HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-2, Page 5• TWO SIGNAL: GODERICH ONT', THURSDAY, MAY 2 1895. r W. ACHESON & SON. + + + + + + + High -Class Novelties. We are /showing this week the latest styles in PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS. The New, Light, Rolling Cover, with Dainty, Natural Wood Sticks and Sterling Silver and Ivory Handles or Tips. Special Values Large Choice Every Price. 36 -inch wide French Calubrial at 15e. a yard ; worth tic. White Grounds in great variety ..f patterns+, .suitable for Shirt Waists, Blouse and Dressers. dIe/Ittflli Special P'urch.ase_ 2M -inch Plaid f;inghau,s, warranted Fast Colors, at `c ctn. a yard worth 121 ctn. Scotch (Jinghis'ns, Zephyrs and Ducks in New Patterns. Highest Class (Mads in the world. Largest choice in Uoderich. 20 pieces Satin Check Muslin, New, at 10c ; worth 121c. Imtnense variety in Shirt Waists and Vassars, Collars and Chem- isettes. New Styles- all Sizes. Inspection Invited. W. ACHESON & SON. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From tie• RepOPL•lea Nwtebo.l[ H Serve • Mole 1. a Ter treats. 1 rode T. teat let • liter•. Amami T• Takla' Sete,, aa' t $b Mill sorest It. --•arae. April Showers bring My' flowers. they say. hat the way way to gat • weU-Attieg suit at tthe heprise is Dy epetelting F. J. Prelims. ereekseYee deal bare to go oat of tows to get the best d shaseiwspar. it R. &slows can tun out wort felig equal to city weer soil at sad - erste rate.. /Ltd* TAILDRIN*- At sloes alb ptso swim satlolsaties snared. hest arrived, tines la settings sad overcastings. desen extra rho. ready mads overcoats at cost. Must be said. See them. 11. MAcOORMAC. "0000 LYE RIGHT" is a priestess teeosIsm. Yea who have got 1t should mks aim a it Yen who nave set get k hem year ens attended 1e at ones. • nap the /tis ss vstioaof eight •id Jww br year accurately • TWE8II.. optician saidiMt °MEAT RErot'AL Siam -Defers eaLrgtpg and removing te our owe Sato We I =B oar enure Lange took et Furaltsre. Mow Pmralshfassnary Goods. kau aortal cost. This is the greatest cbsaes ever *SIM be fur nob year messes at prices that will eaten - fah ti Is psssssness � SMITWS FURNITURE tos. AHT STllth.OV " A. loom Heso."-Tb. St. Matthew's Temperas.* and Literary seises will givo as entertainment next Tuesday evening, at which • tour -act comedy, " As Irish Hero," will be presented. A CHALLZMUI AT DKAe.;IITN.-Mears Sem sad MoMordie would like to mast any two players u town at the Meantime Institute Friday *Teeing for • friendly aa. test at the abovs gams. Tu, -as or, THE 'MAIM An old Winne who plays • hand orsso on 'heaver streets has been hand to be worth over $100.000 sad to earn as high as $25 • day. Lost year she aired • crying child to hold to her lap for $3 • week. Ttusrr I./sit-mon- Ex AIM -In the report is the Termite papers of the recent examinations at Trinity. we notice that C. A. Sesser passed with honors ; standing One is the class for the year, and taking prises in Greek, Testament, Elocution, sod gssr.l proficiency. Fon AI.mom.-Th. fin brigade was rang out Moody aftersooa, the house of Aagtr Nicholson, Gibbon-st, mat of South -at, being 00 fin. The ooatente ware hastily removed and almost everything was saved. A por- tio of the roof sad sea of the interior was damaged, bat the ire was pa: eat before spreading to may extent Se. aAY.NTAL Sint -Dm. -Next Sabbath morning the saamneent of the lord'. Supper will be administered in North -et Methodist chunk. The fellowship meeting will cow - woes at 10 o'clock sad the preaching service .t 11, followed by the administra- tion of the inor•si.at by the pester, Rey. Joseph Edge. Rt,saxso.