HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-2, Page 66 THS SIGNAL: GODKRi(`H, ONT.' TRSRSDAY MAY 2. Mk Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctor, Filed to Help, CURED BY TAKING AY LR'S Pect_t r eiieveuaeieeeeeme •• 1 ontracted • "WWI' e enld, which settled an my Mugs. and 1 dot what n of&en done In such eases, neglected it, thinking it would so away as it cam.: but I found, after s titter while. that the slightest exertion pawned me. 1 then Consulted a Doctor who fotmd, nn examining my Innes, that the .l tp,•r (tuft of the left otic was l.adty anerled. he tike me some me4Mlne width 1 took Jv directed, but it dM not seem to d.. any g..o.t. Fortunately, 1 hajgtcned to real to Ayers Almanac. of the effect that dyer's (:berry Pectoral bad on ethers, and 1 determined to give It A trial. After &skins s few doses try Ir.w.bte was relieved. and i. -tote 1 had an- Istied the bottle t w -as cured "'-.t. Ltrl.art, wan`hmsker, Orangeville, Out. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Pair. Aver's Pala Cairo Itseldpestfen. THE HOUSEHOLD. 1II.1.IS.. LAtr'. AVh . AKr. Or Ltatnt:\1, The habit of tilling lamps after dark is • dangerous one and should be avoided. When purchasing lamp chimneys insist upon having only thane that are clear and bright as chrystal, leaving the flecked mud imperfect ones to the careless purcbaaer. Do not seep the kerosene in the house or cellar, but locate the teasel containing it to the woodshed or other in. -buildings, for be se careful as you may some of it is s,1 times liable to be spilled, the floor is epotred sad the odor is oot pleasant. (art ons of the im• proved caw holding several g+lona, with a little faucet attached. Place located upon' beech or shelf and you have this matter under complete control. rtt,L Y%AIN... All cakes with butter in their comptsi- riots require vigorous besting until smooth after the 'four is added, or they will be coarse grained. Angel's food or cakes of thio description require that the sugar be sifted betore adding to the cake, then so blended with the other ingredients se to be easily mixed in the hatter. The melting of • large grain of sugar In the process of bak- ing will often make an air cell. Perfect blending is usually the secret of • bite - grained cake. Large cakes must be baked •lowly and smell ekes quickly. Thin cakes should be baked from fifteen minutia to twenty min- utes in • quick oven. Ordinary lost cake from thirty to forty minutes. Loaf cakes, like a pound oak.. take an hour or an hour and • half Fruit cake, several hours. .1;I..1. 4. r RI. AIR . acme,. The amateur cook is often puzzled by ap parently conflicting recipes in regard to the use of bread and cracker crumbs. It is • simple rule to bear in mind that bread mumhs should be used for frying in deep lard and cracker crumb. for dishes that aro baked. The remota for thin difference is not herd to remember -the shortening to the crackers aitrwcte grease, and they should, therefore, be brought Into this con• juncture. The same principle holds good with batter made of sour milk : one often reads recipes thus compounded, but if one tries dropping the material into hot fat, one will see how it soaks up the grease, and what tadtgestible soggy fritters are made therefrom oils. TNP eM.'111N■ 04mA•. When the sewing machine proves balky, take the machinery apart and if you and it dirty drop the mechanism carefully into trnaling aioends to which you have .dded • teaspoonful of •mmootA. When thoroughly cleansed take out •l1 the bite of works, dry them thoroughly with a warm cloth and let them tonna in • warm plane till every bit of do/mimesis hu evaporated. Now set on the stand. oil every part, adjust the belt and the machine will ria like a new Doe. A HINT AII0CT TNI HAIR. New that women are again poetise the hair in the middle to an extent that has not been done before in this reaaratfea, they should keep in mind that nemateet parting will iseeit.hly wear the hair away at that place, and a, make the white line that ought to be so fine. broad sad ugly. The hair should be enenhed leek straight at sight ••A during the privacy of warping hours Bowie women vary the plans of partieasg parting te nee ads sod thea mini. to .sats+, but this doss not nit all ham. ttt»Ftleo LAte *ND mut. Try irowiag all lace sad embroidery ort the wring side, sad tens esti! perf.etly dry. (Choose that •n apt to look tee tibiay should be ironed ns the wrong side. 1). not lave the irons very bet :,.r ironies+ o•hi- e..s aid fig.rwd ehtwtaes, as 101 Maws will lads and tan the adore mere thus weak ry ■+A the iron simply win far iron- ies silk hnadkerebiele, and iron themes the wring dde before they Sre quite dry. 