HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-2, Page 7TAE SIGNAL GODERICH OY". T t'HTTRRT)AY. MAYS lei. For 20 Years the fur-nub•‘,t Snaking Scott's Etnuls'ou has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world No secret about it. This is one of its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the seard slrrwgt'k it gives. §s22:11 mulsio nourishes. It does more for weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind of nourishment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and re- stores stores health to all suffering front Emaciatioi• and General Debility, For Coughs, Coeds, Sore TMMmt, Bron- chitis, Weak Lungs, Conswspylis Slood Diseases and Loss of Figfle Mena INw% Ses.sal. 111111110111 w. &p ALIfTLE OF EVERYTHING!. The sates el children. No thought or essw, u*aotishod The kw of ohtkireo b, Ines, No •tier taste of bitter 'bio.., No tearful proyer for pesos dented. No shadow of nmol.. wings, No seem of Mike worth end pride --- Rat from .herr lips 000tentmeat springs. The kiss of children wakes Tie hope of **dimes better thiar.. It stirs our been., till memory .loss Of oar lest Iuoeceo.e end takes Us by the hand --that obildlike clings Te tars - along her paths end makes Us ashler for the truth .bet break. The dream tise hiss of children boas. -Elutes G. Regere in N. 1 . M..vt*. a Cb.age el Twee. "Mo' rate: ! Yo' rest ' Rainy day. 1 lake d. best' Me rainMo' rest' 011111111110 stay in de lazy nest'" So song Jim as down the iso. He trudged 'mid showers of .cony rain, K.owtng well ss his honest heart Tb•t rat* sad work were tar apart ; Rut, upyiog • .1e Mors'r' in the door, He sang his son of rest oo more ; Rat moo .gain, to higher key, Hi simple, artful melody ; "Mo' ram ' Ilio' gr... Make di steer swatch at last ! Mo' rain' Mo' oe'n' Crib, she'. bust.'' .be's you bo'. •." - - W dlmm Thor.ton Whitest,. W1nesN As We Gat When troubles rise, like Moods in skirt, Aa' a' things eons 11110111, iKeep up your hart. Meech ira.s's deport. Noe ane t. that to dream' The w.ske.t Scan ue •' the Ian' I. he that Stan nos toe, Trust emir in eel( thee frien's or pelf, As' whtt.tle se ye go ' 4.110.—Jus' whustle to yenel' my man, Some .anus tune ye ken, The deli hinted' can't .tan' the spall, . r honest wbtsthe' roan [Here whistle- Ronnie Duette* ' '] Should love beguile, just wait awhile, There's geld fish to the sea, The fickle laud may get nae lad. The'u no the lass for thee ' Tut' time to think so' to • blink The rwbt lass ye will see : Jtr' whnatie sum. an' she will Dome WI' love Ikht in her tie 1 Cho. - Jae' whustle to Terve my man, Some cantle tune ye ken, The dell Ioniser cosi stall' the spell, 1)' honest wbeetlue mea ! [Hen whistle--' My love she u but • lassie yet ' Some married oleo, as ye may ken, Re's sometimes cause to sires A 000ldtn' wife may vex his life, As' out the hoose he'll flee' Rut don't do that, like frtobted at, But tale• advice free me, Re .poo (sin se take the wean, As' gym she'll trunk the tea ! OW—She canna %hustle like you, ttutd- iriaa ! An' that ye brawly ken ' flat she can sling an' comfort ,ring To homiest whuatlip' men. [ Hen sin, - 1 here's see luck •boot the home,' etc 1 The g.atsted its. I have kissed the trirb in pigsty, Aged from tree year old to twenty, Karam better (.r .ban bossy. I can ate w!�thuir .weetnem yet. But far dearer than the kisses Jr'AGrven nes by kindly aiaaes, 1e tb..yer verdant saem'ry of a kiss I did not get. For ems wirsme little fairy, With grams so light and airy, Kept ae ever fosdly neyeng, 1'n whirrs Bat s llestth .0.. Wyly vanbb d With the gift for which I faaiehud. Aad she left see sadly soaking for the knee I did sot get. Reads, tarda tido diegromien— Does pursuit or does ptsesseien The greater pleasure being ! I really ma pet say, .ad ye 1'v. forgotten m•ay mime. Who bestowed es me their king.., )tat Pll always reeolee the girl whim king 1 did not get. New of coarse there i. • mord in this simple .tory, foe stn Those iedi cr.et muss ladies, who will .omitmash rs�e That they gave tb.ir Seng freely. for they find • lover really remember mare they all the rest tate kite be did net grit —(Sisage Hw•ML CRISP AND CASUAL able.