-Mrs. waiter Hick, of 0.d. - nob township, and F. Smooth. of GoderMb, han returned from Kisgstes, whither they had Mea attending the obsequies of their b(wther-in-law. the late Mr. Pillar, of that alts. Mr. Pillar was as old and reepested resident of the LinesMeoe city, and was highly spoken el by the aewsp.pre of the sso$= is whisk be had upset se many year, of an wises* w.sf.l mad upright lira GA'k To Loewe. -Harry (laeas. the well-kodire.sesmro l traveler, who has been • reddest .f this bows ter the pest twenty-five years. left fee Lo.d.a Tuesday mersisg last, where he said his family will hesufortb amide. Mr. (uses was bob se leave Gederi sh deme.. but se tried far hie se sissy y.an of rai- ls Isere centrally lo- be at last deter- mined to @ever floe tiiee that Mimi him to Old Hors's Ibises. The Meade of Mr. sod hire. Chase wik Mem every prosper- ity is their am bgmp. A Cyat111n MOT re Re. Those* - %Win•e ls tlmrket .mob prep.eM.en la Casala that is every megbh.rbe.d Mae are young tiMi who give premise d de visors tate eppdy gars. beid@e eeres el sinoimissaie whininess wbe ride far pteaemlw tat far apes. Te an Skase Merest will M- isr le Me emremresim me the the ilk Theme lliapde sink the emesed eidemi-df sae the ddett -dab In the O. W. heldis ime menli the Ormilim the gemsY h Whaleboat) Amnia tfu. wise ...Maimed r Bk Themes. sad this i the i,, ambition mar r the wap al . • 1/+ n+b•mg the eh b r eirampw arm shah rtes- -M A mist Maur torah • Iexpected to be one of the fastest in (-•ossa, is being built, hundreds of dollars wertb of prizes will be offered, and all indications point to the meet being the grs•tot .Bair of the season, excepting the C. W. A. meet. A KI'DI.t' A, T. As saknowledgme.t has been received by Slits M. Wilkraeon from the secretory of the lakeside Home for ILittle Children, Toronto. for • large Den- iatm most of fruit which was kindly sent by • number of ladies of tows. The ladies are to be . ommesded oe their generous osntri- r buffos toss deserving as institution. A Ru: Sr.res.-R R S•11ew's "Cbil- , drop's Day " (yesterday) was • big nooses, i over fitty infante being •mpegesi.• The en- terprise was novel, bat lie nemtbres turned nut is great minim, M ems IbS " bele tike. Mr. Sally, has Bedded is make every day of this month • " (1 dr.w's Day." and will take say child maw 18 months tree of charge. R K. will likely have as army of juvenile photos to show ter his mintil's work. Duvet or HENRY Miro-u. As old and reepaetd resident of this section passed .a•y Yuadsy evening in Henry Spasm, Victoria -at., in his 77th year. L early lit. Mr. Spinas had served in the British army, and had by cooscratious effort reached the podium of Sergeant Major in the Artillery branch of the service prier to his retire - meat. He first settled in this motion in Seltford, sad was at one time • neve of Colborne township. He leaves • wits sad family who have Us sympathy of their many (nods to this sad other parte of the Msstry. The fears' took place on W ed- saday afternoon to Maitland cemetery. A RUNT BoiLEK Br mbar. A.S. ('bryetal, proprietor .1 the 1;oderich steam boiler works. is about the busiest man we know of just sow. He had hie men hard at it all last weak fixing op the fishier fleet, and be- sides numerous other repairing jobs he has the ooatrvrt for building • 40 h.p. steal tubular boiler, • large iron task sad all the Sae work in connection with the county House of Industry at Clinton : • 16 h.p. steel boiler, with fittings, all complete and ready to run, for the Holmeavill. Cheese sad Butter Manufacturing Co.: also • large fed water heater and scale extractor for W. Thompson's oat meal mill at London. Besides these orders he u aortae on several other contracts, which he expecte to get. DcATN or THOMAS H. Tmour.or.