mr. alter maid uo our maw. routt a charge. but it was knows that the line• element car went to lb,- Southern State with Merin. Ilaggert. M.,ut•igue and mems friends, mad they could lied .o trace ..1 tks exp•u+es is the Auditor• Op' ral'u report. Dr. Montague : Th.- 0uv,rt.ui-ut ..ever paid a cent for my rxlwu.•.. Th• tu- ditor heteral rxplaieed that there w.•r•• no t , .-tors for Mioietere Craw. i;n • • pr•ngie., ■ urph f nyui-itwu fur e1'In, witch 1435 hu orad. e•r tt.. kard Cartwright did not l.• liege 1. examining miuut•-Ir int.. e% poses o1 Millistere gni asnhaan..lrini tripe to foreign, capital•. but as to other 'einem,* it would he d,Nereat. Me. Foet.r finally wKwir. a II. aturud- sent, and allowed the motion for what ever paper. the Auditur-U•I.era1 bed to carry. Some little dir•osioa took place meet, the raw.• of F. Hamel. an ,engineer In the Public Works, Department. under sus- pension. Mr. Ouiiu, t mid he had merely •wwitt•d an indireretitiet. but atrm'•o 4. remsr.,•d that a wan precisely the Name ndi.wn•ti..i. which seat Mr. Waters to jail. Tho• l.up•re reap ctiog the ease were ordered. Meters. Torraiee• and McPherson of the 11Oeiu;IaI Line had .n iatrrv.ew with Sir Markeuai. Il.o07•il with regard too the Atlantic wu•il ..-,vire. It mowers tbat Hu. L11.nsinl/11 Line having cb..ug.'d lanae frac • Lot J• ar the company w ill likely put in a teial,r ngnitwit for Ailan's for tarrying the (ituadiau 14[:+41.. tiw-ine to this the Millais have not entered into it rub-routeart with the 1h,wi,oiu Liu, for the Ivo of that I:riupnurs two tact v. meld, The Labrador and The Vaecou- ver. Wr Maekenaie Dowell ways that the Maw will be required, while they hold the seed content. to carry th • tuails ou the fastest Mime eeteriug the lit. Lawrence. I ser :11ame"'". ' FREE TRADE COLONI. emir Lundos, May 10. -Dr. Tanner, .atl- l'..rL.I1te for the middle elivi•lua of Cork. cawed mask exeit.acut iu the Hous of Cttmmoms last Meet by .harp attack upon tie Royal Family. at midnight, on • motion to adjoaTs, be rat aid melted with • e.r•aidersble show el COST011 DUTIES TO BE AOOlI8NE0 feeling "Is the repurt trwe that the Duke ut Caubeiilge, the C; utnw.•iwher•ID• Chief of the army, is retiriug to seeks way for a better man!" There were loud cries, for coder, bet Dr. Tawnier ignored them. "la the time come at last," .be continu- ed, "whoa a ermber of the Royal Family, w►o has bees drawing the people's urwr7 tum lung, is going to retire''" made • statement is the Assembly re - The second question iiirrene•1 th• co.- luai.n. Shouts of "Name him" cisme from gardiug the estimates for the cumin[ i all .ides, and the Speaker rum with W year. The Budget, he said. prop,ee4 • eyes fixed upon ebe lr;sb number. Dr. gnat change in en. cottutry'• pulley• ekOM srrtiSM orreassx err UNA'S& Fearful Renato. .f ■■ IrAtilmitof •$ a L.e.n•.Utr Freight. H cele Park. )leve.. Mar t/.- Brat •man \ suppmed t., tt• a•upy n pi ition of strict Oweu J. Caffrey was kal.d on the eat pditieal neutrality, but whn has in Turk. New Harem & Hartford Railroad this matter overstepped the botuds of at Hyde Park to -day by the bursting propriety. declares that be furoisbed of it .teemp:po. i.r the enh .,f the• rt:gibe the 1.ie.t.-Gtoveruor with an opi for ( of a freight treiu. The trsiu WIud hie own ',enema guidaure and not for nrnuiug feet wheu the exphwios or - political err. Governor tt..halts denies carred. and ('efIr.•v and Fireman Feller this. 11. eummunie-tmd the d.,cnment to 1 were blown out. ('aflrey's head was .pit open, and his brain were spattered along the ties. Fuller nweived fright- ful 1 tone to bis leer. hands said breast. and will probably die. Engineer Back' Taylor crawled out through the window as the fire and smoke 1111••4 the rob. nt.