*Bisset seek MO bow t. the torah �» poverty et Me tiWlr h inesrable. Man res.hes 4 Itis Meg send bang hi. feeling - A Taasg boy i - se .tad Ste a romp Mese. Mas may hold • MI Med errl be tee week to Mond pat A td i. wrdy • sir method el geNlsg than eme Is rise end em.et tibmetiwes b • t mbar .'be never dela Allem M ethers isy ef bis prem. Os•.w.Yngng *Well s.eesery le me, • May geed es•mpls far hie ott.bb.r's children as a matte. of salt-deteeoe. Tte yueue mar who takes oars of his geed uW e.otiwr else ran of hamelf. Good c1ara,:ter may met owe • penalty, but he veloys it as much as if it were • re- ward. (Jraideals are w much beton than we are that we haus as Inst • lifetime to wbsrh to work up to them. RAM HORN BLASTS. When the wicked hold office the devil rule, the town. An oath tie the ho a the devil's doer plata The devil likes to see people play at re- ligion. "Vito sp+der probably thinks that the bee is a foot. The man who stifles his liberality chokes h's reitgaou. Tee mission of trouble is to show us that we n,•1 .Cud. The am. who walk. with t;o,l mu.t do ti with cle... feet 1 be dnv.I .o,n runs from the wan ev .•so' drtour•i,e. 1Cuww• ..0 he it. Jv t it a beat trivet' pa his were'.. Lbt my. Mien •,k.sa reached the masses he first prayed all usgbt. To know some people te • standing invita- tion to be good. The man who rides • hobby will not be sieve that the world u big- to..0. .. the eeee.egone/v of gone/ rbRttt te..• ess f lionto the woods wad hearts of the ragtag 1 ut A Irsadred years ago woes's missionary sasNn iaes weu*k.owe ; today there are tssarh thirty such societies is America institutiveMass, with institutive thousand sandier. oo is.. etribsuat .early two Million dullest. smweally ler salwdiq tae gespel mesasmesasthe SCOTTISH HUMOR. • 1 wonder,' said • bonnie lass, 'What sees our Jock eis the lassie* to make him Tike them see wool' Fur rorty rtundo., l do. me tie lad for the lasses the' ever 1 saw ' Tastes differ.' 'What does 'et nihil Whit fit' mean asked • Highlander of • village school ntaeser. 'Wool, Doosdata!d, 1 data mead the d literal trae•uee, but it just means that ye conn• tak the breaks otf a Htelaaduean'' Two tourists, d.d... a Highl•ad shop• herd lying on s hill, thought ,o have some sport out of his rusticity. 'lou hove • tine viehere.' w he.' said they, you can see • leri war; '011. eye. • forty crest way ""lou o. will re able to see maim from bore " t 'Further than that,' said Desi& •js*t welt till the mute meg awe, Neelyea% nes the ur mune '' What tete church needs, is not belto presubuig, but bett,r practice. No oleo makes a wrong investment who gives as much as Cod expeots. (.od end the sale .n keeper ere never on the same aide of any .iueettoo. Too many people are trying to be lints ti•os without the help of Christ. A lie knows that it must either hide or die when the truth get* oo it. track. Christ is still reaching out • helping band to those who ars down. The smiles that octant ler Christ ere those that begin in the heart. Comparing ourselves with somebody else won't make our sinning any safer. 