- Some five or six weeks ago Thos- Thomp- sea, aired 83 years, while taking off hie boots struck his foot at Use cords •bore the heal se.1.,1 the rung of the chair upon' which he was sitting. causing an •brosioa of the skis. Shortly afterward evidenose of blood p.besisg set to. sad the patient gradually grew weaker until Monday e vening, when death ended his sufferis*. Mr. Thompson was • retired f•rtner, having bee for yes • resident of Fist Wmwa- n oeh, he homestead being looted within • short distaste of Arnim m the Go .rich aid Blyth gravel road. His remains wore conveyed to Se•forth for Stormont, the funeral taking piaci, Wednesday to Oise 0.T. a. MaMos. SUcx.'m,vi. ADvuTtat<a.--"I1 • mar- -oboist will bake ears of his space, ohmage his oopy,:keep it fresh, .id pat interesting ratter into it, it will be read saaidaosaly mad as erre Iv se the spbolest bit of gamily. Aa it gets readers, so will the dealers get coroner& Aperessivem.ss aid ccaadsoa, are.asmtW is advertising. Timid aro do sat.a.eset It's • fellow who goes straight .bead. fall of self-oosIdese., for. tel, board to make his mint ; that's the man whom bssiness thrives and flourishes. Let him advertisements breathe of honesty mid trN►. let every statement be exsatly a fer-re mean, so lass : bat re/her let him e ndentelo the goodn.ss of his wares thea overstate them. Above ail, put sews in the ads" Tam NA?OIAL Tx,. What termed set M be as en)eysbls aliair was is Milian Tae ha Kees trunk 'Thursday going. Like twerp/dog the Yaw Peter seder - bake, the ear. tlitkeagh se isaeyasha, was • semelbe semen, and the flseWy man ISM ssellkil Mit sash .seem .thrid *it ANI11. Ten was served frees 6 te 8 eW111. 1,1W SmM1Sm-u ww» rumens*, mils semi bible Wow mY.Isa - 4 M. ..entry .d any sealer .f the maim .amid have We Lasted royally. The Met table wee a essehhatim Angle-LLssdtas ad wee prettily der rabid with wr alb@e .t tsi* home and • praise .f new 01d1 Sari. we Welly reposer led by Me asabd linen s Minis. A saIsbar .i .wing sharia with • hessma' •1a, 6t* ssernagall, she sided is this ha +.wing. )gala's day .Y Ihms- reek was else there .ad Mid H• own with .11 aspere is remtgsitses of the repotted Angie -Japanese affiance, that peruse of the (cleat was duly repro anted, sed the Teens lady waiters, in On et - v oeetaow, would vie with that el the dower o1 Jape's fur sea. After the spiesdid oelleses, the body of the church was occupied •.d the musical program pre- oeeded with. The mueteu selwttaoe were •11 given uo the due mew piano pursbseed by the somety. tied many onwsplimemtary re works were passed. •1'be following took pert its the program loetruatestal, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong ; solo, Mr. Belcher ; read tnR, Mr. Strong ; instrumental duet, Mt.. Elise Tighe sad Helmuth (loose ; sole, Kd. ('ampsiga ; address, Rev. H. Irvine ; duet, Miss graham sad Mr. Thoasos ; iastru- meat.l, Mr. Hemphill ; reoit•tioe, Miss M. V. Aobesns ; solo, Miss L Bailie ; address, Ksr. Jos.. F.dge : instrumental dust, Miss A. Thompeoo and Mus N. (*ebb. The prowls., although net entirely meeting the hslanoe on the piano, will go • good way toward that obieet, and it Is hoped before long the inatruweot will be sly paid her. THs I', 1_ o► C. K. HACE A Li*ATt. last Friday evening the Epworth League of C. E., of North-st Methodist obarcb, held a debate roe the subject• "Resolved : that moiety has mon to do with the trainug of • scour man than the home " The leader for the affirmative was Norman Hailey, and for the negative, Albert McDowell_ Aa a rule the people of (:oderich do not take so hardly as they ought to sntertatnmeats