7• IA011aH 7ne 4LAW. •1('17 181 lar. There is often • we.ryheg selr.ggs M Immo the tap sl • plass r ed bulb TIMM arse be se rsekM !Y the itis b gal * r* will wase be Matt She ebd.iate gime e per of • perfumery bels, The principle is to swell the mak o1 the arises s test the Dover Will IMO, reedtlr is it. Thu Is beet does by the method demented. lases to ., resort .ems rcaet- A pretty wad quickly made ouin purse is made by crocheting a single stitch with dark red silk • strip eight by four teases. Crochet together at the ends any through tine madds, kavtag a steal stir in the centre of the bog side. Ktarh the .ads with • triage et steal beads and pais tbrouaw a steer ring. .ant •L.IT itt AlRi,. tv hen your eerie -mated chain get to sag• ging, just turn them upside down .rd wash them with strong soap suds. Soak them thoroughly, then set teem 10 dry. The °sue will stiffen up to its normal condi. tion. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. Sleeping is linen is sow•dsys generally considered to be unhealthy, coitus beteg preferable. The plebtan potato bloeom Ie said to be one ut the oomtug favorite flowera for dec- orating • i prt•g bonnet. Swimming is now our branch of .n Eng luh girl s eduoauon, sed in London last year 3,000 girls were taught to tie on. Coed authority bolds that the sb•rp- pointed toe and high heeled boot are res- ponsible tot much of the tnteroal trouble of to day, as by the use of such the body is thrown out of pose. The tsahiouable comb of to day is the tall. slender. aggressivs•lookine atLttr you bays seen m portraits of Madame Rsu•nuer, .lo- *obins and the other women who eat fur portnata to the famous David When the wick of • limp gets obstinate .rid refuses to go up er down, just try pull- ing up • single thread close to the selvage. If this is not enough, take out another near the centre, and that wick will give you no more trouble. Let the sunlight into your bonito every day. There is more medicine, more nour- uhment, more comfort, mors inspiration, more of everything that is good for body .rid mind, in a ray of sunshine than in any mast of drink. G•t equal parts of parrs green and borax and at aigbte net around the haunts of roaches in old dishes. The pests will die like magic. Sometimes they aro fouod in desks, especially in ethos.. The preparation scattered freely under the bottom piper will rid the drawers of them. How many different ways can you cook Aad serve potatoes • Did you ever think o1 it ' Well. just count up, and lbs very do- tal so will migrant some method you had perhaps forgotten. When ycu ere through would you believe that there are perhaps • hundred receipts you have not even thought of ' A Pittsburg woman hes invented what she oldie • 'snore deverter.' It is composed of a hood And • eectirta of flexible pipe. When her buabwad snore* grow unbearable, the hood is lowered over his head and the more to conducted into the cellar There hasn't been . rat seen in the house since the di- verter was used. :\ novel scheme to provide bread for the poor was recently tried in Michigan. There were 160 competitors •moor the women of the city to ase who could hake the best loaf. Each contestant to make three loaves, the winner to receive a valuable prize and the bread to be given to the poor. The wits of the mayor was the winner of the prize. The word dolly wet oririnaly 1)Oyley, the surname of nue of the followers of Wil- liam of Normandy. This Sir Robert 1 '(A - ley was granted certain valuable lands by hie li.iog os the 000ditton that each year at the teams of tit. Michael he eboold present his king a linen tablecloth worth three shil- ling*. Naturally, as these cloths were need at the royal banquets, the women of the I)'Oyley family did all they could to make them worthy of tbetr exalted use by enrich ing them with beautiful needlework and the I t I tyley linea became famous. Linen Sn.trel4eries. For a very pretty crib ooverlid get • nice quality of white India silk, of the kind that washes nicely. Asiatic wash silks are used for the embroidery, and the little .guilt u' not oily • thing of beauty but of use, Tee prettiest neaten for the purpose is the well mown Dresden china pattern, the little sprigs being scattered all over the surface. and the talon of flower and leaf imitated in satin and solid stitch embroidery, using the lotrens Asiatic filo flosses. The quilt, which is not Beed, may be finished on the edge with en inch wide hem done wttb • single row of hemstitching, If more weight Is liked, the quilt can be hghtly tacked to a quilted silk lining, which may lee removed when the tipper pert u washed A set of toilet mats for • wash stand would be serrio•ble it made of heavy twilled linen. with