11 hurts the cause of Christ to point to the crow with • frown oo the limes. The more • man loves God the less it hurts him when he isn't treated right. The devil has bees able to put • moo who woe all for God in • hard place. Whim • man gets too grist to do small things, he become* too small to be greet. The devil's reps is around the neck of Site man who thinks he can dtisk et let it alae. — -_-- There are some communities i. whish Solomon would pot have been c*ol0idered smart. The devil keeps many in homage, besides he nap stoke • rope of sad look like an iron table. A stem thrown *taught at the devil is pretty apt to bit some pohticiaa square is the tows. CHILDREN'S SAYINGS - Mrs Meek, • yost.g-looktog, middle-aged Lady had been away for some time, tied Dame tack much improved to health. Amoog the people who noticed the improve r meat was her smell nephew. " Why, auntie,'' he laid, " ht w ince you look. Why, when you wept sway. you looked as if you were • hundred years old ; and now, he added, se he surveyed the fresh, youotr•looking face before him, " you look quite • little lees than • hundred." MIXED PIOIt11S Traveler (inquiring at famous oast lel— Can I gag the antigsites today' Ser -ant -1 am afraid sot, sir. My lady and her daughter have gone to town. Household '1 oew 1e, Castro, the - magician, make • 420 gold mew dwpp.•r in three minutes.' •Tbot's &ethane. You ought to rte my wife vette with . $20 bill ata church bazar.'— At- tests' .I ouroaL ' Oh, Georgie' Laura, dearest, I'm so —" Stop where you ars, George ! I'm ever so glad to see you, of counts, but I lust will out have my sleeves rumpled "— Los Angeles Times. ' I do not like big women,' said the heed. lees geotlemman sitting pert to an unusually tall lady et disaer, and then, .eeiog his blunder, he added, 'At least, when they are young. -- Tit•Rats. • I say, doctor. tell me - what the ditTerssoe betwese the grip and • cold really u'' Dr. Pills.. On • ooeridential tonsil--Thedoctor's fees. P.opte don't tall • physician for • oold. fle Courser. • My wile,' complained N. t'eck, in an outburst of confidence, ' keeps me is hot water all the time.' And •11 the other pas- sengers in the car looked at him is shivering envy.—Iodi•o.poh. toured. ' Why does Bliggtne always toast on his wife being o-eewt when he makes • politic. al speech" ' Hum -1 meet it's the only time he enjoys the eatisi•ctios of having her do the lista.iag.'-- Meshinggtoo Star. Little Sister -- Any new studies this term` Little Brother—Om, Flocutioo. . What's that " ' 11's le.rnin hoe to read • thing so it will woad as if you was at the other end of • drainpipe.' --good News. Mr. Rjo.es--Don't you thick Johnnie is getting too big to be • msgeseger bey` MR Biomes—No; 1'4 rather keep him there, be- cause there is no dower of his getting into fest oompamy. --Philadelphia Record. ' Do you think • girl ought to learn to 000k before she gets married'' asked the practical man. 'Ye.,' replied the dyspeptic friend ' Either that, or *Ise she ought to be wittiest not to try.' -- Wasbiegton Star. Dwyer—You say the p- risoner stole your watch. What diotingu.hisr feature was them about the watob ! Witess—It had my sweetheart's Mature is it. Lawyer—Ah, I sem A woman in the teem —Troth. ' I'm so sorry supper isn't reedy,' said Mss Dinsmore to her husband wale be ma* is. I .tt..ded the nseeti•g of the ..arafternoon,icircle this afternoon, and I sande% get sway.' n Hemmed is, went yes !' asked her y VARIETIES. Uanstsatly iso.eei.g w.•ltb--.e aster how shimmed—assrtg.d ter milli par�me.. a the manses of tar arestry. i1e ri.b f..1'e tate melt to be • ~Wag.Ss ie everyone hte laying sip treasure be gar hsaif, sod The Menge et • man's maitre sengstbaee abaiem hie sedum. A rich plaster dews dank, wham asked how Meg slam he hems M And tberpreesure et the eltligailea to bap t0s eelliftisig the me�aae. asewered : 'Ever slang I beeesa. • m ' we haw Me heart of Maas es wail se we INmapmer wak and wee h!y esttembe. d vt j an their wtmngsdiep. era would he hMtet t. swears thong hr ahrr Mares Te the swam of jmdg�t�teIt mediae M tetth- Asei las Era& NM d • emMag. er washout, arab le is thee.ik sad • searwt r .