HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-5-2, Page 3TB= SIGNAL : G OD ERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY t ISL 3 Ds Us y. ___ *211aiarrri;t1 N 1.1).11. -DENTAL OlIss. wawa., =oil Sea usiFly 11. 111011ARUeOI1, I,. D. B.. Kwasite Mattel, Ow cal ylYHast air parks. tag ^[t ivesolasr. Barber Latish. 11Y-1yteeth..Oa.-Over wuu .. es bated ter mete. 1111aA1M1. D=. HO1Tik. PHTSIOIiN, SUR sere, tat. Mee-McLe n% Sock, Mese it4. right cal e, from British lisohende .01. 4t Ir pDK J. HAMILTON, V EFKRINAKY .et tt*adaeeeet t d int bV.r of On ialat, road ow.ber of On lane ~Man A... Oa u Mssth1UOath ww dy Wart raM Lathe I. U. JOHNSTON,S�se�AeRtKIsTSR, 80- lotto-. rre�e E.a li Mei .' ., Roffey te lesew'o- 411Me Mer10M. Dat. 101 An 1 UFTU8 . DANCEY, BARRIsTICK, 1/ Solicitor. Owveyaoosr, Ike., neo. Mese/ t0 less at lowers rates. Horton's Bieck- U. pine Cabaret Heir. Wderiok. Ont, ata -u Ex.I.T<w I�ARRi8TER, PROO- ' M . ew. ant R 0. HATS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT . OR. to. tike North -w., oast door sisitAL i.moi.. PM 0.4P peals to leaf at lowe.t rates el laurest. tea* !`I ARROW A PROUDIOOT, BAR- . Jf Muer £1101..7. Solicitors. aa. (iod. Hat. J. T. Harrow. Q.C.. W. Presdtoot. CAMICHJN, BOLT & HOLMES, Barristers. SOIMlV.r, la 1)1a.oery, to cln ech. M. C. Cameros. M.C.; P. Holt ; Dad1.y Holmes. O. WARD, OONVBYANUER, U • tie., and ea..lert e rhie : ag oose a bail, e taa el or u.Mmiad dsssa• %rmaa•ss say •cUooJtMlt . •aet petb r- tM (:Dort of ielll► AileachAsta=rotessageomieeatr saawasa. Re.Y•aelP. g. SIt;AGER..0O1V1YANe1NG ANU L.J. Lasater* ether i t es ite.Martlt.'s Hotel tiederieb. MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE at Nomt. Notes discounted. C. 6i1t, arae eppesite Marcia•. Hetet. Bode MONEY TO WAN. - $26 000•00 .01 Private reads to lieth at ii peras- arty. LOITile 1. DA$CKY. Herten'* bier. mart" Cabers. Meer. 0M.i10 . Met FJ. T. warm., TIRE, LIFE AND • thereat lss•ua.oe aaset - at lower rates. Otos-Cor. Norther. sad arrir., 0.4- e rio►. 7m *600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO `W CAMERON HU*.t It HOLMES GGerrob. ins - MONEY TO LE M. -A i A R li Il amount et Private rands ter tavwse oilewe. Mem ea 4reta..r Mortgagee. Appy o BARROW t PROUDFOOT D RLDOLiTTE, GENERAL IN• 1St. sarsaos. Real 101.1. sad Meer �sei. Moat' t Le*gem. ory a o. � Iola., at the lowest ret of Interest is say way to suit tan .arrnw.r. Oats - sod door trams $i..re. Weir letreet, Amid. lee tt laimellmus lege Ieetlte*.. ('1ODIILIOH MEOHAN108' IN8TI- 14-X TUTS LIBRARY AND RI ADINci- aOOM, ter. et last street and Square lop ▪ Op.e tress t to 0 r.r.. and from 7 to le r.n. ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY. Lessilita9 may, Woody aw.1 Illustrated Papers Ysww agsa, dc. ow Mile. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY mumsg . tree we of Library sad Re.d/w- Iiths a. fesei O bemkla resolved b7 J. H. 01A10aNL H. HAMILTON: Libraries. 0.amiea =nth VOL THOMAS ODNDRY, AUCT1ONIBR t id MYAg..Londe. O e nd Oors Marieaal Ina. Co. Ws. at- tended to la any part of the county. *111 J OHN KNOX, OEJERAL ADO- tio...r and Lead Valuator. Yeaertek. Oat. Maytag W esaitheralde oxpeeiesw la the aaelM.su li le la • pnWen is diorama with all rim maitheas eiserweith is Iris. Others Mitt st YMeardi r► P.O.,mat let lath is Ids Hera.ss Yr tlnmIal laoHN l 1HOZ Ouiaty Artlemear MIM*! Dental Announeemset. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ETHEL-Gd1ONIDP, set DR. R. RICHARDSON'S OMR SL P•1L.aa. OVER HILLIAES' BIR1111 SNOP. OOD'ILiQE, OMT. It affairmest��a0 uniheMal wtirsetles. stir W▪ eems. 10 siee1 thit her sed meet ave the �w7 0.44 ansllrf.etruthtlt to w is iA 4 tth�e letete „ ealmelfee earweery wawa Y warranted *arra M airs t1s leer seta deer. the eorwdiea e t teeth sr stamps of tiny W.4. to awry every ease, aid yen Mole Wei h the ssest entrees" esass. mina XI L-0113.LORID3D is • Meal sa"eetbe1e that never-sgbees the Wiest la the slighter. 