the edges embroidered in • double row of buttonholed wallops, using Asiatic twisted embroidery silk of two shades. the darker shade of color being used for the outer row of scallops, and the lighter tor the inner row. The cironier mats .re one thirteen, one nine •ad one six inches in diameter. Of the oblong mita one is ten ioohes by five, and the other eight inches by six in size A night drew Daae could be made of fine *bite ham thirteen inches agnate, and trimmed with a 1•w• rafts three Mallet deep. The lower part to be embroidered with a design .1 forget -me -nota and 1.1x.., also • flap. The flowers to be worked solidly with Shia Asiatic die Hess, the ren- ter dote of yellow. The leaves worked with gross. The whole embroidery any be white if so desired. The stores offer a great variety of table maws, doilies, etc., of very lovely demises. embroidered chiefly with the rations shades of Roman floss er Aerobe Aim USEFUL HINTS. t1/has he W Menai hewn hem • drink - keg beat„ .1d Shea, M matte, the hear el the m,.tag—halt 1, 3, 4 or h be awakes - ed the libels Iseamisold •ad insisted s their oow.ap dowwtaiss fur prayer. It is a great i.taake, • ourrespsodent writes, to thaw waste paten with het water, tad Ne oestoui should ai coos be dtrloo.tu- traled. A plentiful supply of cow "^os salt, or *trues wluuoo til salt In water, 1• the most sample and efficacious remedy. A medical perm/ gives these remedies fur tuutba.:be : 1 Oil of clever, we drachm ; tta:tu,, of ludieu heap, Dee drachm ; chloroform, one drachm. ALA. 2 Da et psppermtnL, use drachm : apiris of ember, ON drachm ; toward opium, ons drachm. It is well known that o•tme•t sod bran have • owe softening todueoue open the skin, and d there tv roughness tt should be used in prelsrenoe to wap, especially where there is any tendency to ak to drraser `Jeep irritates, whilst oatmeal and bran have • beohng saran, nod also beep to allay the in- tense Itching. freebie • Ohs. i. Good and suitable starch for shut work .od the hke u prepared as fellows : A suf- ficient queotity of starch should be reduced to an eves paste with cold water In • per- fectly clean pan, adding two hasped table- spoonfuls of powered borax to each pound of dry starcay told water should then be added uotil the stares u of the consulters-. of new milk, .ad perfectly free from lumps. Those inexperienced to preparing starch will probably hod it as .dressye to strain at through muslin, but with sonic o.re this ei not wanted. When doubts exist as to whether the starch is of right co•emteno., et is well to starch nod iron an old collar, and it will then be readily seen it the requisite stiffness has bees obtained. In starching shirts the two bargee of thee front should ue folded together, the outer seams being erectly level, and ties gather- ed together in the left band in such • way the the stiffened portions only may be dip- ped in the starch, whsle the plain portions coo be left dry. Thuruagbly saturate the parte to be stttlased with the starch, and when thus u done wring out all super- fluous starch with the dtneogaged baud. Starch the cuffs or wristbands in the seae way, and after sprinkling the unstarobed parte with clean water, roll down tightly with the tronts.nd wristbands inside, .rad in about two hours the shirt will be fit to iron. The iroatog board or kitchen table should be covered with about tour layers of blank- ets, and over this should be stretched .n ironing sheet, the whole .risngemeat being tacked or etherwtse firmly fastened down. Beyond these throve • moos of flannel folded about four ttmes,to • size rather Larger than an utdtuary shirt front, • few pies,. of clasn Ines. • clean linen cloth for • demp- er, and a fairly large pan or burn of cies& water are required, but these can scarcely be called special appliances, Everything must be perfectly clean, •e • matter of course, and permitter astenuoo roust be paid to the hands, as starched potpie very readily pack up dirt, which ie difficult to r. - move without entirely rewashing the coaled articles. In ironing shirts, the modus operandi is as foliose : The shirt --which, by the way, te ,inside out --is unrolled. and the yob ironed. it is then turned and toe right side of the yoke and neckband ironed, The shirt is then folds -1 lengthwise, from the gathers of the yoke to the tau, .sd the back is ironed on either side. After this the wrt.tb uida are Ironed. being polished if necessary : the sleeves being thea takes in hind and finished, putting to any pleats that may be necessary. and being careful to press them auto proper shape. When this is dote take the shirt by the .houlders and turn at front uppermost on the board, with the collar to the left