-1 hio.g uu the ruuuiult board, ►mallt- lumping off uninjured. Another New South Wake* a Leader in Tariff Reform. Te twee. Opimm Yd ephapse 2a/r Ie Me Ihse41_M-IMveese Te mama from a•r.m Taaaslea es lead sal e cos. -Tr e•ektend eedPs 14ydney, NA.W., .4) 10 -Premier Reid Sir M..ckeisie Howell. it i■ aria, through The medium of another ,u ant •r of the lioverom••ut, with the remelt that it ftp - peered in the Euutern Government tap- er* at the name time as it was given to the western papers. showing that a coue.-rtrd plan of action had beeu de- vised. 11 hen Mr. 1) 010.1 Me(artby brought brakeman who was in the cah .wimp the• matter to the nttentiowt of the Masse by hrii:,f blown baek •Len the c.al to Mr. Feder ..ought to create the im- the teenier. NO emu.+.` is :uuwu for the ppr. - ion that the 'wallpaper,' had gut esPlosiuu. _ _ Said of the document iu some surreptiti- 4.gssd t%Ildne Aral wanner, by interpreting Mr. Mc- ('arthy''e charge to mean that the Gov- Tie nuwlnt little town of St. Nicholas. s, avt•nrely In Feast Flanders. boasts the possession • htldren of such extraordinary Telmer rem•iird steadies. "Are these remarks in order? " asked Grudge Bartley, Conservative. "They are nut," replied Speaker Gully. "They are entirely out of order." Must members •upp,eed that Dr. Tam liowromemt was tleterua 1 to .tole, its mer would a comb to tum rebuke. Th.Tbere Woservativr cbeers which greeted t1s existence on diner • .iidiou. wed. speaker's declaration, however. seemed would be •land tax del m mu w f to eurage him. With a quick gesture and sa income tax of •iproee on the ut d;atlaiu n bawled at gr. }iii•, the pound with exempt, rat. There would ale occupant d the w 15 *1 hock: n permanent tariff Duly ou wines. •' What I wish to know u whether hi. o * The Iteral a vasa• w going to retire a spirit•, beer, tobact., and ' ma•1..r e Tbrre was no answer. The Speaker old duties would b• 'retained pat the motion to adpnre, which was year, the sugar dot. ,lues r.mtaiuing formally approved, Dr. Tanner mean- uutourbed for two yeses. Political whilegesticulatingviolent! and try- patronage is the clvil 'wee". insoaddrrw the House. J y a.bolisbed. Thr est1 *ted .*fpius Was 7M pair taken (ampbe- ,I84• man au April 58 to by deny that null-BannerRoy•1 01&ag>11fLY w 4`' Met[ TINS Itighues was about to retire apparent- -_ f bed • bed effect .poo the Nahum- Tits Meese li}aea.w tett cue It as lista and Radicals, The .mbject bas Spin il.sea 1 Thor Government were pledged to aluliek the Customs ditties Imp.. r- In t•1 t0 establish a tariff on a free (0( 4' Iasi.. civil • • gnu. The the t*amwr se nine utssatamacttoa expreesrd because aulh:ng definite was dome. The propl: are aim 4tesaUdle4 with the e.ltkns: ut ellbumt • pupae: rote. cruor had not buttoned it up iu him p o cka that a newspaper repr.rter icoiil not get hold of it, but when prem- ed ed closely 1.r admitted thee it had been supplied to to- (Government orgaro, by the Premier himself, and that it bed been communicated to tb•• Premier by Gover- nor Schutt,. While the leader of the House would cn•ate the impresion that Dr. lionrie.t'. opinion was wrung from stone) the circumference of his bod7 the Premier, the ,tact is these Sir Mac- 1st feet * inches : he measures 34 inches k,ua,• carried it luta, the {dress room round the leg and 'Ji inches round the the and 1 (k it to the cor lamind •uts of tA,• cht.•1 Government orgturm. The arm. His mister Bertha le R years old. predetimeut to whieh the members of the and turns the scale at 224 pound (1e lioven tit and the 1.:cnt. Goveynor find stone). in spite of their enorlous di- tb. meu•tTea has led to contradictory .tatemeute which are significant. The Lieut.