of • literary character, which are profitable se wall as interesting. However, os this oc- ossioo, • good deal of interest was manifest- ed in the affair on account of the ability of the young men who had charge of the re- spective sides. and as • result the lecture room et the church was well filled. But if the .udienoe assembled felt that they were vino to have a interesting time Immune to Mere Bailey and McDowell speak of this wawhat new subject, their interest wee crawly inerea•ed whets their respective mooed, same forward ad took their planes at opposite aides of the room, •0d hearty remade of enigmas greeted Miss Evelyn add and Dwight Hervey, who took their phew beside the bow tit I . •ttirm•tive, Mid ]lies Ci•ra HIggggM and Bosses (:nest themin .f the ' grill . The debate prov- e d to be one of the mint interesting snit it has been the gliMnmre of • I;odench audience to Man te for site time past. sad .bowed tbN thorough prepar•ties had been made by both sides. A synopsis of the argument would sot be out of place Mn. were it not for tie fact that went of space will not permit it. S. P. Halls, M.A., H. B. Pollock and Rev. Jos Edge were the re- ferees, sad were It sot ter • misusdent.nd- ing in reference to the technical terms of the debate, the affirmative might have won, a1. though it would have been oleos. As it wee Mr. Pollock favored the affirmative and Rey. Joseph edge the negative, but Mr. Valls thought that on amount of the mis- understanding • derision should as he given for either side, sad after going oyer • well prepared summary •1 the argmm.ats pro. sod cos., he left the decision open. GRA N1.ERv, (,at'T'llKis AND CUM atnB.- Rev. J. C. Speer, the popular paster of Broadway Tabernacle, Toronto. delivered his lecture on "Crawlers, Crowbars and ('limber." in the lecture room of North-st. Methodist church Tuesday evening last. The reverend gentleman is not • strane im (.oderieh, and when he was hen Set Feb- ruary. assisting Rev. Jos. Edge is revival work, the meetings were throated with psepb anxious to hear hits. His popu. larity in Toronto, when he is pastor of ase of the largest congregations in the arty. and the impressions created of him wherever be has favored audiences with his discourses and le.turss, r ssrtaidy n ot se aceenn1 of his eloiumaae of speech, simply ; but rather to the direct way in which he twenties the Truth. It is there- fore to be rerrettsd teat the audience which greeted hiss Tuesday might was not lorry and more repre...t.tive in its chersat.r, Even the members of the Epworth League, ceder whose auspices the Isidore was given, were conspicuous by their absence to • large degree, sad when the hour had arrived for the satertaiameet te oommense, not more the 150 persons had assembled to hear what proved to be 000f the finest lectures that has ever been delivered in (,oderioh. It was brim full of interesting facts from the oomaess- sasat to the clogs, and the delioe&Uose of the various character of stankimd represent- ed were true to mature. Tb. Rey. gentle- men drew wonderfully vivid word pictures of • large elsss et the eesimanity whose peculiarities are seldom caricatured before . psbli. &whom*, and yet who range in sorry from the lowest, meanest and most despicable of mask tad be these "who ave is she so-called highest moiety. The lecturer carried his hearses through the various steges of homer sad pathos, armies anal tears, sad concluded hie remarks with a peroration that would bare dose credit to mea who have won sine than continental renews on the feature plat- form. Miss (inhale favored the •ndisoos with a vocal sole and Miss Laura Acheloos, a violin eels, whisk were are mar appreciat- ed. H. B. Poneek, presider