band, and after pat- ting in any oeceseary pleats in the back, in- sert the folded front Hamel and proceed with the front. Before commencing to iron the front should be pulled into shape, after which it should be ironed until thoroughly dry, do- ter cue site at a time, and beaa4 careful so avoid making creases. When both sides .re dote pia the Dollar or neckband toroth er, and run the iron down the centre and across the bass of the front, afterward aromiet the remaining unstarched portions of the g.rnent,atd patting Many neo.easry pleats. When this is done, carefully turn the shirt front downward on the board and fold neatly, pinning the shoulders together to round the trent somewhat. Teen hang hetore the Gro to thoroughly dry seed hordes the work. By the use of • small vim tty of gavots it» the water in • maks may be preve.t d from freeing. To remove • nutty screw apply • rd -hot iron to the head for • effort tame, the •ernes• driver beteg mod immediately efterwerd., while the screw is still hot. Verger and yeast abroad easel* 0s kept in emir jars, for throe is an seed in them which 'meek. the glasses. Gofers_ win► it has • pnianoone property. The pelf sleeve sow fano editedmpaihr, sad is kept in place by • obefekr hand ss breed* of Aewsrtia ribboM& a pwslr : if .f abbess a hew * added tt. the N of the Meade reller'e earth and .rid water made into • poet* and placed ever spiel es wallpaper will remove the acids : if net at the Mi . r�1ir•tfa., at the seised or third. Rub the felisr's s•eth lightly, being sandal soot se rub the paper nadeswak. De. Norman freer lyra that be band • .glass m•m1i: tl/tl. w M mea hum •r1li 111Olt e bit A Few /Iasi to .:leis ss rte Tres/wheal of the slalr. A gin's hair is one of her poiata of beau- ty, and it should neyer be neeleetd. Regu- lar steady bruahiag of the hair with • clean brmh, any strokes before going to had at night, tweetv•tye in the morning when drawing, will keep the hair thick, smooth, soft and lovely. (ytoe • month .t Ienst the tips of the hair should be clipped off, just ibe merest tip -ends at the edges, and oboe a month the head should be carefully washed, with tepid water and ..tap, thoroagbly rub- bed and well dried. If .Lamm• had time to take this sort of oars of her detrgbten' k•tr she will w repaid by seeing riot. and flowis, tresses, or sisters may essay do it for one %.other. Do not out your Mir in hangs. It is very much prettier simply parted and combed back plainly, then braided in o.. or two long tail., and then trod with • rib- bon. Avoid essenoes, mks and pigments ; the hair needs Daly olwlinees, and mate !rushing. Keep your hair -brush okra by fre ieenty dipping it hot water and •sI- rwoaiw and drying it in the sen. itverytki.g used in treating the hair moat be scrupul- ously neat. 1t is sive for • rirl to have dainty toilet 'artistes if *het ca.. Salver, dins tad ivory •re 0.aotifa1 ole nasi dressier table, but if o1N bas not there, she ore nil keep every- thing that halongs to her la perfect order if .he will oily take peron and order is itself hasty. Ratak • Is easier lar your bureau .r table prettily embroidered, and always add es • Mashing tomes • little yeas of flowers. Tike Drew ebrtafs. Daly those alio have used them know what • Ratak and sir of .esteems draw mit- tens glee to • nem. They ars made of white or very licit figured materiel, mid sever the lower half of the window. Pot a melt* m the top of the ~tea •sd roe • mall braes rad through it. Rest themes et the rid tie little bees breeketa set ow the ides a the whitlow. If N 1• mot desired be psrebeee the cede. • strong stria. tea- med en • sad at either side sad se etched eighty serene will de, but 11 win melte very The material arty be par- eh•aed at •ata eased . M tests ee. yee4, bat the .kb10 .1 .14 laws.t whir dreams haw bum edam. far thls p ., , mad very eerad NOM as peas, la Ms 'e were, lawh•ee4 oath W aleffifilP d4 sM. Anna. sera • poallyibotiajood her eleaU* the Scalp and Hur, I aeon to have tried •wen/thud' and ao in despair My Airs R the very best MI is PALMo TAR Soap it is splendid for wash111Q file head ir vcvent5dryncss5 flies puts an end to Dardrllf end fre3heas the hilt attdy. IS/ (0 s LAI1t,[ TAKET D. CANTELON, West street BAKER, STILL LEADS THE TRADE. His breath is matte from pure Manitoba Sour—triode from the cream of the Manitoba wheat --and therefore is the lit xt in the world. This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying. this bread at the same as made from inferior flour at the price of 4 cents per Ioiif. deliyereti to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. 