•.ked tole w91 lap d tits stet ler gee- awMuma few L dime I0i. yew " Shall 1 get • half ticket for Edith'" asked the father of that little person, as he took out hie puree at the station. .. No, 1 do* t think it will be necessary." answered hie wife. " She's ouch a little tot of stilts that although, of coarse, she's over age, think 1 neo smuggle her through. Now rat sp clot. to mamma," she added, later, drawing the child to her end *eresdiee out her own ample draperies, and the oouductor pawed en with hardly • gleam at the little figure clout beside the big one. " Mamma," cried Edith, ae soon as the man was out of sight, " u that what you meant by smug,l- img me through'" 1)oo't you think I lock sweeter than I toed to look'" •eked Kyelyo i• most original little mortal) of her former nerve. " Why, yes," answered the tatter " Ito you know west makes it demanded the ehild. " No, my dear, whet is it'" and the infant answered : •• Tbourht. of Jesus and the oew way 1 wear my hair." Little leabelre amtber had very iajudi- ciouoly allowed the child to drink weak tea with her m..J. ic.ss•d of milk. Ove day Iosboll was taken out to lunch at. • friend's house, and the friend, dreaming that the child could driek anything other than milk, placed it before her is • breed, low, fancy cup. The child gazed at the milk is Elmo* for • wbtlo, sad then astonished her hostess by remarking disdainfully, •' I sr. no cat." Helen had been te.•ing for permission to go to daacing school, and had been refused. " Rut why can't 1 go asked the child. " Because there are so many other things that I have to do for you, dear," her mother answered, " 1 cannot afford any more," " But can't I rive up something else .' the child persisted. '• Why, 1 know," u an idea flitted across the brain of this embryo woman of the world : " I will give up ('hrutien Vodesvor !"—Naw ] ark Tribune. Absent 11111. 0•11. There is an Illinois eosgresam•n who is • trifle absent minded. His friends tell • story about him:which exasperates him so thst he has threatened to kill the very next perm who repeats it. That only proves that it is true, you know. However, this Y the story. The conereesm•n was welkin. along • Chissgo street Doe day when he wits stopped by • beggar. The congressman—you know how tender hearted congressmen are—wept down into his pooket. He looked at the beggar sym- p•th.tically as he headed him • half dollar. "How long have you been dumb!' hegask- 'Twenty years.' said the beggar. 'Dear leer me ' dear as murmured the coogr.wman. ea he walked cm. 'Isn't that dreadful ' Dumb twenty years.' And thea the point dawned on him. VI ashingto. Net. ed (.*.deur. in She wed Nome. The little son of G•sersl Crittenden was devoted to kis father's war-horse, that wee tamed ter the illustrious John .i. Crittenden, of Kentucky, the "hild's grandfather. He asked hie father to tell him of • retreat be made during the war, but at • oset.in point maid : ' Father, were yea ea John J !' Be- ing answered affirmatively, the youagetsr slid down from the paternal knee, sad was toddling off es fast as his little legs meld carry him, when his father said • Where are you going, my son"• ' Father,' he said, turning and showing • face full of reproach, • John J. never would have retreated if yea hadn't turned him 'toned.' The game boy grew to manhood, and died with hie foes to the foe with ('cuter sad his mea ee the Little Rig Horn. 1.seme Wile&'. emirate. After Hilary Wilson's first election to the United State. Senate, he gave his treenail • droner. The tails was set with est .se waggles. epos it. 