-Cioveruor denies what Dr. Ilourl- nut says as to The use to be mate d the 'paper, and there u also a oder cre alwy between ibis statement of the mfum•r in which it was furui.hed to the Goveruurut. and that if Mr. Foster, the leader of the Iluuae, says (bat the Lieut.- Governor ieut: Governor communicated it to the Pre- mier. the Lieut. -Governor any* that the Myr„ Their appeerance In decidedly tn- Dominir.n Government did not LIMA that teresting. both having extremely hand - he hail obtained it. some and regular features. Bertha, like lu the w*. to with occurred, alma" grounds was taken by several of the other girls of tender years, delights In .prsker. am to the impropriety. 'rum a nursing a doll. which seems ludicrously constitutional punt of view, of the ant out of place and proportion In the arms tion of Lieut. -Governor Schultz in ittg of the young giantess. The couple are to Ottawa and co,r•ultiug with 'nen who attracting the attention of the country are not bis.cortitutiomtl nJvisers. Title around. and un fine days crowds of pro- tect alone was regarded see estrous pre- pl. flock into the, quiet little town In 'eruptive "vidbsee of a ruuapirecy to order to catch a glimpse of these (olos- necure the removal from orifice id the mal children --Blackburn Times. s beeu diaeassed with moth feeling by iifeee.'s pwee. illleeig1* Atkena May 9. -At the mortise .1 tk. .1Chibima tel♦•s the Wenders desidsdesiu$to the public Muir mow la y al al nrrve • Ie Tett WOR&, etr %ripens, T..eaN L.rrar.• t+aitt tis• Seraitnn. May 10. -Pon of Amelia WAD battle.' to 411 pail it of %Mr• rur.y,am to -they •ud Tar,sto earned .•:wet R..m. Priem, ••aegt.t r poor saw. atoll -Odd not •t -t tae• b•tli 1.• ecued hate. rime pitch a .a•. rid) t1.'rods 1).,u: re 110119111/100--1 Turuuto t1t44249i-19 T.q .r admire .4 Ike t'le.•. At rrovob..w- 000010011 -4 11 3 rrovlsaw. ... ... .. 02000'111* -71• 0 myn.aesi Rud.l•.:...dn• Diem; Barra, WIMr. Ilaplie -Snyder. At tiptl eleM- Qpp3,n000 12 13 4 wi ... ... ...... It.. hem 11Aok+0010- 4 1 • a -•r Nh1W. u i galla. Inaky . let Y wpringfl •• ♦ rr11 u. Unool..+-$wsrtward and Hunt. At q like s -Were-- Otj0000s1i :0 11 t B'i'kes -Barn ... ... s2uIk10001 -- 8 11 1 $aria. _. .. uwrt. A.•eaY. Ulggln•: _.\' is a+rl . l mplrsDuesrt•r. ea•eseet lessee N,salb 41 Pittsburg- aaltlmore ... ... ... 090102040-610 i Wt1.nitor 011111001-6 12 2 Hoffer. 4 lrsaou. Robbie+. Coake..liars. kluslow. empire -hurray mJ 1..ng. At Qs,olsnd- Washingt•,u ... ... ••• •-• 10,10 401- 1I1 4 Qsvelsnd Wooer. McGuire: walla.•. O'(lusaur• Clulitr--ll.tts. grounds. At Cln.•tmiatl-No gam-. set r At Chlrage- Obf• rg.o ... ... ... ... ... 311223We-1l Ill 3 1 bHtu'tuhlesua -- - 01.00000.10- t 1 e the Radical in the last week. TM Winnipeg, Kan., May 10.-W btu the ! Gaaiwl Onsp/re-MoDuwld. critics of 111. !loyal Highue.. .o.tend Manitoba Legislature resumed for ban - that he opposes every retort; is the ores yeetenlay, Premier Green- L.clsvllb rk'... _. ... ... OH00400D-8 t 4 army and u iuoompeteut, =atm and way made the IuUowiag statement. els- McDermott. (7u4e: Yesk • Par" Umpire--(ampbSH. At at. L.,uis- Pb11•delph1• ... ... - ... 060120140-14 21 3 at. Lou,. .. 020010010- 4 8 4 Smith. ltuukley : Clarkson, l'r•Ita. t m - p1re--Liusllr. 