11ana1ee as water. sad the best method karma ea earth N rarer the teeth aesw"eeltive t polo. Pitafoate assure see it le PeeMld/ canteens M. N. ageaes. A8 therrtla I... waHthe lteeth S•4 ikitaw. Myfallatalliaarado aro mina Wit r DR. a >*J0EA10e011. reed 1.r.eag. As same ss ear little es* ma .peak, the SNOW ehe.M faith it le kid •• 0004 mom - the - Se every member et the fatally as it merle them tar the bat time la the My. h r the habit et beets .eeraims d Nit hied, itiduled epee seta Nes w 0atarel as toreador& that mesh.. He wdL4ed a►il drat, who make the wed -red M said w n'se, always pair mad weetemee ss • mi- le' of seer.., with that Int p-4ikmmas that nesse" Nein the bark ' Cemep•-y 11110- o•'o" sro tsmaUy .. a.amet. M all : mad 'h• mmt*.r that briers bar 'roadies ap te =teed said -_aunt• is the hems �wuW3 seed hays no leer d their belaviw ▪ thrg ere Way are testa 14° kik no "Omit sisvaaas.' winch *seal iii Mks istoginallas of egad ••fit t* wipe. OVER THE HURON TRACT. Th. 01414 from the Loma DM • . weHt1$ Masa .t . essay flews served up t gnu averybsely-I 9 and ream 114p/ed and Cs.dess.d ►*won every e.ettsa. W INGIMAM 11. Stewart oar lead of horn to l,ollingwood, last. W Ingham : W m. F'y fe school at Ku_udine, .ad duties on Moodily Int. Wiogham: 1). Stewart shipped two car bald of export cattle, by way et I'ortkair, em Thur.d•y, per G. 1'. It W Ingham : John Greys, lag of Chicago has purubaaad toe tarattere •ad usd.nak• isg bummer et T. E Coroya. Gerrie : Edwin Sperling, of the 5th om.. Howi.k, has • .we .etch dropped four lambs Sad they .re all well sal hearty. Brussels . O. E. Tomball, formerly of ltrusas4, was ohuee. let Vice -President of Norfolk street Methodist church, Guelph, Kpwurth [magus, Se•lonh : Mr. Patrick Spain, one of :he oldest reanimate of this town, died Theirs fay morning, aged 79 years. Paralysis wee the calf.m of death. Win/Mani Mr. and Mrs. W. Hole, of Rellef°amin•, Ohio, former retreats of tomo, have come bath here to reside. It N cud that Mr. Hele will engage io business with Ito brother-i.•law, Mr. Mule. Heafryn Last Wednesday That C. Whitler, of Heafryn, formerly of Brussels and Mies Mary G. Jack•uo, of Elmn Elise, we witted in marriage at Victoria ('ottage, lirs..ele, by Rev. k. Paul. The groom u employed on the G. T. K at Heafryn sec - ties. t:orris : Mrs. Richard Graham, just North of this tillage, has • goose which • short time ago laid an egg measuring 9i mohair lin circumference lied 12 inches in length. From that day she has laid two good sized eggs every time she bee gone to boa seat. Hulled S Appleby has bought from John Luhun, • term of 50 acres es the 9th ora., being part of let 15 The farm has • good frame house. barn cad other buildings, and was bought at 11,800, at which figure Nr. Appleby has secured a good property cheap. He has had it rented for several years. Brumfield : B. R. Miasma rented his farm of 50 sores to W m. Aikeahead for $120 • year. He sold all hu stock and imple- ments to Mr. Afke.he•d, who will have the Ent crop. Mr. Higgins reserves the house sod orchard for his own um 1 he farm is • good one, .acted about • mile from the vtliage. %Ingham : Edward Armstrong was toned dead to bed om Tueed•y morning at the n- o deses of his son, Thos. Arm.trc.g, Kest W owman. Deceased had been trou bled with heart disease, and this is supposed to have been the cues of his death. H• had reached the age of 81 years. The interment took place t. -day at the R. C. Ce. awry, Morris. Seaforth : A very sad death oocurred in town on Saturday monitor last, when Nor- man Russell, only child of J. ('. Smith, pas- sed •way at the early age of five years and fes months. Russell was a particularly bright and happy child, and was the light sad suoehtee of the home. About two weeks aro he was attacked with 1. grippe, welch settled oat his brotn. Blowers : Mn. Jahn Patterson, who has bees in poor health .11 winter, wee takes suddenly ill last Thursday evening, and died Tuesday moraine, 23rd Inst. Mrs. Patterson, whose maiden name was Mar- garet Taylor, was horn in the year 1820. in R.zboroshire, sear Hawick, Scotland, and settled near (:alt, in 1854. They removed to near Rlthvale in 1870. Stanley : A very sudden death occurred is this township, on Thursday lat. Wil- liam Peak, one of the oldest settlers of the Goshen line, had been out attending to his cattle, and when he came into the house he complained of • pain in the chest. Half all hour afterwards he was dead. He had at - toned the age of 76 years, but was • man of unusual good brake and vigor. shipped a on Friday b•e secured a oumasenced hie DON'T CARRY A COUNTERFEIT It M Contrary 1. law sad Nay roan 0 .- agrve•ble tworesesees. ' A man better have • lire midweek" is his pocket than • counterfeit dollar carried as a pocket piece,' said Impactor lowers of the Treasury Department when talkie( about the tarrying of coins or bills which awe knows to be.oaouaicit •A gnat many tom don't know Lb. danger they run u this thug,' he said. 'Suppose, for in.taso.,thiih • San has • oou.trleit d.ilar which he has had for years one that he has piked op some when and carr. as • pocket piece. He goes into • store ow day and bays some article or other and gets a lot of silver coin in ebaage. He goes from the store, say t a earth when he buys a drink. or to some drat erre to get something or ether -it tartars set when he goes, provided there is the el them rears'oung fellows behind the renter who is always ready to take ..orebody op or serserag or otter. 'Paying for kis prates with sae of N* dollars, lbs teas h.brd w eeaater may be fii0ge the drier bask with the remark *kat that it is eoaatstieit. Tao purshasar,ssaaa what slashed and sat likfsg Ne there of the aowd around, bogie to make omens to the offset that 1. did not knew it the oosaterteit, end ee ea, sad the .4..k. who is maxisss M make • record se • assatthit detests.., asidealy &le in the polies, Med eke assn is arrested and searched. Os his persas is hosed tie d the other eterfsit dollar, sad the perus.io. of the ewe dollars is prima focie evidence) that be bended to pass both of them, sod that man ham', got ewgb friends is the world to keep him out el th. pwitestlsry. True, it leeks bard, bet that as. fess se steres carry*, w etted • seenterf01 coin for • pookes mese or thy other Bassa. It is a viel.ith of the law to tarry emu t wary sheet with yes. ssmethias labisb teamy p..pls do set mina Scares I happen to 1...1104 a mss, a raise in ase of the well knows basks of Mhaeapelis er St. Peal, ter release. hes • O hill is lits pemessiea, I ge into that beak, sad I call him by . . sad ask kits far that bill H. says be her% fes it. 'Daft' 1 rwleb, 'yes dM bars sae& a bill yes. win b year pesssaia... ler i het the testemesy at two repass*, saes that they saw yes slew it armed w some parties. Now, I wan Mt NIL Tee boo. se bad - este arta it ' He Seams sad maim awl - tows twists sad dais oOMs t w me ay alas - Imam. a - set sad est a eeirah and f e d r. tbMWl Lem Itbd thus send thing, bat there Is see Saw, sod lettoleN. 16e p�Mfiw'aty might w know the facie u the owls Asti forowly it was not 1a oaG.os La intake the dies whit# ere used t uwaterl.s* ag-asybudy could wk• them. e mbody oo.W haw them u their pusses . en so long ss t� wore nut iced, bet that 1 has all been efietlged a a." -10iaa.apolte J ouruaL THE WHEEL 18 THE THING. alae 00.dred and Twr.ev•ao senate tortes •re Mais.g Sall • tetlitse titrietes, The magnitude of cycaug as . patiaao u hard to gr..p m these end of the oentury day., whoa um u Laid that 'everybody' is now • wisterias. Within the last five years the popular crate has extended to a:I aivtbx.d countries on the face el the globe. It it u America, however, that the greatest progress has hoes noted, and 10 cycle 000- struottes the country now leads the world. 