of the Ep- worth gouges, Oepied the arr. LOCAL BRIEFS- Wham RIEFS Whsas .p-krsad q. diMs mol oil. The heating seaman in ams fairly sagas. Gan -Isaias is sew is loading eeepaties. The whirr -r .f tbs lawn -mower is Dew beard. V Irish Here" 1s the Tamprerss Hall Tuesday, May 7. The lase seemed meets ea Friday eves. bag el bbr week. Tbe de ewe haw? has hem sheshew. this weak ler ripen. Th. 0. N. W. ?enmesh Mil.s bas bees reamed M the old premia• The snail• srmMig al the ' deriYsr wake the e.ben Ib.. eaglet The waterlog me b.n dnan wed eerie, Me past womb. It saw gets sat as 6 a a. A awuhr .f anis inn ase hies planed m llrktk.m►st. sad is Wee parte .t tins teras Tem dbedi mom year wall men wells time In Mil a frit shalom The papas we Spring Stock Complete Great reduction in prices for Cash. We mention only a few Special Lines this week :- 'a All -Wool Dress Goods, Double Fold, 23c. per yd., worth 30c. :30c. (;axis, worth 40e. 30c. floods, worth 75e. 73c. Goods, worth 11.00. Prints, 29 inches wide, 5c. per yd., worth 7c. Also a special Line, 3:3 inches wide. at 10c. a yd. -well worth 121c. All our Prints are warranted Fast Colors. White and Grey Cottons, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Sheet- ings, &c., at prices leas than the cost of manufacture. Inspection and comparison of prices invited. Terrus strictly CASH. Butter Eggs, Arc., taken as ('ash. JAMES A. REI D, IUth April, 1149&. Jordan's Block, Golerich. When mamma bee.e rem Moue use CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH. Ism to Una -Drys Meekly -Makes aid P.rnitare leek like Now. A void Diem.. by Metafiction ! We cos supl'y ." Neeass.rW sad rsrvoetiar l gasmf ran Blood and Stomach Bitters Toes up the System - - Purifies the Shoed - -- - 1 .--ate. FRESH GARDEN and Fl )MICR SEEDS! TAR CAMPHOR -for putting away Fun. Netter and cher ser then the aid way. COPPER SULPHATE- For &paying. Very sheep. STANDARD DIAMOND and TURKISH DYES. Good Horseflies wee oar Tty our- �IiUld'A1. HERB TEA. POWDER sod ENGLISH HEALING OIL, I Makes • quirt of Spring Medicine. 25c. W. C. GOODE, - - - CHEMIST, ETC. ging rapidly tow, last week being the best of the season. See our stock whether you buy or not. Tb. Fair, ANrta HENNINu. James Robinson, Yash Store, is dotng Lace Curtains at pnees that please the public. Soft water is • scarcity with those not having cisterna. R on Is wanted .od wanted badly. Dr. Rigsby of Detroit, will lecture in the Collegiate Institute on Tuesday May 21st. Further particulars later. I .eo. Acheson has had • large staff of Inas working oo his block the past week. The brink -work is now Dearly finished. The work IS lir. Stewart's new house os South -et is proarriesiag rapidly. Hetet k Sou, Betimlller. have the contract on the stonework, Ed. Campaign* was civets • compliment- ary supper Friday last by his friends end pretested with • silver recanted cane with his Name ..Revd mit. Harper t 1e. keep Weather and Water- proof read mixed paint. Better and as cheap as other paint.. They have aloe • few more 1 .i y churns at east. Jonathan Mailer ie haying his exchange stable rushed up in gnat style. He ham had • big staff at work the peat week sad the building will soon be complete. Several new tin cups would be very awful at the dunking fountains es the Square. As it is. a person has to fret into • very queer attitude to quench the thirst. The "Cedars," on South -et, were cut down during the Winter and Spring. They will be much missed, as they were a favorite resort tor the people of the vicinity. The members of the band have handed in their instruments for two weeks, pending the town's grant to the based. If the town gives no grant the band