7NL Ilr•r-or air gall. Ateirmo• erre tseeklr Met•1 NIL.e1m - 10ese eaaeWes expeuslve. The agitatiuu has begun spreading amuug the more moderate jouruale. Punch which es invariably no. -partisan, bas a cartuou In the current issue, re- presenting General Woleeley, saying to the Duke u1 Cambridge, "1 have to re- tire from my costumed in September, to which the Duke replies, "Dear me, I haven't." Loudon. May 9. -Sir Fleetwood Ed- wards has beau appoiuted keeper of Her Majesty's Privy Pure and Oul.Begge has been made the Quest's Private Secretary in the room u1 Sir Har) Po.souby, w'o bas resigned his office on account of ilt- be•lt h. of ten c abnormal growth as to put completely In the shade all Mintier Infant prodl- glen of the past or present. .These verl- able Brobdignaglan youngsters are boy and girl. The elder. Master Clem- ment Pmedat, In 15 years of age and weights no less than 420 pounds 130 menefons their activity 1e remark*ble. for they trip and skip about with all the agility of other children of an .equal age. It is an astonishing sight to see these infant [mountains of huf%.nfty romping about in the country lanes with other children of the village. One would Imagine them to be the offspring of a ser of giants• so high do they tower over the heads of their little playfel- ■ eeebere eeabve trent Lapse .r Messer, Loudon, May 9. -During the reception of the Natinued Liberal Club haat even- ing it was generally remarked that Lord Rookery looked pale and wearied. The tapas of memory from which he sd- fered, causing him to lose the thread of his argument, lasted several minutes, in spite of the fact that be was repmtedly reminded by Earl Spencer and Camp- be11-Bannerman. Meanwhile the Premier gamed about him in a dosed sort of way that was painful to sae. When be recovered himself be was triclioed to end his re- marks thea and there, but be was per- suaded to proceed, *htoh he did with great effort. Some ascribe his condi- tion to the use of drugs. Lord Roeebery's physician issued a bulletin in the afternoon, stating that the Premier was suffering somewbat from fatigue. Greenway Adminiwtrnt;rrw. in the Public Accounta thin morning there weal a new over a denote' for and refugia! t.. supply particulars of Miele - /tem' traveling expenses. Mr. lwly's ex- penses ul $134M) lor,uso 1hr text for 11r. Mul•ick'e demand for detailed *g- roupie. Masers. Foster, llsggp•rt, PM - met, Daly. Caron and Wood were pre- ens*. Mr. Floater opposed any demand for detail. of Ministers' expenses. A long di.rnriun eneurd, in the course of which ••nquirira about the Government ear, In which Ministera traveled all over the Cuntineut, were mole, fool shout, trips t.. }:ngbind, eke P.n•diir Slope and Paris. Mr. Somerville mid that Waisted', ought to make a cent breast d it, ted. contended that Minister.' expenses while} traveling on public humin,+ •b..u1d bet auMei ttee' to the Andit,r(ener,I before 1a•.ug Amid and produced before the come ' motes.. I1 there wan something wrong, and something to cotwen!, the Ministers were m4IiHe+ting it by refusing to se -1 Nowt Inv their eap.en.s. Mr. Feeder sa11 that when he• travel - al to Mn Frantisr° his ear wee hauled free by the railway. Mr Ilaggart said that hr i.! part , of his official expenses out of his o*N pocket wben he went to the Southern 7•t•ats5 in the ear Jamaica. Nothing was • hedged to the public. Mr. Somerville : Conlesei.ms sur.• new in order r Theo r.rmark mad.It 11 t sire se•.., .su is •• •xer.ed snares, how tell - ed Mr tl neervill. a li.. Sr. Dayton sprain, to bis feet sed ler► tested that i1 they were to call each ether Bars arras the table tests would be as •*d to ene.ncJ ad order Mr. Faster hen asked the 4mi/ aes le to g, with the b*sieses, but Nr. j}vles1 •eplale.d i1 the nooses Vlslst.r es dr..... that-- He gnf en fartker, Sof w. B•4Rart got •p sod said t " I tunpwr t lir •• m,ret what eh • 4 • that IUs taw ttllm•e.e w Weead K m asses "Great Scott ! I put through a terrlbk night !"