'Whore are the games!' asked several of the gg•engngtkss.wily. '(i�ti.ssoe,' said Yr. Wilma, 'you kaow my friendship for you sed my obligation to yea Great as they are, they are net greet eseagb to make ms target 'the reek whams I wee hove •d the pit wham I was deg.' Sane el yea kens how themes. .f intent memeadewed my youth. That i miyDt .ways I Sed teem my early serreesdi•sa Per whoa i w I an indebt- ed, .der fled, be sty teesperanee veer sad my adherents' to ft. Otil Le wbM yN wast to sat, and M this head ems p avid. it, it den be is1bsgsiap , bat wines and Piquet. =meet elute M this MM. with sty eeemet, Masse, I will esu greed is the path of smear the snare teem whisk i bare , Three roma" .haws Mewed the brsye Sseasr that uta admire the as. wae.has the satraps d kis emtvleeleas. He d1rwerds fa1IW els Aim of Tib. President et the Mohd State Men fevers lad Misr epideole sea tweed, satiny lies ie is.Ntyrie}g theease ms ma Mss with Ayer'. �meeth le the meet Moer- .hM M rest .' wMsmvs. ding.. he I nsiing In the i. lib wise iearm 7 DELICIOUS MAZAWATTEE TEAS, 15,000,000 Packets Sold Aiiully la Grote Brtttl! The Tea of the Old Country, 11 1 LB. AID LB. LEAD PICIBTS IT 40, 50, IID 60 CUTS PBI LB. SOLD I:Y— C. A. NAIRN, H. E. SNELL, "' STURDY BROS. New a Wilde was wen. IN 1882 Mr. iabouchere. • relative of the pretest V.P. of that name, was clerk in the banking house of Hope, of Amster- dam. One day he was gest by his parent.. to Mr. Bering, the selebnted London banker, to augotiate • loan. He displayed in the affair so much ability ea to entirely win the esteem and contideaoe of the banker. 'Faith,' said l.sbouchere one day to Rar- iag, 'your daughter is • eharmang creature. 1 wish I meld persuade you to giro me her heed. ' 'Young man, you are joking ; for seri- ously you must allow that Mise Baring could never become the wife of • simple clerk.' Rut,' said Mr. L•bouchere, 'if 1 were in partnership with Mr. Hope"• 'Oh, that would begun* • differect thing; that would entirely make up for .11 other degmeecies.' Returned 10 Amsterdam, iabouchers stud to his patron : 'You must take me into your partoer- att. y young fr...d, how can you thick of geek . thing ' It is inipeesible. You are without fortune, and -- - 'Rut if I become the son•io-law of Mr. Baring'' 'In that case the affair would goon be settl- ed, sad you have my word.' Fortified with them two proteges, 1.•- boaobare returned to Rowland, and two months after married Miss Rami., betimes Mr. Hope bad promied to take him into p.rtneship,and he became allied to the hoose of Hope ea the strength of that promite of marriage. T1s a■dtvtdnet nus. A great evil has hose developed by the use of the 'individual eel% in the aertma- • THE WEAK LINK ire urc W eseng A NealACT10 COLD est.. ...«o.e Pear eserrandin. SINAI( N k Csti w1 TINI Pyne- Pectoral THm QUICK CURB oouoAp, cotes St.ONONI ..1, eeeeeswop•, w►•. Vas. Seam. • et IN8I8T Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. See they are stamped thus: '11,12111111P PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1 884. be. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS SO STAMPED. SPRING MILLINERY ! S629B CAS=ON wishes. 10 .unaunce to liar rustollters and the lathes of l:uderi.•h and sur- roun.iing country that she has placed in stock all the new, I. .piing f.•:liiotte, broth iu Shapes »rad Trimmings, that have been deeigneel for this Semon it tnule ; and also that the present well assorted stock will be retie% 1 from week to week throughout the Sees(nt. • .• Ilating adopter) the *strictly Cash system, broth in buying and selling, she is prepared to quote the lowest possible prices first chum llillinery can Le.sold for, and can .1u0te Hats from _'O etas. up. There will he no special opening Clays, but t•tt•iy day will be an opening for all who wish tasty and artistic Millinery made up in the best wanner. Thanking iiiv many patrons for past favors, I solicit a rontinuonce of save. Call and insp'a say stock. MISS CAMERON. SPRING IMPORTATIONSI We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of Ilootw and Shoes, comprising the Finest and moat Stylish Footwear that the market af- fords. In Lollies', Misses' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing exceptionally good value. In Ladies Gaiters, etc., we have s fine line which are very papular just now. Ladies', Misses' and Children's, Mutton Boots in endless variety, at prices to suit the times. in Gents' wear we have all the leading styles in Mongol•, Shell Con[ and Calf. Boy& and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy Competition. Call and seat our Ladies' White and Tan Canvas Oxfords. Wm. SHARMAN, Jr., Corner East -.t. and Square. Successor to E. 1)owxtxti. P.S.