will disorgssire. The bicycle boys were out bright and early Mosd•y morning and cleared several wagon loads of rubbish from the Square. The Square u now is fine oonditios sad obosld ase some interesting races shortly. Miss Annie Rennin. report• the past week the beat of the season in wall paper. A11 scree the -wices are exceedingly low for the qualityand style of the papers. Nice papers as ow as 3e. per roll, at The Fair. The Royal Templar. are taking step to- ward organizing an athletic club in cameo - tics with their commit. Th. list of sports will include all outside games, each ea lawn mania, croquet, b., sad beatific. The v - oast lot st the tar of the temporality hall will be utilized by the club. Taekersmith : Tho. Wetter., of Denver, arrived here last Friday night ; he has Dot bees boats since he left Dearly I5 years ago, and while he notices • few things which are as they were is his boyhood dame he sees many changes, and states that he fells like a strmee@ hen sow. Stsaley : Den Rose. of Stanley, has al- ready undertow, two operate one for N. removal of • soccer from the interior of hie mouth. but ea it still trembles him somewhat TIO £DVIRTI8KHe. Notice of changes must be lett at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. g au.l Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. To Smokers: Ts mess Me wires of riser ehwmessevs Th. Yee. L Trier d gen 0s... lad.. rem - rasa. Yes., base /rend assn the mars.. A Oombination Ping of "T& B„ SWOEING TOBA000. This supplies a long bit want, giv ing the consumer ase 20 omit plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 11 cant piece d the famous " T it B " brand of pare Virginia Tobacco. n. Ta TK "1 I 1"LIs., every NIL he lett os Monday morning, expects, to go to lMtroit. when he would meet Dr. Elliott, late of Braes6eld, and be put under treat- Mwt hr rmmoval of the troublesome affair. 1 THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. reederrrb Priem. Go0sauca. May 1. IiM. FSB Wbost. toes* standard 0 76 te 75 flours F v/(srpcwt .. ..sass. 1 passes. per Cwt 16 S horts. • tea t icreea1Ms▪ ! • tea., Gate, m Oath ..................... • • Peas. ush. Py two btwed •low .._ Hay. i to Potatoes. Wiest, new trdaliirmM vvoiread. IP den 1. I IS ales Y1 NM OP a1�i1M 31t0M 58 to 0 115 eto050 ie to 700 M to 0 15 13 to 0 14 7 to 0 8 00 to 360 11 to 020 00 t0 150 35 to 0 411 50 to 4 00 =i 1o5°', 10 to 010 10 to 0 10 Lye Basses. Hass. a lb.. ....... .............. Mixed Twaystllnt GUldo. GRAND ?RUNE RAILWAY. FROM AND TO 0000100. AaIDTK. MW sad Express Mixed... Mail and Express DOAOr. Mel I and Ex press Mail and Express Mixed ... sass. . Iain a.m. 1.48 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 11.60 p.m. 8.55 a. m 1.10 p.m - Pon mai BOATING AT TSE HARIIUR The subscriber. having refitted his boats far the season. is now prepared to supply all 4. tinea of obtaining recreation in that lies at moderate rates. The boat house will he in charge of • com- petent tau t ors 5 o'clock in the morning until the last boat is In In the eveoir .. every day 1u•day. 88 attention given to proper care et lad sad children who enjoy hosting. 1Nt JAMES BAXTER. Proprietor. sand/ for Salo. SEEKS. -THE St K.ti('RIiBEK HAS ON hand at his Wssehoume. corner Hamilton and Vbtor4a Streets. • choice stock of the fol- lowing Seeds which wail he disposed of in quantities to suit purchasers at rery reason able prices: Mammoth. A'sike Red and White ('lover. Timothy teed. Buckwheat. Field and (garden t'. -a.. ()ata of different var- iety. Barky. Duiob Sete Onion seed. Plat Seed. Hungarlaa sad Minot. Lamm Turnip and Carrot Seeds 01 all mass, Lawn O ..s e:c.&c. A call.dblted. SAMURL SLOANE, Hamilton asd Victoria -eta G•derlcb. 