--%Vhat eras the trouble T" "I thought I'd borrowed 15 and woke and found It • dream." -Chicago Inter Ocean. *11eM.d. "What 1e this T" exclaimed the prima donna, as she crumpled the printed sheet. threw It upon the floor. and stamped upon It. "What is the matter. my dear ' ask - •i. her husband. "A brand of piano 4--^ f+een placed on the market without my knowledge. and 1 have not written a teetlmnnlal saying It is the finest instrument i here ever used. This in the first time such a thing Las happened. and It le an insult" - Detroit Free Prams. fon prrceediug to the orders Ill the day I desire to say that when making the House to adjourn until the present data it will be witbiu the reeoltecttuu of members I stated that a view of the gravity of the questium involved in the consideration of the Sabo of Remedial Order cummuuicated iu His H000rs mem sage of March 56 last, we would retake sttlferient time to comridsr the same. 1 am now about to amk the Home to order a furtber adjoereamet to Juan thy next in order that WNW essedsratilns may be had. u making I am aware, Mr. Speaker, the motion that the Home do mow mtl- [ am asking the iudulgmsu d the House because tasking the motion it would require, if my bolsuiable friends opposite insisted, that 1 .held gees, lo- tus, As it is not the intention of the Government to proceed to other bosoms until tbie matter is disposed of. 1 dr sire to move now, if then is no o jectt w Ag that for Hoose do now mdj to Thea CLUB Na •ie8a date meot;oned A. F. Martin, member for Morris, pro- ips•eLv.r. tltstrsmg Rawls)" Ise the Nat - tested against further pustpouiewate lrede ss Ralmy Ra la espreially am the Guverataeot gave ao 10. -Thos lel particular 11`4100D, theretore, he claimed. Rat Portage, Ya ggoo as one of the Roman Catholic minority, I fever" in the Rainy a district o1(aa- that some statement should be made of ; oda is assuming etttrmoua proal rtioan their intentions. Mr. Martin cuutiuoed • F.tgbt small sections of tend iu that speaking until 6 o'clock. reading copious couut7 wen l4 two days ags age mias@ lull extracts from and ridiculing Attorney comet •goer General Siflon's speeches during the HSM opened on aa,► of teem- *b dimand campaign. The purchases, were Americans, At the evening session Yr. Martin cos are making Kresge/smuts for the int - tinned his speech, mod was followed by mediate development of their property. Mr. Prendergast, who regretted the It lies along the Seine River, • stream Government had fennel it necessary to ll the which wN ► sprang already =earthed in front a further adjournment. Attorney -General Hilton said the Rem- ' ley through ,,kick it bows. e4ial Order as submitted by the Domain- 1 The great stir ceased by the discovery ion Government involved a return to the of gold en the Rainy Lake coaote, (est old sellout system, ae.1 this they did year first brought the district into prom - not purpose to do. There were also a imam. Since teen better locations have great many other phases of the clues- luso foetid up the Seine. liep,rta of tion, and further time must be taken for still richer finds upon •0 island in Big consideration. Mention Lake, which is • sheet of water The question was then put, "Shall =mated with Rainy Lake, have got the rules be suspended?" There was no Mimerushin` Into this countrybyosp prospectors way of aDe- re drelare•yl voles, and the Leg;el►tare wase hath is large numbers, and it certainly declared adjourned to Jew 13. i conal, some of the richest deposits el a gold ever 10und- e[t►reftN,AtM mit IN i[rti. -- - - --- The Leglataten ArAkose s flew s Week Te 176.& S 11010C111141114.1LMra6eItiG- /ear fres 6041*. `` 61*4 2..pss4 prows u1 veru .1 she 61- St. John's, Nfld., May 10.-Tbe Legisle- I ml8mtse tun met yesterday and adjourned for 1 Neer York, May 1L-Brad.treet's says *easiest es the welted rause. Thorold, May 9.