—The of our Winter Stock will be sold reganlless of cost to clear out tom -viz., the doubling of the Dumber M 35-CASiL PRIS35the oommuntcsnts. Our "lotion u that if Christie*. will not commune with ow another atter the old wsy, their fellowship is pot very clow when they oommuoe attar the new fashion. And when • pastor boast- iogly declares that the number .f communi- cants was doubled the first service atter in• trodn.•ine the individual cups, we are in- clined to think they have more of the spirit of fashion than of Christ. 1s this unright- eous judgment ' NEW BAKERY IN— G- 01) :E R 101-3:. JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton-st in Bar'rie's old stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pastry of best make. Large Loaves at 8 ctn., and small Loaves at 4c. No combination ; no extortion; but everything to suit the times and the pockets of the people. If you want Good Brand and Cheap Bread leave your orders at the New Bakery', on ilatgi!Wn Street Wending cakes a Specialty. Bread delivered to all porta of the town. -- -- 1st prize, S26; 2nd, 8I5 : 3rd, SbO. 4th, S5. 5th, S2 10 prizes of SI each 20 prizes of 50c. each. The Propn.tora of nn aladaeylau T S offer to school cbilareo the above pelican, competition open until 1st of May, for the best perm or rhyme, the initial letter of the lines reading downwards to com- pose the words 'Salada'CoIooTcas o:o— The poem is expected to he the result of the child's own thought, tl•e mime, age, address and school to be appended to each poem, also a card out of • package of t t Salada" Ceylon Tea. STURDY BROS., sommistik The Iq.0 rt aiedertrb. INITelephos. Connection. JOHN A. GRUMP. Aa Ails AWAY gar ATE NTS OAVpp�ATWpACpIt. wannk. .n� Mo1111 oiyR1oNTS. wee. theht'�•t'li a ( *1 tlfun gart®nat w T to bonsai IS n patents New Tamm. eel tarot takes tet e,1. • 1a Anniston. pebie M a notion given hes of charge eeebt before Ncihutific American =At elreenzto of wen �j 1 r. telentI Asper in ufe e ep..��i mtbe MaoN¢TOWL PATENTS! MEATS. TIME SAOSS Alli! COP IMINTS Patent see attended tned. aed o at'NODRR41Ta1 RRIM Oar Oslo* to opposite the U. A. Pete*. Of ✓ es end w 1 sae obtain Patents 1a legs time hen Bead them -emote OR DWRAWING, W e •d - we a . O CR41011billty U L1 rest • sus oaks O CNI R9 OB- TAIN PATRNT. W rsn.r fPests seater to the Pestsat r the eta xf Order Div.. and to o1•i. of the U. & t Oates. Por etreatar, &dries Meme sad refo esew to actual attests 1. yam vire Mate or Oematy, writeto c • stern a CO-. t>tireette Pstent (1Aeewee►iagtsa. D 1•u FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER RAND TauNK C-ODERIC13 TIME TABLE: IMpert....6 55 cm. (Arrive...10.SO a.. •• ....1.50 r. m. 1 m 1 " ... 1.48 r. v. " 3.45 r... -- " .. 7.40 r. v. Pureftaae your through Tickets via IThe Old Reliable Grand Trunk Line, thus a •oiding transfers anti changes. Splendid Train Service none better-. Speed, safety and comfort combined. ts Iteetnher Manitoba and Northwest Excursiona and Settlers' Trains during March and April. For particulars, rates Ac., apply to N. ARMSTRONG, G.T.R. Town Ticket Agema., (lo.terirh -Fall supply of Meta, Folders, kc., free to all. ('.II and see him. .411 information cheerfully furnished. Tats it alwl .•drake no Slitter par Coughs a•a Colds Gray's niceS rq °d Syrup Gum TIIM OLD STANDARD UMW, POR OOTi'ONS► COLDS, ASTHMA ffil ant ID A4Iams of the Lungs lea mem' rem get Ome•earrep 'l'beltar. wp�vfaw a>e ed gin • haft) SIM E COOKS BEST ERIE ND Kgulrl7 war ow * °Q - :"---v•-• fat StS'i Bali 1e, daNADA. • >K07m'['�AL