1. 1885 then were but Lar taken of cycles In Una OU..tr), w,lh a total output •.time ed •r under 11,1 1) wawa Five years later 17 rnanul•oturiss turned oat u the umehborbuod of 40,(100 wheels. From 17 to 126 is an an..ciwmt stride tor • period of five years. but the laud Sam act s- ally represents the number of f•ctori.e taro• ing out bicycle. in America today. An out- put of nearly 500,000 mech4,es in the ..tam - a1 for this year toe this OOUOtry •luso. A territorial divi.un of the 126 cycle ataouf•cturiee shows that the Empire SLat• dew hiss 25 Th. New England states have 24 between them ; New Jersey. Penn . ylvaou have 15 ; 1.4,..., Michigan and O hie, 35 ; Wisconsin, Illinois and Miseoun, 27. Between 18.000 Sad 22,000 heals .r. employed to these factories. Such enor- mous interests, growiog at the present rate, eaaaot fail ID . short um. w Labs the Mut a.d set eke pace for domestic maaufactur tog trades. -New fork Times. L et Tear alter Ws4. nth 4 La Carry T,es. say.. CyeWg .harp. It u a signttf�aat point to note in oounec toil with the light weight orate 141.1 r.o really high grade maker -•t Mast none who Ma obtained recogni too -catalogue. • m. - cboo weighing leu than 21 pounds, cats; ogee weight, .t. whit u koown as the popu- lar puce, unless • specific statement is made that such a mecbue will not be yu•ranteed for road um, and even those wt... du stake • roadster supposed to weigh under meaty pounds and luted .t 125 higher than the standard line object in moa instasoes to stand behind them with • broad gu.r•.tee. The good saint hath well said • there u rea.os is all thing.,' and, with the exoep tiee of the avarice bicycle crank, I tbtnk th.t the saying u • true one. What earth- ly dig/rear does • couple of pounds weight stake u the running yu•lities of a road ma- chine. Can any one •newer' I trove not, but Say repair man can tell y..0 the differ- ence that a couple of pounds make in the wearing qu•li tee It u no doubt very pigment to be able to pick your machine up ca one finger Lad call the.tt..tio. of admiring friends to its leek of avoirdupois, but even an 18 pound bi- cycle is .suite • load to carry under your arm ion • redhot day in August), with • twisted frame and buckled wheel., sad the Dearest railroad station lye miles away. In the words of the poet, don't be • champ ; buy • bicycle that be.r. • first clam maker's mine, fit it with standard road tire., sad let it weigh enough to carry you safely. - New York )recorder. *4..1440. ■a • Sell. Ie the first place, for immoral riling it is safe to my that one should .ever try te keep the same speed in going up . hill that he has been setting himself on • ievel rola. 1 -et the is the u•turwl %cadency of all riders. The bicycle should be allowed to slow down and the pressure on each pedal should be made the moment that it turns beyond the hige.t popof its arc. The push should be strong If moment, and should then be withdrawn before the p01.l has turned se far down that the pressure ea it is partially wasted In other words the principle is the same as u rowing, where the stroke should be made most powerful st the moment when the oar ie at rirbt .ogles with the body, and therefore in the petition where the oarsmen's strength counts for the times•. If the bicycle is allowed to run slowly, and this pressure u •Itorn•rely made .a 0110 pedal and then on the other, you will find it mimes along .lowly, to be .urn, but stead• d y, and that you ►n at the top of the hiU before you realize, and without having *yea gviokeoed your pulse to any great extent. A very steep hill, may, of course, be made easewhet easier by taking it diagonally . arose from sae side t the other if the road is wide sat smooth enough -that is, by rig - :wpm sp the hill. -Harper'. Young Odd atlas and WaWs. As odd skirts sad waists are the Nato re of the .eases Saw ides in beth .re sosstanr- ly cropping sp. This style u now standard and will 