-Merb damage was done by the .t.ambarge Jack, belonging to the Calvin Conspauy, King.too.wbich carried away five lock -gates in the new canal bore *bout 4 o'clock (his. morning. The barge was coming up light, and the engineer is supposed to have mistaken the signal mad run ahead instead of back- ing up. TLerin•b of water did e.ieidensbl•e mass. moa meso re Lae mainline of the Grand Trunk, covering thei,traek at the entreat* of the tunnel for two or three hundred yards to the depth of two or three feet. It also washed the road bed inside the tunnel badly. Traffic will be delayed on the main line for kw days. The trains are running on the Welland division, via Allanbsrgk Junction, to the Fella. Navigation on the canal will likely be delayed until Sunday or Monday. 6/641'* TATA& NWT •heM1am ee Near, No 0.114.4 tits Vitae Tan 614 94.rs1.0* luwa. (het., key 9. -Abut 9 o'clock this morning Aylmer Maas. an 11 -year - obi boy, while flourishinga revolver. shot Anthony Gagers, aged year.. Claw was evidently tay ieg to ..acre lla.ro.,without thinking the revol- ver was loaded. The hail entered t8. sem And took ata M. the blue o1 the .14.11.The boy will die. RAIL 5111104131111,1111241•11. Lege rhe Glrerslmye0 re Dns Seae/m0kmes 10 _Lord Danehery w(B 17, . ispwtatkmt from of Coleuses. 91 the rte imemeau.m *n Adage Loadon. May rewrite nit the Aseoele whe wu1 ente4 Whipsathe tOttaitsw* by da t i•h M v hie typort d es - Ottawa MA Wil. Tntsent meows. Tomato. May 10.-!flour-M•rlee•t firm. Straight robot, are quoted •t 43.80 to 34.60. Toronto freighta hese-The &Mind Is Inactive sad prices no si •bout 014 on track. Shorts 018 minium 17.50. Maness lova o Chairman Orr of tk. C.W.A. pacing Board &mounces in hie weekly bulletin the following sanctions: May 54 -Berlin, two open chum A. evesta. J. H. Roos, Waterloo, timer. May 26-Kiugatoo, lour class A and four class B eleoma. J. Laidlaw, Brock- ville, timer. Sept. 2 --Rambler" Belleville 6 class A and B events. G. J. Hoskins. Peter bre, timer. Minima Gideon bas approved of the Canadian loop of the LA.W. Cireait am promulgated last week. Ana.. s. nainel es. Almost Passes Belief Kr. Jae. Z. Nicholson, rlors*o vale, B. a.. • les tor Seven Long Year• with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND Is CUILXD >♦T AYERS Sarte- parilia Mr. likltohnn says: "I ennsulted doe - tors who pica. shedler Mr,but to ao petpo.t 1 the mower began to Eat into the Flesh, spread to my ehln. and 1 sugared 1* agony for ..-,rn lona lean. Yinalq, 1 began t:t►,ell Were. rirrsaparttla, la a week w twr. 1 uoticed a Decided Improvement. Encouraged by th1.1 result. 1 pees vered, min is a month w so the etas under my ehiu began to heal. in Ogee mouths my HP began to heal, and, alter ptng for lemma r le N mmist. eke fast trace of tie Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. AIMS'i PILLS D.gele4. W Dssseke flame 41r- r a*LisL Trimidmd. Ods, May 10. -An expiation a coal dost title morning in Mims lies 10 math at Pope's. sear this place, resulted le the nabbed. death of hoar men, two tg whom were• track cleaners tnetsaad il*. two *►•- terms. Mimi lea Beret if 1a• W.t1i 'Vetve••w ts of 14 accepted the Chi ceII I' k;p a Wales .ewly-tormed Weal University. th l Animportant debate a• Gollaral trade report from the Can►diaa another week. carred, in which the prospects for con- ' Dotaiaion are exeeptiooa1ly lavorebk. federation were considerablyenhanced ' omato repo that advances in too,cot- segar leather and wheat have in - Premier N'hitew iy mask an ufIirial an- erou thee, Iemand,bNpcd culleetior and noutieentent of the condition of the eon- era•td buuysnt leeliug. 