7'Wedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. CANT MON. TIiiAI� Otf �Aihtti. &U Its.itMtUMAT13Y {IEUQAuiIA • 11.3111 BACK10t molt Any ti1l39IAft% • ly.sIN USING es f,5lT A't �10ENTHOL PL.As riA Patronise True CARPETS AND SPRING 000DSI We hair the largest anti best as- sorted stock of Carpets ever etwa in Goderich. Brussels, frim the hest makers , Tapestries, in great variety, from !he. up ; Bonierings to match our beet pat tarifa, which look as good as 'trowels - latest deaigra and colorings. A big stock of All Wools, dinxt from the Millis. Unions, from 1:k. up, the greatest value ever seen in this county ; Hemp', from 1Oc. up ; Art Squares, in all wool cid union, assort od patterns rad colorings and sires. Lace Curtains, cheaper and better than ever; over 400 seta to choose from. Lace Curtains ere one of our great specialties : Chinelle Curtains, French Art Curtains, Art &teens, Art Mualiur and Curtain Nets, Aa Minster Rugs, Turkish Rugs, Moquet Rugs, Datbestan Ruga, Besot (tugs, Velvet Rugs, Door Mate, Velvet Mats, Wool Mata. Our bousefurnishing department upatr,irs ie very complete. our Car- pet Sewing Machine is a great sue sew. We .:an have a carpet really to lay on your floor two hours after you leave the osier. Our Spring Stock is now com- plete, s -td consists of .t groat variety in all the new Wings for the season. Dress Goods, in the new Fabrics' for Spring Triwwiugts to suit the latest designs. As usual, we lead in Prints. Our stock is simply lovely in both clog and Resign ; patterns tete latest. A complete assortment of 'lucks, in both light and dark colorings. Critic - les, in tate new colorings for the Spring. Pure Snitch llinghaws, plait, and striped Chambray, Mangles Vesting, Piques Sateen, and Chillies. We want to draw spacial attention to oar Really Made Sprirg Caper and Mantle and Cape Cloths, Loth is Black and Colored Goode, all new for this Spring trade. We have a few pieces of Dress Goods that are selling at shout half price--dcxided bargains, good adl- wool goods anti good colors. Our Ribbon Stock its large and well assorted, as is also our Small Ware Department. (!loves and Stockings particularly goal. COLBORNE BROIL, GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain. Warehouse of the County. " Cash Is King!" Tait oily UP TO -DATE Grocery in town is the— Com petition. Tsui Ca-srabux Pacwic Reimer Co. • Ttfanaarn leas been established to gyre the peddles grit -ds•• service wit! ter and per mamas •owpmtilea. it 1s reimaged ea OaefsYs sr•Indbles std is cls lateral et es pewees. It deserve• the support of every perms who beilevetfle oempetitton. ler gnat dee eeteh else tris 1emsaars IVB ooaasettag wit! .11 Iles.• amid cables d ffniled M.W. Casted. sad ar'eer• Direct ,smut+b wires to W points to the Northw•et,Brdq•► Columbia .ad Psdgo Cosh Oalos-'loot! Gide Writ -et. IL. R&DI•f.1r/1. till tl Loral lleaaaeer.:Oode eh 41)JNNER �� PILLS GUR4- CO NSTIPATION, fCONSTIPATION, G'BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA,') ICK HEADACHE, VIOLATE THE U ONE PILL AFTER LATIN. INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PRICE 25 CTS.TNc f DIS ItTto ear IF YOU WANT ■ IN es 1 A SPRING SUIT or an OVERCOAT of First class Make, Good Material and Latest Style, -''ALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP, To. wase d& ctl«hter. Seats* sent M Is•..fesl. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU w•dMr-ilmter..w "CAW Gi 'O er/Ire ! t If you want anything in our line you will find our Stock Complete. GIVE US YOUR ORDER um., And we guarantee Satisfaction. Our Goods are "The Best "— Our Prices are "Rock -Bottom Cash Prices." E7'Farmers wanting bbl. Salt, remember we keep the best, and we keep it dry. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. G. M. ELLIOTT, The Hamilton et- Grocer. MUNRO'S_ Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to iihich additions will be made as the Season advances. Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit and selected with more than usual Dare. Customers may not assured that everything will be up•to.date, and all Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularising particulars. Special attention given to small wares. Inspection kindly solicited. Prompt delivery of purchases to any part of the town A. MUNRO, lAAd draper and Haberdasher. ?moo You Waxzt ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE P R. W. McgENZIE can supply you with • good article ata low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Ods, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a call. R. W. McKENZIT, The Crabb Brock, GodKkh. No Stones, Stems or Dirt 1 CLEANED CURRANTSAND1N& Everybody Likes them. . Yost +.)+dere solicited CHAS. A. NA1RN, Subscribe for "The 8 "--42 s you'. ..este• a .mmw,ml. 111188110881r118L