000000e foe time indefinite. Th. coining Summer promises t be the biggest tootles waist lassos yet knows. Now we ere wearing them et set or haw over rlk ; okif- fea. gear. or nape oyer Salk .r satin; velvet. the *oft lniehed liberty satin, striped tied figured obangeable taffetas sad • (tow plaids u velvet sal silk. 411 colors and oo.M- satir a aro worn in this earls' Omer. Sleeves ere t the wrist w elbow and very harpa Fancy toilers and ribbn. belts are were. Guipure leer yokes and epaulet rat - les •bound, awl in many ithraaoes • guy her 'deism finishes the Lao. trimming. Vel- vet tied shifoe aro'ambieed with say ma- terial. Jet and ri►boo ars o.mmcaly used trimmings_ 8oaie of the combis•tion. are • silk waist, velvet sleeves, narrow belt and eollar and yoke .f knot yeadyka Another re pink shifts over pink silk, with pink satin rib- bon berries .rat nowt, es well as belt, ands • light grass sailor. Milk edges the collar sad outlier the bretellse said 1.14 Mask chiles, net or thaw weirs ere made over island silk said trimmed with bleak sarin ribber ted • erred velvet color. The area are full in *theta, tbeegk sada ever • Mn.d Haag. Six yards si silk are now allowed for • wear end the sagas of chit foe. • Nse.s.mtl.00 Tessa. The following advertisement appears is • Leedom paper : Wanted, by a gerleman wk. M eater sesveneai t leave his beer sear Wimbledon pat as he feted it, 90,000 Maltby Isms. Omsk as delivery, middle d Mira. Litter. . Narriater, earn .f s-, sal,. w.1 ' W. ghee page steam. 'Na .Omer. I .M aN-ea..•a marry t*s esa.t Mot I is marry ay bawl atm vs with my brad,' 'Savas t ehfid. law M yea wawa to amu yea a_I atter flee t AO fail Was Oa0 fit raa Illow im yser 1t Vise 1 M -W. Nit IP) essli n • Wheel _ Tee lien see be boa •a atm o we :• 111=1 , i>IMe g~ ? eO Iso aria* I w e& Your husband will notice a great improvement an your cooking, mhs You use Car'roLENE Your house will not be filled with the odor of hot lard, wife,. Y^u use fOLENE Your doctor will lose some of his Dyspepsia cases, wire*. You use ii .ENE Your children can safely eat the same food as yourself, wh'is You use Cd1YOLENE Your money will be saved, amid your cooking praised, wen. You use CerrlOLENE Famous cooks, prominent phy- sicians and thot'sands of every-" day housekeepers endorse it. Will you give it a trial? Seed la Goad a pound pUls, by all graces mads only by The N. K. Faltkank Company, Sar u4.g....ad A.. ata., SAL MR.JOHN RALPH TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton -at., Has decided to continue in Business, as he has im- proved in health and is able to attend to his cus- tomers in the way of jobbing and repairing, and will continue to sell AT + LOWEST -PRICES ! GODERJOH Ste am Boiler Works. ESTABLISHED '*140.1 A. S. C H RY STA L 8s.oreser to Ckrtstal It Bfaak. Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright it Tubular 29OiiRSw Salt Patti, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also deals M Upright and Horizontal Bllde Valve iaariaes. Automatic Cat -OR malate • realty. All deme of pi e and pipe-Mt/mg ootht.tly on band. 11aUsaees furnished oe Mort netice. Repairing prom Uy .needed to. IN1-ly P. 0. x A. Ood.rloh, Oat Works -Opposite G. T. R. 8t.tica. Ged.rloI PLAITING KILL. FSTARLISNED 101111. Bllchallaiis•CrV0Olat & Ulnas r•trur SASH, DOOR and BLIND Denten la all kinds et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aird builder's meter -lel of every desertpttes School Furniture a Specialty. SYSTM RENOVATOR MCP (WHIM TOOTED aast0ntss. Specific and Antidote for Impar., week and impoverished blood, dye deeple.r..a., palpitation of the rL, liver oompplaint, neuralgia, loss of memory, beosabiti., ooe.umption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Titus' dance, female irreg. 0lartities and ratters.' debility. LABORATORY, tOORRUN, ONTARIO J. M. MCLEOD, Proprietor and Mannh.ntar.r. MoL.on's Reiman Rano.