'Itse opeul.g federation negotiations. Ile announced d navigation in Montreal and advents@ that the delegates had nut yet received Ile r and whisky, due to thrift • reply to their ultimatum irons the Do- 1 ' are additional factors. g ebec dry shoe manufacturers are doing• Goverumeut. Premier Wbiteway Se tea and New Brmw- tot telegraphed Premier Rowell last Tees - Whist -Demand fair and prior gener- a11y firm. White wheat firm at 113o. n..rtk 4.7 night, urging the ieemeity for • end west. No. 1 Manitobs herd sold at prompt reply. Premier &,well answered 00c weal, lake send ell. Tat Wimlad price that he would valet hi. answer at the at fort William Is Me. first able moment. Is quiet and prime un- [ , eYaagwd No. 1 Is quoted at 18c and No. Premier Whiteway believes it unwise 1 at 46c. demand ps tale an.l 1:r1Ms t°, terminate the negotiation. at this oa■- Id at 3b 1.2c north uatture. He urged the incense import - rate flea and alert. an• Oars on track a•minal at 3.c, (.tare o1 the country, and the dsll.eultlr p'ewr-TM market 1a firm. *lib •ales ..p1- of the present position. He stated that •Idle, west. st ba tis, 61.•. it was the umuuniom decision of the Gov- Bye.-tNterlogt smr11 sa4 pr1.v notional rnment party to proloug the period o1 at about 58c. f ei w waltlug, w as to give the Dominion Cabi-asenDisle B -Bed ens weer dull sod net time to arrive at a decision. Mr. _ _ - , Whiteway avowed himself se ardent sweagbte Later• Salsa.-uofederate, and bad breu so all hie life. He believed that coufrderattou on The eld [neo, muffled b the ears. wan advantageous terms the beat thing pr- one div last Febra ry shovelling away the sibie for the country at this juncture. snow is Harlear. The pitiless storm howl- is At tbe teca received me t time, a lee said, in Govern- ed dismally throegh his whMken. Sod by meat this next week hie Oovernmeut is was r mid u any mea ;n / hriataasdeei. prepared to bring in a scheme for 'My dear,' came a voice from the upper d,.atie ret reirhment, providing for wiedow of the next hour, etnWomie. in ,very department of the 'Bosh' he shrieked book. "Let ret. Lionel public service. I1 Yl intended to floris- t's. base ' " and he want oe shovelling. sad ceruse eke tariff ao sus to provide foe down slammed that window. mewls for meeting all indebtedness. The intruduetlon of this, he intintated,would White w I lgnot.,l a 34r, anee of the subject. 1ts bearing on the raxerd •11 an our Iter the •Irene vole. came constitute the virtual abaadnnment of from that sae window is .arses[, pleading Confederation, and further, stated that teem. I tb, colony would not submit to iisol- "Mv dear !veocy and that it would strive to work wea "Well, whet on earth de you l 1" he net its own destiny. ohoeted. '1e the boas on Gro" Mr. Morris. Dur of the delegates. eor- 'Ne, Jetta-' welled the vete.. '1h. hon.. i• rwbr•ted Mr. Whiteway, end stewed ell richt, but yes'n o,e the wren per. the Iatr Government .f wrecking th. matt. it'. sur wighlcr's pay.m.at yes are I b _•. Milting He mid that the White - Thr sur mon than three memth'•1°, bet' the, fullest responsibility of the pm. - the dormers my that he is act out of danger,' tion. yet Nr. Scutt. R.eeierr -General, followed fa a Smiler strain. and charged the T. Mae • Thole geek rimer. Aoodtidge Government with •zpendiag I(•t1. ark •ltd bi1N 1. warm I early ball a a111ion dofar wbtbwe wat.r to he ionone d b1 geld tats, isi legal s.tbority. alms tb•t tb p.blle ae- *ousts .how a .lumrnrefal gr•dsring Miotics. Rub with • 01101115 (.Oats At of public moneys by that A4mioi.trstime M It apply to the seek IDIOM d e.sa .tl•r . Them --Morgs - -114116--..