1241 4pS1&al JIIo$bibo. vtGi,AZJNO OV RIO MEADOW TO LET er P pts. Per part raters ap- ply is Ito Yui; NO. Rldgeweed Phren. Gf IAZERI WANTED. --300 CATTLE fisc Piretwrs mimed X. Palle Reesrve. It at BARGAINS ! BARGAINS . EVERY Wednesday sad Sr • day. Crib ter eggs Geode delivered tree et shays. -•t H. J. NORTON'S avnend store, Hamilton st. It tf VOR 1,ALE. --A SiX-YEAR OLi) drivsu, kind said good oe road. also tee hairy. harness, and cutter. smarty mew. will be sold chess for oas►. Apply to It J. J. W ALSH. Northat. Oodmrlch. LINE -THE HEST W HITS LIME CAN ire bad at my premises es 'sstet .fpr the Sri of April. i cue sea stoma • es sheep meowms Ibis. It ls O om wmrkd.Mesmb Pnblfe Notifies. NOTiCE. ALL PRIR007AR POUND traapaaslne es my W heating. camping, fl*h'ng er dzieleart tha presented h t f •eeovAlttg to u Tp.. peep the Ht am In (' a ripe the 47 sl Is the tews R. CAMPION. ti.0 X. Rh:CLEL Om It aSeliiI ettar. Prwpr. NO -TO -BAC. SPR NG MEDICINES PAINS'S C$LERT (A)MPOlJN1). Hoorn SARSAPARILLA. ((,,����, AYER'S SARRAPARILLA. Pnr _ P��DODD't MONEY P111441. CHASE'S LIVER CURL wWLSOW S IRON PU.IA. ter ties at.00D. ()sr Owe Baking Powder 2t*e. per pound J. WILl11Ox'e PitIOCLUTION D*U0 PRF.KCRIPTION8 THESE we snake a :speciality in Jur business, giving theta our ut- most care and attention, and be- sides, the public can rest assured that the essential p oints- PGRITY OF DRUGS ABSOLUTE ACCURACY ANI) CAREFT LN) -- are strictly obeerved in the com- pounding of prescriptions at "THE PHARMACY. 1.1 CHAS. D. WILLIAMS, Geld Medalist. Chemist and Druggist. Sorb Side 8gtarw. God•rieh. Ont.. J. E. DAVIS. HAVING just completed a course at thej Cana- dian Optical. Insti- tute, I ata now pre- pared to correctly fit all defects of vis- ion, due to errors of refraction, ac- commodation or con- vergence. J. E. DAVIS, Phm. K. Druggist k Optician. ABOUT W I NDOW SHADES! They are a necessity. It pays to ;;et the Best. ()ur Stock was never more complete than at present. The largest line of Trimmings in .acct, Embroideries, Fringes, .lac., (our own importation) ever shown in Oalerich. Manufacturing on the premises all the beat line of Shades, and importing our own Trimmings, kc., we are to a position to give our customers closer prises and larger assortment to select from than can he had at +tny other plater. Any odd size made while you wait for it. We use the beat hand- made Shade Cloth obtainable. The longest experience of any dealer in the county. •• ••W I LAI Eli SMITII,.-••• SMITH'S FURNITURE & ART D EPoi Loan lard Savings ilosasig. Tr Is NOT WHAT YOU EARN RUT WHAT YOU SAVE, MAKES YO(IRiCH. THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. Soto trona-4'maeraa Holt mid Holme.. Duron T0. 1.tereet Coespotted every mi menthe at tour reef oink per sense. es saes hove ase dollar upwards. Depositors will Ind it to their advantage to cane mad ase us. Loans May be seamed as say time without delay os the security of approved desirable property. Ex m. modeA pl•oat tong received by tM Messmer or solicitous. The (:oveps 's grcpe tie located ow North Street sell 0 * Home Pinar* opposite Murata Menet. HORA(,'E HORTON. J. H. ('OLBORNIR Messer. President. F. SMEETH S PLAITING M1LL -a1D- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. i take thiseppertmlty to inform the peMM 41st 1 am sun is the bermes notwithstanding all Mbar% p 1Yi .0u y, tad am prepared to do every class of work Is nay Hae Mees atakiag • wisdew frac te ersetl.g a ltutery Aw1W4tmsal with apa@erd reef. Estimates furnished fmr.Mm MMR of building atwbl, seek se Myle.t. Task. abhal= seed tumor • eserWty. F. AMfiETI. Ged*r4eb, July sib 100. Mini& =. ESM al aI�t1y ksssi= gra