•roa can As bad from ell dr uprtw In town, a well ashen ell the dragnet. botwep °woe Soared td bdsesh. ituser.. Durham ted Torero. NO7 1m, CAUTION Owing to the enormous sale of our famous `Something Good Cigar Other Mee ern pang se the market ieferih MR this passe. A peer srlW, kawrat imitated, these hr. the hes ail Ostia" bang eenntwklNad la e /wrest•0 to .seek the a s is $. lett • seat Maar ea Is partes lng ase thin eat tire/. mark lll.wM.) sad (glia aro as each bar, as ether is tmaal la Oar ewe bead i rglteetad said soy sat soli lag a. bor den wain *him semen will In 1 Ein ' Tobacco Co., Montreal. MILLINERY We have in Stock all the latest designs and shades in trimmed and un- trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Also Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Ribbons, and everything in the line of FINE MILLINERY. A large stock of very *heap Hut- on blind t MISSES Y.&TES, I •. j THE SQUARE, Goileridi. Cheap Tin -Ware • Our Stock of Tin Ware was never so Large or Chep as it is this Spring. being our own snake and made of the best Char- coal Tin. See our line of X Creamery Cans, Boilers, Tea Kettles, Strainers, Pails, Milk Pans, &c. -- lam! -e-► THE EMPIRE STATE( MILK CAN ..is Now, having Several improvements. Examine this Can before buying. Buv THE WEATHER AND WATERPROOF PAINTS -the only Pure Really -Mixed Paint. Every can guaranteed " Pure.Also a full line of Dry Paints, Oils, Turpentine, White Lead, etc. HARPER & LEE. els rrarei'rlessb.r,, rle.salt4.. !lege sod Versa.'. ora. SAVINCMONEYIS MAKING MONEY 1 Parties wishing to save money can do so by calling on Mr. JOHN KNOX at his Wareroou,s opposite Martins Howl, where he keeps a full line of Agricultural Implements on hand open for inspec- tion. _ -- Noxon Binder, Noxon Mower, Noxon Seed Drill. Noxon Spring Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake. Full line of the Cockshutt Plow Company Riding Plows, Walk- ing Plows, Twin Gang Plows, Corn and Root Cultivators, Road Scrap- ers, Disk Harrows, Land Rollers, Little Gem Pea Harvesters. McLaughlin Carriages. Buggies, Phaetons, Road Carta, Training Carts. All the latest design. All work warranted. Adams Wagons, Paris, Ont, all kinds. Any person wishing anything in the above line will find it to bis advantage to call on Mr. Knox and inspect his goods before buying elsewhere. AUCTIONEERING a specialty. Being practical in the above and in stock. and having had several years' experience, can guarantee entire satisfaction. JOHN $NO$, AGENT AND AI'(TiONEER. DAIRY TINWARE_. WE HAVE MADE UP A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DAIRY TINWARE. Such as Strainer Pails, Milk Strainers, Milk Pans, Creamery Cans, with or withoilt .taps, Cheese Factory Supplies, Milk Pala, with Iron clad bottoms. Also Pails with Copper bottoms, all wade out of the very best Tin and our own maka- If Your Tin Pani or Pails want new bottoms, or repairing of any description, or if you want any Tinware made to order, come to the New Tinshop, opposite Martin's Hotel. HOSPITAL FOR LEAKY TINWARE 3. E. WORSELL & CO. The Practical Ta, Steve and Furnace Mee. i1 Matches that Light." Telegraph . . Telephone.. Tiger.... - . . Parlor.. .. . For the information of any- one wanting this kind of Match, we give the names of those fully answering the requirement. They are made by THE E. B. EDDY CO., "CANADA. IcP 'Y' Pn 7. I'S1!T For the prevention of fungous disesetts and for the destruction of insect life on fruit trees we are handling one d the best Pumps on the market. lade iu Pira Sips! Stroll, Choap and Dllrablo! it has an automatic agitator whirl keeps solutions in constant motion, thus insuring ar even strength and equal distribution of the chemicals. information regarding solutions and tinges of spraying cheerfully given. DAVISON & CO. Keep your Feet Dry It you catch old now It wW hang on alt Summar WEAR GRANBY RUBBERS a0'a tlM beget aMy haft 141111"st Paris"d !7t sed l�letd� - ws/a iss mew