--4*miud lop - imolai" or tha 1•.e1iae plain you esa hey ' the replewrtative el the IW a6vsrs- a *eke of the seem ter 10 sesta, sod • box mdnLt► at lahia welima rsfor le .sots. This fools the ttwo !raw 1 w wMb{i sMrwl sat b. 1 A seas of eel liver .il week help I d On.f.d•Mat1 is will b• ombmittd to r seek. As .Te.11eat seethed ts ins- the ,I.rtarot*. This t-edlica Bear L nth pewee we 11_!".•_111 nsltsf that the Ohres*gpst Met d tins piampm•e. ilmby low a me.snte tkeoegk tis. the It M mom that e. ala JN ttsldi Ti13•itld la 46. meat VA glebe reale deep la Ammar is Ise wt ate' 'foreleg.' chug vernment w.a prepared to Revive mMPMi to to giar wick report • Lir volume of trade, •sed Newfoundland a vuccetafnl .eat I;skery. Sank clearings at Winnipeg, Hamiltes, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax equal 131,442,000 this week, n gnin of about 14 per cent. over last week, 6 per tent. ever the like week of last year, 9 per east. over 1898. and 8 per cent. over the week in 1892. The total of 27 hastiness Iwilure* in Canada this week is contrasted with 86 last week, 30 •ear aro, 27 two roanago, and with Se three years ago. Jape N.0 berlre-makers 8m mawell Washington. May 11. -Mr. Kuria*• Jap.,n rs Miuister to the United spates. has takes the trouble to deny a stele- sent tabsant circuited under a Bea Prameiseo date, relating to probable disturbance. la Hawaii to he Mitigated by the Ja Mines resideata of those islands. Mr. Kuria') characterised thew wtatamsnta as ensued and rid;ealous is the extreme. The Japanese in Hawaii, he says, are or- derly mad indestriose people. Most el them see farmers mad none of them have received military teasing. They have prospered in tbat country Mad have no disposition to interfere In its affairs. T1s rights amid privileges a the►, polities are guaranteed by the treaty and the preeeat Goveremat of Bawaii bat been Informally rwogeind ie .'ansa. DCHASES KIDNEY - LIVER PILLS CURE BACK -ACHE ONE Pio .1) ISE zscAAX Ot*C1114i 62410 TO OTTAWA. ittul..M • resister sad A01.raey 0eme.ir Tett rear.r with the 6.441,•.► 61111011111 -*Y11 '•.e(•' se Those Thews. Winoipes, Kay 11.-Attol'Mr) liemsrd g iftun wad Premier Greenway will lea'. for Ottawa seat week in eomseetios with the school question. it lo .sd►r,tnod they have ben sum - ▪ b7 Lord Aberdeen to discus the 6medial Order, hat Stational seloorl este p.rtaro mad di *Violators y haw net the Mast abaadoalag thole position. It was ta. ae*, they a adjoin" ten. la trho the •ommaede of the Goverssr-bs6ewl, bel be e a set *bums their soevistiess. One sr h. hose e. ei um than Aries Stir Visor M .5 *,heli onsepogoi Nor.. m so fa s. ease oho e tlefmae Ie1r 11< ;t'{y its the iii, My drss.0 The Fremoh %roes i. Moderation have takes the town of N•r nater, after • deep.,- ate tight is *bleb the Preach troops um - dueled themselves with great brilliancy. 11.e preparations foe the Revd Aoa.1eay exhibuuu ars complete. 1 h.r. ar.• 100 *torts ready ter ezhrbi►lua. Fifty of then, .r. ,leeeribrl by tee maim se weeks of art, and the net as labors of iedustry The tariff ob•ems took the Sugar re- fineries completely by surplus. The Spring so at Matt for Mont, mi is 1 ,haa weal sod if u he heaver had bees dela,•d • few soaks lunger it wooed have meant thesnta& of dollen to the rebuses. n Ten people oat of • donee .re iova:ids.- says • recent medical authority. At Ms@e eight out of these tee, it k safe to allow. •n suffering from some form of Need -dis- ease which • persistent em of A7ye rr • tiolfee- pmeilh would be ism ho ours. 111•.. des'[ be es invalid. BRISTO i PILLS 1 Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. snisTOLFs PILLS Arc Purely Vegetable, elegantly Sugar -Coated. and do not gripe Or sicken. BRISTOVIS PILLS imi* r Ret gently but promptly and thoroughly'. "The safest family medicine. All Druggists keep